Wednesday, November 10, 2010



Things R worse than they have ever been in my entire mother fucking diseased horrific HUNTINGTON CURSED life, YO!!!!!!!! I will B shocked and fucking amazed if this blog gets typed and posted. Still, I’ve been wrong B4. First, my mother fucking notes somehow did not come along with me here 2 this fucking library. Speaking of here, when I left on Saturday, a huge chopper came right over and was literally carrying some weird cylindrical object, right out of the fucking 1986 Star Trek Movie with the mother fucking humpback fucking whales, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, a huge giant pussy was intentionally in my way flaunting her gargantuan size and physical power at me. I totally ignored this wild crazy bitch and managed 2 get out of this nightmare fucking place. It was a beyond horrendous hellish fucking nightmare experience. Ever since the enemies fucking stopped me from my normal blogging routine back on the 21st fucking day of diseased fucking ass hole August, the DOW JONES STOCK CHEATED AND MANIPULATED MARKETS HAVE NOW ROUGHLY GAINED FIFTEEN-HUNDRED POINTS, using me 2 persecute so this bunch of cow scum toilet lappers can get their way on bullish trends and rallies, just as they have been perpetually and relentlessly doing ever since summer time in the year of fucking 1986, and this has been blogged a hundred or more fucking times now and needs no further current time elaborations nor reiterations, YO!!!

Nobody would ever believe the shit that’s fucking happening all around me literally fucking 24/7/365.2422!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It never fucking stops, it never will stop, and it is fucking MAGNETICALLY LOCKED AND FIXED 2 NEVER FUCKING STOP!!!! 2 begin with, airplanes and helicopters follow me continually now, right here 2 the library again, it is non stop. Giant pussies R all over the place after receiving a short respite from this major shit. Anyone out here can read this shit I type and dispel it with lots of shit that makes sense 2 them, but they can never live long enough 1000 times over, 2 successfully dispel the powerful shit happening around me that is evidence and evident 4 anyone using the intelligence the good fucking Lord gave them. U can begin with Stacey and her SUV/SVU that I talked about on last Saturday’s fucking blog, and then tie in the L&O shit that resulted. Many think I am playing this game, with all of my “MI” inserts, and games of rhymes. How anyone can ever believe that I am doing all or even any of this ridiculous fucking shit breaks my tiny brain into small fragmented particles at C-squared, YO!!!! But this is not the topic 4 today, and no one thing will b, I somehow did not bring my fucking notes along, so the ‘spirit’ will lead this blog along, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The man that I am forced 2 work with and endure from FEMA who was a Police Person on the island of Trinidad some decades ago, also once did various other jobs B4 his days as a Floridian, and once lived in the state of Maryland, and not all that far from where my mysterious Camp Chesapeake was that I attended in both the summers of 1967 and 1968 4 two weeks each time, totaling a combined near month of time, with the red EX queen herself, Louise H. He enters my dreaming interactions often, and also annoys the fucking hell out of me at work. The man is gross and highly objectionable 2 me, he talks pure filth and has no respect 4 women, seeing them only 4 the purpose of sex, a total mother fucking dog, which I suppose that the majority of men R, I am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He got on me because the buzzards and ravens and hawks and vultures of the area that recently returned back early this autumn, come and hover directly over me and he has observed this and it scares his fucking pants down off of his waste. He used 2 talk and speak very nice about these birds, as well as birds in general, however, once he observed this incredible paranormal activity with me and my birds, he tells me extremely emphatically that I will go 2 jail 4 having these bird friends and that it is against the law. The man is a raving fucking lunatic, as I know my mother fucking rights, and no one can put an innocent mother fucking man into jail, AS I HAVE DONE NO WRONG AND HAVE BROKEN NO FUCKING LAWS, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y people fuck with me all the time, not just crack heads ‘MO’ and © examiners and 2007 musical projects, I will never understand, humanly speaking that is. The only Steven Hawking Geraldine Snow Absolute Legitimate System (ALS) involved can only ever B, what in fact this great mind was able 2 somehow osmotic-ally grab from me in the eighties and the nineties, is something I very quietly refer 2 as SPACE-TIME-MIND. This carries the mighty Albert Einstein’s concepts and ideas quite a bit further into very unexplored territories scientifically so far as of 2010 and this time era in general. It explains Y people never stop making me miserable, never quit fucking with me, big Gabby, not from the Harbors of Jersey with doggie-Mitch, and also Y things remain in this beyond surreal negative pattern with me endlessly, that only silly terms and labels such as the “Huntington-Curse”, can even hope 2 address or adequately express at all. So we have all ready surface scratch touched on things such as the ‘reality-triangle’ as I have termed it, or the true and absolute relationship of 3 elements, and these being, EXPLORATRONS, HYPERSPACE, AND HUMAN-DREAMING, and this blog could go on and on forever in futility of getting the normal awake mind collectiveness of Planet-Earth, 2 grasp even any small true meanings in all of these fucking nightmares that I must endlessly contend fucking with, BRAH! Even if we talk on a bit about this power ass triangle, it would B futile as shit right now, today. Also, discussing STM or (Space-Time-Mind), on this blog with any reading audience would B a similar waste of time, if that is I expected it 2 have any waking world effects on the conscious collective of the human race, but UC peeps, I have a huge mother fucking secret, bigger than MO and her violent temper and filthy mouth, as I should talk, YO!!!!!!! This is not the horrific ‘STAIRS OF CHASE’ AND NOT THE BANK, OR MY UNCLES BANK EITHER, that I told about more than a full year B4 the great movie called, “Precious” ever was made and known of in any normal STM way, that is, SUV-SVU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some time ago peeps noticed the powerful way I would discuss shit and a few days later, brand new episodes of the television show called “THE MENTALIST” would have direct quotations of several things said, over and over again, without any help from Real Good Girl master tapes, or anything else 4 that freaking matter, YO!!!!!!!! This secret is not the one that silly ass Terry from Egg Harbor City in New Jersey, USAESMWG, was all excited about either, and is totally ridiculous MISTER Mac Kaiter, and your first cuz Lester, yes, LESTER, small world, and am I being imprudent or impatient here in making this opinion, Michelle Daniels, after freaking all, U did tell me that IAM ENTITLED 2 MY FREAKING OPINION BACK IN 1980, am I correct MAHM?????????????????? No, MI secrets go well beyond MI and her horrible scary stairs. I am so sorry that I witnessed this horror show MI, please know that. It amazes me that U got passed such monstrous stuff by making a big laugh out of it, I cannot laugh at it U know, it makes me cry when MO chases Gabby up there, just like I saw the stuff in your place when U were a small child, all go down. But strong winds all blowing all aside, some containing the answers 2 all of life and its wildest unknowns and mysteries, I know 4 a total fact that the 6th dimension is a good starting place 2 plot the true reality of all things. There would B no space and no time, just as on the Astral Plane, or in the ‘spirit world’ as many still use this more accepted terminology, still, space-time is a mere byproduct of interaction when atoms vibrate quickly enough and things they comprise when all placed together, become light enough. AE took things mathematically 2 the freaking level of space-time, but only using equations with STM, can we begin 2C the true horror show that all of freaking mankind is truly involved in, and since no one wants 2 have bad horrific news hurled into their face, this obviously is the answer 2 the question of Y my telling this shit will remain an act of futility 4 me. What is SPACE-TIME-MIND (STM)? Well, it is not anything U have ever seen on television or heard about in any places where higher education takes place such as the greatest universities or think tanks on the planet. It is something that was originally shown me in the late summer time or perhaps in the beginning of the autumn back in the year of 1980, by a large oversized beautiful jet black cat, no Anna at the Cancer Institute, my precious Gawky taught me everything, and I of course was way 2 stupid back then in my dinosaur days 2 get the smallest real grasp or handle on any of it, I, like all of U out there, just saw some tiny surface scratched shit, and that was that, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without being an uncle on bended knee back late in eighty-three Copyright Office Examiners, I can state with a true knowing, that this is by no means the devils big LIE, and it certainly is not the Long Island Expressway, yet is it???????????????? Another duality is symbolism and STM. But STM has many other wild and extremely strange and weird dualistic realities all throughout it and surrounding it on all sides, and (sixth dimensionally), and that is saying a lot, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! What I know can never B taught or transmitted or learned. Also, it can B sent out by me, 2 the UNCONSCIOUS COLLECTIVE OF HUMANITY, effecting totally and directly many parts of this STM and its complex and nearly infinite equations that surround its very heart and soul. Jim Burr said it better than I could ever could, and a very long time ago by the view point of most of the younger mortal peeps. This goes, and I will quote him, “Mark, U effect people”. This has been blogged B4 upon several occasions; this is not a new animal here, YO.

Sam was outside with me at the place where we work on a 15 minute mid-day break, back on Monday. After he made these nasty statements, he also said that I stink and my clothes need 2B washed. He claims peeps R saying this 2 him, they R not, this has been reported and peeps were confronted by bosses. It is Sam that is the problem, and many peeps wish he never came into the program through and via the AARP and the national stimulus system of President BO. Is this more STM? Whether it is or is not matters not, as things way more urgent need 2B talked about right now, so screw that shit, YO!!!!!!!! Today, Wednesday, 2 days later came around, and again we were outside. 5 or more of my huge vulture birds were all up in a tree towards where my house is from the work place, it is a bare and dead tree that died either from disease or a strike from the goddess Diana. Suddenly Sam started trash talking the birds again while pointing over at them, he has a sharp eye, they were some distance away and perched up on a group of several branches of this totally dead tree that sticks out like a sore tooth amongst the many other trees all surrounding it from every side. Within a moment or 2, they suddenly all left the branches and flew directly over us, and I said nothing. Sam was literally stewing in his own juices and just about 2 go ballistic and thermo nuclear on me simultaneously. I yelled up, “Hi DEEDEE how’s my DEEDEE? With that, several or all of them, all said my name, “MARK, MARK, and over and over at least a dozen or more times. Sam looked at me with a fear on his face that I have not seen since Joe Paget ‘Hellmann’ from the site we worked at together as security officers in Pennsylvania just off of Highway #309 on County Line Road, at a trucking place known as Roadway. Sam ran inside, and I slowly just said good-bye 2 my birds and walked in 2 the building as well. Then suddenly I came up on Sam. He was vomiting, and was all doubled over. Shortly thereafter, he clocked out and went home at the normal time of one PM, and said that he might B taking his wife somewhere soon and may need 2 take some time off. He did not say this or anything else 2 me, this is what I heard him say 2 the boss, right nearby the time clock where we all were punching out when it was time 2 leave 4 the day, shortly after the bird incident occurred on our break. No one else witnessed this event. I live a wild life peeps, but let me tell U that the fat lady is no where near finished singing her very long song, and as Al Jolson put it a while back and so perfectly and totally eloquently, “U ain’t heard nothin’ yet”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many things around me R beyond surreal and much further out than all of the twilight zone television shows all put the shit together folks. I do not care if U believe me or not but Y not ask the question that begs 2B asked, really, Y would I sit here 4 years and years, blogging such wild shit, what would I possibly have 2 fucking gain? I have seen peeps disappear B4 my eyes like right out of the sixties paranormal great soap television show called ‘Dark Shadows’, I have watched peeps act so strange that no team of head shrinks on this planet all combined could ever make hide nor hair out of it by their human world reasoning, or any of their accepted sciences, and I also could literally mother fucking go on and on and on typing forever and B no closer 2 telling this entire reality 2 anyone on Earth. This works a lot like Jack McCoy’s island dream where he keeps swimming towards a beautiful island only it never gets any closer.

The stock market has gone up 1500 points since this bunch of fucking diseased scum interfered with my blogging back on August the 21st. FIFTEEN HUNDRED POINTS, and if someone would take all of this fucking seriously and bless me, and sell short on the Dow, they could fucking make tens of billions of dollars, yet here I sit, and here they sit, so who is really preventing peeps from trying this with me on even a small scale? Well, it all is part of STM-----SPACE-TIME-MIND, but then peeps, the kicker here is that EVERYTHING IS ALL PART OF STM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a lot more 2 talk about, tons and tons of shit, STM, how it connects directly into SARAH-STACEY-JEHOVAH-KRASSLE AND THE CHRISTIANITY CULT, and the mighty and awesome MILLIONTH-COUNCIL of the ASTRAL-PLANE, and on and on we could go. This will all get talked about, but right now I am fucking hungry and tired. I need 2 tell the biggie here B4I close this shit down 4 the fucking day. Naturally I’ll abridge the living shit out of things here. I have discussed details about my family and the Huntington line, and the murder suicides, and on and on. I have discussed the monsters in THAT-FAMILY, beginning with Robert McGuire, and his tricks such as coming around Ed and myself unseen, yet our video camera picked him up. I have said this and that about all of everything, and here is what I did not say so far. There R peeps walking around that appear 2B just like U and me. Then there R things that seem 2B real and happening, when in fact all of the events R merely falling into the quite incredible phenomenon of transdimensional hyperspace, and then there is the truth made so simple, that we while existing on the lighter Astral Plane, plan some of our dream-downs, while we have no control over many other dream-downs into humanity and hyperspace. Still, the mind is merely a signal from the sixth dimension. It creates first, the entire Astral-Plane. Then from here we all dream down into 5th dimensional hyperspace. This one universe where UR now is just where the present ‘doppelganger U’ that’s here, is focusing an attention on; and this results directly from the 6th dimensional energy that is sending this signal down from there onto the Astral-Plane. Once U know what electronics really is all about or really, Y it is what it is and Y it works the way that it does, and once U further come 2 realize that all of this other stuff is indeed real and existing in the larger and grander scheme of things, then and only then RU naturally a participator in true STM-MECHANICS. I cannot describe 2 one entity, the most powerful families on this Earth that think they R so great and wonderful and able 2 accomplish so much, while all of the others that remain without my awareness 2 this incredible ass shit, they, that is, none of them individually, no one person or even small group has the power and ability 2 effect things or people, the way that I can, when that is my true objective. 2 fucking know this, is beyond incredible. Psychiatrists would tell U that I am acting out something that their DSM-4 bible on their topic of understanding the mind, and R totally clueless, that is basically put in layman’s English terms, a powerless person compensating by creating a powerful delusion that this is all true. Well, U believe that if that is your choice in fact 2 do, I know better. In fact, I know that UR trying 2 analyze a signal that is so much bigger than your science that no known ration and no known mathematics can B applied 2 even intelligently freaking discuss it, let alone attempt 2 solve it, even the ratio. I know that this is all what has been going on, no one really is messing with me, and this is nothing more than pure powerful smoke and mirrors illusion, just as any great magic act done by some Vegas magicians would in fact B. There is nothing going on outside the fact that Sarah-Stacey Krassle and I have some kind of a connection in a much higher reality than this one. This is the sentence that comes at least close 2 making the most sense in the newer light of examining it on the science tables of SPACE TIME MIND (STM). Her last 2 lifetimes in a fourth dimensional order all though this order is totally meaningless 2 the cosmos R the key 2 all of this, in much the same way that the key lies in my special education teacher from 1969 when she absolutely insisted on my doing that Memorial Day class play, causing me 2 arrive on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, New Jersey, at a totally different time than I would have obviously otherwise arrived there at. These things I tell now have all been blogged back 1,2,3,4 years ago, here at the first blogger website, run by the great Google system, but today, I will merely reassign some values 2 previously mentioned items that make up the so-called past events of my current physical life, or really, my Astral-Plane current STM-DREAMDOWN, YO!!!!! I know 4 a fact that today’s radio-game at work is all nothing more than a part of the STM. I know that so is everything else. I know 4 a fact that my nightmare and kidnapping that all led up 2 my trip down here 2 Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG, is all nothing more than a part of the STM. But again, I know that so is everything else. I know that this is Y the great MC and her hubby want 2B endless teenagers and R acting out there Shakespearian parts in the play all so well, but again, this is just part of the STM, and again, BRO, SO IS EVERYTHING ELSE. Am I boggling your mind? Well, this is not my intent believe it or not folks. But this is the very early stages in this new stage of many blogs that will b forthcoming, and we R about 2 embark on the most exciting part of this 5 year blogging project of the MOUNTAINPEN, also known as MARK WAYNE MOHR OF HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY. Yes, I OWE Donna Summer the disco queen an apology and a retraction. There is Donna Summer, and there is DJ Donna summer that I believe hails from the Berlin, New Jersey area. But then, this is all just a part of the SPACE-TIME-MIND equations, AS R ALL OTHER THINGS AS WELL, YO, so go figure.

I will close out 4 now, there will b super major shit coming very soon, and as MO says it so well, “I promise U that”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, © examiners of 2007, my knowing about stairs and so much more is just all a big part of the STM. At least ST stands 4 space-time as well as stair-tag, and we can just use the M4 either ‘MIND’ or ‘MOUNTAINPEN’, still many claim that Mountainpen has lost his mind. Well whether I have or not, this still is all just a part of the STM equations that I will B developing and publishing. U ain’t seen or heard nothing MISTER AL JOLSON. I PROMISE U THAT!!!

END TRANSMISSION, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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