Sunday, June 8, 2008

13 is the number, granny

13 is the number, Granny
Datfile, 20 minutes later than it was
The epitome of harassment the internet version,
Subtitled, the millionth council and me
Beginning transmission:

Just so the world knows a little more truth tonight on a totally awake and conscious mind level, the great law and order television show “Law and Order” makes it seem like is the end of the world when a person who has lived on this spinning ball of vomit is one week older than another, if one is 18 and one is 17 and especially if the girl is the one 17. Did U know that there is an area in these great United States where the age is 13 for the girl no matter what age the dude is? Guess where, well it is not a state. UC, the politicians R so lovely and wonderful, they wanna make sure they can B as dirty as they want, while they fucking legislate 2 all the rest of us. Go ahead Google it up, check it out, knock yourself out, BOZ, literally. I know 1000 juicy secrets, and in 48 hours it is career ending curtains 4 lots of people if U do not stop hurting me and messing with me, whoever U bastard trash R out there.

Thank U so much my great queen, Mariah. I knew I could depend on U again. I will always love U. The mortal world Lois Foca thing is completely explained now, It is so right there and I was blind in 1980. Even Donna Summer did her best 2 tell me and I ignored the whole truth around me like it was the plague. I am so sorry. I hear U telling me 2 cool it with my angry words, I will desist from further profanity. These miserable entities R not worth dirtying up my soul, UR so totally correct.


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