Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Date and Time file, 081208.685
Starting of transmission:

Well, I got to the bottom of some of the silly computer nonsense, and am now able 2 join the club of the great Mariah anytime I wish. I will let her lead the way as when she appears 2 me astrally, and so instructs me 2 do it, I will. Just want U2 know that I can do it now.

Speaking of now, it is now the right time 2 tell about some of the things that happened in 1986 that led 2 much of my agonies. I told U all on prior blogs how my dirt ball landlord that owned the cherry Hill property that I was renting while playing roulette professionally at the time in Atlantic City 3 or 4 days a week in my spare time. I may have also come clean and told the full truth on a blog back much earlier and nearer 2 the beginning of my 5-blog total present project, about my not just falling asleep on the night B4I was 2 wake up in this entirely new universe/dimension/whatever Congressman, and never 2 find my way back 2 where I obviously am still trying 2 awaken from even now as I speak and type, back in the ‘other’ bed of the ‘other’ world in the ‘other’ Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG home. By my frame of reference I will never get back there and B able 2 wake up, all though I do eventually wake up there and when I do, I guess this nightmare here with me now just vanishes like a poof out in the night. I know that whoever is behind these stupid Muzak attacks on me, controls the holograms so 2 speak, and the illusion of man and his interactiveness with the space and time around him while in mortality. Every time I pass out my tracts that say 2 go these 2 sites, www.morianity-foundation.com/ and www.http://drunkenhive.blogspot.com/ B4I even walk into a store where I in fact proceed 2 do my so called, “shop-leaving” as opposed 2 ‘lifting’, a term invented by the late great David Charles Roth, they always know, and greet me with a huge slam bang Muzak greeting right at the door. Anyway, I threw the I-Ching wands in both the Cherry Hill as well as Somerdale home, and both times, let me tell U, it brought me nothing but heavy super major hyper time grief and trouble, the epitome of pain. The reason that the stock market is gaining out the ass has nothing to do with a reduction in oil prices as U hear with all of their propaganda bull crap. If this was true, Y did it shoot up most of the period where oil was shooting up then, ever thinking of asking the so-called market experts/analysts that one anybody?????? No, they never can B stopped, nor can any of my beyond reproachable stupendous evidence clearing me of being delusional and a madman, ever B permitted 2 make its way into the real life wake a day court rooms, as if this or any UFO mysteries, the real few non hoaxed ones that is, if any of this was allowed ever 2 surface 4 the entire world population, the 99% ordinaries amongst the families or TAWF and their several thousand super close power hirelings, I call them in this abbreviation, SCPH, the best “KEPT” servants of TAWF or THAT -astral-world-family, the abductors of my present body on one early July night back in the great ‘70 year when my bloody washcloth lungs were squeezed and red bright blood oozed out while I lay there helplessly coughing and dying at the hands of these Lambrigg Cult scum, and total Earthly counterpart rulers of the physical plane or mortal world domain, the embodiment so 2 speak of the great AWA, the great MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. I have spoken about personal infinite interaction with these ‘circuit-entities’ now online 4 years, yet they have made me vanish and disappear into the hat of Mister Copperfield and Houdini. On my prior blogging texts, I said Colleyhall, I meant Senator, and at that point in time and not this one, Cooleyhall, SAHWEE there WABBIT!!!!!!!!!! I was being a bit facetious and apologize, it really is the Cooley Hall, there senator. When U have a bunch of evil powerful turds knock U around 4 bazillions of eons, and go 2 tell your story, and they further shit all over U by letting others have their say on lone while my stuff has been more or less carefully hidden and removed, it kind of does a Mayor Philly Nutter 2 me if u know what I mean there lassies and lads!!!!!!

What I have not had the time 2 tell y’all about was what happened 2 me back on Sunday morning. 9 hours or so B4 Diana Zudlocrenessia Arteemis came around 4 the entire day and evening, U would say “lightning”, I was in my car at work and dropped out of this worldly consciousness 4 a few quick minutes, and boom, I had a major fucking astral projection. Again, this is a silly way of putting things, we all R on the Astral Plane, and R dreaming down into this silly dream or phase three of true reality, one being the void infinity, 2 being the Astral World, and 3 being the hard body material world, Eckankar calls this the physical-Plane. In any event, there I was suddenly awakening back into this existence sitting upright in my car but frozen and sort of in a flux as though I was a runner about to take off at the sound of the mark as the coach blows a whistle, and UR not quite still, but in flux by an inch or so. I willed myself to go to B with Stacey as I needed 2 ask her something anyway. I went through the windshield without breaking the glass as my astral matter is way to light and interfluxed with current hard atomic reality in this world 2 have the slightest effect. With great speed I passed the moon and shot into intergalactic space and watched the stars begin 2 alter from their normal view that I am used 2 seeing from the Earth. A major computer fuck up just hit, the MC is a major fucking pain in my fucking ass. I was lucky 2 get my document back, as I tried several things until one of them I guess, just happened 2B the right thing 2 do in order 2 retrieve the bastard from LA LA-SCYLLA LAND!!!!!!!!! Well, whether people have any brains or whether she gets as big a kick out of singing 2 crowds of people here today as she does out in her great city at Monolazarium Square, I have absolutely no way of knowing, but back 2 what happened to freaking me on Sunday night at work. No longer do I have a guard house, and by being in an automobile, and this is a major secret I now tell y’all, things can happen 2 sensitive people that fall asleep in these things. Normally, UR in a motion within basically 3 dimensional world along with time added as the fourth. Your car is in motion and when UR in this car and not in motion, this motion still exists in a pattern of wave continuality. It is sort of like in the example of I am going to throw a huge refrigerator out my 30th story window in a large city somewhere and as soon as it is out the window I shut the window and drapes and move on about my business and day with no more thought given to the event.; But the event even without my conscious attention focused upon it, continues existing in its own wave pattern continuation, as the gravity of our world pulls it down 2 the street, and the 4 people on the sidewalk below get killed when it strikes them. The car cannot continue on while U have it off and still yet while UR unconscious, astrally, U can quite easily perceive continuation motions that R not physically there and occurring. This can cause your astral body to move with the astral car, all matter has its astral counterpart atomically, not just a living thing. However, your cars continuation pattern is occurring in the ASTRAL PLSANE, and when I froze up as I was out of coincidence, I was able 2 will my awareness into my separated astral-material or in my lighter/starry body, and then with the thought of seeing Stacey, away I went, at speeds not recognizable by human conception. Then the great Stacey told me that she wants me remaining with my company until further notice, and then suddenly, I will find myself no longer with them, and she giggled, as she loves 2 do and would tell me no more. She told me that Briggers infiltrated the human world city that she loves in astral counterpart, and that the lifeguard and police force have secret high council Briggers that can walk in and out of time as easily as they breathe. They call me Sharky and have since the 90’s, 4 a reason that has 2 do with Camden, New Jersey, and she giggled again. I cannot get her 2 stay serious long ugh 4 a really straight answer, I know that she is indeed up 2 something huge, but it totally eludes me what it could B at this present point. She laughs when I asked if the Prosecutors Office there has anything 2 do with it, and stares at me with her huge chocolate brown eyes. Then she dangled her knee length long bright brown hair that would blind a human permanently in a second, right into my face, just the way I love her 2 do. She said that I am in her world and she rules and has great plans 4 me, but that I must stop using the Gawnum and discussing it so much on public sites. She also said that if I ever post anything about it or anything else like it on a message board on her club, she will personally come over and kick my ass, And I know she can do it, as frail and feminine and lovely as she appears, I know, all my life, it is always the incredible beauty queens that can slam me right down when we arm wrestle while the ordinary looking girls I at least can struggle with 4 a few seconds B4 they break my arm as well. No, I never would do anything that would make U angry with me great Sarah-Stacey, U should know that, ruler of the universe. End Tran:

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