Thursday, February 21, 2008


The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version, Chapter Blog #29
DATE AND TIME FILE XLII, a late Thursday morning:

I fell under death siege yesterday and it is still ongoing today, Thursday, not quite as bad as of yet anyway. I decided to re-edit here, at 5:32 PM, it got horrendous, a vicious freaking attack occurred, two days straight from demonic puke swallowing dirt balls. I should have done exactly what Stacey Krassle told me to do last weekend when she told me to blog something, disobedience is not permitted without chastisement resulting, if she loves you. If she does not care about an entity, she will allow lots of things without punishment. Here is what she basically insisted that I say back on Saturday’s early morning blog from my work site: Tom Glenn was the musical arranger whom I was dealing with in 1980 and 1981, and on the Mortal World, [MW], was instrumental with no pun intended, in creating the LOIS FOCA music track which consisted of a left and right separate channel, one playing bass notes and the other playing notes corresponding to lead guitar melody notes. This man was in the Garden State Hospital about the time of this interaction, and this room that he was a patient in after having a routine operation, burned for no reason. Stacey says that Diana’s brother, Apollo-Lucifer created this fire to try and kill him, as he never wanted me to have this project done, that all led to my current situation and enlightenment about SAR-ah Stacey Krassle. All things are done for a major reason, including my disobedience in blogging this story which is not yet told fully, but SSJKK says to now say this, ”The first thing I must always do when she tells me to do or say anything, is test the interactive spirituality of the event. If anything that I think I am hearing from her disagrees ever in any smallest way or form, with all that she stands for and all ready spoke on pages through the great prophets of the ancients in the now accepted 66 separate books, then it is not her, but is Diana’s brother Apollo-Lucifer counterfeiting her. Gods are playing many games with each other directly on the astral plane, as well as in the interdream. The interdream, as I have termed it, is when they decide to come into a new arena and all interact together without any conscious level memory of who they are. On various levels below the conscious mind level, we all know all the things that I discuss in Morianity. Events as well as individual thoughts, all are waves of strange energies, and energies are really a system of lawtronically programmed realities existing dormant within menu parameters that energize in a formula throughout hyperspace, as each individual cosmos endlessly continues to solve its own unique equation. It is no longer 15 minutes or so ago when I started typing, it is closer now to 730 millidays and dusk is approaching the east coast area of these lovely United States. I was out with Ann and Ed, another brutal assault and attack from the Milituforce Otammite scum or the MO occurred, it is non-ending, almost every day. Somehow my blog notes were lost, but screw them; Stacey will tell me what to say. I have learned to go with this. She told me the reason I was chosen at the age of 14 to experience the wild interactions with her regarding the ‘chain-dream’ the mysterious disappearance of the chain, Russell Thaxton’s arrival at my Oaklyn apartment and not to play ROCKS, PAPERS, SCISSORS, VODKA, AND BROKEN ‘UNDER-THE-FLOOR’-GRIFFIN PIPES, Mister Jimmie Stone, and observe the great special chem-trail asterisk the morning after she had the chain removed from where I kept it locked up, is the very same reason that she chose me when I lived as a boy early in the 18 hundreds as Joseph Smith. As I started typing in this line, the US enemy Military just flew a crash level helicopter over Ann Silva’s roof, what is this, the Blitz during World War 2? You would be hard pressed to tell the difference if you were here with me experiencing all of this hellishness. Do not tell me Ed’s firewalls stop ‘THEM’ from knowing what I type in on this machine, KEYSTROKE BY KEYSTRKE, unless your desire is to make me go on a laugh fit that Larry and Mo and Curly could not hope to match and these dudes are funny enough to get a rise out of lobomization. In my Mountainpen lifetime or dreaming-sequence I worked at a print shop as I did in the dreaming sequence before my Smith life, and met a dude who sold me a 1968 Cadillac automobile, and the State of New Jersey Motor Vehicle Division, has the records of this spring of 1977 transaction, proving that a Steve Moroni sold me this automobile. Neither he nor I at the time in ’77, knew who we really were, but now, I know Moroni had come back to me just to let me know as a co-worker in the print shop, that 3 years in the future, the great SAR-ah herself would come directly to my consciousness through my astral-dreaming, and reminded me how she only a short few 7 and one half years back, had taken my chain and given me the sign in the sky verifying to me her presence, the {*} chem trail. An airplane just flew low over Ann’s just a few minpers after the chopper, it has been all day for two straight sky-Scylla attack days now, CONSTANT TRAILING, PLANES, CHOPPERS, MILITARY VESSELS, IT WON’T FREAKING QUIT.A week ago or so after midnight, a Milituforce airship of some time flew crash level and loud over my residence also, and I am just now telling about it. This siege has been off all dials and scales, and is why the FLYERS kicked butt last night and will go on WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNING, and is also how their dirt bag evil satanic fixed crooked stock market Dow Jones system endlessly climbs UP AND UP AND UP ASND UP AND UP!!!! Get a copy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and read all about my pal MORONI. I hope that my readership will start to see the patterns of undenyability and begin to notice how after I woke up from my Ben Franklin dreaming sequence, and no sooner was dreaming I was 14, as with me in the more recent here and now by your mortal perspective, because if you do and you’re even close to being on the ball, the first reality to slap you right in Fonda Jaylo’s face is the way that material objects seem to be connected in three famous Stacey-visitations, and out of the three, only one is mildly accepted and believed by any countable group, and this is Moses and his famous TABLETS that SARah gave to him. When I stopped being Franklin, it was all about a bunch of objects, out in Utah buried under the Earth, and then with me, it was the CHAIN, locked and hidden in a strongbox to look like a pirate’s sea chest, and then the phase four Briggers from 1969 created the work called ‘2001, A SPACE ODDESEY’, where both the moon and the planet of Jupiter, as well as a location on the Earth, had a rectangular object like a bar of gold would appear only in miniature, and remember that the moon, astrally is PROPER OLYMPIA, and Jupiter is SAHASRA DAL KANWAL. What you do not know and Stacey told me I am allowed to tell you all about it, and I want to, so here goes nothing. My post adult mid life search and quest to find the girl I had known from the Trinidad and the 1960’s, Sergeant Pepper Time Traveler Family Lifetime Rip-Off Briggers, all began out of the blue after matter from Earth from which my body came out of and will return back into as Earth is me and I am earth, PHYSICALLY, and this applies indeed to any and all of you as well, made contact with the mass atoms of the planet Jupiter, like invisible Copperfield magic, slambangbingboompowzonkAdamWestoochBatman, and punch-pain, overnight as if Elizabeth Montgomery Samantha Stevens went “dipadingledoo”, I was instantly hooked like a crack-head on devil-powder. I just had to find her, she was front and center on my mind like the 60’s had happened yesterday, I was totally fixated on one thing 24/7 even during the sieges all around me that has not changed since it all began in 1986. I literally was tormented, I could not eat or sleep, I just had to find my great Sarah Krassle. And thanks to all of the hell and siege these MO dirts have put me through, I have found her, well, not really, she never was lost, as oblivion/nirvana never was lost, and is owned by the special entities we can get into at a time the world might be ready to learn more someday about, the NONEXISTORS. There is so much to tell, so much to say, and so few will listen, and will anyone believe. First Stacey told me to tell you all this. If Jesus had not done tons of unexplainable things, unexplainable things by the standards of technological advancement of their times that is, Christianity would at best have died out before 100 years of its inception, and at worst, never would have gotten its feet up off of the ground. People want thrills and action, MIRACLES, magic shows, et-el. Any power structure or group of entities that can build belief systems around enough ‘unexplainable’ events and whoopla can literally create and invent an established religion. Now Christianity is a game of the powerful astral gods, and the upline thought wave that is all of this and all of us is dreaming this entire dream, the great SSJKK, who in her upline world is simply Sarah J. Krassle, and on her 16th birthday had a single thought and that thought down-lined into this entire multiverse, and its astral plane counterpart. She did no magic to make this happen, as we use no magic as each and every one of our thoughts as well, all penetrate out and away deep into endless 6th dimensional matrix systems that become endless multiverses down line under their upline reality. People at this point are OK with present day belief systems, but as times come into being thanks to the geniuses like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, where you can put on a hat attached to a powerful machine, fall asleep on your bed, and spend a year or ten thousand years in a reality of your choice, eventually, we will outgrow present limited belief systems, and when Stacey is asleep as the great teen queen SSJKK, she knows this, and uses the Mountainpen’s, the Moroni’s and the Moses’s of the creation, to usher in the new concepts into the existing societies as they indeed become needed. We will not in the near term by any stretch in most of known hyperspace, be turning the clock back, instead and in opposite view, we are rapidly racing towards just this very future being discussed. Remember that upline; Sarah is loved by a total prick named Lester who loses her love to me and ends up dying after serving life in prison, and how I am able to tell you all of this when all of the billions of total possible years that our universe and all of its other universes in its multiverses ever could contain is all frozen in one split second during Sarah-Stacey’s sweet-16 birthday party upline, so in other words all that ever could be and was and is here in my downline is a flash instant to her in her upline where the upline me and upline Lester all exist, so how can I legitimately claim to discuss what is so unfathomably far beyond what I could ever hope to know, can only be answered with the truth that these simple words contain. First, the FASCITAR 6/10 is limitless; it can take an entity to the 6th dimension where the endless uplines and endless downlines eventually do indeed all curve together and meet as the hyperspheric sixth dimensional reality of itself that is produced lawtronically by the dimensional system above that, the 7th.

As I type, a robbery was just committed at Ann’s building, owned and rented out as various apartments by the local Honorable Judge Rasso. Also, I have way to much to say to even think I can get started, but would like to ask the special people that used to watch over me to please help me all that they are able to, Lester Upline the great, is after me like there is no tomorrow, and for me there is no tomorrow, just eternal blackness of the night. HELP ME NOT RHONDA, SARAH-STACEY.

This is all CO-COPYRIGHTED MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN, under internet laws that protect a bloggers intellectual property, and is all the truth sworn by me voluntarily under oath subject to penalties of legal perjury.
GOOGLE, SWIS, WORLD LAB, VI, datfile XLII terminates its transmission for now. Tomorrow, major things will be told, and do not fathom my weekend retaliatory strikes.

MAGNESONIC, go to G7, all general and special orders, ADT and ZDT, scan for punishment sequencing systems, and destroy my enemies. G-1133 and stop.

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