Thursday, November 22, 2007

TEOHIV DATFILE XIX CB #6 The Millionth Council and Me

The Epitome of Harassment-Internet Version [TEOHIV] CB #6
Subtitled-----The Millionth Council and Me
DATFILE XIX----Thanksgiving day in November of 2K7
112207.628.79 date error on prior datfile, typed today’s date back on yesterday’s Wednesday Chapter Blog-CB. BEGINNING TRANSMISSION:

One of many things that caused, IMHO that is, yesterday’s vicious death siege from filthy twisted MO enemies, was what I know that they heard me say onto a new portable cassette tape machine, as U know on 2 counts, one, that these MO scuz broke my previously used two machines, and on count 2, U should by now B aware, that whatever U say onto a tape, UR directly telling this MILLIONTH COUNCIL ASTRAL WORLD AUTHORITY, OR MC-AWA. Tape machines, any electronic device, whether it B an analogue or digital nature, it makes absolutely no difference, plug in or battery, electrons R chemically stored in cells of your batteries, for an oversimplified lesson on how batteries produce usable electrical energy by way of a direct current. So, what was I talking about in that conversation with myself back on Tuesday night, onto my life journal record [of a sorts], doubling up as my blogging notes audibly? I will get into that in a moment ladies and lads. First, I am the victim of poisoning, as was David Roth, my ex-best friend in this mortal life, killed by way of a clever plan of slowly poisoning him when they ate together at various diners. This evil monster named Jonathan Schau knew that he had a habit of ordering his cocoa and then freshening up in the rest room, and the cocoa would get placed on the table B$ his returning from the rest room, I should know, as 4 many years, we ate at diners and this indeed was what he always did, and this gave Schau time 2 slip anything into his cocoa cup. Even I would know how easy that this would B2 do. He would reach over obviously and take his cup, and pretend 2B sweetening the cocoa with sugar or some small packet, when of course, it was a slow poison. If Constable McMeekan would ever exhume the body of David Roth, he would C4 himself that this indeed is the reality of the shituation. Schau was an expert on many subjects, and Roth told me that he was a college educated highly intelligent man, familiar with chemistry and numerous things that would make the evidence overwhelming in any court run by Jack McCoy of the Law and Order show. Schau had talked him into putting him in as his executor and beneficiary in a life insurance policy of more than one hundred thousand dollars USD. Roth and I had at the time had a small rift growing between us on religious matters, he was not a pagan, one God only, and would not listen 2 what I know about Lawtronics filtering down into the 6th dimensional elevator room, and from there permitting a near endless multiversal cycle of creation-existence. From here a space time 4 dimensional system is then created inside each of these near-unlimited multiverses of 5th dimensional space-time. Do not confuse my numbering the dimensional realities with those that I number as existence phases. Phase one is truth at void infinity, we simply exist-case closed. 2 is the dreaming out and away from this void, into an astral dream-shift existence. 3 is the further dreaming down into sequences of individual pieces of individual lifetimes, all throughout the huge hyperspace that surrounds the astrallity on a mass-equivalent relationship, based on an atomic interchange of C squared, or the speed of light times the speed of light. 4 is the lawtronic enforcement of a 7th dimensional decision of creation-architecture whereby entrance to phase 3 human MW life is permitted from phase 2 astral life, within a permitted range of [fitting in] to the system. Should U decide U wish 2 come here as a resident of a place far north of Canada and Greenland, with a toy shop, a magic sleigh, flying reindeer, and a red suit, on a fat immortal body, with lots of elves around, this is designed to pop in a magic stop order and instead of coming in this way, U move in to phase 4, just as automatically as any stock broker knows that if I have ten shares of stock of ABCD CORPORATION that I bought at 22.and 5/8 per share with a stop loss order placed at the price of 22 and ½, and the price drops below this, say down to 22 and 1/8 by end of business that day, my 10 shares would have been sold automatically at in most cases, the price of the stop loss order. Lawtronic systems R quite a bit more real and powerful than anything on Wall Street, and if an astral being attempts to mortally dream in the life of some superman or mythical type of creature, it switches to instead of dreaming UR born and starting a life, to where UR merely the energy transfer in the mind of an all ready existing phase three entity, in the form of his or her fantasy or imagination. This is LAWTRONICS, and U will defy gravity B4U beat this law, it is an absolute. Enough 4 now on phases of existence and how they operate in and through the 7 controlled lawtronic dimensional system.

How about talking a quick seck with me about the famous OBE phenomenon, or
Out of Body Experience. U go 2 sleep and U dream UR at work and a dog bites U and another co-worker throws U into a huge trash bin and yells the words, ”fuck your sisters’ ass”. Your body is in bed and UR at work in some part of hyperspace having this experience through one of your countless HSM’s or doppelgangers. We all have daily out of body experiences, even those claiming not to dream, they have a very strong ground 2 the Earth, spiritually speaking, preventing them from bringing astral and exploratronic experiences and interactions, back onto their mortal life through the channel, so 2 speak. But back 2 a few paragraphs ago where I was saying something onto my tape machine, and automatically to the MC or the [MILLIONTH COUNCIL] as they R one and the same thing with our so called electronic reality here on the human Earth mortal world. I was making audible future blogging notes, and saying that so many astral projections, non-induced by me in any way, occurred while on the job at my weekend work site. B4 going on, they gave me another nasty poison kemtrails’ sore throat when I got up on this Thanksgiving morning. All day yesterday and all night long, these poisonous jet vapors were used 2 make me sick, and they can make me very sick, but no one is able 2 kill me, I cannot die nor can IB killed, screw U diseased dirt balls!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, I said how I used 2 believe that the work site was connected into large parts of my astral truer existence, and I am not retracting that statement, merely revising the true story that indeed I believe a new twist now, after being revealed by SSJKK the GREAT a week ago, some super revelations. Remember, this great astral GODDESS SCYLLA will not ever talk to anyone on the mortal world in any way. Writers of the Christian bible believe that inspired and prophetic communications resulted from one time and ended in another time, and it is not quite that cut and dried. Time is a mortal world thing, and is liquid where it really counts, astrally. In any event, phase 2 and 3 R similar to fractions that cannot go into each other exactly, or simpler put water and oil. Take water and oil and place it in a jar and shake. 4 a small time, an illusion is given to an observer that the mixture in the jar is one mixed chemical compounded substance, but give it a little [time], and the water will lay both below and above the oil trapped in a divided center area in the jar, shake again, it seemingly mixes only it really does not, and shortly all over again, the same separation shows itself in the jar. The living MW and astrallity will never mix and only in short burst durations can this seem to miraculously not B the case, but it is a total illusion. U cannot mix dream shift with physicality. I have the ability 2 consciously remember what an astral being says 2 me on the astral plane, when I come back into mortal living via re-dreaming into it again and continuing on in my dream sequence as Mountainpen. If I made any other claim, than I would B in violation of the scriptures that end the mighty Christian bible, those last verses of Saint John on the last page that say adding or subtracting words to this book will cause U2B added with the plagues written herein, and subtracted out of the LAMB’S book of life, the City Registry, losing your city name in the great city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal. So again back on point, I was saying on MC-TAPE, that it was not the location of my job site that was causing me so many un-induced ‘astral projections’, to use the mortal words 4 this illusion. B4 a guard house was constructed, I was in my vehicle, and would lose consciousness a few minpers once in a while when I was forced onto a weird schedule from time to again. It was not the site causing this 2 happen. Losing consciousness in a vehicle that is designed to move through space, such as an automobile, when said vehicle is sitting still, causes this 2 occur, and is a great suggestion 4 anyone not believing in things I tell on my blogs. If U cannot easily work the F-6/10 method of AP, drive around all day in your car and then sleep in it in your garage, while it remains off and still. Instead of moving through the 3rd dimension of the combined 1-3 or L-W-D or normal spatial dimensions, now that this vehicle is still, your sinking levels of under normal consciousness or your [sub-conscious] mind, begins to compensate 4 the normal movement in the 3rd and 4th, with altered movement in the 5th and 3rd dimensions, compensating with hyperspace or inter-dimensional space instead of normal 3-D space, as U now R motionless in this vehicle that normally is moving through time and space or the 4 normal dimensions of the MW space-time-continuum, and this more suggestive and hypnagognic state of your being-ness responds to this lack of normal 3-D motion, and immediately compensates by moving itself into and through 5th dimensional space, the hyperspaces of the endless parallel universes. This as previously explained, especially in certain sub leveled mental states, leads always 2 a conscious awareness of this illusion of the senses that the world of the paranormal calls astral projection.

When a word on the astral plane in Olympia and nearby provinces, starts with either the letters [CR] or the letter [N], they can B interchanged. Maybe how the great Sarah maneuvered the big boat to come crashing through my partner’s home in Nashville, Tennessee during a major twister storm in the spring of 1998. How about the news report a few nights ago in the Philadelphia area, about the lady that got sick because of the body parts sold from a funeral home 2 a medical lab, and how pipes were put into limb areas so no one would B the wiser at the viewing. Wow, another LAW AND ORDER show comes 2 life, uncanny!!!!!! Hell, the Mayor from New Jersey and the medals, the school shooting Semple case and the dude was from Virginia, then the VT college incident, and other shows too numerous to get into, and now this, gees Louise!!!!!!! So Y do some things cross into physicality from electronic energy creations, while others do not? Well, time is not over yet in case U did not know it, but no, they do not all make it across the magic barrier. Lawtronics is naturally behind all of this, and complex phases of 3/4/5 R involved. We all remember the great movie called THE GREAT LAS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE from 1989. Soon after, it came, not quite as bad as the movie but wow, and then within a year came the one down the way in Frisco. Y then can the weather channel air all of their shows on mega disasters without the world falling apart? Do U have a year? I sure do not, but will simply say this, the majority of our human world entertainment system is totally owned/controlled by the phase 4 energy beings working in and through the people who live in their physical bodies, and own physical world studios and movie cameras. What U all need 2 know is that there is an incredible bunch of people that R being used by something called the LAMBRIG CULT, from the astral world BRIGGBASE!!!! This is the basically one third evil part of the great MILLIONTH COUNCIL. Most people do not have a clue why they do what they do, they hide their feelings, play continual and constant games, and cannot sit still or alone without a computer or a TV set or a radio blaring away 2 drown out the very deadly and dangerous silence that would lead to the beginning of their true spiritual personal development that would eventually hook them up and connect them to the divine that lies within them, always has and always will.

DIANA ZUDLECRONESSIA ARTEEMIS, UR so beautiful, and your lovely moon is there shinning down 4 me. I will B all over U all night long, and will continue loving U at the Teck Bay Pinkdunes. I really enjoyed swimming there with your friends and U, in my mortal illusion, last night. CU real soon, I am finishing up today’s blog at Ann Silva’s pad, was invited over with Eddie Himacane 4 a nice Thanksgiving din-din!!!!!!!!!

I knew that if I said it never rains on weekends, I would get rain last weekend, even a little whittle fat ugly shrimpy restart retard like me can eventually wake up after decades and centuries of seemingly endless hell, and learn how 2 basically manipulate the forces around me 2 some degree. I knew that all the hell that MO put me through would cause me a major FLYERS HOCKEY VICTORY, the dirt bags clobbered my pals in Carolina 6:3, tear, tear!!!!!!!!!!! But I plan to ride up my total of 5 dip-bought new Dow Futures contracts, up to 15K within 90 days, just wait and C if I ain’t tellin’ it totally true to Tammie’s whittle doctor bwaby-wuv Elmer Fudd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today’s nasty whittle TRS: On Petty’s Island back in the late autumn of 1984, I was on a docked ship and got talking to some people in authority and told them about my Diana. They said if it is true, make her come 2U as lightning within an hour, a clear nice night was predicted for the area by all weather forecasters. I asked Diana in a soft voice to bring her lovely lightning to me, and within 2 hours, literally out of the black, around 2 or 3 in the morning, she was all over, all work had to stop. I thought nobody was on the channel, I used a defunked channel on my security walkie-talkie, and was later told when I was making lovey-dovey with lightning, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard heard it all and then when the huge unpredicted storm arrived out of nowhere, they put me on a watch list, similar to the ones of post 2001 and nine/eleven. Today I would have taken off 2 Cub, and not to the {TECK BAY}, unless UR spelling it starting with a G and ending with an O. Citizens have no freedom in this evil world 2 talk 2 any entities. Governments need 2B in total control, and R so scared of stuff out and beyond their control, they started the real UFO agency that nobody knows about, at least not the full story, and is called the National Aeronautic and Space Administration, or NASA. Don’t believe me, OK, cool, on a later blog, I will give U quotes on this by persons with ivy league collegian degrees, acceptable in global society, not said by a nobody blogger nut on a mental health disability.

DATFILE XIX ENDS TRANSMISSION: GOOGLE/SWIS/WORLD LAB-official web-logging documentation and legal document. This is a sworn 2B truthful documentation, under voluntary oath made by myself, under GODESS SCYLLA AND COUNTRY-USA. All this text is co-copyrighted Mark Mohr/Michael Mountainpen, if indeed, these names appear on any of the blogs.

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