Thursday, June 19, 2008

Still I Wait 4 Them 2 State


I have no intention of leaving the net-world 4 another 70 days, don’t even think about it. The last time, the Briggbase planted many reflectional-entities or as we on the Astral Plane refer 2 them as, REFENT’S. The vegetable juicers were only one, and many others ‘popped-up’ as well. Let me discuss refents first, as this is very pertinent 2YI am writing and posting this doc 2-night. First, pop-ups, long B4 this term was officially used by the world, and stolen from me directly over a power-drain-bugged telephone line, the Lambrigg-Cult or the owners of the entire World Entertainment System or the WES, PK-FBI-LAO- TODD, first by the now very famous VH1 Music channel on the cable television network. Pop ups were observed on more occasions that I could begin 2 count right now, when my late-pal, David Roth and I would go places together B4 his demise in oh-2. When they begin a DFNONG, as Gawky calls these games, and pronounced by them right here on this mortal world, {MW}, as ‘difnong’ like future boy on the Disney channel and then rhyming with the word ‘gong‘, aniwho, when they begin a game, and this abbreviation stands 4 “Diversion From Never Obtaining Nirvana Game” and what is all about is obvious 2 anyone, not only 2 the Buddhist’s as well as all of my prior blogging texts that refers 2 this subject manner regarding going nuts times 10 to the 99th power or bananas a goggle times over, and how any entity aware of this un-facable Dogtown, mortal word being HELL, and not diverting attention away from it. Y’all think that this would B heaven and believe that somehow a heaven is there so great created by an unfathomably terrific GOD, that it would permit everlasting awareness 2 not B a hell, and this is all a bunch of Archie’s Bunk!!!! These games, not GAS ME, real funny Brigger’s, bite me, aniwho, I have spent a couple of days and nights in deep meditation, and know a bit more detailed subject matter regarding these wuvewee difnong’s. As stated B4, U might, guys aniwho, think that the best and or greatest diversion would B sex. Sahwee 2 disappoint U, it is not as lasting. sex that is, through endless instant by instant existence and also it does not provide, all though as pleasurable as we all know that it is, the true staying power of the necessary diversion creation, and only powerful games that involve struggles, competition, sporting type events and the louder and bloodier the better, and along these lines, will ever accomplish this goal. Let’s face it, if UR in pain 2 a small degree, U may want 2 go out and enter a buying spree or have sex or whatever 2 attempt creating a successful diversion from your personal pain, B it physical or mental/emotional, etcetera, unless the pain is 2 great 4U2B diverted successfully away from it with the course that U chose 2 use in making your attempt 2 do so. Now, many games R going on, such as the UFO/Flying Saucer one, or scaring the human race in other ways, using sickness or death or losing loved ones, and the list is endless. The bible uses a different terminology than I do, but the original Star trek show episode explains it best where Kirk/Shatner tells how an advanced group of entities could indeed fool a backward culture into believing that they R God/s. The bible must use words from the times and millenniums that it was written in, how can any intelligent being dispute that simple reality? Some games played by the Lambrigg Cult of the Astral Plane or the LACAP as they also as known as by less than 800 out of the 6 and a half billion Earthers presently. They pronounce this word LAY-CAP and some games R played with mass groups such as those researching the Ufology phenomenon, while also they conduct many individualized and very personal games, one on one, such as my particular hell, now written about on 5 blogs at the site and also on my website at This is not new, I knew this throughout the entire 21st century. My curve of ‘enlightenment’ so 2 speak, was perhaps 5 degrees per year from 1970, as at 15 and a half in the summertime of this year, I knew something big time was wrong, And tried 2 tell big ‘mentor’ brother from the Big brother’s Organization, John Henningson, that indeed something was messing with me, and he laughed, and then days later was leaving 4 Colorado where he hailed from, totally out of the blue-yellow, tile-tapper. Everyone gets more enlightened about their life and purpose, everyone, even your house cat. People in average I would estimate 2B moving at just a bit less than my rate, since my game initiated by the Millionth Council with me is obviously a more advanced and powerful version of ’game’ than what is normally used on a single individual. I’d venture 2 guess that more power is used on me than is used on the entire United States and Global Air Force systems. Relativity is not 4 geniuses and Einstein’s and all of the MC’s, it is 4 any thinkers. If I survive 4 whatever reason 1000 times more of their crazy hell than the collective-average of humanity does, then my ratio to theirs in enlightenment is also about 1000:1, dig? Get it? Gaveesh Tony and family? Speaking of family, TAWF, a made another PBHE ‘screw-up’ and called That-Astral-World-Family of Astral-realm Briggbase garbage citizens, TAWT, sahwee. 2/rds of the great Millionth Council would never think about conducting these miserable interactions with the MWP, but the Briggers will never quit, NEVER, {mortal-world-population}. The Briggbase is a gigantic area that resembles a mortal world military base, and it is loaded with tell strange towers resembling our world’s water towers, and Brigantine, New Jersey, if U notice is loaded with them. Even though the Briggbase is gargantuan and stretches in all 3 directions for nearly a total quintillion cubic astral miles [interactions that R agreed upon by groupings of astral entities] as neither space nor time R real things in and of themselves as they R on physical plane mortal waking worlds of conscious existence. Brigantine on the waking world existence is a tiny dot, but what there is of it isa a true miniature in appearance, at least in 2 dimensions. Waking Worlders find my discussion of the nest/woust directions just 2 foreign 2 conceive of, but it is nonetheless a true fact. In fact if U move in your thoughts too slowly around any large city out there, U just seem 2 go around and around, as it takes a burst of speed down one of the “linelanes” as they R astrally referred 2, in order 2 move away from a populated area, as it is not an area in a true location, it is simply an agreed upon mutual interaction of astral entities. Provinces themselves seem 2 loop around without applying even more speed 2 move away. Then the brain breaker is that no matter how quickly U will yourself 2 move around, U endlessly will orbit around the entire astral plane on all three dimensions, north/south, east/west, nest/woust, all 3 ofem. The only way on and off this plane of existence is to dream-down and suddenly UR a little tike here on this mortal waking world, or fall-back, and this places U simply where U always R and will B, void infinity, EWI. Never ever confuse nirvana with Existence-Without-Interaction. Nirvana Theory or NT is like its abbreviation letters sort of suggest, NOT possible. It has been pondered that non-existors wishing 2 exist would blindly and willingly desire 2 trade places with existors, and then existors would B at Nirvana. The trouble is that no entity throughout existence has of yet figured out how 2 reach and thereby communicate with a non-existor. It works in theory like Einstein’s relativity. Now how can we accomplish this? So far, we cannot, and hence, evil Briggers choose 2 play vicious games with the very counterparts of their own self, us, and then watch this horrendous-video so 2 speak, and laugh. It does take your mind off non-oblivion, it really does, I know, from the other side. This is just an opening 2 this topic, I never forger, and I will move further along in greater detail at a ‘future-time’. My blogs R all printed out and studied so that missed things and new connections to old things can B figured out and later re-posted, plus new add-on material. When I read back the blog starting just with this calendar year of oh-eight, it is indeed mind boggling. Go ahead and do it, and then U will C in a mighty way, that judging me a fantasizer 2 quickly with delusions of grandeur is a mistake. Mister Smith back in the autumn of 1970 at the special education school that the All Mighty infiltrated a short while, and doing a Jebez Hawks and going from 2 to 22 years old real quickly and without a special room in an antique shop up in northeastern USA, said it all 2 me one afternoon upon my returning from a very strange place just a mile or so to my north from the center of the world famous Haddonfield, New Jersey, USAESMWG. The school sent me there, it was sort of another school, only then I was totally ignorant to facts such as Briggbase or astral world resident infiltrators, and thought it was the coolest joint I ever went 2. It was part of the great TECK BAY MYSTERY SCHOOL, and was located in between or sort of as three dimensions R involved astrally; from the great Teck Bay and the Briggbase. The song is always endlessly looping/playing blaring out over the Teck Bay that attempts 2 appease the wrath of the mightiest loveliest teenager in the multiverse, the great All-Mighty SSJKK, just click up to the website and if your windows media player is on, U will hear this song, it has been copyrighted in my name here on the mortal world, co-written by me, Carlajayja, and the great SSJKK, who plays her loot and enzemeter, astral realm musical instruments, and natch, I don’t have as mortal world copy of stuff like that, B real/e Tom. Again, just go up 2 this site and it pops right on, just as it always bares out over the Teck Bay, ‘out there’.

Now most of U know about the Privecode machine, Earthly invented by a corporation known in 1983 as the IMM or the International Mobile Machines INC. This was first, as all things must by the very nature of true reality, B, invented by astral world forces on the Briggbase and then they dream-downed the device and its creation and the corporation, and brought it onto the mortal world-MW. Everything has a PRIVECODE, as well as a Privecode number, and whether the human inventors know this powerfully guarded secret or not, I am not privy to that at present minper. I do know that the secret is coming out, right now. Numerologists know about how 2 arrive at an ‘up-number‘, and this is the key 2 a powerful and very extremely dangerous knowledge and potential technology, forbidden in its use against humanity within 12 decades. There R nine up-numbers, one through 9, in the base ten Earthly system mostly used by non machine intelligence-entities, here on this waking MW. I will tell just bare-bone details 4 tonight. My name when it is not Mountainpen is Mark Wayne Mohr. Only the Christian or the first name and the sir or the last name is used to begin in arriving at the secret [private-code-number]. So my middle name of Wayne is ignored. First we count the amount of letters in the Christian/Sir name or the CSN. 4 a female, use again first and last names and only the non-married or maiden name that U were born with. B4 going on, I told my landlady just a fraction of what I will B letting out 2-night and shortly thereafter, she turned on me and hated me without a reason and without a cause. Read on Mick-Beth-Shakespeare, with caution, using what I say is all at your own risk and decision. If under 18, ya’ better call mom or dad in 4 this one, your life could B changed 4 ever. This is an official warning, take it as 1 pweeeeeze: Now there R9 of these up numbers, and they exist as a result of taking any number higher than nine, and adding it or adding up all of the digits in the entire number until UR left with either a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or a 9. An example or 2 would B say the number 1969, my favorite number, representing my greatest year of life in present dream-down from my truer astral reality. The up-number of 1969 is 1+9+6+9 which a 5 year old should know in his/her head, is the LSD#, not that they should know that, but aniwho, it is 25, the DEEDEE, the great HAWK. She has been following me and watching over me this year 10 times more than in prior years, but let us not get 2 diverted, nirvana is never obtain-able or total [oblivion], and we know it. So back on mister A. Bunker’s great pernt if we may: The up# for 22 is 4, that was Staples store easy, how about the number 6 million? Well, written out, that is 6,000,000 and adding zeros up with the six, makes six million’s up number, a six, (6). How about 999,999,999 or just one less than a mighty billion? Well, just cancel out nine’s as they will do it by themselves should U wish 2 attempt 2 disprove me and add them all up. But what is 9, nine times, should U insist? Well it is 81, 9X9=81, and 8+1=9. Just get rid of any nines and if UR left with one of them, then 9 is the up-number, I do not care if the number is 386 nines long, its up# is a 9. Ok, so we hung in here this long, let us proceed onto the 2nd of 3 parts of arriving at a PCN or a PRIVATE-CODE-NUMBER. A is the first letter in the English alphabet. Z is the 26th letter. All 26 letters have a numerological order, C is the 3rd, M is the 13th , and so forth. Again using names for right now, always first and last only, my name when it is not in pseudonym of Mountainpen is Mark Mohr. First, count the total letters and get its up number, in my case of having 9 or less for a total, it is a simple 8. If your name is Rebecca Jonesman, counting the letters-total, we get Christian-7/sir-8 and adding them or 7+8=15. Now 15 means 1+5 and this is a 6-up-number. Now we will do Mark Mohr as I am a bit 2 lazy right now 2 work on a fictional phase 4 character that chose 2 just now come through to me as she obviously could not make a successful dream-down into phase-3 reality off of the astral world. I have long ago memorized my own name-information, so here we go. M is letter 13. A is letter 1. R is letter18. K is letter11. That is my Christian name. My sir name now goes like this: M is letter 13. O is letter 15. H is letter 8. R is letter 18. My Christian/first name is alphabet total number 43, and my Sir/last name is alphabet total number 54. So adding 43+54, we get a total of 97. Now, take the nine and put it in Copperfield Houdini’s hat, and we get the up number of 7, once the abra-kadabra nine is made 2 disappear. Now we have two parts of this equation done. First we arrived at an 8 by totaling up the name-number, or amount of letters in the first/last names. Second, we arrived at 7 with the alphabetical numeration computation. Now U always subtract the smaller number from the larger number, and should they B the same, the number would B a zero, and we will get back to that, but 4 right now, in this example, 8-7=1. Now to arrive at the PCN , not the bank, I said PCN, or PRIVATE-CODE-NUMBER, U simply take the 8, the 7, and the 1, and put these three digits together, and my PCN is 871. What is yours? Always use this order, the amount of letters of your name’s up#, the order in alphanumeric total up#, and then the calculated difference between them is always your third and final of the 3 digit PCN. So 4 a quick second example, if your born name is Sam Son, U add and get a 6, then 33-Christian plus 48-Sir, would equal 81, and this totals up to single digit or up-#9. Then 6 subtracted from 9 is 3, so in order, the PCN for Sam Son is 693, hay there Mister Calliendo, let’s just slow down there, the roads R dangerous enough, Frank. Now how do PCN’s relate to each other U may now B wondering? Every date, every word, every person, every place, everything in your Earthly proximity that converts to English alphabetized systems can B computer plotted 4 compatibility and non compatibility, based on PCN’s. A simpler and quicker up number system 4 seeing at a glance or almost, whether it B a romance, or a business relationship, or anything connecting potential persons 4 any purposes, has mathematical compatibility based on birth names which is Y we all R here dreaming and is the all of everything, the name is everything, but U must understand this 2 make it properly operate, U simply take the Christian/Sir names and get their total alpha-number which is your true birth-name-number such as mine totals up 2 a 97, and then take any other name and this is what I showed my land lady who never was the same with me afterwards. Both U and the other name 2B in a compatibility must B within a 10% numeric range one 2 another. With me, a person would need a numeric name within a 9.7 tolerance of 97, or 10%, or calculated to a rounded up 10 from 9.7, thus adding as well as subtracting 10 from 97 makes my ranging name number or RNN 87-107. Now the other RNN must include your RNN in their RNN, it must work both ways. If for example I am looking 2 go into business with someone with a numeric-name of say 109, their range or RNN is 10% of 109 or rounded off 11, hence 11 added to and subtracted from 109 produces their RNN of 98-120, or compatible. If it is mutually compatible, the odds R greater 4 the persons 2 interact better in whatever the venture is between them, concentrically, the odds R against things working better if both ranges do not inter-loop with each other, or encircle. U might not B2 quick 2 argue this powerful stuff, when I now tell U that Ronald Reagan who started this nightmare 4 me, works out 2 a precise 110, and so does the word, ASTERISK. Slso at the risk of U not believing me, I learned shortly after being evicted in 1969 from the garden apartment system that my mom and I were living at this time, and moved into the Oaklyn apartment 2 miles or so away, from a teacher at the Haddon Township High School that they had fairly recently thrown me out of as well, both done by the evil wicked Brigger Cultists, who just now gave me a black out, but thanks to my battery backup, I am OK, aniwho, at ten past midnight on this Friday the 20th of June of Blow-Kate, but obviously they do not want U2 know that the huge muscle dude that chased Brad Messenger and myself that night in spring-1969, was married 2 a lady who said and I freaking quote her,” Hun-leave those 2 boys alone, they didn’t take it, it’s in the baby carriage”, and I learned from a teacher named Simon, that her name was Aste or this was her known PTA nickname at the HTHS school. Add Aste and risk, and art the risk of black out number 2, we arrive at the mighty #110 word ASTERISK, the risk would B great that I would not B here and alive today with her lunatic hubby practically annihilating Brad and me until she told him 2 lay the truck off of us. Yes, the Briggers to this very current minper R looking out 4 your hubby there astral communicator slut Nancy, leave my trucking electricity alone witch-bitch, or a huge twister, volcano, hurricane, and earthquake will strike later today, U have my trucking word on it ya turd. Yeah, asterisk, Trinidad-trinity-three intersecting lines arcing at 120 degrees, and the railroad red roulette man, and our 40th president, mister Ronald Reagan, oh sure, I am a crazy madman sitting here making all of this wild crap up in the middle of the night when I could b enjoying whipping off 2 a good naughty videotape,, think about it 4 a minper rapies and germ blows. 110 is the number of Ronald Reagan and asterisk, the huge beautiful chem trail in the skies, the mighty asterisk chem trail of December, 1969.

Mayor Levy came 2C me in Ricktown Manor last night and was laughing so hard, totally busting up, telling me I am making way 2 much out of all of this. He says my queen loves me a lot, and sent Diana Arteemis around me twice over the past few days, if she did not care, she would not have done this. I told him he is right. He slapped my on the back and said not to sweat the bull so much, and then told me in his human form he is in far worse shape than I am, and Sarah Callio had nothing 2 do with it, and recently was beaten up by a very strong girl in a bar parking lot 4 mouthing off at her in the bar. He said he knows that I have a good friend in Ann and that he is aware that her daughter is living there on the grounds where he is in Secaucus, NJUSAESMWG. I went on 2 tell him his roulette system crashed a month or so back and he roared and told me I was doing it wrong. There R3 levels I can bet on, the beginner, intermediate, or the advanced. This translate in betting amounts at the casino to either 5/25/100/300, or 10/50/200/600, or 15/75/300/900. Just move up and down the black/red, even/odd, and low/high game parameters, playing OLOBOLOB or ODD-LOW-ODD-BLACK-ODD-LOW-ODD-BLACK, etcetera, but wait for two losses 2 show up in the notes and then make the 4 bets until winning or losing the four, and splitting the greens on the higher 2 bets. Do not keep track of one OLOBOLOB pattern, but watch all over the board and usually there is a 2-loss pattern showing up, and I can sit down and play, and keep separate money-chip-piles in front of me at the roulette tabler instead of in different pockets and standing up squeezing in between players. Just on the Beginner level tonight I played a short while and made 400 bucks, and yesterday I played a few games when I awoke from this interaction, and made another 625 clams. Y the ex-mayor is doing me this favor, I do not know, especially after Rick and Jim and McGuire and all their buddies wrecked Sally Starr’s reputation after she called the Mayor’s office in Atlantic City in the summer of 1998, 2 complain that his lifeguard mascot went into my pants pocket on the beach and robbed me.

Diana, I love U so godsdamn much my endless love, your lightning was so very beautiful, bright purple, my very favorite color, and many other lovely exquisite colors and beautiful fractal designs. I will take U2 a beautiful waterfall in either your great forests directly out beyond Olympia Proper, or in one of so many huge forests within the virtually unlimited borders of Ricktown. Thank U so much 4 loving me and living with me in the great Ricktown Manor. Now it is so clear, YI was so glued to that silly serial TV show as a boy, how much things make total sense when U get enlightened. Such as knowing the truth of how symbolism is so powerful and real and how all things are indeed energetically connected from within the quantum foams. A quick additional example would B the numbers that total up alphanumerically from the words JULY and TWELVE. U arrive at a 68 for JULY and an 87 for TWELVE. Add them and U get the #155. Now from July 12, 1970, add the months, go ahead, just add 155 months or 12 years and 11 months, and it is JUNE of 1983, when the LAMBRIGG CULT CHOKED ME TO MY DEATH, so let us discuss death and LAZAR RETRACE. U can Carry me 2 hell 2 night if U want, but I am telling. Zooming in on any living person, dead now but alive in a past world, can B done with powerful satellites, and distance delay fielding technologies not that far off in the future, B4 Star Trek time 2B honest about it. After the image is transfixed, it is literally turned into light, not broken down into particles as the Star-Trekker’s hope mankind may someday B able 2 do, the military has almost reach the 2nd of 4 phases of the technology that enables us 2 accomplish this feat. Then the image is reverse transfixed or RTF’ed and the person retraced remembers perfectly all of their entire life and memories right up 2 the point of the re-trace. The Christian scriptures indeed do mention this, but not in so many words, man made up the word rapture, it is not totally biblical, the retrace technology was known about back in King David’s time,. 4 now I simply choose 2 say no more. I could tell U so much about Deptford, New Jersey and the mighty Haddonwood, but now it has become obvious that the All Mighty chose my going there 4 a powerful reason that is known only 2 her, it is her business, not mine. She can do anything. I have seen her pick up an ocean liner and fly it over the great river at the great city of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, her great city of white and purple along with millions of shades and colors far beyond mortal man’s deepest wildest imagination. I knew the Mayor of Deptford, New Jersey and worked with this boiler man in Camden, NJ, back in the early 1980’s. There R powerful reasons Y this property has lied there barren and dormant since just a year past Judah Zachary’s 1995 Dark shadows, it is beyond paranormal and esoteric, it is beyond thought, only my great queen SSJKK knows all about this, and humanly, I hope she forgives my outburst the other night, as I am so very sorry. I promise not to talk about lazar trace anymore my great liner-flyer. I was not flirting with any of your friends and Viqueens on the dock, I love only U, and always will.

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND WORLD LABS, COPYRIGHT 2008 MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN. This is all voluntarily sworn truth and this is a legal document, sworn under pains and penalties of full perjury charges.


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