Saturday, September 17, 2011


DATFILE: 091711.580

Activity of MOVERS in period between 01011965.001 and 01012015.001, UP by 1,978%.

Activity of MOVERS in period between 01011975.001 and 01012010.001, UP by 3,227%.

Activity of MOVERS in period between 01011980.001 and 01012005.001, UP by 6722%.

Main Source: Unable to safely blog at this DAT of 091711.585.00. Second Main Sources: Composition and data base package facts, A) Scientific American Magazine, 35 Documentary television shows on various broadcast networks, both public and private. B) 18 International Corporations with total net worth amounts in USD of greater than (>) nine billion, C) National Aeronautic and Space Administration and its total combined inclusive affiliates.

Now that this is officially on the report, I will say only a few things. I have stumbled onto things so far beyond bloggable, that words will not express the situation. The complexities require a minimum of ten additional study-years, by a team of no less than one hundred, all multi-degreed in various scientific and mathematical disciplines.

Whoever found the DATFILES on the roads of New Jersey, is in a powerful collusion with a powerful recording artist, or one posing as such a person, and since roughly eight others also are in this guise of deception, as far as the homosapien race is concerned, this as well cannot be enlarged on nor further elucidated in any way due to limited time and resources of this blogger.

Pattern continuation report: Air conditioning interception with jet vapor known after 2055 AD in 78% of localized hyperspace under theory of Doctor Manuel L. Kaiser, automobile in first half of century twenty-one, decade one, 7th Avenue Public Housing Building Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG, code 77D-CVRAL292476601. Report 2nd incident date on this blog. Side effect, wheeze-type cough and general weakness of physical body overall. Sky conditions LOW for chemical jet poison system, (CJPS).

New Business: Final erasure of U-Tube experiment. Code AA32-B5996-EC6, ops one and ops two. Ops one, probability of SCOS-CON, calculation probability equation 24-V, sub-5, 87.938%. Ops two, N.A. Or failure. Telephone ops and agent follow up, not countersign MOVER ACTIVITY, code 43-G. Potential damage needing MOVER REPAIR: FBI agent #code Mountainpen blog “Sister of Frank Artman Sergeant from AtwaterUS”, possible possession of endangering material to experiment Creation of Christianity or Project-SNFF-000007382210. Newest connecter projects of local MOVERS: Port Saint Lucie, Florida, United States America, Earth-Sol-MWG.

Accomplished goals publishable: Diana Zud Art, QM notes from 1983. School alterations same ARF TOL-0.000000000015296%. Current level of technical interference, HEAVY. MOVER ACTION on connecting results and IAD-ETTOS, parabolic increase, range and X-Y-Z axis on plotted graphs of future publication. MOVERS removed FACEBOOK ACCOUNT, reestablished, empty until next orders. PKE, listed probability between 3-7.2% desired results. Local MOVER action on items pertaining to TAWF: Past 100 hours, -8.6723% on predicted level scales, (OPLS). Past 10 days, +4.7019% OPLS. Past 100 days, +83.2912% OPLS, and past 1000 days, up 328.0338% OPLS. Straight averaged scale (SAS) on all used equations created on 07082295.500 at WL, on systems listed above.


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