Thursday, July 7, 2011




MAJOR FUCKING DEATH ANGEL ATTACK, MAJOR FUCKING SUPER SHIT. First on the left side major right past midnight, then at 7 past on the right side 3 minutes later, then one minute later again, another right side burst from fagot Morty Mortino. The Jewish believers call this entity, the “Angel of Death”. His name is known to me, and he is on one hell of an annoying frequency, and invisible to humans, naturally. This has been a super botbar day, and a super fucking botbar week and month, and starting of the 2011 summer season, and the entire fucking year has been the worst year of my fucking entire mother fucking cunt lapping life. MAJOR SATANIC ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAJOR ATTACK BY THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, © Office examiners of august of 1986, it really is 2011, but not one fucking thing has changed for me, N—O—T--H--I--N--G. These diseased fucking jerk off scum bags simply won't allow me to fucking move on, it is not fucking me doing any of this, this is BEING FUCKING DONE TO ME. Dave Roth old buddy, you died just in time, you never had to try and get out of this fucking one, pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no way, simply put, to get out of it. They won't let me do my music, I am being totally stopped, and if this is the way it is, then there is nothing that I can do about it. Not on e person is willing to help me with m,y computer, it is total SATANIC POWER, total ass influence, and nobody on this entire mother fucking planet believes this can be real and true, some wonderful fucking ass god we all have, Mister Pope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My E-mail either does not worked, or there is a virus in the system. I cannot get one person I know down here in Florida to help me, to come over to my residence no matter how much money that I offer them in cash up front, to assist me. If anyone has a logical rational explanation for this, I'm mother fucking listening. My engineer insists now on E-Mail only contact, and will not make an appointment to do my music, unless it is done with the E-Mail, so make sense out of this folks, really, go ahead, tell me how logical this all is, for a business to throw away tons of cash money, and thinks it is easier to go through E-Mail, than to pick up a telephone and simply mother fucking dial seven lousy ass digits. First they disappear and vanish for 3 weeks, and then when they come back, it is E-Mail contact only. A child can see something along the lines of mischievous shenanigans must be behind this. Stopping me is causing the DOW JONES to go up0 100m points a day, and it will literally be up to 20,000 points by the end of fucking summer time, MARK MY MOTHER FUCKING WORDS. You run a totally crooked country, Sir Obama!!

Yes world, if somebody somewhere was not scared to fucking death of my music,m for reasons the gods only can fucking know, all this shit could not be perpetually fucking occurring.

Only the recording of transdimensional music, or posting of it publicly, can cause weather and geological phenomenon, I was not planning on recording any transdimensional music. The only two songs ever done from a world away, was LOIS FOCA and WANNA' SPEND MY TIME. This garbage has been removed from the public view, and nobody is forced to put up with me. I should however be able and allowed to record my own music, there is nothing wrong or illegal about that, the only illegal shit is what's being fucking done to me, and a child with eyes can see this shit is not one bit fucking made up nor exaggerated.

At least I managed to reach Ann and finally after leaving 3 messages, she called me this evening. She's been very busy with her friend Judge Frank Raso in Hammonton, trying to get Chicky a legal US citizen, as you know, this was the hubby of Dawn-Marie King, until her death from liver cancer; woke her up out of this human experience on last New Years Day. Cancer and holiday deaths, seem to be not the only twin events in this mighty TAWF-70. Still it's at low ass times like tonight, real ebb out low zones that I fully fucking come to realize, and totally ass accept, that I will never live long enough to know one thing about this all mighty and all powerful teen goddess, SDARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, and in fact, what she pulled in 1980, and 3 years later in 1983; is beyond unforgivable; and the smart peeps of this planet know that she's made a total and complete fool out ODF me. FUCK YOU LATTISAW; that is OUT OF ME, NOT FUCKING JACK ASS HACK 'ODF'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK-U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel your pain, GAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of that name, Dee-Dee and her hubby and kid moved far away to another state. Billy C informs me of many things, not just how gorgeous Queen Dairy-Kate is, up and personal. Lizzy, you are the one person outside maybe Popey, who knows who I truly am, the chosen current time period suffering Huntington. I sure hope all this hell is saving you from all of your fucking sins. None of you have a clue how much I know, how much I could blab some day, and the effects it will have on the entire planet's population, believed on a conscious level by readers or not, and even if it is totally ignored, or even censored someday soon, that;s all coming you know, those lovely PC initials, I know fully well what is and what is totally inescapable, YO. No Scylla, I am not making fun of your fantastic music, merely speaking the truth, which you cannot ever hate me for, as you have told this world time and again, you are the truth.

The event of stopping my music has made my decision for me. I am quitting the AARP HARVEST FOODS shit-hole job next fucking week, and on August 3rd, leaving Florida, fucking forever. I have friends who fucking care about me in NJUSAESMWG. FUCK MALL OF YOU DIRT BAG FLENEMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So who out there remembers how I was stopped before in 1996, when ATTEMPTING TO RECORD THE SOPNG “SARAH” BACK IN MOTHER FUCKING 1996????????????????????????? I remember. I had a hub cap busted, and did not know that the Huntington Line had continued, but the hammer man sure must have, nothing else explains the bullshit, but who has the hindsight of foresight? Only the gods, I presume Mister Livingston, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gawky Gaukauk not only knows the Pennsylvania Lottery inside and out, but all else as well. So much is clear now, and makes so much sense back in 1980 and in the years that followed. The power of truth does not lay in the digits of 4,5,9, but rather, in the omitted ones, of 1,2,3,6,7,8. Add these digits up to get the powerful all mighty atomic-electrical number of electron, proton, neutron, cubed. Still, add up the other three, and the all powerful 18 stares us in the face. Sorian Copyrights do not begin to tell the story of this nightmare, and even the way Dawn treated me, pales in comparison. By the way, Chester Perkowski ran a fucking hotel on 10-SC Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG back in the 1960's, not the 90's, a prior hack of my mind, and basic fuck up, or PBHE of Jess's mighty gorgeous fucking footballs, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUY LOADS OF FUCKING STOCK FOLKS, as I've been again major fucking hyp0wer time cheated out of my life, Michael Mason/David Mahon-2 style. Be braced short sellers for a 500 point up day tomorrow, YO, and a 30,000 Dow Jones by March of 2012, but as for the little folks, the 90% of paycheck to paycheck livers, we will only keep on getting it right up the ass woprse and worse and worse, the wealthy own us, AND WE ARE THEIR SLAVES AND THEIR FUCKING EXPERIEMNTS, I AM THE FIRST GINNIE PIG, AND AFTER I;M GONE SOON FROM ENDLESS AGONY, YOU ALL AND YOUR KIDS, WILL BE FUCKING NEXT, IT ONLY FOLLOWS THAT THIS MUST be TRUE, IT MUST FJUCKIJNG HAPPEN, YO, but you all believe whatever the hell you want, remain in your fucking blissful ignorance if you so choose to do this, it is your funeral, and your children's funeral. They have you to fucking thank right now for not so much as believing the tiniest chance that old fucking ass MOUNTAINPEN just might be telling it straight and true, after all, the evidence is all there, I have proven this shit and all my claims, 100 ways back from fucking Saturday night, and yes, THAT SATURFAY NIGHT OF NEARLY A QUATRTER CENTURY PAST NOW. When I took my proof of shit, into lieutenant Sakavich's office at the fucking Voorhees, New Jersey Police Department, I was taken to a crises center, and the proof was ignored. This is the very same criminal justice system that just recently within hours, YO, spit on the grave and memory of a pathetic young innocent two year old child. Am I correct here, Florida Attorney General?????????? This is sure one hell of a way to run an airline, and the world keeps right on laughing at America, and it will laugh on until shortly, it calls in the loan, and then my song NEW JAPAN will get 40 million views over fucking night, and it's not even posted up anywhere, huh © freaking Office of 1983? Yeah, good old 1983, huh my fren'-Len??????? It's playing out just the way I remembered it when I wrote MY PANDORA from 1802 Robin Miscarry Hill Paula Apartments, of Voorhees.

Well, I'll crash for the fucking night, my weekend has been ruined, SO WATCH THE PHILLIES DIE, THE FLYERS FLY, AND THE DOW FLY TO THE FUCKING STARY HELLISH ASS HEAVENS, JUST AS I TOLD YOU GINA 6500 MOTORCYCLEPLANE ATTACK ON THE WAY INTO MY CIFALOGLIO JOB, as it is all legal, and time stamped, on the blogs of YO, so read it, and know it. It is there for the fucking entire world to face the music, IF ANYONE DARES; but now; one King Wussbag to 'another non-blond' King Wussbag, this entire world is all merely a bunch of fucking pussy wusses, living in conscious waking denial of truths, that they all know damn right well are indeed there. So laugh on folks. Watch those horrible stairs MI, remember, THAT BOY was there and knows what he saw back in '75. What else has TB seen all over this sick world, that is of course for future blogging texts folks, so now it is time for the 'Mountainpen-That-Boy' to crash out, and say nighty-nite to my John McDowell Philly-Nurse, as there 'may not be other chances' if I stay up too long, and the moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning light comes around, right Donna?

END BLOG, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MAGNESONIC-----MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, here my voice print as I type this now on D-6. Wipe out all powers and forces stopping me from recording my music and violating my fucking civil rights, all orders and commands and tecks. G-901, under CG-18, and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S---T---O---P.

BYE-BYE sick twisted universe, nice knowing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I ask is please peeps, DO NOT SAY YOU AIN'T BEEN WARNED THAT HUGE SHIT'S GONNA FREAKING HAPPEN NOW, YO!!!!!!

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