Friday, January 22, 2010


iT BOGGLES MY MIND HOW gawnum EQUATIONS TELL IT ALL, IT REALLY IS A TOTAL MAJOR MIND BEND, AND ANY OF U WHO HAVE STARTED EVEN 2 MASTER THIS SKILL THAT MUST b AQUIRED AND LEARNED AND IMPROVED, YES, KNOWS FULLY WELL THAT WHAT i TELL HERE IS TOTALY TRUE, bro. Fuck the caps, I have no time 2 make corrections, sorry, not shoutimng, not that GAWNUM is not something 2 really sahout about if UR looking and seeking 4 the answers of life, and who the fuck is not, pray tell??????? Anything from 20 year high school reunions 2 what your naighbor may B up 2, it is right there 4 any of us 2 totally know, it really is beyond scarey as all damn get out at any velocity, squared, cubed, or even more.

Bob Patterson, Inductotherm, my 1980 demos, Miss Stromyer and her blaring 3AM operas that eventually got her evicted from the Haddon hill apartments, long B4 she married intoi the mysterious Patterson family, and on and on, Governor, where 2 realy begin all this and make it all work on a limited time basis is the real powerhouse question here however.

Remember that I have this intellectual property copyriught preotected in my name, not yours hot shot engineer, U come 2 me out there, I do not bother any of your family. So since I am real flesh and blood, the GAWNUM is mine as far as the world and their legal sysytem operates by the reasobning of this time period of Marola twenty non ten!!!!! U may use it, put it on computer software, and spend your life passing time enjoying yourself with it, it is limitless, and can tell all, but I claim no responcibility 4 anyone doing or not doing something based on a GAWNUM result, and then having a catostrophy, this science is a learned skill, as Lieutenant Van buren said 2 the beauty queen. Gawky Gawkauk Numerology (GAWNUM), copyright,MARK WAYNE MOHR-2008. Funny is it not, the law can work on my side 2 once in a while, and with some interested peeps right now, the future man B quite interesting soon. Stacey is very mad at me 4 many reasons, my telling so many big swcrets, my being on Treasure coast and daring 2 even suggest that I may B looking 2 start up an expedition, and when I was leaving the other day 2 drive home, a van from Huntington, new york with a smirking lady driving it, got in front of me, and i thought i'd go 2 the toilet right in my freaking car seat. Also, I did noit put that photo of myself back up on that one blog, notivce it was the one blog following the strange computer down time I told u all about, then again, it is off, what is this deal with photos, seems 2b quite McGuire connected, more energy thrown around, Lt. Commander Scott of the SS enterprise, sir shatner????????????????????

Bob Patterson thought he would also lose his bowels upon the mere mention of the name of his girlfriend. U could discuss her all u want, but bring up that magical name, which is right there next 2 silva in the spanish name ansestry books, and pow, he would get beyond strange and weird, and basically I was scared of that huge dude, and never pressed it, as he could press things, like 300 pounds straight military style, and i am lucky if i can get 20 over my head, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!! What is whith all these secrets?

The music curse was discussed in 1983, and not on blogs, there were no blogs as u know, but the RIAA knows about thos and do not let them tell U thgey don't. 10 years later, it all came true in a slightly varied form in the internet world, they were labeled computer worms/viruses, U get the pix. Seems I am destined 2B ahead of my time one way or the other forever, and it sucks, I hate this. Then ahead of my time does not even start 2 discuss RPL and their mailing address in Camden, New jersey. Between the word (PIERCE), and (1100), the odds get vlose 2 being in the league of a powerball lottery jackpot winning, and U all know it, so do not lie 2 me or yourselves.

Malaria means literally BAD AIR, a serious killing disease of the many who constructed the great south american connection system 2 the 2 oceans. The song about wind and giving it the name of my ?D? well, it says Bull shit, well, I can read basic language structure, this name is all about SKY GODESSES, and U all know this as well. She wants 2 block this all out and not think about it, and I iunderstand Y, but I cannot afford 2B this generous 2 anyone or anything. My life is on the line, and if i cannot wake up out oif this eternal noightmare, i am one dead burning infinite Hell Resident, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My pussy command is getting quite huge lately. Thought a repeat of Paula King was gonna happen as i left the library the other day in the elevator, I just ignore these trasy giant sluts, not the least bit mother fucking interested, BRR!!!!!!!

As 4 branchcodes, my mistake twice, I dictated into the blog a wrong 8-digit branchdode, and that kept fucking things up, the real number was not the one given and only had 2 codes.

As 4 abductions, washcloth families, the same stories told by victims round the world 4 decades now, this entire thing seems indeed 2B medicaly connected, and the naming books tell the story, do they not, Mizz exploratron white, when U became my 'more than friend' that day? The gods, u looked so much like the singer Melanie, and she was my absolute favorite. Still, whether or not the giant blond is turning into a fine young lady as daddy said whenb he caught her eyeballing me in august of oh-two up at the Trenton Publishing plant, is besides the point. The name tells it all, what is in the name Mister rowan, and covering up donna Patt's college records was worth 500 mega bucks 2 U or somebody, tells me everything I need 2 mother fuckjing know, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End Transmission:

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