Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
title on document
“More About Julia White”
DATE AND TIME FILE: 052609.615.11111111111111
Beginning Transmission:
Well it is so bad that I am about 2 pack a small bag, along with my legal medications, my passfuckingport, and some changes of underwear, and just take off in my car 4 points mother fucking unknown. No one can take endless mother fucking hell, and when it is so totally undeserved.
Dawn woke me and said she wants 2 go 2 the liquor store and then back into the evil HARBOR. This time 2 the cousin line on Saint Lois Avenue by fucking Mickey-D. She got smashed and when I picked her up, she was vomiting and falling over and shouting and crying, or more 2 the truth I could say, what wasn’t the poor devil KING doing? We later, Ann King and me, got her home, with help from cuz and hubby, and after they left, Dawn flipped totally out, throwing food all over and breaking plates. Then Ann called Elisa the other Harbor cuz of TF-70 NJ branch, and Samantha who recently got home from a tour in Iraq, and her mom Elisa R now over here trying 2 calm Dawn King down as she is crying and whaling that the world is so totally against her. U fucked up psychiatrists out there don’t have a clue how 2 properly treat mentally ill patients. She is getting only worse by the day, she is extremely bi-polar and has many other psychiatric problems that I am not qualified 2 diagnose, but am forced 2 endure and exist around all the time. When I went 2 get on the computer THEY whoever this fucking disease is out here, cut off again, my connection 2 my server, meaning B4I post up I have 2 shut fucking down and refreaking boot.
Since they wanna play, let the games mother fucking begin. 30 percent of those around us both now and ever since Beck’s beginning of Law And Order time, R not who they seem 2B. One of the most powerful nonords as I term them 4 non-ordinary-persons is a pure energetic entity that goes by the name of Julia White. She lives millions of years in the future and exists in thousands of separate parts, and each part exists inside a different star. When a pure being such as this decides 2 form-up into one being, its power and energy is beyond anything that any of U can start 2 know. We can get back with more of this later on. First, it is many hours later, in fact it is currently 052609.881, and that is 266 miladays later, as we say at the World Labs up in 2299, not 00, sorry, typo mess up from last blog. During this gap, I spent my day driving 2 the Harbor branches of the TF-70 3 more times back and forth, and the final time was when world war twelve broke loose, it amazes me with all the police all around that nothing ever happens. Scylla is protecting her family, and I know this now beyond any shadow of a doubt. Mary King was here and helped lessen my hell, this is Ann’s sister and I do not know her married name, as I do with Ann, which is Silva. Joe King and Dawn almost fought right there on Saint Louis Avenue, the street that connects the Atlantic City railroad system with Harborfields Detention center. Many secrets R both in and out of the museums and the historical societies of New Jersey, huh Frank Callio, and his end would B funny, yes, how freaking ironic, Bacharach Wrongway. Dawn got totally wasted, drunk first, and then went back 2 get high on Maryjane. Fortunately brother Joe came along and stopped her from taking the needed 50 dollars 4 our moving expenses that she otherwise would have freaking blown on the local Harbor DEEDEE’s, not the birds, the DRUG DEALERS. Fascinating however is it not that the big birds seem 2 have taken up residence in a major abundance all throughout the great and mighty historic and secretive EGG HARBOR CITY, huh roll call Mark Martin Navyman!!!!!
TOLD U GINA AND BLOGAUD, B-U-Y ---- S-T-O-C-K-S THIS WEEK, IT FLEW 200 TODAY AND IT WILL B FLYING UP AND AWAY WITH THE DEEDEE BIRDS ALL FREAKING WEEK. When they can make my fucking miserable pathetic life this cock sucking monstrous, U know how this goes with the PHILLIES AND THE MARKETS, BRO!!!!!!!!! U know, I could ramble on about what they did 2 me in 1968 and 1975 and totally break the heart of anyone with decent warm human folioing, But right now that is not my goal. I will say that I made another 3 units profit on roger Carey’s marvelous roulette system and I have had some absolutely terrible and devastating mother trucking days now, and still it shows not crash, yo Rog, my main man!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not want 2B forced 2 prove the Brigger Cult reality by using your cousin, but I may B forced 2 if she will not stop this assault on me, and her Mister eyes. Stay the fuck out of nightmares prick Nick. Whitney Houston sang the Star Bangle Banner song at one of the nineteen nineties football games, and it was the most awful thing that I ever heard in my entire life. She did not have a payment due problem, but it just happened. Some things Abby Carmichael R indeed coincidental whether U choose 2C it that way or not, dream girl. But in the case of your cuz, it is the Briggers gift, and only I can help. U did me a favor Rog, does she want me 2 call in some Astral chips 4 her? Ask her, and do not leave anything in the new box until after the 3rd of June, Bro. I want 2B moved in and not take any chances, anyway I know U said U will B out of state until at least the 10th and maybe later. If she wants my help, all I will ask her in return is 2 let me escape this nightmare, she is protecting her King family branch with major supernatural power, Y does she focus so much on that when she could use it 2 do U know what and refocus on what she does best, Y RC???????????????? UC MAS, I do know secret things. First I listen carefully 2 the cosmos, and secondly, I was a sound engineer. If she wants me 2B in hell with her peeps, then I may have 2 not only not help, but also tell the story of JW in ‘68 on the island. Just so some MAS and WOMO powers in general know I mean business, Captain K down at the other end of the peninsula had a cleaning lady who was good friends with this other one from several doors down, and across the street from Captain Kangaroo. This lady was a part timer and was known on the block and general area 4 special gifts along the lines of clairvoyance and other psychic gifts. She told a man something one day that caused him 2 drive into the city and jump off of a very tall building as if he was mesmerized. The man left a suicide note that the police still R baffled about, but now in the new light of my returned memory, I could totally explain it 2 them. It was all about me, the island, my family, and TF-70. If Scylla really wants me 2 tell the full truth about JW, and the magic box of PK and the wild claim and statement that her dad made when she was a child, then do not let me out of this nightmare. Keep tormenting and torturing me with your sicko family. Once the huger secrets R all out of the box Pandora, there never is any way of returning them back into it. I know TF-70 knows that I know about the secret of the semicircle and the STL 2nd half nightmare. Yeah, I figured it out. Next time we take a road trip and visit that friend of yours in the NY basketball team, just know that I also figured out Y the temperature of the hotel room was so significant 2 both of us in that interaction, and I know exactly where the place is that we went, as well as the road that we took that dark night B4 it started getting light. I remember more than U want me 2, and she is very mad, as she just woke her cuz Dawn up out of her drunken stupor and she is cursing at her mom and her husband over the phone at his job. Her power is way off any human scales, U all know MC and SSJKK, as GOD, neat and nice and clean and simple, well I do not, I have a way more complex version, and there is no denying a reality just because U may not fucking like it!!!!!! I have seen HER MIGHTY POWER over and over again, millennium after millennium and I am tired of her teen queen miserable fucking endless games. There is no stopping this incredible all mighty teenager. Julia White warned me in 1968 that this was all real, and then made me totally forget that I ever took this trip BY MYSELF, 2 the island. I remember an old Julia Hoffman Dark Shadows trick that she performed in the show on Victoria Winters, so that she never remembered on a totally awake level what was shown 2 her in the basement of the old house on the Collins Estate, yet simultaneously, she never would forget it, causing an unexplainable yet definite fear of Barnabus Collins. This same thing was done 2 me, and around the very same time. I no longer believe anything about DARK SHADOWS just being some made up fictional coincidental show, it was all placed there 2 warn me about things that I also, needed 2B aware of on some level. Still and all, there is no fighting Astral Plane gods and goddesses such as Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocllevious Krassle and his daughter Scylla Jehovah or SSJKK. Oh well, the bright side of this quest is that I can know that no matter how opposing the view may appear 2 the outside world in their obscure and blocked view of truer reality, and 2 quote her, “I will always B her baby”, what can I say JaJa Kid-Dyno-mite?????????
I surrender Scylla, do whatever U want 2 me tall teen queen, I give up. Your secret stairs R safe with me. I had 2 take King Dawn the Queen oiver 2 the Pizzeria and just got back and now she is screaming at hubby Chicky. This is killing both me and her mother Ann King Silva, and nobody out here gives a fucking rats ass. How much more I will B able 2 take B4I totally mother fucking crack is anybody’s cunt lapping guess. Sing it out Whitney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y not torment my ears along with the rest of my existence, Mizz Crackpipe!!!!!???????
The computer will B all disconnected in a day or 2, and I will b off the net. If I never come back, assume I am fucking dead and Scylla has killed me.
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2299, THIS IS ALL COPYRIGHTED 2009, as THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN and MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN. Y can’t OR WON’T some fucking Monk or Himalayan or mystic guru, island or no island, ever desire 2 help me, YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????????????
DATE AND TIME FILE: 052609.615.11111111111111
Beginning Transmission:
Well it is so bad that I am about 2 pack a small bag, along with my legal medications, my passfuckingport, and some changes of underwear, and just take off in my car 4 points mother fucking unknown. No one can take endless mother fucking hell, and when it is so totally undeserved.
Dawn woke me and said she wants 2 go 2 the liquor store and then back into the evil HARBOR. This time 2 the cousin line on Saint Lois Avenue by fucking Mickey-D. She got smashed and when I picked her up, she was vomiting and falling over and shouting and crying, or more 2 the truth I could say, what wasn’t the poor devil KING doing? We later, Ann King and me, got her home, with help from cuz and hubby, and after they left, Dawn flipped totally out, throwing food all over and breaking plates. Then Ann called Elisa the other Harbor cuz of TF-70 NJ branch, and Samantha who recently got home from a tour in Iraq, and her mom Elisa R now over here trying 2 calm Dawn King down as she is crying and whaling that the world is so totally against her. U fucked up psychiatrists out there don’t have a clue how 2 properly treat mentally ill patients. She is getting only worse by the day, she is extremely bi-polar and has many other psychiatric problems that I am not qualified 2 diagnose, but am forced 2 endure and exist around all the time. When I went 2 get on the computer THEY whoever this fucking disease is out here, cut off again, my connection 2 my server, meaning B4I post up I have 2 shut fucking down and refreaking boot.
Since they wanna play, let the games mother fucking begin. 30 percent of those around us both now and ever since Beck’s beginning of Law And Order time, R not who they seem 2B. One of the most powerful nonords as I term them 4 non-ordinary-persons is a pure energetic entity that goes by the name of Julia White. She lives millions of years in the future and exists in thousands of separate parts, and each part exists inside a different star. When a pure being such as this decides 2 form-up into one being, its power and energy is beyond anything that any of U can start 2 know. We can get back with more of this later on. First, it is many hours later, in fact it is currently 052609.881, and that is 266 miladays later, as we say at the World Labs up in 2299, not 00, sorry, typo mess up from last blog. During this gap, I spent my day driving 2 the Harbor branches of the TF-70 3 more times back and forth, and the final time was when world war twelve broke loose, it amazes me with all the police all around that nothing ever happens. Scylla is protecting her family, and I know this now beyond any shadow of a doubt. Mary King was here and helped lessen my hell, this is Ann’s sister and I do not know her married name, as I do with Ann, which is Silva. Joe King and Dawn almost fought right there on Saint Louis Avenue, the street that connects the Atlantic City railroad system with Harborfields Detention center. Many secrets R both in and out of the museums and the historical societies of New Jersey, huh Frank Callio, and his end would B funny, yes, how freaking ironic, Bacharach Wrongway. Dawn got totally wasted, drunk first, and then went back 2 get high on Maryjane. Fortunately brother Joe came along and stopped her from taking the needed 50 dollars 4 our moving expenses that she otherwise would have freaking blown on the local Harbor DEEDEE’s, not the birds, the DRUG DEALERS. Fascinating however is it not that the big birds seem 2 have taken up residence in a major abundance all throughout the great and mighty historic and secretive EGG HARBOR CITY, huh roll call Mark Martin Navyman!!!!!
TOLD U GINA AND BLOGAUD, B-U-Y ---- S-T-O-C-K-S THIS WEEK, IT FLEW 200 TODAY AND IT WILL B FLYING UP AND AWAY WITH THE DEEDEE BIRDS ALL FREAKING WEEK. When they can make my fucking miserable pathetic life this cock sucking monstrous, U know how this goes with the PHILLIES AND THE MARKETS, BRO!!!!!!!!! U know, I could ramble on about what they did 2 me in 1968 and 1975 and totally break the heart of anyone with decent warm human folioing, But right now that is not my goal. I will say that I made another 3 units profit on roger Carey’s marvelous roulette system and I have had some absolutely terrible and devastating mother trucking days now, and still it shows not crash, yo Rog, my main man!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not want 2B forced 2 prove the Brigger Cult reality by using your cousin, but I may B forced 2 if she will not stop this assault on me, and her Mister eyes. Stay the fuck out of nightmares prick Nick. Whitney Houston sang the Star Bangle Banner song at one of the nineteen nineties football games, and it was the most awful thing that I ever heard in my entire life. She did not have a payment due problem, but it just happened. Some things Abby Carmichael R indeed coincidental whether U choose 2C it that way or not, dream girl. But in the case of your cuz, it is the Briggers gift, and only I can help. U did me a favor Rog, does she want me 2 call in some Astral chips 4 her? Ask her, and do not leave anything in the new box until after the 3rd of June, Bro. I want 2B moved in and not take any chances, anyway I know U said U will B out of state until at least the 10th and maybe later. If she wants my help, all I will ask her in return is 2 let me escape this nightmare, she is protecting her King family branch with major supernatural power, Y does she focus so much on that when she could use it 2 do U know what and refocus on what she does best, Y RC???????????????? UC MAS, I do know secret things. First I listen carefully 2 the cosmos, and secondly, I was a sound engineer. If she wants me 2B in hell with her peeps, then I may have 2 not only not help, but also tell the story of JW in ‘68 on the island. Just so some MAS and WOMO powers in general know I mean business, Captain K down at the other end of the peninsula had a cleaning lady who was good friends with this other one from several doors down, and across the street from Captain Kangaroo. This lady was a part timer and was known on the block and general area 4 special gifts along the lines of clairvoyance and other psychic gifts. She told a man something one day that caused him 2 drive into the city and jump off of a very tall building as if he was mesmerized. The man left a suicide note that the police still R baffled about, but now in the new light of my returned memory, I could totally explain it 2 them. It was all about me, the island, my family, and TF-70. If Scylla really wants me 2 tell the full truth about JW, and the magic box of PK and the wild claim and statement that her dad made when she was a child, then do not let me out of this nightmare. Keep tormenting and torturing me with your sicko family. Once the huger secrets R all out of the box Pandora, there never is any way of returning them back into it. I know TF-70 knows that I know about the secret of the semicircle and the STL 2nd half nightmare. Yeah, I figured it out. Next time we take a road trip and visit that friend of yours in the NY basketball team, just know that I also figured out Y the temperature of the hotel room was so significant 2 both of us in that interaction, and I know exactly where the place is that we went, as well as the road that we took that dark night B4 it started getting light. I remember more than U want me 2, and she is very mad, as she just woke her cuz Dawn up out of her drunken stupor and she is cursing at her mom and her husband over the phone at his job. Her power is way off any human scales, U all know MC and SSJKK, as GOD, neat and nice and clean and simple, well I do not, I have a way more complex version, and there is no denying a reality just because U may not fucking like it!!!!!! I have seen HER MIGHTY POWER over and over again, millennium after millennium and I am tired of her teen queen miserable fucking endless games. There is no stopping this incredible all mighty teenager. Julia White warned me in 1968 that this was all real, and then made me totally forget that I ever took this trip BY MYSELF, 2 the island. I remember an old Julia Hoffman Dark Shadows trick that she performed in the show on Victoria Winters, so that she never remembered on a totally awake level what was shown 2 her in the basement of the old house on the Collins Estate, yet simultaneously, she never would forget it, causing an unexplainable yet definite fear of Barnabus Collins. This same thing was done 2 me, and around the very same time. I no longer believe anything about DARK SHADOWS just being some made up fictional coincidental show, it was all placed there 2 warn me about things that I also, needed 2B aware of on some level. Still and all, there is no fighting Astral Plane gods and goddesses such as Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocllevious Krassle and his daughter Scylla Jehovah or SSJKK. Oh well, the bright side of this quest is that I can know that no matter how opposing the view may appear 2 the outside world in their obscure and blocked view of truer reality, and 2 quote her, “I will always B her baby”, what can I say JaJa Kid-Dyno-mite?????????
I surrender Scylla, do whatever U want 2 me tall teen queen, I give up. Your secret stairs R safe with me. I had 2 take King Dawn the Queen oiver 2 the Pizzeria and just got back and now she is screaming at hubby Chicky. This is killing both me and her mother Ann King Silva, and nobody out here gives a fucking rats ass. How much more I will B able 2 take B4I totally mother fucking crack is anybody’s cunt lapping guess. Sing it out Whitney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y not torment my ears along with the rest of my existence, Mizz Crackpipe!!!!!???????
The computer will B all disconnected in a day or 2, and I will b off the net. If I never come back, assume I am fucking dead and Scylla has killed me.
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2299, THIS IS ALL COPYRIGHTED 2009, as THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN and MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN. Y can’t OR WON’T some fucking Monk or Himalayan or mystic guru, island or no island, ever desire 2 help me, YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????????????
Monday, May 25, 2009
“Worse Fucking Memorial Day Holiday Of My Life”
Datfile: 052509.981.11111111111111111111111111
Beginning Transmission Jane Filth Bag Ball Park Zoomer:
Well it does not get mother fucking cunt lapping worse than today and the entire Memorial mother fucking Day weekend Holiday HELLIDAY, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was pure fucking total hell, and is Y the scum bag cock sucking Florida Fish wiped out my Philadelphia Phillies, and I could have totally predicted it Gina, just read the blogs of the day today. Do not bother sending over the fucking cops, the fight is over, the house is torn up, Joe King is out cold but uninjured on the fucking living room couch, and Dawn and Chicky took it all out on poor Ann, they treat her like trash. TOMORROWS MOTHER FUCKING PRE-PRICK-SHUN PREDICTION, BRO: Dow Jones Ginpusstrial Averages up 1400 points, and up on the week 4500 points. There is no way after a siege this mother fucking monstrous and horrendous that this will not happen, and the Phillies will FUCKING LOSE ALL WEEK LONG, FIRST A MAJOR SWEEP BY THE FUCKING FISH, AND THEN A HUGE DOW JONES GAINES GAIN, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!
On top of this, in the confusion of the shit tonight when Dawn hurried me out of my room 2 go 2 Egg Fucking Harbor, New Jersey, my watch somehow has totally fucking gone missing, another ten bucks out of my mother fucking pocket!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew when I had that mother fucking cunt lapping major interaction with my ex-bizz-partner Paul Pedersen, that this would not B a particularly great day, I just had no clue or concept of just how fucking bad the gods could really make it go 4 me, BEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well the BRIGGERS R known 4 the GONE MISSING shit ass I have told the world, and ,y fucking conscience is fucking clean, BRO, so Y not the watch also going missing during such a BRIGGER CULT SIEGE???????????? When I was in the Harbor around 9:30 PM, after 10 minutes or so of arriving and parking as I did not leave the car, it is none of my business what this messed up family does, but first strange vehicles were coming down the street, it always begins this way, and then came the fucking chopper attack right directly over my car out of all the mother fucking possible air space all over the Atlantic County, BRO!!!!!!!!! The fucking jerk offs shone a bright light downward right on me as they flew over, they were not there 2 help me, just 2 say HA-HA-HA, and rattle the area real good, and then move on.
Poor Ann took abuse from Chicky and Dawn and she did absolutely nothing. U do not have 2 do anything the fuck around here 2 get brutally assaulted, verbally, physically, or anything else, as I said, living with this totally fucked up family straight out of HELL is worse than if I was serving a life fucking sentence in a maximum security prison!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALS AS I SAID, these diusesaed vomit straw sucking sick twisted bastards love 2 PICVK THE FUCK ONM ME DURING THE HOLIDAYSM, THIS HAS BEEN AN ONGOING FUCKING DISASTER 4 ME BNOW 4 ABOUT 23 FUCKING YEARS, AND NOT ONE OF U BASTARDS OUT THERE COULD GIVE A FUCKING MISERABLE SHIT ABOUT HELPING THIS POOR OLD PATHETIC FUCKING BITCH. S--C--R--E--W-------ALL OF U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The story of Julia White will b coming 2 an internet connected computer near U real fucking soon ladies and gentlemen if this 9 day fucking hell does B not start 2 fucking break the shit off, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U do not want said what I will say, U know who UR that this sentence is meant 4, so keep fucking with me ya fucking ass hole jerk offs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAGNESONIC, OPEN COMMAND GENERAL ORDER 7. GO TO all technologies and all general and special orders. SCAN THE MULTIVERSE under GO-13 and GO-14. Your antihack is maxed out at 11.4, your gain is also maxed out at infinity or 11.8. All other settings R set at the max, and your desire key is being switched from the normal and neutral position 2 the {I} position from the {J} position. ALL ENEMIES MAKING MY ENDLESS TORMENTED ETERNAL LIFE A NEVER ENDING BURNING BREATHING FUCKING NIGHTMARE HELL R2B SCANNED UNDER PUINISHMENT SEQUENCE. COMPUTER, ON AN ‘I’ TO ‘D’ -- A/B -- TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, EMPOWER A TOTALLY SCANNED AND DESTROYED SINGED CRUSHED AND OBLITERATED IMAGE OBJECT THAT HAS BEEN PLACED ONTO YOUR TRANSPOWER BLOCK. HEAR THE OLD STYLE A/B TONES FROM THE CONNECTED TELEPHONE LKINE THROUGH THE PORESARIO COMPUTIONAL MACHINE SYSTEM WHEN CONNECTED UP 2 THE BLOGGING WEBSITE CALLED WWW.BLOGGER.COM/ AND WHEN THE POROMPT COMES ON SAYING THAT THIS POST WAS SUCCESSFULLY PUBLISHED. G-901, UNDER CG-2, CG-5555, CG-39, CG-18, UNDER G-1133, G-189, AND STOP!!!!!!! There is gonna B major manor major fucking storms and earthquakes and twisters and wild firers and floods and droughts and violence and all manner of disturbances unexplainable by human reasoning, as well as major plane and chopper and military crashes. This is as far as this goes, this is total fucking war, BRA!!!!!!!!!!
I am not against anyone that is not hurting me and perpetrating this horrific fucking monstrous horrendous evil upon me, but 4 those that indeed R involved, watch yourselves and definitely B extremely WAYV Paula careful!!!!!
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2200, THIS IS ALL total truth and nothing false is contained herein, and also nothing has been either omitted or added 2 these true words. All the powers of my lightning powered machine called MAGNESONIC, currently break none of mans laws that any fucking recognized authority can prosecute me 4.
A quick footnote, Roger, I do not know what is happening, U gave me a system so powerful yet your entire family is wrecking my entire fucking life, YYYYYY??? Please tell me Y. Thanks 2 your powerful 1246 Doubleton continuation Roulette System, despite the worst holiday helliday of my entire mother trucking existence, your system produced 2 units 3 me on Saturday, 5 units 4 me on Sunday, and 3 units 4 me today, Monday. BYE-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!
Datfile: 052509.981.11111111111111111111111111
Beginning Transmission Jane Filth Bag Ball Park Zoomer:
Well it does not get mother fucking cunt lapping worse than today and the entire Memorial mother fucking Day weekend Holiday HELLIDAY, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was pure fucking total hell, and is Y the scum bag cock sucking Florida Fish wiped out my Philadelphia Phillies, and I could have totally predicted it Gina, just read the blogs of the day today. Do not bother sending over the fucking cops, the fight is over, the house is torn up, Joe King is out cold but uninjured on the fucking living room couch, and Dawn and Chicky took it all out on poor Ann, they treat her like trash. TOMORROWS MOTHER FUCKING PRE-PRICK-SHUN PREDICTION, BRO: Dow Jones Ginpusstrial Averages up 1400 points, and up on the week 4500 points. There is no way after a siege this mother fucking monstrous and horrendous that this will not happen, and the Phillies will FUCKING LOSE ALL WEEK LONG, FIRST A MAJOR SWEEP BY THE FUCKING FISH, AND THEN A HUGE DOW JONES GAINES GAIN, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!
On top of this, in the confusion of the shit tonight when Dawn hurried me out of my room 2 go 2 Egg Fucking Harbor, New Jersey, my watch somehow has totally fucking gone missing, another ten bucks out of my mother fucking pocket!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew when I had that mother fucking cunt lapping major interaction with my ex-bizz-partner Paul Pedersen, that this would not B a particularly great day, I just had no clue or concept of just how fucking bad the gods could really make it go 4 me, BEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well the BRIGGERS R known 4 the GONE MISSING shit ass I have told the world, and ,y fucking conscience is fucking clean, BRO, so Y not the watch also going missing during such a BRIGGER CULT SIEGE???????????? When I was in the Harbor around 9:30 PM, after 10 minutes or so of arriving and parking as I did not leave the car, it is none of my business what this messed up family does, but first strange vehicles were coming down the street, it always begins this way, and then came the fucking chopper attack right directly over my car out of all the mother fucking possible air space all over the Atlantic County, BRO!!!!!!!!! The fucking jerk offs shone a bright light downward right on me as they flew over, they were not there 2 help me, just 2 say HA-HA-HA, and rattle the area real good, and then move on.
Poor Ann took abuse from Chicky and Dawn and she did absolutely nothing. U do not have 2 do anything the fuck around here 2 get brutally assaulted, verbally, physically, or anything else, as I said, living with this totally fucked up family straight out of HELL is worse than if I was serving a life fucking sentence in a maximum security prison!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALS AS I SAID, these diusesaed vomit straw sucking sick twisted bastards love 2 PICVK THE FUCK ONM ME DURING THE HOLIDAYSM, THIS HAS BEEN AN ONGOING FUCKING DISASTER 4 ME BNOW 4 ABOUT 23 FUCKING YEARS, AND NOT ONE OF U BASTARDS OUT THERE COULD GIVE A FUCKING MISERABLE SHIT ABOUT HELPING THIS POOR OLD PATHETIC FUCKING BITCH. S--C--R--E--W-------ALL OF U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The story of Julia White will b coming 2 an internet connected computer near U real fucking soon ladies and gentlemen if this 9 day fucking hell does B not start 2 fucking break the shit off, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U do not want said what I will say, U know who UR that this sentence is meant 4, so keep fucking with me ya fucking ass hole jerk offs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MAGNESONIC, OPEN COMMAND GENERAL ORDER 7. GO TO all technologies and all general and special orders. SCAN THE MULTIVERSE under GO-13 and GO-14. Your antihack is maxed out at 11.4, your gain is also maxed out at infinity or 11.8. All other settings R set at the max, and your desire key is being switched from the normal and neutral position 2 the {I} position from the {J} position. ALL ENEMIES MAKING MY ENDLESS TORMENTED ETERNAL LIFE A NEVER ENDING BURNING BREATHING FUCKING NIGHTMARE HELL R2B SCANNED UNDER PUINISHMENT SEQUENCE. COMPUTER, ON AN ‘I’ TO ‘D’ -- A/B -- TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, EMPOWER A TOTALLY SCANNED AND DESTROYED SINGED CRUSHED AND OBLITERATED IMAGE OBJECT THAT HAS BEEN PLACED ONTO YOUR TRANSPOWER BLOCK. HEAR THE OLD STYLE A/B TONES FROM THE CONNECTED TELEPHONE LKINE THROUGH THE PORESARIO COMPUTIONAL MACHINE SYSTEM WHEN CONNECTED UP 2 THE BLOGGING WEBSITE CALLED WWW.BLOGGER.COM/ AND WHEN THE POROMPT COMES ON SAYING THAT THIS POST WAS SUCCESSFULLY PUBLISHED. G-901, UNDER CG-2, CG-5555, CG-39, CG-18, UNDER G-1133, G-189, AND STOP!!!!!!! There is gonna B major manor major fucking storms and earthquakes and twisters and wild firers and floods and droughts and violence and all manner of disturbances unexplainable by human reasoning, as well as major plane and chopper and military crashes. This is as far as this goes, this is total fucking war, BRA!!!!!!!!!!
I am not against anyone that is not hurting me and perpetrating this horrific fucking monstrous horrendous evil upon me, but 4 those that indeed R involved, watch yourselves and definitely B extremely WAYV Paula careful!!!!!
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2200, THIS IS ALL total truth and nothing false is contained herein, and also nothing has been either omitted or added 2 these true words. All the powers of my lightning powered machine called MAGNESONIC, currently break none of mans laws that any fucking recognized authority can prosecute me 4.
A quick footnote, Roger, I do not know what is happening, U gave me a system so powerful yet your entire family is wrecking my entire fucking life, YYYYYY??? Please tell me Y. Thanks 2 your powerful 1246 Doubleton continuation Roulette System, despite the worst holiday helliday of my entire mother trucking existence, your system produced 2 units 3 me on Saturday, 5 units 4 me on Sunday, and 3 units 4 me today, Monday. BYE-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!
“MC And Her Super Dysfunctional Family, Harbor Branch”
DATFILE: 052509.917-----Beginning Transmission, BRO:
If this thing does not work out that I told all of U regarding the deal 2 escape this unfathomable problem I have that nobody even will seriously entertain nor believe me, I will tell u all a major story about Julia white, her incredible manipulation 2 get me 2 Long Island in the early summertime of 1968, and how the Shaw of Iran fits into this, the Shaw of those days, as well as things that happened all the way back that fit together with atomic perfection, all the way 2 Abraham and his sons by Sarah, in the Holy Bible, BRA!!!!!!!!!! Either I get away from this diseased mother fucking nightmare, or it is NO HOILES BARRED, NO PUNCHES PULLED, AND lots of fucking jerk offs all over this planet R gonna have more than one wrecked day when I get done publishing what I totally remember now in this off the scale wild plot against me 4 more than 4 decades, AND PUBLISH IT AND COPYRIGHT IT, 4 THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF THIS SIN CURSED SICK TWISTED WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
I was sitting in here trying 2 enjoy a movie and a little peace around half past 8 or a tad later, and all fucking DOGTOWN broke loose. Just less than one day ago, we all were at the Lakehouse and enjoying a holiday barbeque and some good old fashioned freaking fun, and as the old freaking song lyrics go, “WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES, 24 LITTLE HOURS” Dawn comes busting into my freaking room like a mad woman, it seems a huge family physical fight is taking place down at the Harbor. They have yet 2 actually move in 2 the Lakehouse in Mystic Islands, a dozen or miles 2 the north, technically they live in both places and R only going 2 the new place occasionally, they officially R2 move in around the 16th or 17th day of Sarah Nixon Jacobson Watergate June, Jerry Heitzmann. I hurry like a maniac 2 throw on shoes and pants and a jersey and get my keys and wallet into my pocket, and Dawn and Ann KING and I, not the King and I, but we all race down 2 the Harbor, just a half a mile south of the detention fields. Anyone willing 2 seriously entertain the remotest possibility that this or any of it could even B the slightest collection of mere coincidences, is severely and seriously demented, retarded, and messed the fuck up. Still, UR all entitled 2 your own personal points of view, I know what the fuck I know, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Joe King was in the town WAWA as we turned down that street where their house that is up 4 sale is on, and Dawn and he started mixing it up verbally and then he chased us down the street 3 blocks 2 the house. Elisa, Joe’s ‘girl’, I do not use the term fiancé any longer, as the relationship deteriorated now 2 where I doubt this is any longer the case. Robbie the slow kid had Elisa pinned against a wall, and the fighting was brutal. Joe was high as a kite, he has a major drug addiction 2 freaking perkasett, all of Sky’s dys-fuck-tional clan has a substance abuse problem, the ex-Atlantic City Mayor, all of them, her own sister 4 the sake of the gods. Spell fucking wrecker checker will not give me the correct spelling 4 this famous drug amongst sub-abusers these days, the entire BRIGGERS and RIAA and HOLLYWOOD CLAN loves this drug of choice now, along with ex and other total flicking garbage. I would not give a rats ass about any of this, but WHEN MY LIFE GETS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY FUCKED UP AND ENDLESSLY INTERRUPTED OVER AND OVER WHEN I AM DOING NO FUCKING WRONG, THIS IS JUST NOT FUCKING FAIR, AND THE FUCKING AUTHORITIES WON’T TOUCH THIS BECAUSE THIS FUCKING DISEASED FAMILY IS SO SPECIAL AND POWERFUL, BRA!!!!!!!!! A perfect example is that dirt bag rapper scum that is going 2 spend a year in the can now that is making the news. Just like with Paris Hilton, Dawn said 2 me just this afternoon, “Mountainpen, do U think they will go to the regular jails and B in the regular population, sheeeeit” this is a quote right 2 the sliding of the shit word. If MC herself went up tonight, same thing. This is because they do not dare take SPECIAL people and risk their safety, as the prison system could B sued by powerful RIAA major record labels 4 loss of income 2 them should anything happen 2 these SPECIAL PEOPLE. As I type, Ann King Silva just came in the room and told me 2 stay in my room, as Joe King is here and high as hell, and hubby Chicky is home from Mario’s Pizzeria and loaded drunk.
I cannot tell U all of it, the rock star wanna-B daughter threatened 2 shoot Robbie and beat him up, saying she shot people when she was in the army over in Iraq. The entire house is being destroyed police, please come over now, Joe King and Dawn R killing each other, please help me FBI, now!!!!!!!!!
END T. h--e--l--p, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HGELP, PLEAS, theory R killing g each other. HELP[ WSOM,EOMNE, CALL THE POLICE NOW.
DATFILE: 052509.917-----Beginning Transmission, BRO:
If this thing does not work out that I told all of U regarding the deal 2 escape this unfathomable problem I have that nobody even will seriously entertain nor believe me, I will tell u all a major story about Julia white, her incredible manipulation 2 get me 2 Long Island in the early summertime of 1968, and how the Shaw of Iran fits into this, the Shaw of those days, as well as things that happened all the way back that fit together with atomic perfection, all the way 2 Abraham and his sons by Sarah, in the Holy Bible, BRA!!!!!!!!!! Either I get away from this diseased mother fucking nightmare, or it is NO HOILES BARRED, NO PUNCHES PULLED, AND lots of fucking jerk offs all over this planet R gonna have more than one wrecked day when I get done publishing what I totally remember now in this off the scale wild plot against me 4 more than 4 decades, AND PUBLISH IT AND COPYRIGHT IT, 4 THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF THIS SIN CURSED SICK TWISTED WORLD!!!!!!!!!!
I was sitting in here trying 2 enjoy a movie and a little peace around half past 8 or a tad later, and all fucking DOGTOWN broke loose. Just less than one day ago, we all were at the Lakehouse and enjoying a holiday barbeque and some good old fashioned freaking fun, and as the old freaking song lyrics go, “WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES, 24 LITTLE HOURS” Dawn comes busting into my freaking room like a mad woman, it seems a huge family physical fight is taking place down at the Harbor. They have yet 2 actually move in 2 the Lakehouse in Mystic Islands, a dozen or miles 2 the north, technically they live in both places and R only going 2 the new place occasionally, they officially R2 move in around the 16th or 17th day of Sarah Nixon Jacobson Watergate June, Jerry Heitzmann. I hurry like a maniac 2 throw on shoes and pants and a jersey and get my keys and wallet into my pocket, and Dawn and Ann KING and I, not the King and I, but we all race down 2 the Harbor, just a half a mile south of the detention fields. Anyone willing 2 seriously entertain the remotest possibility that this or any of it could even B the slightest collection of mere coincidences, is severely and seriously demented, retarded, and messed the fuck up. Still, UR all entitled 2 your own personal points of view, I know what the fuck I know, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Joe King was in the town WAWA as we turned down that street where their house that is up 4 sale is on, and Dawn and he started mixing it up verbally and then he chased us down the street 3 blocks 2 the house. Elisa, Joe’s ‘girl’, I do not use the term fiancé any longer, as the relationship deteriorated now 2 where I doubt this is any longer the case. Robbie the slow kid had Elisa pinned against a wall, and the fighting was brutal. Joe was high as a kite, he has a major drug addiction 2 freaking perkasett, all of Sky’s dys-fuck-tional clan has a substance abuse problem, the ex-Atlantic City Mayor, all of them, her own sister 4 the sake of the gods. Spell fucking wrecker checker will not give me the correct spelling 4 this famous drug amongst sub-abusers these days, the entire BRIGGERS and RIAA and HOLLYWOOD CLAN loves this drug of choice now, along with ex and other total flicking garbage. I would not give a rats ass about any of this, but WHEN MY LIFE GETS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY FUCKED UP AND ENDLESSLY INTERRUPTED OVER AND OVER WHEN I AM DOING NO FUCKING WRONG, THIS IS JUST NOT FUCKING FAIR, AND THE FUCKING AUTHORITIES WON’T TOUCH THIS BECAUSE THIS FUCKING DISEASED FAMILY IS SO SPECIAL AND POWERFUL, BRA!!!!!!!!! A perfect example is that dirt bag rapper scum that is going 2 spend a year in the can now that is making the news. Just like with Paris Hilton, Dawn said 2 me just this afternoon, “Mountainpen, do U think they will go to the regular jails and B in the regular population, sheeeeit” this is a quote right 2 the sliding of the shit word. If MC herself went up tonight, same thing. This is because they do not dare take SPECIAL people and risk their safety, as the prison system could B sued by powerful RIAA major record labels 4 loss of income 2 them should anything happen 2 these SPECIAL PEOPLE. As I type, Ann King Silva just came in the room and told me 2 stay in my room, as Joe King is here and high as hell, and hubby Chicky is home from Mario’s Pizzeria and loaded drunk.
I cannot tell U all of it, the rock star wanna-B daughter threatened 2 shoot Robbie and beat him up, saying she shot people when she was in the army over in Iraq. The entire house is being destroyed police, please come over now, Joe King and Dawn R killing each other, please help me FBI, now!!!!!!!!!
END T. h--e--l--p, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HGELP, PLEAS, theory R killing g each other. HELP[ WSOM,EOMNE, CALL THE POLICE NOW.
“Weekend At The Lakehouse On The Waking World”
Date And Time File: 052509.475.5555555555555555
Beginning Transmission:
Siege, all though I have seen it worse, has basically been bad every single day starting the weekend B4 this Memorial Day Weekend, and only with the exception of Tuesday last, each day contained both ground as well as nasty aerial persecution from my lovely and diseased WOMO enemies, also known as VVS or Vomit Virus on Steroids. The entire weekend was not at the Lakehouse of the New Jersey Mystic Islands, but rather we arrived there on Sunday around a little shy of eleven in the moUrning. I was greeted within an hour or so with that ugly looking corporate gray and while or better said perhaps, gray and Julia chopper, that went directly over me while swimming. The setting is not the same as that of the Lakehouse on the Astral Plane that SSJKK has told me is really mine, but similarities R almost nerve racking. I cannot tell U what these similarities R right now, just know that first, I can’t, and second, that I am telling the truth, nonetheless. Chemtrails R never ever going away as they used 2, and as any follower knows, were no where this bad in the timer frame that Robert Levy was elected and served as Mayor of Atlantic City, on this year we practically forgot what these sick looking Brigger produced things were, but no more, Bro!!!!!!! I enjoyed swimming around and the barbeque food was excellent, and even the wild people there were fun 2 talk 2, but very strange things occurred and got said, and as I am saying, this 4 right now must stop right ion that note, maven maestro. Sarah Callio and maybe Frank Callio, planted a dude a number of years ago all ready knowing this entire thing would take place, and this dude is what cannot B further mentioned, nor what he told me, other than 2 say that in order of wild and bizarre, in contrast, it simply dwarfs the child friend of mine that I had around age 6 or so from Quakertown, Pennsylvania, who claimed that he came from Heaven. 4 those dying 4 so long 2 know what the scoop is about the Callio family, move over. They R a mighty branch of THAT FAMILY or TF-70, and if I had more facts and not theories, I would spew them all over the damn internet, only in all honesty Mister Joel, and others out here, I simply do not at least at this time, Bra!!!!!!!!! The reason Y my focused attention went from one branch and line of TF-70 2 the other and probably the main part of it all, is obvious however 2 any rationally operating entity over the age of 4 months. First, Elder ‘Longhair’ from the Mormon church, and a very good friend of mine from the nineties, was assisting me in the gathering of family lineage information, and all of this had been a long ongoing and tedious process with me since somewhere late in the year of 1995, in my incredible and unfathomable quest and search 2 locate the All Mighty Sarah-Stacey Krassle. McCoy on the ‘Law and Order’ television show said what needs 2B said on a particular episode, far better than I could ever hope 2 word it, while speaking 2 the Commissioner in New York City, regarding his role in an investigation of the murder of a porn star, and I will quote, “Commissioner, this is a murder investigation, it takes us where it takes us”. The difference here is the opening of the sentence. I am speaking 2 the potential blog reading internet of the world, not 2 one commissioner, and instead of a homicide investigation, this pertains 2 the greatest quest and search 2 locate some one from the past of another someone, since the beginning of time, Beck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any loyally following reader must know, that this is taking me and moving me all over the place. One day, MC or her peeps must have 4 whatever reasons that only MC has up in that pretty tall head of hers, decided 2 get my attention directly, U all know this is real and what has happened, denying this is similar 2 denying the damn Holocaust, Bra!!!!!!!!!!
These diseased jerk offs made my work site a living breathing burning nightmare freaking hell this weekend, every Memorial Day Holiday weekend is bad at this place, and this one took the freaking cake. Sunday was equally as horrific as Saturday, they wrecked my quiet night, and as I speak, a loud motorcycle piece of crap went by. An entire gang of them was wall 2 wall lined with these ass holes on Sunday, on the trip 2 Mystic Islands, on the area itself, all over Berryville, on every road, and also when I returned 2 the job 2 finish out my final shift, getting there 4 a half shift, as Roy my relieving guard that we switch back and forth in schedules with during the weekends, said he would gladly work 12 hours, he needs some extra money, and I needed 2 get away from the hell there and thank the gods, it worked out. Starting around half past 9 last night, a brutal freaking wicked siege struck with gangs of bike rider dirt bags going by, and a Milituforce scum bag aerial vehicle passing directly over me and zenithing the position of my parked vehicle, this was about 3 times. Each time the air kicked in, so did the ground assault, it was times as if the mighty Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf were together nearby and stormin’ away plotting this evil assault on poor innocent me.
Now where does the flash runner Joe Berrios fit into all of this. Well, he is the man who secretly tape recorded me after first intentionally getting me into conversations on certain subjects at the Echelon Towers Building Lobby, where as in the case today of Roy Weiler and me, Joe and I were the 2 guards who relieved each other on 12 hour weekend shifts at this place. All the details about all of this R indeed discussed on several prior blogging texts. Joe could run like the winds of a hurricane, and both Nate the resident manager of the building and myself, had the occasion 2 observe him chasing a man one day that had been suspected of swiping a hand bag of one of the residents that was sitting in the lobby talking 2 another resident and friend of hers. He was at the time in beginning of 1990, coming onto shift and with no vehicle, from an army station not all that far from where Maxfield Recording Studio was located in the seventies and early eighties across from the Cherry Hill Race Track 4B the ‘fire’. Which fire, as both J-light struck Maxfield as well as the track. A little non PC, but I know what I know CCC. Joe was from South America, some little area tucked right in-between Brazil and Venezuela, and was the only Spanish speaking person who could decipher the words into English from a very magical song, that I thought Anna Connie may have sung a long timed ago, even then, but was not sure. Even Chicky and Dawn do not know the words. I know my father’s treasure galleons fit into all of this as well, from things that numerous psychics had told me about SARAH, back in the nineteen-nineties. A few months after Nate made that statement that “nobody can run like Joe Berrios, the movie came out, THE FLASH. But who was around in 1969 in the Briggers human cult world 2 choose my birthday as Paul Stoddard’s due date on the hit TV serial soap, Dark Shadows? Someone or some thing Captain Trek has been watching me like a hawk since I have been knee high 2 a tortoise, and I am supposed 2 believe that all this bull shirt is the mere collection of happenstance coincidences?
Despite my weekend of total hell, a 7 unit profit was made quite easily using the Colaman’s roulette system. I got a nasty sunburn on my face, I pulled a muscle in my right arm while swimming, as I am not as active and do not swim daily as I used 2 in the days of Haddonwood and later, the Coliseum, not that Coliseum dudes, the one in this modern day period. I was one hurting puppy when I was driving home, and then over 2 pull my final 4 hours at work, and last night. I heal fast, and today, it is almost as though nothing had happened. I am still a little red in the forehead and nose, and my arm feels like I went 10 arm wrestles with my lovely Queen Gina, but much better than B4I went 2 bed around 2 AM.
Death angels R annoying as freaking piss again and have been all this year. They had slowed down 4 a while in in-eight, but Christ All Mighty, they R back on a vengeance roll. Also, Jane Filthbuckets is clocking me over and over, literally, IC ones with such regularity no matter how hard I try and avoid them, that it would even make Rod Serling salivate. Jesse from the Lakehouse is spending today over here at the basically all packed up Marhouse. He gets along so well with his Aunt Dawnie. Him and the other kids and Joe and Elisa R a story as large as anything U ever R gonna read from the mighty mind of James Patterson, Bro!!!!!
The hugest thing is the way this Lakehouse just pooped into reality, and almost instantly after I told the world on my blogs that Joe King, Dawn’s brother, was able 2 detach a wild alien looking contraption that was somehow sending signals 2 parts of my automobile, and once removed, things seem 4 the most part as though nothing was ever wrong with anything. When I can prove the shoebox and the Wildwood press is real, the trunk of cars of the BRIGGERS is real, and some other powerful shirt along this same reality, I will have this freaking planet right by its thrill cream sack, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just give me time, I plan 2 bring down the owners of this sick establishment, and set up the kingdom of justice and righteousness. The Holy words predict all of this soon 2 follow stuff, so watch the quakes, the twisters, the storms and the fires, and on and on. Also, do not B real shocked 2C lots of planes and choppers fall fast and hard right 2 the ground. This hell will B answered, and those responsible 4 giving it 2 me, will pay with their lives. This is no threat by mortal terms, as I will never break one of mans laws in order 2 accomplish these objectives, Bra!!!!!!!!! My diseased family was evil almost 40 years ago 4 what they did 2 an innocent Long Island family, and they r every bit as sick and diseased still right mow, today.
Driving in last evening 2 do my final 4 hours at my job, 2 teen queens were walking along and starred over at me like I was some Greek God or something. Not only that, but the ability 2 attract the feminine half of this planet’s population, stepped way up this weekend. Soon, I will shock the world by taking advantage of this, and this will B the beginning of the end 4 Calliotamm and the crew, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My interaction last night started out at the waterfalls with my lovely Diana. She had flashed a few times in the distant eastern skies right B4I had left last night 2 come home. We had a wonderful splendid time that is only our business, she is so beyond hot and luscious, Bra!!!!!!!!!!! Y more girls do not have long yellow hair as Lightning has, I will never know, it drives us guys wild and nuts. Suddenly, I found myself shifted away into a room where I have no memory of ever being B4, and my ex business partner, PP, seemed 2 either own or B renting this place. He had a huge basement below it and was using it 4 an office, and had 3 new partners. I was attempting 2 show him a wild rectangular something and somehow I knew that it could resolve some of the problems facing him in his business. He told me that 4 the past 11 days and nights he had gone without hardly any sleep and was trying 2 do some huge fantastic thing that would put SP Record Company on the map. I laughed and said there is no magic at all 2 it, money turns independents into majors and nothing else. He grew angry and the next thing I knew we were sitting at a place like a nearby minimall, also unfamiliar 2 me now in the waking world. We had ordered some kind of a breakfast and had just finished up, and he was in a deplorable rotten mood. He treated me and yet was angry that I seemed 2 have no money 2 leave the tip. Suddenly I became 100% lucid in this wild colorful vivid experience, and was able 2 open up my wallet and make a ten dollar bill suddenly just B in there. This is now when we go from “having a dream”, to “DREAMING”. We can do it here in the waking world as well since this 2 is but a wild dream, but the trouble is that this power answers 2 the desires and will of our truer mind, our deeper subconscious levels. None of us really know what we want deep down, we hide these things from others and mostly even from our selves. This is Y we all R using THE SECRET, as discussed B4. We all R naturally creating our lives, exactly as the truer and realer parts of us want them 2B, and yes, this includes me. My deeper me wants this vicious curse, and 2B in existing in eternal hellfire, fun thought, huh baby love?????????? I did not want Paul 2CI had tens after telling him I had no money, Kate. So I desired 2C a few single ones and sure enough, poof, there they were, and I took 2 of them out and laid them on the table. A strange dime was sitting there on the table next 2 where Paul had placed the check 4 the order and the money 2 pay 4 it. Paul was mellowing out a little bit and was about 2 get up and pay after he saw that I was leaving the tip after-all. I quickly said, do U want your dime, to him, and he said 2 me, hay yo, it isn’t my dime. With that I picked it up and it had a normal dime’s front side, and then I looked at the tails side of it, and it had a large TEN written on it, not cents, just TEN. I turned it around to the heads side again, and it had altered. It was a picture of my Uncle Heinz Gottwald, and an inscription read, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. I threw the thing with what little might I have, and it went nowhere, just dropping back right on the table. I went 2 get up and follow Paul over 2 the cashier where he was paying the check, and low and behold, the dime followed me. Paul said after we exited and started walking towards the opposite end of the minimall where just beyond this was a small road where his home and basement office seemed 2B in this wild and strange interaction. He began cursing and raising his voice and telling me 2 stop playing games with that stupid dime. I looked at the man awestruck, and finally said making perfect eye contact with this 6 foot four inch large man, “Paul, RU out of your tree man, look, I’m not doing this?”. He picked me up and threw me and I landed on a bright red carpet after crashing through a large square store window. 4 police officers were there, one was the now retired, Sergeant Frank Callio, only he was a young man again. They instantly cuffed me and read me my rights. I was beyond amazed. I had been the victim of a brutal assault, I was profusely bleeding in the face and arms from jagged class that I sailed through, and they could have freaking cared less. I ended up bleeding 2 death in the squad car and instantly floated softly out and away from, the area and then shifted instantly back 2 the waterfalls where my beautiful Diana Arteemis was waiting 4 me and said 2 me, “U fell asleep Ricky, but now UR back with me, forever, U’re not ever going anywhere, boy”. I said 2 her that that is exactly what Scylla said 2 me once and then she left me. Diana kissed me passionately and said 2 me, “Rick, she did not leave U, she is right there in the great city with U as Zeranniss Yancy, don’t U know that? UR just dreaming all over hyperspace?” I smiled and said, I know now Diana, and then we went on 2 make the most passionate and thrilling love 4 what seemed forever, and then around 10:40 this morning, I just came back here, poof, now I am back in the waking world again, isn’t this fun??????????? YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we R not in hyperspace all over the place endlessly, we R in the realm of the Astral. Actually we always R on the Astral lane, and just keep endlessly dreaming down into the miseries of hyperspace. But some advanced entities have learned how 2 focus their attention correctly and this enables them 2 properly channel the correct energies that will permit them total control over both the dreamshift of astrallity as well as all over the endless hyperspace, of which, this particular here and now world is but a point from a pencil on a sheet of paper the size of a googolplex parsecs long in a million dimensions.
Get all the dream books written by a brilliant man that knows a storehouse of enlightened information on the topic of not so much dreams, but DREAMING, as in the verb and not the noun. His name is Carlos Castaneda if memory serves, check out all of these great sites on the world wide web:
Things R happening around here faster than the velocity of the photon, squared. All I can do is go with the tide and try 2 watch out 4 Debbie Harry the Blondie. Low tide, high tide, flowing all around me, lose a ride, win a ride, matters nothing 2U, don’t hide, U can’t hide, I can C right through U. Well Briggbase, U just go ion being the endless scum U were always and obviously meant 2B, and do not expect Sarah-Stacey 2B impressed just because U have the tune “ETERNITY WITH STACEY” blaring out over the Teck Bay forever and ever. She hates all of U evil dudes and dudesses.
GOOGLE ENGINE, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM, WORLD LABORATORIES OF KING/SOIFER, this is all the total truth so help me Sarah-Stacey Krassle (GOD ALL MIGHTY) and nothing had been omitted nor added to or from this absolute truth. Copyright 2009, Michael Mountainpen, as both THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN AND MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN, Bra!!!!!!!! This is all blahhhhhhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Date And Time File: 052509.475.5555555555555555
Beginning Transmission:
Siege, all though I have seen it worse, has basically been bad every single day starting the weekend B4 this Memorial Day Weekend, and only with the exception of Tuesday last, each day contained both ground as well as nasty aerial persecution from my lovely and diseased WOMO enemies, also known as VVS or Vomit Virus on Steroids. The entire weekend was not at the Lakehouse of the New Jersey Mystic Islands, but rather we arrived there on Sunday around a little shy of eleven in the moUrning. I was greeted within an hour or so with that ugly looking corporate gray and while or better said perhaps, gray and Julia chopper, that went directly over me while swimming. The setting is not the same as that of the Lakehouse on the Astral Plane that SSJKK has told me is really mine, but similarities R almost nerve racking. I cannot tell U what these similarities R right now, just know that first, I can’t, and second, that I am telling the truth, nonetheless. Chemtrails R never ever going away as they used 2, and as any follower knows, were no where this bad in the timer frame that Robert Levy was elected and served as Mayor of Atlantic City, on this year we practically forgot what these sick looking Brigger produced things were, but no more, Bro!!!!!!! I enjoyed swimming around and the barbeque food was excellent, and even the wild people there were fun 2 talk 2, but very strange things occurred and got said, and as I am saying, this 4 right now must stop right ion that note, maven maestro. Sarah Callio and maybe Frank Callio, planted a dude a number of years ago all ready knowing this entire thing would take place, and this dude is what cannot B further mentioned, nor what he told me, other than 2 say that in order of wild and bizarre, in contrast, it simply dwarfs the child friend of mine that I had around age 6 or so from Quakertown, Pennsylvania, who claimed that he came from Heaven. 4 those dying 4 so long 2 know what the scoop is about the Callio family, move over. They R a mighty branch of THAT FAMILY or TF-70, and if I had more facts and not theories, I would spew them all over the damn internet, only in all honesty Mister Joel, and others out here, I simply do not at least at this time, Bra!!!!!!!!! The reason Y my focused attention went from one branch and line of TF-70 2 the other and probably the main part of it all, is obvious however 2 any rationally operating entity over the age of 4 months. First, Elder ‘Longhair’ from the Mormon church, and a very good friend of mine from the nineties, was assisting me in the gathering of family lineage information, and all of this had been a long ongoing and tedious process with me since somewhere late in the year of 1995, in my incredible and unfathomable quest and search 2 locate the All Mighty Sarah-Stacey Krassle. McCoy on the ‘Law and Order’ television show said what needs 2B said on a particular episode, far better than I could ever hope 2 word it, while speaking 2 the Commissioner in New York City, regarding his role in an investigation of the murder of a porn star, and I will quote, “Commissioner, this is a murder investigation, it takes us where it takes us”. The difference here is the opening of the sentence. I am speaking 2 the potential blog reading internet of the world, not 2 one commissioner, and instead of a homicide investigation, this pertains 2 the greatest quest and search 2 locate some one from the past of another someone, since the beginning of time, Beck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any loyally following reader must know, that this is taking me and moving me all over the place. One day, MC or her peeps must have 4 whatever reasons that only MC has up in that pretty tall head of hers, decided 2 get my attention directly, U all know this is real and what has happened, denying this is similar 2 denying the damn Holocaust, Bra!!!!!!!!!!
These diseased jerk offs made my work site a living breathing burning nightmare freaking hell this weekend, every Memorial Day Holiday weekend is bad at this place, and this one took the freaking cake. Sunday was equally as horrific as Saturday, they wrecked my quiet night, and as I speak, a loud motorcycle piece of crap went by. An entire gang of them was wall 2 wall lined with these ass holes on Sunday, on the trip 2 Mystic Islands, on the area itself, all over Berryville, on every road, and also when I returned 2 the job 2 finish out my final shift, getting there 4 a half shift, as Roy my relieving guard that we switch back and forth in schedules with during the weekends, said he would gladly work 12 hours, he needs some extra money, and I needed 2 get away from the hell there and thank the gods, it worked out. Starting around half past 9 last night, a brutal freaking wicked siege struck with gangs of bike rider dirt bags going by, and a Milituforce scum bag aerial vehicle passing directly over me and zenithing the position of my parked vehicle, this was about 3 times. Each time the air kicked in, so did the ground assault, it was times as if the mighty Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf were together nearby and stormin’ away plotting this evil assault on poor innocent me.
Now where does the flash runner Joe Berrios fit into all of this. Well, he is the man who secretly tape recorded me after first intentionally getting me into conversations on certain subjects at the Echelon Towers Building Lobby, where as in the case today of Roy Weiler and me, Joe and I were the 2 guards who relieved each other on 12 hour weekend shifts at this place. All the details about all of this R indeed discussed on several prior blogging texts. Joe could run like the winds of a hurricane, and both Nate the resident manager of the building and myself, had the occasion 2 observe him chasing a man one day that had been suspected of swiping a hand bag of one of the residents that was sitting in the lobby talking 2 another resident and friend of hers. He was at the time in beginning of 1990, coming onto shift and with no vehicle, from an army station not all that far from where Maxfield Recording Studio was located in the seventies and early eighties across from the Cherry Hill Race Track 4B the ‘fire’. Which fire, as both J-light struck Maxfield as well as the track. A little non PC, but I know what I know CCC. Joe was from South America, some little area tucked right in-between Brazil and Venezuela, and was the only Spanish speaking person who could decipher the words into English from a very magical song, that I thought Anna Connie may have sung a long timed ago, even then, but was not sure. Even Chicky and Dawn do not know the words. I know my father’s treasure galleons fit into all of this as well, from things that numerous psychics had told me about SARAH, back in the nineteen-nineties. A few months after Nate made that statement that “nobody can run like Joe Berrios, the movie came out, THE FLASH. But who was around in 1969 in the Briggers human cult world 2 choose my birthday as Paul Stoddard’s due date on the hit TV serial soap, Dark Shadows? Someone or some thing Captain Trek has been watching me like a hawk since I have been knee high 2 a tortoise, and I am supposed 2 believe that all this bull shirt is the mere collection of happenstance coincidences?
Despite my weekend of total hell, a 7 unit profit was made quite easily using the Colaman’s roulette system. I got a nasty sunburn on my face, I pulled a muscle in my right arm while swimming, as I am not as active and do not swim daily as I used 2 in the days of Haddonwood and later, the Coliseum, not that Coliseum dudes, the one in this modern day period. I was one hurting puppy when I was driving home, and then over 2 pull my final 4 hours at work, and last night. I heal fast, and today, it is almost as though nothing had happened. I am still a little red in the forehead and nose, and my arm feels like I went 10 arm wrestles with my lovely Queen Gina, but much better than B4I went 2 bed around 2 AM.
Death angels R annoying as freaking piss again and have been all this year. They had slowed down 4 a while in in-eight, but Christ All Mighty, they R back on a vengeance roll. Also, Jane Filthbuckets is clocking me over and over, literally, IC ones with such regularity no matter how hard I try and avoid them, that it would even make Rod Serling salivate. Jesse from the Lakehouse is spending today over here at the basically all packed up Marhouse. He gets along so well with his Aunt Dawnie. Him and the other kids and Joe and Elisa R a story as large as anything U ever R gonna read from the mighty mind of James Patterson, Bro!!!!!
The hugest thing is the way this Lakehouse just pooped into reality, and almost instantly after I told the world on my blogs that Joe King, Dawn’s brother, was able 2 detach a wild alien looking contraption that was somehow sending signals 2 parts of my automobile, and once removed, things seem 4 the most part as though nothing was ever wrong with anything. When I can prove the shoebox and the Wildwood press is real, the trunk of cars of the BRIGGERS is real, and some other powerful shirt along this same reality, I will have this freaking planet right by its thrill cream sack, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just give me time, I plan 2 bring down the owners of this sick establishment, and set up the kingdom of justice and righteousness. The Holy words predict all of this soon 2 follow stuff, so watch the quakes, the twisters, the storms and the fires, and on and on. Also, do not B real shocked 2C lots of planes and choppers fall fast and hard right 2 the ground. This hell will B answered, and those responsible 4 giving it 2 me, will pay with their lives. This is no threat by mortal terms, as I will never break one of mans laws in order 2 accomplish these objectives, Bra!!!!!!!!! My diseased family was evil almost 40 years ago 4 what they did 2 an innocent Long Island family, and they r every bit as sick and diseased still right mow, today.
Driving in last evening 2 do my final 4 hours at my job, 2 teen queens were walking along and starred over at me like I was some Greek God or something. Not only that, but the ability 2 attract the feminine half of this planet’s population, stepped way up this weekend. Soon, I will shock the world by taking advantage of this, and this will B the beginning of the end 4 Calliotamm and the crew, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My interaction last night started out at the waterfalls with my lovely Diana. She had flashed a few times in the distant eastern skies right B4I had left last night 2 come home. We had a wonderful splendid time that is only our business, she is so beyond hot and luscious, Bra!!!!!!!!!!! Y more girls do not have long yellow hair as Lightning has, I will never know, it drives us guys wild and nuts. Suddenly, I found myself shifted away into a room where I have no memory of ever being B4, and my ex business partner, PP, seemed 2 either own or B renting this place. He had a huge basement below it and was using it 4 an office, and had 3 new partners. I was attempting 2 show him a wild rectangular something and somehow I knew that it could resolve some of the problems facing him in his business. He told me that 4 the past 11 days and nights he had gone without hardly any sleep and was trying 2 do some huge fantastic thing that would put SP Record Company on the map. I laughed and said there is no magic at all 2 it, money turns independents into majors and nothing else. He grew angry and the next thing I knew we were sitting at a place like a nearby minimall, also unfamiliar 2 me now in the waking world. We had ordered some kind of a breakfast and had just finished up, and he was in a deplorable rotten mood. He treated me and yet was angry that I seemed 2 have no money 2 leave the tip. Suddenly I became 100% lucid in this wild colorful vivid experience, and was able 2 open up my wallet and make a ten dollar bill suddenly just B in there. This is now when we go from “having a dream”, to “DREAMING”. We can do it here in the waking world as well since this 2 is but a wild dream, but the trouble is that this power answers 2 the desires and will of our truer mind, our deeper subconscious levels. None of us really know what we want deep down, we hide these things from others and mostly even from our selves. This is Y we all R using THE SECRET, as discussed B4. We all R naturally creating our lives, exactly as the truer and realer parts of us want them 2B, and yes, this includes me. My deeper me wants this vicious curse, and 2B in existing in eternal hellfire, fun thought, huh baby love?????????? I did not want Paul 2CI had tens after telling him I had no money, Kate. So I desired 2C a few single ones and sure enough, poof, there they were, and I took 2 of them out and laid them on the table. A strange dime was sitting there on the table next 2 where Paul had placed the check 4 the order and the money 2 pay 4 it. Paul was mellowing out a little bit and was about 2 get up and pay after he saw that I was leaving the tip after-all. I quickly said, do U want your dime, to him, and he said 2 me, hay yo, it isn’t my dime. With that I picked it up and it had a normal dime’s front side, and then I looked at the tails side of it, and it had a large TEN written on it, not cents, just TEN. I turned it around to the heads side again, and it had altered. It was a picture of my Uncle Heinz Gottwald, and an inscription read, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. I threw the thing with what little might I have, and it went nowhere, just dropping back right on the table. I went 2 get up and follow Paul over 2 the cashier where he was paying the check, and low and behold, the dime followed me. Paul said after we exited and started walking towards the opposite end of the minimall where just beyond this was a small road where his home and basement office seemed 2B in this wild and strange interaction. He began cursing and raising his voice and telling me 2 stop playing games with that stupid dime. I looked at the man awestruck, and finally said making perfect eye contact with this 6 foot four inch large man, “Paul, RU out of your tree man, look, I’m not doing this?”. He picked me up and threw me and I landed on a bright red carpet after crashing through a large square store window. 4 police officers were there, one was the now retired, Sergeant Frank Callio, only he was a young man again. They instantly cuffed me and read me my rights. I was beyond amazed. I had been the victim of a brutal assault, I was profusely bleeding in the face and arms from jagged class that I sailed through, and they could have freaking cared less. I ended up bleeding 2 death in the squad car and instantly floated softly out and away from, the area and then shifted instantly back 2 the waterfalls where my beautiful Diana Arteemis was waiting 4 me and said 2 me, “U fell asleep Ricky, but now UR back with me, forever, U’re not ever going anywhere, boy”. I said 2 her that that is exactly what Scylla said 2 me once and then she left me. Diana kissed me passionately and said 2 me, “Rick, she did not leave U, she is right there in the great city with U as Zeranniss Yancy, don’t U know that? UR just dreaming all over hyperspace?” I smiled and said, I know now Diana, and then we went on 2 make the most passionate and thrilling love 4 what seemed forever, and then around 10:40 this morning, I just came back here, poof, now I am back in the waking world again, isn’t this fun??????????? YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When we R not in hyperspace all over the place endlessly, we R in the realm of the Astral. Actually we always R on the Astral lane, and just keep endlessly dreaming down into the miseries of hyperspace. But some advanced entities have learned how 2 focus their attention correctly and this enables them 2 properly channel the correct energies that will permit them total control over both the dreamshift of astrallity as well as all over the endless hyperspace, of which, this particular here and now world is but a point from a pencil on a sheet of paper the size of a googolplex parsecs long in a million dimensions.
Get all the dream books written by a brilliant man that knows a storehouse of enlightened information on the topic of not so much dreams, but DREAMING, as in the verb and not the noun. His name is Carlos Castaneda if memory serves, check out all of these great sites on the world wide web:
Things R happening around here faster than the velocity of the photon, squared. All I can do is go with the tide and try 2 watch out 4 Debbie Harry the Blondie. Low tide, high tide, flowing all around me, lose a ride, win a ride, matters nothing 2U, don’t hide, U can’t hide, I can C right through U. Well Briggbase, U just go ion being the endless scum U were always and obviously meant 2B, and do not expect Sarah-Stacey 2B impressed just because U have the tune “ETERNITY WITH STACEY” blaring out over the Teck Bay forever and ever. She hates all of U evil dudes and dudesses.
GOOGLE ENGINE, SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM, WORLD LABORATORIES OF KING/SOIFER, this is all the total truth so help me Sarah-Stacey Krassle (GOD ALL MIGHTY) and nothing had been omitted nor added to or from this absolute truth. Copyright 2009, Michael Mountainpen, as both THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN AND MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN, Bra!!!!!!!! This is all blahhhhhhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
“Holidays And Sieges, Y?”
DATFILE: 052309.294.5555555555
Y does Calliotamm put me through so much mother fucking death siege on holidays? This has been the eternal question, or maybe not so eternal, it sure seems so however, 23 years of this major misery that I know is no worse than being in as maximum freaking security prison, only what crime have I ever done by mans laws in this time period, yeah I know that Maggie quaked Mexico yesterday, and there will B much worse round the globe very freaking soon. There is no special Gawnum in the word HOLIDAY, it has a private cosmically coded number of 725 and is 25% compatible with my 871-PCN. Other than that, ‘big whoop’ as AKS would say when she gets those wimpy payouts on her dollar slots in Atlantic City. I have attempted 2 freaking analyze and psycho-analyze this holiday shit 4 nearly a quarter century now, and 2 things make some sense, well 3 if we stretch things, and I hate playing games, I either wanna feel I am on 2 freaking something, or I am not, it is just that simple John Hen. First in the order of the calendar is indeed the now time, Memorial Day, and then we will do Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first one is not totally non understandable, after all, there was the 1969 school play, hearing Sarah on her mighty Tennessee Avenue saying, “your friends are in the shop”, and the Exploratronic Supermind traveler named Marola, I am sure she did a Sidney Cohen Crown thing with her name, Bra!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, this can perhaps explain Memorial Day, which back in the sixties B4 the Monday Holiday thing, always fell on May the 30th, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanksgiving is major yet the possible rationalization is weak as a dying tooth. My ancestors and direct ones, founded this country along with a lot of other persons, but Samuel Huntington is where we still get the term of UNCLE SAM, and this is the gospel truth so help me Sarah-Stacey Teen Queen Upline world Krassle, Tupperware/Amway/MacAfee. If U were never paying attention in school except 2 the opposite sex, then maybe U won’t know this, but the Puritans from the Mayflower gave thanks 2 SSJKK for a safe landing here in the new world a few seconds ago by the reference frame of the real stars, and also 4 the land being bountiful and fruitful, as they were able 2 sustain their lives and eat and make shelters, and yes with lots of help from the natives 2 this land, what is referred 2 in the old western television shows and movies as the Indians. On Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, just a pebbles throw towards the beach from Sarah’s great shop that once stood, so did a beautiful Hotel, and it was also called and named after this ship, MAYFLOWER. Now Christmas has the most muscle and the least stretch in explaining things, I am the 61st grandson of a man who called the mighty Lord Jesus Christ, Uncle Jesus back in the Roman Empire. We could add on King, as Dark Shadows did as Paul Stoddard’s 2nd payment-due-date, and this would also not B a gigantic stretch, but none of these things r facts, they at best R small ideas and potential theories 4 future detective work by me.
Work was worse last fucking night than I have seen in more than the 4 years that I have been in this shit hole job. I never saw so much fucking bull shit in my life, and being there in a car guarding, is every bit as hazardous and deadly 2 self preservation as active duty in Pakistan or Iraq, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!! But what do I get 4 these 24 fucking hours there but grief, aggravation, attitude, a snooty ass boss that would get along great with the mighty late Heinz Gottwald of Babylon, New York, and minimum fucking ass wage, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holidays suck in this place, and today makes and breaks a brand ass new record, knocking any prior bull shit right smack dab off the meters, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!! This with or without the fire in the Astral Plane tape deck was totally ‘MONSTER-ASS’!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know where this place is fellas, and I know who U all R, ya firebugs, it runs in the freaking, no I won’t go here, I do not need 2 screw up my deal, huh McCoy??
At about 10 and one half minutes shy of five this moUrning, Bra, I took a nasty chopper attack at my job. Since they wanna play cutie shits with me, fine, Bro, let’s play. But first, I made a quick 2 units RC with your dynamite system and quit quick and cold, no need 2 chance any negatives on a freaking ass day this terrible, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!! They have been POURING IT THE HELL ON ME NOW ALL DAMN WEEK, so more than a few shakes and quakes will B felt around the world, but 4 now, quake on this one, as it is very good and yet quite short and sweet, I just want my blogaud 2 chew on this rag 4 a few minutes and then tell me U don’t C that I make a stupendous freaking point here if I must honk my own damn horn!!!!!!!!! Did U ever C any of the documentaries or movies or any media projects on the topics of the Bermuda Triangle or the Philadelphia experiment? If U have, then cool, and if U haven’t, that is OK also, but just know that U may not have seen them but they R out there, Google it the truck up of U think I am a damn liar. Now here is my simple ABP (Archibald Bunker Pernt)!!!!! With all the web pages on chemtrails and what they R doing on the internet, wouldn’t it stand 2 reason, that if all of this was so damn innocent, some part of the media, B it the Weather Channel or any film maker that makes money creating documentary type of shows on topics pertaining 2 the hard 2 explain mysteries of the world, that somewhere, shows would B aired by now giving the establishment’s side of the story if all of us R so paranoid and sick and crazy and deluded. I mean it is their controlled media, yet they won’t freaking even touch let alone go near this topic, ever notice this powerful pile of reality, BRO?????? Yo players, fuck Julia White, I need my deal, but if they wanna play with me and go 2 the damn wall with me, I have many things I can say that can wreck lots of fucking people’s day BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up jerk offs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MacAfee and Long Beach Island and the hidden Chopper base on the southwest side, yo players, wanna know all sorts of wicked nasty shit about how your tax dollars R not being so nicely spent? Waterboarding? Hell, I know shit that makes Guantanamo Bay, Cuba or anything on WPIX Condor-Falcon 1988 cover-up look like kids in a sand box in contrast. U can either get the hell off my back or wonder what this damn blogger is gonna say tomorrow, and then the day after that, BRA Nice lawns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just think about it man, no one anywhere has ever made a show and aired it and said just what is up there in that sky of theirs, and how normal and OK it all is, huh John King?” OK, I’ll OK U bud, all the way 2 the 7th dimension and back. If they were not covering up the hugest story since the printing press was invented, U know damn well there would have been something made giving their explainable version about it by now, come on, who do U bastards think UR freaking fooling, I may not B a star, but I have a brain, Donna. Messed up? Sure, but U did a lot 2 help it get that way honey buns!!!!!
That Broadway musical of 1968 did more 2 alter this line of hyperspace than any of U out there have the smallest clue about, and that U can take straight 2 your graves. No WAYV, that is not a threat, so please B careful and watch out 4 tire flattener Paula K. Gimme a break, how dumb is everybody? Dumb and dumber they say, how about the coffee boiled away a universe ago, wake up peeps. Life is going by and there is really is more 2 it all than what U think there is, Derr, Duhh. Google around, let your fingers do the knocking. Doors will open, seek and find, and believe SSJKK, I know her on a first name basis and whether this offends or not, tough beer gas, it is true, would I dare 2 lie about something that freaking wild and fantastic? There is a wing in the mighty Lakehouse where she has answers 2 questions we all have. U stand outside and ask Scylla 4 wisdom, and then she takes a tool and removes the door so that U can walk through into the room and C it all 4 yourself. I know lots more that goes on in this place, but I also know that no one anticipated the internet. No one now has realized that music has literally been turned into zeros and ones and I have a daughter by PK when she raped me in the JFK Hospital, that can turn other things intro zeros and ones, and then back again. In a few short decades, we all will have a little stand next our tower and monitor, it is coming faster than anyone can know, did I not tell U about the quake in China and the world Series? Wake up peeps!!!!!!! I am here 2 give a message, and by the freaking gods that is what I will do if it takes me 500 years. Have a real nice day everybody, I never do, but have one on me. Sayings like this run in my family, hub Herby?
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2299, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. BYE-BYE.
End Transmission:
DATFILE: 052309.294.5555555555
Y does Calliotamm put me through so much mother fucking death siege on holidays? This has been the eternal question, or maybe not so eternal, it sure seems so however, 23 years of this major misery that I know is no worse than being in as maximum freaking security prison, only what crime have I ever done by mans laws in this time period, yeah I know that Maggie quaked Mexico yesterday, and there will B much worse round the globe very freaking soon. There is no special Gawnum in the word HOLIDAY, it has a private cosmically coded number of 725 and is 25% compatible with my 871-PCN. Other than that, ‘big whoop’ as AKS would say when she gets those wimpy payouts on her dollar slots in Atlantic City. I have attempted 2 freaking analyze and psycho-analyze this holiday shit 4 nearly a quarter century now, and 2 things make some sense, well 3 if we stretch things, and I hate playing games, I either wanna feel I am on 2 freaking something, or I am not, it is just that simple John Hen. First in the order of the calendar is indeed the now time, Memorial Day, and then we will do Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first one is not totally non understandable, after all, there was the 1969 school play, hearing Sarah on her mighty Tennessee Avenue saying, “your friends are in the shop”, and the Exploratronic Supermind traveler named Marola, I am sure she did a Sidney Cohen Crown thing with her name, Bra!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, this can perhaps explain Memorial Day, which back in the sixties B4 the Monday Holiday thing, always fell on May the 30th, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanksgiving is major yet the possible rationalization is weak as a dying tooth. My ancestors and direct ones, founded this country along with a lot of other persons, but Samuel Huntington is where we still get the term of UNCLE SAM, and this is the gospel truth so help me Sarah-Stacey Teen Queen Upline world Krassle, Tupperware/Amway/MacAfee. If U were never paying attention in school except 2 the opposite sex, then maybe U won’t know this, but the Puritans from the Mayflower gave thanks 2 SSJKK for a safe landing here in the new world a few seconds ago by the reference frame of the real stars, and also 4 the land being bountiful and fruitful, as they were able 2 sustain their lives and eat and make shelters, and yes with lots of help from the natives 2 this land, what is referred 2 in the old western television shows and movies as the Indians. On Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, just a pebbles throw towards the beach from Sarah’s great shop that once stood, so did a beautiful Hotel, and it was also called and named after this ship, MAYFLOWER. Now Christmas has the most muscle and the least stretch in explaining things, I am the 61st grandson of a man who called the mighty Lord Jesus Christ, Uncle Jesus back in the Roman Empire. We could add on King, as Dark Shadows did as Paul Stoddard’s 2nd payment-due-date, and this would also not B a gigantic stretch, but none of these things r facts, they at best R small ideas and potential theories 4 future detective work by me.
Work was worse last fucking night than I have seen in more than the 4 years that I have been in this shit hole job. I never saw so much fucking bull shit in my life, and being there in a car guarding, is every bit as hazardous and deadly 2 self preservation as active duty in Pakistan or Iraq, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!! But what do I get 4 these 24 fucking hours there but grief, aggravation, attitude, a snooty ass boss that would get along great with the mighty late Heinz Gottwald of Babylon, New York, and minimum fucking ass wage, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holidays suck in this place, and today makes and breaks a brand ass new record, knocking any prior bull shit right smack dab off the meters, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!! This with or without the fire in the Astral Plane tape deck was totally ‘MONSTER-ASS’!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know where this place is fellas, and I know who U all R, ya firebugs, it runs in the freaking, no I won’t go here, I do not need 2 screw up my deal, huh McCoy??
At about 10 and one half minutes shy of five this moUrning, Bra, I took a nasty chopper attack at my job. Since they wanna play cutie shits with me, fine, Bro, let’s play. But first, I made a quick 2 units RC with your dynamite system and quit quick and cold, no need 2 chance any negatives on a freaking ass day this terrible, Bro!!!!!!!!!!!! They have been POURING IT THE HELL ON ME NOW ALL DAMN WEEK, so more than a few shakes and quakes will B felt around the world, but 4 now, quake on this one, as it is very good and yet quite short and sweet, I just want my blogaud 2 chew on this rag 4 a few minutes and then tell me U don’t C that I make a stupendous freaking point here if I must honk my own damn horn!!!!!!!!! Did U ever C any of the documentaries or movies or any media projects on the topics of the Bermuda Triangle or the Philadelphia experiment? If U have, then cool, and if U haven’t, that is OK also, but just know that U may not have seen them but they R out there, Google it the truck up of U think I am a damn liar. Now here is my simple ABP (Archibald Bunker Pernt)!!!!! With all the web pages on chemtrails and what they R doing on the internet, wouldn’t it stand 2 reason, that if all of this was so damn innocent, some part of the media, B it the Weather Channel or any film maker that makes money creating documentary type of shows on topics pertaining 2 the hard 2 explain mysteries of the world, that somewhere, shows would B aired by now giving the establishment’s side of the story if all of us R so paranoid and sick and crazy and deluded. I mean it is their controlled media, yet they won’t freaking even touch let alone go near this topic, ever notice this powerful pile of reality, BRO?????? Yo players, fuck Julia White, I need my deal, but if they wanna play with me and go 2 the damn wall with me, I have many things I can say that can wreck lots of fucking people’s day BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up jerk offs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MacAfee and Long Beach Island and the hidden Chopper base on the southwest side, yo players, wanna know all sorts of wicked nasty shit about how your tax dollars R not being so nicely spent? Waterboarding? Hell, I know shit that makes Guantanamo Bay, Cuba or anything on WPIX Condor-Falcon 1988 cover-up look like kids in a sand box in contrast. U can either get the hell off my back or wonder what this damn blogger is gonna say tomorrow, and then the day after that, BRA Nice lawns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just think about it man, no one anywhere has ever made a show and aired it and said just what is up there in that sky of theirs, and how normal and OK it all is, huh John King?” OK, I’ll OK U bud, all the way 2 the 7th dimension and back. If they were not covering up the hugest story since the printing press was invented, U know damn well there would have been something made giving their explainable version about it by now, come on, who do U bastards think UR freaking fooling, I may not B a star, but I have a brain, Donna. Messed up? Sure, but U did a lot 2 help it get that way honey buns!!!!!
That Broadway musical of 1968 did more 2 alter this line of hyperspace than any of U out there have the smallest clue about, and that U can take straight 2 your graves. No WAYV, that is not a threat, so please B careful and watch out 4 tire flattener Paula K. Gimme a break, how dumb is everybody? Dumb and dumber they say, how about the coffee boiled away a universe ago, wake up peeps. Life is going by and there is really is more 2 it all than what U think there is, Derr, Duhh. Google around, let your fingers do the knocking. Doors will open, seek and find, and believe SSJKK, I know her on a first name basis and whether this offends or not, tough beer gas, it is true, would I dare 2 lie about something that freaking wild and fantastic? There is a wing in the mighty Lakehouse where she has answers 2 questions we all have. U stand outside and ask Scylla 4 wisdom, and then she takes a tool and removes the door so that U can walk through into the room and C it all 4 yourself. I know lots more that goes on in this place, but I also know that no one anticipated the internet. No one now has realized that music has literally been turned into zeros and ones and I have a daughter by PK when she raped me in the JFK Hospital, that can turn other things intro zeros and ones, and then back again. In a few short decades, we all will have a little stand next our tower and monitor, it is coming faster than anyone can know, did I not tell U about the quake in China and the world Series? Wake up peeps!!!!!!! I am here 2 give a message, and by the freaking gods that is what I will do if it takes me 500 years. Have a real nice day everybody, I never do, but have one on me. Sayings like this run in my family, hub Herby?
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2299, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. BYE-BYE.
End Transmission:
Friday, May 22, 2009
“Another Wonderful Week Of Death siege, BRO”
DATE AND TIME FILE (DATFILE): 052209.678.555555
Beginning Transmission:
Well, things were pretty much OK on Tuesday, nut all 4 other days this week were heavily filled with Otammic death freaking siege. A friend of mine tells me as he has persistently, that I am wasting my time blogging this story, the only problem is that Google counters tell me that I do have an audience roughly over three K strong, so where precisely reality is in all of this is anyone’s freaking guess, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! Hay I am not the ignoramus of the millennium and realize fully well that 3100 casual onlookers is not 3100 persons that believe anything, in fact all 3100 may B forming a huge laughathon where they all meet together and have a million yukyuks on ol’ Mountainpen, I don’t know, and furthermore I don’t care. I need 2 put all this out here, it vindicates me, and I feel that all is being done that can b done in very limited circumstances and with extremely limited resources 2 attempt 2 obtain any small measure of justice, now or at some future date. I as U al well know am not god, God, a god, or ever claimed 2B any of the above.
Chemtrails R back in horrendous proportions again, and persecution with noise, aerial siege, motorbikes day and night all around me in violation I am sure of some type of local noise law ordinances, but who cares if the only one that suffers is Michael Mountainpen Also who cares if any of this is happening, there is no real time 4 anyone 2 do anything except the basic essentials, and this needs a bit of further rationalizing. I hold absolutely no resentments about this reality, I am a realist, I accept facts. No one is going 2 basically care about much more than the following things. First, survival of themselves and their loved ones. It is a difficult time in the global economy and many persons R either out of a job or soon fear that they may become in that unfortunate circumstance. Most of these same persons R at best, 2 paycheck ahead of the creditor wolves that howl and howl at all of our doors. Many do not know how close they really R2 even facing homelessness. 4 the slightly better off amongst the crowd, the interest is socking away more money, finding the best and more proper and fruitful investments so as 2 put their slightly bit of extra monies into a system that allows this money 2 go out and work and make more money, the old fashioned American way of hoping 4 a guaranteed 6 to 14% annual interest on our investment vehicles and portfolios. Then if these lucky non suffering folks, and sorry 4 my pun Sky, as I have had an extremely rough week Teen Queen, but 4 them and those perhaps a bit ahead of them in life’s material stations, now the focused attention is the best education 4 all of the family offspring as well as the pleasures and luxuries that this so-called wave and particle ‘real-life’ has 2 offer us, big screens, the in cars, the latest movies and songs on CD and DVD, and the best apparatus 2 entertain ourselves with this material, homes, businesses, U name it, I am no stranger 2 how this material world works. After all, a material girl came an inch from breaking my arm in that December of 1972 arm wrestle, my blond bombshell amy-emy. My blogaud knows about the trip into Manhattan, the Wall Street Journal, and her mom and the entire deal, so there is no need 2 rehash that the Briggers or Lambrigg Cult on the Astral Plane have caused me 4 whatever the real reason, 2 interact with such a large number of them, but of course not in an order of rational sequential time. In any event, t6hings R what they R, and in the world of the atom and larger that I refer 2 the DOCM or DECEPTION OF CONSCIOUS MIND, things R in an order, or at least they sure appear 2 mortal man as being so. Nothing still even at this level is farther from the truth. Around half past one or so give or take this afternoon, the Briggbase or one third and the very evil third of this AWA called the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL struck me hard with property damage. This shot the Dow Jones way up. Still, when the problem was rectified 30 minutes B4 the closing bell on Jaw Heat, the Dow sunk back into a small but definite negative territory. Without me 2 hurt and injure, 2 violate and persecute, to viciously harass and destroy, 2 obliterate and annihilate and totally wipe out, they can not score points, and if I were 2 literally vanish off the face of this gods forsaken green brown Jeffrey Limpleg 1971 Exton, Pennsylvania Earth right now, it would slowly settle 2 exactly where it would have been should I never have been here 2 vulgate and persecute 2 freaking begin with, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not forget anything, not now, not ever, not EVER, not E-V-E-R, BRA. Just ask that butt wipe piece of blood crud Jane. Zoom in on ones with me will U, bet U never in a trillion years thought that there’d B an internet and me telling what U did 2 me over and over, falling on deaf ears or laughing ones, but telling it anyway over and freaking over again, sister. U know Jane, and anyone else good or bad, monster slapper’s 2 bakers and candle freaking stick makers out here in Neville, it is always those things that U think that U can do 2 a person and get scott free away with it without any flack ever resulting, that it is just like turning your back on a very angry ocean. My advice 2 anyone in this blogaud and no Paula Wave, this is no threat and I could care less if UR careful or as rambunctious and audacious and dare devilish as Evil Kenevil or what U want 2 do with your wild life U giant beauty queen monster, but never assume U can do anything in this world and have the results vanish into the wormholes of infinity. This is a high technological totally monitored world, cameras and television sky-cams and monitoring cartographic satellite controlled big brother installations R all over every square inch from sea 2 freaking shinning sea, and like it or snot lads and lassies and Labs, that’s the way it goes, Rodney Phonewarner.
Now the world needs 2 know that a deal was made at the Lakehouse. This is not a physical world location. It is way more real than any so called waking world wave and particle place. It is deeper and more powerful than a billion thermonuclear bombs all simultaneously exploding and really twinning my hairdo out with my dad’s Princeton park pal. This deal unlike the hit TV show of Deal Or No Deal, doers not have an option of the no-deal, it is the deal, and only the deal, and this was the deal, and it looks like my SKY is keeping her word, so I will keep mine and my poor blogaud will not in any near time schedule get 2 learn any more powerful fantastic secrets about the Mayan, by the name of Julia White who set herself up as a lowly housemaid on Peninsula drive in the nineteen sixties, just so she could interact with little nobody me, an advanced ES traveler beyond the scope of 100 wild hairdo dudes with blackboards, theories, and pop diva followings. U all were going 2 get the scoop next week on things that would have totally freaking blown all your minds from here 2 Andromeda Galaxy. Now, a deal was struck 4 my silence, a reprieve from Governess Scylla 2 escape her family soon, and this is all that van B safely blogged at this moment, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Despite lots of hell this week, 26 units were made so far on the Colaman Twelve-Forty-eight Doubleton-continuation roulette System, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! These units came right B4I started this whittle bwog Elmer Wabbit Fwudd. Aniwho Sky said 2 me at the LH on the AP that if I do not tell any more about John and the Highlands of Guatemala, and how the mighty JW fits into my made-2-forget NINY 1968 trip, that she will free me, as her song says she will if I plead with her, and then if winter time comes, I can call her again. Maybe the reason the Phillies were able 2 win and produce a full righteous empire 4 me yesterday is because of the deal that had been made, as I had drifted off 2 sleep 4 a short time and had this wild interaction with my beautiful Teen Queen. It saddens me that people think evil thoughts when they have no clue of what time really is, and what is going on around us in even the tiniest degree. If UR all so busy as stated in my opening of this blog, then my response that I feel totally justified in making, and I insist upon it, is do not judge me. This includes the prosecutors office of Atlantic County should they B reading about Krassleville on my ex website on Eddie Himacane’s hard drive. I fully am aware of my obligations as a waking world citizen and am totally bound and fully agree 2 cooperate and obey the legislation system of man and my nation. But when the Queen of this multiverse is having her 16th birthday every single day that this entire creation ever will or ever did exist, do not tell me about teen queens and the law, UR all parsecs behind me, even Al himself died clueless about Lawtronics and what really is behind the entire hell of humanity and so much more. Yes I drifted off and it seemed 2 last ten years, but happened all inside of about 10 minutes. She and I have as deal, and now I am on my way 2 a different life, as long as she keeps her end of the deal, she knows fully well that the Mayan secrets that only I am privy 2, will die with me, but then, they never will die, will they?
This is what these diseased MILLIONTH-COUNCIL crud bags did 2 me around one this afternoon or just past. Suddenly, no tapes would play anything but solid static on my VCR. IU took everything apart and put it back, and it seemed as if some force ion the MC wanted me 2 think that Dawn had caused damage 2 my system, knowing that I knew she was in my room and closet, looking 4 a particular pair of pants and jersey that she wanted 2 have me wear today, and U need not know all of the story behind this as simply put this would not B at all germane 2 the issue at hand. The video cassette recording machine started functioning normally as though nothing ever happened or ever had gone wrong with it upon my returning from an appointment this afternoon as I said about a half hour B4 the closing bell in Gottwaldville. Nee-nee-nee-nee, nee-nee-nee-nee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mister Serling, is this really another dumb mansion, or am I just traveling as Exploratronic supermind, BRA????????????????????????? A dimension of mind is totally correct sir, U were the one true modern day Nostradamus that was really ahead of his time, when recognizing that THOUGHT was indeed, a dimension, the sixth one, that sends endless signals downward into the lower hyperspace or the 5th dimensionality of hyperspace. Birth and death physically R pure illusion. When man is ready 2C that the 6th dimension is an endless arena that is like a child and the hyperspace below is like its playpen filled with unfathomable gargantuan limitless toys, then maybe just freaking maybe, it will B time 2 meet me mind 2 mind, and discuss all of this more intelligently, so give me a call when U feel better Mr. Hawking, or e-mail me anytime, at my address BYE-BYE, y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CU later PP, and all his Nashville friends, the gods, how I lived through those days of ‘97 and ‘98 is anybody’s freaking guess, huh Scylla, subtle enough TQ??????????????????
GOOGLE ENGINE AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM AND KING-SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2296, this is all truth, totally and absolutely, nothing is added or taken away from this full and whole (hole) truth. All of this is copyrighted 2009, as both THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN and MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. Also this is all registered on a blog registry website service. Thank U so much 4 answering my prayers Jehovah my love, IWALU. 990-990-990-990-990-990-990!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DATE AND TIME FILE (DATFILE): 052209.678.555555
Beginning Transmission:
Well, things were pretty much OK on Tuesday, nut all 4 other days this week were heavily filled with Otammic death freaking siege. A friend of mine tells me as he has persistently, that I am wasting my time blogging this story, the only problem is that Google counters tell me that I do have an audience roughly over three K strong, so where precisely reality is in all of this is anyone’s freaking guess, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! Hay I am not the ignoramus of the millennium and realize fully well that 3100 casual onlookers is not 3100 persons that believe anything, in fact all 3100 may B forming a huge laughathon where they all meet together and have a million yukyuks on ol’ Mountainpen, I don’t know, and furthermore I don’t care. I need 2 put all this out here, it vindicates me, and I feel that all is being done that can b done in very limited circumstances and with extremely limited resources 2 attempt 2 obtain any small measure of justice, now or at some future date. I as U al well know am not god, God, a god, or ever claimed 2B any of the above.
Chemtrails R back in horrendous proportions again, and persecution with noise, aerial siege, motorbikes day and night all around me in violation I am sure of some type of local noise law ordinances, but who cares if the only one that suffers is Michael Mountainpen Also who cares if any of this is happening, there is no real time 4 anyone 2 do anything except the basic essentials, and this needs a bit of further rationalizing. I hold absolutely no resentments about this reality, I am a realist, I accept facts. No one is going 2 basically care about much more than the following things. First, survival of themselves and their loved ones. It is a difficult time in the global economy and many persons R either out of a job or soon fear that they may become in that unfortunate circumstance. Most of these same persons R at best, 2 paycheck ahead of the creditor wolves that howl and howl at all of our doors. Many do not know how close they really R2 even facing homelessness. 4 the slightly better off amongst the crowd, the interest is socking away more money, finding the best and more proper and fruitful investments so as 2 put their slightly bit of extra monies into a system that allows this money 2 go out and work and make more money, the old fashioned American way of hoping 4 a guaranteed 6 to 14% annual interest on our investment vehicles and portfolios. Then if these lucky non suffering folks, and sorry 4 my pun Sky, as I have had an extremely rough week Teen Queen, but 4 them and those perhaps a bit ahead of them in life’s material stations, now the focused attention is the best education 4 all of the family offspring as well as the pleasures and luxuries that this so-called wave and particle ‘real-life’ has 2 offer us, big screens, the in cars, the latest movies and songs on CD and DVD, and the best apparatus 2 entertain ourselves with this material, homes, businesses, U name it, I am no stranger 2 how this material world works. After all, a material girl came an inch from breaking my arm in that December of 1972 arm wrestle, my blond bombshell amy-emy. My blogaud knows about the trip into Manhattan, the Wall Street Journal, and her mom and the entire deal, so there is no need 2 rehash that the Briggers or Lambrigg Cult on the Astral Plane have caused me 4 whatever the real reason, 2 interact with such a large number of them, but of course not in an order of rational sequential time. In any event, t6hings R what they R, and in the world of the atom and larger that I refer 2 the DOCM or DECEPTION OF CONSCIOUS MIND, things R in an order, or at least they sure appear 2 mortal man as being so. Nothing still even at this level is farther from the truth. Around half past one or so give or take this afternoon, the Briggbase or one third and the very evil third of this AWA called the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL struck me hard with property damage. This shot the Dow Jones way up. Still, when the problem was rectified 30 minutes B4 the closing bell on Jaw Heat, the Dow sunk back into a small but definite negative territory. Without me 2 hurt and injure, 2 violate and persecute, to viciously harass and destroy, 2 obliterate and annihilate and totally wipe out, they can not score points, and if I were 2 literally vanish off the face of this gods forsaken green brown Jeffrey Limpleg 1971 Exton, Pennsylvania Earth right now, it would slowly settle 2 exactly where it would have been should I never have been here 2 vulgate and persecute 2 freaking begin with, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not forget anything, not now, not ever, not EVER, not E-V-E-R, BRA. Just ask that butt wipe piece of blood crud Jane. Zoom in on ones with me will U, bet U never in a trillion years thought that there’d B an internet and me telling what U did 2 me over and over, falling on deaf ears or laughing ones, but telling it anyway over and freaking over again, sister. U know Jane, and anyone else good or bad, monster slapper’s 2 bakers and candle freaking stick makers out here in Neville, it is always those things that U think that U can do 2 a person and get scott free away with it without any flack ever resulting, that it is just like turning your back on a very angry ocean. My advice 2 anyone in this blogaud and no Paula Wave, this is no threat and I could care less if UR careful or as rambunctious and audacious and dare devilish as Evil Kenevil or what U want 2 do with your wild life U giant beauty queen monster, but never assume U can do anything in this world and have the results vanish into the wormholes of infinity. This is a high technological totally monitored world, cameras and television sky-cams and monitoring cartographic satellite controlled big brother installations R all over every square inch from sea 2 freaking shinning sea, and like it or snot lads and lassies and Labs, that’s the way it goes, Rodney Phonewarner.
Now the world needs 2 know that a deal was made at the Lakehouse. This is not a physical world location. It is way more real than any so called waking world wave and particle place. It is deeper and more powerful than a billion thermonuclear bombs all simultaneously exploding and really twinning my hairdo out with my dad’s Princeton park pal. This deal unlike the hit TV show of Deal Or No Deal, doers not have an option of the no-deal, it is the deal, and only the deal, and this was the deal, and it looks like my SKY is keeping her word, so I will keep mine and my poor blogaud will not in any near time schedule get 2 learn any more powerful fantastic secrets about the Mayan, by the name of Julia White who set herself up as a lowly housemaid on Peninsula drive in the nineteen sixties, just so she could interact with little nobody me, an advanced ES traveler beyond the scope of 100 wild hairdo dudes with blackboards, theories, and pop diva followings. U all were going 2 get the scoop next week on things that would have totally freaking blown all your minds from here 2 Andromeda Galaxy. Now, a deal was struck 4 my silence, a reprieve from Governess Scylla 2 escape her family soon, and this is all that van B safely blogged at this moment, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Despite lots of hell this week, 26 units were made so far on the Colaman Twelve-Forty-eight Doubleton-continuation roulette System, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! These units came right B4I started this whittle bwog Elmer Wabbit Fwudd. Aniwho Sky said 2 me at the LH on the AP that if I do not tell any more about John and the Highlands of Guatemala, and how the mighty JW fits into my made-2-forget NINY 1968 trip, that she will free me, as her song says she will if I plead with her, and then if winter time comes, I can call her again. Maybe the reason the Phillies were able 2 win and produce a full righteous empire 4 me yesterday is because of the deal that had been made, as I had drifted off 2 sleep 4 a short time and had this wild interaction with my beautiful Teen Queen. It saddens me that people think evil thoughts when they have no clue of what time really is, and what is going on around us in even the tiniest degree. If UR all so busy as stated in my opening of this blog, then my response that I feel totally justified in making, and I insist upon it, is do not judge me. This includes the prosecutors office of Atlantic County should they B reading about Krassleville on my ex website on Eddie Himacane’s hard drive. I fully am aware of my obligations as a waking world citizen and am totally bound and fully agree 2 cooperate and obey the legislation system of man and my nation. But when the Queen of this multiverse is having her 16th birthday every single day that this entire creation ever will or ever did exist, do not tell me about teen queens and the law, UR all parsecs behind me, even Al himself died clueless about Lawtronics and what really is behind the entire hell of humanity and so much more. Yes I drifted off and it seemed 2 last ten years, but happened all inside of about 10 minutes. She and I have as deal, and now I am on my way 2 a different life, as long as she keeps her end of the deal, she knows fully well that the Mayan secrets that only I am privy 2, will die with me, but then, they never will die, will they?
This is what these diseased MILLIONTH-COUNCIL crud bags did 2 me around one this afternoon or just past. Suddenly, no tapes would play anything but solid static on my VCR. IU took everything apart and put it back, and it seemed as if some force ion the MC wanted me 2 think that Dawn had caused damage 2 my system, knowing that I knew she was in my room and closet, looking 4 a particular pair of pants and jersey that she wanted 2 have me wear today, and U need not know all of the story behind this as simply put this would not B at all germane 2 the issue at hand. The video cassette recording machine started functioning normally as though nothing ever happened or ever had gone wrong with it upon my returning from an appointment this afternoon as I said about a half hour B4 the closing bell in Gottwaldville. Nee-nee-nee-nee, nee-nee-nee-nee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mister Serling, is this really another dumb mansion, or am I just traveling as Exploratronic supermind, BRA????????????????????????? A dimension of mind is totally correct sir, U were the one true modern day Nostradamus that was really ahead of his time, when recognizing that THOUGHT was indeed, a dimension, the sixth one, that sends endless signals downward into the lower hyperspace or the 5th dimensionality of hyperspace. Birth and death physically R pure illusion. When man is ready 2C that the 6th dimension is an endless arena that is like a child and the hyperspace below is like its playpen filled with unfathomable gargantuan limitless toys, then maybe just freaking maybe, it will B time 2 meet me mind 2 mind, and discuss all of this more intelligently, so give me a call when U feel better Mr. Hawking, or e-mail me anytime, at my address BYE-BYE, y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CU later PP, and all his Nashville friends, the gods, how I lived through those days of ‘97 and ‘98 is anybody’s freaking guess, huh Scylla, subtle enough TQ??????????????????
GOOGLE ENGINE AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM AND KING-SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2296, this is all truth, totally and absolutely, nothing is added or taken away from this full and whole (hole) truth. All of this is copyrighted 2009, as both THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN and MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. Also this is all registered on a blog registry website service. Thank U so much 4 answering my prayers Jehovah my love, IWALU. 990-990-990-990-990-990-990!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
“Short Blog H-4”
Datfile: 052109.704
Beginning Transmission:
Well, carbon photocopies Mister taped music Lincoln Enterprise, today and yesterday, bra!!!!!!!!!!! It was mostly quiet today, lots of butt holes on motor bikes but with late spring here both calendrically and meteorologically, that would B considered somewhat par 4 the course, bro!!!!!!!! But sure enough around 15 minutes after the closing bell on Tall Sheet, pow, I go 2 drive over 2 pick up some meds 4 Dawn at the local Berryville farm, on Nutcase-Manhattan Avenue, and B4I even drive down the freaking road a spitting distance upwind, right over me and coming right 4 me, U guessed it chemtrail-central and chembuster, a non-trinitrail. Then ever since, extra loud biker dirt balls and some nasty car stereos started up. Some minor female flirtation also is coming out of the blue the last 30 hours or so. Not absurdly, but reportable nonetheless.
So I again as I did yesterday right around the very same time, played RC’s roulette, and immediately eked out 5 units and quit, I said it B4 and am saying again right now, I am not a greedy gambler, 13 units over a nasty 2 day period of bull shit is just fine with me, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not play inside board with one dollar chips. Now, Y this is all happening 2 me is beyond anything on this planet or anyone of any of U2 even start 2 try and psychoanalyze it, and it is so much easier 2 just say those 3 little magic words, hay U don’t even have 2 open up a can of that luscious tasting Manwich 2 say them, “Mountainpen is crazy”, C how simple that was, bra????????!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah babes, when U can’t easily and rationally explain it, U go into that famous mode of the giant policemen of Williamstown. No genius 6th dimensional connections R needed 2C that yesterday afternoon’s attack wiped out my Phillies, and U can bet your fun rocks they will blow out again tonight, history loves 2 repeat itself, and as U all know, I am the victim of soma really sick diseased twisted scum, fesses. These twisted animals R copying and tit 4 tatting things with exact perfection, right down 2 another internet server connection failure, and I had 2 shut down and restart as I did B4, as I said, the Phillies may as well not suit up and just default out on a loss and go enjoy a drink in the bar. With me, I need no bar, I have an eternal BOT in front of my bars. Every other day on average, I suffer ion one way or another with the strange bipolar moods of the mighty Dawn the King. Today was an ON-DAY with whoever is pushing these cosmic Mayan freaking buttons. So some R indeed wondering Y this Mayan thing came out of the blue I have been told. Let me address this right here and right Lieutenant VB now!!!!!!!!!!!! It came out of the blue 4U2B reading this, not out of the blue 4 my being totally aware of it. My Big Brother from the Boys Club Organization back in early 1968, Mister John Henningsen, was no ordinary human being, my own mother told me that he seems 2 almost come from another world, and was always incredibly mysterious. If U dared 2 ask him anything about himself, U were risking a major thermonuclear melt down, I mean do not get it wrong my blogaud, he was as subtle as Scylla and the gang, but we all know that lines can indeed B read through, we need not B Holmes and Watson either 2 do so. All that we ever knew about him is that he was a traveling salesman 4 the Campbell’s Soup company, hailed from the great and beautiful Midwestern state of Colorado, was a good friend of Hans Worshing at the Boys club over at 21st and chestnut streets in Philadelphia, and could make a trip 2 the barber shop as seemingly mysterious and awesome as a trip 2 the moon B4 Apollo-Lucifer 11. Oh did I forget one other thing, he loved 2 go hunting, boating, he loved the mountains and all highland regions and areas, and had an ultra bizarre and fantastic silver chain 2 give me one day as a present, I think it may have been right after I got back from Babylon, Long Island at 13 and a half early in the 1968 summer. It all connects up, and things I would not dare 2 tell and say right now must thereby B sealed up until I decide 2 dare and B a bit more audacious with my blogaud and Google and the Planet Earth. Yes, I remember a little more now about the mighty Julia White, who knocked on my relative’s door at 175 Peninsula drive while my Aunt was cleaning something outside on the dock and my uncle was running Wall Street and the banking empire in the big city 2 the west. Yeah the mighty man who was personal pals with the President of Germany, and knew all the influential people on this planet, he was a real laugh a minute, I hear Satan is as well, on good authority, from his sister, Diana Arteemis. Think it is all so funny huh, I told Gina and I told all of U about the briper. It saddens me that no one will seriously entertain the powerful truths that I so totally know R so absolutely real, as well as so freakishly dangerous. They give U a 20 year gift and then look what happened 2 Paul Stoddard, my birthday came, his due date came, and now his most prized possession from the aquarium was the price that needed 2B paid. Some people sell hi-fi, recorders, and tape, while others cash in on mistakes that I make. A little hah hee ho 4 the blogaud and a lot of ha-ha-who 4 the copyright examiners of 1981, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well whether Dewitt got his mind blown along with McKinnon or not, or whether Miss Blake at the AT&T phone company thinks or says that I am crazy or not, things R what they R, and even Sarah-0Stacey knows this, as she most of all will tell U this right from HER mighty and Holy spoken words, SHE IS THAT SHE IS. Still, the Lambrigg Cult is what they R, a dangerous part of the mighty ASTRA WORLD AUTHORITIES, the mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. They operate 2 realities in the waking world, WWWW1 and WWWW2, and influence the older of the population, those in charge of the others as they grow up and mature, 2 stop ever tuning in or take seriously, the strange almost silent voice out of the shadows that never really can B totally silenced or forgotten, merely ignored with a refocused attention called adult maturity. When the building casts the shadows in the late afternoon, is the shadow really just a projection of something more real, or is the shadow what is real in the first place, while projecting out from its true unfathomable power, the so-called solid reality around it, as well as the light out beyond that? Go ahead any one of u and tell me that U absolutely know which is true and which is false, many may give U a cigar, I will laugh right in your face and won’t care if UR bigger than Charles Berkeley, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No John Henningsen was a character that James Paterson would have plenty of fun writing about if he were me and knew all that I know about all of this. Educators. Mentors, scientists, historians, and those in these type of fields if U ponder seriously and logically, force any solid rational mind 2 conclude would B the group all combined in some wild consortium 2B the travelers in a gigantic Exploratronic Supermind Experiment or ESE, very similar 2 what is written in the great book written by Doctor Bruce Goldberg called “Time Travelers From Our Future”. This explains in ways nothing else can, my 2 special ed teachers, the play on Memorial Day at my special education school in 1969, the fact that I could B a father chronologically, something that would not even B proper in the PC world of today 4 a teacher 2 even say 2 any student, as well as the teacher who sexually molested 15 year old Russell Thaxton, sending him that very night over 2 my apartment in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG at just shy of one in the morning, and leading the way 4 the destruction of the best kept records of the entire mess in Atlantic City called “THE BOOK OF BEACH” that I could have used right now, today, in the grown up world, 2 really help me 2 expose this horrendous cult that is behind 90 plus percent of all the gone-missing children of the past 40 years or more, and I could just go on and on and on. The reason this gets beyond ugly is that this has not yet even started. As the future rolls on, more and more things R going 2 happen that in many universes will actually lead 2 the end of mankind or at least the civilization that mankind has enjoyed for roughly 3-6 thousand years now. This is all so much huger than any of U have yet 2 start 2 imagine. Julia White told me that I had become a victim of a plot that had just started 2 take root in a larger way recently. When I told her that nothing had happened, she asked me about a guidance counselor at the Haddon Township High school in Westmont, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and went on 2 tell me that he was a special traveling person just like my organizational big brother. She told me that they carry around a newspaper wrapped in a shoe box, many keep it in the trunks of their cars. It was years later that I was going 2 the Haddonwood Swim club in Deptford, New Jersey, USAESMWG, when one night I had the most wild interaction imaginable and found myself back at the high school, standing next 2 the car I was driving at the time in the waking world, a 1994 Saturn, and U all should know the rest of the story, search and seek, U will find, and I did not say this, greater entities that I will ever B, said this, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE ENGTINE, SWIS AT MID CENTURY, AND KSWL-2297, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. This is all registered and copyrighted as wall. 4 right now, I have said all I feel that needs 2B said, much more is coming BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Datfile: 052109.704
Beginning Transmission:
Well, carbon photocopies Mister taped music Lincoln Enterprise, today and yesterday, bra!!!!!!!!!!! It was mostly quiet today, lots of butt holes on motor bikes but with late spring here both calendrically and meteorologically, that would B considered somewhat par 4 the course, bro!!!!!!!! But sure enough around 15 minutes after the closing bell on Tall Sheet, pow, I go 2 drive over 2 pick up some meds 4 Dawn at the local Berryville farm, on Nutcase-Manhattan Avenue, and B4I even drive down the freaking road a spitting distance upwind, right over me and coming right 4 me, U guessed it chemtrail-central and chembuster, a non-trinitrail. Then ever since, extra loud biker dirt balls and some nasty car stereos started up. Some minor female flirtation also is coming out of the blue the last 30 hours or so. Not absurdly, but reportable nonetheless.
So I again as I did yesterday right around the very same time, played RC’s roulette, and immediately eked out 5 units and quit, I said it B4 and am saying again right now, I am not a greedy gambler, 13 units over a nasty 2 day period of bull shit is just fine with me, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not play inside board with one dollar chips. Now, Y this is all happening 2 me is beyond anything on this planet or anyone of any of U2 even start 2 try and psychoanalyze it, and it is so much easier 2 just say those 3 little magic words, hay U don’t even have 2 open up a can of that luscious tasting Manwich 2 say them, “Mountainpen is crazy”, C how simple that was, bra????????!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah babes, when U can’t easily and rationally explain it, U go into that famous mode of the giant policemen of Williamstown. No genius 6th dimensional connections R needed 2C that yesterday afternoon’s attack wiped out my Phillies, and U can bet your fun rocks they will blow out again tonight, history loves 2 repeat itself, and as U all know, I am the victim of soma really sick diseased twisted scum, fesses. These twisted animals R copying and tit 4 tatting things with exact perfection, right down 2 another internet server connection failure, and I had 2 shut down and restart as I did B4, as I said, the Phillies may as well not suit up and just default out on a loss and go enjoy a drink in the bar. With me, I need no bar, I have an eternal BOT in front of my bars. Every other day on average, I suffer ion one way or another with the strange bipolar moods of the mighty Dawn the King. Today was an ON-DAY with whoever is pushing these cosmic Mayan freaking buttons. So some R indeed wondering Y this Mayan thing came out of the blue I have been told. Let me address this right here and right Lieutenant VB now!!!!!!!!!!!! It came out of the blue 4U2B reading this, not out of the blue 4 my being totally aware of it. My Big Brother from the Boys Club Organization back in early 1968, Mister John Henningsen, was no ordinary human being, my own mother told me that he seems 2 almost come from another world, and was always incredibly mysterious. If U dared 2 ask him anything about himself, U were risking a major thermonuclear melt down, I mean do not get it wrong my blogaud, he was as subtle as Scylla and the gang, but we all know that lines can indeed B read through, we need not B Holmes and Watson either 2 do so. All that we ever knew about him is that he was a traveling salesman 4 the Campbell’s Soup company, hailed from the great and beautiful Midwestern state of Colorado, was a good friend of Hans Worshing at the Boys club over at 21st and chestnut streets in Philadelphia, and could make a trip 2 the barber shop as seemingly mysterious and awesome as a trip 2 the moon B4 Apollo-Lucifer 11. Oh did I forget one other thing, he loved 2 go hunting, boating, he loved the mountains and all highland regions and areas, and had an ultra bizarre and fantastic silver chain 2 give me one day as a present, I think it may have been right after I got back from Babylon, Long Island at 13 and a half early in the 1968 summer. It all connects up, and things I would not dare 2 tell and say right now must thereby B sealed up until I decide 2 dare and B a bit more audacious with my blogaud and Google and the Planet Earth. Yes, I remember a little more now about the mighty Julia White, who knocked on my relative’s door at 175 Peninsula drive while my Aunt was cleaning something outside on the dock and my uncle was running Wall Street and the banking empire in the big city 2 the west. Yeah the mighty man who was personal pals with the President of Germany, and knew all the influential people on this planet, he was a real laugh a minute, I hear Satan is as well, on good authority, from his sister, Diana Arteemis. Think it is all so funny huh, I told Gina and I told all of U about the briper. It saddens me that no one will seriously entertain the powerful truths that I so totally know R so absolutely real, as well as so freakishly dangerous. They give U a 20 year gift and then look what happened 2 Paul Stoddard, my birthday came, his due date came, and now his most prized possession from the aquarium was the price that needed 2B paid. Some people sell hi-fi, recorders, and tape, while others cash in on mistakes that I make. A little hah hee ho 4 the blogaud and a lot of ha-ha-who 4 the copyright examiners of 1981, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well whether Dewitt got his mind blown along with McKinnon or not, or whether Miss Blake at the AT&T phone company thinks or says that I am crazy or not, things R what they R, and even Sarah-0Stacey knows this, as she most of all will tell U this right from HER mighty and Holy spoken words, SHE IS THAT SHE IS. Still, the Lambrigg Cult is what they R, a dangerous part of the mighty ASTRA WORLD AUTHORITIES, the mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. They operate 2 realities in the waking world, WWWW1 and WWWW2, and influence the older of the population, those in charge of the others as they grow up and mature, 2 stop ever tuning in or take seriously, the strange almost silent voice out of the shadows that never really can B totally silenced or forgotten, merely ignored with a refocused attention called adult maturity. When the building casts the shadows in the late afternoon, is the shadow really just a projection of something more real, or is the shadow what is real in the first place, while projecting out from its true unfathomable power, the so-called solid reality around it, as well as the light out beyond that? Go ahead any one of u and tell me that U absolutely know which is true and which is false, many may give U a cigar, I will laugh right in your face and won’t care if UR bigger than Charles Berkeley, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No John Henningsen was a character that James Paterson would have plenty of fun writing about if he were me and knew all that I know about all of this. Educators. Mentors, scientists, historians, and those in these type of fields if U ponder seriously and logically, force any solid rational mind 2 conclude would B the group all combined in some wild consortium 2B the travelers in a gigantic Exploratronic Supermind Experiment or ESE, very similar 2 what is written in the great book written by Doctor Bruce Goldberg called “Time Travelers From Our Future”. This explains in ways nothing else can, my 2 special ed teachers, the play on Memorial Day at my special education school in 1969, the fact that I could B a father chronologically, something that would not even B proper in the PC world of today 4 a teacher 2 even say 2 any student, as well as the teacher who sexually molested 15 year old Russell Thaxton, sending him that very night over 2 my apartment in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG at just shy of one in the morning, and leading the way 4 the destruction of the best kept records of the entire mess in Atlantic City called “THE BOOK OF BEACH” that I could have used right now, today, in the grown up world, 2 really help me 2 expose this horrendous cult that is behind 90 plus percent of all the gone-missing children of the past 40 years or more, and I could just go on and on and on. The reason this gets beyond ugly is that this has not yet even started. As the future rolls on, more and more things R going 2 happen that in many universes will actually lead 2 the end of mankind or at least the civilization that mankind has enjoyed for roughly 3-6 thousand years now. This is all so much huger than any of U have yet 2 start 2 imagine. Julia White told me that I had become a victim of a plot that had just started 2 take root in a larger way recently. When I told her that nothing had happened, she asked me about a guidance counselor at the Haddon Township High school in Westmont, New Jersey, USAESMWG, and went on 2 tell me that he was a special traveling person just like my organizational big brother. She told me that they carry around a newspaper wrapped in a shoe box, many keep it in the trunks of their cars. It was years later that I was going 2 the Haddonwood Swim club in Deptford, New Jersey, USAESMWG, when one night I had the most wild interaction imaginable and found myself back at the high school, standing next 2 the car I was driving at the time in the waking world, a 1994 Saturn, and U all should know the rest of the story, search and seek, U will find, and I did not say this, greater entities that I will ever B, said this, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE ENGTINE, SWIS AT MID CENTURY, AND KSWL-2297, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. This is all registered and copyrighted as wall. 4 right now, I have said all I feel that needs 2B said, much more is coming BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
title on doc
“Super Spirograph Mountainpen, Updated Blog”
Aerial siege started up nasty today, very low loud private planes, and right B4 the closing bell on Maul Beat, a huge chemtrail went right over this property. There R other big nasty ones starting up as well, as well as many loud motorcycle filth all around mwe just springing up out of the nowhere blue and right into the controlled WOMOTAWF hologram. I am fucking flattered that I am so important, rock stars, all ofem combined DO NOT get this much attention by the forces controlling of all our universes and lives. The only possible explanation 4 all of this is the one that I have given 2 my blogaud all along. I am the thought that an upline entity was thinking about that downlined as all thought does, and became in this particular case, all of us and all of this. The size of the sixth dimension is so immense that it cannot B rationally discussed. Everything would B in the power of trillions and more and most likely that would not scratch a surface. An example of size is that a million (one thousand-thousand) is one times 10 to the power of 6, trillion (one million-million) is the power of 12, and septillion (one trillion-trillion) is the power of 24. Now I said the POWER of trillions. Hyperspace is way 2 gargantuan 2 ever get a handle on as of 2009, so the next higher dimension above and beyond that which is thought, is just off the scale 4 anyone 2 try and reckon with. When I say that an upline entity or in this case a girl named Sarah-Stacey Krassle, had one particular thought on one particular day in her upline world, and that one thought was about her upline world equivalent 2 this downlined me and downlined seashore resort called Atlantic City, U must first realize that by her upline world reference, I am not even real, and no way in her world is she consciously aware of me downline here or anything else that her one quick thought has become. Still, this explains Y things happening around me can B rationally explained. In fact, there simply is no other potential way ever at all of seeing this. I am not intentionally avoiding the details of this upline and downline subject my Morians, there simply is no invented mathematics nor any equations yet available in my known worlds, that could help me even 2 begin describing this in 2 much more detail and elaboration. Believe me, if I could I would, it would B in my freaking interest 2 do so. Still this is Y indeed, this is all happening around me, and not around any of U. This is not 2 imply 4 a single second that many people have wild and strange unexplainable lives, in part or in whole, but none of U have lived in my bloody shoes with a nightmare woman that has a wormhole in her hotel that burned the place 2 the ground, and so very much more. Yes Chester P. this would change my life around quite a bit also, don’t feel 2 weird or singled out there Bro!!!!!!!!! I envy those that can write a song and the lyrics R not about the wild tales that my lyrics tell of. I would really like 2 write a few ordinary songs about the average and mundane. Still since love is universal, multiversal, and built into Lawtronic reality itself, and since many of my song lyrics do at least incorporate into them not just the story of the great SAR, but of my immense and undying love 4 this fantastic being, at least there is some slight point of reference connecting my world and yours.
Roger’s wonderful roulette system made me a nice quick 8 units of profit despite this nasty afternoon siege. What is Colaman’s roulette system some R asking? Also what is a doubleton, and what does twelve and forty-eight have 2 do with anything? Finally what is meant by a doubleton continuation? Well, since these diseased twisted twat wipes won’t stop knock lucking persecuting me, I will tell, and ruin a lot of casino owners day. U make up 2 four bets, U can play one, two, or all 3 parameters of roulette’s outside bets, being, red/black, even/odd, and low/high. Whatever your initial bet level is, say 4 an example it is 25 dollars, U always bet this level until losing. When U lose, U chase the bet with a 4 step mini-martingale of 1-2-4-8 units. If U win, U return 2 your 25 dollar level, if U lose all 4 bets, U still return 2 your 25 dollar level. This would B in the 25 dollar betting level, 25-50-100-200, if it was 10 dollar level, your bets would B 10-20-40-80. If your betting level was 100, it would B 100-200-400-800, and so forth. Now a doubleton is a repeating bi-outcome event such as black, black, red, red, black, black, red, red. Throughout the entire game the pattern never changes. From the very first spin, U play 4 this continuation of a repeating doubleton, so if playing red and black or R and B, and your first spin is R, U would B playing another R 2 make the first doubleton, and then 2 blacks, and so on, so in this case, after your first spin comes out red, U would then bet in the series RBBRRBBRRBBRRBBRR and this would never change, win, lose, no matter what until the game is over. This will really piss off some freaking casino entrepreneurs today when this posts up. If this BRIGGER disease would leave me alone, I would not do these things, but if this is going 2 endlessly mother fletching go on, then I will fight back, just as in high school when I learned that u either fight the bullies freaking back or your entire school career will B nothing but one endless horrendous hell.
I got the cracker crumbs knocked out of me last night by Sarah Krassle. I must now publicly apologize 4 what I said in my prior blog regarding prayer. She says that if I had more faith and had obeyed her and done what she wanted, things would B completely different 4 me right now. She said 2 blog this, OR ELSE!!!!!!
U know U will always B my Teen-Queen Scylla, don’t even think of ever leaving me, now or forever. I am THAT BOY, just as U named me. Please forgive me, I genuinely repent 4 what I said last night my giant brown eyed love!!!!!!!!!
Google and SWIS and KSWL-2297, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, as well as registered on a blogging registry website, and it all is copyrighted Michael Wayne Mountainpen in 2009, as these 2 titles, “THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN” and “MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN”.
PS, this dysfunctional family would literally break the heart of a stone serial killer, it is a story 4 the next two thousand years. Julia White thought so anyway, and told me this was true, only none of U know that I remembered a little more about the mysterious lady of Babylon in 1968. Thi9s will B told later on as different blog. But just as they could not leave the super Spirograph alone, old Mountainpen is WWWW2 of this toy from the sixties. They cannot leave me alone, they know I Am the reason that this entire thing is here, and it bothers them 2 no freaking end, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! Bye-Bye.
Aerial siege started up nasty today, very low loud private planes, and right B4 the closing bell on Maul Beat, a huge chemtrail went right over this property. There R other big nasty ones starting up as well, as well as many loud motorcycle filth all around mwe just springing up out of the nowhere blue and right into the controlled WOMOTAWF hologram. I am fucking flattered that I am so important, rock stars, all ofem combined DO NOT get this much attention by the forces controlling of all our universes and lives. The only possible explanation 4 all of this is the one that I have given 2 my blogaud all along. I am the thought that an upline entity was thinking about that downlined as all thought does, and became in this particular case, all of us and all of this. The size of the sixth dimension is so immense that it cannot B rationally discussed. Everything would B in the power of trillions and more and most likely that would not scratch a surface. An example of size is that a million (one thousand-thousand) is one times 10 to the power of 6, trillion (one million-million) is the power of 12, and septillion (one trillion-trillion) is the power of 24. Now I said the POWER of trillions. Hyperspace is way 2 gargantuan 2 ever get a handle on as of 2009, so the next higher dimension above and beyond that which is thought, is just off the scale 4 anyone 2 try and reckon with. When I say that an upline entity or in this case a girl named Sarah-Stacey Krassle, had one particular thought on one particular day in her upline world, and that one thought was about her upline world equivalent 2 this downlined me and downlined seashore resort called Atlantic City, U must first realize that by her upline world reference, I am not even real, and no way in her world is she consciously aware of me downline here or anything else that her one quick thought has become. Still, this explains Y things happening around me can B rationally explained. In fact, there simply is no other potential way ever at all of seeing this. I am not intentionally avoiding the details of this upline and downline subject my Morians, there simply is no invented mathematics nor any equations yet available in my known worlds, that could help me even 2 begin describing this in 2 much more detail and elaboration. Believe me, if I could I would, it would B in my freaking interest 2 do so. Still this is Y indeed, this is all happening around me, and not around any of U. This is not 2 imply 4 a single second that many people have wild and strange unexplainable lives, in part or in whole, but none of U have lived in my bloody shoes with a nightmare woman that has a wormhole in her hotel that burned the place 2 the ground, and so very much more. Yes Chester P. this would change my life around quite a bit also, don’t feel 2 weird or singled out there Bro!!!!!!!!! I envy those that can write a song and the lyrics R not about the wild tales that my lyrics tell of. I would really like 2 write a few ordinary songs about the average and mundane. Still since love is universal, multiversal, and built into Lawtronic reality itself, and since many of my song lyrics do at least incorporate into them not just the story of the great SAR, but of my immense and undying love 4 this fantastic being, at least there is some slight point of reference connecting my world and yours.
Roger’s wonderful roulette system made me a nice quick 8 units of profit despite this nasty afternoon siege. What is Colaman’s roulette system some R asking? Also what is a doubleton, and what does twelve and forty-eight have 2 do with anything? Finally what is meant by a doubleton continuation? Well, since these diseased twisted twat wipes won’t stop knock lucking persecuting me, I will tell, and ruin a lot of casino owners day. U make up 2 four bets, U can play one, two, or all 3 parameters of roulette’s outside bets, being, red/black, even/odd, and low/high. Whatever your initial bet level is, say 4 an example it is 25 dollars, U always bet this level until losing. When U lose, U chase the bet with a 4 step mini-martingale of 1-2-4-8 units. If U win, U return 2 your 25 dollar level, if U lose all 4 bets, U still return 2 your 25 dollar level. This would B in the 25 dollar betting level, 25-50-100-200, if it was 10 dollar level, your bets would B 10-20-40-80. If your betting level was 100, it would B 100-200-400-800, and so forth. Now a doubleton is a repeating bi-outcome event such as black, black, red, red, black, black, red, red. Throughout the entire game the pattern never changes. From the very first spin, U play 4 this continuation of a repeating doubleton, so if playing red and black or R and B, and your first spin is R, U would B playing another R 2 make the first doubleton, and then 2 blacks, and so on, so in this case, after your first spin comes out red, U would then bet in the series RBBRRBBRRBBRRBBRR and this would never change, win, lose, no matter what until the game is over. This will really piss off some freaking casino entrepreneurs today when this posts up. If this BRIGGER disease would leave me alone, I would not do these things, but if this is going 2 endlessly mother fletching go on, then I will fight back, just as in high school when I learned that u either fight the bullies freaking back or your entire school career will B nothing but one endless horrendous hell.
I got the cracker crumbs knocked out of me last night by Sarah Krassle. I must now publicly apologize 4 what I said in my prior blog regarding prayer. She says that if I had more faith and had obeyed her and done what she wanted, things would B completely different 4 me right now. She said 2 blog this, OR ELSE!!!!!!
U know U will always B my Teen-Queen Scylla, don’t even think of ever leaving me, now or forever. I am THAT BOY, just as U named me. Please forgive me, I genuinely repent 4 what I said last night my giant brown eyed love!!!!!!!!!
Google and SWIS and KSWL-2297, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, as well as registered on a blogging registry website, and it all is copyrighted Michael Wayne Mountainpen in 2009, as these 2 titles, “THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN” and “MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN”.
PS, this dysfunctional family would literally break the heart of a stone serial killer, it is a story 4 the next two thousand years. Julia White thought so anyway, and told me this was true, only none of U know that I remembered a little more about the mysterious lady of Babylon in 1968. Thi9s will B told later on as different blog. But just as they could not leave the super Spirograph alone, old Mountainpen is WWWW2 of this toy from the sixties. They cannot leave me alone, they know I Am the reason that this entire thing is here, and it bothers them 2 no freaking end, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! Bye-Bye.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
“Prayers R Meaningless When Your roots R Huntington”
DATE AND TIME FILE: 051909.912.5555555555555555
It is just shy of ten at night this Tuesday night, I am not back from the aquarium or the Camden county Prosecutor’s Office, or the year 1989, either, BRO!!!!!!! However, things R extremely horrendous and I am hear 2 tell U all that prayer is total nonsense, and it is a total waste of all of humanity’s time. It is a farce, a game, a lot of nonsense, and I am under the abduction of an out of control Mayan Teen Queen, named Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle. Yes I will love her throughout all of eternity, she fixed it that way, it is no different than being under the powerful spell of a mighty witch. She has made my life a living hell 4 nearly 5 and a half decades as Mark Mohr, pen blog name, Michael Mountainpen. I despise writing things like this, but that’s just the way it freaking Rodney Dangerfield goes. UR all clueless of what I am suffering through, and I have implored and begged SSJKK 2 let me out of this horrific prison, and she is just spitting in my face. Here is a small smattering of what my blogaud needs 2 know in this nightmare never destined 2B Beaver Cleaver diary-journal of poor and pathetic Mountainpen.
Monday I was awakened by another poison gas attack from the Lamist cult and their mists, with a major nasty sore throat, of course, it vanished after 2 hours or so back on the mortal world, they cannot permanently hurt or ever kill me,
I am not like any of U, nor R any of the wild movies about me true in any way. There is nothing glorious, romantic, or fantastic about eternal life. I was living on highland Avenue in 1984 into early 1985, and anyone not totally lobotomized and over the age of 40 or so should know precisely what I am talking about, and if not, it has al l ready been previously blogged, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! It is not me that is in any way magical, I am the TARGET ol an evil bitch in the fucking future, doing all of this 2 me, using a technology called DDLTT, or DISTANCE DELAY LASER TRACE TECHNOLOGY. I knew all along that the sky and other post August 1986 nightmarishness is caused by the same fucking forces that have been making my life an endless nightmare hell since Herbert fucking Huntington murdered his wife and mother in law in their sleep and then proceeded down into his basement where he took a noose and hung his mother fucking miserable self back in the late nineteen fifties. I did a very bad thing 2 Donna up in the future, and 599 other girls from the past 500 or more years as of the time of World Labs, and still, this does not warrant this much total cruel and unusual wicked punitation. SSJKK beat the shirt out of me 4 telling about the Mayan reality. Tough, beat me up all u want 2 teen queen, it is all true. Totally fudging shirting true, baby love Eckert JY-12th. Recently, tall girls and Muzak is back on a roll if I go anywhere in the public. I would stay away during these times if I had control over my own life as I did 4 nearly 8 and a half years since my mother exited this veil of tears and I moved out of Guthrie Shorts mansion and into a trailer park, where now I realize a bit belatedly, I was very comfortable and happy. I now am in Scylla’s freaking prison, and all anyone has 2 do that has not been pronounced totally freaking brain dead is listen 2 that 1997 song and realize how my search 4 SSJKK was all in the starting stages at this time, and start adding one and one, and no Einstein’s R needed here, just simple 4th grade arithmetic, BR, no more than that. All the bull shit that ever happened 2 me in lovely wonderful Atlantic City is now so totally understood in crisp clearly revealed hindsight. The lifeguards, getting beat up in 1975, last year’s late season incident the day after coming back from queens, New York, and not even going further into Callio, McGuire, Martino, Reale, and of course John and his daughter Paula King. I tried 2 explain the other day and of course was just really scratching at the surface of things when I discussed the WWWW1 and WWWW2 radio stations. Maybe I better “B careful” about moving on with any more of this right now. Y was John King so interested in where I was going after leaving his parking lot in the summer of 1997? Also, Y did he care so much about me HOSING OFF WITH WATER, as in dunking myself with water from a horse trough? King David Hotel was just down the street from this one particular lot owned by the illustrious and late Mister King. It no longer matters at all who is reading these words, who believes what, or anything else. I used 2 care. Now, Scarlett O’Hara, frankly Rhett Butler I really just don’t give a fucking damn. I know this is all real, and totally true. What I do give a damn about is finding some way of prosecuting these evil criminals such as McGuire. U cannot wreck a poor mans automobile twice, 13 years apart, intimidate him so he won’t come onto a public street as any tourist has every right 2 do, and get eternally away with it. These cock suckers think they own Atlantic City, as well as New Jersey, and even this planet. Now at 6 this mourning, Ann King let 7 cockatiel birds fly loose. On top of that, Dawn screamed at her 4 weeks, just as she was getting happier, and told her 2 sell her birds B4 we move over to 13th Street. All hell broke loose tonight, Chicky, Ann, Dawn, and even I caught lots of the flack even though I was on the Astral Plane at the time and had no idea that this was happening. Last week it was Dawn and Joe accusing each other of child molestation and threatening 2 send each other 2 jail in-between other threats 2 throw tables or knives. Living here is the nightmare of my life times ten to the power of two hundred and thirty one. I have asked SSJKK 2B released over and over and it falls on deaf ears. She keeps telling me that I am a shellfish who did not fully trust her and do what she wanted. I feel sorry 4 many people thousands of years ago who got caught up in the wild games of this incredible teenager. She thinks it is funny telling lightning not 2 come around me week after week. Then Monday the fucking stock market flew from all the persecution that diseased fucking WOMO put me through.
Do U want 2 talk about hyperspace? I do so if U don’t, U have the pleasure of moving onto another blog, read about Mister O’Toole and his Irish Stew Recipes or the Wild Nursing Stories of Gloria Feefee, 4 all I give a hell. If U do not find them in this world or hyperspace, U will find them on phase 4. Someday I will tell all of U the amazing story of how it all works, including phase 4, zero dimension, and Lawtronics. Back now on the topic of hyperspace which is not a location but a reality containing 5 dimensions, length, breadth, height, motion relationships of these 3 dimensions, and all of the separate parallel twins that exist in the same exact spot but on varying atomic signatures. Happy birthday Michael Dorn, Paul Stoddard, and Lucille Ball. If it wasn’t 4 the so called ditsy redhead who was anything but in reality, there never would have been a STAR VTREEK original show or any of the following related things. Roddenberry would have produced another great western and that would have been that, but much more is involved here. When U examine what makes atoms all agree in a vibratory way, U will also come 2 learn that it all has 2 do with the 6th dimension. This is also not a location, but the circuitry of a complex system that would boggle the mind of a million Einstein’s, that act 2 connect itself up into the 5th dimensional reality below it. The mechanics of this circuitry R governed by powerful intransmutable laws that SSJKK discusses in HER mighty bible. Jane Drunkskunk Bleedweed nailed my ass 2 the cross 3 fucking times since eleven freaking eleven post meridian last night, getting me again this morning and tonight. When the 6th dimension activates itself down into the lower 5th dimensional realities of hyperspace, it is totally connected with invisible cosmic cement that is totally indestructible. As every thought is literally sent down into hyperspace, this also causes the atoms 2 vibrate, and as this continues, they all agree with each other in individual 4th dimensional continuums. One tiny thing done one tiny bit differently, and pow, the entire universe alters from all the others still again, as the atoms all throughout it readjust, in fact the readjustment is the 6th dimensional send down signals of this immensely complex circuitry, and this then causes the so called thought waves 2 commingle into the universes. No one alive in this 2000 time period, has a clue how all of this operates. No one that is living in the natural world anyway. But then there R the Subterraneans or BRIGGERS on the lighter Astral Plane. They also R known as the gods. Some of these gods formed a special sub committee of a sorts, and created a society in Chicky’s NEIGHBORHOOD a long time ago, under the direct influence of SCYLLA. These R the Mayans. They were never wiped out, and as I now type this, a hack came on stopping the print of this document. I am in 4 a major ass kicking by MC in the Lakehouse tonight, I know this, but this all needed 2 get told, right now, tonight. Natch, BRO, there is a whole Dogtown of a lot more 2 tell on these matters, and this is a mere razor scraping of a giant iceberg.
Roger Carey gave me the mightiest roulette system in the world, thank u so much. Another 6 units were made today, and this was another day of hell, but then WEIN, SOSO, same shit different day, this is as old as last decade’s newspaper, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a lady who scoffed at me early in 1984 at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG when I told her that all U need is 2B able 2 get a few chips every time U play. Real pro gamblers know the power of this knowledge. I am not saying this will not eventually crash, but so far Colaman, this is holding up like a straw fortress under a starship siege. As I told your cousin’s hubby, B4 he became the ACNJ mayor, Rog, “U never know the future”. Well, BRA, I still claim this, maintain this, and believe this wholeheartedly, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game one was minus 32 units, game two was plus 29 units, game three was plus 1 unit, and game four was plus 8 units. This was played around the early evening, and was one of the worst performances of the system in quite a while, yet made me a net profit of six units. On green level that is 150 bucks, on black level it is $600. I am not greedy, this is a bad time at the casino, and I can live with this, thank U so very much RC. I learned another secret about TF-70 Rog. They all feel that they R under a curse just as I know my family is totally cursed and has been 4 two freaking thousand years. I need U2 tell me one thing and B straight up old pal. Did Sarah Karge indwell your cuz like Diana Arteemis indwells DR? She left this veil of tears in October of 1990 at the age of 94. I need 2 know the secret of this and also the secret of Paula and her lit up box. Also, Y did the Shaw of Iran care so much about perpetrating all of this in 1967, sending my cuz Sandy 2 meet up with the Callio gang? It could have all been done so totally differently, and maybe if I can B told Y it was done in this precise manner, I will B all the more closer 2 eventually figuring all of this nightmare out so that ‘I can prosecute all the evil bastards that wrecked my entire life since I was a small ass innocent child. This will also verify many theories I have about Joe Berrios the flashmob, as well as Y my cassette tapes had such an effect when left on boardwalk benches in Atlantic City, literally leading 2 the Gulf War. I do not need the great James Redfield 2 tell me that SSJKK does not seem 2 mean me a lot of good. I am a glass half empty guy Twinbay, so live with it, beauty queen. At least I have a valid drivers license, and am not a substance abuser, which 99% of THAT FAMILY indeed is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM AND KING-SOIFER WORLD LABS OF 2297, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmm, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN 2009, COPYRIGHT MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN 2009. Oh well, I will retire now 2 the Lakehouse where Scylla will undoubtedly kick the crap out of me. I feel a major attack from Subterrania coming, I know how real it is and just what they can do and do it totally covertly and invisibly, rock, paper, scissors, GUN, Lenny and the Pipe Repairmen.
END TRANSMISSION, BR!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!555555555555 and 55555555555555 and 55555555555 and 55555555555555 = HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!
DATE AND TIME FILE: 051909.912.5555555555555555
It is just shy of ten at night this Tuesday night, I am not back from the aquarium or the Camden county Prosecutor’s Office, or the year 1989, either, BRO!!!!!!! However, things R extremely horrendous and I am hear 2 tell U all that prayer is total nonsense, and it is a total waste of all of humanity’s time. It is a farce, a game, a lot of nonsense, and I am under the abduction of an out of control Mayan Teen Queen, named Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle. Yes I will love her throughout all of eternity, she fixed it that way, it is no different than being under the powerful spell of a mighty witch. She has made my life a living hell 4 nearly 5 and a half decades as Mark Mohr, pen blog name, Michael Mountainpen. I despise writing things like this, but that’s just the way it freaking Rodney Dangerfield goes. UR all clueless of what I am suffering through, and I have implored and begged SSJKK 2 let me out of this horrific prison, and she is just spitting in my face. Here is a small smattering of what my blogaud needs 2 know in this nightmare never destined 2B Beaver Cleaver diary-journal of poor and pathetic Mountainpen.
Monday I was awakened by another poison gas attack from the Lamist cult and their mists, with a major nasty sore throat, of course, it vanished after 2 hours or so back on the mortal world, they cannot permanently hurt or ever kill me,
I am not like any of U, nor R any of the wild movies about me true in any way. There is nothing glorious, romantic, or fantastic about eternal life. I was living on highland Avenue in 1984 into early 1985, and anyone not totally lobotomized and over the age of 40 or so should know precisely what I am talking about, and if not, it has al l ready been previously blogged, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! It is not me that is in any way magical, I am the TARGET ol an evil bitch in the fucking future, doing all of this 2 me, using a technology called DDLTT, or DISTANCE DELAY LASER TRACE TECHNOLOGY. I knew all along that the sky and other post August 1986 nightmarishness is caused by the same fucking forces that have been making my life an endless nightmare hell since Herbert fucking Huntington murdered his wife and mother in law in their sleep and then proceeded down into his basement where he took a noose and hung his mother fucking miserable self back in the late nineteen fifties. I did a very bad thing 2 Donna up in the future, and 599 other girls from the past 500 or more years as of the time of World Labs, and still, this does not warrant this much total cruel and unusual wicked punitation. SSJKK beat the shirt out of me 4 telling about the Mayan reality. Tough, beat me up all u want 2 teen queen, it is all true. Totally fudging shirting true, baby love Eckert JY-12th. Recently, tall girls and Muzak is back on a roll if I go anywhere in the public. I would stay away during these times if I had control over my own life as I did 4 nearly 8 and a half years since my mother exited this veil of tears and I moved out of Guthrie Shorts mansion and into a trailer park, where now I realize a bit belatedly, I was very comfortable and happy. I now am in Scylla’s freaking prison, and all anyone has 2 do that has not been pronounced totally freaking brain dead is listen 2 that 1997 song and realize how my search 4 SSJKK was all in the starting stages at this time, and start adding one and one, and no Einstein’s R needed here, just simple 4th grade arithmetic, BR, no more than that. All the bull shit that ever happened 2 me in lovely wonderful Atlantic City is now so totally understood in crisp clearly revealed hindsight. The lifeguards, getting beat up in 1975, last year’s late season incident the day after coming back from queens, New York, and not even going further into Callio, McGuire, Martino, Reale, and of course John and his daughter Paula King. I tried 2 explain the other day and of course was just really scratching at the surface of things when I discussed the WWWW1 and WWWW2 radio stations. Maybe I better “B careful” about moving on with any more of this right now. Y was John King so interested in where I was going after leaving his parking lot in the summer of 1997? Also, Y did he care so much about me HOSING OFF WITH WATER, as in dunking myself with water from a horse trough? King David Hotel was just down the street from this one particular lot owned by the illustrious and late Mister King. It no longer matters at all who is reading these words, who believes what, or anything else. I used 2 care. Now, Scarlett O’Hara, frankly Rhett Butler I really just don’t give a fucking damn. I know this is all real, and totally true. What I do give a damn about is finding some way of prosecuting these evil criminals such as McGuire. U cannot wreck a poor mans automobile twice, 13 years apart, intimidate him so he won’t come onto a public street as any tourist has every right 2 do, and get eternally away with it. These cock suckers think they own Atlantic City, as well as New Jersey, and even this planet. Now at 6 this mourning, Ann King let 7 cockatiel birds fly loose. On top of that, Dawn screamed at her 4 weeks, just as she was getting happier, and told her 2 sell her birds B4 we move over to 13th Street. All hell broke loose tonight, Chicky, Ann, Dawn, and even I caught lots of the flack even though I was on the Astral Plane at the time and had no idea that this was happening. Last week it was Dawn and Joe accusing each other of child molestation and threatening 2 send each other 2 jail in-between other threats 2 throw tables or knives. Living here is the nightmare of my life times ten to the power of two hundred and thirty one. I have asked SSJKK 2B released over and over and it falls on deaf ears. She keeps telling me that I am a shellfish who did not fully trust her and do what she wanted. I feel sorry 4 many people thousands of years ago who got caught up in the wild games of this incredible teenager. She thinks it is funny telling lightning not 2 come around me week after week. Then Monday the fucking stock market flew from all the persecution that diseased fucking WOMO put me through.
Do U want 2 talk about hyperspace? I do so if U don’t, U have the pleasure of moving onto another blog, read about Mister O’Toole and his Irish Stew Recipes or the Wild Nursing Stories of Gloria Feefee, 4 all I give a hell. If U do not find them in this world or hyperspace, U will find them on phase 4. Someday I will tell all of U the amazing story of how it all works, including phase 4, zero dimension, and Lawtronics. Back now on the topic of hyperspace which is not a location but a reality containing 5 dimensions, length, breadth, height, motion relationships of these 3 dimensions, and all of the separate parallel twins that exist in the same exact spot but on varying atomic signatures. Happy birthday Michael Dorn, Paul Stoddard, and Lucille Ball. If it wasn’t 4 the so called ditsy redhead who was anything but in reality, there never would have been a STAR VTREEK original show or any of the following related things. Roddenberry would have produced another great western and that would have been that, but much more is involved here. When U examine what makes atoms all agree in a vibratory way, U will also come 2 learn that it all has 2 do with the 6th dimension. This is also not a location, but the circuitry of a complex system that would boggle the mind of a million Einstein’s, that act 2 connect itself up into the 5th dimensional reality below it. The mechanics of this circuitry R governed by powerful intransmutable laws that SSJKK discusses in HER mighty bible. Jane Drunkskunk Bleedweed nailed my ass 2 the cross 3 fucking times since eleven freaking eleven post meridian last night, getting me again this morning and tonight. When the 6th dimension activates itself down into the lower 5th dimensional realities of hyperspace, it is totally connected with invisible cosmic cement that is totally indestructible. As every thought is literally sent down into hyperspace, this also causes the atoms 2 vibrate, and as this continues, they all agree with each other in individual 4th dimensional continuums. One tiny thing done one tiny bit differently, and pow, the entire universe alters from all the others still again, as the atoms all throughout it readjust, in fact the readjustment is the 6th dimensional send down signals of this immensely complex circuitry, and this then causes the so called thought waves 2 commingle into the universes. No one alive in this 2000 time period, has a clue how all of this operates. No one that is living in the natural world anyway. But then there R the Subterraneans or BRIGGERS on the lighter Astral Plane. They also R known as the gods. Some of these gods formed a special sub committee of a sorts, and created a society in Chicky’s NEIGHBORHOOD a long time ago, under the direct influence of SCYLLA. These R the Mayans. They were never wiped out, and as I now type this, a hack came on stopping the print of this document. I am in 4 a major ass kicking by MC in the Lakehouse tonight, I know this, but this all needed 2 get told, right now, tonight. Natch, BRO, there is a whole Dogtown of a lot more 2 tell on these matters, and this is a mere razor scraping of a giant iceberg.
Roger Carey gave me the mightiest roulette system in the world, thank u so much. Another 6 units were made today, and this was another day of hell, but then WEIN, SOSO, same shit different day, this is as old as last decade’s newspaper, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a lady who scoffed at me early in 1984 at the Tropicana Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG when I told her that all U need is 2B able 2 get a few chips every time U play. Real pro gamblers know the power of this knowledge. I am not saying this will not eventually crash, but so far Colaman, this is holding up like a straw fortress under a starship siege. As I told your cousin’s hubby, B4 he became the ACNJ mayor, Rog, “U never know the future”. Well, BRA, I still claim this, maintain this, and believe this wholeheartedly, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game one was minus 32 units, game two was plus 29 units, game three was plus 1 unit, and game four was plus 8 units. This was played around the early evening, and was one of the worst performances of the system in quite a while, yet made me a net profit of six units. On green level that is 150 bucks, on black level it is $600. I am not greedy, this is a bad time at the casino, and I can live with this, thank U so very much RC. I learned another secret about TF-70 Rog. They all feel that they R under a curse just as I know my family is totally cursed and has been 4 two freaking thousand years. I need U2 tell me one thing and B straight up old pal. Did Sarah Karge indwell your cuz like Diana Arteemis indwells DR? She left this veil of tears in October of 1990 at the age of 94. I need 2 know the secret of this and also the secret of Paula and her lit up box. Also, Y did the Shaw of Iran care so much about perpetrating all of this in 1967, sending my cuz Sandy 2 meet up with the Callio gang? It could have all been done so totally differently, and maybe if I can B told Y it was done in this precise manner, I will B all the more closer 2 eventually figuring all of this nightmare out so that ‘I can prosecute all the evil bastards that wrecked my entire life since I was a small ass innocent child. This will also verify many theories I have about Joe Berrios the flashmob, as well as Y my cassette tapes had such an effect when left on boardwalk benches in Atlantic City, literally leading 2 the Gulf War. I do not need the great James Redfield 2 tell me that SSJKK does not seem 2 mean me a lot of good. I am a glass half empty guy Twinbay, so live with it, beauty queen. At least I have a valid drivers license, and am not a substance abuser, which 99% of THAT FAMILY indeed is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM AND KING-SOIFER WORLD LABS OF 2297, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmm, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COPYRIGHT THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN 2009, COPYRIGHT MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN 2009. Oh well, I will retire now 2 the Lakehouse where Scylla will undoubtedly kick the crap out of me. I feel a major attack from Subterrania coming, I know how real it is and just what they can do and do it totally covertly and invisibly, rock, paper, scissors, GUN, Lenny and the Pipe Repairmen.
END TRANSMISSION, BR!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE, Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!555555555555 and 55555555555555 and 55555555555 and 55555555555555 = HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!
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