Sunday, May 10, 2009


“Let Me Get Braver And Tell More”
Beginning of this Transmission:

This blog will B as short as I can make it, it is one of those, let me open the doors 2 some newer things and harp more on them later, kind of blogs.

The first and hugest is that I know better than any of U do that what appears 2B happening 2 me and all around me, is no more really real and true than dogs talk, pigs fly, and other not so nice white house jokes circulating around. If someone wants 2 make up mean jokes, please don’t get ideas from my blogs 2 do it, as Diana would say, “That’s not very nice, little boy”. I don’t make arguing with Lightning a habit. But then top electrical engineers R totally clueless 2 what She even is and Who She is, and what electricity really is; and so if I were 2 go on 2 much more in greater detail, it will end me up at Water and Board Streets, over in Guantanamo, Cuba, ESMWG. Back on point, Somewhere in hyperspace, I am about 2 face a nasty interrogation in a large rectangular room, and I am not in a huge hurry 2 do things that will help make this particular universe one of those in hyperspace where it will in fact become reality somewhere on the fourth dimension. I am pretty sure of what I am able 2 safely post up on the internet and where the limit line is drawn in the sand. If one single soul out here does not think that I could definitely cross over that line any day of the year, then your middle name needs 2B changed legally 2 Naïve. If I ever really sat my blogaud down and told exactly Y Iraq invaded Kuwait at the August of 89 circa if memory is half correctly serving me, and proved with a powerful detailed argument that my ‘leaving’ 3 cassette tapes on an Atlantic City, New Jersey boardwalk on the early prior evening, on benches stretching from Resorts 2 the 2 fartherest north other casinos, SB & TJ, was the cause of the entire Gulf War beginning with as I jokingly refer 2 it as DS1 and then DS2, and the tapes were all about DS 2 begin with, the few that would have sufficient intelligence that would force them 2 believe me, would most likely go completely insane within hours. This is one such story on a high level, and just how many other such stories on equally powerful levels might any of U out here in Netland think there could B, BRA??????????? As I said, the same government that went 2 war with Iraq, qualified me 4 Social security Disability, and without giving the famous Binder and binder attorneys a stroke, on the very first application, an extremely rare event. All I did was tell the truth of my major problem at the time 2 government psychiatrists and at the risk of another war, BOOM, Lester. All I am saying is that whether a single soul ever believes any part of my nightmare reality in part or in whole, does not change one simple-le truth that none of U out there can ever argue with me on and that is this my friends: It either is all true as I claim it is, or I am a nut and it all is crazy fantasy despite my claims and holler outs 4 help. But in taking this sentence just one step further, the first part makes my credibility move into the starry heavens 2 join the Dow Jones Averages, while the second part should literally get me offers, IF I AM NOT REALLY TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT BRIGGERS AND HIOLLYWOOD THAT IS, from studios out in Cali, 2 write such fantastic ‘fiction;’ 4 them and make them millions and billions of dollars, hay I will gladly take 5% of the net, U can have the rest, but it will not work out well guys and gals, I am not a good fiction writer. I tell true stories, have little imagination, and would not begin 2 know how 2 make up a crazy fantasy such as would b the case of Mountainpen should it not indeed B the truth. I really just in all honesty could not help but 2 throw this into my blog, U have 2 admit, faulting the logic here is not an easy task, and if someone can, then go ahead, and send me your rebuttal on an electronic mail 2 me at, thank U much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean really, how can u have this come out in a part 3 where I lose? Either I am right, or U would think by now, persons in business 2 make big money creating continuous wild fiction, would make me an offer??????????????????????????????????? So what gives ladies and gentlemen, what gives, I mean really, come on????????

Now 4 Roger and his twelve forty eight endless doubleton system 4 playing roulette. He told me 2 write that other stuff 6 weeks or so back, and never tell the system until the 10th of May. OK, it is the tenth of May, and what I write was what he said 2 write, and had nothing 2 do with what he really gave me, but let me first tell U what the enemy gave me. They gave me a brutal health attack around 6AM or so this mourning, cramping, diarrhea, the whole 27 messy feet. I hate 2 tell U all this and U will not believe it, but weather and viruses R2 things, and there R plenty of others that we will not touch on at all today, that R totally GIVEN 2 each of us individually by a hyper super complex system. Nobody is ever JUST GETTING sick, or DYING, or AGING, and if I go on, things R gonna get just a bit 2 dangerous around here 4 me and a man with a shotgun from Greengrass county until my buddy superman comes along, oh wait a minute, Kenny R, even ol’ Soup is gone now, wow is this world a changin’, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! What may B able 2B envisioned by a few smarty-pants out here, is this. 4 the average peeps that may know a geek or a gene, contact them and c if they can understand what I am about 2 tell now on this blog and then explain it 2U in perhaps some more easily understandable terms. Picture a warehouse sized room with huge game-type levers from the outside of this room, that connect into the room and once inside, and U can never C through into this room, they twist and curve and bend in all conceivable possible ways and directions, and then end up as a gear or a knob or a dial or a lever. Then they eventually have their second end, or the ordinate that matches the abscissa on the outside completing the 2 coordinates 2 each of these devices. In the warehouse sized room R small robot type persons and all sorts of toy houses and towns and all the things that U could reasonably think of off the top of your head. Even after the insiders as we will call them, get used 2 the outsiders as we will call them, that R playing with the knobs, the original manipulators will tire after a day at this playground, and the next day or perhaps 2 or 3 days or maybe just hours later, new kids come up outside and start 2 play with the bells and whistles. Everyone does things a little differently and even if the insiders begin 2 unravel some of what is happening to their reality, bang, in no time at all the rules will appear 2 alter, and things become quite unexplainable all over again. Y does this thing hit my barn, Y does this one strike and kill my sister, Y does this one do that and that one do this, and as soon as they again develop some rational idea and pattern of what may B going on, bang, it changes all over again with the new outsider kids coming over 2 the playground 2 play. This, as any example, is over simplified, and can never even hope 2 come close 2 accurately reflecting what I am trying 2 make a story example out of with all of us living in our waking world reality, and the invisible outsiders controlling all of it. I never claimed even in my worst moods where I call them all a bunch of bleeping blooping frickadee fracking jickin jackin this and that and all the rest of the filthy adjectives in the known sailors books, that this is totally personal when U reach the very top of the op. Carbon based entities such as all of us in this dream world while we R tricked and deceived by our own conscious minds 2 believe ourselves 2B awake in a real and tangible material existence, R subject 2 the effects of electromagnetic polarity, or the positive forces and negative forces. These R non-sentient forces when no carbon based life connection is involved with them, but put ‘mankind’ into the equation there Einstein, and poofadoo, positively charged electromagnetic polarities become the good or righteous force, while concentrically, negatively charged electromagnetic polarities become the bad or evil force. Illusion is not there 2 trick us, nor is it even a reality in and of itself. Conscious or AWAKE MIND, is the PRODUCER of illusion. The CREATOR of ILLUSION, or Maya as the more exoteric world refers 2 this by, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have told all of U about the mighty FASCITAR, and someday plan 2 tell lots of other things. Right now humanity is not even moving in the direction of being remotely interested in any non materially oriented things, translation, mankind has never in any time I am aware of, been this deceived and been this much under the total frightening power of MAYA. The only thing more scary than an entire race of belongs entering a system with memory erase, is having one person relatively sane, in the system with all of the others, with the memory back on. How does the man try and talk 2 the ants? The Star Trek movie that I believe preceded this recent one just now out, called GENERATIOS, proved one thing 2 me. Some of the BRIGGERS out in Cali, know some of the powerful truths about reality, or did, but as Weird Theory and many other things got stifled and the new age movement rapidly was replaced with the political correctness movement, I no longer think there is any muscle left in the operation that could enlighten mankind 2 anywhere near the truth 2 everything, not 4 a very long time in this part and near parts of hyperspace. If only David Roth had been willing 2 cross one more barrier, which when I even suggested it, I could feel the caveman genetics kicking right in and the instantaneous pull back on his part that anyone could have felt like a bolt of striking lightning. What I was suggesting was moving up just one more level 2 the grand finale of all of what we had all ready been 2 doing and playing with, as unrecognized scientists that were privately experimenting with so many taboo things, and this thing or grand finale that perhaps Steve Hawking or the late Doctor Sagan would B able 2 beat me 2 the punch here with, is HYPERSPACE. I tried it one night at our favorite spot we would go 2 in the Jersey Pine Barrens in Warren Grove, NJUSAESMWG, and as I said, he poopoo’d it real quick and that was that, I knew I had reached the human limit, and the permission barrier of even the most permissive mind that I knew. When certain lines R indeed stepped across, no, U never again will B the man or the woman that U were just 10 seconds ago on the other side of that line.

Let me talk about my second cousins David and Barry, and no, the family is not close and their last name could B smith or Jones or Hicckuptooth 4 all I know. I had no Earthly reason in a trillion years 2 one night 2 months or so back, have such an extremely vivid and major interaction with them, u would use the words very vivid dream. Since I know that everything is an interaction that is dreamed out and away from the EWI or the VOID, it is difficult 4 me 2 try and rationalize real world, dream world, etcetera. All worlds R dream worlds, if UR not in the void and EWI, UR in one dream form of existence or another whether it B in astrallity or hyperspace, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not escape the island, it was a brutal hellish ‘nightmare’. I could not escape another reality at that particular time as well. I could not escape the reality that I had been and still currently was, blocking a 4 day and 3 night trip that I took all one, up 2 Babylon, Long Island, New York, 2 visit my Aunt Ruth and my uncle Heinz Gottwald, the Banker Giant and his librarian wife. Educators and librarians, as well as scientists, play a huge part in ‘the travelers’ from 1-3 thousand light years in negative space. There is a pure energy that I met who took form up there and identified herself as a psychologist by the name of Julia white. I met her when she knocked on Aunt Ruth’s door at 175 Peninsula Drive. Again, these were cousins removed, and not a true aunt and uncle, but I was forced as an adolescent 2 refer 2 them as Aunt and Uncle, or else. The people behind my very favorite television show know all about Julia white, The Permission Barrier book I penned and copyrighted in 1994, and also how some people have the needed egos 2B wemember long after their ‘dream’ on this world of waves and particles has ended. It was no coincidence at all in my opinion when early in the show, B4 my fave, Ed Green joined my other fave Lenny, that they picked actress “JULIA” Roberts, 2 portray a character in this episode where this precise matter was discussed and Roberts was telling Ray Curtis all about it as they parted ways on the famous Perry Mason Courthouse steps at the end of the L&O show. When I told Dawn about this, she told me a powerful thing. She told me that the guy that plays the role of Detective Curtis also is a ‘dream-controller’ and she asked me 2 think real hard and C if he ever came into my dreams, and I thought I would fucking shit myself when she said this. Instantly I retrieved a dream memory from about 3 years back where he vividly was telling me major stuff, and 4 the love of all of the female Goddesses, I cannot pull any of this up in my waking world conscious mind. I only can tell U all that it was huge, and he seemed intent 2 tell me things, and some involved sexual stiff such as my molestation as a young boy in Ventnor, New Jersey, hay, is this not now where the Water works stands, the satellite operation for the ACMUA? Go 2 and read all U can about Sarah and her water company, Mizz Brockavich Roberts, wo, is this getting good SKG, or what, and my regards to Donna, Dave!!!!!!!!! But we have not started yet players, yo!!!!!!!!!! This White person, who was white by the way, but in Babylon who wasn’t in 1968, and this is just truth not racism, but she said she needed 2 speak to the lady of the house and I let her in, while Aunt Ruth was on the dock near the ketch cleaning up some debris from the windstorm the night B4. King Nebuchadnezzar Gottwald was at his job being the Senior vice-President of the mighty Wall Street’s Chemical National Bank of Manhattan, yo. I went 2 get my Aunt and she had vanished. When I had come back into the living room to tell Julia White about not being able 2 find her, Julia said 2 me, “she is not in this world right now and won’t B back until I leave, but first I am really here 2CU” Yes, this is a quote that I have finally unblocked and totally remembered just last week. I asked her 2 leave, but she was a head taller and was built like a volleyball player and I noticed her large protruding arm muscles, both in the biceps and triceps, and this was when my heart started beating like Elton john’s rhythmic sailing drum of the perfect storm nineties. She took my arm and sat me down on a very cozy couch and then I thought I would use my underwear 4 a toilet when she pulled out a medallion similar 2 the one that doctor “JULIA” Hoffman used 2 hypnotize people on the serial soap opera show “Dark shadows”. The only thing I can remember now is taking the trip, going up 2 the north side of the island the next day, leaving on the train the following day, and the last thing that aunt Ruth said as she dropped me off at the Babylon Long Island Railroad Train Station, which was, and I quote, “B careful”. If I have 2 subpoena the WAYV Radio Station someday, I WILL get some answers 2 all of this, TRUST ME. MC may B 3K miles away, but I am down the street from Atlantic City. Nobody has a trucking right 2 mess with my entire life, whether they have not been born in 2,000 years yet or not, I am sick and tired of all this mother trucking bull pit, talking or not!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, U will find Julia White in my book, TPB, copyrighted in 1994, I wondered at the time what made me use this particular fictitious name, it seemed 2 trigger some extremely weird and unpleasant feelings. The day that I dictated it while at the end of my 3 year stay at the rented home of Mrs. Meeker in Gibbsboro, New Jersey, USAESMWG, I distinctly remember it being a very cold early April morning, and I had awakened unusually early, as I always was up 2 drive my mother over 2 the train Patco High Speed Line system so she could go 2 her job over in Philadelphia at the shipping company\y, working with Tom, and the gang, maybe not cool, but it paid the bills, tapper screen dudes. We got into the car and mother suddenly began totally scum bagging out beyond anything U could imagine, and she said an awful nasty thing and I slammed on the breaks on the side road we were driving down and it was still slick with a sheet of solid ice from a nasty spring storm days B4, and we literally spun around and around like an out of control freaking top until finally stopping, without harm 2 us, the vehicle, or any property, thank the gods. Still, I had just started dictating an hour or 2 earlier the part in my book, TPB, where I used the name of Julia white. But back now 2 the thing that Dawn King said 2 me regarding Julia Roberts and Ray Curtis. After I told her in replying 2 her query on if I ever had a vivid dream of Curtis and I said I did, and she then told me that the 2 of them were dating each other back then. I said no way, and she said that if anyone knows things about the entertainment world, it is us, U know, THAT FAMILY, and then she went laughing into her room. 5 minutes later her cuz was blaring out on Dawn’s living room entertainment center. It was the very song that WAYV had just finished playing that night when I had the radio on at work in my vehicle, B4 that stupid thing with Paula, and threats, and the “B careful” nonsense. Coincidences?, yeah, when pigs fly and dogs talk, not counting me in Sahasra Dal Kanwal, or here so it seems, well, she always is 16 right on the nose, so what can I say, U rule MC, U know that brown eyes. I just obey my endless freaking Teen-Queen. I just tell what happens, how true any of the hearsay is, well, 2 that I cannot swear 2 in any court of law, as any first year law student knows fully well. Maybe one of them can tell me how we could ever permit our wild nutty overly absurd political correctness system laughed at by 80% of the planet, 2 overtake our ?American society 2 the point where U cannot even tell someone 2B careful????????????? Watch out Aunt Ruth, if I or anyone up in the future ever decides 2 use DDLTT 2 bring U back into your dreams here, never get another flu shot, and never tell me what U told me as I was boarding the train into New York city from good old Babylon!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am wondering if in 2005, THEY were trying 2 get me 2 remember things, I mean was this not the year of that show? I know it was the year that I met Christopher Bennett who later on put me onto how 2B a blogger and started me up on at the local Hammonton library, back in the days when I not only had no computer but barely knew how 2 turn one on and off, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM AND KING-SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Copyrighted Michael Wayne Mountainpen-2009.


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