2:21 PM, SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2010
Subtitle of this blog: Totally endlessly Joe Paget Screwed:
I have a quite powerful feeling, and my sensitivity is about as good as Counselor Deana Troi’s fictional persona character, portrayed on the television show called ‘Star Trek the Next Generation”, that this will B another non-post-able blog, but since I still have no where all the facts involved in this post August 20th of 2010 situation with me and my nightmare inability 2 blog as I used 2, a situation that came on me suddenly and totally out of the rock chucking blue, in the very precise and exact manner that the night of the 4th of June in the year of 1983 happened with my Shirley Neck-glands and not anywhere all that near the ‘Academy Road’ exit of the I-95 highway known also Sir-Prince as the famous United States East Coast Illegal Narcotics Corridor, or (USECINC), YO! My point is in the suddenness and not the correlation or similarities between these 2 isolated events separated in 27 years and 2 and one half months in space-time, Senator freaking Waterpointgate. Let me begin and really give this the old college freaking try in my attempt 2 keep today’s blogging as short and sweet and right smack butt dab 2 the point, without any unnecessary diversions off into tangents that R not real relevant 2 the entire multiple points that my words of some-wisdom of today R attempting 2 convey 2 a totally blind and blissfully ignorant planet of cave persons and dinosaurs.
First off, I will not use one single freaking cuss word, not now, and hopefully not 4 a long time 2 come, and also, I will not use excessive punctuation, or other things that 4 whatever silly reasons, tend 2 urinate-off many if not most public access blogging sites offering free blogging 2 bloggers such as myself. I never knew 4 an example until the start of the 4th week in August directly following the monstrous and surreal attack of Otammites and the Millionth-Council against my public access blogging efforts on 3 websites, at the time that were used, these 3 being, blogger, wordpress, and soulcast. I thought did not have all these rules, and maybe the mighty Google with their freaking million dollar per share public trading Wall Street company, has decided the world economy is more important than my individual civil rights, I do not accuse, I simply want as of freaking today and right now, 2 totally discontinue 2 give them or any other blog websites, any such similar ammunition 4 them 2 potentially use against me, the poor pathetic and helpless, persecuted and harassed endlessly, and Y not Mister Joe Paget, MOUNTAINPEN? So there will B no freaking more excessive numerous quotation marks, exclamation points, or question marks, or any other fancy drawings using combinations of keyboard symbols, on any future public blogging texts made by me, the MOUNTAINPEN, until I am up on my own website with these blogs, and all of this becomes my own official property, so long as I pay the freaking fee 2 operate it. Yes, there is always a piper that appears needed 2B paid, I mean really, who owns all of this anyway my peeps, did any of U ever wonder? I mean how does one own something ever on this internet, and then rent out a piece of this action or pie, 2 bloggers like me, and whether it B this or some other such thing, and just how freaking exactly do these top dogs get 2 endlessly B in charge of everything forever? It is no different on this interconnected networking computer system, than it is with any other such thing that these WOMO or WORLD-OWNERS, endlessly and relentlessly appear 2 own and operate and control with all of us tiny little insignificant nothing-peeps having no say, ever about one darn thing, Admiral Humpback. Wake up peeps, YO, that coffee pot is stinking up your room, your house, and your entire dog gone neighborhood by now, BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, out of bed says your whittle alarm clock, YO. No, I do not expect this 2 post, but I am ready, as I will have my print out ready and with me at the internet-connected computer once this word document is completed, so that at least I can tweet up the told-U-so-Gina’s, and other major most important things, abridged and compressed of course, but as they say, “Beggars cannot B choosers, YO”.
YES GINA, MY LONG DARK HAIRED GIANT NIGHT LADY FROM THE NINETIES, “TOLD-U”! The DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGED HAVE LITERALLY GAINED SINCE LAST FREAKING July, a very short period of time in the business world, more than 1,000 freaking butt wiping cheated ICPE points, (INTENTIONALLY-CREATED-PARALLEL-EVENT), U have all heard this B4 many times, the newcomers can GOOGLE this up, I am sure the GOOGLE system will direct U2 blogs where I discuss this stuff in intimate detail, bearing my soul, and telling my hells and woes with no punches pulled or wrestling holds barred at all Jesse Ventura, RU related 2 my old 1965 buddy, Salvador, from Princeton, New Jersey, Governor Sir? Let us get seriously down 2 cases here and stop beating around the bush, screw anybody’s secrets, and feelings, from what IC, peeps seem 2 have an intense desire 2 get their past out in the open, so shall we proceed herein with a bit more, and spare no ribs?
The attack on me all summer long gave my enemy through and by way of an unknown in this time period technology by most, (ICPE), a way 2 drive the DJIA up more than a freaking runt slapping thousand butt licking points in less than 91 days, less than a freaking business quarter, YO! Now, I printed and blogged with total public access, 3 major things, one out of these 3 brought their filthy Wall Street way down, but the other 2 things had absolutely a zero effect, and I am not shocked about this one tiny bit and intend 2 explain 2 my (BLOGAUD) Blogging-Audience exactly YI am not a bit surprised or radio-shocked, OK Donna Adrian Gaines?
I printed and made public, the precise and perfect words in three of my life’s situations, between 1986 and 2010. In time order chronology, and not blogged chronology, the number one and the first being, my song lyrics in 1986, entitled “REAL GOOD GIRL”. The 2nd being, the 2 letters received by me in the United States mail, one from Dawn-Marie King, and one from Ann King Silva, in early middle January of this year 2010. The 3rd and final thing most recently blog-printed 4 any public access desiring 2 become privy 2 this information, was my song lyrics written more recently, on the 17th day of freaking May of this very year in 2010. This lyrical content is the song entitled, “MI APOLOGY SONG”, or MAS 4 short. Now in blogged order and chronology, I printed and made available these documents of song lyrics and letters, in this order: The letters that were written 2 me by those horrible welfare rats from Hammonton, New Jersey were first. Second, the lyrics 2 the song I wrote back in the year of 1986, “RGG”. Third, the song lyrics written back just a few months ago while I still resided in White City in Fort Pierce, Florida, called, “MI APOLOGY SONG”. Neither song lyric had one tiny bit of ICPE parallel event effect on my enemies, called by me upon numerous occasions by the following labels and names: THE EVIL EMPIRE, the MILITUFORCE, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, or the TAWF of the WOMO. But WOW, lads and lassies, the 2 letters had a powerful resounding effect and shot the DJIA down the following week huge monster hyper time at C-CUBED, YO! Let us stop all the bull sugar and pretending that certain things R not happening, and admit 2 hyperspace Patty/Paula/somnambolisim/exploratron, that indeed a very ‘mysterious’ thing is indeed happening here with all of this, and began not in the nineties or in 2008, but back in the middle nineteen sixties, despite persons that would object immediately upon hearing these words from me and who refuse due 2 their religious beliefs and false interpretations of biblical realities, 2 even start entertaining any possibilities of my ‘Joe Paget nightmare hell’, being totally real and true as well as off the meters and dials terrifying and frightening. I had just rented the movie at the blockbuster Video store recently done late last year by Mariah Carey, a distant cousin of these wonderful people I was forced 2 live with and endure and suffer at the hands of from August 2008 through December 2009. A child of limited mind can C with clarity that no deception is going on with any of this on my part. Y would I begin 2 want 2 make up any of this bull sugar, just tell me what I would have 2 possibly gain, as 4 MC, she probably hates my guts 4 all I have told and blogged, so it is not being done 4 the reasons that typical peeps might think. But when I printed those “2-LETTERS” back in the early summer time, peeps knew instantly that this could not B just a bunch of bull, not after seeing MC’s great movie, YO! On top of that and what aces the entire credibility factor 4 me, would B officially time and date stamped by Google/Blogger blogs of mine beginning early in 2008 still there archived 4 anyone 2 get a hold of and freaking read, and then combined with the letters from Ann and Dawn, these blogs throughout my kidnapping time, and then the movie made my Big-O and TP, there is no denying or escaping that I am being truthful and have experienced a major hell at the hands of this wild family, from the gods only really know where, I happen 2 believe 50 million years from now, and it is all on my 1994 book, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”, OFFICIALLY IN THE United States Copyright Office and registered. No one can get around all of this now, NO ONE, TRY AS U ALL WILL, YO! Now this brings me 2 the next topic, the BRICK INPENATRABLE WALL, and last night’s television episode aired on the Next-Generation Star Trek show. This came on in the channel line-up number 15 here in the Comcast Cable System of Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG, last night, the 29th evening in September in the year of 2010. I believe it was made at the turn of the nineties decade and has the title of “CLUES”. U all must get a copy of this one way or ‘Swiffer-Mops’ the other, and then we will all have a huge mountainous and voluminous bunch of incredible stuff 2 discuss here. I do not forget very much; do I TV-Controllers and EW? I as well as all of U remember and forget things because the 6th dimension tells me and U all out there, 2 remember and forget things, with all of us effected in this curve in different ways. LSS with all of this, let me get right down 2 cases. I have lots of jumbled up memories of 1986, and will not lie 2 a single soul about this fact. Long B4I sent my 2007 musical project down 2 the US-© Office on BOO day (October 31st), the entire word was on the street, that I had indeed not written some random song one day early in August of 1986, by the title of “REAL GOO0D GIRL” Also, THEY had all ‘come 2 an extremely wild conclusion’ and U all know what it is, let’s not freaking play games! Now, let us examine an episode that I will admit, I never had seen B4 last night, on the ‘STAR TREK the NEXT GENERATION’ television show. First, this episode entitled “CLUES”, explains many things that I have hinted at somewhat recently about affecting the memory of one person or entity, as well as the memory of many others or a large collective, AND NOT the one. Secondly, it talks about how indeed if hypothetically some powerful creative force that never wants 2B ever truly known and or identified, does become discovered from time 2 time upon rare occasions, just what might occur. I do not believe 4 a single freaking second that this STNG television episode aired last night on cable television as a result of any happenstance random coincidence, U may indeed 2 choose 2 believe that, I DON’T! Thank U so endlessly much Michelle Daniels in 1980 at the recording studio in Camden, New Jersey, USAESMWG, 4 indeed permitting me and entitling me 2 keep my opinion!
The poisoning I have endured also while the stock market rebounded with their ILL GOTTEN GAINS, has resulted in 2 full octaves being removed and temporarily lost from the high end of my voice. Still, the powers 2B out freaking here know that I will do this song and obey my powerful awesome teen-queen no matter what. ‘Dancin’ in the Ocean’ was sung without these being there as well, but this time, Magnesonic will heel me up B4I attempt singing this song that is going up on the freaking U-TUBE. Cut American Appliance fingers, Ocean dancing and lost high ends, chemtrails, and so much more is all real and true, but cannot stand up nor will it ever permanently prevail against the mighty Magnetic Sound Machine, and I do intend now 2 construct a full scale model of a brand new machine, this will B larger and more powerful than the one used at the Highview Apartments that was built in 1985 at the Cramer Hill section of Camden, New Jersey in the HUD house I bought, thanks 2 the con artist Robert Cheatley.
Here R some GAWNUM responses 2 recent queries, this is beyond freaking mind blowing peeps, YO! Y was my telephone damaged while I was in a trance with Goddess Diana a few nights back? The cards came out 2 Private-Cosmicoded-Number or (PCN)-716, I am so shocked, YO. Y was Sarah freaking Callio so horrible and mean 2 me back in the year of 1997? Answer: PCN-495. Now as 2 the 3rd query, first U need 2B brought up 2 speed on stuff so that it will make a little sense. There R2 very mean young girls who R madly in love with themselves, that work in the office section of where I have been job-placed, through the American Association of Retired Persons, or the (AARP). It may B just the one, or it could B both, but I do know that what I am about 2 impart now pertains 2 the behavior of at least one of these 2 horrible people. If they should walk by me and I am not totally breaking my testicles at that moment lifting and throwing 3000 pound boxes around or slaving away with some other such bull sugar, they do not say anything 2 me directly, but every time, within one or two minutes, along comes a boss who hands me an attitude and says 4 me 2 get 2 work. They also have turned one head cashier against me, and now she hates me with a passion. I have never done one thing 2 any of these 3 dirt bag young women 2 deserve their hostility and deplorable wicked attitude towards innocent pathetic hard working me, YO. I mind my own business, I never flirt, I never bother a single butt wiping soul, I try and stay 2 myself, and totally out of trouble, but again Joe Paget, there’s that daunting and haunting HUNTINGTON CURSE thing again, or is it just a part of HELL wearing a mask 2 disguise the bigger reality, BRO? When I queried the GAWNUM just last night on these 3 things, this one about Y these 2 office girls appear 2 hate me so much with no cause 4 this whatsoever, the response came out root #47, or PCN-473, look up a bunch of things that produce the PCN-473, YO!
YES I TOLD U GINA, AND ALL OTHERS, that as long as this diseased filthy vomit swallowing bunch of toilet product sump-mouth-pumpers have ME 2 ENDLESSLY PICK ON FOREVER AND EVER, the STOCK MARKET AND THE DJIA will never ever never ever freaking go down, it will just endlessly and totally refreakinglentlessly continue exploding and expanding UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP!
Should any of U choose 2 ‘view me’ on my jobsite place, on their freaking website, bear in mind pweeeeeze that ‘they’ never even asked 4 my permission 2 do what they did. But then, neither did the Beach Pigs, the Hot 90’s, Ziggy, Ziggy-Hello, or ‘mysterious’ voices either back in 19 freaking butt wiping 69, Misses Marola, YO! But then I have no rights DO I Joe Paget or Paul Pedersen of STUDIO PARK RECORDS, they can just rip me off and screw me until my cork busts with sufficient force 2 involute the expanding hyperspherical unifreakingverse, YO!
We all know the topic of the Ufological brick wall, the (UBW) as I may choose 2 term this on any future related blogs when on similar topics of conversation, is irrefutable and inarguable. It is like finding the beginning or the ending of a circle. A closed curve has no true points of origin or termination, it is what is DMK is, am I right or should IB looking up 4 falling televisions or dinner tables, U know, I swear on the blood of Jesus Christ that I had not yet seen the great movie, “PRECIOUS” when I had that powerful and wild interaction of MI living down here not that far from me and I was still living with Ann and Dawn, perish the god forbidden freaking thought, BRAHHHH!
In closing this blog out today, U know that anyone with real clout can verify that strange forces act around me with and through some type of powerful EM field of pure energy. How is could any other explanation exist 4 my appearance on my most recent (Passport) from a year ago, and then shortly thereafter when I had my photo taken so that I could receive my (Florida Drivers License). Things like this R every bit as Twilight Zonish as it gets, and on top of freaking that, YO, it is right along the lines of Y females seem 2B attracted 2 me in absurd measures and way over certain periods of time, and then 4 no apparent reason whatsoever, at other periods of time, it is as though I am suddenly taking multiple dosages of poison-ugly pills. Well, government documents R taken with state of the art government photographic apparatus, so this is no voices on tapes trick, and 4 that freaking matter, voices on tapes and tricks, OYR, explain these powerful parlor tricks 2 me somebody, IF U CAN, and IF---U---DARE, remember the UBW, YO!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
safe journal, chapter 0028
I need 2 begin this writing this afternoon by thanking my most wonderful and precious Diana Arteemis 4 coming around 2C me last night and this morning, I love U with all of my freaking heart baby blond. Your lightning is beyond anything that is describable and my intense never ending burning desire 2 B with U and 2 love U is totally beyond awesome and possible word combinations. I will always B right here, and U know that, just like I told U in 1983 in my song entitled, “1-2-3 Lover”, and again in 1984 in my song entitled, “I’m Cryana”. Your cousin Stacey tells me that I never have 2 worry about losing your endless love, blondie.
I know basically what happened in the wiping out of my blogs and will get 2 what I now believe happened, not that it lets Ed
Lynch Himacane off of the hook, but I do not have sufficient total facts 4 making absolute dependable conclusions.
The Millionth-Council enemies destroyed my telephone 2 nights ago. I had just lost normal waking awareness in a light trance with Diana, and could hear some force or entity making some strange soft and weird sounds through my phone, I use a secretary’s phone receiver hook so that I can go 2 sleep and B able 2 remain connected 2 Lightning, (DIANA). These sounds instantly destroyed the speaking part of the telephone as well as awakened me from my light trance. Their fucking bullshit cost me 25 dollars plus mother fucking tax 2 replace at Wal-Mart the next day following this incident, yesterday.
Now back 2 the blog-hack that has all but totally wiped out my nearly five fucking year blogging career, YO!!!!!!!!! Whenever I am hacked on the word processor computer via some ultra high intricate computer virus technology unknown 2 more than 99% of the normal and even top government hackers, my blog will not even post up in page-sections, only small tweet-type paragraphs can B posted up at one time, forcing me 2 work long and hard, 2 reverse-order post up many publishing’s, and label each one beginning as (-A), (-B), and so forth, following the title of “SAFE JOURNAL”. Speaking of being wormed out here, the hack just struck that I term and call the incomplete-words-hack, where 4 example, in the sentence just previously written, it came out as “reverse-orderst up” omitting the space and the first two letters of the word following which was ‘post’. When it is not this, it is the many screen pop ups hack, the blog vanishing hack, the but-hack, and their R several others that just do not come right 2 mind at this second, PTL, Pat Rob, and thank U4 all the overtime work and bigger paychecks also, kind sir, U old hurricane controller U, sheeeeeeeeeiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder what the world is like in parts of the hyperspace where U actually made it 2 the freaking presidency of the United States, oh the gods, BRO!
Giant pussies and sluts abound all over the mother fucking place. I thought things were so bad over at Ann and Dawns during my year and a half personal-life-commandeering, (PLC) as I may come 2 term this on any relating future blogging text, but nothing has ever been quite like this nightmare. This is a situation that through absolutely no mother fucking fault of my own, I have lost everything dear 2 me, all my ‘shit’, oh yes, THAT FAMILY, it amazes me how some peeps decide 2 deal with their past issues, oh well, as Jimmy Olson superman would say, “Let’s face the lion in his den, when referring once 2 entering the office of his boss and editor of the Daily Planet Newspaper, Mister Perry White. No I won’t mispronounce your name Perry, or yours, Ty.
Discussing the D-6, and its many amazing freaking intricacies could literally take longer than human lifetimes could ever B, but all things can in fact B abridged, PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have learned not 2 ever B shocked at anything, even pants that do not come down 2 my damn shoes, being stalked by an unknown army force 4 a solid quarter century, the ‘HA-HA-WHO’ SONG SYNDROME being so major and relentless, the atom 2 hypersphere curve ratio, the ‘Sorian-18 Ration’ hack that just now struck, endlessly being controlled and effected 2 look at clocks at eleven-eleven and one-eleven on both meridians, teenaged whores and sluts flirting with a nearly age 56 years ugly old man, me, as 2 of them R doing even as I freaking speak here at the library, and I could go on and on with this stinky and ugly rotten laundry list. First, nothing is really independently happening, and as General Patton would put it so eloquently or maybe not so politely but quite 2 the point and may I add directly, “This individuality stuff that U read about in the New York Post, is a lot of crap”, but as he would say mi friends and mi foes, and this is all total illusion as well, but I’m, freaking willing 2 play along with it MC and D-6, he had no idea that his words were powerful and magical beyond just the collection making up the sentence that he spoke leading 2 the conclusion of his meaning and message 2 the soldiers in attendance during World War Two, and all I mean 2 say if forced 2B much shorter, is that indeed, individuality in its highest form is pure illusion. We can indeed experience this individual-me-illusion within these many virtually unlimited space-time worlds, but in the bigger-picture-truth, it is not possible, individuality that is, all is a collective at the void infinity, and as prior blogs in my MORIANITY tell with no punches pulled, the TRUTH, the PHASE-!-TRUE EXISTENCE, the REAL reality, that if U tell a psychiatrist about, will tell u that U have serious psychotic delusions and features and R heavily mentally disturbed. Funny though, that even though the scientific discipline of Quantum Physics and its many mechanics and studies is far from being totally complete with all of the supporting facts perfectly in and fitting into place, they will tell these head shrinking ass holes, that Mark is right, and they R all wrong, huh misses Fucking Marola from 19 fucking 69???????????????????????????? UC peeps, I could write a simple English 4th grade-level story and tell things step by step that would get me most likely jailed and or killed within 72 fucking hours, instead I beat around the bush and try 2 stay as vague as is possible, as is, Scylla tells me that my words speak way 2 directly, and that I need 2B much more subtle, as magic exists in this type of EAT-MORE-POPCORN-SUBLIMINAL power and wisdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could very convincingly walk a mentally challenged individual, let alone a more normal average intelligent person of legal age of majority, gold mountains and fate and secrets well hidden all notwithstanding, YO, but this is not my plan. Right now, my plan is simple, and not at all secretive. I plan 2 survive, continue talking and speaking out one way or another along with so many Swiffer Mops, and not even try and tie things all perfectly together over a 30-40 year period, and even have an expert professor in a college in a statistical mathematical discipline, allow me 2 quote him or her that odds 4 all of these occurrences in my life being just random and that I am just nuts or wrong, would B literally trillions of one against this reality. I know I could do this, but this right now at least, is not my motive nor is it my desire or near freaking term goal. The D-6 or the sixth-dimension is no kid in a sandbox, shoveling and playing and singing off key. In fact, a million Einstein type geniuses all put together would never have any way of getting any real potential full grasp on just exactly what this is all about or what is really happening in and with all of this.
I will tell peeps if we can bring all of this down 2 Earth 4 now just a degree and notch or so, that I purchased a keyboard from the place that was blogged and mentioned, where I told how they had an offspring living in Orlando, and this person had a good studio, and could have done the apology song and shot it up 2 the U-TUBE, and then suddenly, I come 2 learn, his wife was just diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis Disease, or ‘MS’. IC many symbolic things here, and many need not B further told now or ever, from here all the way 2 the Academy road exit off of I-95. I will say this much, Mayor Levy will live and die and never understand how distant cuzz on his wife’s side, Bobby McGuire, indirectly did shit that led him 2 his total demise and ruinous fucking destruction, and I will live and come and in fact have come 2 realize with crystal ass clarity, that he is able 2 do some truly amazing fucking shit, not his cousins, HIM, and the ATLANTIC FUCKING COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, PROSECUTORS OFFICE, knows all about it, however, Lisa, Joe King’s fiancé or what the hell ever, has a brother, AND HE IS the damn Atlantic county Prosecutor, so when big LISA screams at me and says that I destroyed this great family on the great Long Island back in 1972, I had 2 just sit there and eat this horrendous mother fucking verbal abuse on her part. All I have 2 say is that I have a lower and lower ‘SHOCK-VALUE’ with the passing of each and every year, month, and day, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! James Patterson can fuck with my beach crying days and Mona’s lifeguards from now until eternity sucks a fat throbbing dick, and it changes absolutely nothing, BRO. Big fat ass Dawn-Marie King said it true, “IT IS WHAT IT IS”, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody will ever really know just what Robert McGuire has really done 2 innocent persons on this planet, by the hundreds of thousands over a long extended period of time, but I’ve got your rotten fucking miserable number Bob, and the damn ACPO has the website on the hard drive on Eddie’s computer, proving whether they all like it or not, that UR not from here, and I am beginning 2 wonder about this entire family. Yeah baby love, now I really know Y printing those letters caused such a huge mother fucking reaction on Wall Street the following week back early last fucking summer time, YO. I am very tired and need 2 go home and eat and rest, I am going through going fucking on three fifths of a century of pure inconceivable hell, JOE PAGET, or am I just there 2 begin with, after all, illusions R powerful, huh Tellosians of the Trek lands??????????????????????
It seems that I just learned a huge payoff happened 2 shut me up. The guy helping me in the library here, was suddenly forced 2 disappear, right out of the mother fucking movies and beyond. I will have 2 save and pay a webmaster 2 get me a site where I can post this SAFE JOURNAL up 2, and then I will have 2 just tweet that peeps can go up 2 it and read the stuff there on. U know MI, I have the strangest feeling that UR somehow behind this entire thing, if this is true after all the things that I have tried 2 tell U, this will indeed B my life quintessential disappointment. I hope I am wrong, I can count, and I am not as dumb as many peeps think that I am. Nearly 100 ‘coincidental’ things, OYR!!!!!
I need 2 begin this writing this afternoon by thanking my most wonderful and precious Diana Arteemis 4 coming around 2C me last night and this morning, I love U with all of my freaking heart baby blond. Your lightning is beyond anything that is describable and my intense never ending burning desire 2 B with U and 2 love U is totally beyond awesome and possible word combinations. I will always B right here, and U know that, just like I told U in 1983 in my song entitled, “1-2-3 Lover”, and again in 1984 in my song entitled, “I’m Cryana”. Your cousin Stacey tells me that I never have 2 worry about losing your endless love, blondie.
I know basically what happened in the wiping out of my blogs and will get 2 what I now believe happened, not that it lets Ed
Lynch Himacane off of the hook, but I do not have sufficient total facts 4 making absolute dependable conclusions.
The Millionth-Council enemies destroyed my telephone 2 nights ago. I had just lost normal waking awareness in a light trance with Diana, and could hear some force or entity making some strange soft and weird sounds through my phone, I use a secretary’s phone receiver hook so that I can go 2 sleep and B able 2 remain connected 2 Lightning, (DIANA). These sounds instantly destroyed the speaking part of the telephone as well as awakened me from my light trance. Their fucking bullshit cost me 25 dollars plus mother fucking tax 2 replace at Wal-Mart the next day following this incident, yesterday.
Now back 2 the blog-hack that has all but totally wiped out my nearly five fucking year blogging career, YO!!!!!!!!! Whenever I am hacked on the word processor computer via some ultra high intricate computer virus technology unknown 2 more than 99% of the normal and even top government hackers, my blog will not even post up in page-sections, only small tweet-type paragraphs can B posted up at one time, forcing me 2 work long and hard, 2 reverse-order post up many publishing’s, and label each one beginning as (-A), (-B), and so forth, following the title of “SAFE JOURNAL”. Speaking of being wormed out here, the hack just struck that I term and call the incomplete-words-hack, where 4 example, in the sentence just previously written, it came out as “reverse-orderst up” omitting the space and the first two letters of the word following which was ‘post’. When it is not this, it is the many screen pop ups hack, the blog vanishing hack, the but-hack, and their R several others that just do not come right 2 mind at this second, PTL, Pat Rob, and thank U4 all the overtime work and bigger paychecks also, kind sir, U old hurricane controller U, sheeeeeeeeeiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder what the world is like in parts of the hyperspace where U actually made it 2 the freaking presidency of the United States, oh the gods, BRO!
Giant pussies and sluts abound all over the mother fucking place. I thought things were so bad over at Ann and Dawns during my year and a half personal-life-commandeering, (PLC) as I may come 2 term this on any relating future blogging text, but nothing has ever been quite like this nightmare. This is a situation that through absolutely no mother fucking fault of my own, I have lost everything dear 2 me, all my ‘shit’, oh yes, THAT FAMILY, it amazes me how some peeps decide 2 deal with their past issues, oh well, as Jimmy Olson superman would say, “Let’s face the lion in his den, when referring once 2 entering the office of his boss and editor of the Daily Planet Newspaper, Mister Perry White. No I won’t mispronounce your name Perry, or yours, Ty.
Discussing the D-6, and its many amazing freaking intricacies could literally take longer than human lifetimes could ever B, but all things can in fact B abridged, PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have learned not 2 ever B shocked at anything, even pants that do not come down 2 my damn shoes, being stalked by an unknown army force 4 a solid quarter century, the ‘HA-HA-WHO’ SONG SYNDROME being so major and relentless, the atom 2 hypersphere curve ratio, the ‘Sorian-18 Ration’ hack that just now struck, endlessly being controlled and effected 2 look at clocks at eleven-eleven and one-eleven on both meridians, teenaged whores and sluts flirting with a nearly age 56 years ugly old man, me, as 2 of them R doing even as I freaking speak here at the library, and I could go on and on with this stinky and ugly rotten laundry list. First, nothing is really independently happening, and as General Patton would put it so eloquently or maybe not so politely but quite 2 the point and may I add directly, “This individuality stuff that U read about in the New York Post, is a lot of crap”, but as he would say mi friends and mi foes, and this is all total illusion as well, but I’m, freaking willing 2 play along with it MC and D-6, he had no idea that his words were powerful and magical beyond just the collection making up the sentence that he spoke leading 2 the conclusion of his meaning and message 2 the soldiers in attendance during World War Two, and all I mean 2 say if forced 2B much shorter, is that indeed, individuality in its highest form is pure illusion. We can indeed experience this individual-me-illusion within these many virtually unlimited space-time worlds, but in the bigger-picture-truth, it is not possible, individuality that is, all is a collective at the void infinity, and as prior blogs in my MORIANITY tell with no punches pulled, the TRUTH, the PHASE-!-TRUE EXISTENCE, the REAL reality, that if U tell a psychiatrist about, will tell u that U have serious psychotic delusions and features and R heavily mentally disturbed. Funny though, that even though the scientific discipline of Quantum Physics and its many mechanics and studies is far from being totally complete with all of the supporting facts perfectly in and fitting into place, they will tell these head shrinking ass holes, that Mark is right, and they R all wrong, huh misses Fucking Marola from 19 fucking 69???????????????????????????? UC peeps, I could write a simple English 4th grade-level story and tell things step by step that would get me most likely jailed and or killed within 72 fucking hours, instead I beat around the bush and try 2 stay as vague as is possible, as is, Scylla tells me that my words speak way 2 directly, and that I need 2B much more subtle, as magic exists in this type of EAT-MORE-POPCORN-SUBLIMINAL power and wisdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could very convincingly walk a mentally challenged individual, let alone a more normal average intelligent person of legal age of majority, gold mountains and fate and secrets well hidden all notwithstanding, YO, but this is not my plan. Right now, my plan is simple, and not at all secretive. I plan 2 survive, continue talking and speaking out one way or another along with so many Swiffer Mops, and not even try and tie things all perfectly together over a 30-40 year period, and even have an expert professor in a college in a statistical mathematical discipline, allow me 2 quote him or her that odds 4 all of these occurrences in my life being just random and that I am just nuts or wrong, would B literally trillions of one against this reality. I know I could do this, but this right now at least, is not my motive nor is it my desire or near freaking term goal. The D-6 or the sixth-dimension is no kid in a sandbox, shoveling and playing and singing off key. In fact, a million Einstein type geniuses all put together would never have any way of getting any real potential full grasp on just exactly what this is all about or what is really happening in and with all of this.
I will tell peeps if we can bring all of this down 2 Earth 4 now just a degree and notch or so, that I purchased a keyboard from the place that was blogged and mentioned, where I told how they had an offspring living in Orlando, and this person had a good studio, and could have done the apology song and shot it up 2 the U-TUBE, and then suddenly, I come 2 learn, his wife was just diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis Disease, or ‘MS’. IC many symbolic things here, and many need not B further told now or ever, from here all the way 2 the Academy road exit off of I-95. I will say this much, Mayor Levy will live and die and never understand how distant cuzz on his wife’s side, Bobby McGuire, indirectly did shit that led him 2 his total demise and ruinous fucking destruction, and I will live and come and in fact have come 2 realize with crystal ass clarity, that he is able 2 do some truly amazing fucking shit, not his cousins, HIM, and the ATLANTIC FUCKING COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, PROSECUTORS OFFICE, knows all about it, however, Lisa, Joe King’s fiancé or what the hell ever, has a brother, AND HE IS the damn Atlantic county Prosecutor, so when big LISA screams at me and says that I destroyed this great family on the great Long Island back in 1972, I had 2 just sit there and eat this horrendous mother fucking verbal abuse on her part. All I have 2 say is that I have a lower and lower ‘SHOCK-VALUE’ with the passing of each and every year, month, and day, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! James Patterson can fuck with my beach crying days and Mona’s lifeguards from now until eternity sucks a fat throbbing dick, and it changes absolutely nothing, BRO. Big fat ass Dawn-Marie King said it true, “IT IS WHAT IT IS”, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobody will ever really know just what Robert McGuire has really done 2 innocent persons on this planet, by the hundreds of thousands over a long extended period of time, but I’ve got your rotten fucking miserable number Bob, and the damn ACPO has the website on the hard drive on Eddie’s computer, proving whether they all like it or not, that UR not from here, and I am beginning 2 wonder about this entire family. Yeah baby love, now I really know Y printing those letters caused such a huge mother fucking reaction on Wall Street the following week back early last fucking summer time, YO. I am very tired and need 2 go home and eat and rest, I am going through going fucking on three fifths of a century of pure inconceivable hell, JOE PAGET, or am I just there 2 begin with, after all, illusions R powerful, huh Tellosians of the Trek lands??????????????????????
It seems that I just learned a huge payoff happened 2 shut me up. The guy helping me in the library here, was suddenly forced 2 disappear, right out of the mother fucking movies and beyond. I will have 2 save and pay a webmaster 2 get me a site where I can post this SAFE JOURNAL up 2, and then I will have 2 just tweet that peeps can go up 2 it and read the stuff there on. U know MI, I have the strangest feeling that UR somehow behind this entire thing, if this is true after all the things that I have tried 2 tell U, this will indeed B my life quintessential disappointment. I hope I am wrong, I can count, and I am not as dumb as many peeps think that I am. Nearly 100 ‘coincidental’ things, OYR!!!!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Rockin Robin tweet20
Back to tweeting for now. Sure wish google would repair site so I can blog again. What is THIS, 1991?
safe journal ch 0027a
else can this diseased family do 2 me U may ask, sheeeeit? Pollution commercials R no different than many other sonic realities on tapes. What was used Shirley Neckglands, but my voice, huh Ziggy? Everything is a sick demented game, and the entire universe can suck my dick and burn in fucking hell, YO!!!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
safe journal ch 0026
12:53 PM, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2010
When things do not follow with great accuracy, things told in the GAWNUM predictions, such as my interaction strength with the opposite gender, or my day and date general overall compatibility, I can totally know that the very same stuff that happened beginning in 1986 with my life charts, is happening right now up here in this miserable nightmare hell-future. So let me now further attempt 2 explain what I mean by “stuff”. Dave Roth and I used 2 term this FREE verses FIXED or CONTROLLED ‘magnetics’. My charts would reflect at the end of each day, on several basic parameters of life, a measurement from one through five, low-1 being the worst and high-5 being the best, and I had been keeping these charts 4 some years by this time, about 4 and a fraction 2B a bit more accurate, they began around early July in 1982, while I was employed at the Camden, New Jersey, institute 4 Medical Research, now known in the memory of the late Doctor Coryell from there, as the Coryell Institute, this is a very famous place that is at war with the disease of cancer. After whatever it was that {(R—E—A—L—Y)} happened, and went down on the night of the 15th fucking day of August in 1986, that permanently and forever altered my life forever, these numbers from 1-5 reflected on these “LIFE-CHARTS”, also altered forever and with quite equally drastic parallels. The once free magnetics, now was fixed, and was nothing but endless lines of ones, and this is all what led up 2 the not that far following hatred on my part of ones, and clock times such as one-eleven and eleven-eleven, as U can C, I do not even wish 2 type or write out combination of these horrific deplorable and abominable ones. I do know that a few lines back, the text vanishing from the screen hack hit me again, and I was only able so far 2 post up close 2 half of SAFE JOUIRNAL blog number 18, something on page 5 seems 2B not wanting 2 post up through this freaking hack. Back 2 the point however of present moments, this nightmare that took place after returning from the Jersey Pine Barrens with David Roth and after putting RGG, the song and copyright form and cassette tape, in the United States Mail system, was the seeming beginning 2 my literally entering into or as they would say in the movies of the ‘LAWN MOWER MAN’ IN THE NINETIES, my jacking into some time of HELL-PROGRAM, which I seemingly am totally a prisoner inside of, absolutely try as hard as I ever may endlessly, just cannot escape it, NOT EVER. I have nothing against that poor old man security officer from Pennsylvania by the name of Joe Paget, and am most certainly not attempting 2 drive him, mad, Angus Nixon, echoes and 1988 memories Barbara, and all, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in following up my point 2 completion regarding when things that R GAWNUMLY predicted, totally R wrong, this indeed tells me that a powerful external force that ALL READY KNOWS WHAT “SHOULD” HAPPEN, is indeed operating full force at whatever power levels r necessary, 2 prevent it from happening the way it otherwise both should and would. This may sound not all that distant from hyperspace-equation-talk; only believe it or not, it is far from it, BRO!!!! In fact, it coincides with the way that entire locations that I either work in or reside in over extended time periods, since this magical time of AUGUST 15TH OF 1986, indeed, suddenly and yes, totally, alter, as though it is not real life at all, but straight out of a movie where MISTER Rod Serling is standing quietly in a corner somewhere just waiting 2 enter his 2 cents, literally, into things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 25th Street charitable organization is no exception 2 any of this phenomenon whatsofreakingever, YO, not a tiny teency ass bit, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is suddenly and out of a poof-blue, just not at all the place that it was when I first arrived down here in the area of Fort Pierce, Florida last December, USAESMWG. More is going on with the large picture when we start at the 6th dimension however and then begin 2 work our way down in an attempt at solving the greatest equations that would most likely have Einstein himself ejaculating with mathematical excitement, YO. Science and man has made great strides and progressed a hell of a long way over a relatively short time, especially in his and her ability 2 produce and interact with fabulous and fantastic endlessly altering and improving technologies. Still and all, humankind is way off base, and it could B measured in hypersphere cycles, the distance they R off in many powerful things, that is. Gravity is most likely the least understood grouping of cosmic-entities, out of the entire bowl of cosmic-soup. Par of this reality is that 6th dimensional reality is no more than a powerfully accurate and determined system, a ‘circuitry’ 4 lack only of any better terminology; that operates on 81 seperates. I coin this phrase, so naturally a red line from spell-checker instantly comes over 2 greet me, but the word I now use and I admit that I made up just today, stands, like it or lump it, MISTER COMPUTER. The word is not seperates, it is what it is, am I right Dawn, mighty cleaner King, and a great cleaner indeed she was, wow, I caught that TV-world, DUH!!!!!!!!!!! These 81 seperates R incredibly powerful realities, and they all interact with each other, some compatibly, others not compatibly, and the greatest mind I ever knew taught me this, and not U Albert, but yes, another Al!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This paragraph leads me smack dab into the next one; it differs in content, not principle.
Nothing overseas that is going on right now is going by me. This is not like the few things in my life that have, Sarah and her importance in the late summer of 1969 stating the oldest and most obvious 45 any follower of MOUNTAINPEN/MORIANITY, the 2nd biggest being the great Elton John Saturday night in the city in 1986, and the 3rd one, seemingly very insignificant and ‘back seat-ish’ next 2 the first 2 but not really if again, UC into my points and principles here, and that would B what I’ve come 2 refer 2 and label, the Venka Strong-Girl syndrome, or abbreviated into the (VSGS). 4 those forgetting about this, I was in an art class and was sitting in a large art room in my special education school in early March of the year of 1970, with a 19 year old dude named Donnis Mortin. A powerful and beautifully dazzling long yellow haired Swedish female, aged 21 years, was in the office section with the main teacher, she was a student teacher, our school had its share of them. We busted our balls trying 2 get a jar of paint open, but 2 no avail, it would not even try and budge. Then I took it into Venka, this goddess, who grabbed it out of my pathetic 15 year old hands, and without even trying or breaking a bead of sweat, fasooom, the hermetic seal lock broke as though it had no chance at all against the extreme and unfathomable physical power of this inconceivable luscious beauty queen, Venka. Donnis Morton told me when I told him how easily she just popped the jar open like biting into a marshmallow, he could not wait 2 get home and jerk himself off thinking about it. I on the other hand was so mind blown, I literally within an hour totally BLOCKED OUT that this event ever took place, that is until one night early that following July in this 1970 year, when Thomas Reale was blowing me in his fix-up home on Cornwall Avenue in Ventnor, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and I needed 2 get rid of him, I suddenly then found myself instantly dwelling on this one particular something that I knew would make me come almost in seconds, and sure enough upon thinking and remembering about powerful goddess Venka, POW, I shot my freaking wad. YI had blocked it out from early March through early middle July, 130 days give or take, no one ever can really truly know. Still, this is bringing me 2 the 6th dimension, the Astral Plane, and life here where the awake mind is a tool that divides reality around us by the speed of light squared, producing the world of material and solid illusion, and not magnetic fields interloping the numerous waves and particles all around us in an energy mode. First, I need 2 say that the D-6 sends into the 5th dimensional hyperspace, a type of unknown energy that is made up of 2 fantastic and wild properties simultaneously. First, it contains a motive and goal and plan as well as a memory of these things in an interaction. But it also contains limitless power 2 create and operate inside of 2 lower dimensional systems beneath it, shaping what we humans call reality or the real world or the here and now physical universe or cosmos. This can B better explained by a highly intelligent cutting edge quantum physicist IF I were able, theoretically that is, 2 teach this person, what I know from viewing many potential ‘futures’ exploratronically, or dream-traveling as a non-dominant type one, 4 the most part, exploratron, merely dreaming through doppelganger ‘me’s’ all throughout the parallel universes of virtually endless hyperspace, still all inside the hidden outer and larger, D-6. This D-6 has 81 items 2 work with, and 5,651 combinations of them that produce a direct compatibility or non-compatibility in and of themselves when matched up, quite similar 2 a human world computer dating service. I am not implying 4 one second, that only the square of the 81 is used in this powerful sixth dimensional system circuitry. There R indeed things matched up 3 ways, 4 ways, 5 ways, and the numbers at just 5 ways get amazing and staggering, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the 81 X 81 will always B the base of this system inside this MIND REALM OR DIMENSION, laying above and beyond the fifth dimensional hyperspace of all of the 4th dimensional space-time parallel universes that R virtually unlimited. Inside this gigantic 6th dimension itself, R not bunch of numbers that R trying 2 predict the lower dimensional realities below and or inside of it, but quite 2 the freaking contrary, these numbers R in fact creating the entire thing. Then from inside, here, we can thereby use this very system, 2 sort of as a decoding process so that we can then C what this 6th-Dimension or (D-6) is in fact processing 4 all of us that reside here in these lower dimensionalities of existence. Sometimes this can B as simple a thing as the many Dick Wolf-L&O television Show coincidences where this dude appears 2 know my entire life and B4I came 2 know squat about lots of it, yet is this what is REALLY going on? The same thing is most likely happening in coincidental names as well as movie and show plots, 4 one quick burst example, my aunt Geraldine snow and her mighty friends, one being the Iranian Shaw of the nineteen-seventies, I watch the news now, I have cable. Let us examine this phenomenon of my mom taking me over a series of 4 summers, down 2 the TRINIDAD HOTEL in Atlantic City on 10-SC Avenue from 1965-1968, in late June and middle August. Can anyone blame me 4 adding up 2 and 2 and getting a 4 answer regarding the TRINIDAD HOTEL and SARAH in one lifetime, and then in the next one, the island itself is only 9 miles off of Venezuela? What would U all think if this was all happening 2U, along with a trillion other unexplainable things, YO???????? I never asked this wild teenager 2 enter into my life or my dreams over the past 41 years now, but that never stopped HER!!!!!!!!!!! Then we can go on and talk a while about the current times and the man from TRINIDAD, not 2 mention should U feel like letting your fingers do some GOOGLE-WALKING, with my name, and stumble upon a gargantuan quantity of items related 2 what else but, TRINIDAD. This AARP dude from there, SAM, is a wild dude. He is making my life a living hell at my rotten job, on top of the job being just horrible and freaking rotten 2 start with. It started out there fairly decent, nothing 2 brag about, and then worsened at light velocity cubed, day by day and week by freaking week, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the many times I would listen 2 a tape of my life journal and tell myself 2 go back and say something when I would seemingly B struggling 2 remember a correct thing or a word. Then there were the uncontrollable tears I shed at the Baptist Church as a 9 year old, when I would play the chords on an old church piano, 2 a song I had written then in 1965, called, “Let’s Go down 2 the Trinidad”. This entire 60 trillion year space-time enclosure goes endlessly around and around, I know it, they know it, and we both know that each of us freaking knows this power house piece of knowledge, it is literally like sitting on a terra ton powder freaking keg, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This explains the ‘MI’ on the “RGG” open reel master tape, and all other shit, so Henry, sir, “FUCK THIS SHIT” U angry man U!!!!!!!! Oh, PARDON, let me change my vote now and stop my cursing.
Peeps kill me with their ridiculous concepts of one fixed future. There R unlimited parallel pasts and futures, it all lies within this huge 5th dimensional hyperspace, BRAHHH!!!!!!!!!! Pee, as some know will B turning age 12 soon, on the 29th. HB PEE, my love. She has this way cool invention and is smarter than 100 Einstein’s. A lot of it is based on perception and a lot on gravitational fields inside many points of the electromagnetic spectrum. Unfortunately, hyperspace itself is involved with this amazing child. I have no daughter named PEE here, but she is very real, and so much powerful evidence verifies this that no one scientifically minded could ever totally dispute my claims that she exists, and is doing a sentence in Egg Harbor, NJUSAESMWG, at the Harborfields Detention Center, GOOGLE the place up, but do not expect 2 find my daughter there, or any iced tea either, or lemonade, or glasses and cups shared by Grace Messenger and myself in 1969, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t die on me Rodney, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that many decades from right now, no one will believe shit about the world of computers, or how they connect up 2 each other. In this parallel universe here, there is no Paula-Junior or (PEE) nor her marvelous invention, still, others R here, and other brains R on overdrive as well. GOOGLE ENGINE literally scans and downloads the entire internet on a regular basis, and soon, all personal computers will do a very similar thing. No machine will contain any programs, the internet will B inside your entire computer every 3 days at first, after about 1 year following the start of this, it will manifest about every 35 minutes. There will always B a complicated perceptive connection, some type of dual system connecting machine mind and its interacting with human perception as well as so-called more real tangible life parameters, still, things like direct speaking in messages or chats and things not dreamed of yet, will all merely happen on this varying element in this new system. If I were 2 tell all I have seen on a recent exploratronic trip, my life would get quite suddenly ultra dangerous at hyper time cubed, YO, so I must shut the hell up, Joe Paget!!!!!!!!
Still no matter how we may ever choose 2 bounce this wild ball around in search of truth and answers, remember that truth may always B the true enemy, if ignorance is bliss, then lies kill the pain. This is the basic theory and not my own creation, of all of the denialists out there in the world. I am not a super fan of this philosophy. I merely recognize as with all things, some truth and some good is inside anything, even the absolute worst thing that is imaginable. This principle is taught 4 example in the Christian faith, and yet they do not adhere 2 all of it, they discuss the denial of worldly carnal flesh and self, and still believe it has truth and substance that is being in fact denied from 2 begin with. I will not offer at this present point 2 take this subject into further territory. I will say these following last words however on this blog. I & D, PAWM-PIE-ETTOS, and other tools of the mighty MILLIONTH COUNCIL on Phase-2 Reality or the ASTRAL-PLANE, or ‘spirit world’ as many still refer 2 this ‘conditional reality’, all have 2 do with a powerhouse secret that is connected all throughout the past century’s huge UFO scare and period in time from late nineteen-forties and up into 3 or 4 full decades when it began leveling off after the Blue Book Brick Wall or the insistence that all of this phenomenon is utter nonsense in that it all has rational explanations all though some as of yet may not B available. Still, the biggest part of this entire deal in Ufology is not aliens themselves, or their mode of transport 2 this world, or their motives, and on and on along any of these lines, not 2 say that this was not of some concern 2 quite a few during the height of this scare. Still, mass hypnosis or merely a larger version of regular hypnosis or said differently with a small rearrangement in vocabulary, influence and domination with electromagnetic thought transmission and omission system or ETTOS, and these powerful Astral World tools, and U have both what happened 2 me on August 15th in 1986 when I was the only one hit with this TECHNOLOGY, and then U have, and here it comes peeps so hold onto your intestines and have a roll of paper in hand, the time B4 that on the 2nd, 13 days earlier, when all the billions of other peeps were all hit with something, and I was not. That was YI have no memory of a created event, but then, R not all things merely created out of these waves and particles? If the mighty AE proved in his super equations that E = MC squared, then fine, do not doubt the words on this blog, they R saying this very same thing, just without those abridged equation symbols. Things fit 100% here peeps, like black on midnight, and peeps, this is what I totally believe. I also know that my pass-code must B changed on all my blog sites, as Ed is out of jail IMHO and has messed with me on August 21st, and even though he and Ann may B on their way 2 prison 4 a long time 4 doing this, or maybe not, who can really ever know, these filth bags have breached me where I live John Judy SIR, and I know it and feel it, even MI would say, she KNOWS (THAT), not what, SHE knows. How many clues can this powerhouse goddess leave 4 this planet and still have them remain so in total ass darkness. Aniwho, blog 18 is chopped up and brioken, but we got it up, YO, my peeps R working on me’ ol’ probs, BOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, Y do this 2 me and shut me up? YR my words so dangerous? YYYYYY? Y do all of this in 1986 while we R on this topic, PH? Well, the answer 2 this whittle query comes 2 mind quickly, GAMES!!!!!!! But Y play these games? Well, the answer comes 2 mind, DISTRACTION from JOE PAGET HELL. The awareness of existence=hell, JOE, remember buddy?????
I can take this further, but time is not allowing it, I have so freaking much 2 do and no more time now 2 blog, so bye-bye y’all.
END OF THIS BLOG, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12:53 PM, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2010
When things do not follow with great accuracy, things told in the GAWNUM predictions, such as my interaction strength with the opposite gender, or my day and date general overall compatibility, I can totally know that the very same stuff that happened beginning in 1986 with my life charts, is happening right now up here in this miserable nightmare hell-future. So let me now further attempt 2 explain what I mean by “stuff”. Dave Roth and I used 2 term this FREE verses FIXED or CONTROLLED ‘magnetics’. My charts would reflect at the end of each day, on several basic parameters of life, a measurement from one through five, low-1 being the worst and high-5 being the best, and I had been keeping these charts 4 some years by this time, about 4 and a fraction 2B a bit more accurate, they began around early July in 1982, while I was employed at the Camden, New Jersey, institute 4 Medical Research, now known in the memory of the late Doctor Coryell from there, as the Coryell Institute, this is a very famous place that is at war with the disease of cancer. After whatever it was that {(R—E—A—L—Y)} happened, and went down on the night of the 15th fucking day of August in 1986, that permanently and forever altered my life forever, these numbers from 1-5 reflected on these “LIFE-CHARTS”, also altered forever and with quite equally drastic parallels. The once free magnetics, now was fixed, and was nothing but endless lines of ones, and this is all what led up 2 the not that far following hatred on my part of ones, and clock times such as one-eleven and eleven-eleven, as U can C, I do not even wish 2 type or write out combination of these horrific deplorable and abominable ones. I do know that a few lines back, the text vanishing from the screen hack hit me again, and I was only able so far 2 post up close 2 half of SAFE JOUIRNAL blog number 18, something on page 5 seems 2B not wanting 2 post up through this freaking hack. Back 2 the point however of present moments, this nightmare that took place after returning from the Jersey Pine Barrens with David Roth and after putting RGG, the song and copyright form and cassette tape, in the United States Mail system, was the seeming beginning 2 my literally entering into or as they would say in the movies of the ‘LAWN MOWER MAN’ IN THE NINETIES, my jacking into some time of HELL-PROGRAM, which I seemingly am totally a prisoner inside of, absolutely try as hard as I ever may endlessly, just cannot escape it, NOT EVER. I have nothing against that poor old man security officer from Pennsylvania by the name of Joe Paget, and am most certainly not attempting 2 drive him, mad, Angus Nixon, echoes and 1988 memories Barbara, and all, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But in following up my point 2 completion regarding when things that R GAWNUMLY predicted, totally R wrong, this indeed tells me that a powerful external force that ALL READY KNOWS WHAT “SHOULD” HAPPEN, is indeed operating full force at whatever power levels r necessary, 2 prevent it from happening the way it otherwise both should and would. This may sound not all that distant from hyperspace-equation-talk; only believe it or not, it is far from it, BRO!!!! In fact, it coincides with the way that entire locations that I either work in or reside in over extended time periods, since this magical time of AUGUST 15TH OF 1986, indeed, suddenly and yes, totally, alter, as though it is not real life at all, but straight out of a movie where MISTER Rod Serling is standing quietly in a corner somewhere just waiting 2 enter his 2 cents, literally, into things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 25th Street charitable organization is no exception 2 any of this phenomenon whatsofreakingever, YO, not a tiny teency ass bit, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is suddenly and out of a poof-blue, just not at all the place that it was when I first arrived down here in the area of Fort Pierce, Florida last December, USAESMWG. More is going on with the large picture when we start at the 6th dimension however and then begin 2 work our way down in an attempt at solving the greatest equations that would most likely have Einstein himself ejaculating with mathematical excitement, YO. Science and man has made great strides and progressed a hell of a long way over a relatively short time, especially in his and her ability 2 produce and interact with fabulous and fantastic endlessly altering and improving technologies. Still and all, humankind is way off base, and it could B measured in hypersphere cycles, the distance they R off in many powerful things, that is. Gravity is most likely the least understood grouping of cosmic-entities, out of the entire bowl of cosmic-soup. Par of this reality is that 6th dimensional reality is no more than a powerfully accurate and determined system, a ‘circuitry’ 4 lack only of any better terminology; that operates on 81 seperates. I coin this phrase, so naturally a red line from spell-checker instantly comes over 2 greet me, but the word I now use and I admit that I made up just today, stands, like it or lump it, MISTER COMPUTER. The word is not seperates, it is what it is, am I right Dawn, mighty cleaner King, and a great cleaner indeed she was, wow, I caught that TV-world, DUH!!!!!!!!!!! These 81 seperates R incredibly powerful realities, and they all interact with each other, some compatibly, others not compatibly, and the greatest mind I ever knew taught me this, and not U Albert, but yes, another Al!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This paragraph leads me smack dab into the next one; it differs in content, not principle.
Nothing overseas that is going on right now is going by me. This is not like the few things in my life that have, Sarah and her importance in the late summer of 1969 stating the oldest and most obvious 45 any follower of MOUNTAINPEN/MORIANITY, the 2nd biggest being the great Elton John Saturday night in the city in 1986, and the 3rd one, seemingly very insignificant and ‘back seat-ish’ next 2 the first 2 but not really if again, UC into my points and principles here, and that would B what I’ve come 2 refer 2 and label, the Venka Strong-Girl syndrome, or abbreviated into the (VSGS). 4 those forgetting about this, I was in an art class and was sitting in a large art room in my special education school in early March of the year of 1970, with a 19 year old dude named Donnis Mortin. A powerful and beautifully dazzling long yellow haired Swedish female, aged 21 years, was in the office section with the main teacher, she was a student teacher, our school had its share of them. We busted our balls trying 2 get a jar of paint open, but 2 no avail, it would not even try and budge. Then I took it into Venka, this goddess, who grabbed it out of my pathetic 15 year old hands, and without even trying or breaking a bead of sweat, fasooom, the hermetic seal lock broke as though it had no chance at all against the extreme and unfathomable physical power of this inconceivable luscious beauty queen, Venka. Donnis Morton told me when I told him how easily she just popped the jar open like biting into a marshmallow, he could not wait 2 get home and jerk himself off thinking about it. I on the other hand was so mind blown, I literally within an hour totally BLOCKED OUT that this event ever took place, that is until one night early that following July in this 1970 year, when Thomas Reale was blowing me in his fix-up home on Cornwall Avenue in Ventnor, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and I needed 2 get rid of him, I suddenly then found myself instantly dwelling on this one particular something that I knew would make me come almost in seconds, and sure enough upon thinking and remembering about powerful goddess Venka, POW, I shot my freaking wad. YI had blocked it out from early March through early middle July, 130 days give or take, no one ever can really truly know. Still, this is bringing me 2 the 6th dimension, the Astral Plane, and life here where the awake mind is a tool that divides reality around us by the speed of light squared, producing the world of material and solid illusion, and not magnetic fields interloping the numerous waves and particles all around us in an energy mode. First, I need 2 say that the D-6 sends into the 5th dimensional hyperspace, a type of unknown energy that is made up of 2 fantastic and wild properties simultaneously. First, it contains a motive and goal and plan as well as a memory of these things in an interaction. But it also contains limitless power 2 create and operate inside of 2 lower dimensional systems beneath it, shaping what we humans call reality or the real world or the here and now physical universe or cosmos. This can B better explained by a highly intelligent cutting edge quantum physicist IF I were able, theoretically that is, 2 teach this person, what I know from viewing many potential ‘futures’ exploratronically, or dream-traveling as a non-dominant type one, 4 the most part, exploratron, merely dreaming through doppelganger ‘me’s’ all throughout the parallel universes of virtually endless hyperspace, still all inside the hidden outer and larger, D-6. This D-6 has 81 items 2 work with, and 5,651 combinations of them that produce a direct compatibility or non-compatibility in and of themselves when matched up, quite similar 2 a human world computer dating service. I am not implying 4 one second, that only the square of the 81 is used in this powerful sixth dimensional system circuitry. There R indeed things matched up 3 ways, 4 ways, 5 ways, and the numbers at just 5 ways get amazing and staggering, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the 81 X 81 will always B the base of this system inside this MIND REALM OR DIMENSION, laying above and beyond the fifth dimensional hyperspace of all of the 4th dimensional space-time parallel universes that R virtually unlimited. Inside this gigantic 6th dimension itself, R not bunch of numbers that R trying 2 predict the lower dimensional realities below and or inside of it, but quite 2 the freaking contrary, these numbers R in fact creating the entire thing. Then from inside, here, we can thereby use this very system, 2 sort of as a decoding process so that we can then C what this 6th-Dimension or (D-6) is in fact processing 4 all of us that reside here in these lower dimensionalities of existence. Sometimes this can B as simple a thing as the many Dick Wolf-L&O television Show coincidences where this dude appears 2 know my entire life and B4I came 2 know squat about lots of it, yet is this what is REALLY going on? The same thing is most likely happening in coincidental names as well as movie and show plots, 4 one quick burst example, my aunt Geraldine snow and her mighty friends, one being the Iranian Shaw of the nineteen-seventies, I watch the news now, I have cable. Let us examine this phenomenon of my mom taking me over a series of 4 summers, down 2 the TRINIDAD HOTEL in Atlantic City on 10-SC Avenue from 1965-1968, in late June and middle August. Can anyone blame me 4 adding up 2 and 2 and getting a 4 answer regarding the TRINIDAD HOTEL and SARAH in one lifetime, and then in the next one, the island itself is only 9 miles off of Venezuela? What would U all think if this was all happening 2U, along with a trillion other unexplainable things, YO???????? I never asked this wild teenager 2 enter into my life or my dreams over the past 41 years now, but that never stopped HER!!!!!!!!!!! Then we can go on and talk a while about the current times and the man from TRINIDAD, not 2 mention should U feel like letting your fingers do some GOOGLE-WALKING, with my name, and stumble upon a gargantuan quantity of items related 2 what else but, TRINIDAD. This AARP dude from there, SAM, is a wild dude. He is making my life a living hell at my rotten job, on top of the job being just horrible and freaking rotten 2 start with. It started out there fairly decent, nothing 2 brag about, and then worsened at light velocity cubed, day by day and week by freaking week, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the many times I would listen 2 a tape of my life journal and tell myself 2 go back and say something when I would seemingly B struggling 2 remember a correct thing or a word. Then there were the uncontrollable tears I shed at the Baptist Church as a 9 year old, when I would play the chords on an old church piano, 2 a song I had written then in 1965, called, “Let’s Go down 2 the Trinidad”. This entire 60 trillion year space-time enclosure goes endlessly around and around, I know it, they know it, and we both know that each of us freaking knows this power house piece of knowledge, it is literally like sitting on a terra ton powder freaking keg, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This explains the ‘MI’ on the “RGG” open reel master tape, and all other shit, so Henry, sir, “FUCK THIS SHIT” U angry man U!!!!!!!! Oh, PARDON, let me change my vote now and stop my cursing.
Peeps kill me with their ridiculous concepts of one fixed future. There R unlimited parallel pasts and futures, it all lies within this huge 5th dimensional hyperspace, BRAHHH!!!!!!!!!! Pee, as some know will B turning age 12 soon, on the 29th. HB PEE, my love. She has this way cool invention and is smarter than 100 Einstein’s. A lot of it is based on perception and a lot on gravitational fields inside many points of the electromagnetic spectrum. Unfortunately, hyperspace itself is involved with this amazing child. I have no daughter named PEE here, but she is very real, and so much powerful evidence verifies this that no one scientifically minded could ever totally dispute my claims that she exists, and is doing a sentence in Egg Harbor, NJUSAESMWG, at the Harborfields Detention Center, GOOGLE the place up, but do not expect 2 find my daughter there, or any iced tea either, or lemonade, or glasses and cups shared by Grace Messenger and myself in 1969, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t die on me Rodney, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that many decades from right now, no one will believe shit about the world of computers, or how they connect up 2 each other. In this parallel universe here, there is no Paula-Junior or (PEE) nor her marvelous invention, still, others R here, and other brains R on overdrive as well. GOOGLE ENGINE literally scans and downloads the entire internet on a regular basis, and soon, all personal computers will do a very similar thing. No machine will contain any programs, the internet will B inside your entire computer every 3 days at first, after about 1 year following the start of this, it will manifest about every 35 minutes. There will always B a complicated perceptive connection, some type of dual system connecting machine mind and its interacting with human perception as well as so-called more real tangible life parameters, still, things like direct speaking in messages or chats and things not dreamed of yet, will all merely happen on this varying element in this new system. If I were 2 tell all I have seen on a recent exploratronic trip, my life would get quite suddenly ultra dangerous at hyper time cubed, YO, so I must shut the hell up, Joe Paget!!!!!!!!
Still no matter how we may ever choose 2 bounce this wild ball around in search of truth and answers, remember that truth may always B the true enemy, if ignorance is bliss, then lies kill the pain. This is the basic theory and not my own creation, of all of the denialists out there in the world. I am not a super fan of this philosophy. I merely recognize as with all things, some truth and some good is inside anything, even the absolute worst thing that is imaginable. This principle is taught 4 example in the Christian faith, and yet they do not adhere 2 all of it, they discuss the denial of worldly carnal flesh and self, and still believe it has truth and substance that is being in fact denied from 2 begin with. I will not offer at this present point 2 take this subject into further territory. I will say these following last words however on this blog. I & D, PAWM-PIE-ETTOS, and other tools of the mighty MILLIONTH COUNCIL on Phase-2 Reality or the ASTRAL-PLANE, or ‘spirit world’ as many still refer 2 this ‘conditional reality’, all have 2 do with a powerhouse secret that is connected all throughout the past century’s huge UFO scare and period in time from late nineteen-forties and up into 3 or 4 full decades when it began leveling off after the Blue Book Brick Wall or the insistence that all of this phenomenon is utter nonsense in that it all has rational explanations all though some as of yet may not B available. Still, the biggest part of this entire deal in Ufology is not aliens themselves, or their mode of transport 2 this world, or their motives, and on and on along any of these lines, not 2 say that this was not of some concern 2 quite a few during the height of this scare. Still, mass hypnosis or merely a larger version of regular hypnosis or said differently with a small rearrangement in vocabulary, influence and domination with electromagnetic thought transmission and omission system or ETTOS, and these powerful Astral World tools, and U have both what happened 2 me on August 15th in 1986 when I was the only one hit with this TECHNOLOGY, and then U have, and here it comes peeps so hold onto your intestines and have a roll of paper in hand, the time B4 that on the 2nd, 13 days earlier, when all the billions of other peeps were all hit with something, and I was not. That was YI have no memory of a created event, but then, R not all things merely created out of these waves and particles? If the mighty AE proved in his super equations that E = MC squared, then fine, do not doubt the words on this blog, they R saying this very same thing, just without those abridged equation symbols. Things fit 100% here peeps, like black on midnight, and peeps, this is what I totally believe. I also know that my pass-code must B changed on all my blog sites, as Ed is out of jail IMHO and has messed with me on August 21st, and even though he and Ann may B on their way 2 prison 4 a long time 4 doing this, or maybe not, who can really ever know, these filth bags have breached me where I live John Judy SIR, and I know it and feel it, even MI would say, she KNOWS (THAT), not what, SHE knows. How many clues can this powerhouse goddess leave 4 this planet and still have them remain so in total ass darkness. Aniwho, blog 18 is chopped up and brioken, but we got it up, YO, my peeps R working on me’ ol’ probs, BOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, Y do this 2 me and shut me up? YR my words so dangerous? YYYYYY? Y do all of this in 1986 while we R on this topic, PH? Well, the answer 2 this whittle query comes 2 mind quickly, GAMES!!!!!!! But Y play these games? Well, the answer comes 2 mind, DISTRACTION from JOE PAGET HELL. The awareness of existence=hell, JOE, remember buddy?????
I can take this further, but time is not allowing it, I have so freaking much 2 do and no more time now 2 blog, so bye-bye y’all.
END OF THIS BLOG, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(SBT-DATE AND TIME FILE) C18-082610.559
Well people, I have attempted 4 quite a long time now, 2 survive a hell that none of U out there reading this could fathom, and let alone suffer through and come out remotely sane. I say this not in any kind of bragging way, it merely is the total wicked and revolting despicable freaking truth, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the time since Sunday the fifteenth fucking day of miserable ass August of this year, 2K10, I have suffered and endured the fullness of the wrath of whatever it is that Jim Burr placed upon me in 1973 at the Cherry Hill computer school back in New Jersey and back in time, simply by informing me that something invisible is acting adversely on me and my life, and I could not deny nor ignore in any way when he showed me exactly what was really happening around me, and his perfect explanations of this as well, YO!!!!! Let me stop all the beating around the Obama Bushes here and get right down 2 cases, 99.99999999% of this planet’s population reading my entire blog will most likely get only the tiniest idea of what is going on with all of this and me. I know this and there is not a can of beans that I can do about that, but still, this indeed is the conscious awake mind of those who read and view my words, and deeper below that, we could talk here 4 weeks and months straight, and not really begin 2 explain and say all the shit pertaining 2 me ol’ pernt here Archie Bunkerqueens. This all began by me telling U that something was going on in my life, that I had no clue what it was, and that I was going 2 do my best 2 both figure it out, as well as vindicate my self and my personal reputation, and also retaliate, by making it
(SBT-DATE AND TIME FILE) C18-082610.559
Well people, I have attempted 4 quite a long time now, 2 survive a hell that none of U out there reading this could fathom, and let alone suffer through and come out remotely sane. I say this not in any kind of bragging way, it merely is the total wicked and revolting despicable freaking truth, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All the time since Sunday the fifteenth fucking day of miserable ass August of this year, 2K10, I have suffered and endured the fullness of the wrath of whatever it is that Jim Burr placed upon me in 1973 at the Cherry Hill computer school back in New Jersey and back in time, simply by informing me that something invisible is acting adversely on me and my life, and I could not deny nor ignore in any way when he showed me exactly what was really happening around me, and his perfect explanations of this as well, YO!!!!! Let me stop all the beating around the Obama Bushes here and get right down 2 cases, 99.99999999% of this planet’s population reading my entire blog will most likely get only the tiniest idea of what is going on with all of this and me. I know this and there is not a can of beans that I can do about that, but still, this indeed is the conscious awake mind of those who read and view my words, and deeper below that, we could talk here 4 weeks and months straight, and not really begin 2 explain and say all the shit pertaining 2 me ol’ pernt here Archie Bunkerqueens. This all began by me telling U that something was going on in my life, that I had no clue what it was, and that I was going 2 do my best 2 both figure it out, as well as vindicate my self and my personal reputation, and also retaliate, by making it
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all a public record, by way of internet blogging technology. Also in like manner, I never MADE ANY FUCKING BONES ABOUT, NOR DENIALS ABOUT, USING THIS SAME EXACT AND PRECISE METHOD OF COUNTERSTRIKING THESE ‘ENEMY-FORCES’ WITH MY USAGE OF THE {(UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE)} IN MY 1994 BOOK, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”, AS WELL AS THE LYRICAL CONTENT OF MUCH OF MY MUSICAL COMPILATIONS AND INDIVIDUALLY COPYRIGHTED SONGS THROUGHOUT 3 AND A HALF DECADES OF TIME. It is no different than many of the foreign opposition in the endless cold wars that do not seem all that ‘cold’ 2 me by the way through the years following World War TWO, in that when they, and no, I am in no way advocating or promoting any illegal activity and especially violence of any kind, but in making a point 4 sake of that point only, my thought here continues on, when these backward and less than superpower nations or organizations world-wide attack by driving explosive trucks into public locations and along this line, they R only striking back in the way that is optional 2 them, they have no thermonuclear capabilities or we all would B in some serious trouble. But if U can follow my simple point here, they can only do what they R able 2 do and they R only doing what THEY believe is just and a counter strike upon THEIR ENEMIES, I can totally relate here, not 2 this destructive and murderous behavior in itself, but merely in point and principle based on all of my personal fucking bullshit that I am involved somehow in, with some extremely omnipotent force and enemy that has been acting out aggressively and totally hostile against me since the day I was either born as the me that I am right now, or very close 2 birth somewhere in my dim memories. THIS IS SIMPLE FUCKING TRUTH, NO MATTER WHO ON THIS DISEASED PLANET MAY LIKE IT HEARD AND OR PRINTED IN A PUBLIC RECORD-----OR NOT, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! John Henningsen could take the microphone from here, as his famous quotation is beyond the quintessential apropos, when he would say 2 me in the late nineteen hundred sixties, “Mark, it’s just that simple”.
Moving this all right along here, first, I fucked up on a prior blog and said the year 2009 when quite obviously I meant 2 type in
Moving this all right along here, first, I fucked up on a prior blog and said the year 2009 when quite obviously I meant 2 type in
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the current year number as 2010. But shall we first discuss a major issue here, that directly pertains 2 last blogs, the last 2 in fact, SAFE JOURNAL, CHAPTERS 0016 AND 00017, this is super fucking major, and a letter as I speak electronically, by typing in these words on this computer terminal word-processor machine, here at the Fort Pierce, Florida, Public Library is in the United States mail system 2 the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, or the (ACLU) that explains in detail, how beginning last Saturday, the 21st day of August in 2K10, my civil mother fucking liberties have been egregiously and viciously violated beyond verbal freaking description. No longer am I FREE OR AM I ABLE 2 publish any of my blogs on the internet, on the 3 sites that I use, I can get up 2 the sites, and even cut and paste in my document blogs, and hit the publish post button by clicking on the correct place, and instead of it normally publishing as it has 4 nearly fucking 5 years now, all 3 sites show me an instant page that reads some type of error message, and this hack is most likely coming straight from the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, and my theory is that they have met in some secret council somewhere and decided 2 classify all or parts of my blogs, and the laws of this sick land then permit them 2 rig up this hack, or really more technically said, this technological overriding system, a totally legal interference, and total BRICK WALL THAT STOPS ANY MORE OF MY WORDS FROM EVBER BEING PUBLICLY BLOGGED. I tried and tried, but Saturday I could only get up a couple hundred words on one site, the blogger dot com, ‘not come’ site, sorry, another typo PBHE, and my 3 sites that I currently am blogging on again will B listed herein: They all have the http://www and end with com, so let me simply write their names, 1)blogger, 2) wordpress, 3)soulcast. When I got back here on Tuesday, I tried convincing myself that the mother fucking technicians here at the library that kept insisting on the silliest theory about maximum blog space and how I had run out of room, and along this line, were indeed correct, and I realized very quickly, all though it may sound nice and logical and reasonable, the odds that I would B running out of room on the very same exact day and time on 3 separate locations where I send blogs up 2, and all 3 contain totally different total word or total computer bit-bite
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space, and this would B an absurd trillion something 2 one against situation, or translation: this concept and diagnosis IS BULLSHIT, AND IT IS NOT WHAT IS GOING ON HERE WITH ME. IT IS INSTEAD JUST AS IT APPEARS 2 IN FACT B YO, A MAJOR BLATANT CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION, WORLD COURT IN THE FUCKLING HAGUE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But should U wish 2 hear more proof of their absurd ideas and theories, one of the technicians tried 2 create an account in his name and did all of the proper steps, and actually opened up an account on the website of He then tried 2 post blog number chapter 0016. Instantly, some wild thing began 2 happen here, this was back 2 days ago, on Tuesday, 24 August, 2K10. It was saying that it was being analyzed or some such thing, which in all my time blogging on this site, I never got a screen or a message saying anything remotely like this bull fucking shit. Then within a minute or so of him continuing 2 attempt 2 get the blog 2 post up successfully as it normally fucking should and would if some one or some thing was not totally fucking with me, the ENTIRE INTERNET all over the mother fucking library SUDDENLY AND INSTANTLY CRASHED AND WENT DOWN, RIGHT OUT OF A FUCKING ‘NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET’ HORROR FUCKING MOVIE. IT WAS A TRUE FUCKING NIGHTMARE, AND ‘THEY’ REALLY HAVE FOREVER ALTERED MY CAREER AS A BLOGGER NOW, AND ALL I CAN HOPE 4 AT THIS POINT IN TIME SENATOR JACOBSON WATERGATE, IS 4 SOME SUCCESSFUL ACTION WITH THE FUCKING ACLU, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So after a while, the internet came back on, and patrons all over had been complaining, it was out of my worst fucking hell sieges cubed, but now after all this trying 2 prevent my blogs, they made it up on the one site of blogger, but not under my name, still, hopefully eventually this will B totally resolved, if UI have 2 scream out 2 every mother fucking authority that believes in freedom and justice on this fucking puny planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR a total ass hole, Mizz UMWELL, U and all those out here like U, U do not have a tiny clue what reality is all about, or how we all R being totally controlled, how we all R nothing more than glorified owned slaves of the fucking owner wealthy families, this is not some silly words, this is pure fucking bible truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The blogs of MOUNTAINPEN R currently on one site only, and I cannot B sure how long it will B when this will just B done again, and I will again B stopped. This violation of my constitutionally amended rights of free press, squashing my freedom 2 print my message out, WILL B DEALT WITH AND EXAMINED BY GLOBAL AUTHORITY. U CAN FUCKING BET ON THIS WHO THE FUCK EVER IS BEHIND THIS BULLFUCKINGSHIT. Only time will tell what happens when we try and post this later, as well as what the future holds, as if I did not fucking have enough mother fucking woes and shit B4 all of this began last Saturday. I was planning something that obviously the great fucking SIXTH DIMENSION did not want done in this lower 5th dimensional hyperspace, and then forces all went into play 2 organize ways 2 bring about the prevention of my blogging. If U all think 4 a moment that Mariah Carey is what this is all about and only about, U all missed the boat 2 China a long while back, so HAVE A NICE SWIM, and maybe U can get some lessons from either the Holy Spirit Lifeguard or Mickey Soapeye Showers, in West Deptford, New Jersey, USAESMWG, at the HADDONWOOD SWIM AND HEALTH CLUB, owned at the time in the middle nineteen-nineties, by Tony Hyperspace Antimatter Zenun.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, a fool can C that this fantastic great vocalist and artist, is definitely a key player in my life, whether I like it or not, and whether she likes it or not. It is sort of like a bad car crash, neither party involved wanted it 2 occur, this is Y these things R called ‘accidents’. In this case however, forces have obviously intentionally brought her and I together in ways that go far beyond outlandish and bizarre, even I have no words today 4 all of this, only 2 simply recognize and admit that this all is real and exists. Remember that it is a totally time recorded and documented fact, that many things that SHE did, beginning with her 2008 musical project, came AFTER and shortly but still after, many things that were being told in my blogs of those times and days. She nor any other great person can argue this, nor deny it; it is arguing fact, as these blogs R there, and in ‘perfect time order’ in the real world. Truth is truth no matter who dislikes it or wishes 2 foolishly argue against it.
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What has happened in Atlantic City both in the nineteen-sixties and 30 years later on in the 90’s has HAPPENED. I came 2 learn thousands of various wild things step by step, and bit by bit, one thing after another, but first, I was learning of distant cousins of MC. Later on, much later on, even after my powerful and major trance out from work where SHE ON THE ASTRAL PLANE re-sang the great song, HER SONG, “LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS” 2 ME, AND UNLIKE THE YEAR 1980 WHEN THIS WAS FIRST SUNG 2 ME IN A POWERFUL DREAMING-INTERACTION BY HER IN HER TRUE ASTRAL FORM AS SSJK, I WAS ABLE 2 RETAIN THE ENTIRE SONG IN CONSCIOUS MEMORY NOW UPON COMING OUT OF THIS NON-DREAM ALTERED MENTAL STATE, and as a result of many things slowly done 2 me and remembered as a result, I came 2C that this great recording artist was indeed in some mysterious way or ways, a part of my past. This song called “LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS is what was sent in 2007 on Halloween Day, 2 the United States Copyright Office, along with numerous other tunes, yet the examiner who called me 7 or 8 months later had only one thing on her mind, and that was 2 discuss one song out of the 40 or so that I had sent down 4 copyright registration, and the name of it was “SHE’S SARAH-STACEY”. Her true ASTRAL PLANE major name is SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE. Krassle is not a name 2B played with. Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious Krassle is the LORD MAYOR of KRASSLEVILLE, in the CAPITOL PROVINCE known as OLYMPIA, in the PHASE-2 REALITY, that mortal humanity loves 2 refer 2 as the ‘spirit-world’. Lordess Jehovah Neecy is Aramaic lingo translated by mortal awake mind into English as SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH, with HER 3rd and middle major name as HER CITY NAME. All residents of the great city of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL have 2 have their city name, as this is the name that is registered in the Kanwal Avenue Celestial Palace. Without a CITY-NAME, U may not receive your CITY-PASS 2 legally enter into any of the 12 gate booths that R situated high atop of the 12 arteries called astrally, LINELANES. UR not stopped from entering, but there R what is known there as periodic surprise roundups, or PSR’s. 2 gates R on the six opposing directions, west, east, north, south, nest, and woust, the Holy Bible was
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retranslated long ago 4 our more human perception of living on a seemingly flat surface here while awake with only 4 opposing directions. There R many powerful things 2B told someday, the Scylla-Inheritance Laws of the AWA, making the great Lordess Jehovah Neecy ALL MIGHTY GODDESS OF THE ASTRAL PLANE, yet so much more is part of all of this. The MILLIONTH-COUNCIL is the AWA, the Astral World Authority. 2/3rds of its majority live within the borders of the great city of SDK. The name Sahasra Dal Kanwal, in Astral translation 2 Earth on any language here within the awake mind realms, means the very same thing, and that is, CITY OF THE GREAT SARAH KRASSLE, OR LORDESS KRASSLE. It is the great AWA-SIL that causes this 2B. Still, all of this is just a huge game, and I am the only person in the entire world now or ever, that knows this much about things, and a trillion times more. This makes me about as dangerous 2 all of them as a terra-ton nuke bomb.
There is no place 2 ever start a proper telling of anything in MORIANITY. My life story is ongoing, and yet I tell it from the very beginning of my current human-life dim beginning memories. I tell the events of the near as well as the distant past of my present lifetime, but it is also an ongoing nightmare story here in the ever existing present time. My trip 2 Florida 4 an example, and YI left in the middle of a dark and icy cold late autumn night in 2009 and drove nearly one and a half thousand miles away, leaving behind all my worldly possessions forever, my job, all of it, is all part of a huge bigger and older situation than just my nearly 56 freaking years here as MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN. Nothing ever can really B the way that it appears. U cannot chase computer technology right 2 the very cutting edge, and this point is reflecting my point with this other subject here. Just as U think something is, it has altered. Einstein proved all of that mathematically decades ago. Whatever is out in the expansion of outer space is in a direct ratio of light time away from us. Time runs at the speed of light in one direction when electrons and protons R charged in one way, and when reveres in polarity, time runs in reverse as well, relative 2 the oppositely charged worlds. This means when said
There is no place 2 ever start a proper telling of anything in MORIANITY. My life story is ongoing, and yet I tell it from the very beginning of my current human-life dim beginning memories. I tell the events of the near as well as the distant past of my present lifetime, but it is also an ongoing nightmare story here in the ever existing present time. My trip 2 Florida 4 an example, and YI left in the middle of a dark and icy cold late autumn night in 2009 and drove nearly one and a half thousand miles away, leaving behind all my worldly possessions forever, my job, all of it, is all part of a huge bigger and older situation than just my nearly 56 freaking years here as MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN. Nothing ever can really B the way that it appears. U cannot chase computer technology right 2 the very cutting edge, and this point is reflecting my point with this other subject here. Just as U think something is, it has altered. Einstein proved all of that mathematically decades ago. Whatever is out in the expansion of outer space is in a direct ratio of light time away from us. Time runs at the speed of light in one direction when electrons and protons R charged in one way, and when reveres in polarity, time runs in reverse as well, relative 2 the oppositely charged worlds. This means when said
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simpler, that all things we think we R perceiving, come not from outside of our center being ness within us, just as while dreaming, all is within us, and this is Y the bible says that the Kingdom of God is also within us. Also, we do not have 2 lose consciousness 2 the point of dying 2 have very strange effects on our perceived realities around us and throughout us. We do not consciously awaken exactly in the same spot where we consciously dropped away from. A child can C that truth simply by realizing the change in time, after all, he or she went 2 bed in darkness, and awoke 2 bright daylight, so what ‘really happened’, what ‘really changed’? We all R moving, and endlessly intermingling in 5 full dimensions with our 6th dimensional receivers or “MINDS”. When an unexplainable event directs its paths in our direction seemingly, we have accepted the fact that we have altered in some type of move that does not involve normal 3 dimensional space, in a unique way that differs somehow in a real true significant way from the last time that we were so-called ‘awake’. 2 even attempt a real line by line perfectly time ordered sequence of events starting with my search 2 find the greatest teenaged entity in the mutiverse, or SSJKK, who at the start of this quest in 1995, I had no idea was indeed what all of U simply think of and refer 2 as “GOD”, and leading up 2 my first blogging days and how this all led 2 my meeting Ed and then his upstairs neighbors Dawn-Marie King and Mommy Ann King Silva, would just not ever B a feasible project. This is Y the Terry Eggheads of the Jersey Harbors will never understand Y my blogs R done in the only way that such a tale could indeed ever B told, they will mock me, U will mock me, and someday in the grand scheme of it all, U will come 2 know that I was truth and that I was telling it straight and was on the square with all of U. Now there will B some who argue that I made some devious deceptions, leading the blog along and planning things in a linear way over longer than most mortal times of doing so, 4 effects sake, and U would all B wrong. I did nothing 4 any effect, I am fighting an army of ASTRAL PLANE GODS AND FORCES, and I need 2 operate as in the example cited earlier in this blog, who drive trucks loaded with explosives into churches and stores and schools. Sometimes there simply is no other way, U can
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obviously only work with the tools that U have, so U do in fact need 2 learn how 2 make the very most of your tools, they R your tools, and they R all U have 2 work freaking with, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B4I left the library on the very last time that I was able 2 normally work my blogs as I have 4 the most part over nearly 5 years now in my blogging career, I had a few minutes left on my timed terminal on the internet, and did the same thing that I did that time some of U may know about, when I resided in what I’ve come 2 call the Somerdale, New Jersey DEATH HOUSE late last century, YO!!!!!!! I Googled up Holy Spirit High School, and MC’s distant cousin, Sarah Callio Martino. When Fred Winstein and I tried this from the death house, both the electrical power went off, the phone line went down, and the computer was hacked by a system not normally ever done, a super high teck system of fucking with the bios of the computer. The many numerous clues wow, even another one today. When I spelled Fred’s name, the spellchecker came up so I right clicked and one of the recommended spellings since they do not know that Fred exists, was guess who, energy is mass times the speed of light times the speed of light, remind anyone of the right name. Of course the great and mighty Copyright Office knows all 2 well that voicemail signals did not exist in 1983, but they have many tapes of mine, so just who really am I, Albert????????????????????????
When we had the night of the in-between gibbous and totally full lunar phase back last week around this time somewhere, I was looking out my window at home at my lovely Diana (the moon), and out of nowhere, there was a giant DEEDEE HAWK, flying over my house, coming from the southeast and swirling all around and hovering as DEEDEE birds all love 2 do, and working its way right 2 my house. I said hi 2 both DEEDEE and DIANA, and THEY of course heard me, and immediately, within 10 or less seconds time, a huge nasty jet just appeared 2B charging my house from far up in the sky, spitting out a monstrous poisonous CHEMTRAIL, just GOOGLE up this topic, this is not just happening 2 me, it wrecked the greatest voice on this planet, this is the truth, would I dare 2 print lies this fucking huge peeps,
B4I left the library on the very last time that I was able 2 normally work my blogs as I have 4 the most part over nearly 5 years now in my blogging career, I had a few minutes left on my timed terminal on the internet, and did the same thing that I did that time some of U may know about, when I resided in what I’ve come 2 call the Somerdale, New Jersey DEATH HOUSE late last century, YO!!!!!!! I Googled up Holy Spirit High School, and MC’s distant cousin, Sarah Callio Martino. When Fred Winstein and I tried this from the death house, both the electrical power went off, the phone line went down, and the computer was hacked by a system not normally ever done, a super high teck system of fucking with the bios of the computer. The many numerous clues wow, even another one today. When I spelled Fred’s name, the spellchecker came up so I right clicked and one of the recommended spellings since they do not know that Fred exists, was guess who, energy is mass times the speed of light times the speed of light, remind anyone of the right name. Of course the great and mighty Copyright Office knows all 2 well that voicemail signals did not exist in 1983, but they have many tapes of mine, so just who really am I, Albert????????????????????????
When we had the night of the in-between gibbous and totally full lunar phase back last week around this time somewhere, I was looking out my window at home at my lovely Diana (the moon), and out of nowhere, there was a giant DEEDEE HAWK, flying over my house, coming from the southeast and swirling all around and hovering as DEEDEE birds all love 2 do, and working its way right 2 my house. I said hi 2 both DEEDEE and DIANA, and THEY of course heard me, and immediately, within 10 or less seconds time, a huge nasty jet just appeared 2B charging my house from far up in the sky, spitting out a monstrous poisonous CHEMTRAIL, just GOOGLE up this topic, this is not just happening 2 me, it wrecked the greatest voice on this planet, this is the truth, would I dare 2 print lies this fucking huge peeps,
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come on, YO??????????????????????? Speaking of HER, the message I obviously was suppose 2 try and get back in OH-MAROLA-8, was how I called HER by the name CURLY in 1986. If U write the word CURLY and underneath it, write the word CAREY, U get URL as in something that blogger’s relate 2, and then U get the initials of the greatest mind on Earth, Albert Einstein, and what was your musical project name that just was released shortly B4 this, but his most famous equation theorizing that matter and energy R exactly the same thing, one becomes the other when either multiplying or dividing by the constant squared, the speed of light is the constant, U do need 2C the movie made by Australian producer Yahoo Serious, called “YOUNG EINSTEIN”, and yes, I am serious. It was 22 years ago and funny as hell, MC, U really need 2C it brown eyes. I would say 2BU know what, but that radio station in Atlantic City might get all upset with poor Regis and me again. IWALU no matter what your horrible cousins did and still do 2 me MC. Take care, whatever U decide 2 do or not do regarding the trails, U know I would never lie 2 my curly teen queen. I would never do that in a million years MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay, look what they did 2 my Melanie blogs after I dared 2 say this much, MC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U do the math, and ask your mom and Nick, and your close friends, I do not C how UR not angry about this horror. Speaking of your recent projects in both music and shows, and social workers, I cannot wait 2C your new great movie. My SW is totally freaking worthless MI, and is playing a nightmare game with me, but then, it is the D-6 that is doing this, through her, and so what else is new, but I will probably B leaving Florida forever very soon. Coming here was a total bad move MI, so wish me luck, your family in Jersey is dangerous and U know this first hand, so I will most likely go out west or maybe leave 4 South America and never ever come back. I have others presently working in this fight on my side, in any event, no one, not me, or any of my peeps, will ever do anything that U disapprove of, and if U want no more of the truth about these trails, I know U will come 2 me as U always have done, and tell me, so as they say Brown Eyes, CU in my dreams.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Safe Journal, CHS 21-25
Siege in and of itself is a bit better 4 right now, that is as always merely very temporary, and is always replaced with many smaller and nasty annoyances and multiple things just all going wrong in all aspects of my life in general, from being clock clocked, by Jane Bitch Notfonda, 2 the fuck up at the Comcast Cable company, not getting it right so that I can use my VCY-DVD machine, 2 record TV channels much above number 30 on the lineup, the one of importance of course being the TNT Network so that I can begin 2 get a new L&O library 4 my personal perusal and entertainment, and not depend on scheduled air times. U would never believe the fuck up, and it is not solved yet, and it all started on my original date of installation scheduled back on Friday the 3rd of September. Now I have more technicians coming out on Tuesday the 14th freaking September day. I do not anticipate things getting resolved, but who knows. It would B different if Danny at the RV Park had not given me someone else’s thrown out TV that had the one thing wrong with it that is so important, a busted mother fucking coaxial jack 4 the cable 2 go into. Plugging directly into any recording medium WILL cause this problem on higher numbered channels, it is not unique 2 anybody’s particular VCR system, no matter how many screwy tekkies say otherwise and try 2 intentionally mislead the public on this matter, or if they really R just that plain stupid and ignorant, a fact that personally I find very hard 2 conceive of.
Guess who is back here folks;? None other than the lady annoyer at the library, the older ‘AA’ lady, and not the drunkard. This screw ball is extremely annoying; constantly printing and doing many things that annoy me, but never ever has problems with her word processor or anything else. She just sends me the major vibe of ENEMY, and I have come 2 totally trust these ‘VIBES’, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I say this, she is doing something and is making my machine start acting funny, oh yeah; I have a huge mother freaking imagination, BRO!!!!!
Y did U do this 2 my daughter? Well Misses Gaines, not from Gainesville, Florida, maybe this needs 2B addresses, and it has very little IMHO 2 do with future times and 600 (DC) love slaves, her being one of them. I believe I told prior blogs that were able 2 still make it up onto public websites 4 bloggers, that I had another powerful DREAM INTERACTION where another mother of a great female recording star, spoke 2 me directly and said right 2 me, “I know that there is something very mysterious going on between U and my daughter”. This would B the great Paula King in another one of her numerous personas and identities through CES, and not the CALLIO POOL SYSTEM under ground from the streets of Atlantic City, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any time that any thing at all happens, B it here in waking life, or remembered here in waking life that took place in another ‘locale’ of a sorts, has meaning and significance, ignoring it can B serious and even freaking fatal, and I should know. The only thing going on between us, Jewelly White, oh mighty MINI-GREAT-VIQUEEN, is that U and SHE planned all of this millions of years ago, along with other major and intricate parts of your unfathomable and complex game. Your “DAUGHTER” may B over 40 years now in HER current dreaming-sequences of MC, but SHE is 16 years old, always has been 16 years old, and always will B 16 years old. In 1986, later on after our encounter in Manhattan, I wrote a song about Lightning, telling her that I would show her how our love could grow beyond the heights of the worlds that even she knows, and here comes the words-not-coming-totally-out hack. Blogging the unbloggable led 2 my entire blogging career being ended, as I used 2 know it. I will say whatever the fuck I wanna say; at least I do not do things like ministers from Donnaville!!!!! Speaking out on how the chemtrails injured MC, my being in Joe Paget HELL roadways, my having incredible far out answers 2 quizzed queries on the GAWNUM, and so much more unbloggable shit, that “THEY” had no choice but 2 shut me up, and shut me the shit up they did. Back now 2 the ENDLESSLY EXISTING 16 year old SARAH-STACEY JKK GODDESS, we all know as HER fans in HER human existence, HER wonderful song admitting through the secret back door 2 those few only who can read through her complicated messages and codes B4 we run out of lifetime, that SHE needs as does LIGHTNING, 2B shown what some carpenter tools really R and how they work, despite the fact that mankind is under this gargantuan illusion that SHE is basically, this tool, “LOVE”. This was HER biggest message 2 me, not the CURLY nickname I had given HER that night in the city in ’86. After all, it was in 1980 that SHE came 2 me in that powerful ‘experience’ and SHOWED ME some wild things. I got 2C HER really sing, and long B4 any of the rest of U ever had the smallest clue 2 any of this. But it did take me a long time 2 decode these 2 messages, the summer time in 2008 4 the CURLY/CAREY message, and just this very morning, here on when else Frank Donna Mills Hair, but 9/11? I cannot tell U what it is, as I have lost U, and again, all in this one dreaming sequence my Sarah, first on freaking 10-SC Avenue, and again in the middle eighties. I also descrambled Y the pollution commercials were made, and Y my voice was used as a so-called “HISTORY-MARKER”.
Here R just a dozen examples give or take of my ‘GAWNUM QUERIES” from the recent month or so, taken at pure random, many out here all ready know many things in my life that these PCN’s equal out 2. I told U how my car was messed with again, just like in the days of Herman’s Deli waiting there 4 the Atlantic City casino tour busses, and when I would come back at night in the dark, the turn fucking signal would B stuck on pointing normally 2 the right on the dash board. They did this 2 me again and I asked Y. They also fucked with my clock and made it read 2 hours in the future in my fucking bedroom, I also asked Y. I ask Y now on every fucking thing that these diseased bastard trash ass holes ever do 2 me, YO; as it is quite mother fucking habit forming. We will go 2 these answers, but first, here R some I wanna say without any further freaking ado.
How can I make some money, as well as escape my nightmare life? (927).
Y so much fantastic persecution in 2010 on the 15th of August and after, 24 years after the night I sent down the song “REAL GOOD GIRL” 2 the US © Office? (484).
What really is all connected the most with me and the game of roulette and my professional gambling days in the year of 1986? (231). Hey there folks, did somebody just yell out, “Don’t even think about it MISTER Rugtop”?
What really is all pertaining 2 my vacations as a youth at the TRINIDAD HOTEL in Atlantic City? (374)
I know that the jet chemtrails destroyed Mariah Carey’s voice, Y? (187).
Who and exactly what was my special-ed-teacher Mrs. Marola all really about back in the first half of the year of 1969? (187).
When I was working in Mount Laurel, NJUSAESMWG in the end of 1987 4 the Guardsmark Company on Gaither Drive at the American Honda Plant, the chemtrails nightmare all began 4 me, what was all of this about and Y? (431)
My mother’s attack and true death in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG the day after Christmas in the year of 1997, Y was this done 2 her? (862).
My undying love 4 Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, what is this all about? (734).
MC’s last thoughts about me, and not the ice cream? (725)
W was MC so hell-bent on me joining her fan club back in 2008? (143).
Y was the entire planet seemingly against me getting hypnotized back early in the year of 1996 in order 2 remember August of 1986 better and what altered my life so drastically and suddenly on the 15th day? (132).
Just what is it with these giant black birds and me? (615)
Y could I never post my blogs again in the normal way I was doing after almost 5 years, beginning on the 21st day of August of this year? (363)
What was the wild dream all about with my cousins Sandy and Donald regarding the Cheltenham High School in Pennsylvania? (211).
Does Mel Fisher’s daughter up in Vero Beach know about me and that I am now living down here just 2 the south of her? (440).
What does my job place think about me, the KHOC? (220).
What is the true connection with me back in the middle and late 1960’s, with the Trinidad Hotel, and Mrs. Estelle Bassler? (523).
Y did my cousin Donald suddenly and with no good or apparent reason, just disown me earlier in this millennium? (165).
Y is April my social worker so uncaring with me when I am in my most major crises times? (716).
What was Robert McGuire’s beef with me that generated so much of his hatred and hostility towards me? (817).
Y do my roulette systems crash during botbar sieges and Otammic attacks, in long strings? (583).
Y did enemies mess with the signal switch in the dashboard of my car again? (936).
Y did the computer man at my work place dick out on assisting me with my blogging troubles after promising me that he would? (484).
What is the recent fantastically horrendous amount of hostility with me all about at my place of employment, the KHOC? (532).
Y all this sudden property damage, especially with my bedroom clock being broken and messed with tonight, along with such a horrific monstrous deplorable health bowels attack, on this final day of 2010 August? (981).
This is merely a dozen or so, give or take, out of 60 or more recently asked queries that my GAWNUM gave me answers 2.Also ladies and freaking gentlemen, I claim the total and entire intellectual property of this system by the way, and no human soul here on this planet can dispute me legally nor claim otherwise, YO.
55555555555555555555555555555 times 5555555555555555 plus 55555555555555555555 equals, screw U Jane Mail-boats and monster slappers. Your dad was my hero, as 4 what U and hubby Teddy did 2 me that horrible and despicable night in 1993, U should B ashamed of yourself, this compensates 4 just some of the putrid clock attacks that I have recently been bombarded with, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK THIS SHIT. Call me angry-man-#13, BRAHHHHHHH-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RU as sorry as I am about what I did 2 the loveliest girl in the world in early August of 1986, Jane Mail-boats?????????? MI APOLOGY SONG lyrics written back last 17th day of May go as follows:
There was a summer night so very long ago, I ran into the loveliest girl I know. U had just come down the street, and U saw me inside, gazing at U from my car below. Voice of an angel, build of a goddess, it was true that I knew how much I wanted U so. I brought U inside with me, and the 2 of us watched the most wonderful joy just grow.
We shared our souls, and we put them in our love song. We began 2 kiss, and then U said U wanted 2 stay. Curly haired lovely girl, tall, slim, young, and strong, U were my angel sent down from the stars that day. I was in the city roamin’, U were miles away from home’n, many things in life just never seem meant 2B. 4 starters I was twice your age, pursuing U would mean my cage, and losing’s always been my destiny.
My apology song, 4 a night gone wrong, no I never knew that it would take so long, 2 realize just what I had done, when I lost the chance 2 love my special one. What will I do in a life without U? The cage that I feared has become my zoo. Oceans now R filled with my tears of blue. Just what U meant 2 me I had no clue. My apology song, my apology song.
Then I took a turn wrong, and wrote a really mean song. A week had passed by now since U were in my car that night. I hadn’t given U my real phone number, and yours went through the window out of sight. But so much more is part of this and no one will believe it, and all of this story just can never B told. There is only one, 4 these words of sadness sung, and I plead 2U my love they won’t sound cold.
My apology song from a night gone wrong. No I never knew that it would take so long, 2 realize just what I had done; when I lost the chance 2 love my special one. What will I do in a life without U? The cage that I feared has become my zoo. Oceans now R filled with my tears of blue. Just what U meant 2 me I had no clue. My apology song, my apology song.
Well, it is time 2 close out 4 the day, this song is of course, both in words and music, totally protected in the United States Copyright Office, May 2010 © “MI APOLOGY SONG”.
I truly am sorry Curly, please do not hate me. I only want the very best 4U in all of your future endeavors, personal and professional, I am always here should U need me.
I am here at the library now, and it amazes me how truly thankless the world really is, & how unappreciative, and down right, as Donna Gaines said and sang it so well back in 1969, ‘cold and cruel’, and then I chimed in with my echoing song in 1983 entitled, “123 LOVER”, filthy dirty peeps really R, inherited entirely from the Reagan generation of greediness and lust 4 nothing but material and financial gain. 3 dogs and night time have little if anything 2 do with any of this, but Donna knows what is being said should a time ever come where she is humanly reading these words, YO. I put my entire blogging career on the line and have now been ‘reduced 2 a tweet’ or else my blogs will not post, not anywhere on the entire internet, and with absolutely no explanation, it is just the way it is and no one is willing 2 or is able 2, assist me, as of the present time. I tell how these horrific monstrous chemtrails did more than just make me sick, Dave sick, my mom die, and others sick and die, but had the mother freaking unmitigated testicles 2 tell exactly Y we all lost, as a race of music loving homosapiens, the greatest female recording artist of all time, Mariah Carey. Not that she is lost or cannot sing, but they did injure her great voice and no, she most likely will never ever B the same, not unless I intervene supernaturally.
These freaking spell checker programs suck my fat throbbing cock, and R a pain in my ass, so R the annoying peeps around me, but I have grown accustomed not only 2 their faces, Rosemary Clooney, but 2 their freaking behavior, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your kid was great in the movie, PERFECT STORM, but dropped the ball by not admitting that this indeed was the perfect storm 4 me, and a total major hyper ass time prelude 2 horrendous and unfathomable coming attractions 4 me, the pathetic truth telling taxi driver of the Mel Gibson world, known also SIR PRINCE, as ‘the Mountainpen’. In fact, Danny Ocean, sir, this might B one of the greatest miscarriages of justice ever, unintentional on your past of course, ignorance as all of know quite well is indeed total freaking bliss. But yes, this was the start by all concepts and realities, of MI PERFECT STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t drown on me Mickey Showers Haddonwood Zenun, ol’ buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U know what pisses me off more than anything and many things I do indeed have a total legitimate right 2B
U know what pisses me off more than anything and many things I do indeed have a total legitimate right 2B ass pissed off about, is this following deal, BRO!!!!! A hand full of peeps had it within their power and their grasp 2 clue me in on things, and chose 2 play it safe and not 2 help me know things that I had every freaking right in the freaking world 2 indeed know, YO!!!!! The lady in the United States Copyright Office knew all of it all 2 well, but all she wanted 2 do was get rid of that “little yellow sheet of paper”, as though anthrax was all over it or something. Big deal about that freaking yellow sheet of paper, how about the way not telling me all that U could have and should have, got rid of the entire rest of my natural life? But this one lady in Washington, DC is not holding the heavy bag all alone and by herself, no sir. There were many others keeping many secrets from me, and they knew it was only a matter of time B4 Dave Roth, by best friend would get onto things and tell me everything, he was a natural freaking born detective, and missed his calling by not pursuing a professional career in criminal freaking justice. The only mysterious thing going on between your wonderful All Mighty daughter and me, Patty, is my personal hell that I will obviously now B forced 2 ‘take’ with me 2 the grave, let me refrain here from using the obvious pun-word, YO!!!!!!!!!! I knew early in 2009 that your daughter’s voiced was wrecked by these chemtrails, I merely had not yet been able 2 work out all of the gruesome and grizzly freaking monstrous details, tying in all of the things such as the 20 year agreement with BRIGGBASE RESIDENTS such as was shown on DARK SHADOWS, the great 60’s television show, Nicholas Blair, Paul Stoddard’s due date being my birthday of 4 December, and on and on.
My entire trip down here 2 the Treasure Coast of Florida was all planned and known about millions of years ago by powerful gods and goddesses on the Astral Plane, and so was every other meticulous detail of my miserable and rotten despicable ass life. Don’t believe me, then throw away your freaking bibles peeps, as all I tell U here is right in there, and all U have 2 do if any of UR so hell-bent on proving me out a liar, is 2 carefully scrutinize page by page, the entire ‘good book’ yourself, if U dare, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So was my writing the song called “Real Good Girl” back in early August of 1986, so was sending it down 2 the US © Office on the 15th day, so was all of it, PH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let me tell U all how hard I have tried 2 do this apology song, and am getting no place. No words exist 2 tell this hellish story, not even if driving poor Joseph Paget was the main goal and theme of my entire blogging operations 4 nearly half of a freaking decade. Remember the security officer at the Roadway job site I talked about on many a past blog peeps? This was the same site that I did the 2 karaoke sing-over jobs on top of the cassette copy from the open reel master of the RGG master. U remember perhaps how Tom Carpenter caused me 2 do the 2nd version that has a complete ending, as he relieved me extremely early and fucked up the first version that I had done on the previous shift. The 2nd version had the very beginning right B4 the music started, on the tape, where mysteriously, yes, I had said the word “MI” on the open reel master tape back in Cherry Hill, New jersey, USAESMWG, clearly and it came out more on the left channel of the stereo recording. Y in the name of hell fire would I say this word? This was on my mind off and on 4 years, totally forgetting that I used a personal thing in my own mind that helped me remember peeps names, a problem I always had, even at a very young age. This works out even with the name of ‘Maria Kelly’, as told on the past blog, is pronounced in the postal system way with states such as MainE, and numerous others, using the very first and then the very last letter. I always knew I was beaten up 4 a reason down in Atlantic City in 1975, while my mom was up on Long freaking Island visiting her cousin Ruth Huntington Gottwald. Interesting how the internet was programmed and seemingly predestined 2 totally eradicate her recorded existence right off of the system, and when anyone now attempts 2 verify my words and my blogs 4 truth, only “uncle” Heinz’s 2nd wife, the remarry after the mysterious flu-shot death of Ruth, shows up on any of the GOOGLE SEARCH records, YO!!!!! So is this a pure coincidence here, or 6th dimensional planning from Astral Gods? Well, the gods’ do love 2 believe, as did Steve Murray alias Psyche Marathas; that they totally indeed do in fact lie above the 6th dimension. This is a self deception of most if not all of these off-base ASTRAL-PLANE gods, YO, and IO know, as I have reasons, very special reasons indeed 4 my freaking knowledge. Upline and downline universe concept is not even taught in university and higher education circles until well into the next century, and this I know as well. Just as I know that in many universes, the famous ‘future’ Treasure Coast football player helped me do the apology song 4 MI. It seems that in this universe, this will not take place. This is all a part of the 5th dimension, as is all of the hyperspace or simply put, all of the possible potential futures or unlocking subatomic particle combinations, the entire 4th and 5th and 6th dimension R all laying inside of a grand division, if I may borrow these words from a mighty religion called the ECKANKAR, GOOGLE THEM UP, YO. As I typed this last sentence, the old ‘MAKE THE BLOG PAGE VANISH HACK ATTACK’ HIT ME AT 3:55, OBVIOUSLY 4 THE LAST 5 MINUTES OF THEIR MOTHER FUCKING EVIL DOW JONES STOCK MARKET TRADING, but ha-ha, it is saved and fine, YO!!!!!! But that is nothing. I have been totally covertly successfully shut up and put literally off of the blogging internet. This is no accident or glitch in any MATRIX or system, and in 1997 I discussed the entire shit UC in the movie MATRIX with DAVE RITH over a government tapped and bugged freaking telephone, and this is where U get movies like these and I would swear 2 these facts in open court under full penalty of perjury any fucking time they wish 2 put me 2 a legal fucking test, but that is nothing. I have been totally covertly successfully shut up and put literally off of the blogging internet. This is no accident or glitch in any MATRIX or system, and in 1997 I discussed the entire shit UC in the movie ‘MATRIX’ with DAVE ROTH over a government tapped and bugged freaking telephone, and this is where U get movies like these and I would swear 2 these facts in open court under full penalty of perjury any fucking time they wish 2 put me 2 a legal fucking test, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The things that I could say could fill up oceans with encyclopedias and books, U have no clue, not a fucking one of U out here. If I am SO IMPORTANT that I needed 2B SHUT UP, think really now, my words sure scare the fucking piss out of some governing body and authority, is there really any other possible and rational explanation?
The fucking chemtrails made me get quite fucking ill. Saturday I woke up real fucked up. I still have a stuffed up nose and a cough, the flu-like symptoms of these jet poisons mixed in with what otherwise would B basically harmless exhaust vapors, cause and I quote from legitimate websites on this subject, “FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go 2 these sites and GOOGLE UP CHEMTRAILS/CONTRAILS, and get a fucking mind blow lads and lassies and Labradors, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As 4 my television, the guy from the RV gave me a free TV, but the peeps throwing it out when they left were not doing it 4 no reason. It is great if all U want 2 use it 4 is video, viewing tapes or DVD’s. But with a broken coaxial connection, U cannot record cable television channels that go much above number 30 on any lineup, it is just ‘the way it goes’, Ziggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam the dude from 9 miles off of the Venezuelan Coast, and not from any Tennessee Avenue Hotels of the year 2000 and prior, that became Jenny Johnsonized 8 ways back from hell, is a real pain in my ass hole. He gets out of doing a lot of his legitimate work, thus I end up doing more. Many of the AARP rules R violated, we R not supposed 2 lift over 20 pounds, climb ladders, and numerous other things. Give a little bit of power 2 a basically boy just turned man, as is the case at my job site now, and UR only asking 4 a problem, I have watched this all of my life. A stinking measly nobody security guard was made sergeant and given 20 cents per hour wage increase back around 1990 when I had returned 2 an old security job site, a licorice plant in Camden, New Jersey, on Jefferson Street, called McAndrews and Forbes. A man who was around my age give or take a few years, and was friendly and nice with me, now was the big cheese and wow, don’t even talk 2 him any more unless U wanna have quite an unpleasant experience, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, this is all part of hell, in the lower 3 and upper 3 GD’s of the ECK, as they C things as, and they R not far off the mark. I agree with most of their teachings, we merely branch off where I know that this entire thing is a game. LSS, only LAWTRONS from the circle outside of all of this and all possible things contained within these inner closed curved infinities, can really B the true 3rd and highest reality, as they indeed come directly out of the systems that no longer exist, and actually, now, by our reference frame, never ever did exist. Still, I am the only entity ever, 2 make contact in an exploratronic hyperspace world parallel universe of my reality here that is somewhat localized and not all that distant, with what is termed by very few in the no and that will never ever discuss it further on this Earth, a “NON-EXISTOR”. There was a young child about 10 years old, male, give or take a year or so. My teacher was Mrs. Marola in this other universe paralleling here. The school where here she taught was in fact Haddonfield, New Jersey in its location, was in Egg Harbor, both in the green-garden state of good old ‘Hicksville-New Jersey’, USAESMWG. He said over and over again all throughout this powerful and totally unforgettable dreaming interaction, how much he just wanted 2 go “HOME”. Home of course, was back 2 his condition of non-existence, but somehow he had done the impossible, he crossed the existence barrier. We all either EXIST or we DO NO. There is never any CROSSING OVER. LSS, here I am outside of a school in an early autumn sunny day during a roll call taking place, and Misses Marola was my teacher at this school, which by the way, the great Leticia Tilley goes 2 this school here in this atomic frequency vibration or ‘material reality’, and my mother 4 some strange reason was standing close by along a curb where cars were all parked so parents could drop off their children at the school, and she yelled over 2 me after the name “MARK MARTIN” was called out twice and no one responded, “MARK, ANSWER THE TEACHER, THEY R CALLING YOUR NAME”. I was stunned and stymied. Y is my name Mark Martin was all I could focus on, and not so much this poor non-existor-crossover who was speaking 2 me and standing near 2 where I was in this roll call line out in the recess yard area. In many other parallel worlds, this indeed is my name, as my father could have been MOHR or MARTIN. In this world here, it was MOHR. In that other one it obviously was MARTIN. U need not B concerned with all the dirty details, just watch the TV soaps, it is along these lines, what else? There is a lot 2 say about this meeting, and Egg Harbor, and it gets dangerous, but who cares now, the unbloggable now will all get told, in detail as I march all of this right along, blog after blog. After-all, who is listening, except 4 the computer, and what is the computer, but the 6th dimension. As I said, it was 1997 when I said things that led 2 the movie called MATRIX. It was 1985 through 1989 that I also said things 2 David Charles Roth, that led 2 many other power house freaking movies.
I am tired and hungry, and not 2 well from the brutal chemtrails attack. I told U Gina that the Dow Jones goes way up every time they fuck the living shit out of me, and that parallel event is a nightmare reality in my life. Make that my HELL, Jo Paget. Yes they have shut me up 4 now, a tweet here, a tweet there, but I am going 2 get around this, I do have a following on ‘Blogger’ dot com and ‘wordpress’ dot com, and I will lead my sheep very soon 2 the pastures of the MORIANITY-FOUNDATION-2. U can most certainly bank on that one King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, not 5, not 2, just THERE, right there not far south of the very green lawns, and the non detention center schools. Keep the faith MI, I will never ever make the mistake of disobeying my All Mighty Goddess, U command and I obey, no matter if it leads me beyond the fires of hell, along with poor Joe Paget!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR my true hero Curly. Eddie will come out of prison most likely in a body bag, but he made me a copy of BURN WITH FIRE, and yes, U sing it beautifully Curly. I keep it safely and well hidden.
Well it is time 2 sign off and then do my tweet-tweet, little Robin. I’m really gonna rock freaking tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, CHALL, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WABBIT!!!!!!!
This blog chapter ends here:
I am here at the library now, and it amazes me how truly thankless the world really is, & how unappreciative, and down right, as Donna Gaines said and sang it so well back in 1969, ‘cold and cruel’, and then I chimed in with my echoing song in 1983 entitled, “123 LOVER”, filthy dirty peeps really R, inherited entirely from the Reagan generation of greediness and lust 4 nothing but material and financial gain. 3 dogs and night time have little if anything 2 do with any of this, but Donna knows what is being said should a time ever come where she is humanly reading these words, YO. I put my entire blogging career on the line and have now been ‘reduced 2 a tweet’ or else my blogs will not post, not anywhere on the entire internet, and with absolutely no explanation, it is just the way it is and no one is willing 2 or is able 2, assist me, as of the present time. I tell how these horrific monstrous chemtrails did more than just make me sick, Dave sick, my mom die, and others sick and die, but had the mother freaking unmitigated testicles 2 tell exactly Y we all lost, as a race of music loving homosapiens, the greatest female recording artist of all time, Mariah Carey. Not that she is lost or cannot sing, but they did injure her great voice and no, she most likely will never ever B the same, not unless I intervene supernaturally.
These freaking spell checker programs suck my fat throbbing cock, and R a pain in my ass, so R the annoying peeps around me, but I have grown accustomed not only 2 their faces, Rosemary Clooney, but 2 their freaking behavior, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your kid was great in the movie, PERFECT STORM, but dropped the ball by not admitting that this indeed was the perfect storm 4 me, and a total major hyper ass time prelude 2 horrendous and unfathomable coming attractions 4 me, the pathetic truth telling taxi driver of the Mel Gibson world, known also SIR PRINCE, as ‘the Mountainpen’. In fact, Danny Ocean, sir, this might B one of the greatest miscarriages of justice ever, unintentional on your past of course, ignorance as all of know quite well is indeed total freaking bliss. But yes, this was the start by all concepts and realities, of MI PERFECT STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t drown on me Mickey Showers Haddonwood Zenun, ol’ buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U know what pisses me off more than anything and many things I do indeed have a total legitimate right 2B
U know what pisses me off more than anything and many things I do indeed have a total legitimate right 2B ass pissed off about, is this following deal, BRO!!!!! A hand full of peeps had it within their power and their grasp 2 clue me in on things, and chose 2 play it safe and not 2 help me know things that I had every freaking right in the freaking world 2 indeed know, YO!!!!! The lady in the United States Copyright Office knew all of it all 2 well, but all she wanted 2 do was get rid of that “little yellow sheet of paper”, as though anthrax was all over it or something. Big deal about that freaking yellow sheet of paper, how about the way not telling me all that U could have and should have, got rid of the entire rest of my natural life? But this one lady in Washington, DC is not holding the heavy bag all alone and by herself, no sir. There were many others keeping many secrets from me, and they knew it was only a matter of time B4 Dave Roth, by best friend would get onto things and tell me everything, he was a natural freaking born detective, and missed his calling by not pursuing a professional career in criminal freaking justice. The only mysterious thing going on between your wonderful All Mighty daughter and me, Patty, is my personal hell that I will obviously now B forced 2 ‘take’ with me 2 the grave, let me refrain here from using the obvious pun-word, YO!!!!!!!!!! I knew early in 2009 that your daughter’s voiced was wrecked by these chemtrails, I merely had not yet been able 2 work out all of the gruesome and grizzly freaking monstrous details, tying in all of the things such as the 20 year agreement with BRIGGBASE RESIDENTS such as was shown on DARK SHADOWS, the great 60’s television show, Nicholas Blair, Paul Stoddard’s due date being my birthday of 4 December, and on and on.
My entire trip down here 2 the Treasure Coast of Florida was all planned and known about millions of years ago by powerful gods and goddesses on the Astral Plane, and so was every other meticulous detail of my miserable and rotten despicable ass life. Don’t believe me, then throw away your freaking bibles peeps, as all I tell U here is right in there, and all U have 2 do if any of UR so hell-bent on proving me out a liar, is 2 carefully scrutinize page by page, the entire ‘good book’ yourself, if U dare, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So was my writing the song called “Real Good Girl” back in early August of 1986, so was sending it down 2 the US © Office on the 15th day, so was all of it, PH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let me tell U all how hard I have tried 2 do this apology song, and am getting no place. No words exist 2 tell this hellish story, not even if driving poor Joseph Paget was the main goal and theme of my entire blogging operations 4 nearly half of a freaking decade. Remember the security officer at the Roadway job site I talked about on many a past blog peeps? This was the same site that I did the 2 karaoke sing-over jobs on top of the cassette copy from the open reel master of the RGG master. U remember perhaps how Tom Carpenter caused me 2 do the 2nd version that has a complete ending, as he relieved me extremely early and fucked up the first version that I had done on the previous shift. The 2nd version had the very beginning right B4 the music started, on the tape, where mysteriously, yes, I had said the word “MI” on the open reel master tape back in Cherry Hill, New jersey, USAESMWG, clearly and it came out more on the left channel of the stereo recording. Y in the name of hell fire would I say this word? This was on my mind off and on 4 years, totally forgetting that I used a personal thing in my own mind that helped me remember peeps names, a problem I always had, even at a very young age. This works out even with the name of ‘Maria Kelly’, as told on the past blog, is pronounced in the postal system way with states such as MainE, and numerous others, using the very first and then the very last letter. I always knew I was beaten up 4 a reason down in Atlantic City in 1975, while my mom was up on Long freaking Island visiting her cousin Ruth Huntington Gottwald. Interesting how the internet was programmed and seemingly predestined 2 totally eradicate her recorded existence right off of the system, and when anyone now attempts 2 verify my words and my blogs 4 truth, only “uncle” Heinz’s 2nd wife, the remarry after the mysterious flu-shot death of Ruth, shows up on any of the GOOGLE SEARCH records, YO!!!!! So is this a pure coincidence here, or 6th dimensional planning from Astral Gods? Well, the gods’ do love 2 believe, as did Steve Murray alias Psyche Marathas; that they totally indeed do in fact lie above the 6th dimension. This is a self deception of most if not all of these off-base ASTRAL-PLANE gods, YO, and IO know, as I have reasons, very special reasons indeed 4 my freaking knowledge. Upline and downline universe concept is not even taught in university and higher education circles until well into the next century, and this I know as well. Just as I know that in many universes, the famous ‘future’ Treasure Coast football player helped me do the apology song 4 MI. It seems that in this universe, this will not take place. This is all a part of the 5th dimension, as is all of the hyperspace or simply put, all of the possible potential futures or unlocking subatomic particle combinations, the entire 4th and 5th and 6th dimension R all laying inside of a grand division, if I may borrow these words from a mighty religion called the ECKANKAR, GOOGLE THEM UP, YO. As I typed this last sentence, the old ‘MAKE THE BLOG PAGE VANISH HACK ATTACK’ HIT ME AT 3:55, OBVIOUSLY 4 THE LAST 5 MINUTES OF THEIR MOTHER FUCKING EVIL DOW JONES STOCK MARKET TRADING, but ha-ha, it is saved and fine, YO!!!!!! But that is nothing. I have been totally covertly successfully shut up and put literally off of the blogging internet. This is no accident or glitch in any MATRIX or system, and in 1997 I discussed the entire shit UC in the movie MATRIX with DAVE RITH over a government tapped and bugged freaking telephone, and this is where U get movies like these and I would swear 2 these facts in open court under full penalty of perjury any fucking time they wish 2 put me 2 a legal fucking test, but that is nothing. I have been totally covertly successfully shut up and put literally off of the blogging internet. This is no accident or glitch in any MATRIX or system, and in 1997 I discussed the entire shit UC in the movie ‘MATRIX’ with DAVE ROTH over a government tapped and bugged freaking telephone, and this is where U get movies like these and I would swear 2 these facts in open court under full penalty of perjury any fucking time they wish 2 put me 2 a legal fucking test, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The things that I could say could fill up oceans with encyclopedias and books, U have no clue, not a fucking one of U out here. If I am SO IMPORTANT that I needed 2B SHUT UP, think really now, my words sure scare the fucking piss out of some governing body and authority, is there really any other possible and rational explanation?
The fucking chemtrails made me get quite fucking ill. Saturday I woke up real fucked up. I still have a stuffed up nose and a cough, the flu-like symptoms of these jet poisons mixed in with what otherwise would B basically harmless exhaust vapors, cause and I quote from legitimate websites on this subject, “FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go 2 these sites and GOOGLE UP CHEMTRAILS/CONTRAILS, and get a fucking mind blow lads and lassies and Labradors, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As 4 my television, the guy from the RV gave me a free TV, but the peeps throwing it out when they left were not doing it 4 no reason. It is great if all U want 2 use it 4 is video, viewing tapes or DVD’s. But with a broken coaxial connection, U cannot record cable television channels that go much above number 30 on any lineup, it is just ‘the way it goes’, Ziggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam the dude from 9 miles off of the Venezuelan Coast, and not from any Tennessee Avenue Hotels of the year 2000 and prior, that became Jenny Johnsonized 8 ways back from hell, is a real pain in my ass hole. He gets out of doing a lot of his legitimate work, thus I end up doing more. Many of the AARP rules R violated, we R not supposed 2 lift over 20 pounds, climb ladders, and numerous other things. Give a little bit of power 2 a basically boy just turned man, as is the case at my job site now, and UR only asking 4 a problem, I have watched this all of my life. A stinking measly nobody security guard was made sergeant and given 20 cents per hour wage increase back around 1990 when I had returned 2 an old security job site, a licorice plant in Camden, New Jersey, on Jefferson Street, called McAndrews and Forbes. A man who was around my age give or take a few years, and was friendly and nice with me, now was the big cheese and wow, don’t even talk 2 him any more unless U wanna have quite an unpleasant experience, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, this is all part of hell, in the lower 3 and upper 3 GD’s of the ECK, as they C things as, and they R not far off the mark. I agree with most of their teachings, we merely branch off where I know that this entire thing is a game. LSS, only LAWTRONS from the circle outside of all of this and all possible things contained within these inner closed curved infinities, can really B the true 3rd and highest reality, as they indeed come directly out of the systems that no longer exist, and actually, now, by our reference frame, never ever did exist. Still, I am the only entity ever, 2 make contact in an exploratronic hyperspace world parallel universe of my reality here that is somewhat localized and not all that distant, with what is termed by very few in the no and that will never ever discuss it further on this Earth, a “NON-EXISTOR”. There was a young child about 10 years old, male, give or take a year or so. My teacher was Mrs. Marola in this other universe paralleling here. The school where here she taught was in fact Haddonfield, New Jersey in its location, was in Egg Harbor, both in the green-garden state of good old ‘Hicksville-New Jersey’, USAESMWG. He said over and over again all throughout this powerful and totally unforgettable dreaming interaction, how much he just wanted 2 go “HOME”. Home of course, was back 2 his condition of non-existence, but somehow he had done the impossible, he crossed the existence barrier. We all either EXIST or we DO NO. There is never any CROSSING OVER. LSS, here I am outside of a school in an early autumn sunny day during a roll call taking place, and Misses Marola was my teacher at this school, which by the way, the great Leticia Tilley goes 2 this school here in this atomic frequency vibration or ‘material reality’, and my mother 4 some strange reason was standing close by along a curb where cars were all parked so parents could drop off their children at the school, and she yelled over 2 me after the name “MARK MARTIN” was called out twice and no one responded, “MARK, ANSWER THE TEACHER, THEY R CALLING YOUR NAME”. I was stunned and stymied. Y is my name Mark Martin was all I could focus on, and not so much this poor non-existor-crossover who was speaking 2 me and standing near 2 where I was in this roll call line out in the recess yard area. In many other parallel worlds, this indeed is my name, as my father could have been MOHR or MARTIN. In this world here, it was MOHR. In that other one it obviously was MARTIN. U need not B concerned with all the dirty details, just watch the TV soaps, it is along these lines, what else? There is a lot 2 say about this meeting, and Egg Harbor, and it gets dangerous, but who cares now, the unbloggable now will all get told, in detail as I march all of this right along, blog after blog. After-all, who is listening, except 4 the computer, and what is the computer, but the 6th dimension. As I said, it was 1997 when I said things that led 2 the movie called MATRIX. It was 1985 through 1989 that I also said things 2 David Charles Roth, that led 2 many other power house freaking movies.
I am tired and hungry, and not 2 well from the brutal chemtrails attack. I told U Gina that the Dow Jones goes way up every time they fuck the living shit out of me, and that parallel event is a nightmare reality in my life. Make that my HELL, Jo Paget. Yes they have shut me up 4 now, a tweet here, a tweet there, but I am going 2 get around this, I do have a following on ‘Blogger’ dot com and ‘wordpress’ dot com, and I will lead my sheep very soon 2 the pastures of the MORIANITY-FOUNDATION-2. U can most certainly bank on that one King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, not 5, not 2, just THERE, right there not far south of the very green lawns, and the non detention center schools. Keep the faith MI, I will never ever make the mistake of disobeying my All Mighty Goddess, U command and I obey, no matter if it leads me beyond the fires of hell, along with poor Joe Paget!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR my true hero Curly. Eddie will come out of prison most likely in a body bag, but he made me a copy of BURN WITH FIRE, and yes, U sing it beautifully Curly. I keep it safely and well hidden.
Well it is time 2 sign off and then do my tweet-tweet, little Robin. I’m really gonna rock freaking tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, CHALL, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WABBIT!!!!!!!
This blog chapter ends here:
Well, I have managed 2 do a small miracle, with the emphasis on the word ‘small’. I Am back up on the blogger dot com website, with a temporary blog that I have named, and appropriately mother fucking so, “ROCKIN’ ROBIN”, then I start with TWEET #1, and then go 2, 3, 4, and so forth up the numbers, just as I did with chapters B4 this major civil rights violation back on August the freaking 21st of this miserable despicable cunt eating year. I feel that this no matter how atrociously and wickedly unfair all of it is, still is a major VICTORY 4 me, and it will b considered a huge miracle on my part, should enemies even permit my new tweet-blog, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All-ready on it is the name of the new site where all the missed blogs will refer my readership and or my following if any, 2 go 2 in a hyperlink, which is gonna B natch, and Albert Einstein is really not needed here 2C what I will do in order 2 defeat this newest wicked fucking plot 2 wipe me and my blogs totally out. This is always gonna fucking B their world, and they can literally come and take me off 2 Guantanamo Bay tonight should they wish 2, so I literally DO expect anything and everything from these atrocious and vicious fucking monsters. Well Mister President Obama, it seems both your name, a US President no freaking less, as well as this horrible shit hole in Cuba, have no spell-checker recognition, imagine that. Give the world a cigar, it proved beyond a doubt 4 me a very long time ago just how totally sick and demented and yes, HOPELESS, it all is. How in any REAL WORLD, MISTER JOE PAGET SIR, CAN THE NAME OF THE PRESIDENT OF THIS NATION NOT B RECOGNIZED ON THE INTERNET COMPUTER SYSTEM, YO? Gimme a bweak Elmer Fwudd, it is just not a real world, and when I told this 2 poor Joe, he fucking freaked. But then how can my blogging B suddenly halted either, and how can it B that the entire “CAREY INCIDENT” all occurred? UC peeps, I just ain’t buyin’ into this bull fucking shit, not 4 an hour, a day, or a curly haired freaking 7 seconds, Lenny McKinnon, YO. The only thing that can hope 2 explain anything about my life, and the story that I have not been 2 fucking shy 2 impart 2 this insensitive and cruel evil world; is the one I gave on SAFE JOURNAL ON THE 15TH CHAPTER, and this TOTALLY NOT BLOGGABLE INFORMATION indeed resulted in my being SYOPPOED AND BLOCKED from continuing on with my normal internet blogging as I have basically been permitted 2 do 4 nearly half of a fucking decade of time.
When things make no sense, humans always tend 2 prefer rationalizing in some self talked into explanation of rationality and logic, over the obvious thing, that just as with the theme ion the movie on the original movie, the MATRIX, something indeed sure is not right, far fucking from it in fact, at C-squared, BRO!!!!!!!!
Yes, they fucking broke my headset either while I was at my work site yesterday, Tuesday, or while I was out of the house on personal errands in the afternoon, one being here at this library, as these headphones were totally fine and fully operational the previous night, and again and as always with this fucking blatant civil rights abuse and property damage, one side, normally the right side, it can B the left side however upon occasion, goes completely out, it never returns. The phones become worthless mother fucking trash. I gave a short TWEET on the ROCKIN’ ROBIN BLOGS about this.
The main thing that got me put off of the internet through some extremely clever hacking covert job from some type of black file governmental forces or who really knows, but this would B without a doubt, the telling of me dying and going 2 hell, and then a strong second in the combo-team of the unbloggables, would B telling the planet Earth how the chemtrails wiped out Mariah Carey’s voice. She still is a fantastic singer, but these rotten chemtrails did in fact ruin her great voice, explaining the MEDICAL OFFCE dreaming interaction in the summer time of the oh-MAROLA-8 year, YO. Cool name 4 a new Patterson book or movie, huh folks: THE UNBLOGGABLES???? Well in any event, my trip down here 2 Florida has been a disaster, and I hold the KING branch of the MC mighty “THAT-FAMILY” distant as it is, totally criminally responsible, funny, and all I ever tried 2 do is help this family, from the swing back in 1972 up on Long Stinking fucking Island, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In closing out, let me say that all of my powerful teenaged goddesses have thoroughly disappointed me, and I hope that they R totally happy about it, BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every mother fucking cunt eating Christ-less piece of cock sucking shit ass day now 4 months and fucking months has been nothing but one super fucking BOTBAR DAY after another, repeating literally without fucking exception over and over again, it is off every mother fucking scale and dial and meter and beyond even my ability 2 comprehend the monstrous horrendousness of this evil satanic fucking wicked elephant shit tonnage, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The minute I got fucking up and going this morning, the fucking evil diseased MILI-2-FORCE was all over me with their stinking rotten CHEMTRAILS and other aerial bull fucking shit, buzzing planes, making me feel shitty with flu-like symptoms, and my voice is totally shot, and all my cat mimicking is gone, I’ve lost 2 full octaves off of the high end of my vocal range. They made the jerk offs that I must work with, bosses as well as coworkers extremely difficult today, work was total fucking hell in other words, on top of all of the other fucking bullshit that I must endlessly fucking contend with under these TOTAL MAJOR FUCKING DEATH SIEGES, OF THE PAST FUCKING 25 YEARS OR SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I came out and went back out an hour later on and came over 2 this fucking library 2 blog my tweets, and 4 the 2nd time within the past week 2 ten days now, my blinker signal in my fucking car has been fucked with, U go 2 hit the fucking brake pedal, and it lights up the right turn arrow and instead of fucking blinking, it just merely foes on while the brake pedal is being depressed, and then goes fucking off when released, and I am on my way now 2 the Auto Advance store so they hook my fucking car up 2 their diagnostic computer, and I can then C what the fuck this OTAMMIC bunch of filthy disease has done illegally 2 my vehicle, more endless property damage, as well as civil and constitutional and human RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, BABY FUCKING LOVE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things R very very very fucking bad, and I am letting the authorities know that I am holding Ann Silva King CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE, as she THREATENED ME IN HER LETTER, and the EBNTIRE FUCKING WORLD CAN READ THE BLOG AND THE LETTER FROM LAST JULY THAT I PRINTED AND MADE AN OFFICIAL PUBLIC M0THER FUCKING RECORD, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said that my life would get worse in Florida thanks 2 her “powerful Atlantic city friends”. I TOTALLY BELIEVE THAT THIS IS INDEED WHAT HAPPENED, it all started 3 or 4 months after the letter came in the UNITED STATES MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is exactly as was promised, by her, and THAT FAMILY from 1970!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The stock market is flying, AND I TOLD U IT WOULD GINA, & NOT GONA, FUCK UP ON MY TWEET. But then if that was the only fuck up in my life that I needed 2 worry about, I would have it made in the shade with iced tea and Dick Wolf. These bastards sure think they know all about me. I am a little bit more complex than any one of any of U out there can or will ever come 2 know in your tiny candle flame in a hurricane lifetimes. Know that if U ever knew shit about me. Very complicated forces that I call the 6th dimension R behind it all, but that makes me no less complex, 4 a very simple reason. Whether indeed it B the fluke of the ages that I was somehow just designed 2B able 2 survive an absolutely unfathomable amount of super hell, or whether THEY made it all 2B this way; the same result and effect, or net equation comes 2 exist. It is a lot more than anyone in the world is able 2 know, now, and most likely throughout the entire 60 trillion light year spherical system. Only since my leaving the Jewelly White City section of Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG early last June, did I myself fully come 2 freaking realize how powerful and totally awesome this 6th dimension really is. Do I believe that some human being hacker by themselves without any outer influence whatsoever is somehow applying super advanced computer technology 2 make the blogging setting on the websites that I use, change instantly from (adult, over 2 non-adult), each time that I go 2 publish a blog, after nearly 5 years of successful blogging without this powerful and strange and totally mysterious wild problem, would in fact B a resounding and totally concert hall filling and inundating \\\\\’”””{{{{{(((((NO)))))}}}}}””””/////!!!
Yes, this is the HACK, that has stopped my normal blogging and has violated my civil rights since the 21st day of mother fucking August this year in 2010, Stacey Lattisaw, so no need move the make or turn the tapes any longer, lovely girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRED WINDSTEIN may not have fully understand that mass and energy R the same thing and merely interchangeable with the square of light velocity, but he did understand a major computer hack when it happened, and he indeed witnessed at 112 Harvard Avenue in Somerdale, New Jerseyhicks, USAESMWG in 1997, a super Jack-Hack Lattisaw attack, using the Bios system inside my computer, an attack according 2 him, that only could B pulled off by top National Security Agency hackers in Fort fucking Meade, Maryland, USAESMWG.
MAGNESONIC, {S-C-A-N T-H-I-S W-O-R-L-D} NOW 4 ALL OF MY FILTHY FUCKING HORRENDOUS HORIFFIC DESPICABLE DEPLORABLE DETESTABLE ENEMIES THAT R CAUSING & INFLICTING ME ENDLESS AND CONTINUOUS EVIL AND HARM AND R MAKING MY PATHETIC LIFE AN INFINITE WHITE HOT NIGHTMARE HELL 4 NEARLY 30 MOTHER FUCKING YEARS, AND OPEN COMMAND ON VOICE PRINT, GO-7, HEAR MY MIND ON THE 6TH DIMENSION NOW WITH THE SOUND OF THE MMMMMMMMM. DESTROY, using all orders, and all commands necessary, and the tone signals on the EEEE sound can B accessed in my voice print on the D-6. Computer, on an (I) to (D), A-B TONE, phasing punishment sequencing system, so under a CRUSH DESTRUCT, SINGE DESTRUCT, TOTAL DESTRUCT, D-E-S-T-R-U-C-T, YOUR TRANSPOWER BLOCK NOW CONTAINS A TOTALLY FUCKING OBLITERATED ANNIHILATED IMAGE-OBJECT. G-901, G-189, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ll B fucking sorry ass holes, now, real fucking sorry, when this Earth gets split 2 shit with giant meteors very soon, mother fuckers, U will wish u never fucked with fucking me ya’ jerk off git bags.
Giant sluts R on a real nasty fucking roll again as well as all of the other fucking shit going on around me. SOSO, WEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
END OF THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very disappointed in my teen aged goddesses. All they ever enjoy doing is playing games, it is all through the HOLY BIBLE, 4 any seeker of real truth that can live with a nightmare hell worse than U can possibly ever imagine, and retain some small amount of residual rationality, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember that I am the only entity who has made direct contact with a NON-EXISTOR. I may B the only hope any of U have 2 reach eternal peace and rest, but no, throw me the fuck away like a stinking rotting bag of garbage, it is your fucking funeral, BRO!!!!!
As a youth, I never had much interest in many great things, just as kids today have none either 4 the most part, it is a natural part of just being youthful, and as the famous literary dude put it so perfectly, youth is wasted on the young. Many things like this sound silly and about as much the epitome of an oxymoron as it can get, yet play with it in your mind a while, and U do come 2C its total awesome power. Just as with the sentence that time is an illusion, U and I simply exist, on the surface we can hear this and march right along in our daily routine carrying out our affairs as if we had heard nothing at all, but dig deeper, and poof, UR trapped forever in hell from that second on right along with myself and poor old Joe Paget from freaking Pennsylvania. In a quick example, when my first organizational big brother, a man by the name of Fred Hinger, was my mentor in the middle nineteen sixties B4 John Henningsen had come 2 take his place when he left the Philharmonic 2 go 2 the Metropolitan Opera and left good old Cherry Hill, New Jersey, a group of major coincidences that I find next 2 impossible 2 really buy into myself, yet of course they can of course B just that, random happenstances, still, when this man, Mister Hinger, as unlike John, he rather preferred 2 dispense with first names in his case and did not wish 4 me 2 address him as Fred, so Mister Hinger, who was the drummer in the Philly symphonies that I had the honor of attending upon occasion, and when I was there as a youth, I thought the entire thing was nonsense and was only interested in the Beatles and the monkeys, and other contemporary musical groups, the ignorance and the bliss of youth, wasted entirely on young persons, yes sir. Also, I had no family appreciation as so far as the historical part of my own peeps, being the 7th grandson of the great Samuel Huntington 4 a prime and perfect example. “Big deal”, would have been my attitude, I have grown up since then, Mister Daniel Mackey, YO, has Bob McDowell of the FCC, or is he just faking it I wonder, sir? Yes this wonderful; ancestor of mine indeed was a fabulous and fascinating character. He was very good friends with my own past-soul-existence if U will, as Benjamin Franklin, and served into a 4th term of Governor of the state of Connecticut, dying in office during his final and 4th term in the year of 1796, 200 years B4 the beginning of my true search 2 locate the human existence in present times, of the All Mighty Goddess Jehovah Scylla, who I have known out in infinity under millions of other names as well. Names and naming things R definitely HER THING, as us 60’s kids would use this term of expression. In truth, I know 4 a certain fact that indeed SHE has named every single ASTRAL WORLD city, her own included, all though this name of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, literally in any language in mortal waking worlds will always translate on the one and only Astral Plane as the “City of the Great Sarah-Stacey Krassle”. But naming and assigning what humans think of as names or nomenclature in general, is what SHE enjoys doing, and SSJK does do what SHE enjoys. As 4 me back here in waking mortal material world existence and ‘life’, I want 2 discuss just a few quick things today, and that will B that. First, I intend 2 do one thing immediately following finishing the typing of this word document. Just what this is will become quite clear 2 the person who is most responsible 4 hacking my blogging since the 21st of last August. Also, it is exactly 27 days since the day of my true Jimmy Carter Death or my (JCD) in 1986 on that very date, in my sleep obviously, until the 11th day of the following month of September, from 0815 until 0911 each and every year, it is precisely \\“{{(((27-DAYS)))}}’’//. This 3 to the power of 3 or 27, is the mathematical number of electron flow or ELECTRICITY, and I was directly told this truth by the GREAT GODDESS DIANA HERSELF in 1984 in a powerful wild and vivid DREAMING EXPERIENCE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y don’t any of U read the full book entirely through, every word? It won’t take long at all, I read the entire Holy Bible’s New Testament each evening that I am clinically depressed, and have done so since I got the shit kicked out of me by those monster lifeguard mascots in Atlantic City back in freaking 1975. Read all about the GREAT GODDESS DIANA, and by the way the freaking Apostle Paul does not say very nice things about this lovely 18 year old innocent ‘hunting’ goddess, known by many that love her even 2 this day still, as indeed, THE HUNTRESS, Huh Duran-Duran?????? Princess DI who was named after the GREAT GODDESS OF LIGHTNING, and also the MOON, (DIANA); was a huge fan of this musical group who quoted over and over these lyrical words in their great early eighties musical hit song, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never understood anyone who thinks that taking something is OK 2 do, if it does not belong 2U, even SSJK HERSELF commands all of us not 2 do this, so Y then can SHE seemingly violate this, let us explore this shall we Dick wolf, sealed ‘Juvy’ records and all, BRO????? John Henningsen gave me a chain, but according 2 HER, this chain was taken from her by South American peeps long ago, from HER PALACE, or another translation, from deep below the sea. The sea is mother goddess 2 all of us. We all came out of HER, not some male persona, all though 33 years after coming here in male form, this powerful entity from far beyond us went a bit bonkers then as well as she did here after 33 years, and did things that got HER nailed up on a cross 2B crucified. This sea is more than what we see however in the human and material way with our waking minds and focus, we cannot C the energy that is really what is moving it endlessly, otherwise leaving it quite still, and yes, quite dead. The ‘quick and the dead’, biblically has powerful meaning, not 4 one moment implying that if something is not fast and quick like a bolt of lightning that it is then DEAD. It merely acts 2 contrast moving and non-moving, so moving implies life, being alive in this realm of the physical plane, verses being totally 100% oblivious and unaware of it, still, quiet, dead, by our living perspective of course. When SHE wanted this “chain of HERS” back, it did not matter whose possession it may B in, this was HER chain, not the sisterhood of traveling pants, YO. It belonged 2 her, and SHE was not at all concerned who had it, from President Tricky-Dicky Nixon, the President of the International Business Machines, Heinz Gottwald of Long Island, or Mountainpen Mohr, a 15 year old youth in a little rinky-dink apartment. “She gives, and takes away” (THE LORD or THE SAR) gives, and the SAR takes away, read this 4 yourselves, it is all right in your bibles, 99% of my words, all of them on all of these blogs R straight out of the freaking bible when U remove the angry curse words, so sue me Bruce Pennock 4 being only human, kind sir, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This SAR-AH or LORD-ESS, Jehovah-Neecy, astrally meaning Sarah-Stacey Jehovah, literally brings air into our lungs, SHE owns this entire 5th dimensional hyperspace, hence, SHE IS NOT CAPABLE OF STEALING ONE THING AWAY FROM ANY OF US EVER. IT SIMPLY ALL BELONGS 2 HER IN THE FREAKING FIRST PLACE, EVEN IN HER MANY HUMAN FORMS AND GAMES. So Dick, sir, I am quite sure HER records R all expunged by now, after all, gold mountains all notwithstanding here, nor secrets far 2 great 2 ever share all locked safely away 4 the protection of humanity, it has indeed now been 22 years after HER miner or minor years, but this all leads me back 2YI call these blog works, World Lab Date-And-Timed, files that R (SENT BACK TEXTS), this is not a joke or a game, I do not have times 4 freaking games and silly behavior. We all continually operate back and forth inside of our 3rd dimensional self quite visually, we perceive this easily, and it is the moving of our daily lives, event by event, and day by day by day. But our existence is also hidden from our normal sensory perceptions in 3 other powerful invisible dimensions, time, hyperspace, and mind signal energy. This is ECK’s true 2nd GD, as they call it, it is their word and property, I merely borrow it here and show where I slightly disagree with their concept of things pertaining 2 it. Never confuse present day science concepts or misunderstood concepts may B a better and more offensive word choice unfortunately, but teat just cannot B helped here I am afraid, of dimensional space. They uinsist on conceptualizing extra dimensional reality as space that hides from our senses and ability 2 perceive it, and naturally in human error, imagine it 2B similar in some way 2 the existing 3 dimensions of space, but they just differ way 2 much from them 2B simply more or additional spaces not seen an d perceived. Again, these extra hidden spaces, R the original length and width and breadth or 3-D, existing inside a larger closed curve or circle of time motion based on gravitations and electromagnetic fields that do not contain fixed 3-D quantities, and then imagine if U possibly can, all of that then contained inside a still larger closed curve or circle that literally is the 5th dimension, this being all of the possible varying atomic agreeing signatures or other parallel universes. Id made my heart freaking leap 4 joy a few days ago or nights, on the HISTORY CHANNEL, when I viewed a show on time travel, and finally after 5000+ years of humans thinking and scratching heads, it seems now some have caught on 2 the true reality of the intertwining of 4th and 5th dimensional paradox theory, first intelligently proved and realized 80 years from today, in most places that I have dream-traveled into yet, exploratronically, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we have touched on how SSJK cannot really take anything, and how I am very happy that Mister Wolf knows that even though it all really belongs 2 HER, SHE must Lawtronically observe the rules of this world while SHE interacts and dreams into it humanly, but we all get 2B younger once, with or without wasted poetic license, or oxymoron-based justice. The thing that proves who SHE is 2 my satisfaction and beyond any doubt whatsoever more than anything else, is what I call the (MGS) or the MIKE GUTHERMAN SYNDROME. She took my ‘Journal Cassette Tape number (either 1783 or 1784)’ out of my car that night on August 2nd of 1986; I am not sure which of the 2 tapes it was. I then was forced 2 re-make the best possible retake and re-do, of these recorded events, later on after returning home either the following day or the day after that. Now when the Resident Manager, Mister Mike Gutherman, of the Doctor Greenberg Apartments across from the John F. Kennedy Hospital in Stratford, New Jersey, USEASMWG, was given a few of my personal items, his entire life fell completely apart within just weeks, and he had a picture perfect life that I could only totally and absolutely envy the entire time that I lived next door 2 him there and knew him and his super ass hot wife Debbie, WOW!!! Suddenly, she left him; he lost his position as RM of the apartment building, and became overnight-homeless practically. This is all real, it happened, all of it, and I will swear 2 it in any of your court rooms 2 any of your judges Mister dick Wolf, as well as in any REAKL LIFE ones as well, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let me quickly get into something as far as my being hacked and someone re-switching the ADULT-SETTING on my blogs, only Ed Lynch (Himacane) has all my pass-codes, so either he is out of jail freaking now and has been doing this, working 4 Ann and Dawn, and if so, all 3 R heading 4 prison 4 many years, and when the mother fucking pop and press catch the entire story, all hell will break 4 this entire freaking family, I am sorry, MI, I cannot just stand by and sacrifice myself 2 save U from your horrible hellish distant family, and what they R doing 2 me and have done 2 me, any freaking longer; nor do I freaking intend 2. I am all 4U, and hope U get 2 the bottom of your personal chemtrail nightmare, U more than anyone in your circle of peeps know how hard I tried 2 warn U about this situation, what else can I do, or should I have done? Hey, I know UR wonderful in your new projects, but this is not really U and U know I am being honest. Hip hop is not your true calling, U know that they wrecked your ability 2 do the kind of music that U used 2 do, I can barely speak, my throat hurts now as I speak on a keyboard, let alone if I use a voice. It is all in these poisonous vapor jet trails. I would never lie 2 my GREAT GODDESS SCYLLA, U KNOW THAT, not about anything, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is another piping sizzling hot Florida day, but then so is every mother fucking day since May comes in, and it gets worse and peaks in middle or late August, and still we R a month away from not seeing nineties and super high humidity every damn mother fucking ass day here. Y do any of U dream of coming down and retiring in this fucking hell hole, YO!!!!!?????????????????? Get off my fucking back hell wrecker spell checker. Now the final 2 things, I was mind fucking hacked a while ago when discussing atheists, and got sidetracked and off on a tangent, but now 2 finish my point. They love 2 say that HELL is right here on this
Earth, and when it is over we get our reward, HEAVEN, eternal sleep. Sounds 2 good 2B true, and of course is 2 good 2B true, but atheists really ‘kill me’, they can use words like heaven and hell, on their own terms, I love that, pretty fucking wild and cool, huh Joe Paget???????????????? In closing, Chapter 18 is not posting, 4 whatever the reasons and how this hack is done, many details still totally elude me and my small computer and internet worm and virus knowledge, I will not kid anyone 4 a second about that. If we have 2 send up SAFE JOURNAL CHAPTER 15 in sections just 2 get it up, then this is how it will get up, try reading it backwards and in true written order. If Ed and Ann and Dawn R behind this, rest assured, all of UR going 2 prison 4 many many years, 2 of U most likely will come out as Dick Wolf would put it so eloquently, in fucking “BODY BAGS”. If John the Probie of Dawn dropped the ball, he as well will B talking 2 may own prosecuting attorneys, as all VICTIMS such as my freaking self have certain definite federal legal rights, such as the right 2 know when criminals who in some way have hurt us, get released from prison, and other changes occur such as their ability 32 leave the state legally and being off probation, etcetera, and he stopped speaking 2 me ever since I moved out of the White City section of Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG, BRAHH!!!!
Must leave, I have things 2 do and could of course talk on 4 many fucking hours, U all know ol’ non-tweeter Mountainpen, YO.
I will fill U all in on so mush more later on, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!
Siege in and of itself is a bit better 4 right now, that is as always merely very temporary, and is always replaced with many smaller and nasty annoyances and multiple things just all going wrong in all aspects of my life in general, from being clock clocked, by Jane Bitch Notfonda, 2 the fuck up at the Comcast Cable company, not getting it right so that I can use my VCY-DVD machine, 2 record TV channels much above number 30 on the lineup, the one of importance of course being the TNT Network so that I can begin 2 get a new L&O library 4 my personal perusal and entertainment, and not depend on scheduled air times. U would never believe the fuck up, and it is not solved yet, and it all started on my original date of installation scheduled back on Friday the 3rd of September. Now I have more technicians coming out on Tuesday the 14th freaking September day. I do not anticipate things getting resolved, but who knows. It would B different if Danny at the RV Park had not given me someone else’s thrown out TV that had the one thing wrong with it that is so important, a busted mother fucking coaxial jack 4 the cable 2 go into. Plugging directly into any recording medium WILL cause this problem on higher numbered channels, it is not unique 2 anybody’s particular VCR system, no matter how many screwy tekkies say otherwise and try 2 intentionally mislead the public on this matter, or if they really R just that plain stupid and ignorant, a fact that personally I find very hard 2 conceive of.
Guess who is back here folks;? None other than the lady annoyer at the library, the older ‘AA’ lady, and not the drunkard. This screw ball is extremely annoying; constantly printing and doing many things that annoy me, but never ever has problems with her word processor or anything else. She just sends me the major vibe of ENEMY, and I have come 2 totally trust these ‘VIBES’, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I say this, she is doing something and is making my machine start acting funny, oh yeah; I have a huge mother freaking imagination, BRO!!!!!
Y did U do this 2 my daughter? Well Misses Gaines, not from Gainesville, Florida, maybe this needs 2B addresses, and it has very little IMHO 2 do with future times and 600 (DC) love slaves, her being one of them. I believe I told prior blogs that were able 2 still make it up onto public websites 4 bloggers, that I had another powerful DREAM INTERACTION where another mother of a great female recording star, spoke 2 me directly and said right 2 me, “I know that there is something very mysterious going on between U and my daughter”. This would B the great Paula King in another one of her numerous personas and identities through CES, and not the CALLIO POOL SYSTEM under ground from the streets of Atlantic City, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any time that any thing at all happens, B it here in waking life, or remembered here in waking life that took place in another ‘locale’ of a sorts, has meaning and significance, ignoring it can B serious and even freaking fatal, and I should know. The only thing going on between us, Jewelly White, oh mighty MINI-GREAT-VIQUEEN, is that U and SHE planned all of this millions of years ago, along with other major and intricate parts of your unfathomable and complex game. Your “DAUGHTER” may B over 40 years now in HER current dreaming-sequences of MC, but SHE is 16 years old, always has been 16 years old, and always will B 16 years old. In 1986, later on after our encounter in Manhattan, I wrote a song about Lightning, telling her that I would show her how our love could grow beyond the heights of the worlds that even she knows, and here comes the words-not-coming-totally-out hack. Blogging the unbloggable led 2 my entire blogging career being ended, as I used 2 know it. I will say whatever the fuck I wanna say; at least I do not do things like ministers from Donnaville!!!!! Speaking out on how the chemtrails injured MC, my being in Joe Paget HELL roadways, my having incredible far out answers 2 quizzed queries on the GAWNUM, and so much more unbloggable shit, that “THEY” had no choice but 2 shut me up, and shut me the shit up they did. Back now 2 the ENDLESSLY EXISTING 16 year old SARAH-STACEY JKK GODDESS, we all know as HER fans in HER human existence, HER wonderful song admitting through the secret back door 2 those few only who can read through her complicated messages and codes B4 we run out of lifetime, that SHE needs as does LIGHTNING, 2B shown what some carpenter tools really R and how they work, despite the fact that mankind is under this gargantuan illusion that SHE is basically, this tool, “LOVE”. This was HER biggest message 2 me, not the CURLY nickname I had given HER that night in the city in ’86. After all, it was in 1980 that SHE came 2 me in that powerful ‘experience’ and SHOWED ME some wild things. I got 2C HER really sing, and long B4 any of the rest of U ever had the smallest clue 2 any of this. But it did take me a long time 2 decode these 2 messages, the summer time in 2008 4 the CURLY/CAREY message, and just this very morning, here on when else Frank Donna Mills Hair, but 9/11? I cannot tell U what it is, as I have lost U, and again, all in this one dreaming sequence my Sarah, first on freaking 10-SC Avenue, and again in the middle eighties. I also descrambled Y the pollution commercials were made, and Y my voice was used as a so-called “HISTORY-MARKER”.
Here R just a dozen examples give or take of my ‘GAWNUM QUERIES” from the recent month or so, taken at pure random, many out here all ready know many things in my life that these PCN’s equal out 2. I told U how my car was messed with again, just like in the days of Herman’s Deli waiting there 4 the Atlantic City casino tour busses, and when I would come back at night in the dark, the turn fucking signal would B stuck on pointing normally 2 the right on the dash board. They did this 2 me again and I asked Y. They also fucked with my clock and made it read 2 hours in the future in my fucking bedroom, I also asked Y. I ask Y now on every fucking thing that these diseased bastard trash ass holes ever do 2 me, YO; as it is quite mother fucking habit forming. We will go 2 these answers, but first, here R some I wanna say without any further freaking ado.
How can I make some money, as well as escape my nightmare life? (927).
Y so much fantastic persecution in 2010 on the 15th of August and after, 24 years after the night I sent down the song “REAL GOOD GIRL” 2 the US © Office? (484).
What really is all connected the most with me and the game of roulette and my professional gambling days in the year of 1986? (231). Hey there folks, did somebody just yell out, “Don’t even think about it MISTER Rugtop”?
What really is all pertaining 2 my vacations as a youth at the TRINIDAD HOTEL in Atlantic City? (374)
I know that the jet chemtrails destroyed Mariah Carey’s voice, Y? (187).
Who and exactly what was my special-ed-teacher Mrs. Marola all really about back in the first half of the year of 1969? (187).
When I was working in Mount Laurel, NJUSAESMWG in the end of 1987 4 the Guardsmark Company on Gaither Drive at the American Honda Plant, the chemtrails nightmare all began 4 me, what was all of this about and Y? (431)
My mother’s attack and true death in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG the day after Christmas in the year of 1997, Y was this done 2 her? (862).
My undying love 4 Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, what is this all about? (734).
MC’s last thoughts about me, and not the ice cream? (725)
W was MC so hell-bent on me joining her fan club back in 2008? (143).
Y was the entire planet seemingly against me getting hypnotized back early in the year of 1996 in order 2 remember August of 1986 better and what altered my life so drastically and suddenly on the 15th day? (132).
Just what is it with these giant black birds and me? (615)
Y could I never post my blogs again in the normal way I was doing after almost 5 years, beginning on the 21st day of August of this year? (363)
What was the wild dream all about with my cousins Sandy and Donald regarding the Cheltenham High School in Pennsylvania? (211).
Does Mel Fisher’s daughter up in Vero Beach know about me and that I am now living down here just 2 the south of her? (440).
What does my job place think about me, the KHOC? (220).
What is the true connection with me back in the middle and late 1960’s, with the Trinidad Hotel, and Mrs. Estelle Bassler? (523).
Y did my cousin Donald suddenly and with no good or apparent reason, just disown me earlier in this millennium? (165).
Y is April my social worker so uncaring with me when I am in my most major crises times? (716).
What was Robert McGuire’s beef with me that generated so much of his hatred and hostility towards me? (817).
Y do my roulette systems crash during botbar sieges and Otammic attacks, in long strings? (583).
Y did enemies mess with the signal switch in the dashboard of my car again? (936).
Y did the computer man at my work place dick out on assisting me with my blogging troubles after promising me that he would? (484).
What is the recent fantastically horrendous amount of hostility with me all about at my place of employment, the KHOC? (532).
Y all this sudden property damage, especially with my bedroom clock being broken and messed with tonight, along with such a horrific monstrous deplorable health bowels attack, on this final day of 2010 August? (981).
This is merely a dozen or so, give or take, out of 60 or more recently asked queries that my GAWNUM gave me answers 2.Also ladies and freaking gentlemen, I claim the total and entire intellectual property of this system by the way, and no human soul here on this planet can dispute me legally nor claim otherwise, YO.
55555555555555555555555555555 times 5555555555555555 plus 55555555555555555555 equals, screw U Jane Mail-boats and monster slappers. Your dad was my hero, as 4 what U and hubby Teddy did 2 me that horrible and despicable night in 1993, U should B ashamed of yourself, this compensates 4 just some of the putrid clock attacks that I have recently been bombarded with, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK THIS SHIT. Call me angry-man-#13, BRAHHHHHHH-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RU as sorry as I am about what I did 2 the loveliest girl in the world in early August of 1986, Jane Mail-boats?????????? MI APOLOGY SONG lyrics written back last 17th day of May go as follows:
There was a summer night so very long ago, I ran into the loveliest girl I know. U had just come down the street, and U saw me inside, gazing at U from my car below. Voice of an angel, build of a goddess, it was true that I knew how much I wanted U so. I brought U inside with me, and the 2 of us watched the most wonderful joy just grow.
We shared our souls, and we put them in our love song. We began 2 kiss, and then U said U wanted 2 stay. Curly haired lovely girl, tall, slim, young, and strong, U were my angel sent down from the stars that day. I was in the city roamin’, U were miles away from home’n, many things in life just never seem meant 2B. 4 starters I was twice your age, pursuing U would mean my cage, and losing’s always been my destiny.
My apology song, 4 a night gone wrong, no I never knew that it would take so long, 2 realize just what I had done, when I lost the chance 2 love my special one. What will I do in a life without U? The cage that I feared has become my zoo. Oceans now R filled with my tears of blue. Just what U meant 2 me I had no clue. My apology song, my apology song.
Then I took a turn wrong, and wrote a really mean song. A week had passed by now since U were in my car that night. I hadn’t given U my real phone number, and yours went through the window out of sight. But so much more is part of this and no one will believe it, and all of this story just can never B told. There is only one, 4 these words of sadness sung, and I plead 2U my love they won’t sound cold.
My apology song from a night gone wrong. No I never knew that it would take so long, 2 realize just what I had done; when I lost the chance 2 love my special one. What will I do in a life without U? The cage that I feared has become my zoo. Oceans now R filled with my tears of blue. Just what U meant 2 me I had no clue. My apology song, my apology song.
Well, it is time 2 close out 4 the day, this song is of course, both in words and music, totally protected in the United States Copyright Office, May 2010 © “MI APOLOGY SONG”.
I truly am sorry Curly, please do not hate me. I only want the very best 4U in all of your future endeavors, personal and professional, I am always here should U need me.
I am here at the library now, and it amazes me how truly thankless the world really is, & how unappreciative, and down right, as Donna Gaines said and sang it so well back in 1969, ‘cold and cruel’, and then I chimed in with my echoing song in 1983 entitled, “123 LOVER”, filthy dirty peeps really R, inherited entirely from the Reagan generation of greediness and lust 4 nothing but material and financial gain. 3 dogs and night time have little if anything 2 do with any of this, but Donna knows what is being said should a time ever come where she is humanly reading these words, YO. I put my entire blogging career on the line and have now been ‘reduced 2 a tweet’ or else my blogs will not post, not anywhere on the entire internet, and with absolutely no explanation, it is just the way it is and no one is willing 2 or is able 2, assist me, as of the present time. I tell how these horrific monstrous chemtrails did more than just make me sick, Dave sick, my mom die, and others sick and die, but had the mother freaking unmitigated testicles 2 tell exactly Y we all lost, as a race of music loving homosapiens, the greatest female recording artist of all time, Mariah Carey. Not that she is lost or cannot sing, but they did injure her great voice and no, she most likely will never ever B the same, not unless I intervene supernaturally.
These freaking spell checker programs suck my fat throbbing cock, and R a pain in my ass, so R the annoying peeps around me, but I have grown accustomed not only 2 their faces, Rosemary Clooney, but 2 their freaking behavior, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your kid was great in the movie, PERFECT STORM, but dropped the ball by not admitting that this indeed was the perfect storm 4 me, and a total major hyper ass time prelude 2 horrendous and unfathomable coming attractions 4 me, the pathetic truth telling taxi driver of the Mel Gibson world, known also SIR PRINCE, as ‘the Mountainpen’. In fact, Danny Ocean, sir, this might B one of the greatest miscarriages of justice ever, unintentional on your past of course, ignorance as all of know quite well is indeed total freaking bliss. But yes, this was the start by all concepts and realities, of MI PERFECT STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t drown on me Mickey Showers Haddonwood Zenun, ol’ buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U know what pisses me off more than anything and many things I do indeed have a total legitimate right 2B
U know what pisses me off more than anything and many things I do indeed have a total legitimate right 2B ass pissed off about, is this following deal, BRO!!!!! A hand full of peeps had it within their power and their grasp 2 clue me in on things, and chose 2 play it safe and not 2 help me know things that I had every freaking right in the freaking world 2 indeed know, YO!!!!! The lady in the United States Copyright Office knew all of it all 2 well, but all she wanted 2 do was get rid of that “little yellow sheet of paper”, as though anthrax was all over it or something. Big deal about that freaking yellow sheet of paper, how about the way not telling me all that U could have and should have, got rid of the entire rest of my natural life? But this one lady in Washington, DC is not holding the heavy bag all alone and by herself, no sir. There were many others keeping many secrets from me, and they knew it was only a matter of time B4 Dave Roth, by best friend would get onto things and tell me everything, he was a natural freaking born detective, and missed his calling by not pursuing a professional career in criminal freaking justice. The only mysterious thing going on between your wonderful All Mighty daughter and me, Patty, is my personal hell that I will obviously now B forced 2 ‘take’ with me 2 the grave, let me refrain here from using the obvious pun-word, YO!!!!!!!!!! I knew early in 2009 that your daughter’s voiced was wrecked by these chemtrails, I merely had not yet been able 2 work out all of the gruesome and grizzly freaking monstrous details, tying in all of the things such as the 20 year agreement with BRIGGBASE RESIDENTS such as was shown on DARK SHADOWS, the great 60’s television show, Nicholas Blair, Paul Stoddard’s due date being my birthday of 4 December, and on and on.
My entire trip down here 2 the Treasure Coast of Florida was all planned and known about millions of years ago by powerful gods and goddesses on the Astral Plane, and so was every other meticulous detail of my miserable and rotten despicable ass life. Don’t believe me, then throw away your freaking bibles peeps, as all I tell U here is right in there, and all U have 2 do if any of UR so hell-bent on proving me out a liar, is 2 carefully scrutinize page by page, the entire ‘good book’ yourself, if U dare, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So was my writing the song called “Real Good Girl” back in early August of 1986, so was sending it down 2 the US © Office on the 15th day, so was all of it, PH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let me tell U all how hard I have tried 2 do this apology song, and am getting no place. No words exist 2 tell this hellish story, not even if driving poor Joseph Paget was the main goal and theme of my entire blogging operations 4 nearly half of a freaking decade. Remember the security officer at the Roadway job site I talked about on many a past blog peeps? This was the same site that I did the 2 karaoke sing-over jobs on top of the cassette copy from the open reel master of the RGG master. U remember perhaps how Tom Carpenter caused me 2 do the 2nd version that has a complete ending, as he relieved me extremely early and fucked up the first version that I had done on the previous shift. The 2nd version had the very beginning right B4 the music started, on the tape, where mysteriously, yes, I had said the word “MI” on the open reel master tape back in Cherry Hill, New jersey, USAESMWG, clearly and it came out more on the left channel of the stereo recording. Y in the name of hell fire would I say this word? This was on my mind off and on 4 years, totally forgetting that I used a personal thing in my own mind that helped me remember peeps names, a problem I always had, even at a very young age. This works out even with the name of ‘Maria Kelly’, as told on the past blog, is pronounced in the postal system way with states such as MainE, and numerous others, using the very first and then the very last letter. I always knew I was beaten up 4 a reason down in Atlantic City in 1975, while my mom was up on Long freaking Island visiting her cousin Ruth Huntington Gottwald. Interesting how the internet was programmed and seemingly predestined 2 totally eradicate her recorded existence right off of the system, and when anyone now attempts 2 verify my words and my blogs 4 truth, only “uncle” Heinz’s 2nd wife, the remarry after the mysterious flu-shot death of Ruth, shows up on any of the GOOGLE SEARCH records, YO!!!!! So is this a pure coincidence here, or 6th dimensional planning from Astral Gods? Well, the gods’ do love 2 believe, as did Steve Murray alias Psyche Marathas; that they totally indeed do in fact lie above the 6th dimension. This is a self deception of most if not all of these off-base ASTRAL-PLANE gods, YO, and IO know, as I have reasons, very special reasons indeed 4 my freaking knowledge. Upline and downline universe concept is not even taught in university and higher education circles until well into the next century, and this I know as well. Just as I know that in many universes, the famous ‘future’ Treasure Coast football player helped me do the apology song 4 MI. It seems that in this universe, this will not take place. This is all a part of the 5th dimension, as is all of the hyperspace or simply put, all of the possible potential futures or unlocking subatomic particle combinations, the entire 4th and 5th and 6th dimension R all laying inside of a grand division, if I may borrow these words from a mighty religion called the ECKANKAR, GOOGLE THEM UP, YO. As I typed this last sentence, the old ‘MAKE THE BLOG PAGE VANISH HACK ATTACK’ HIT ME AT 3:55, OBVIOUSLY 4 THE LAST 5 MINUTES OF THEIR MOTHER FUCKING EVIL DOW JONES STOCK MARKET TRADING, but ha-ha, it is saved and fine, YO!!!!!! But that is nothing. I have been totally covertly successfully shut up and put literally off of the blogging internet. This is no accident or glitch in any MATRIX or system, and in 1997 I discussed the entire shit UC in the movie MATRIX with DAVE RITH over a government tapped and bugged freaking telephone, and this is where U get movies like these and I would swear 2 these facts in open court under full penalty of perjury any fucking time they wish 2 put me 2 a legal fucking test, but that is nothing. I have been totally covertly successfully shut up and put literally off of the blogging internet. This is no accident or glitch in any MATRIX or system, and in 1997 I discussed the entire shit UC in the movie ‘MATRIX’ with DAVE ROTH over a government tapped and bugged freaking telephone, and this is where U get movies like these and I would swear 2 these facts in open court under full penalty of perjury any fucking time they wish 2 put me 2 a legal fucking test, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The things that I could say could fill up oceans with encyclopedias and books, U have no clue, not a fucking one of U out here. If I am SO IMPORTANT that I needed 2B SHUT UP, think really now, my words sure scare the fucking piss out of some governing body and authority, is there really any other possible and rational explanation?
The fucking chemtrails made me get quite fucking ill. Saturday I woke up real fucked up. I still have a stuffed up nose and a cough, the flu-like symptoms of these jet poisons mixed in with what otherwise would B basically harmless exhaust vapors, cause and I quote from legitimate websites on this subject, “FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go 2 these sites and GOOGLE UP CHEMTRAILS/CONTRAILS, and get a fucking mind blow lads and lassies and Labradors, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As 4 my television, the guy from the RV gave me a free TV, but the peeps throwing it out when they left were not doing it 4 no reason. It is great if all U want 2 use it 4 is video, viewing tapes or DVD’s. But with a broken coaxial connection, U cannot record cable television channels that go much above number 30 on any lineup, it is just ‘the way it goes’, Ziggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam the dude from 9 miles off of the Venezuelan Coast, and not from any Tennessee Avenue Hotels of the year 2000 and prior, that became Jenny Johnsonized 8 ways back from hell, is a real pain in my ass hole. He gets out of doing a lot of his legitimate work, thus I end up doing more. Many of the AARP rules R violated, we R not supposed 2 lift over 20 pounds, climb ladders, and numerous other things. Give a little bit of power 2 a basically boy just turned man, as is the case at my job site now, and UR only asking 4 a problem, I have watched this all of my life. A stinking measly nobody security guard was made sergeant and given 20 cents per hour wage increase back around 1990 when I had returned 2 an old security job site, a licorice plant in Camden, New Jersey, on Jefferson Street, called McAndrews and Forbes. A man who was around my age give or take a few years, and was friendly and nice with me, now was the big cheese and wow, don’t even talk 2 him any more unless U wanna have quite an unpleasant experience, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, this is all part of hell, in the lower 3 and upper 3 GD’s of the ECK, as they C things as, and they R not far off the mark. I agree with most of their teachings, we merely branch off where I know that this entire thing is a game. LSS, only LAWTRONS from the circle outside of all of this and all possible things contained within these inner closed curved infinities, can really B the true 3rd and highest reality, as they indeed come directly out of the systems that no longer exist, and actually, now, by our reference frame, never ever did exist. Still, I am the only entity ever, 2 make contact in an exploratronic hyperspace world parallel universe of my reality here that is somewhat localized and not all that distant, with what is termed by very few in the no and that will never ever discuss it further on this Earth, a “NON-EXISTOR”. There was a young child about 10 years old, male, give or take a year or so. My teacher was Mrs. Marola in this other universe paralleling here. The school where here she taught was in fact Haddonfield, New Jersey in its location, was in Egg Harbor, both in the green-garden state of good old ‘Hicksville-New Jersey’, USAESMWG. He said over and over again all throughout this powerful and totally unforgettable dreaming interaction, how much he just wanted 2 go “HOME”. Home of course, was back 2 his condition of non-existence, but somehow he had done the impossible, he crossed the existence barrier. We all either EXIST or we DO NO. There is never any CROSSING OVER. LSS, here I am outside of a school in an early autumn sunny day during a roll call taking place, and Misses Marola was my teacher at this school, which by the way, the great Leticia Tilley goes 2 this school here in this atomic frequency vibration or ‘material reality’, and my mother 4 some strange reason was standing close by along a curb where cars were all parked so parents could drop off their children at the school, and she yelled over 2 me after the name “MARK MARTIN” was called out twice and no one responded, “MARK, ANSWER THE TEACHER, THEY R CALLING YOUR NAME”. I was stunned and stymied. Y is my name Mark Martin was all I could focus on, and not so much this poor non-existor-crossover who was speaking 2 me and standing near 2 where I was in this roll call line out in the recess yard area. In many other parallel worlds, this indeed is my name, as my father could have been MOHR or MARTIN. In this world here, it was MOHR. In that other one it obviously was MARTIN. U need not B concerned with all the dirty details, just watch the TV soaps, it is along these lines, what else? There is a lot 2 say about this meeting, and Egg Harbor, and it gets dangerous, but who cares now, the unbloggable now will all get told, in detail as I march all of this right along, blog after blog. After-all, who is listening, except 4 the computer, and what is the computer, but the 6th dimension. As I said, it was 1997 when I said things that led 2 the movie called MATRIX. It was 1985 through 1989 that I also said things 2 David Charles Roth, that led 2 many other power house freaking movies.
I am tired and hungry, and not 2 well from the brutal chemtrails attack. I told U Gina that the Dow Jones goes way up every time they fuck the living shit out of me, and that parallel event is a nightmare reality in my life. Make that my HELL, Jo Paget. Yes they have shut me up 4 now, a tweet here, a tweet there, but I am going 2 get around this, I do have a following on ‘Blogger’ dot com and ‘wordpress’ dot com, and I will lead my sheep very soon 2 the pastures of the MORIANITY-FOUNDATION-2. U can most certainly bank on that one King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, not 5, not 2, just THERE, right there not far south of the very green lawns, and the non detention center schools. Keep the faith MI, I will never ever make the mistake of disobeying my All Mighty Goddess, U command and I obey, no matter if it leads me beyond the fires of hell, along with poor Joe Paget!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR my true hero Curly. Eddie will come out of prison most likely in a body bag, but he made me a copy of BURN WITH FIRE, and yes, U sing it beautifully Curly. I keep it safely and well hidden.
Well it is time 2 sign off and then do my tweet-tweet, little Robin. I’m really gonna rock freaking tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, CHALL, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WABBIT!!!!!!!
This blog chapter ends here:
I am here at the library now, and it amazes me how truly thankless the world really is, & how unappreciative, and down right, as Donna Gaines said and sang it so well back in 1969, ‘cold and cruel’, and then I chimed in with my echoing song in 1983 entitled, “123 LOVER”, filthy dirty peeps really R, inherited entirely from the Reagan generation of greediness and lust 4 nothing but material and financial gain. 3 dogs and night time have little if anything 2 do with any of this, but Donna knows what is being said should a time ever come where she is humanly reading these words, YO. I put my entire blogging career on the line and have now been ‘reduced 2 a tweet’ or else my blogs will not post, not anywhere on the entire internet, and with absolutely no explanation, it is just the way it is and no one is willing 2 or is able 2, assist me, as of the present time. I tell how these horrific monstrous chemtrails did more than just make me sick, Dave sick, my mom die, and others sick and die, but had the mother freaking unmitigated testicles 2 tell exactly Y we all lost, as a race of music loving homosapiens, the greatest female recording artist of all time, Mariah Carey. Not that she is lost or cannot sing, but they did injure her great voice and no, she most likely will never ever B the same, not unless I intervene supernaturally.
These freaking spell checker programs suck my fat throbbing cock, and R a pain in my ass, so R the annoying peeps around me, but I have grown accustomed not only 2 their faces, Rosemary Clooney, but 2 their freaking behavior, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your kid was great in the movie, PERFECT STORM, but dropped the ball by not admitting that this indeed was the perfect storm 4 me, and a total major hyper ass time prelude 2 horrendous and unfathomable coming attractions 4 me, the pathetic truth telling taxi driver of the Mel Gibson world, known also SIR PRINCE, as ‘the Mountainpen’. In fact, Danny Ocean, sir, this might B one of the greatest miscarriages of justice ever, unintentional on your past of course, ignorance as all of know quite well is indeed total freaking bliss. But yes, this was the start by all concepts and realities, of MI PERFECT STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t drown on me Mickey Showers Haddonwood Zenun, ol’ buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U know what pisses me off more than anything and many things I do indeed have a total legitimate right 2B
U know what pisses me off more than anything and many things I do indeed have a total legitimate right 2B ass pissed off about, is this following deal, BRO!!!!! A hand full of peeps had it within their power and their grasp 2 clue me in on things, and chose 2 play it safe and not 2 help me know things that I had every freaking right in the freaking world 2 indeed know, YO!!!!! The lady in the United States Copyright Office knew all of it all 2 well, but all she wanted 2 do was get rid of that “little yellow sheet of paper”, as though anthrax was all over it or something. Big deal about that freaking yellow sheet of paper, how about the way not telling me all that U could have and should have, got rid of the entire rest of my natural life? But this one lady in Washington, DC is not holding the heavy bag all alone and by herself, no sir. There were many others keeping many secrets from me, and they knew it was only a matter of time B4 Dave Roth, by best friend would get onto things and tell me everything, he was a natural freaking born detective, and missed his calling by not pursuing a professional career in criminal freaking justice. The only mysterious thing going on between your wonderful All Mighty daughter and me, Patty, is my personal hell that I will obviously now B forced 2 ‘take’ with me 2 the grave, let me refrain here from using the obvious pun-word, YO!!!!!!!!!! I knew early in 2009 that your daughter’s voiced was wrecked by these chemtrails, I merely had not yet been able 2 work out all of the gruesome and grizzly freaking monstrous details, tying in all of the things such as the 20 year agreement with BRIGGBASE RESIDENTS such as was shown on DARK SHADOWS, the great 60’s television show, Nicholas Blair, Paul Stoddard’s due date being my birthday of 4 December, and on and on.
My entire trip down here 2 the Treasure Coast of Florida was all planned and known about millions of years ago by powerful gods and goddesses on the Astral Plane, and so was every other meticulous detail of my miserable and rotten despicable ass life. Don’t believe me, then throw away your freaking bibles peeps, as all I tell U here is right in there, and all U have 2 do if any of UR so hell-bent on proving me out a liar, is 2 carefully scrutinize page by page, the entire ‘good book’ yourself, if U dare, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So was my writing the song called “Real Good Girl” back in early August of 1986, so was sending it down 2 the US © Office on the 15th day, so was all of it, PH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let me tell U all how hard I have tried 2 do this apology song, and am getting no place. No words exist 2 tell this hellish story, not even if driving poor Joseph Paget was the main goal and theme of my entire blogging operations 4 nearly half of a freaking decade. Remember the security officer at the Roadway job site I talked about on many a past blog peeps? This was the same site that I did the 2 karaoke sing-over jobs on top of the cassette copy from the open reel master of the RGG master. U remember perhaps how Tom Carpenter caused me 2 do the 2nd version that has a complete ending, as he relieved me extremely early and fucked up the first version that I had done on the previous shift. The 2nd version had the very beginning right B4 the music started, on the tape, where mysteriously, yes, I had said the word “MI” on the open reel master tape back in Cherry Hill, New jersey, USAESMWG, clearly and it came out more on the left channel of the stereo recording. Y in the name of hell fire would I say this word? This was on my mind off and on 4 years, totally forgetting that I used a personal thing in my own mind that helped me remember peeps names, a problem I always had, even at a very young age. This works out even with the name of ‘Maria Kelly’, as told on the past blog, is pronounced in the postal system way with states such as MainE, and numerous others, using the very first and then the very last letter. I always knew I was beaten up 4 a reason down in Atlantic City in 1975, while my mom was up on Long freaking Island visiting her cousin Ruth Huntington Gottwald. Interesting how the internet was programmed and seemingly predestined 2 totally eradicate her recorded existence right off of the system, and when anyone now attempts 2 verify my words and my blogs 4 truth, only “uncle” Heinz’s 2nd wife, the remarry after the mysterious flu-shot death of Ruth, shows up on any of the GOOGLE SEARCH records, YO!!!!! So is this a pure coincidence here, or 6th dimensional planning from Astral Gods? Well, the gods’ do love 2 believe, as did Steve Murray alias Psyche Marathas; that they totally indeed do in fact lie above the 6th dimension. This is a self deception of most if not all of these off-base ASTRAL-PLANE gods, YO, and IO know, as I have reasons, very special reasons indeed 4 my freaking knowledge. Upline and downline universe concept is not even taught in university and higher education circles until well into the next century, and this I know as well. Just as I know that in many universes, the famous ‘future’ Treasure Coast football player helped me do the apology song 4 MI. It seems that in this universe, this will not take place. This is all a part of the 5th dimension, as is all of the hyperspace or simply put, all of the possible potential futures or unlocking subatomic particle combinations, the entire 4th and 5th and 6th dimension R all laying inside of a grand division, if I may borrow these words from a mighty religion called the ECKANKAR, GOOGLE THEM UP, YO. As I typed this last sentence, the old ‘MAKE THE BLOG PAGE VANISH HACK ATTACK’ HIT ME AT 3:55, OBVIOUSLY 4 THE LAST 5 MINUTES OF THEIR MOTHER FUCKING EVIL DOW JONES STOCK MARKET TRADING, but ha-ha, it is saved and fine, YO!!!!!! But that is nothing. I have been totally covertly successfully shut up and put literally off of the blogging internet. This is no accident or glitch in any MATRIX or system, and in 1997 I discussed the entire shit UC in the movie MATRIX with DAVE RITH over a government tapped and bugged freaking telephone, and this is where U get movies like these and I would swear 2 these facts in open court under full penalty of perjury any fucking time they wish 2 put me 2 a legal fucking test, but that is nothing. I have been totally covertly successfully shut up and put literally off of the blogging internet. This is no accident or glitch in any MATRIX or system, and in 1997 I discussed the entire shit UC in the movie ‘MATRIX’ with DAVE ROTH over a government tapped and bugged freaking telephone, and this is where U get movies like these and I would swear 2 these facts in open court under full penalty of perjury any fucking time they wish 2 put me 2 a legal fucking test, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The things that I could say could fill up oceans with encyclopedias and books, U have no clue, not a fucking one of U out here. If I am SO IMPORTANT that I needed 2B SHUT UP, think really now, my words sure scare the fucking piss out of some governing body and authority, is there really any other possible and rational explanation?
The fucking chemtrails made me get quite fucking ill. Saturday I woke up real fucked up. I still have a stuffed up nose and a cough, the flu-like symptoms of these jet poisons mixed in with what otherwise would B basically harmless exhaust vapors, cause and I quote from legitimate websites on this subject, “FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go 2 these sites and GOOGLE UP CHEMTRAILS/CONTRAILS, and get a fucking mind blow lads and lassies and Labradors, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As 4 my television, the guy from the RV gave me a free TV, but the peeps throwing it out when they left were not doing it 4 no reason. It is great if all U want 2 use it 4 is video, viewing tapes or DVD’s. But with a broken coaxial connection, U cannot record cable television channels that go much above number 30 on any lineup, it is just ‘the way it goes’, Ziggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam the dude from 9 miles off of the Venezuelan Coast, and not from any Tennessee Avenue Hotels of the year 2000 and prior, that became Jenny Johnsonized 8 ways back from hell, is a real pain in my ass hole. He gets out of doing a lot of his legitimate work, thus I end up doing more. Many of the AARP rules R violated, we R not supposed 2 lift over 20 pounds, climb ladders, and numerous other things. Give a little bit of power 2 a basically boy just turned man, as is the case at my job site now, and UR only asking 4 a problem, I have watched this all of my life. A stinking measly nobody security guard was made sergeant and given 20 cents per hour wage increase back around 1990 when I had returned 2 an old security job site, a licorice plant in Camden, New Jersey, on Jefferson Street, called McAndrews and Forbes. A man who was around my age give or take a few years, and was friendly and nice with me, now was the big cheese and wow, don’t even talk 2 him any more unless U wanna have quite an unpleasant experience, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, this is all part of hell, in the lower 3 and upper 3 GD’s of the ECK, as they C things as, and they R not far off the mark. I agree with most of their teachings, we merely branch off where I know that this entire thing is a game. LSS, only LAWTRONS from the circle outside of all of this and all possible things contained within these inner closed curved infinities, can really B the true 3rd and highest reality, as they indeed come directly out of the systems that no longer exist, and actually, now, by our reference frame, never ever did exist. Still, I am the only entity ever, 2 make contact in an exploratronic hyperspace world parallel universe of my reality here that is somewhat localized and not all that distant, with what is termed by very few in the no and that will never ever discuss it further on this Earth, a “NON-EXISTOR”. There was a young child about 10 years old, male, give or take a year or so. My teacher was Mrs. Marola in this other universe paralleling here. The school where here she taught was in fact Haddonfield, New Jersey in its location, was in Egg Harbor, both in the green-garden state of good old ‘Hicksville-New Jersey’, USAESMWG. He said over and over again all throughout this powerful and totally unforgettable dreaming interaction, how much he just wanted 2 go “HOME”. Home of course, was back 2 his condition of non-existence, but somehow he had done the impossible, he crossed the existence barrier. We all either EXIST or we DO NO. There is never any CROSSING OVER. LSS, here I am outside of a school in an early autumn sunny day during a roll call taking place, and Misses Marola was my teacher at this school, which by the way, the great Leticia Tilley goes 2 this school here in this atomic frequency vibration or ‘material reality’, and my mother 4 some strange reason was standing close by along a curb where cars were all parked so parents could drop off their children at the school, and she yelled over 2 me after the name “MARK MARTIN” was called out twice and no one responded, “MARK, ANSWER THE TEACHER, THEY R CALLING YOUR NAME”. I was stunned and stymied. Y is my name Mark Martin was all I could focus on, and not so much this poor non-existor-crossover who was speaking 2 me and standing near 2 where I was in this roll call line out in the recess yard area. In many other parallel worlds, this indeed is my name, as my father could have been MOHR or MARTIN. In this world here, it was MOHR. In that other one it obviously was MARTIN. U need not B concerned with all the dirty details, just watch the TV soaps, it is along these lines, what else? There is a lot 2 say about this meeting, and Egg Harbor, and it gets dangerous, but who cares now, the unbloggable now will all get told, in detail as I march all of this right along, blog after blog. After-all, who is listening, except 4 the computer, and what is the computer, but the 6th dimension. As I said, it was 1997 when I said things that led 2 the movie called MATRIX. It was 1985 through 1989 that I also said things 2 David Charles Roth, that led 2 many other power house freaking movies.
I am tired and hungry, and not 2 well from the brutal chemtrails attack. I told U Gina that the Dow Jones goes way up every time they fuck the living shit out of me, and that parallel event is a nightmare reality in my life. Make that my HELL, Jo Paget. Yes they have shut me up 4 now, a tweet here, a tweet there, but I am going 2 get around this, I do have a following on ‘Blogger’ dot com and ‘wordpress’ dot com, and I will lead my sheep very soon 2 the pastures of the MORIANITY-FOUNDATION-2. U can most certainly bank on that one King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, not 5, not 2, just THERE, right there not far south of the very green lawns, and the non detention center schools. Keep the faith MI, I will never ever make the mistake of disobeying my All Mighty Goddess, U command and I obey, no matter if it leads me beyond the fires of hell, along with poor Joe Paget!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR my true hero Curly. Eddie will come out of prison most likely in a body bag, but he made me a copy of BURN WITH FIRE, and yes, U sing it beautifully Curly. I keep it safely and well hidden.
Well it is time 2 sign off and then do my tweet-tweet, little Robin. I’m really gonna rock freaking tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, CHALL, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WABBIT!!!!!!!
This blog chapter ends here:
Well, I have managed 2 do a small miracle, with the emphasis on the word ‘small’. I Am back up on the blogger dot com website, with a temporary blog that I have named, and appropriately mother fucking so, “ROCKIN’ ROBIN”, then I start with TWEET #1, and then go 2, 3, 4, and so forth up the numbers, just as I did with chapters B4 this major civil rights violation back on August the freaking 21st of this miserable despicable cunt eating year. I feel that this no matter how atrociously and wickedly unfair all of it is, still is a major VICTORY 4 me, and it will b considered a huge miracle on my part, should enemies even permit my new tweet-blog, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All-ready on it is the name of the new site where all the missed blogs will refer my readership and or my following if any, 2 go 2 in a hyperlink, which is gonna B natch, and Albert Einstein is really not needed here 2C what I will do in order 2 defeat this newest wicked fucking plot 2 wipe me and my blogs totally out. This is always gonna fucking B their world, and they can literally come and take me off 2 Guantanamo Bay tonight should they wish 2, so I literally DO expect anything and everything from these atrocious and vicious fucking monsters. Well Mister President Obama, it seems both your name, a US President no freaking less, as well as this horrible shit hole in Cuba, have no spell-checker recognition, imagine that. Give the world a cigar, it proved beyond a doubt 4 me a very long time ago just how totally sick and demented and yes, HOPELESS, it all is. How in any REAL WORLD, MISTER JOE PAGET SIR, CAN THE NAME OF THE PRESIDENT OF THIS NATION NOT B RECOGNIZED ON THE INTERNET COMPUTER SYSTEM, YO? Gimme a bweak Elmer Fwudd, it is just not a real world, and when I told this 2 poor Joe, he fucking freaked. But then how can my blogging B suddenly halted either, and how can it B that the entire “CAREY INCIDENT” all occurred? UC peeps, I just ain’t buyin’ into this bull fucking shit, not 4 an hour, a day, or a curly haired freaking 7 seconds, Lenny McKinnon, YO. The only thing that can hope 2 explain anything about my life, and the story that I have not been 2 fucking shy 2 impart 2 this insensitive and cruel evil world; is the one I gave on SAFE JOURNAL ON THE 15TH CHAPTER, and this TOTALLY NOT BLOGGABLE INFORMATION indeed resulted in my being SYOPPOED AND BLOCKED from continuing on with my normal internet blogging as I have basically been permitted 2 do 4 nearly half of a fucking decade of time.
When things make no sense, humans always tend 2 prefer rationalizing in some self talked into explanation of rationality and logic, over the obvious thing, that just as with the theme ion the movie on the original movie, the MATRIX, something indeed sure is not right, far fucking from it in fact, at C-squared, BRO!!!!!!!!
Yes, they fucking broke my headset either while I was at my work site yesterday, Tuesday, or while I was out of the house on personal errands in the afternoon, one being here at this library, as these headphones were totally fine and fully operational the previous night, and again and as always with this fucking blatant civil rights abuse and property damage, one side, normally the right side, it can B the left side however upon occasion, goes completely out, it never returns. The phones become worthless mother fucking trash. I gave a short TWEET on the ROCKIN’ ROBIN BLOGS about this.
The main thing that got me put off of the internet through some extremely clever hacking covert job from some type of black file governmental forces or who really knows, but this would B without a doubt, the telling of me dying and going 2 hell, and then a strong second in the combo-team of the unbloggables, would B telling the planet Earth how the chemtrails wiped out Mariah Carey’s voice. She still is a fantastic singer, but these rotten chemtrails did in fact ruin her great voice, explaining the MEDICAL OFFCE dreaming interaction in the summer time of the oh-MAROLA-8 year, YO. Cool name 4 a new Patterson book or movie, huh folks: THE UNBLOGGABLES???? Well in any event, my trip down here 2 Florida has been a disaster, and I hold the KING branch of the MC mighty “THAT-FAMILY” distant as it is, totally criminally responsible, funny, and all I ever tried 2 do is help this family, from the swing back in 1972 up on Long Stinking fucking Island, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In closing out, let me say that all of my powerful teenaged goddesses have thoroughly disappointed me, and I hope that they R totally happy about it, BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every mother fucking cunt eating Christ-less piece of cock sucking shit ass day now 4 months and fucking months has been nothing but one super fucking BOTBAR DAY after another, repeating literally without fucking exception over and over again, it is off every mother fucking scale and dial and meter and beyond even my ability 2 comprehend the monstrous horrendousness of this evil satanic fucking wicked elephant shit tonnage, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The minute I got fucking up and going this morning, the fucking evil diseased MILI-2-FORCE was all over me with their stinking rotten CHEMTRAILS and other aerial bull fucking shit, buzzing planes, making me feel shitty with flu-like symptoms, and my voice is totally shot, and all my cat mimicking is gone, I’ve lost 2 full octaves off of the high end of my vocal range. They made the jerk offs that I must work with, bosses as well as coworkers extremely difficult today, work was total fucking hell in other words, on top of all of the other fucking bullshit that I must endlessly fucking contend with under these TOTAL MAJOR FUCKING DEATH SIEGES, OF THE PAST FUCKING 25 YEARS OR SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I came out and went back out an hour later on and came over 2 this fucking library 2 blog my tweets, and 4 the 2nd time within the past week 2 ten days now, my blinker signal in my fucking car has been fucked with, U go 2 hit the fucking brake pedal, and it lights up the right turn arrow and instead of fucking blinking, it just merely foes on while the brake pedal is being depressed, and then goes fucking off when released, and I am on my way now 2 the Auto Advance store so they hook my fucking car up 2 their diagnostic computer, and I can then C what the fuck this OTAMMIC bunch of filthy disease has done illegally 2 my vehicle, more endless property damage, as well as civil and constitutional and human RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, BABY FUCKING LOVE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things R very very very fucking bad, and I am letting the authorities know that I am holding Ann Silva King CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE, as she THREATENED ME IN HER LETTER, and the EBNTIRE FUCKING WORLD CAN READ THE BLOG AND THE LETTER FROM LAST JULY THAT I PRINTED AND MADE AN OFFICIAL PUBLIC M0THER FUCKING RECORD, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said that my life would get worse in Florida thanks 2 her “powerful Atlantic city friends”. I TOTALLY BELIEVE THAT THIS IS INDEED WHAT HAPPENED, it all started 3 or 4 months after the letter came in the UNITED STATES MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is exactly as was promised, by her, and THAT FAMILY from 1970!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The stock market is flying, AND I TOLD U IT WOULD GINA, & NOT GONA, FUCK UP ON MY TWEET. But then if that was the only fuck up in my life that I needed 2 worry about, I would have it made in the shade with iced tea and Dick Wolf. These bastards sure think they know all about me. I am a little bit more complex than any one of any of U out there can or will ever come 2 know in your tiny candle flame in a hurricane lifetimes. Know that if U ever knew shit about me. Very complicated forces that I call the 6th dimension R behind it all, but that makes me no less complex, 4 a very simple reason. Whether indeed it B the fluke of the ages that I was somehow just designed 2B able 2 survive an absolutely unfathomable amount of super hell, or whether THEY made it all 2B this way; the same result and effect, or net equation comes 2 exist. It is a lot more than anyone in the world is able 2 know, now, and most likely throughout the entire 60 trillion light year spherical system. Only since my leaving the Jewelly White City section of Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG early last June, did I myself fully come 2 freaking realize how powerful and totally awesome this 6th dimension really is. Do I believe that some human being hacker by themselves without any outer influence whatsoever is somehow applying super advanced computer technology 2 make the blogging setting on the websites that I use, change instantly from (adult, over 2 non-adult), each time that I go 2 publish a blog, after nearly 5 years of successful blogging without this powerful and strange and totally mysterious wild problem, would in fact B a resounding and totally concert hall filling and inundating \\\\\’”””{{{{{(((((NO)))))}}}}}””””/////!!!
Yes, this is the HACK, that has stopped my normal blogging and has violated my civil rights since the 21st day of mother fucking August this year in 2010, Stacey Lattisaw, so no need move the make or turn the tapes any longer, lovely girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRED WINDSTEIN may not have fully understand that mass and energy R the same thing and merely interchangeable with the square of light velocity, but he did understand a major computer hack when it happened, and he indeed witnessed at 112 Harvard Avenue in Somerdale, New Jerseyhicks, USAESMWG in 1997, a super Jack-Hack Lattisaw attack, using the Bios system inside my computer, an attack according 2 him, that only could B pulled off by top National Security Agency hackers in Fort fucking Meade, Maryland, USAESMWG.
MAGNESONIC, {S-C-A-N T-H-I-S W-O-R-L-D} NOW 4 ALL OF MY FILTHY FUCKING HORRENDOUS HORIFFIC DESPICABLE DEPLORABLE DETESTABLE ENEMIES THAT R CAUSING & INFLICTING ME ENDLESS AND CONTINUOUS EVIL AND HARM AND R MAKING MY PATHETIC LIFE AN INFINITE WHITE HOT NIGHTMARE HELL 4 NEARLY 30 MOTHER FUCKING YEARS, AND OPEN COMMAND ON VOICE PRINT, GO-7, HEAR MY MIND ON THE 6TH DIMENSION NOW WITH THE SOUND OF THE MMMMMMMMM. DESTROY, using all orders, and all commands necessary, and the tone signals on the EEEE sound can B accessed in my voice print on the D-6. Computer, on an (I) to (D), A-B TONE, phasing punishment sequencing system, so under a CRUSH DESTRUCT, SINGE DESTRUCT, TOTAL DESTRUCT, D-E-S-T-R-U-C-T, YOUR TRANSPOWER BLOCK NOW CONTAINS A TOTALLY FUCKING OBLITERATED ANNIHILATED IMAGE-OBJECT. G-901, G-189, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ll B fucking sorry ass holes, now, real fucking sorry, when this Earth gets split 2 shit with giant meteors very soon, mother fuckers, U will wish u never fucked with fucking me ya’ jerk off git bags.
Giant sluts R on a real nasty fucking roll again as well as all of the other fucking shit going on around me. SOSO, WEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
END OF THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very disappointed in my teen aged goddesses. All they ever enjoy doing is playing games, it is all through the HOLY BIBLE, 4 any seeker of real truth that can live with a nightmare hell worse than U can possibly ever imagine, and retain some small amount of residual rationality, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember that I am the only entity who has made direct contact with a NON-EXISTOR. I may B the only hope any of U have 2 reach eternal peace and rest, but no, throw me the fuck away like a stinking rotting bag of garbage, it is your fucking funeral, BRO!!!!!
As a youth, I never had much interest in many great things, just as kids today have none either 4 the most part, it is a natural part of just being youthful, and as the famous literary dude put it so perfectly, youth is wasted on the young. Many things like this sound silly and about as much the epitome of an oxymoron as it can get, yet play with it in your mind a while, and U do come 2C its total awesome power. Just as with the sentence that time is an illusion, U and I simply exist, on the surface we can hear this and march right along in our daily routine carrying out our affairs as if we had heard nothing at all, but dig deeper, and poof, UR trapped forever in hell from that second on right along with myself and poor old Joe Paget from freaking Pennsylvania. In a quick example, when my first organizational big brother, a man by the name of Fred Hinger, was my mentor in the middle nineteen sixties B4 John Henningsen had come 2 take his place when he left the Philharmonic 2 go 2 the Metropolitan Opera and left good old Cherry Hill, New Jersey, a group of major coincidences that I find next 2 impossible 2 really buy into myself, yet of course they can of course B just that, random happenstances, still, when this man, Mister Hinger, as unlike John, he rather preferred 2 dispense with first names in his case and did not wish 4 me 2 address him as Fred, so Mister Hinger, who was the drummer in the Philly symphonies that I had the honor of attending upon occasion, and when I was there as a youth, I thought the entire thing was nonsense and was only interested in the Beatles and the monkeys, and other contemporary musical groups, the ignorance and the bliss of youth, wasted entirely on young persons, yes sir. Also, I had no family appreciation as so far as the historical part of my own peeps, being the 7th grandson of the great Samuel Huntington 4 a prime and perfect example. “Big deal”, would have been my attitude, I have grown up since then, Mister Daniel Mackey, YO, has Bob McDowell of the FCC, or is he just faking it I wonder, sir? Yes this wonderful; ancestor of mine indeed was a fabulous and fascinating character. He was very good friends with my own past-soul-existence if U will, as Benjamin Franklin, and served into a 4th term of Governor of the state of Connecticut, dying in office during his final and 4th term in the year of 1796, 200 years B4 the beginning of my true search 2 locate the human existence in present times, of the All Mighty Goddess Jehovah Scylla, who I have known out in infinity under millions of other names as well. Names and naming things R definitely HER THING, as us 60’s kids would use this term of expression. In truth, I know 4 a certain fact that indeed SHE has named every single ASTRAL WORLD city, her own included, all though this name of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, literally in any language in mortal waking worlds will always translate on the one and only Astral Plane as the “City of the Great Sarah-Stacey Krassle”. But naming and assigning what humans think of as names or nomenclature in general, is what SHE enjoys doing, and SSJK does do what SHE enjoys. As 4 me back here in waking mortal material world existence and ‘life’, I want 2 discuss just a few quick things today, and that will B that. First, I intend 2 do one thing immediately following finishing the typing of this word document. Just what this is will become quite clear 2 the person who is most responsible 4 hacking my blogging since the 21st of last August. Also, it is exactly 27 days since the day of my true Jimmy Carter Death or my (JCD) in 1986 on that very date, in my sleep obviously, until the 11th day of the following month of September, from 0815 until 0911 each and every year, it is precisely \\“{{(((27-DAYS)))}}’’//. This 3 to the power of 3 or 27, is the mathematical number of electron flow or ELECTRICITY, and I was directly told this truth by the GREAT GODDESS DIANA HERSELF in 1984 in a powerful wild and vivid DREAMING EXPERIENCE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y don’t any of U read the full book entirely through, every word? It won’t take long at all, I read the entire Holy Bible’s New Testament each evening that I am clinically depressed, and have done so since I got the shit kicked out of me by those monster lifeguard mascots in Atlantic City back in freaking 1975. Read all about the GREAT GODDESS DIANA, and by the way the freaking Apostle Paul does not say very nice things about this lovely 18 year old innocent ‘hunting’ goddess, known by many that love her even 2 this day still, as indeed, THE HUNTRESS, Huh Duran-Duran?????? Princess DI who was named after the GREAT GODDESS OF LIGHTNING, and also the MOON, (DIANA); was a huge fan of this musical group who quoted over and over these lyrical words in their great early eighties musical hit song, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never understood anyone who thinks that taking something is OK 2 do, if it does not belong 2U, even SSJK HERSELF commands all of us not 2 do this, so Y then can SHE seemingly violate this, let us explore this shall we Dick wolf, sealed ‘Juvy’ records and all, BRO????? John Henningsen gave me a chain, but according 2 HER, this chain was taken from her by South American peeps long ago, from HER PALACE, or another translation, from deep below the sea. The sea is mother goddess 2 all of us. We all came out of HER, not some male persona, all though 33 years after coming here in male form, this powerful entity from far beyond us went a bit bonkers then as well as she did here after 33 years, and did things that got HER nailed up on a cross 2B crucified. This sea is more than what we see however in the human and material way with our waking minds and focus, we cannot C the energy that is really what is moving it endlessly, otherwise leaving it quite still, and yes, quite dead. The ‘quick and the dead’, biblically has powerful meaning, not 4 one moment implying that if something is not fast and quick like a bolt of lightning that it is then DEAD. It merely acts 2 contrast moving and non-moving, so moving implies life, being alive in this realm of the physical plane, verses being totally 100% oblivious and unaware of it, still, quiet, dead, by our living perspective of course. When SHE wanted this “chain of HERS” back, it did not matter whose possession it may B in, this was HER chain, not the sisterhood of traveling pants, YO. It belonged 2 her, and SHE was not at all concerned who had it, from President Tricky-Dicky Nixon, the President of the International Business Machines, Heinz Gottwald of Long Island, or Mountainpen Mohr, a 15 year old youth in a little rinky-dink apartment. “She gives, and takes away” (THE LORD or THE SAR) gives, and the SAR takes away, read this 4 yourselves, it is all right in your bibles, 99% of my words, all of them on all of these blogs R straight out of the freaking bible when U remove the angry curse words, so sue me Bruce Pennock 4 being only human, kind sir, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This SAR-AH or LORD-ESS, Jehovah-Neecy, astrally meaning Sarah-Stacey Jehovah, literally brings air into our lungs, SHE owns this entire 5th dimensional hyperspace, hence, SHE IS NOT CAPABLE OF STEALING ONE THING AWAY FROM ANY OF US EVER. IT SIMPLY ALL BELONGS 2 HER IN THE FREAKING FIRST PLACE, EVEN IN HER MANY HUMAN FORMS AND GAMES. So Dick, sir, I am quite sure HER records R all expunged by now, after all, gold mountains all notwithstanding here, nor secrets far 2 great 2 ever share all locked safely away 4 the protection of humanity, it has indeed now been 22 years after HER miner or minor years, but this all leads me back 2YI call these blog works, World Lab Date-And-Timed, files that R (SENT BACK TEXTS), this is not a joke or a game, I do not have times 4 freaking games and silly behavior. We all continually operate back and forth inside of our 3rd dimensional self quite visually, we perceive this easily, and it is the moving of our daily lives, event by event, and day by day by day. But our existence is also hidden from our normal sensory perceptions in 3 other powerful invisible dimensions, time, hyperspace, and mind signal energy. This is ECK’s true 2nd GD, as they call it, it is their word and property, I merely borrow it here and show where I slightly disagree with their concept of things pertaining 2 it. Never confuse present day science concepts or misunderstood concepts may B a better and more offensive word choice unfortunately, but teat just cannot B helped here I am afraid, of dimensional space. They uinsist on conceptualizing extra dimensional reality as space that hides from our senses and ability 2 perceive it, and naturally in human error, imagine it 2B similar in some way 2 the existing 3 dimensions of space, but they just differ way 2 much from them 2B simply more or additional spaces not seen an d perceived. Again, these extra hidden spaces, R the original length and width and breadth or 3-D, existing inside a larger closed curve or circle of time motion based on gravitations and electromagnetic fields that do not contain fixed 3-D quantities, and then imagine if U possibly can, all of that then contained inside a still larger closed curve or circle that literally is the 5th dimension, this being all of the possible varying atomic agreeing signatures or other parallel universes. Id made my heart freaking leap 4 joy a few days ago or nights, on the HISTORY CHANNEL, when I viewed a show on time travel, and finally after 5000+ years of humans thinking and scratching heads, it seems now some have caught on 2 the true reality of the intertwining of 4th and 5th dimensional paradox theory, first intelligently proved and realized 80 years from today, in most places that I have dream-traveled into yet, exploratronically, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we have touched on how SSJK cannot really take anything, and how I am very happy that Mister Wolf knows that even though it all really belongs 2 HER, SHE must Lawtronically observe the rules of this world while SHE interacts and dreams into it humanly, but we all get 2B younger once, with or without wasted poetic license, or oxymoron-based justice. The thing that proves who SHE is 2 my satisfaction and beyond any doubt whatsoever more than anything else, is what I call the (MGS) or the MIKE GUTHERMAN SYNDROME. She took my ‘Journal Cassette Tape number (either 1783 or 1784)’ out of my car that night on August 2nd of 1986; I am not sure which of the 2 tapes it was. I then was forced 2 re-make the best possible retake and re-do, of these recorded events, later on after returning home either the following day or the day after that. Now when the Resident Manager, Mister Mike Gutherman, of the Doctor Greenberg Apartments across from the John F. Kennedy Hospital in Stratford, New Jersey, USEASMWG, was given a few of my personal items, his entire life fell completely apart within just weeks, and he had a picture perfect life that I could only totally and absolutely envy the entire time that I lived next door 2 him there and knew him and his super ass hot wife Debbie, WOW!!! Suddenly, she left him; he lost his position as RM of the apartment building, and became overnight-homeless practically. This is all real, it happened, all of it, and I will swear 2 it in any of your court rooms 2 any of your judges Mister dick Wolf, as well as in any REAKL LIFE ones as well, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let me quickly get into something as far as my being hacked and someone re-switching the ADULT-SETTING on my blogs, only Ed Lynch (Himacane) has all my pass-codes, so either he is out of jail freaking now and has been doing this, working 4 Ann and Dawn, and if so, all 3 R heading 4 prison 4 many years, and when the mother fucking pop and press catch the entire story, all hell will break 4 this entire freaking family, I am sorry, MI, I cannot just stand by and sacrifice myself 2 save U from your horrible hellish distant family, and what they R doing 2 me and have done 2 me, any freaking longer; nor do I freaking intend 2. I am all 4U, and hope U get 2 the bottom of your personal chemtrail nightmare, U more than anyone in your circle of peeps know how hard I tried 2 warn U about this situation, what else can I do, or should I have done? Hey, I know UR wonderful in your new projects, but this is not really U and U know I am being honest. Hip hop is not your true calling, U know that they wrecked your ability 2 do the kind of music that U used 2 do, I can barely speak, my throat hurts now as I speak on a keyboard, let alone if I use a voice. It is all in these poisonous vapor jet trails. I would never lie 2 my GREAT GODDESS SCYLLA, U KNOW THAT, not about anything, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is another piping sizzling hot Florida day, but then so is every mother fucking day since May comes in, and it gets worse and peaks in middle or late August, and still we R a month away from not seeing nineties and super high humidity every damn mother fucking ass day here. Y do any of U dream of coming down and retiring in this fucking hell hole, YO!!!!!?????????????????? Get off my fucking back hell wrecker spell checker. Now the final 2 things, I was mind fucking hacked a while ago when discussing atheists, and got sidetracked and off on a tangent, but now 2 finish my point. They love 2 say that HELL is right here on this
Earth, and when it is over we get our reward, HEAVEN, eternal sleep. Sounds 2 good 2B true, and of course is 2 good 2B true, but atheists really ‘kill me’, they can use words like heaven and hell, on their own terms, I love that, pretty fucking wild and cool, huh Joe Paget???????????????? In closing, Chapter 18 is not posting, 4 whatever the reasons and how this hack is done, many details still totally elude me and my small computer and internet worm and virus knowledge, I will not kid anyone 4 a second about that. If we have 2 send up SAFE JOURNAL CHAPTER 15 in sections just 2 get it up, then this is how it will get up, try reading it backwards and in true written order. If Ed and Ann and Dawn R behind this, rest assured, all of UR going 2 prison 4 many many years, 2 of U most likely will come out as Dick Wolf would put it so eloquently, in fucking “BODY BAGS”. If John the Probie of Dawn dropped the ball, he as well will B talking 2 may own prosecuting attorneys, as all VICTIMS such as my freaking self have certain definite federal legal rights, such as the right 2 know when criminals who in some way have hurt us, get released from prison, and other changes occur such as their ability 32 leave the state legally and being off probation, etcetera, and he stopped speaking 2 me ever since I moved out of the White City section of Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG, BRAHH!!!!
Must leave, I have things 2 do and could of course talk on 4 many fucking hours, U all know ol’ non-tweeter Mountainpen, YO.
I will fill U all in on so mush more later on, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!
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