Wednesday, July 9, 2008


The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version
Datfile 071008.029.94 on early Thursday morning
Beginning Transmission:

Well the title seems interesting but just who really is this character, Jim Burr? Who isn’t he? He may B a hypocrite and a liar and extremely judgmental and the epitome of a put-downner, but he said some things 2 me in 1975 and 1976 that cannot B disputed no matter how ‘enlightened’ I feel I am, or what I believe I have become in sort of an over evolved aware being, all of this and more not withstanding, he told me that things will endlessly “continue”, and they have for a third of a century, just as this demigod said. I can C myself on the telephone at the then Carriage Lamp Apartments, as though I was on colony-22 looking in on my room, and me through the ICCS, while speaking to this jerk off on the phone, and hearing him also telling me that the feds if they R listening 2 us would just think that one crazy person is talking to another crazy person. B4 going on, I kept my promise to the queen and went onto her site, now maybe she will allow me some peaceful sleep for the rest of 08. I must confess that this silly new toy and all of the controllers over it all, make me laugh sort of almost as though I was watching curly getting a pop on the head from Mo and hearing that hollow echo SFX. I keep my promises, I am not a truce breaker, SSJKK. Now I ask a large favor of U. Just B safe and happy and enjoy your life here, that is all I ever wanted in the 60’s and 40 years later. The Briggers R out of control, I can do no more and Morianity project is soon about 2 permanently wrap up. I am flesh and blood and have way 2 many weaknesses and limitations 2 keep fighting entities that could literally hurl this world out of the galaxy in a split second. I am on bending knee, and all though I am an only child, am yelling out UNCLE, and not the MAN-FROM!!!!!! I could care less about my dad’s stupid treasure galleons, Gawky’s lottery numbers, or the stupid Dow Jones, Phillies, and Flyers, it is finished great UNCLE. All that now is on my mind is leaving here 4 the tropical islands and changing my mode of living. Jim said it will continue as long as I remain in this triangle field of Brigger energy, between point A on State Street- Donna, point B at Coolie Hall-Jacobson, and point C at the great all mighty Sarah Bolivar Karge Hotel on Ten Avenue in America’s great playground at the sea. The power running it is in the hands of a teenager who thinks knocking blobs around in an arcade is funny, and has the entire world believing in her endless silly games. What I cannot understand is the INVISIBLE PLANE SYNDROME. What is this IPS, well, it ain’t an internet service provider, 4 starters rapies and germiblows? It explains how I can B almost 300 pounds and walk into a Kinko Copier store in Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG back in 1997 and B as invisible as a ghost. I am talking ignored and even bumped into, come on, 290 pounds 4 crissake, that is just not an invisible object. It also does not explain a 3000 pound automobile at a local Sunoco gasoline station back around the early autumn or so of oh-seven, and sit there while every car coming in after me is getting service and I am ignored like the bubonic plague. These 2 examples R2 examples, and I could write hundreds ,more just like these. How can I go into major siege modes and all persons around me that the siege is not targeted 4, just totally B oblivious to what is driving me nuts as excrement? How can only 5 presidents in this country go on being OK without a Lincoln Curse getting one of them? How can news of major disasters B kept from a planet of billions of inhabitants in a technological age of internet? How can lightning strike and pass through something like nothing ever happened? Electricians know the crap they were taught at the Paul Simon Chrodochrome High school, but that explains piss in my humble whittle opinion. In any event, I hate the guts of Jim burr, yet tonight I must confess to something bigger, at least 2 me, than if I was confessing 2 being a serial killer and offering the cops a map 2 a place in the pines where I buried 30 people over the past 25 years, and this confession is that I know right now, tonight, and in the exact emphasis that only vampire Barnabas could say it, TONIGHT, I know U were right about Satan destroying me since I was a little kid, and all of this other stuff is a magnification of this simple truth that he hates my family and the one carrying the humanity-curse in particular. I won’t lie and say that these were Jim Burr’s precise word by word sentiment on the issue, but the paraphrasing and majority of truth stand sufficient for me for the moment. All of this hell began in increment stages, always involving a pattern of behavior on my part and that on the part of general humanity around me and more distant from me, and if examined scientifically, proves beyond a doubt that Jim was smarter than all the freaking Einstein’s of the world could ever hope 2B. Remember that Satan has no shame, nor do his workers of iniquity. My mind cannot fathom in a mega year how such evil can B real, but I do know that it is, and tried 2 prove this reality to the churches of the world back in the 1970’s, 4 all the good it ever did me, they were all 2 gutless and Godless 2 listen and believe my undisputable evidences. Shortly B4 the storm blew through Hammonton around 6 of the clock post meridian yesterday evening, I was taking my late afternoon constitutional/meditation/light sleep-nap, and found myself in a very major vivid experience or interaction or dream or whatever any of U wish 2C this as, matters nothing 2 me. I was at the Traymore Hotel and it was night time, all lit up and yet extreme darkness was outside, none of the normal street lighting systems appeared 2B operational on the Atlantic City streets. A huge party was ongoing, loud music was playing, and none other than Queen Mariah was there, but not as a performer, just enjoying herself at the large dance club that was in the hotel on one of the lower levels, and in the waking world, it was totally different and on the opposite side of the street, and no large dance club was in there either. She and some siblings were all telling me 2 come join the party, and a large truck outside was saying with a huge advertisement that it was August of 2017, and this party was some kind of promotion of the city, and ex-Mayor Levy was there in a bright red shirt smirking at me. Then Mariah said 2 him, we sure pushed his buttons around didn’t we, and they both broke up laughing and thy slapping. I remember trying 2 walk out and away but no matter how hard I tried 2 walk and even run, I was pulled back as though they has a Star Trek tractor beam on me. The music got louder and the lights brighter, and then Levy started with the FIREDOG stuff and said he wasn’t aiming 4 my shoes. My jersey collar was covered with his nasty puke all over it. Then Diana’s brother appeared and said to me, “U want the word, go 2 the word”, and repeated it over and over, and then all 3 of them broke out laughing. I avoided keeping my promise about the disc until almost midnight. I was not at all happy after that nasty interaction, and it was Diana that awakened me out of it with a loud thunder clap, and when I awakened in a jolt, I opened the door 2 my residence, and the sky was bright orange like an orange in the supermarket, and a giant humongous rainbow was all over the place, but rapidly dissipating. It is going 2 take me the rest of the year now between this experience and the stair-tag-game B4I want 2 even try reckoning with all of this nightmarish shitola. And I think that my destiny is now the tropical islands far from where this out of control teenager can get at me, yes President Hopeful, ‘there is no fury like an angry teen aged girl’, now try adding one that has unlimited power and rules the empire, Jeese-Louise surfer Fonty, what would U have me do? I thought things were scary when MC ‘guire’ stuck his ugly bully head in my car at Eddie Himacane about 21 months ago on TENnessee Avenue, this is all paling next 2 this. Thank U for waking me out of this horrible interaction Diana, I’m scared 2 go 2 trucking bed, I know she’ll mess with me. Yeah I want the word, but not down in that city of Dogtown, Ocean’s Sodom, and no, spell checker rewrote the word a few blogs back, sexist, I meant 4 the word 2B NONEXISTOR!!!!!!!!!!! Leave me alone Billy Gates or we can always take that trip again, old pal. All I want is total non existence, endless eternal peace and fucking rest, this is all I want. Y will U deny me this when I wish only the very best 4 U and yours?????????? U want 2 hear about the 70’s OK fine, the 70’s it is there as we ride on the City of Guthrie’s New Orleans with my old girlfriend Katrina. Remember how U told me U knew about Watergate B4 it happened? Well, I had a tape recorder in my pocket, and the even though the U now was 2 years old, the sine waves R dead on with my oscilloscopic match, this could not B explained away nor faked. Remember when U also told Steve and another dude the same day that U live somewhere where people never marry? Glad that U live here and can enjoy your life better here, give my best 2 hubby-2, but please, all I want is your happiness, and let me quit this project. I am just telling U that I never lost this tape and not 2 confuse it with the one that wouldn’t come out when big blond Claire was asking me out that other day in Mackey’s classroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This as the entire world knows is all on prior books of blogs on Now the blue underline is gone again, easy come easy go, I know UR doing this powerful queen, remember, I have this cassette, and not in here. I know the fire next to the prope place was a warning to me from enemies, but I am not dumb enough 2 keep important stuff in here, gimme a break!!!!!!!!!! All I want is your permission and blessing to quit your project, please, don’t B Lennie MC-’kinnon’ #2. As another Jones said 2 Donna-Delilah, I really just cannot take any more!!!!!!!!

SWIS AND GOOGLE AND WORLD LABS OF 2300, this is copyrighted in the name of Michael Wayne Mountainpen.

End Transmission.

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