Wednesday, August 27, 2008

short blog #15


Hi Gina, what RU up 2U arm breaking beauty queen? U used 2 say “TOLD-U” so I need 2 return the favor, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, just as I predicted. 2 days of siege, and the Phillies fall down another place in their division, JUST AS I PREDICTED.

Tonight’s chopper attack sealed up their crooked fucking victory. Welcome back 2 first place, Mariah’s Mets.

None of this would bother me if I was not being totally fucking persecuted straight to my hellish grave 4 over 22 years now just so this scum bag Millionth-Council can endlessly play their filth bag game with me and wreck my life, spinning it into an eternal fucking nightmare.

Someday, if this ever gets proven, do not think I will not expose to the world, the hypocrisy of this so called nation, freedom fighters, the world’s great policemen that R so veheminantly against crimes against humanity and if what these same dirt holes r doing 2 me is not just that, something that the SPCA would not permit 2B done 2 a fucking animal, yet is OK 2 do 2 me as it endlessly betters the wealthy bastard world and their economy and cheated Wall Street, I will show up this evil empire for exactly whop and what they all R, greedy criminal Reagan worshipping pig slobs. I watched this world change and fall into a shit hole literally, going from a we generation of the sixties 2 the ME generation of the eighties, and worsening with the passage of every stinking single year. Some one on this planet someday WILL freaking vindicate me and my situation, take this as a PROMISE.

U wicked fucking slobs will all burn up in the fires of Dogtown forever. Soon, we will get deeper into shit than I ever thought I’d dare ever go online. It will get me wiped out tidal wave proportions, but I do not care, play that continuing fucking drum, ya’ bum, wipe out, fine, but I will take as many of U pig swine with me as will B humanly possible, and do it all legally. I do not want 2 end up across from Hers Potato Chips but then, I’m simply 2 old 2B there, and it is not 4 REAL-GOOD-GIRLS, it is 4 the Paula King bullies, and all the elevator rapers of the pwanet Mister Fwudd.

Yes I will feel as though I am moving into the ninth dimension next Monday, this is going 2B the wildest roller coaster ride of my eternal existence. Let me quickly tell U Gina and any others, Karen 2 hopefully as I just recently left U another dying-deck on your voicemail, keep it if I do not make it into the North Dakotas Monday, and then again if 30 days goes by and feels like 2 minutes, I guess they will have awakened me right on schedule with that great song. Karen, it is beyond wild. Crows and hawks and ravens R all over this place, and wind always blows there. When U close all the windows, the house gets 15 degrees hotter within minutes, but open them and doors R slamming unless they R held with jams, not jelly, that would B 2 soft, but it is so beautiful, it is just a precise duplication of the place Queen Mariah took me 2 and talked about shellfish. I have things I need 2 tell U, please meet me there MC, I am leaving the Mortal World-(MW) shortly, and when this posts up to Blogger, your unconsciousness will instantly read this message. I am happy 4 your Mets, MC, and what I want does not matter. What I need 2 know is whether or not UR punishing me 4 what my banker snoot family in LI did 2 my queen. Please do not hate me 4 their bads. I hate these people so bad, words fail me at light X light.

A super bad thing will happen very soon, the world will know that a price must B paid 4 persecuting me 2 this extent and degree, B braced lads and lassies.

End Transmission.

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