DATFILE: 120911.629
This was a very bad BOTBAR fucking day for me. I had to pull a make up 90 minutes up at the Harvest where I am employed through the AARP. Back a few days ago, I was up at their regional office in Port Saint Lucie, Florida for my bi-annual employee evaluation, and mild spanking. I admit that I do not do all the things required of me, it is pretty hard to be me and deal with a truck load of WOMO enemies, and then do my job at and then on top of that, do job searches, and many other things such as attend Workforce solutions classes, and the list goes on and on. Let me tell you about my mother fucking horrendous day, and then I will totally blow your minds with other shit, peeps, I will guarantee all of you that, along with Mister Tahren Gandhi and George Foreman.
I had saved from food that I wanted to purchase, and forgot to do so after clocking out on Wednesday afternoon, and yesterday was my Sheriff day to report major stuff and I did get tot he bottom of quite a lot, but need to keep my big fat fucking mouth shut about all of this for the time being; so I hid what I wanted to buy in a spot I thought for sure would keep it safe, and none of the items were perishables. I got there today and learned it all went back on the shelves and was lost. I had some really good fucking shit that I wanted, and I lost it. New bosses there at the place, are making lots of shit total hell. On top of that, some powerful Hydroglacia force, popped up behind me while I was in an isolated spot for a second, and literally ripped my watchband apart, leaving it to fall onto the hard floor, and bust. I am a tiny bit faster than other peeps, and have been ever since my encounter with the great 'Colaman' at Haddonwood, in 1995, at the indoor swimming pool. This is why I actually was able to see a strange entity that in-between an eighth of a second or so, appeared next to me, performed this wicked dastardly mother fucking deed, and vanished away, just like out of the wildest shit on television you'd ever see folks. Three acts of property damage from the past week now expand to a total of fucking FOUR of them. Fucking with my television and causing no picture from several days back, the second thing that happened when I told you on a prior blog that two utility attacks struck me together during that horrific day of unfathomable fucking death siege; shorting out my home stereo equalizer system, breaking a switch on my home stereo mixer board, and now #4= MY WATCHBAND, and causing me a broken fucking watch. There is one person alive who knows how evil Robert McGuire is, and is a distant complex cousin, based on series of in-law and blood lineage systems over several generations. This person however is not quite the way she was some time back when reality was her number one concern, even over a billion dollars. I do know this much, maybe not much else, but I do know this much. Now, well; everything changes if given enough time. Misery as they say loves company, but I merely wanted to get to the bottom of why this family is doing so much horrible stuff to me, and I feel that my great daughter knows, but is unwilling to say. Well, leading horses to water troughs and buckets and interactions is one thing, maybe the symbolization in that oh-8 dreaming-interaction, was I was willing to learn the truth and accept the truths that I would come to learn over coming years, and did so by pouring the water bucket all over myself, and then later on, whatever secret details were revealed to me by my wonderful special child all grown up, perhaps is not all remembered, and a lot is gapped out upon returning to this waking world “dream” again, that following morning. If I had a cousin that could pull of the trick that he did on Tennessee Avenue in October of 2006, I know I'd want to know a lot more, all else be damned. On top of that, add up the shared problem of the trails and how they damaged us, and on and on, and I cannot see how anything, even fifty billion dollars, would not pale in comparison. Money will all turn to dogshit, but not knowing what and how we fit into these things, this may very well last forever for us, Brown-Eyes, but you know what's best, after-all, and I am not being cute or smart here, “U-RULE THE EMPIRE”, and said so from high places, PUBLICALLY, on the same day precisely 12 years after I wrote my song called, “SARAH”. So tell me this, where is my, as Donna would put it so well, after she too, caused me her share of anguish and grief; “messed up mind” seeing any or all of these things wrong. Also, what is here with this that I don't know anything about. Maybe I do not know, as you proclaim on VQI, anything about you after all infinity, great lovely Jehovah Goddess, but this poor old CARPENTER would really LOVE to know, what I'm missing here, and just what it is that I've got so wrong? I did not imagine 30 Plaza Place and that nobody can get a photograph of this place without extremely outlandish and bizarre things happening to them, or the great Pittsburgh Hotel on 10-SC Avenue as well, so it would freaking appear, or maybe, NOT APPEAR, or maybe better still, not be remembered, erased, from mind and cameras as well, via powerful ASTRAL PLANE TOOLS known as the PAWM-PIE.
The scriptures that you influenced to be written down and saved by 'magic' through thousands of years, SSJK; talk about the quick and the dead. If a person or any living entity, cannot maintain the necessary speed on a cellular level, to keep up with the needed ratio of the speed of time and its reflection; it no longer is interacting in that realm and time dimension. It is 'dead'. I'm not implying that our mind works at the speed of light, but I am saying that time runs along in a direction that is relative to the polarity of the electron and proton that makes up its individual universe system, and is the mirrored image of all things reflected back at all points from any given point in space-time. Thus, if we took a television st to a planet, providing one could be found and reached; that was 41 light years away from our Earth, and the signal broadcast was strong enough when it was originally sent out and aired, we could all watch the television that would be playing live on the air back in the original days if tuning say to the American Broadcasting company Network, we could watch all over again, the Leviathan plot unfolding with Paul Stoddard, Barnabas Collins, Jebez Hawks, and Nickolas Blair, on the show, “Dark Shadows”, and watch Poor old Paul Stoddard be given his second PAYMENT DUE DATE, the first one was my 15th birthday on 12/4/69, and then the next one was on 1/15/70. Back then, the Monday Holiday system had not fully kicked in, so this was always “King Day”, as now despite this date being his real birthday, the holiday is celebrated on the nearest Monday in January. Still, the freaking odds of the two PAYMENT DUE DATES, MY BIRTHDAY AND MARTIN KING DAY, YO, I know I do not buy into the coincidence, you all can do whatever you like, but shall we now return to the topic at hand folks. First, in completing the previous point, my day of birth brought me in my present human form into this so-called life here, and then it was all destined to lead up to meeting Christopher Bennett, son of Dick wolf's team's Correction Officer, Sir Warlock Worley, and his dad, you guessed it was indeed a CO; and then from there, he put me onto blogging my nightmare story on the internet, and this led me to the Hammonton Library, where I was all pre-panned to meet computer guru ed Lynch, the downstairs neighbor of the KINGS, Dawn-Marie and Ann, and Dawnie's hubbie, Sir Chicky, from the great Mayan Guatemala. Now I am blogging this in a time, just days away from a powerful MAYAN CALENDAY year, the great 2012. Still laughing, SIR LEE, abnd MAHM MICHELE and fam??????????????????????????????? The topic of LIGHT and TIME, is simple. This is why this other hypothetical planet, relax mom; that in this example cited in my illustration here on this blog; that is 41 light years away in distance, also means that if you turn on the TV and receive EARTH, you would be watching the TV of 41 years ago, hi there Carolyn, are my blogs your daddy's second most prized possession, as you are certainly his first, and not hypothetically, MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT, gimme' a freaking bwake, ELMER FWUUUUUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now taking this a little further still, we do operate on a level of awareness and consciousness that indeed is in a ratio, no SORIAN HACKER, not RATION, I caught that hack Lattisaw and erased off the “N”, AHA-AHA-AHA, YO; aniwho, this ratio is the speed that divides 186,282 SMPS by, (Statute Miles Per Second), and can be thought of as the speed that your brain and neurological system, processes your senses, using the same constant of the second. Basically, just a little quicker than one sixth of one second, is the processing speed of a human being's awareness. These periods of time can be more easily grasped by thinking of them as INSTANTS, one instant carrying over into the next instant. Using this second-constant rating system, a formula indeed can be rationally figured and deduced quite accurately and scientifically, that permits us to know the ratio of our life to the speed of time. As we age, although it is virtually infinitesimal, we slow down a little bit, and time runs away from us a little faster. In the final second of our consciousness, be it before we fall off into a living sleep, or into the non-living state of death that is based on life in a time dimension; this final 6th second turns into an infinitely increasing expansion of millionths and quadrillionths of a second and so forth forever; and just as a nuclear half life never has a total ZR breakdown (Zero-Rad), where no radio activity at all is present; an enlightened soul starts to realize that these mathematical formulas indeed show that we never really live in a time reality to start with, but are dreaming a space-time-mind dimension, and falling into this dream, only to eventually, slow down again, and wake up out of it. Time runs away too fast, we slow down, and to the time world and its inhabitants, we grow still, and cold, and DEAD. However, it is time that was never really there, and was an illusion and parlor trick from the second we gained enough speed off of the Astral Plane, to fall asleep into this STM dimensionality. Oh yes sir folks, somebody had to know these details in order to write words such as “The quick, and the dead”. These same WHATEVERS had to know that Earth was a sphere in an orbit in an expanded area out beyond it in six opposite end directions that all curve involutedly back again as is the nature of moving hyper-spheres with all of their unlimited subatomic-existing parallel universes. This is all written in scrolls thousands of years ago, and has been most recently best translated into the KJV HOLY BIBLE, so who in not only 1546 but 1-3 K years before Christ was here, could have known all these things? Well, the same WHATEVERS who broke my watch today, AND HAS CAUSED ME HELL AND CURSES AND UNIMAGINABLE GRIEF AND TEARS for 57+ years of my human life now, as MICHAEL WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN.
Do I personally believe in coincidence at all, ever? NO I DO NOT. All stuff that happens is part of the same fabric that has made up my wild and beyond off the wall weird life. You have the same things that I do too folks, the difference is that another Paula King in your life, of a sort; has mesmerized abnd hypnotized you into totally not observing or seeing any of it. You have been successfully programmed my peeps, not to see, not to know, but to live in blind darkness, and who knows, divine bliss as well, after-all, it is me and not you, that Alice Gallagher of Chicago, and other victims also, suffer from this unspeakable HUNTINGTON CURSE. This is the funniest laugh of all, that my kid was born up there by the bay, did all the stuff she did over the past half decade, and now is living in total denial. Still, this is why there will be 2 MC's in her life in two weeks, and none here at 601 Avenue B in FTPEFLUSAESMWG. As she says, “SHE RULES”. Well, I do not argue with that, even stupidity on my level has its limitations, thank the freaking gods, YO.
Much much much much more will be said later on as we enter the Christmas Hellidays. I will say a lot of things about property damager McGuire, the non photographic areas of Atlantic City, and mighty GOOGLE, as one of them is more than enough for me to deal with, am I correct here Doctor Diva Margret, Apollo-Lucifer (On Earth), and twin sister DIANA. Diana Moon, Diana Son, and Dick Wolf. Add in a few more characters, and wow, what a motley crew and collection of 16's we have, yar maitees. Hay, this is the Treasure Coast of Florida, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEG PARDON, daddy, so let me include you here, after all, it is your booty down there, so FUCK THIS SHIT, you 12 ANGRY ME OF THE JURY, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!
End transmission:
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THis is King Nebnooshoo my computer guru is here. She in her own words will explain what she feels has happened to me when i tried posting SJ-0286
The accounts blogs where erased through the website and to retrieve them he needs a former password to his email account which is unknown at the time. Upon remembering this password he should be able to continueing blogging.
THe comment following this one will instruct readers where to view the continuation of this blog.
The blog Continues at "theansweristheqyuestioncontinues"
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