Sunday, February 13, 2011


CH-071-021311.877-SUNDAY NIGHT


There are a million things to say. I discussed on many blogs throughout my blogging career, how the stock market was always an undeniable barometer for reflecting the image of my life and how well or poorly it is doing, and that the parallel connection is seemingly infinite as well as totally 'unescapable', and screw you spell checker, as I can think of no other word that fits. As I said before and before and befreakingfore, it will keep right on shooting UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP AND UP, am I wrong? G|Have I been wrong ever since I said it would go the other way after bottoming out in the mid sixty mother fucking five hundreds?????????????? Or am I totally and absolutely, utterly, fully, wholly and completely, ON THE DAMN FREAKING MONEY 100%+++++++???????????????? Then we ask, is my life getting totally WORSE and WORSE AND WORSE with the passing of each and every mother fucking month and year??????? The answer is a loud ass resounding monster ass YES!!!!!! But before anybody decides that this run away EVIL EMPIRE FREIGHT TRAIN FROM FREAKING HELL FIRE, is absolutely omnipotent with never any chances for a glitch or a belly ache, we also bear in mind the unforgettable and seemingly powerful mathematical reality of the PORT IN THE STORM or PITSY phenomenon. 1969-1980-1994-2011, these are four of my PITSY years, and if we take the number 1969 and add to it the sum of (11), we get 1980. Then if we add another 11 as well as an additional (3) for each jump, we get the series as shown above. The next one or PITSY-5 would be 2011 plus 11 plus 3 plus three plus 3, for three more jumps, along with the eleven, all added up together. Is there any magic in the PITSY, would be the average person's question, and the majority of cold readers stumbling onto a blog like this with no knowledge of me at all, would insist that this is total and utter nonsense, and I would reply, fine, if you can believe in 3 powerful ass hyper time major coincidences. I say this simply because every year of my life has been horrible and rotten and deplorable beyond imagination, that is all years except these 3, 1969, 1980, and 1994. Can these 3 fairly OK years and terrific years for me in a personal life comparative factor, really just be some random chance occurrence????????? If you had lived my life, not one of you would believe your way, you would see it my way., with or without any help whatsoever from Franky Blue-eyes Sinatra!!!!!! Going back to the clearer and more recent year of 1994, as opposed to the other two of them before this, I remember things literally just falling into place all around me, in my favor, when all I was ever used to for what seemed mother fucking eternity at that point, was pure shit swallowing hell. First the sports strike came, which backed off the harassment and persecution a million fold as they had no parallel-event game to play and fuck with me on, my credit not only was restored as it had been ten years since my first bankruptcy that I declared after returning from my first trip to Florida around middle December in 1983, to Orlando, to visit with the Chief Recording Engineer, now retired from that position, from the famous RPL Recording Studios of Camden, New Jersey, Google them up. That autumn in the year of 1983, the final adjudication for the bankruptcy was completed and exactly 9 years and 9 months later, my credit was wiped clear and was reestablished, only like 'magic', I was offered more than one hundred thousand dollars in personal unsecured credit, and had literally dozens of MasterCard and Visa Cards. I was awarded Social Security Disability on my 'first application', an event somewhere between rare and unheard of, I've been told my many peeps since. I joined a luxurious swim and health club called Haddonwood, run by the wonderful and mysterious Tony Zenun, and my buddy Dave Roth and I would enjoy many nightly excursions into the Jersey Pine Barrens where we were the reincarnations of Daniel Boone and enjoyed exploring the great woods, especially at night. Even the MARK MOHR HATEPAGE on the internet makes reference by one commenter about these lovely woods, calling me the Jersey Devil, and fittingly so as it is sponsored quite COINCIDENTALLY, perhaps, by the great DONNA SUMMER, 'DJ-not disco queen', but still, some odds there book makers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I had a thin ass dime for every one of these types of coincidence, right down 2 the years where I am cut some mysterious break and how they do fit precisely into a math formula based on numbers eleven and three, I would own a new Caddy and a home on the ocean, free and clear. The other mind bending 'coincidence' is the birth and fatherhood of NC. The part that I admit messes up, is that the high school deal and the time trip is two years off, as 1996 and not 1994 was when bad ass teenager Nick took me there and then his buddy and he stole my oblatron box in my Saturn car, of course we all know where planet-6 gets its name, or should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, he could argue with me that it was my car, but then I would argue back, then you admit that you stole the oblatron or the TTD from me back before I could get it hard wired into the trunk. But while we are on the topic of astronomical stuff, the great star that visited me at Cifaloglio that night in 2007 if memory is correctly serving me has an interesting Latin name, and if it is not the biggest star in the known universe, it sure looks that way from here at night on this Earth to the naked eye, and quite apropos for the naming of the 'biggest star', anyway. If the average person thinks, and some have told me this and you all are totally off base, that I am the one here with the fixation, by the way; it only is because peeps tend to always see things in reverse. As unfathomable as that or the other sounds to a reader, it is her that was fixated, and this is how all of this began about three years back. The blogs should you tediously read them through, show the evidence to this claim quite conclusively. You can see how much I truly care about the music world and its peeps, this is Grammy night and I am blogging and doing my own thing and could care freaking less about that bullshit, it never was nor ever will be any part of my world, I basically don't give a fucking shit about music, I can write a song yes, but that is merely a coincidence. So if friends all say that I am mean, and my heart is as cold as an ice machine, then THEY DO!!! And I DON'T care, not about what they say, or any of this as well. Still, the magic is in the PITSY, just as any Christian will shout out that the power is in the blood, hell-a-puke-yuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ports in my stormy years that are 1969 and 1980 and 1994 were real, and in no way imagined. You all know me, my readers. If I do not have a good day, I do not get up here and say a lot of nice stuff. When I tell you that these 3 years cut me a freaking break, to quote the style of “REAL GOOD GIRL” © 1986, THEY DID!!!!!! It would break a powerful mathematical existing trend should 2011 not bring me some kind of a freaking ass break, so I remain hopeful, after-all, 1994 did not get going for me until the middle of the spring time, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of music, if anybody reading these words wants a cash bonus upon my successful law suit, and can get me a copy of the song supposedly ripping me off that is listed several blogs back, the amount is one-thousand dollars. I will sign a document to that effect and have it notarized by my county clerk, and send anyone a copy that wants to help me and can get a copy of it sent to my e-mail or however it is done, you would need to explain that to me as well; remember that you are reading words spoken from a dude going on his sixties pretty soon. I am no spring ass chicken partners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow Paul Pedersen of Studio Park Records, saw that recent photo, don't hardly recognize you bro, you and time have had some good boxing matches, BRAH!!!!!!!!! Oh well, it beats the matches that are involved when Robert McGuire gets connected up into shit. How do you sleep at night, you, Billy, Sally, when I am done, this attempt at making me disappear will all blow up in all your faces, and all totally legal, this is not some threat so don't try any cute shit mister lawyer degree. It won't be me that goes to jail when this is all said and done, so come armed to the teeth to the table with me my brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have the original job cassette from Discmakers, the Copyright Office can furnish me with copies of my copyrighted certificates and any or all of my works, right down the book that was written ion 1994 by me, called, “THE PERMISSION BARRIER”, where I invented 'your' STUDIO PARK RECORDS, you crooked thief you!!!!!!!!! CU in FREAKING COURT SOME DAY MY BOY. U dug yourself a deep ass hole messing around with me BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes PITSY is quite magical indeed, even down to the book that I wrote in PITSY-YEAR-#3, that will prove in a court of law, WHO REALLY INVENTED THE GREAT STUDIO PARK RECOERDS OF NEW JERSEY, so get ready to be called into a litigation proceeding, COPYRIGHT OFFICE, on not one, but on 2 CASES, SPR, and (THE CHRIST ANDROID), oh yes sir, that good old hate page, just punch in MARK MOHR OF HAMMONTON NEW JERSEY, and click into the MP3 things that have titles, one of them being as shown above. Yes the 6-planet and the 12-planet, and then we have the great star, first the 1969 PITSY TRINITRAIL of the cold blue winter skies of December, followed about 37 years later by the great PULSAR STAR morphed chopper of the mighty and the great 'MILLIONTH-COUNCIL-MILITUFORCE' of the Earth world waking realms doppelganger system.

The chronological second part of the blog will not be long because it is late, I'm tired, and need to crash and get up to go to work. When I was 3 or 4 years old in this current Astral Plane Dream Down or APDD, or 'lifetime', I sat in a high chair in Levittown, Pennsylvania, USAESMWG during a stormy hot summer afternoon. Dad was out with his pals from his treasure salvage life, something he was into before he ever dove off the treasure coast of Florida with the famous Mel Fisher who anyone knows of or can just Google up, and my mom was out of the room a short while, my highchair being situated in the kitchen at the time, and I was gazing out the large window at the rain and the storm. Suddenly a bright flash was outside and I felt warmth and love beyond what words can ever hope to express. In an instant, a stunningly gorgeous ravishing young blond female with extremely long eyes and knee length long bright yellow hair was standing where the flash was just an instant before that. She was so beautiful that even though I was only a toddler, I fell madly in love with her. This was my first encounter with the GREAT GODDESS DIANA, mentioned in the New Testament of the KJV Holy Bible. Naturally I had no idea who this was then at the time of this event, and I most certainly did not know her name, and in fact did not learn that until the year of 1983.


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