Friday, March 12, 2010

blog #10, lambrigger cult of the astral world



It is late on a very wet Florida afternoon where my awareness is here in this body that I am using. I love the rain 2 but what can I do, Miss Hellfridge, oh wait a minper, I ain't in the Atlantic City Richmnond Avenue Grammer School or in Lenny Briscoe's hockey sticks 3rd grade, yes, this IS indeed the year 2010, got confused, it sure is not 2018, the next large annual hexnumer 4 my birthyear, when I turn HEX-4. C how really significant these hexnmers of Jenny Plageman's not making a god out of any of this thing, really is, peeps. U know, add 16 to my birth year of 1954 over and over right through the year of 2002 when I reached Hex-4. I begin my astral dream down as mountainpen at 0, at 1, so does lovely MC, at2 we share a wild 45 minutes in my blue NSA-named Nunggen vehicle parked near a Manhattan nightclub where David and NS were doing whatever they REALLY were doing in there, the gods really only knows what is going down in all of this. Then there is hex-3 in oh-2 when the mighty Mister Krassle decides 2 wake up from his dream down and just concentrate on his affairs in 2 of his mighty astral cities, Krassleville and Sahasra Dal Kanwal. So what is really gonna happen in eighteen, I wonder, must B quite wild, all 365 days of this time, I will B awaiting "SOMETHING".

Things quited down again, THEY do not seem 2 like ME yakking about what they do, and about their sicko methods of operation, such as their real biggie, LOCATION TIT-TAT- attacks. Natch, they will never reemain quiet, I am not so damn metally challenged Admiral Whalespock, 2 believe that 4 a single freaking minper. I wonder if some un-named peeps have a greater belief yet in the power of Paul Stoddard and the BRIPER? Y would I lie 2U, MC, just tell me YI would do that, I will always B there should U ever really need anything, if U do not know that, well, I quit right now.

Many peeps think that 4 about 2 years straight now, the BLOGS-OF-MOUNTAINPEN can basically just double as a MC BLOG, and they would B totally misperceiving all of me and what MORIANITY is about. This all started after meeting a very interesting furrier named Chris Bennett in the start of week number 3 in March, back in the year of oh-five. He told me I could tell my life story 2 a potential global audience by using what he termed "INTERNET BLOGGING. That is all ANY of this is or was or ever will B al about. Still, a while back 4 those few loyal MORIANS that cannot miss seeing what all happened, MC made herself known 2 me in ways just not denyable or missable. U konw it is funny lads and lassies, the start of all of the situation that was all being originally discussed and blogged, was all the peeps that were within 4 cousins in time and 6 cousins in marriages. The most powerful bunch has never been discussed, not that it was saved 4 later talks with any of U that may B remotely interested, but remember please, that I am just a little leapfrog, learning and growing all the time with all of U, the only diff here is that I am aware of things U perhaps R not, as I was taught by powerful ASTRAL-WORLD-FORCES, how 2 read and C and perceive through the lies and deceptions of the Pedersen Intricates. Yeah old partner, as my pal Scrooge would say so perfectly about Jacob Marley, U really fucked shit up 4 us, OR DID U???????

All things happen 4 numerous and extremely complex reasons. Nothing can ever B random or thus happen by pure luck or chance, not NEW SHOES, not STUDIO PARK, not The Permission Barrier, NONE OF IT, at 11.8 inches per NS, or any other slower and more normal atomic velocities, BRR!!!!!!!!

Thank U BABY BLOND DIANA, 4 coming 2 me earlier this afternoon, as usual my lightning, your astonishing beauty wipes out and totally blows my tiny pathetic little frail mind, as does your true beauty on the Astral World. Guess U know that I experienced as a 'last night's memory' while physically being here in this atomic vibe of HS, that Mister Krassle took his lovely awesome daughter over 2 Krassleville, and she is never happy there. Someday I will figure out what him and that Lawtron over-riding wife of his, Mariena, R really up 2. A child knows about the couples that cannot conceive and use the other way, this has been within our tek 2 do 4 decades now, but wow can religion invent some powerhouse ways of explaining the obvious. Still my participation in UNITAWF in many ways is totally unbloggable, U know that Diana Arteemis. Aniwho, thank U4 coming around my RV today, I love U beyond any ways of ever expressing it, u know that my blond tall love of forever.

As 4 more details now arriving at matchups with GAWNUM PCN's. U simply add upthe PCN's that U wanna C if they match out or not, and get a total, called a PCNT. At least one digit in the PCNT or added up total, must exist in both of the numbers, and all numbers, all 9 PCN's ending in 3rd digit (0), R at least 25% compatible match-ups. 4 now, U need only know how 2 do this and C if it is compat or NOT. Branchcodes R done with a calculator unless your name is Yahoo Serious Geetar Wildmanhair, and can do it in your freaking head. U take any PCNT, or total from the 2 Private Cosmic-coded Numbers, and multiply this by the magic number of (16). This number is Y we R communicating right now on this internet, it all is about this number, ask your local geek and he or she will confirm that what I tell u is all true, and it about a lot more than hexadecimals, hexnumers, and branchcodes, but time is running down, so we leave this here 4 right now, OK John Hoseman Waterwash King of 1996????????? After U take the PCNT and multiply it by 16, or PCNT-16 = U take the number and hit your (SQUARE-ROOT) function on your whittle trusty calculator, and if less than 8 full digits come out, add zeros 2 the right until there R indeed 8 of them on your display screen. Begin with the first 2 digits now on your left, and work down with other digits 2 the right 2C if U can make any fitting branchcodes, 4 example, if U have a 95, then UR looking down the row 2C if there is a a (4). U keep doing this until the last 3 digits on the right R used, and then that is that. Usually there R one or two BC's, but occassionally there can B 3 or 4 or even none. There is so much 2 tell, this is basic, the biggest trth with practicing GAWNUM equations, is 2 develop thoings that have established past histories, and then always phrase new querries in the same exact wordage.

We can get back 2 lots more of things like Gawky's Numerology, and so much more later on. The thing we need just 2 open up right now is that the powerful forces surrounding me now 4 three and a half hexyears, did the same 2 Jsilva of the islands almost a year ago, preventing him from visiting his step-daughter, Dawn King, as was planned, these R Leticia Tulley's peeps. No this is not a blog about Mariah, only when she happens 2 fit into things, as 4 nearly 2 straight years now, she HAS. Don't die on me Don, I should've obeyed my awsome All Mighty Teenaged goddess and did what she wanted, and when I did not, U got 2 have your dsecurity team meet cuz LT, not Van Buren, Yo Mister Barks. Last night, in a strange new casino, somewhere, with tables longer than most rooms, but normal sized chips and wheels, number 12 kept popping up over and over again. This is how old SSJK becomes when she visits her KRASSLEVILLE and we play tag, and other not so PC games. Still, mankind cannot judge HER, SHE is the All Mighty, and when another man disobeyed, I was there in those days 2 hod him in my stomach 4 three days and nights and then expectorate him up near the breakwater. He left a rotten taste in my mouth, and this great fish remember is only so well, now Jonah was the shellfish and I was the greatest fish, now SHE is mad as I have become like Jonah, and SHE named me a SHELLFISH, trhis is all on blogs from almost 2 years ago, ythe entire thing, the full story. It is not a smart thing 2 do, U know, disobeying and disbeliving the All mighty Teen-Queen, SHE hates that. I am wondering is John had a mirror in his throad reflecting out 2 a bouncing satelite signal 1000 light years away, in any event, U still R the greatest, MC. Just B careful with all that power, BROWN EYES, I worry about U. Thank U4 letting me catch U in the tag game finally, in last night's interaction, and here is where I must become Zack-2, after-all, I do live in a society where certain things would B heavily frowned upon, DUH.

As 4 Jamie Silva and his more immediate peeps, they made him sick with VERTIGO, huh Jimmie Stuart, then they did that same thing 2 me shortly B4 that when the dow Jones sunk all the way down 2 81 points squared, the odds of the market dropping down 2 exactly 3 Quanta 3 and then 2 of us being Vertigoed, R roughly, 7 quadrillion, 834trillion, 055 billion, 912 million, 93 thousand, 550 to 1.

I will B here and non-terminated GovernorSchwartzeneggar of Cali, say hi 2 your lovely wife, and watchout 4 the 2 Earthquakes, movies can B quite causal U know, U DO KNBOW that, huh sir????????

They think I want the Wall Streeters 2 fail, but not if it means that poor Jamie and me have 2 suffer major ass vertigo attacks, rent the monie peeps, and remember the name of Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious Krassle's wife, Mariena Carlittia Krassle, her 2nd name is HER mighty CITY-NAME, allowing her unlimited entrance and exit in and out of the Capitol city of the mighty ASTRAL WORLD (THE BARDO) or the (NETHERWORLD) R some other terms used, or ASTRAL-PLANE. As I speak, the skies over the Atlantic Ocean, out past the Indian River and the land mass out beyond that, is beginning 2 clear up, but Strength Pierce itself is dark and beautiful, real stormy looking, the way I feel right nnow after a life of total misery and woe. Still, whoever is hurting TAWF, must B a seperate thing, and that includes Wall Street, yet the great DARK SHADOWS TV show of the nineteen sixties, disagrees, so where is the real truth in all of this????? Well, Dave roth tried 2 figure out the varying factions of our enemy and decipher how it all might work, even estimating a number of them around us, at the time being between 100-1000, and the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS knows this all happened and is true, as they have the copyrighted case=tte tape from me in the year of 1988, called, THE EPITOME OF HARASSMENT, and this is Y this blog has come 2B known as that, and then added onto this, and rightfully so, INTERNET VERSION, who could know of internet in 1988, the way it is and exists today, besides the mighty Marola/Mattola crew of the CESSPOOLS. I despise men who mistreat beautiful women, watch your back Tommy, just ask Dick Wolf if any message is in that one ol' boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

End Transmission:

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