Monday, August 29, 2011


7:09 PM, MONDAY, AUGUST 29TH, 2011

WELCOME TO THE NIGHTMARES OF CLYDE LINTON KLINE. David Roth, if he had not been murdered by Mister Schau from Northeast Drake Towers Philly, Pennsylvania, for the life insurance money; would also add a few cute and clever words into this mix. He would add, also, to the world of LIGHTNING GODDESSES, BOTBARS, AND JITBAGS, very fitting, very apropos, and quite bold and audacious as well. On this partly cloudy night, just a bit shy of sunset, here in hot Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG; let me tell the world and any loyal Morians some real powerful stuff that is going to be difficult to argue with me on, all though so many will of course, endlessly try, since the HUNTINGTON-KLINE CURSE is always in full effect, and is totally responsible for all of these situations that thereby will endlessly lay far out beyond my control, or the heart of rock and roll copyrighted Clyde, keeping things in the new fashion, and bringing me to this powerful next paragraph, that proves me right, MISSES MAROLA OF 1969, and all the rest of you endlessly wrong. Oh the days of Misses Stoemeyer above me, blaring out her opera records at all hours of the night, only my poor mom had to listen, as my bedroom faced the corner leaving an entire room in-between me and this loud loveliness, back in 1967, oh yes sir, the next time you come over here, PATTERSON, “I'LL BE DEAD”, not exactly PC in this century, but then, that was that century, and even better still, THAT-BOY did not have to witness this horror show, dear sweet departed darling mommy, YO!!!!!!!! And then along came 300 years, and WORLD LABS, gee, golly gash, darn federal men of 1988, and 1966 who thanks to my wonderful old fart father, sorry Frank asshole Lombardo, for my lack of family respect, duh, but oh the wanderlust called him long before it ever called you, oh great disco diva of yesteryear!!

Only a few will understand all of this, and that is all fine and well, as I will be shortly packing up, and leaving for Mexico. No one believed my blogs in the autumn of 2008 when I said I am doing a Harry Callas Home Run from New Jersey, and I really do not care in the slightest, who believes or refuses to believe me now. One thing I have earned, is that when no feelings are involved whatsoever, no problem. Striking a bad tooth without the proper application of Novocain however, and a child can see the knee-jerk reactions that life has always demonstrated. This is why this great Queen of Dance of the pre 1980 circa, felt the need to do that project with that name, it also is why I get yelled at so often, by so many peeps. In addition, it leads me to realize that Paula and McKinnon may have issues with me, as my daughter remains either one of two things, mysteriously silent or very complementary. When, as my mother always said since I was knee high to a turtle, despite the LAW AND ORDER dribble that is heard on television, a person feels badly, the normal reaction is attack. This tells me that some other peeps or force, put Tom Reale up to doing that dastardly deed to me, back in 1970, and all the other things that I simply will not bother to talk on and on about and waste your time and my time, folks. In any event, poor old Clyde Kline knew back on Saturday night, that THE DOW JONES STOCK MARKET WOIULD FLY ON MONDAY, after the pre mentioned incident, and who knows, maybe certain peeps have money invested, hence a motive for things, I cannot make that judgment call, nor do I, I said and before it is taken out of contest by any ill tempered folks anywhere, “WHO KNOWS”?I would not want to bet a weeks pay either way, but I'd put up maybe five bucks. After-all, I have never underestimated certain peeps or situations, well, Clyde Kline hasn't anyway, but let us talk about Clyde kline, and August 2010 and August 2011, as if some precision Swiss time piece machinery isn't somehow running this entire show, and it is, from and on, THE SIXTH DIMENSION, as Clyde Kline always made claim to, but then, with or without university degrees and great knowledge or wisdom, or any Brigham Young peeps or unmentionable others; there was a dude who came from the great distant stars who sold me an old Cadillac, when I was dreaming it was the year of 1977, well, when poor pathetic twisted screwed up Clyde Kline was. Yes skate key man, you did teach me how to properly spell the word, “Professional”, but how did you sleep through Stroemyer's music all night long, in the “D” apartment above you? Then there is Deegan, Johnson, and the great Lillian Craig, we need not even start to touch any of that tonight, or Clyde does not, as now, let us talk about the way my blogs are being interfered with, almost in perfect calendrical order, first last year, and again back at the end of last week. In 2010, I was blocked and prevented from telling my true tale of hell and tears, through and via computer technology and mechanical hacking. A year later, after I got the FIBBIE gang finally seeing the importance of HACKING, and recognizing these horrible peeps that do it; now it can no longer be done that directly, so they somehow engineer a person to mess with me. Oh did I say me, I meant to say Clyde Kline folks. Believe me peeps, this destruction of my right to freely speak without threats and intimidation, or direct technological blocks; is CAUSING HUGE BULLISH MOVES ON WALL STREET, and yo expect poor Clyde to think that this is just some random coincidence, when trillions of dollars are involved in the equation? Well, you can expect or hope for this event all day and night folks, it ain't happening, DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know “WHAT” I know, and I never claimed THAT, I said WHAT, just as I never claimed to be Goddess Scylla from the top of mighty sky scraper buildings in great cities, as I am not, only SHE is, and only SHE can make this great claim. I know SHE knew that only I would know what was happening and going on, no one else, so the message came through loud and clear, and thank the gods, not too late.

I knew if I said anything about MOVER-BARRY, he would vanish, and so he did. Ten days ago I dropped him off after work, at the local K-Marty, boom, no more Barry. I know this is all true, and I know who all of you great KENNEDY'S are, and so do the few true MOVERS. Still, MOVERS are not necessarily hyperspace travelers. Stop thinking that anyone needs a physical vehicle. Hyperspace is traveled through with the 6th dimensional mind that has been signaled into us here in 3 dimensions of this waking life. Once, someone learns how to wake up inside of a dream, as they perceive a dream, and then be able instead of watching the movie through a doppelganger perspective, but actually begin to be able to take over and control your doppelganger, and beyond this, other things around you, living and even non-living, well, some of you get the picture of what I've been dealing with. It is quite intricate, and so are some lovely peeps I have been so blessed to have come into my wonderful life, JS. Every time I ever doubt something, I do the unthinkable, I ask this great wonderful kitty cat friend of mine, who I have known for such a long eternity now. He meow's and mathematically provides the answer to anything I ever need to know. Still, I made a promise to MC that I would stop discussing this thing, and so I shall not be a shellfish, or a truce-breaker. Many folks that tried messing with this, I have been told went sort of nuts. I am sorry for this. It is not meant for humans to play with the great GAWNUM, and I was wrong for telling so much about it.

As for the 'ring-tone-caller' from the future, the great internet has shown me some wild stuff. Play your silly games peeps, and see if 'I could care less', OJ Wifebeater. Clyde Kline will speak on, he knows his rights, and has retained council today, enemies know this is not a made up lie or a poker bluff, right kitty? END!!!

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