Sunday, September 21, 2008

magic winds, slamming doors, and come-true-dreams


First off I will say simply this, when I left the death house in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, in the spring of the ‘98 year, I wrote a book called, “I Am Here and Surviving”. I could perhaps call these internet blogs the 21sty century equivalent to this sitch from a decade and 2 seasons ago.

Karen I called U and left a message as I do once per week minimum now that I am still here and alive. I had wonderful ideas about a blog share and website share club and everyone, what else is new, treated me like shit and ignored me. Please C what U can find out and Google and get back 2 me. There has 2B an all ready existing ‘something’, although I know that my idea was better and a real legitimate money maker. My mother worked part time long ago for Esquire Magazine, and I came 2 learn first hand from her, that advertising and this business in general is probably the largest or one of the top five 2B in, especially in an entrepreneur situation. The money would B a side benefit, the idea was the promotion of unknown persons blogs and websites. If a boring blog written by a celebrity is destined 2 get all the hits while an incredible blog such as mine, due 2 no name recognition on any significant scale, causes it 2 virtually get lost as a single star in the galaxy of internet chatter and gossip, some new thing needs B set up where many persons can judge 4 themselves, and learn where 2 go 2 find such non-ordinary chatters such as mine. There should B a rating scale. Not trying here 2 toot a horn, but please, what could Britney or Jessica, or any of them say that would stand up against the eternal importance of my family and its 2000 year old curse, and my infinite existence or my awareness anyway, of it?

Blackjack card counters will relate totally 2 what I now have 2 say here. If U marry a wild person with mood swings, and is extremely bi-polar 2 the point that even the quill and all other sike-meds have little significant value 4 normalizing and or stabilizing the patient’s condition, and let us now 4 sake of this example say that UR like I am, into charting things, and U learn that this difficult dangerous spouse has on average 3 seriously bad days out of each ten, only it balances out after 50 or 100, and is not that simple 2 count 3 out of a 10 day period, subtract good days and then know about how many more OK days R remaining B4 the next bout of 30% is due, but say that U eventually pretty much have it computed and can know when sort of a spell of good or bad times is just ahead. Now, U can know this as U have the problem, and have gone 2 great measures 2 calculate the formula so that U can indeed start recognizing expectable mood patterns and behaviors, and thus B braced 4 them as well as being extra ready 2 deal with the situation, right B4 it just snaps up into your face and catches U unprepared. Now compare yourself with say friends and family members of this difficult spouse of yours, that come to visit, B it occasionally or frequently. They walk into your home with no idea of anything except 4 the knowledge that indeed the person is difficult, and will upon occasion, snap and make everybody totally miserable, but there is no real way 2 know or predict the when’s. This ability is simply not available, hence, they simply take their chances, as they R playing so 2 speak a cosmic game here, within the grander scheme cosmic game that continuously surrounds and is integrally a part of all of us frail poor humans, as they choose 2 come over 4 a visit. But U on the other hand, R living in one long part of this cosmic game, and have the mathematics 2 it basically plotted out in a trustworthy statistical manner. This is what I was referring 2 regarding being able 2 cheat at gambling, by keeping track of all of the numbers say at roulette that ever come up 4U while UR at tables, and then reducing this 2 a formula where U indeed can with real ho0nest trusted reliability, B able 2 return 2 a following game and know which 4 or 5 or so numbers out of the 38 that will have a much higher than the 38:1 chance for each coming out, as this would B your real odds if U were not charting and playing ONE-LONG-RUN-PLAY-GAME. All of life is no different, it all works this way, and as Gawky says, is totally Y the Gawnum works and exists and is taught as a basic beginners course at the Teck-Bay Mystery School of the Province of Olympia on the Astral Plane.

Here is a little bit more about what mortals feel more comfortable with in wordage, the DREAM-CHANNEL. Maybe cable TV will get an idea here, many ideas get used and I do not really care, but I am not referring here 2 a television channel and having one dedicated to the research of dreams and dreaming, etcetera. What I am talking about is the way U remember what happens in non waking human world interactions that U use your PHYSICAL BODY in order 2 have, as opposed 2 your DREASM or starry or spiritual, or glorified, or phantom, or ghost, or ASTRAL body in order 2 have, Rose Shakespeare, UR wearing me out this moUrning!!!!!!! Ever since the inception of my ‘problem’ with ‘Otamm-MO’ in the middle nineteen eighties, should I have Major Astral Interactive Waking World Return Memories, I will shorten and abbreviate this 2 an abridged, [MAIWWRM], or we can more easily from now on refer to a pronunciation of a new Poor Richard-Russell word I will now create, called MAYWORM. I will B harping on mayworm so let us create this word now and then B done with it, but I will indeed from time 2 time remind people what MAYWORM is and means, not 2 worry, fret, sweat, or Congressman Greatvoice Whatever Andrews. Wow, tell me the Briggers and I do not have an astral world connection-BIG TIME, go ahead. Roseanne Cash sure knows it, she may not have understood it when she sang her 1981 song, but if she reads these Elmer-Bwogs, she sure does now. There is a very good explainable reason YI am so connected 2 the EW. Let us all go out and purchase a Hyundai, I mean really, DERR, DUHH!!!!!!!!! Back on the mayworm point, 4 now if permitted. So after my persecution nightmare started up upon returning from the 5 month interactive nightmare with Donna Summer in Harrah Sarah’s other Atlantic city, where do U think they got that idea, B real, come on? Aniwho, MC, MC, and all other non-MC’s, this was shortly after the August of 1986 nightmare, somehow heard on my power drained FBI, PK-TODD telephone by powerful Scott Ransom Disgruntled People, or [SRDP] as they will B future referenced 2 in another new abbrev, remember my hiding the bug in my car in the ‘88 year and the story where this Jersey licensed Real Estate broker told me the wild thing and not the sixties girl? So moving on MCANMC’s, this dream channel Billy Mahoney of the FLATLINERS MOVIE thing is very real, and they must have heard me and Dave Roth on the phone as we often discussed all of this and heard many an illegal click click tap tap. Since moving here, I lose dial tone and cannot make outgoing calls many times, as well as no one can make incoming calls 2 me nor leave any voicemail messages, and next week I am complaining 2 Verizon 4 the 3rd time, and if this problem does not get rectified, my letter will B off into the United states mail system 2 the PUC or Public Utilities Commission, I am very tired of 25 years or so of these continuous trucking utilities games, Gaines Callio Snotters.

When I went 2 JFK Airport in Queens New York, I felt a powerful force all around me a week ago Tuesday or 12 days back on 9/9/8. Today ends summer, thank the gods, and Goddess Scylla Jehovah Herself began my summer this year with a cosmic big bang, and wow has this been a lulu of a summer. Jesus Christ All Mighty. The power I felt was touched on blogs ago in earlier Morianity, and is called the Jessup Force. I feel it around Trenton and Princeton, and then anywhere near the borderline of Queens and LINY. A mentally challenged individual can CY. Wilson Jessup was talked about, and his family knew the great Carlos Allende or Carl Allen 4 short, and their relative was murdered by the Millionth Council. They put him in a mild trance with a hypnotic transmitter and told him 2 start up his car in his garage and lay in the seat and die, and he did, it is all in books only not explained as it is here, regarding the BERMUDA-TRIANGLE. I almost got raped by a giant employee that fell 4 me at the airport, she scared the hell out of me, but I will admit that she was a major beauty queen. I have no interest at all any more, my life is 2 serve the All Mighty, and then hopefully soon thereafter, 2B released from this awful prison that U all call life and love so dearly, 4 reasons that my mind is incapable of starting 2 fathom and conceive of. The drive in New York’s rush hour traffic was putrid and hell. I got through it, but when I got home, Mariah was with me all night long in my ‘dreams’, and I cannot blog details, she said if I do she will personally come over and kick my butt. She said this in the dreams, but so did Lottery-Cat say the winning number back in the autumn of the ‘80 year, and sure enough, the next day, out it came in a digit-box, just as Gawky said that it would, so I will shut up. Just this week, she also said that I would C her today. I woke up scared, and took Dawn Tuesday 2 Atlantic City, and on the way back she wanted 2 stop at the Pleasantville Rent-A-Center store, and no sooner were we in there, when the entire wall of large screen plasma televisions, filled the entire left side of the store room, with who else, while they all were tuned 2 some VH1 or MTV type of music channel, who else, as she said, “tomorrow U will C me, yes I sure did just as U said I would, beautiful Queen Mariah. I have a lot more 2 say. Motor Cycles and planes and noise is all over, not quite as bad as yesterday and Friday was bad but not as bad as Thursday. My blogging scares these murk coughs, and I have not even begun yet, not a small start, so just know that, and worry, ya damn slobs. You’ll all get yours, and it will B accomplished without my having 2 break any laws or ordinances.

End Transmission:

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