U KNOW THE REST, BLAH AND BLAH: 15 minutes after
Prior blog post
Hello Gina, my giant lovely queen, was I on the $$$$$$ this fuducking week or snot honey-cakes?
Dow Jones up every single day, Flyers won every single game, Dow cheated their way 2 a more than 1000 point GAINES, Donna A. Yeah, U sure helped these gaines in the market, with or without the E for Enemy or Energy, or Extra fuducking hell 4 the head Morian, me, Mountainscum.
So did I fuducking call it or snot every body? Dow up every day in 3 digits 4 a 4 digit weekly gain, Flyers won every game, and I all ready totally knew the one good event as I saw it happen, the Phillies winning the WS, actually, I did not C that, I saw the parade, not today, but 5 weeks ago, Pansy Faye. But I do not let that effect me, not at all Nancy Barrett.
T-O-L-D-----------U------------A-L-L, I put this week right smack dab on the $$$$ as I knew last Friday night with the hell they fucking gave me on my job, that it was finished, 2 quote a great famous ancestor of mine, whose curse I now must carry 2 my freaking ass death!!!!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
3 letters next week
OCK 31, 2K8 at 5:20 Post Meridian , BEGIN:
I posted up my last blog and went 2 use my telephone where the bill is always paid and current, and again, 4 about the 12th time or so since moving into this nightmare at 65 Middle, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL cunt lappers cut me off dead cold. No nothing as lightning would so perfectly word it in her human form, all chain reactions and chains and Russ Thaxton’s midnight action not withstanding. This will B the rough outline letter going next Monday moUrning 2 the following 3 places, VERIZON, Board of Public Utilities, and Federal communications Commission:
CC each 2 the other 2. Names and addresses and all the etiquettes, etceteras, the date which/witch, man, will b the 3rd day of Go-Ember, of blow Kate, and the dear sirs and all the other bull shit, then it will read along these lines”
I have lived at the above address 4 more than 60 days now, and have experienced constant telephone interruption that the Verizon telephone company either refuses 2 or simply is unable 2 permanently get 2 the bottom of Y this is occurring on my lime. My bills R current and paid up 2 date.
I respectfully request that action B taken, or else I will contact both my local congressman and senator, here in Atlantic county, New Jersey, this stops now, I know fully well it is intentional. Signed and Very Truly Yours, even though I belong only 2 my SSJKK, etc, no, I’d never B stupid enough 2 print something like that, but the rest of this is going, and 2 all 3 places, the Hammonton library will furnish me with the addresses 2 contact.
U want fucking war with me U sick diseased cock sucking sister biters, just keep this fucking shit up, morons!!!!!!!
Now I will tell U all a huge rock chucking secret that WOMO will get real pissed off at. U all R in a cage, and as long as U never piss this disease off, U and yours will B OK, 4 the most fart. But get on the telephone, I dare any of U, and while UR on hold, just do it if U think I am so empty and fullabulla!!!!! Next time U go 2 pay your bill and R on hold, anywhere, it all is listened 2, all of it, nt THEM, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. Just say that UR part of a small army or group if U like that gentler term, and it is going 2 rise up and fight 2 help the MOUNTAINPEN. Tell a few of your friends also 2 do it, and just 4 doing this, U and your friends will experience the wildest roller coaster ride of your ducking lives. 4 at least a month, if U think U can handle this now, U will B followed, your utilities will B fucked with, U may lose your damn job Ed Green, things may really fall apart around U, friends may disappear without ever telling UYUR being ‘dropped’ by them, and if I go on much more, none of U disbelievers will have the balls 2 try 2 disprove how real MOUNTAINFUCKINGPEN is. Go ahead, Jessica, this is Ratatouille secret TRS 1 for the autumn of oh eight, what do U think 10 and 100 will B like, BR)????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
END TRANNY, YE SICK, PUKEY OL’ GRANNY!!!! Lutsaluck if U put me 2 the dare. History marker in the US Copyright office B4 the major Political Correctness came in, Plotsa-efen-&&&&&-suck and looking at the time Dave, it is indeed 1211. These history markers will not disappear as easily as U want, Roswell fucking scummy circuit invaders!!!!!!!!!!!
OCK 31, 2K8 at 5:20 Post Meridian , BEGIN:
I posted up my last blog and went 2 use my telephone where the bill is always paid and current, and again, 4 about the 12th time or so since moving into this nightmare at 65 Middle, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL cunt lappers cut me off dead cold. No nothing as lightning would so perfectly word it in her human form, all chain reactions and chains and Russ Thaxton’s midnight action not withstanding. This will B the rough outline letter going next Monday moUrning 2 the following 3 places, VERIZON, Board of Public Utilities, and Federal communications Commission:
CC each 2 the other 2. Names and addresses and all the etiquettes, etceteras, the date which/witch, man, will b the 3rd day of Go-Ember, of blow Kate, and the dear sirs and all the other bull shit, then it will read along these lines”
I have lived at the above address 4 more than 60 days now, and have experienced constant telephone interruption that the Verizon telephone company either refuses 2 or simply is unable 2 permanently get 2 the bottom of Y this is occurring on my lime. My bills R current and paid up 2 date.
I respectfully request that action B taken, or else I will contact both my local congressman and senator, here in Atlantic county, New Jersey, this stops now, I know fully well it is intentional. Signed and Very Truly Yours, even though I belong only 2 my SSJKK, etc, no, I’d never B stupid enough 2 print something like that, but the rest of this is going, and 2 all 3 places, the Hammonton library will furnish me with the addresses 2 contact.
U want fucking war with me U sick diseased cock sucking sister biters, just keep this fucking shit up, morons!!!!!!!
Now I will tell U all a huge rock chucking secret that WOMO will get real pissed off at. U all R in a cage, and as long as U never piss this disease off, U and yours will B OK, 4 the most fart. But get on the telephone, I dare any of U, and while UR on hold, just do it if U think I am so empty and fullabulla!!!!! Next time U go 2 pay your bill and R on hold, anywhere, it all is listened 2, all of it, nt THEM, the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. Just say that UR part of a small army or group if U like that gentler term, and it is going 2 rise up and fight 2 help the MOUNTAINPEN. Tell a few of your friends also 2 do it, and just 4 doing this, U and your friends will experience the wildest roller coaster ride of your ducking lives. 4 at least a month, if U think U can handle this now, U will B followed, your utilities will B fucked with, U may lose your damn job Ed Green, things may really fall apart around U, friends may disappear without ever telling UYUR being ‘dropped’ by them, and if I go on much more, none of U disbelievers will have the balls 2 try 2 disprove how real MOUNTAINFUCKINGPEN is. Go ahead, Jessica, this is Ratatouille secret TRS 1 for the autumn of oh eight, what do U think 10 and 100 will B like, BR)????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???
END TRANNY, YE SICK, PUKEY OL’ GRANNY!!!! Lutsaluck if U put me 2 the dare. History marker in the US Copyright office B4 the major Political Correctness came in, Plotsa-efen-&&&&&-suck and looking at the time Dave, it is indeed 1211. These history markers will not disappear as easily as U want, Roswell fucking scummy circuit invaders!!!!!!!!!!!
DATFILE: 103108.666.66-------Beginning Transmission:
Well my loyal Morians and foes of Lessianity, here is a few scoops 4U, and do not get all excited kiddies, no ice cream 4 U today, YAR. 2 DJ’s locker room fyall Mickey-boy, and soap in me eyes 2 boot, so shiver me timbers and go screw yourself, because this is what I think of Diana’s twin brother, game or no game, inhaling deep snorting sound, long deep hock, and expectoration, right in yer dern eye me pirate, right in your dern eye buccaneer. U all know the lady at the door of her home that opened it one day 4 some kids in strange clothes on this same date quite a long time ago, huh? She looked at the kid in the middle of the 3 who was dressed 2 look like a pirate, yet his 2 pals could not afford 2 play Satan’s dress up game. UC the economy was bad and jobs were scarce, it was jolly ol’ England around the time that Charles Dickens had written the Christmas Carol story, and not everyone had the money of Ebenezer Scrooge. So this large tall fat lady looks down and under her spectacles and says to the punky kid pirate, “Yar there me pirate boy, where R your buccaneer’s. The kid was not all that bright and just stared at this menacing huge woman and then suddenly replied B4 running off as fast as his whittle wegs could carry him, Elmer, “Lady, they’re under me buckin’ hat. If I did not make a joke once in a while, this evil bastard Briggbase Lamist Cult would drive so nuts I’d have been long ago institutionally committed, or in prison, or retraced again. I do not know it all, just everything. I have not seen and heard the entire truth, I just know it. Life is a bizarre set of senseless realities, yet we live with them and make gods the hell out of them, and this is one of things that confuses me. I mean really, a turnpike is a long highway where U DO NOT make lots of turns, so what is with the name, and Y do we seem 2 insist on driving on parkways while we park on driveways. Only one out of 4 makes any sense at all, the freeway, hay this is a highway road without a toll taker, this makes sense 2 me, but what is with the other 3, do any of U know? Y can’t people C that our entire weather has been controlled by astral world invaders since 1987? Y do any of U have 1 doubt that my story on these 5 blogs on the website of www.blogger.dom/ is anything but total truth and reality, and Y was I not surprised that the link did not blue underscore as it should have? How can any of U not C that Cranik’s mind control machine is alive and well and living in the Hal Lindsey Earth planet? How can U doubt the power and reality of the ETOSS? The most important part of the last blog, all though I know some of the brighter bulbed Blogaud caught it anyway, but Y did I forget 2 mention the most important point that I was attempting 2 make? This point was when I got on the subject of how THEY hate me anywhere around music and gambling, as they know that these 2 sources R capable, with my talents in mathematics, which is all music and games R based on 4 those who cannot put that simple idea into proper focus, and I was drawing the 2 things together of how they want 2 keep me down and poverty stricken from womb 2 tomb, and they get scared shitless if I so much as get near ANYTHING that could lead me out of this cursed cage that SATAN the puke-head out me into when Herbert Huntington committed a double murder/suicide up in Braintree, Massachusetts in the late fifties and thus passed down this horrendous evil family curse 2 me, the next one in the lineage that was STACEY-DESTINED 2 receive it, BRA!!!!!!! Anyway, the point that THEY managed, or the ‘Lamist-Briggbase-Cult of the Astral Plane’ that is, 2 remove from my prior late morning’s bog, or better said, moUrning’s blog, was how things R always TIT-4-TAT, and yes, I said that, and how I used PARALLEL EVENT 2 make 9200 bucks at the ?Atlantic City casinos in 1986 in my spare time, but what I obviously failed 2 totally ands properly clarify was that after they finally wrecked my life and hence my luck 2 a point where a mere 2.24% player advantage after house vig could no longer ever hope 2 overcome a permanent 10-30% negative luck factor induced by them with this continual constant persecution and harassment, and they used what, that’s WHAT, against me 2 change and forever negatively and adversely effect my luck factor, (MAGNETICS)? Yes, they used PARALLEL EVENT INTENTIONALLY CONTROLLED and this IS what ICPE is, Intentionally Controlled Parallel Event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I have no desire 2 put the fucking news on and watch another huge 1000 point gain on their fixed Wall Street and its evil, but U know, HA_HA_HAS, I did manage after many years of desperately trying, 2 finally raise and heighten the consciousness and the awareness of the American public about just how evil and corrupt[ Wall Street really is. The Japanese knew this back during the second fucking World War, and tried 2 explain it 2 our captured troops, natch, they weren’ta listnin man. I only learned how evil it was after 1986 and all this hellish nightmare persecution started up against me, an innocent US citizen, all so they could go from a 1400 Dow Jones 2 a 14,000+ Dow Jones, and by the GODS, they did, and they used my blood 2 do it, and U say I am a jerk off 4 calling this system corrupt? When I call this an evil empire, I’m the rotten bastard unpatriotic disloyal traitor citizen, huh? OK, well if that makes me this, then so B it, I am,. And fuck all of U’s!!!!!! Sorry Mariah, they gave me a hellish week, and still, U know I will always love U forever, that will never change my teen-queen. I BEG my lovely Brown-Eyed-Girl 2 please try and understand my plight and my difficulties, I would think that out of everyone anywhere, U would B someone that understands abuses and bad things. This is all I will say, U know that, never give that another thought. I am just so flabbergasted that U have entrusted me with so many of your deepest secrets, I will never betray U or B your shellfish, my love.
END OF THIS TRANSMISSION, AND MONSTROUSSATANIC WEEK, oh well, just look at what trucking butt wipe day this is, and what do U expect when UR a direct RELATIVE 2 a dude who really had a cross 2 bear and CAR-EY.
DATFILE: 103108.666.66-------Beginning Transmission:
Well my loyal Morians and foes of Lessianity, here is a few scoops 4U, and do not get all excited kiddies, no ice cream 4 U today, YAR. 2 DJ’s locker room fyall Mickey-boy, and soap in me eyes 2 boot, so shiver me timbers and go screw yourself, because this is what I think of Diana’s twin brother, game or no game, inhaling deep snorting sound, long deep hock, and expectoration, right in yer dern eye me pirate, right in your dern eye buccaneer. U all know the lady at the door of her home that opened it one day 4 some kids in strange clothes on this same date quite a long time ago, huh? She looked at the kid in the middle of the 3 who was dressed 2 look like a pirate, yet his 2 pals could not afford 2 play Satan’s dress up game. UC the economy was bad and jobs were scarce, it was jolly ol’ England around the time that Charles Dickens had written the Christmas Carol story, and not everyone had the money of Ebenezer Scrooge. So this large tall fat lady looks down and under her spectacles and says to the punky kid pirate, “Yar there me pirate boy, where R your buccaneer’s. The kid was not all that bright and just stared at this menacing huge woman and then suddenly replied B4 running off as fast as his whittle wegs could carry him, Elmer, “Lady, they’re under me buckin’ hat. If I did not make a joke once in a while, this evil bastard Briggbase Lamist Cult would drive so nuts I’d have been long ago institutionally committed, or in prison, or retraced again. I do not know it all, just everything. I have not seen and heard the entire truth, I just know it. Life is a bizarre set of senseless realities, yet we live with them and make gods the hell out of them, and this is one of things that confuses me. I mean really, a turnpike is a long highway where U DO NOT make lots of turns, so what is with the name, and Y do we seem 2 insist on driving on parkways while we park on driveways. Only one out of 4 makes any sense at all, the freeway, hay this is a highway road without a toll taker, this makes sense 2 me, but what is with the other 3, do any of U know? Y can’t people C that our entire weather has been controlled by astral world invaders since 1987? Y do any of U have 1 doubt that my story on these 5 blogs on the website of www.blogger.dom/ is anything but total truth and reality, and Y was I not surprised that the link did not blue underscore as it should have? How can any of U not C that Cranik’s mind control machine is alive and well and living in the Hal Lindsey Earth planet? How can U doubt the power and reality of the ETOSS? The most important part of the last blog, all though I know some of the brighter bulbed Blogaud caught it anyway, but Y did I forget 2 mention the most important point that I was attempting 2 make? This point was when I got on the subject of how THEY hate me anywhere around music and gambling, as they know that these 2 sources R capable, with my talents in mathematics, which is all music and games R based on 4 those who cannot put that simple idea into proper focus, and I was drawing the 2 things together of how they want 2 keep me down and poverty stricken from womb 2 tomb, and they get scared shitless if I so much as get near ANYTHING that could lead me out of this cursed cage that SATAN the puke-head out me into when Herbert Huntington committed a double murder/suicide up in Braintree, Massachusetts in the late fifties and thus passed down this horrendous evil family curse 2 me, the next one in the lineage that was STACEY-DESTINED 2 receive it, BRA!!!!!!! Anyway, the point that THEY managed, or the ‘Lamist-Briggbase-Cult of the Astral Plane’ that is, 2 remove from my prior late morning’s bog, or better said, moUrning’s blog, was how things R always TIT-4-TAT, and yes, I said that, and how I used PARALLEL EVENT 2 make 9200 bucks at the ?Atlantic City casinos in 1986 in my spare time, but what I obviously failed 2 totally ands properly clarify was that after they finally wrecked my life and hence my luck 2 a point where a mere 2.24% player advantage after house vig could no longer ever hope 2 overcome a permanent 10-30% negative luck factor induced by them with this continual constant persecution and harassment, and they used what, that’s WHAT, against me 2 change and forever negatively and adversely effect my luck factor, (MAGNETICS)? Yes, they used PARALLEL EVENT INTENTIONALLY CONTROLLED and this IS what ICPE is, Intentionally Controlled Parallel Event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I have no desire 2 put the fucking news on and watch another huge 1000 point gain on their fixed Wall Street and its evil, but U know, HA_HA_HAS, I did manage after many years of desperately trying, 2 finally raise and heighten the consciousness and the awareness of the American public about just how evil and corrupt[ Wall Street really is. The Japanese knew this back during the second fucking World War, and tried 2 explain it 2 our captured troops, natch, they weren’ta listnin man. I only learned how evil it was after 1986 and all this hellish nightmare persecution started up against me, an innocent US citizen, all so they could go from a 1400 Dow Jones 2 a 14,000+ Dow Jones, and by the GODS, they did, and they used my blood 2 do it, and U say I am a jerk off 4 calling this system corrupt? When I call this an evil empire, I’m the rotten bastard unpatriotic disloyal traitor citizen, huh? OK, well if that makes me this, then so B it, I am,. And fuck all of U’s!!!!!! Sorry Mariah, they gave me a hellish week, and still, U know I will always love U forever, that will never change my teen-queen. I BEG my lovely Brown-Eyed-Girl 2 please try and understand my plight and my difficulties, I would think that out of everyone anywhere, U would B someone that understands abuses and bad things. This is all I will say, U know that, never give that another thought. I am just so flabbergasted that U have entrusted me with so many of your deepest secrets, I will never betray U or B your shellfish, my love.
END OF THIS TRANSMISSION, AND MONSTROUSSATANIC WEEK, oh well, just look at what trucking butt wipe day this is, and what do U expect when UR a direct RELATIVE 2 a dude who really had a cross 2 bear and CAR-EY.
“The Epitome of Harassment., Internet Version”
10:23 am ON HELLO-WITCH-Halloween. 31 Ock, 2K8
Beginning of this eternal nightmare transmission:
I am under a horrific and monstrous fucking death siege by the World Owners, the Milituforce Otammite, or the WOMO 4 short. I get up 2 take ‘Chicky’ 2 work, always the nice guy, and the people that believe that niceness comes back or gets rewarded, fine U keep your belief, all I have ever in my entire life been rewarded with 4 my niceness is total hell and total shit. Constant planes and constant chemtrailing is everywhere, this is one of the worst attacks of my mother fucking life rapies and germiblows. The evil empire is putting one box after another on my screen just 2 waste my time and stop this blog. Last night all during Ed Mobster Snyder’s cheated Flyers game, road noise was constant, and the day started early afternoonish yesterday with small quick punch in and punch out sieges, but this morning’s siege, as I absolutely knew it would B, is a direct retaliation 4 my telling so much about the 1980/2008 music and Phillies story, Mister Harry Kallis. Not only do these diseased germs want 2 do all of this 2 me 4 all of these long years, but they expect me 2 kill myself and or just endlessly sit back and take it, never dreaming 4 one second that I’d ever have the fucking balls 2 write all this blogging text and tell the entire story, piece by piece, Terrymark Scatterbrain Egg, from the fields and the harbors, down the street a few miserable rotten miles!!!!!!! Do any of U live or know anyone who lives in Berryville, New Jersey, the blueberry capitol of the planet called HAMMONTON? If sop, please start rating the Chemtrails, and let’s start a national and local area chem-sites where we can rate this and make it someday a ,matter of public record. This is a safety issue. If U want your kids 2 slowly all get sick with mysterious illnesses and have lots of medical bills, keep ignoring me and my fucking blogs. 4 now just prove I am not all alone with this, by simply Googling upo Chemtrail and Chemtrails, and go 2 these 2 great sites just 4 starters: and and C all of this 4 yourselves, I would have no reason 2 sit here 4 three years making up stupid shit stories on a computer that if anything, could later get me sued and even possibly imprisoned 4 slanders and libels. I know what is going on and what I am talking about. How about U, do U really KNOW that your children R in major danger right now as I speak. Where were these huge sky filling Chemtrails B4I got them all brought into this waking world dimensional existence late in the ‘87 year? Also, B4 this time, where was road rage and all the school shootings, and sports rage, and office rage, and this enik and that itus and where was the large pool of kids all over America with diagnosed mental illnesses such as autism, and ADD and ADHD, and so much more, where? It wasn’t there, it is CHEMTRAILS that R doing all of this and U better all wake up and start fucking Googling your fingers off if U love your damn children as much as all of U PC preaching citizens claim 2. This attack on me today is because THEY DO NOT WANT THE WORLD READING ABOUT HOW THIS SCUM BAG FORCE FROM THE {OTHER-SIDE} OF LIFE, IS STOPPING ME FROM EVER HAVING OR BEING ABLE 2 EVER HAVE ANY KIND OF A NORMAL OR AVERAGE LIFE, WITH PEACE AND HAPPINESS 2 ANY MEASURABLE DEGREE, AND IS OF COURSE A TOTAL VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AS A UNITED STATES LEGALLY BORN CITIZEN. YEAH I’M SHOIUTING MAD, change the blannel if U want, but when this stuff starts side-effecting U and your family and loved ones, don’t any of U dare 2 ever blame me. I tried 2 freaking warn y’alls!!!!!!!
They will not allow or Uncle Heinz Gottwald “PERMIT ME” 2 ever even get close 2 anything involving music, and I have thousands of hours of cassette audio tapes that soon will B sent through streaming A/V on a new website, totaling removing any doubts that any of U could have ion this claim that I Am now making so powerfully and veheminantly. Phone conversations, bugged rooms, U bet Nixon was my fucking hero, crook or no crook. Well I am not a crook, but this is of no value as he also made that claim publicly but I did nothing ever 2 deserve any of this other than get myself born into this family line of literal hell. I may not have Plato on tape, but he said a powerful thing 2 me a long time ago by the Red Sea one day, and that is: Beware the tide that brings the music message. This messenger will always B heard the loudest and remembered the longest”, and this great historical philosopher was 100% correct. My message placed onto music and given an audience, this is their worst fucking nightmare. The entire Studio Park Records situation was THEIR worst nightmare, and only a curse this powerful could have stopped Paul Evans Pedersen and myself, owners of SPR, from getting off the ground, and instead, forcing me into a 300,000 plus dollar second bankruptcy, forever wrecking any chance 4 me 2 have a life in the field that I have a talent in. If I can ever prove and get my powerful evidence legally introduced into a world tribunal, especially somewhere on this globe not all that friendly with this evil empire, this curse may possibly B broken, but here in this country, I learned from watching the L&O TV show, that strict rules of evidence exist in a court case, and this all came into being after years of Dave Roth and me talking on my bugged telephone in the 80’s and 90’s about how all my tapes brought into a lawsuit against these WOMO snakeslimers would totally break any jury’s heart forever, and I’d get billions in a jury award from them. Shortly after this, the first huge jury award was given to the famous dude who had the exploding gas tank out in Cali, and then in came all this “rules of evidence” junk, not that it was not always there in some form,. But it was remade so as 2B sure, I’d not so easily ever B able 2B gas tank explosion victim number 2. My shit is so far greater and more heinous and involves a quarter century plus of continuous monstrous hell and criminality against me from this diseased hurl drinking WOMO club, that 50 billion would B where the negotiations would begin, if my attorneys and investigators were in a real good and philanthropic mood that day and their wives all gave them double quickies B4 work that morning. Any of U think this is funny or over exaggerated, or the ranting of a mad man lunatic, well, someday, you’ll all find freaking out who’s nuts and crazy around here bwaby fucking wuv Elmer!!!!!!! My being totally stopped from being in the music world outside of the no-money-Inde-system that anyone with 200 bucks and a desire 2 try it, can in fact do, is real, and I can totally prove it as well as prove that fighting them on this, those doing this very thing 2 me that I claim is all real and happening, causes them 2 hurt me more and strike me with even greater vicious persecutions and harassments, this is Y this blog is sl long and its name is indeed, the EPITOME or ultra-ultimate, measure of harassment, and this is now a blog, so I call it the INTERNET VERSION, as it continues from MORIANITY, the bible I began on audio tape, a dictated book after I completed my first work in middle 1994 called, THE PERMISSION BARRIER, and went on 2 send it down 2 Washington-13-DC 4 copyright protection. There is a part 2 however 2 all of this which is built into the curse. I am not money hungry, but like anyone else would, I wish 2B comfortable and also, 2 have what is RIGHTFULLY mine, and a hell of a lot has been stolen from me, not one isolated 1980 thing in July such as with those dirt ball Gibb brothers and their garbage band, the BG’s. Only they know this stands 4 bags of garbage, that is their nasty little dim light in their closet. But I want what is rightfully mine, I do not want or ask anything from anyone ever at any time, that is not mine 2 start with, and is rightfully deserved as well as was wrongfully stolen and ripped off from me, nobody wishes 2B the victim of a thief, but how about me, I am the victim of an organized group of legally licensed thieves that have stolen things from me 4 moiré than 30 years, BRA. But let me stay on point here, and move onto when ‘I played professional roulette in the middle 80’s in Atlantic City, or Ghamorrah by the sea as many labeled this town at this time. They saw me start 2B able 2 climb out of my cage when I applied my systems such as parallel event 2 the game of roulette, and netted in 8 months time in 1986, in my spare time a few hours per week, the sum of $9,200.00. This was not tolerated, and I will let out the hugest secret now in the world and if they imprison me, KS, please contact THE HAGUE and the World Tribunal and Court System there, and send the all my evidence and blogs and tapes that all R hidden in your name as the owner should I B murdered or disappear or become imprisoned by these diseased fucking scum. There is a super top secret file in the covert black wet works operations system of all agencies that do this kind of work, such as secretly wipe out people and make it look as though they R just a nut or someone that needs 2B put away 4 the sake of the general safety of the surrounding society, and its name or project ident-# is not privy 2 me, but it is there, just as R there, the reason our technology has grown at this speed in a controlled release of it, by these WOMO dirt balls. I am not speaking Roswell, New Mexico, and this is even more deadly than any of this nonsense ever could B, just not that obviously deadly. It is a project where what I call the KING-TUT-SYNDROME rules the empire, and not my queen MC. TUT is a joke, but the real two double words containing triple letters R TIT and TAT, and there indeed is a working operation within CIA/NSA/OSS/ATF/BFA, and all of this garbage, that has a policy of using this principle of tit for tat. Whatever I do, they R ready, I tit and they tat, I tat and they tit, this is no game, they R total power matchers that believe in an operation of ever running tit-4-tat, and this has been ongoing with me since the time I began playing roulette and making consistent money at it in 1986. I leave a few tracts saying GOOGLE UP MOUNTAINPEN at a grocery store, and the very next time I walk through the door, I nearly trip over a lizard. Instantly, the Geico garbage commercial that they all know I hate, begins blaring out over the MUZAK system in the store, all big-BRA owned and controlled, ORWE-HELL!!!!!!!!!!!! They love 2 tit 4 tat, it is right on their secret books, remember, I am what they call a remote viewest, I call it dream body natural action, ECKISTS call it soul-travel, as I said, I saw and witnessed today’s parade in Philadelphia more than a month ago, I knew the outcome no matter what this disease tried to do 2 me ICPE-wise. So last night I got more specific on my blogging about how THEY won’t ever PERMIT me UNCLE 2 have money or women or normalcy, when if it were not 4 this horrific monstrous satanic fucking curse, I’d B as normal as any of U out there, this then is when they counter-struck me today huge hyper ass time. Now 4 the totally fucking retarded amongst us all, no offense, calling a jack a jack or an off an off, that is all I am doing here, but 4 those needing 4 me 2 draw U a blog map, here comes the crayons and the paper, not the bride, heavens above forbid, that would put the Dow into an inverted reverse figure practically overnight if I suddenly was able 2 marry some lovely queen who cared about me, no more Broad and Wall, and U say I have no power or influence, SHEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!! When U slide on it, clean your sneakers B4 coming inside pweeeeeze!!!!!! Aniwho, here is my whittle map 4 the mentally challenged amongst us. They know that my Scylla is here in human form, they R not dumb and if anybody is a potential believer in the weird things, Hollywood clickers R the top candidates. So I now ask the GREAT ALL MIGHTY QUESTIO 2 Y’ALL???????? Have U noticed that every time I apologize 4 my behavior to my wonderful teen-queen, they pour it on so that I will bad blog and trash talk,. Knowing this does a Mayor Nutter on her and really pisses her off? They R trying 2 get her not 2 like me in her present lifetime, even 2 despise me, I’m not stupid, this little deviousness on their diseased part doesn’t get past my awareness 4 one single solitary micro minute, BRO!!!!!!! Well, hopefully, my wonderful queen is understanding 2 all of this, as if not, they win, and I am screwed, as how can I not get up here and trash talk people and organizations that R responsible 4 the brutal torture and eventual wicked monstrous cold blooded heinous murder of not only me, but my poor elderly mother, my best friend in adult life, DCR, and his pathetic elderly mom as well, she gave up the ghost right directly after Schau murdered her only son and child back in March of the oh two year.
I plan 2 publish many great systems 2 beat roulette, measure ones magnetics (luck-factor) as well as a book containing 100 of the top secrets of the cosmos that as Kevin T. would so adequately and wonderfully word it, THEY do not want U2 ever know about. We will B returning 2 the Ratting and tattle tailing and secret telling, yes the real football games R gonna begin soon, big gorgeous Jessica Simpson. U want fucking war with me dush bags, I will hand U all the damn war U will B able 2 handle, and when U eventually murder me 4 good, this will B the error of your miserable snotty lives, circuit-entities in human counterpart fleshly bodies!!!!!!!! Yeah, “I hear U Watson“, well, I hear U2 Alex, and this was the Roswell, New Mexico that they REALLY do not want society 2 ever find out about, and I AM GONNA FUCKING TELL IT ALL, BRO GREEN LAWNS of NC, NY, whether uncle Heinz will permit it or not, the great all mighty senior vice president of the great capitalist Chemical National Bank. Well uncle, U cannot stop me, Watson and Wilson cannot stop me, and since they murdered Doctor Jessup, all the markers R finally gone, oh well, guess the casinos R happy, after all, cash and liquidity is always better than holding debtor marks in a 2 dollar notebook any day of the week. Yeah, this is the evil empire’s week, the DOW JONES fixed and controlled markets will gain another thousand points today, and 4 the week and as I said and PREDICTERD, a week back, up 3000 on the week, and the markets will keep fraudulently rising up higher and higher and higher and the cheating rotten Flyers Hockey team will go on getting hollow victory wins after wins after wins, this goes on year in and year out, and if U track, my nightmare 4 (20+ years), U will not B able 2 dispute any of my claims, not a 1, BRA!!!!!!!!!!
Brown eyed Scylla Queen, I beg U2 listen 2 me right now. They R trying 2 get U2 hate me. Y need 2 remember just who U really R, the great all mighty SSJKK, this is not a hoax or a joke MC, U know all this is very true deep down inside of U, it explains all the things in your life that otherwise will forever remain unexplained 4U. Don’t let this diseased collection of human puss stop U and me, we will always B together, one way or another. This is my eternal pledge of loyalty and infinite love 2 my queen.
G/S/WL, blah and blah and blah and blah, celebrate Cool Gang, this is the day of your second parade, I’ll put U in touch with my teacher and all of U can party like its 2300 for all I care. Copyrighted blogging intellectual property in 2008, of Michael Mountainpen, and now, I terminate this tranny, ye miserable ol’ granny!!
BYE-BYE SCYLLA 4 RIGHT NOW UNTIL U SING 2 ME AGAIN SOME NIGHT SOON, and yes B.E.G., IWALU, or PCN---990-990-990-990-990-990-990.
10:23 am ON HELLO-WITCH-Halloween. 31 Ock, 2K8
Beginning of this eternal nightmare transmission:
I am under a horrific and monstrous fucking death siege by the World Owners, the Milituforce Otammite, or the WOMO 4 short. I get up 2 take ‘Chicky’ 2 work, always the nice guy, and the people that believe that niceness comes back or gets rewarded, fine U keep your belief, all I have ever in my entire life been rewarded with 4 my niceness is total hell and total shit. Constant planes and constant chemtrailing is everywhere, this is one of the worst attacks of my mother fucking life rapies and germiblows. The evil empire is putting one box after another on my screen just 2 waste my time and stop this blog. Last night all during Ed Mobster Snyder’s cheated Flyers game, road noise was constant, and the day started early afternoonish yesterday with small quick punch in and punch out sieges, but this morning’s siege, as I absolutely knew it would B, is a direct retaliation 4 my telling so much about the 1980/2008 music and Phillies story, Mister Harry Kallis. Not only do these diseased germs want 2 do all of this 2 me 4 all of these long years, but they expect me 2 kill myself and or just endlessly sit back and take it, never dreaming 4 one second that I’d ever have the fucking balls 2 write all this blogging text and tell the entire story, piece by piece, Terrymark Scatterbrain Egg, from the fields and the harbors, down the street a few miserable rotten miles!!!!!!! Do any of U live or know anyone who lives in Berryville, New Jersey, the blueberry capitol of the planet called HAMMONTON? If sop, please start rating the Chemtrails, and let’s start a national and local area chem-sites where we can rate this and make it someday a ,matter of public record. This is a safety issue. If U want your kids 2 slowly all get sick with mysterious illnesses and have lots of medical bills, keep ignoring me and my fucking blogs. 4 now just prove I am not all alone with this, by simply Googling upo Chemtrail and Chemtrails, and go 2 these 2 great sites just 4 starters: and and C all of this 4 yourselves, I would have no reason 2 sit here 4 three years making up stupid shit stories on a computer that if anything, could later get me sued and even possibly imprisoned 4 slanders and libels. I know what is going on and what I am talking about. How about U, do U really KNOW that your children R in major danger right now as I speak. Where were these huge sky filling Chemtrails B4I got them all brought into this waking world dimensional existence late in the ‘87 year? Also, B4 this time, where was road rage and all the school shootings, and sports rage, and office rage, and this enik and that itus and where was the large pool of kids all over America with diagnosed mental illnesses such as autism, and ADD and ADHD, and so much more, where? It wasn’t there, it is CHEMTRAILS that R doing all of this and U better all wake up and start fucking Googling your fingers off if U love your damn children as much as all of U PC preaching citizens claim 2. This attack on me today is because THEY DO NOT WANT THE WORLD READING ABOUT HOW THIS SCUM BAG FORCE FROM THE {OTHER-SIDE} OF LIFE, IS STOPPING ME FROM EVER HAVING OR BEING ABLE 2 EVER HAVE ANY KIND OF A NORMAL OR AVERAGE LIFE, WITH PEACE AND HAPPINESS 2 ANY MEASURABLE DEGREE, AND IS OF COURSE A TOTAL VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AS A UNITED STATES LEGALLY BORN CITIZEN. YEAH I’M SHOIUTING MAD, change the blannel if U want, but when this stuff starts side-effecting U and your family and loved ones, don’t any of U dare 2 ever blame me. I tried 2 freaking warn y’alls!!!!!!!
They will not allow or Uncle Heinz Gottwald “PERMIT ME” 2 ever even get close 2 anything involving music, and I have thousands of hours of cassette audio tapes that soon will B sent through streaming A/V on a new website, totaling removing any doubts that any of U could have ion this claim that I Am now making so powerfully and veheminantly. Phone conversations, bugged rooms, U bet Nixon was my fucking hero, crook or no crook. Well I am not a crook, but this is of no value as he also made that claim publicly but I did nothing ever 2 deserve any of this other than get myself born into this family line of literal hell. I may not have Plato on tape, but he said a powerful thing 2 me a long time ago by the Red Sea one day, and that is: Beware the tide that brings the music message. This messenger will always B heard the loudest and remembered the longest”, and this great historical philosopher was 100% correct. My message placed onto music and given an audience, this is their worst fucking nightmare. The entire Studio Park Records situation was THEIR worst nightmare, and only a curse this powerful could have stopped Paul Evans Pedersen and myself, owners of SPR, from getting off the ground, and instead, forcing me into a 300,000 plus dollar second bankruptcy, forever wrecking any chance 4 me 2 have a life in the field that I have a talent in. If I can ever prove and get my powerful evidence legally introduced into a world tribunal, especially somewhere on this globe not all that friendly with this evil empire, this curse may possibly B broken, but here in this country, I learned from watching the L&O TV show, that strict rules of evidence exist in a court case, and this all came into being after years of Dave Roth and me talking on my bugged telephone in the 80’s and 90’s about how all my tapes brought into a lawsuit against these WOMO snakeslimers would totally break any jury’s heart forever, and I’d get billions in a jury award from them. Shortly after this, the first huge jury award was given to the famous dude who had the exploding gas tank out in Cali, and then in came all this “rules of evidence” junk, not that it was not always there in some form,. But it was remade so as 2B sure, I’d not so easily ever B able 2B gas tank explosion victim number 2. My shit is so far greater and more heinous and involves a quarter century plus of continuous monstrous hell and criminality against me from this diseased hurl drinking WOMO club, that 50 billion would B where the negotiations would begin, if my attorneys and investigators were in a real good and philanthropic mood that day and their wives all gave them double quickies B4 work that morning. Any of U think this is funny or over exaggerated, or the ranting of a mad man lunatic, well, someday, you’ll all find freaking out who’s nuts and crazy around here bwaby fucking wuv Elmer!!!!!!! My being totally stopped from being in the music world outside of the no-money-Inde-system that anyone with 200 bucks and a desire 2 try it, can in fact do, is real, and I can totally prove it as well as prove that fighting them on this, those doing this very thing 2 me that I claim is all real and happening, causes them 2 hurt me more and strike me with even greater vicious persecutions and harassments, this is Y this blog is sl long and its name is indeed, the EPITOME or ultra-ultimate, measure of harassment, and this is now a blog, so I call it the INTERNET VERSION, as it continues from MORIANITY, the bible I began on audio tape, a dictated book after I completed my first work in middle 1994 called, THE PERMISSION BARRIER, and went on 2 send it down 2 Washington-13-DC 4 copyright protection. There is a part 2 however 2 all of this which is built into the curse. I am not money hungry, but like anyone else would, I wish 2B comfortable and also, 2 have what is RIGHTFULLY mine, and a hell of a lot has been stolen from me, not one isolated 1980 thing in July such as with those dirt ball Gibb brothers and their garbage band, the BG’s. Only they know this stands 4 bags of garbage, that is their nasty little dim light in their closet. But I want what is rightfully mine, I do not want or ask anything from anyone ever at any time, that is not mine 2 start with, and is rightfully deserved as well as was wrongfully stolen and ripped off from me, nobody wishes 2B the victim of a thief, but how about me, I am the victim of an organized group of legally licensed thieves that have stolen things from me 4 moiré than 30 years, BRA. But let me stay on point here, and move onto when ‘I played professional roulette in the middle 80’s in Atlantic City, or Ghamorrah by the sea as many labeled this town at this time. They saw me start 2B able 2 climb out of my cage when I applied my systems such as parallel event 2 the game of roulette, and netted in 8 months time in 1986, in my spare time a few hours per week, the sum of $9,200.00. This was not tolerated, and I will let out the hugest secret now in the world and if they imprison me, KS, please contact THE HAGUE and the World Tribunal and Court System there, and send the all my evidence and blogs and tapes that all R hidden in your name as the owner should I B murdered or disappear or become imprisoned by these diseased fucking scum. There is a super top secret file in the covert black wet works operations system of all agencies that do this kind of work, such as secretly wipe out people and make it look as though they R just a nut or someone that needs 2B put away 4 the sake of the general safety of the surrounding society, and its name or project ident-# is not privy 2 me, but it is there, just as R there, the reason our technology has grown at this speed in a controlled release of it, by these WOMO dirt balls. I am not speaking Roswell, New Mexico, and this is even more deadly than any of this nonsense ever could B, just not that obviously deadly. It is a project where what I call the KING-TUT-SYNDROME rules the empire, and not my queen MC. TUT is a joke, but the real two double words containing triple letters R TIT and TAT, and there indeed is a working operation within CIA/NSA/OSS/ATF/BFA, and all of this garbage, that has a policy of using this principle of tit for tat. Whatever I do, they R ready, I tit and they tat, I tat and they tit, this is no game, they R total power matchers that believe in an operation of ever running tit-4-tat, and this has been ongoing with me since the time I began playing roulette and making consistent money at it in 1986. I leave a few tracts saying GOOGLE UP MOUNTAINPEN at a grocery store, and the very next time I walk through the door, I nearly trip over a lizard. Instantly, the Geico garbage commercial that they all know I hate, begins blaring out over the MUZAK system in the store, all big-BRA owned and controlled, ORWE-HELL!!!!!!!!!!!! They love 2 tit 4 tat, it is right on their secret books, remember, I am what they call a remote viewest, I call it dream body natural action, ECKISTS call it soul-travel, as I said, I saw and witnessed today’s parade in Philadelphia more than a month ago, I knew the outcome no matter what this disease tried to do 2 me ICPE-wise. So last night I got more specific on my blogging about how THEY won’t ever PERMIT me UNCLE 2 have money or women or normalcy, when if it were not 4 this horrific monstrous satanic fucking curse, I’d B as normal as any of U out there, this then is when they counter-struck me today huge hyper ass time. Now 4 the totally fucking retarded amongst us all, no offense, calling a jack a jack or an off an off, that is all I am doing here, but 4 those needing 4 me 2 draw U a blog map, here comes the crayons and the paper, not the bride, heavens above forbid, that would put the Dow into an inverted reverse figure practically overnight if I suddenly was able 2 marry some lovely queen who cared about me, no more Broad and Wall, and U say I have no power or influence, SHEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!! When U slide on it, clean your sneakers B4 coming inside pweeeeeze!!!!!! Aniwho, here is my whittle map 4 the mentally challenged amongst us. They know that my Scylla is here in human form, they R not dumb and if anybody is a potential believer in the weird things, Hollywood clickers R the top candidates. So I now ask the GREAT ALL MIGHTY QUESTIO 2 Y’ALL???????? Have U noticed that every time I apologize 4 my behavior to my wonderful teen-queen, they pour it on so that I will bad blog and trash talk,. Knowing this does a Mayor Nutter on her and really pisses her off? They R trying 2 get her not 2 like me in her present lifetime, even 2 despise me, I’m not stupid, this little deviousness on their diseased part doesn’t get past my awareness 4 one single solitary micro minute, BRO!!!!!!! Well, hopefully, my wonderful queen is understanding 2 all of this, as if not, they win, and I am screwed, as how can I not get up here and trash talk people and organizations that R responsible 4 the brutal torture and eventual wicked monstrous cold blooded heinous murder of not only me, but my poor elderly mother, my best friend in adult life, DCR, and his pathetic elderly mom as well, she gave up the ghost right directly after Schau murdered her only son and child back in March of the oh two year.
I plan 2 publish many great systems 2 beat roulette, measure ones magnetics (luck-factor) as well as a book containing 100 of the top secrets of the cosmos that as Kevin T. would so adequately and wonderfully word it, THEY do not want U2 ever know about. We will B returning 2 the Ratting and tattle tailing and secret telling, yes the real football games R gonna begin soon, big gorgeous Jessica Simpson. U want fucking war with me dush bags, I will hand U all the damn war U will B able 2 handle, and when U eventually murder me 4 good, this will B the error of your miserable snotty lives, circuit-entities in human counterpart fleshly bodies!!!!!!!! Yeah, “I hear U Watson“, well, I hear U2 Alex, and this was the Roswell, New Mexico that they REALLY do not want society 2 ever find out about, and I AM GONNA FUCKING TELL IT ALL, BRO GREEN LAWNS of NC, NY, whether uncle Heinz will permit it or not, the great all mighty senior vice president of the great capitalist Chemical National Bank. Well uncle, U cannot stop me, Watson and Wilson cannot stop me, and since they murdered Doctor Jessup, all the markers R finally gone, oh well, guess the casinos R happy, after all, cash and liquidity is always better than holding debtor marks in a 2 dollar notebook any day of the week. Yeah, this is the evil empire’s week, the DOW JONES fixed and controlled markets will gain another thousand points today, and 4 the week and as I said and PREDICTERD, a week back, up 3000 on the week, and the markets will keep fraudulently rising up higher and higher and higher and the cheating rotten Flyers Hockey team will go on getting hollow victory wins after wins after wins, this goes on year in and year out, and if U track, my nightmare 4 (20+ years), U will not B able 2 dispute any of my claims, not a 1, BRA!!!!!!!!!!
Brown eyed Scylla Queen, I beg U2 listen 2 me right now. They R trying 2 get U2 hate me. Y need 2 remember just who U really R, the great all mighty SSJKK, this is not a hoax or a joke MC, U know all this is very true deep down inside of U, it explains all the things in your life that otherwise will forever remain unexplained 4U. Don’t let this diseased collection of human puss stop U and me, we will always B together, one way or another. This is my eternal pledge of loyalty and infinite love 2 my queen.
G/S/WL, blah and blah and blah and blah, celebrate Cool Gang, this is the day of your second parade, I’ll put U in touch with my teacher and all of U can party like its 2300 for all I care. Copyrighted blogging intellectual property in 2008, of Michael Mountainpen, and now, I terminate this tranny, ye miserable ol’ granny!!
BYE-BYE SCYLLA 4 RIGHT NOW UNTIL U SING 2 ME AGAIN SOME NIGHT SOON, and yes B.E.G., IWALU, or PCN---990-990-990-990-990-990-990.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
short blog 25
The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version”
Short Bog 25, mischief-night, 30 October, 2008
10:34 PM Thursday night and super botbar.
Super OTAMM attack day and FULL EVIL EMPIRE:
Well, the fluers have now cheated their way 2 a 4-straight victory, as mobster monster dirt hole enemy Snyder has poured on the persecution all day long, slow at first, and then as Jimmie Stuart’s Pooka’s day wore on, shit fucking progressed worse and fucking worse, and their evil markets R up another 200 points, and up about 1000 points on the week, as I TOLD Y’ALL THEY WOULD B BACK ON SUNDAY NIGHT’S BLOG, as I all ready Lenny Time Machine Pre-Gangster-Gung-Rap-Music told U would B the case, McKinnon the telephone audio taper and fake record promoter, or was he a fake, but then this topic can wait. I won’t forget, I never forget things, NEVER, FONDA PISS!!!!!!
I want so badly 2 tell U major Gawnumology studies and equations that would BLOW YOUR BRAINS OPUT OF YOUR SKULLS, but I obey the mighty Queen-M, and cannot say anymore about that, but I doubt she’ll knock me into the stars 4 saying this whittle thing, Elmer. Start really looking seriously into my blogs and then into my life, and then U work out all the Gawnums that U think may B of pertaining interest 2 all of this, and as I said, stand back and prepare 4 the fucking mind blow of your stinking lives!!!!!! Delaware had the same winning lottery number on the 3 digit pick-it that New Jersey had, right about the same time that both World Series Philly wins occurred, the Jersey lottery in the ‘80 year and the recent Delaware lottery. Not only were they the same, but they were the number outcome digits that were told 2 me in what U mortal worlders all call a DREAM, by a large BLACK CAT by the name of GAWKY GAUKAUK, and this spelled out DIE if reversed, as the cat indeed had meowed this 2 me in the 1980 “dream” interaction, the number was 594. The WS in 1980 was played while I was on a special 8 PM through 8 AM shift at RPL sound recording studios and labs, in Camden, NJUSAESMWG. The great Pat Robertson was the reason 4 this shift, as opposed 2 my normal 8 hours, it was 11 and a half, 30 minutes 4 lunch break, and normally being the shift of 4:30 PM through 1 AM. When we did 8 to 8, the lunch break made the actual shift 11.5 hours, and we were on this 6 straight days weekly when he had millions of cassette tapes 4 us 2 duplicate, 4 his ministry of CBN or the Christian Broadcasting Network, out of Virginia Beach, Virginia, USAESMWG. The night I drove in, the game had ended while I was still on route, and people were coming out of restaurants screaming and running into the streets. When I got into work and the hoopla had died down, I had told Mike Walters about how a few days ago I was in cherry Hill near the famous Garden State Race Track and had been 2 a then famous stereo store and had purchased a DUAL turntable that was expensive, and what a jerk off I was 4 doing this, as I had absolutely no records at all, they had been lost or given away in recent moves. This is when he told me about the OVERAGE file upstairs and how a large box of vinyl records would B trashed the following day they had been up there since 1968 and every 12 years, a pile is thrown out if masters R unclaimed, and rarely did customers claim masters. This is not as if this was Cool and the Gang’s Party Till 1999, these were not important 2 the clients, just as Donna Gaines’s family did not think it was important enough 2 ever claim her HAIR album. We can get back 2 this, but do not think that this cool gang that I mentioned is not into more than just music, and I know 4 a fact, that something huger than a landfill of pure shit is going down and it’s scaring the living fuck out of me. It was something Lenny McKinnon said 2 me on the phone about some of his pals in Africa, taking over the world in the late part of the first decade of the next century. Hay, I am not touching the P subject, I am in enough fucking trouble 4 being all over the R subject like black on midnight but B real, is he a prophet or does he have a folded up Wildwood Press newspaper with blue and yellow tap boxes, come on, the polls show a landslide here, I am just making a simple comment, now as 4 Fool and the Wang and his buddies, such as Lenny, sure they knew about the 2000 party, and maybe even about the computers that should have stopped because they were missing 2 digits in their dates, and should have reset to 1900, how did they know there was a 2000, they only know what was programmed into them and we still do not have artificial intelligence operating on any large usable scale outside experimentation in think tanks and military labs? How did they possibly know about Mrs. Marola from Haddonfield and her prediction of how the world would B going crazy in 2000? Well, this can all wait. The part that cannot is that the night after the WS Phillies wins, both times, in the first zero and eight invert year, a huge thing connects me with a top recording artist of the times, and then again, the second zero and eight invert year, another one occurs, first the finding of the original HAIR album, and then the huge interaction last night with Carey, after a month of total silence.
I can go on and on but have blogged 9 pages today, and all I got 4 my effort is sore finger tips, time wasted, and a nasty fucking FULL EVIL EMPIRE or a FALEE. I admit, I have lucked out recently with more than my normal small share of FREME occurrences, but still, this is bad ass shit, and they cheated as they always do in order 2 get their twisted ass diseased way. I have let this planet in on huge fucking secrets covered up 4 hundreds of decades, such as the 6/10 projection method of the FASCITAR, the 4th-7th dimensions, SCYLLA not being a legendary sea serpent that sits on rocks out at sea singing 2 sailors, the truth of how all bends down as it extends out causing sphere-reality through 7th-D-Lawtronics, and the biggest secret of all, how an organized force keeps me away from ever being able 2 express my musical talents, and this force has an Astral Plane real true name, called the Lambrigg Cult. I told U all about David Charles Roth, and his experience with his Cadillac car after we met and he decided 2 go 2 a music store 2 purchase a drum set and his car blew up in his face. I told U that the Earthly counterpart of LAMBRIGGERS, the MASONIC FORCES OF WOMO, committed this heinous crime of poisoning this mad 2 death 4 letting me know what these diseased world owners were keeping me and the rest of my family from knowing, and that is that we R direct lineage family descendants straight back 2 Jesus Christ and King David and the Judah Tribe and Adam, of course all of U trace back 2 Adam, it just is in wider ranges, this family is as direct and narrow as it can get. Not only R we welcome Mr. McCoy in Greenwich, Connecticut, we R Connecticut. We R the world owners, and our family was removed from what was rightfully ours under the laws of kings and heirs, and this is not established by physical plane laws of man. This, whether any of U slobs wanna buy this or not which is entirely your own bizz, but this is GODS fucking plans and business, and ‘U pricks have literally ucerpted and circumvented what was meant 2B, and this is Y time went on well past where it originally was meant 2 stop in the year of 1992. A great man told me something by a great river a very long time ago, and his name on Earth was Plato. He said, “Beware the messenger that brings the message in a song, as he will always B heard the loudest and remembered the longest”. This quotation is close, it is a paraphrase but close, give me a break, it has been 2057 years. U try remembering shit from 57 years, butt wipes!!!!!!! Whether I believe that Christopher Bennett was the messenger I needed, or Brad 4 that matter, back in 1969, is another matter entirely. There was danger in the field either way, and this has caused me only more grief. I knew this would B the evil Brigger Cult’s week when they gave me that horrendous fucking weekend at work last weekend. One more bastards, and I WILL call the feds and shut the while fucking plant down, ya cruds. MC, I know U hate my angry blogs, but let me ask my great queen a question. What would U have me do after a lifetime of mistreatment beyond anything Hollywood could ever B able 2 dream up in their wildest drug trips? I know I trash talk, but yo, how am I supposed 2 sit here and praise all these monsters 4 doing all of this 2 me 4 all of this time? If U show me how, U know I will. No matter what this disease germ bag cult does 2 me, it changes not one bit the way I feel towards my Scylla, as I will always love U far beyond this silly stupid mortal existence. 990-990-990.
Short Bog 25, mischief-night, 30 October, 2008
10:34 PM Thursday night and super botbar.
Super OTAMM attack day and FULL EVIL EMPIRE:
Well, the fluers have now cheated their way 2 a 4-straight victory, as mobster monster dirt hole enemy Snyder has poured on the persecution all day long, slow at first, and then as Jimmie Stuart’s Pooka’s day wore on, shit fucking progressed worse and fucking worse, and their evil markets R up another 200 points, and up about 1000 points on the week, as I TOLD Y’ALL THEY WOULD B BACK ON SUNDAY NIGHT’S BLOG, as I all ready Lenny Time Machine Pre-Gangster-Gung-Rap-Music told U would B the case, McKinnon the telephone audio taper and fake record promoter, or was he a fake, but then this topic can wait. I won’t forget, I never forget things, NEVER, FONDA PISS!!!!!!
I want so badly 2 tell U major Gawnumology studies and equations that would BLOW YOUR BRAINS OPUT OF YOUR SKULLS, but I obey the mighty Queen-M, and cannot say anymore about that, but I doubt she’ll knock me into the stars 4 saying this whittle thing, Elmer. Start really looking seriously into my blogs and then into my life, and then U work out all the Gawnums that U think may B of pertaining interest 2 all of this, and as I said, stand back and prepare 4 the fucking mind blow of your stinking lives!!!!!! Delaware had the same winning lottery number on the 3 digit pick-it that New Jersey had, right about the same time that both World Series Philly wins occurred, the Jersey lottery in the ‘80 year and the recent Delaware lottery. Not only were they the same, but they were the number outcome digits that were told 2 me in what U mortal worlders all call a DREAM, by a large BLACK CAT by the name of GAWKY GAUKAUK, and this spelled out DIE if reversed, as the cat indeed had meowed this 2 me in the 1980 “dream” interaction, the number was 594. The WS in 1980 was played while I was on a special 8 PM through 8 AM shift at RPL sound recording studios and labs, in Camden, NJUSAESMWG. The great Pat Robertson was the reason 4 this shift, as opposed 2 my normal 8 hours, it was 11 and a half, 30 minutes 4 lunch break, and normally being the shift of 4:30 PM through 1 AM. When we did 8 to 8, the lunch break made the actual shift 11.5 hours, and we were on this 6 straight days weekly when he had millions of cassette tapes 4 us 2 duplicate, 4 his ministry of CBN or the Christian Broadcasting Network, out of Virginia Beach, Virginia, USAESMWG. The night I drove in, the game had ended while I was still on route, and people were coming out of restaurants screaming and running into the streets. When I got into work and the hoopla had died down, I had told Mike Walters about how a few days ago I was in cherry Hill near the famous Garden State Race Track and had been 2 a then famous stereo store and had purchased a DUAL turntable that was expensive, and what a jerk off I was 4 doing this, as I had absolutely no records at all, they had been lost or given away in recent moves. This is when he told me about the OVERAGE file upstairs and how a large box of vinyl records would B trashed the following day they had been up there since 1968 and every 12 years, a pile is thrown out if masters R unclaimed, and rarely did customers claim masters. This is not as if this was Cool and the Gang’s Party Till 1999, these were not important 2 the clients, just as Donna Gaines’s family did not think it was important enough 2 ever claim her HAIR album. We can get back 2 this, but do not think that this cool gang that I mentioned is not into more than just music, and I know 4 a fact, that something huger than a landfill of pure shit is going down and it’s scaring the living fuck out of me. It was something Lenny McKinnon said 2 me on the phone about some of his pals in Africa, taking over the world in the late part of the first decade of the next century. Hay, I am not touching the P subject, I am in enough fucking trouble 4 being all over the R subject like black on midnight but B real, is he a prophet or does he have a folded up Wildwood Press newspaper with blue and yellow tap boxes, come on, the polls show a landslide here, I am just making a simple comment, now as 4 Fool and the Wang and his buddies, such as Lenny, sure they knew about the 2000 party, and maybe even about the computers that should have stopped because they were missing 2 digits in their dates, and should have reset to 1900, how did they know there was a 2000, they only know what was programmed into them and we still do not have artificial intelligence operating on any large usable scale outside experimentation in think tanks and military labs? How did they possibly know about Mrs. Marola from Haddonfield and her prediction of how the world would B going crazy in 2000? Well, this can all wait. The part that cannot is that the night after the WS Phillies wins, both times, in the first zero and eight invert year, a huge thing connects me with a top recording artist of the times, and then again, the second zero and eight invert year, another one occurs, first the finding of the original HAIR album, and then the huge interaction last night with Carey, after a month of total silence.
I can go on and on but have blogged 9 pages today, and all I got 4 my effort is sore finger tips, time wasted, and a nasty fucking FULL EVIL EMPIRE or a FALEE. I admit, I have lucked out recently with more than my normal small share of FREME occurrences, but still, this is bad ass shit, and they cheated as they always do in order 2 get their twisted ass diseased way. I have let this planet in on huge fucking secrets covered up 4 hundreds of decades, such as the 6/10 projection method of the FASCITAR, the 4th-7th dimensions, SCYLLA not being a legendary sea serpent that sits on rocks out at sea singing 2 sailors, the truth of how all bends down as it extends out causing sphere-reality through 7th-D-Lawtronics, and the biggest secret of all, how an organized force keeps me away from ever being able 2 express my musical talents, and this force has an Astral Plane real true name, called the Lambrigg Cult. I told U all about David Charles Roth, and his experience with his Cadillac car after we met and he decided 2 go 2 a music store 2 purchase a drum set and his car blew up in his face. I told U that the Earthly counterpart of LAMBRIGGERS, the MASONIC FORCES OF WOMO, committed this heinous crime of poisoning this mad 2 death 4 letting me know what these diseased world owners were keeping me and the rest of my family from knowing, and that is that we R direct lineage family descendants straight back 2 Jesus Christ and King David and the Judah Tribe and Adam, of course all of U trace back 2 Adam, it just is in wider ranges, this family is as direct and narrow as it can get. Not only R we welcome Mr. McCoy in Greenwich, Connecticut, we R Connecticut. We R the world owners, and our family was removed from what was rightfully ours under the laws of kings and heirs, and this is not established by physical plane laws of man. This, whether any of U slobs wanna buy this or not which is entirely your own bizz, but this is GODS fucking plans and business, and ‘U pricks have literally ucerpted and circumvented what was meant 2B, and this is Y time went on well past where it originally was meant 2 stop in the year of 1992. A great man told me something by a great river a very long time ago, and his name on Earth was Plato. He said, “Beware the messenger that brings the message in a song, as he will always B heard the loudest and remembered the longest”. This quotation is close, it is a paraphrase but close, give me a break, it has been 2057 years. U try remembering shit from 57 years, butt wipes!!!!!!! Whether I believe that Christopher Bennett was the messenger I needed, or Brad 4 that matter, back in 1969, is another matter entirely. There was danger in the field either way, and this has caused me only more grief. I knew this would B the evil Brigger Cult’s week when they gave me that horrendous fucking weekend at work last weekend. One more bastards, and I WILL call the feds and shut the while fucking plant down, ya cruds. MC, I know U hate my angry blogs, but let me ask my great queen a question. What would U have me do after a lifetime of mistreatment beyond anything Hollywood could ever B able 2 dream up in their wildest drug trips? I know I trash talk, but yo, how am I supposed 2 sit here and praise all these monsters 4 doing all of this 2 me 4 all of this time? If U show me how, U know I will. No matter what this disease germ bag cult does 2 me, it changes not one bit the way I feel towards my Scylla, as I will always love U far beyond this silly stupid mortal existence. 990-990-990.
DATE AND TIME FILE: 103008.680-----Begin Transmission:
Well, there is Lotsanlotsa shit 2 say lads and lassies, where do I hope 2 even begin? “The best place is always creating a beginning by randomly starting just anywhere“, as my mother always used 2 say after ordering me 2 straighten up my room, and I’d look at her curiously and say, where do I begin? B4I do go on, siege was quiet with the exception of a few snotty thumb up the butt Chemtrails in the sky occasionally, but now, large nasty-ass chemical trails R all over the HAMMONTON/BERRYVILLE area here in New Jersey, United States of America, on the planet Earth, in the system of planes called Sol, in the Milky-Way Galaxy. Earlier upon the return 2 the Marhouse at 65 Middle, a crash level CIA?NSA MILITUFORCE plane zenithed right over the home as we all got out of my vehicle upon leaving Sam Walton’s store just a stone and half/s throw away, if UR one of the mighty great Phillies pitchers that is, and by the way guys, may I take this opportunity to say C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S on a super job well done and executed. Thank U for the much better magnetics that this will bring me no matter how much the BRIGGER-MICK-SCUM-LAMISY-CULT persecutes and harasses me. Obviously my other parallel event IUCPE SCUM ENEMY FOE, Ed dirt ball SNYDER, is doing this, 2 get his cheating hockey boys 2 win tonight and make it WWWW, a 4-straight victory if this persecution and intentionally made PE causes them another CHEATED AND HOLLOW VICTORY, what is ever really won by cheating? Well, something is obviously in the sick deranged and demented minds of these twisted and diseased vomit swallowers, as just as I finished typing in the precious sentence there was a loud pop, and my door opened and Dawn who has been vacuuming in the living room, had just plugged the cleaner into a different outlet so as 2 do the other side of the room, and a huge bang 4 no reason occurred, and the entire lamp is literally blown up like it exploded, and the socket receptacle at the wall is as black as the ace of spades on her darkest day. As I said, I could not get enthused and excited as a normal Phillies fan, as I absolutely knew the eventual outcome as I observed the parade 4 or 5 weeks ago coming back from that Boston road trip with the black dude who was friends with many of the New York Knicks, and Blogger and Google Search Engines has this all officially plugged and time and date stamped. This Lieutenant Van Buren cannot B altered or forged or messed with, this mam, is real!!!!!!!!!! Watch your blood pressure cutie pie. Aniwho MCMCAAONMC’s, Rufino is not in the GREAT CITY, but is having a great time with many of thousands of his astral pals. The poor mortals in the house here, have rearranged the furniture, and been given advice by the powerful ones of the G country, to spit-beer, an old recognized custom, a bit gross perhaps, but it seems 2 make them feel better and give them closure so they will not have these interactions that frighten them. Marcus, his brother, is going 2 return here 2 sleep tonight, hopefully, it was Diana teasing Dawn with the vacuum cleaner a minute ago, otherwise, oh well, maybe they’ll need 2 spit more beer. If I have 2. I’ll go ‘out there’ and ask Rufino 2 cool it, but it really makes me sad that this so called advanced society on a globally averaged level, is so full of fears that R obviously caused and generated by numerous misperceptions and beliefs based on so many total falsehoods. But don’t listen 2 me or believe anything that I say, I have only been around forever.
I want 2 say so much about the Gawnum, but MC will kick my ass if I shellfish out on her, so that is that. UR the loveliest thing in the multiverse and when U sang my very favorite song 2 me last night in the illusion of mans STC, with your beyond heavenly voice, I wanted 2 literally curl up and dissolve and just hide beneath the deepest ocean floors, as what right do I have 2 even exist and breathe the same air as U, oh great TQ? Jonah is behind this shellfish thing, and B4I say more, not only is my TV clicking away, and I know that U won’t believe this, but it is clicking in the following way, 2 clicks, pause, three clicks, pause, and one click, then it repeats over and over, this just began at 8 and one half minpers shy of 5 in the afternoon on the Eastern coast of America in Daylight Savings Time, which this year has been extended beyond the last Saturday in October. I started this stupid idea 2 and a half centuries ago, and I realize now that it was a totally dumb mistake. Back 2 Jonah, and I know the TV will start clicking again, and sure enough, there it goes, mister keystroke-wormer-sewer breath!!!!!!!! Jonah was told by SSJKK 2 do an important thing and he disobeyed the All Mighty Scylla-Jehovah, and he ended up swallowed by a huge whale in the seas after his ship was totally wrecked in a storm that she created, she is the sea, and a whole lot more, but the sea is the epitome of rhythm in case U dim wits out there never figured that one out B4 it was (2-LATE). Well, at the risk of remembering a girl from my little boy world and doing my best 2 forget who she is, let me just move this along 4 right now with Jonah, and the great, CLICK/CLICK/CLICK story in the bible on the subject of DISOBEDIENCE~!!!!! This is my theory after drilling poor Diana over and over and extracting from her all that she was willing and able 2 tell me on this subject of Scylla referring 2 me as a SHELLDFISH when I am not trusting and obedient and yet claim 2 love my endless teen-queen with all of my heart and mind and strength and soul. When the whale swallowed this SHELLFISH JONAH, he chose not 2 digest him which would have naturally killed him and then SHE could not have further used him 2 CAREY out HER plans regarding warning the Ninevites. Moving still on, the whale obeyed HER twice, first by swallowing Jonah, and then by keeping his undigested body in its stomach, and then again by expelling him out near the shore where Scylla wanted Jonah 2B all along. U will find everything from tires 2 bricks inside the whale of a belly, ask any fisherman whaler. U will find many shellfish as well. Disobedient ‘Shellfish-Jonah’ would have been digested, but the other shellfish were instead, another and one of the many, and totally UNKNOWN principle in the bible regarding SSJKK and HER great plan of salvation and forgiveness 4 her creation, using my 61st grand father’s uncle, the (SAR-MESSIAH), or the
(LORD-CHRIST) if translated into our tongue here in America now today. Click the television set all that U want 2 Satan Scum Bag, U WILL NOT STOP ME, AND U COULD NOT STOP MY RELATIVE, so put that into your mass equals energy times light velocity timers light velocity, BRA!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE/YAHOO---SATELLITE-WORLD-INTERCONNECT-SYSTEM---KING-SOIFER-WORLD-LABORATORIES of 2288, this is all the copyrighted intellectual property of 1 Michael Wayne Mountainpen/Mark Wayne Mohr, like it or snot. These statements R all true facts, and I hereby under self taken voluntary sworn oath 2 the country of which I am a citizen of, the United States of America, and all mighty Sarah-Stacey-Jehovah-Karge Krassle-(U all would just say GOD) state that under full pain of perjury or libel or slander, all enemies I claim 2B hurting me R indeed real and not imaginary, and R indeed making my day 2 day life total hell and they totally wrecked and forever destroyed my entire adult and most likely the majority of my childhood life as well, in this current astral dream down that both entities Zeranniss Arthur Yancy Jones and Rictafarius R indeed having simultaneously, and they want me forever dead and destroyed and totally completely wiped out with the drum beat and all, surfers!!!!!! Yes the entire thing with the beach 2 weeks ago yesterday was staged and fixed by members of the Atlantic city system and government, in this particular case, the Beach Patrol, go 2 and voile’, it popped on, as the last blog earlier did not blue underscore, as I said, alternation, off sand on and off and on. Must B so thrilling 2 forever dick with one tiny little defenseless poor bastard Bancrofter, huh Ann, not Silva!!!!!????????? Try going 2 these fantastic website hyperlinks also my friends, and yes my fiends also. and and as I speak, loud dirt bag motor cycles R running down Middle Road here at the great and mighty and somewhat terrifying at times, MARHOUSE, I said hose once, but this was a typographical error, U know I’d never make fun of U great teen-queen SCYLLA, click and click and click, wow, are we not so great and wonderful, laugh time everybody, what, U really need 2B cued??????????? Gimme a bweak Elmer Mudd-Fudd. END TRANSMISSION: Post script: Wow, look at this. SCYLLA, Motor Cycle and just CYCLE as in the entire hypersphere this all is existing inside of, they all have rearranged lettering, do they not??????? Please know Scylla that I am your ever obedient servant, and I thank U so much 4 that fantastic interaction that U allowed me 2 remember as last night’s dreaming in this illusion that mankind perceives as the Space-Time-Continuum. IWALU-------990-990-990-990-990-990-990. BYE-BYE-Brown Eyed Girl. Never ever go away and leave me, this is all that I ever ask of U while I remain trapped here in this totally miserable mortality.
DATE AND TIME FILE: 103008.680-----Begin Transmission:
Well, there is Lotsanlotsa shit 2 say lads and lassies, where do I hope 2 even begin? “The best place is always creating a beginning by randomly starting just anywhere“, as my mother always used 2 say after ordering me 2 straighten up my room, and I’d look at her curiously and say, where do I begin? B4I do go on, siege was quiet with the exception of a few snotty thumb up the butt Chemtrails in the sky occasionally, but now, large nasty-ass chemical trails R all over the HAMMONTON/BERRYVILLE area here in New Jersey, United States of America, on the planet Earth, in the system of planes called Sol, in the Milky-Way Galaxy. Earlier upon the return 2 the Marhouse at 65 Middle, a crash level CIA?NSA MILITUFORCE plane zenithed right over the home as we all got out of my vehicle upon leaving Sam Walton’s store just a stone and half/s throw away, if UR one of the mighty great Phillies pitchers that is, and by the way guys, may I take this opportunity to say C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S on a super job well done and executed. Thank U for the much better magnetics that this will bring me no matter how much the BRIGGER-MICK-SCUM-LAMISY-CULT persecutes and harasses me. Obviously my other parallel event IUCPE SCUM ENEMY FOE, Ed dirt ball SNYDER, is doing this, 2 get his cheating hockey boys 2 win tonight and make it WWWW, a 4-straight victory if this persecution and intentionally made PE causes them another CHEATED AND HOLLOW VICTORY, what is ever really won by cheating? Well, something is obviously in the sick deranged and demented minds of these twisted and diseased vomit swallowers, as just as I finished typing in the precious sentence there was a loud pop, and my door opened and Dawn who has been vacuuming in the living room, had just plugged the cleaner into a different outlet so as 2 do the other side of the room, and a huge bang 4 no reason occurred, and the entire lamp is literally blown up like it exploded, and the socket receptacle at the wall is as black as the ace of spades on her darkest day. As I said, I could not get enthused and excited as a normal Phillies fan, as I absolutely knew the eventual outcome as I observed the parade 4 or 5 weeks ago coming back from that Boston road trip with the black dude who was friends with many of the New York Knicks, and Blogger and Google Search Engines has this all officially plugged and time and date stamped. This Lieutenant Van Buren cannot B altered or forged or messed with, this mam, is real!!!!!!!!!! Watch your blood pressure cutie pie. Aniwho MCMCAAONMC’s, Rufino is not in the GREAT CITY, but is having a great time with many of thousands of his astral pals. The poor mortals in the house here, have rearranged the furniture, and been given advice by the powerful ones of the G country, to spit-beer, an old recognized custom, a bit gross perhaps, but it seems 2 make them feel better and give them closure so they will not have these interactions that frighten them. Marcus, his brother, is going 2 return here 2 sleep tonight, hopefully, it was Diana teasing Dawn with the vacuum cleaner a minute ago, otherwise, oh well, maybe they’ll need 2 spit more beer. If I have 2. I’ll go ‘out there’ and ask Rufino 2 cool it, but it really makes me sad that this so called advanced society on a globally averaged level, is so full of fears that R obviously caused and generated by numerous misperceptions and beliefs based on so many total falsehoods. But don’t listen 2 me or believe anything that I say, I have only been around forever.
I want 2 say so much about the Gawnum, but MC will kick my ass if I shellfish out on her, so that is that. UR the loveliest thing in the multiverse and when U sang my very favorite song 2 me last night in the illusion of mans STC, with your beyond heavenly voice, I wanted 2 literally curl up and dissolve and just hide beneath the deepest ocean floors, as what right do I have 2 even exist and breathe the same air as U, oh great TQ? Jonah is behind this shellfish thing, and B4I say more, not only is my TV clicking away, and I know that U won’t believe this, but it is clicking in the following way, 2 clicks, pause, three clicks, pause, and one click, then it repeats over and over, this just began at 8 and one half minpers shy of 5 in the afternoon on the Eastern coast of America in Daylight Savings Time, which this year has been extended beyond the last Saturday in October. I started this stupid idea 2 and a half centuries ago, and I realize now that it was a totally dumb mistake. Back 2 Jonah, and I know the TV will start clicking again, and sure enough, there it goes, mister keystroke-wormer-sewer breath!!!!!!!! Jonah was told by SSJKK 2 do an important thing and he disobeyed the All Mighty Scylla-Jehovah, and he ended up swallowed by a huge whale in the seas after his ship was totally wrecked in a storm that she created, she is the sea, and a whole lot more, but the sea is the epitome of rhythm in case U dim wits out there never figured that one out B4 it was (2-LATE). Well, at the risk of remembering a girl from my little boy world and doing my best 2 forget who she is, let me just move this along 4 right now with Jonah, and the great, CLICK/CLICK/CLICK story in the bible on the subject of DISOBEDIENCE~!!!!! This is my theory after drilling poor Diana over and over and extracting from her all that she was willing and able 2 tell me on this subject of Scylla referring 2 me as a SHELLDFISH when I am not trusting and obedient and yet claim 2 love my endless teen-queen with all of my heart and mind and strength and soul. When the whale swallowed this SHELLFISH JONAH, he chose not 2 digest him which would have naturally killed him and then SHE could not have further used him 2 CAREY out HER plans regarding warning the Ninevites. Moving still on, the whale obeyed HER twice, first by swallowing Jonah, and then by keeping his undigested body in its stomach, and then again by expelling him out near the shore where Scylla wanted Jonah 2B all along. U will find everything from tires 2 bricks inside the whale of a belly, ask any fisherman whaler. U will find many shellfish as well. Disobedient ‘Shellfish-Jonah’ would have been digested, but the other shellfish were instead, another and one of the many, and totally UNKNOWN principle in the bible regarding SSJKK and HER great plan of salvation and forgiveness 4 her creation, using my 61st grand father’s uncle, the (SAR-MESSIAH), or the
(LORD-CHRIST) if translated into our tongue here in America now today. Click the television set all that U want 2 Satan Scum Bag, U WILL NOT STOP ME, AND U COULD NOT STOP MY RELATIVE, so put that into your mass equals energy times light velocity timers light velocity, BRA!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE/YAHOO---SATELLITE-WORLD-INTERCONNECT-SYSTEM---KING-SOIFER-WORLD-LABORATORIES of 2288, this is all the copyrighted intellectual property of 1 Michael Wayne Mountainpen/Mark Wayne Mohr, like it or snot. These statements R all true facts, and I hereby under self taken voluntary sworn oath 2 the country of which I am a citizen of, the United States of America, and all mighty Sarah-Stacey-Jehovah-Karge Krassle-(U all would just say GOD) state that under full pain of perjury or libel or slander, all enemies I claim 2B hurting me R indeed real and not imaginary, and R indeed making my day 2 day life total hell and they totally wrecked and forever destroyed my entire adult and most likely the majority of my childhood life as well, in this current astral dream down that both entities Zeranniss Arthur Yancy Jones and Rictafarius R indeed having simultaneously, and they want me forever dead and destroyed and totally completely wiped out with the drum beat and all, surfers!!!!!! Yes the entire thing with the beach 2 weeks ago yesterday was staged and fixed by members of the Atlantic city system and government, in this particular case, the Beach Patrol, go 2 and voile’, it popped on, as the last blog earlier did not blue underscore, as I said, alternation, off sand on and off and on. Must B so thrilling 2 forever dick with one tiny little defenseless poor bastard Bancrofter, huh Ann, not Silva!!!!!????????? Try going 2 these fantastic website hyperlinks also my friends, and yes my fiends also. and and as I speak, loud dirt bag motor cycles R running down Middle Road here at the great and mighty and somewhat terrifying at times, MARHOUSE, I said hose once, but this was a typographical error, U know I’d never make fun of U great teen-queen SCYLLA, click and click and click, wow, are we not so great and wonderful, laugh time everybody, what, U really need 2B cued??????????? Gimme a bweak Elmer Mudd-Fudd. END TRANSMISSION: Post script: Wow, look at this. SCYLLA, Motor Cycle and just CYCLE as in the entire hypersphere this all is existing inside of, they all have rearranged lettering, do they not??????? Please know Scylla that I am your ever obedient servant, and I thank U so much 4 that fantastic interaction that U allowed me 2 remember as last night’s dreaming in this illusion that mankind perceives as the Space-Time-Continuum. IWALU-------990-990-990-990-990-990-990. BYE-BYE-Brown Eyed Girl. Never ever go away and leave me, this is all that I ever ask of U while I remain trapped here in this totally miserable mortality.
Scylla Rules the Empire, and I Love Her
MORIANITY PROJECT, continuing from 1995 audio tapes
Date And Time File: 103008.455.5555555555555555555
I Beginith me tranny, ye silly ol’ granny:
Somehow either a hack or the push of some wrong key caused the beginning of this blog 2 get screwed up so I am starting over again. I only lost the opening and had not started this part, so now this part starts with a computer Lattisaw jack hack attack report. More is happening at the Marhouse than U can ever believe, and I am gonna tell it, whether anyone likes it or not. I report the news, I do not create it, and I am more than white enough 2 live anywhere in the state of Connecticut, Mr. Mick-Coy.
Yesterday was the funeral home viewing 4 my great pal Rufino from Guatemala. He is trying 2 make his way into Sahasra Dal Kanwal, but SSJKK is mad at him and he has a Dogtown sentence 2 worry about later on B4 getting his CITY-PASS. He has been making appearances around 2 and 3 in the morning in the living room, and his brother Marcus has been sleeping with a bright light on, and now starting last night will no longer come here at night 2 sleep. It is a shame that the mortal world is blind 2 what is happening, causing them so much fear unnecessarily. At the viewing , he winked at me, no one else saw it. Then he said inside my head that the Dow would B down today and the World Series would B over as well, then he chuckled and said that the powerful ones in Guatemala down in South America, R keeping a special eye on me and this powerful Marhouse here at 65 Middle in Berryville. He went onto tell me that Scylla was going nuts in human form waiting 4 her THAT-BOY 2 remember her not just as her past incarnation, but as Scylla, and eventually knew she had 2 get Jimmy Stone 2 fire me from Griffin Pipe, so that I could B led 2 work at Initial Security and B placed at a site location where I would meet another officer, Christopher Bennett, who would put me onto blogging, and from there this entire thing would eventually and with predestination on her part, lead me back 2 her, with a further little boost from her when she put the finishing touch on this complex plan, by doing E=MC squared. It was Rufino and the Laines family all along that were behind the chain and the 1969 situation. A stranger entered the village area owned by this family, and called himself the Blast. He played a strange musical instrument and told them it was time 4 the next phase of the operation 2 begin, and this was “me”. It was no accident that I met Eddie Himacane at the Berryville library when I was blogging, and that we became friends and that he was living directly below Lewis Laines and her husband Dawn, in Judge Frank Rasso’s one of many converted house-apartment systems. Rufino was my friend and still is, I can have the pleasure of visiting with him any time I wish, this separates me from other mortals. It is not an ability, it is an awareness. If U and I both have legs that function normally, we can both walk but if we live in a room where we R told is the entire world and nothing is beyond it or if it is, there is no way 2 access it, and U remain living in that manner while I find a secret passageway that leads out and beyond this into a huge new world, again, it is the awareness that separates U and me, we both have legs and could indeed walk over 2 the gateway out and go through it, and come back into it again, whenever we choose to. Many persons that awaken from a lifetime of mortal dreaming and suddenly realize that they R back astral with their last set of dreams over, through force of habit, begin thinking about these last dreams so much that they project into them, this is known astrally, as physical projection, and known mortally as phantoms and ghosts. This is scaring poor brother Marcus so much he is losing his mind, it is a pitiful sight. I on the other hand, can cross this life/death barrier at will, and none of it is a big deal. Scylla told me last night that Blast made friends with Rufino back in Guatemala, and showed him how 2 play his magical musical instrument. It seems that when U play it, anyone hearing music from it ius literally placed into an ultra powerful hypnotic suggestive state psychologically, and cannot resist doing whatever the player of the instrument is playing, as this instrument plays both a strange sound, as well as produces the language in anyone’s native tongue that the player is thinking in his thoughts.
Last night after the news where I learned that I had indeed scored a full righteous empire or a REME, I fell into a very weird and mysterious sleep and series of long expanded interactions on the astral plane. All night long beautiful music was playing softly, and then I looked up and there was Scylla, playing her wonderful enzemeter. She laughed and told me the story of Blast or the BLAck Stranger, and went onto put on a wild disguise and sure enough Rufino came by and yelled over, “Please mighty Scylla, give me a City-Name”. She said, “B gone from here until I call 4U Taridello”. I asked her as he walked off with head down and holding tears back, Y all this is happening, and then she took off the disguise, and sure enough, it was Mariah. She took from a pouch she was wearing around her entire body, the chain, and she handed it to me and said 45 me 2 grab one end while she took hold of the opposite end. She smiled with that smerky smile that only those who know MC know about, it is so adorable, and even all grown up, she still reminds me of our interactions when she is only 5 or so, whenever she does this, sort of what she did the first time that she took me 2 the Marhouse, and now I know that the red head was Dawn, the bossy person in charge telling me 2 stop slamming the doors when it was the wind doing it, and not me. Y wouldn’t this B sort of a ‘medical building’, after all, we all R on some kind of disability and have enough problems 2 sink the Titanic 4 crissake. She went onto give me the full astral name of Rufino, but I only was ‘permitted’, uncle, 2 remember the first one of the 5 that she gave me, Taridello. Ann told me this morning after the interaction, that she had learned just this morning while talking 2 Mrs. Laines from Guatemala, that he was a practicing witch, and had once drank an entire gallon-can of gasoline, and sacrificed himself to lightning’s brother, Apollo-Lucifer. He survived this as they R very knowledgeable in this area of the wo9rld on occult things as well as home remedies, all the herbs and roots that heal, etcetera, they basically have no doctors in many of these Guatemalan villages, all though, modernization is just now beginning 2 catch up with the rest of the nearby South American societies in general. Friday, his human remains will end up back in Guatemala and the family will B able 2 bury him properly, the accident was extremely gruesome I was told. It seems the police and local authorities wrote the report up wrong, and several accounts exist of the incident, shades of mom and me and the Turnersville NJUSAESMWG terrorist threat that we received from friends of the Paula and John King family of Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG. If it was not 4 the judge, Frank Rasso, we might never get the true story, but this is the way I currently understand it 2B, as the judge also was at the viewing and I could not help but overhear a private conversation regarding this terrible matter of sadness. It seems that a Berryville Councilman was the driver of this vehicle, and as local business establishment witnessed that a car was moving slowly yet deliberately at Rufino and the driver had turned and appeared 2B speaking 2 a passenger and totally not paying attention 2 the road. Hush-hush accidents around this area R things as U all know, I personally can relate 2, unless U never read previous books and blogs published on the site of Gee am I not shocked that the blue underscore does not light up? On again, off again, on again, off again, all that’s freaking missing is Finnegan Flannigan, and Raymour Furniture Stores.
Anyway after this opening 2 an incredible night of major interactions with my beautiful Mariah (Scylla-Goddess), she took me into her lovely Sahasra Dal Kanwal, her city and the capital city of the entire province and since Province Olympia is the capitol province on the entire Astral Plane, it is the Capitol City of the phase 2 reality referred 2 by mystics and esoteric persons as the Astral-Plane, or the BARDO, the LAND-OF-THE-DEAD, a silly and meaningless word, nothing is dead and nothing is alive, we simply EXIST. All else beyond that is a powerful illusion. A kinder word would B substitutable, dream. So MC took me there, and over to a nestern area where a beautiful park is accessed off of 300,000 Avenue, leading down into marvelous raging colorful rivers and streams made of gold and silver in liquid form, and all the surrounding colorful bushes and trees, are literally made out of 12 various jewels that R so exquisite that human eyes would simply not B able 2 handle seeing them. She then had her enzemeter with her and she began 2 sing 2 me, my favorite out of all the songs she ever songs 2 me, “I just wanna spend my time with U, let me make sweet love 2U”, and the song goes on, yet these R always the only 2 lines that ?Scylla ever lets me bring back with me into the waking world of the conscious mind. Then as we walked on together, woustward, or down, as nest is up and woust is down on the astral plane, we stopped and sat down and then she gew serious and stared at me and said this 2 me, “Yancy, UR making me very angry with U back in your dreams where I to am living and know U well”. got petrified and gulped and said, “YRU mad at me my beautiful giant teen queen?” She said in this paraphrase, that other gods and goddesses indeed R playing games, but that she is not, that her plans R real important and not a game that keeps her mind from thinking about the lack of oblivion. I was knocked into zeetrons and she repeated this many times after I would with great effort manage 2 reform again. Then she finally y told me that she forgives me, but that there better not B any more “bad blogs” I knew what she meant, no more, “I’m running away and U can’t stop me”, or “Y did U put me here”, or anything that would make me a shellfish, as she calls it, or disobedient. She rules this empire and all empires, she reminded me, and I better know that and obey and love her forever, and repent 4 what I did with Diana’s brother, AL. I did, I cried like a baby this morning after I awoke from this, and got down on my knees and told my lovely TQ how sorry I am, it will never ever happen again, so U need not ever ask HOW MANY TIMES. It was a bout a month since my last interaction with SSJKK, and I loved being with my tall teen beauty queen. She says I am permitted 2 tell that we made passionate love 4 what seems now 2B forever in this lovely park that mortals, should they C it even in a glance, would instantly commit suicide just 2 try and get there. Do not ever do this remember her mighty commandments, THOU SHALT NOT KILL, and this means others as well as self. Much more needs B said, but errands R now a must, my Marhouse rulers call, and MC, I must obey as U know. Please B with me in spirit as I know UR always, my TQ. Yes, IWALU, and 990-990-990-990-990-990-990-990-990.
End of Tranny, ye ol’ Granny:
MORIANITY PROJECT, continuing from 1995 audio tapes
Date And Time File: 103008.455.5555555555555555555
I Beginith me tranny, ye silly ol’ granny:
Somehow either a hack or the push of some wrong key caused the beginning of this blog 2 get screwed up so I am starting over again. I only lost the opening and had not started this part, so now this part starts with a computer Lattisaw jack hack attack report. More is happening at the Marhouse than U can ever believe, and I am gonna tell it, whether anyone likes it or not. I report the news, I do not create it, and I am more than white enough 2 live anywhere in the state of Connecticut, Mr. Mick-Coy.
Yesterday was the funeral home viewing 4 my great pal Rufino from Guatemala. He is trying 2 make his way into Sahasra Dal Kanwal, but SSJKK is mad at him and he has a Dogtown sentence 2 worry about later on B4 getting his CITY-PASS. He has been making appearances around 2 and 3 in the morning in the living room, and his brother Marcus has been sleeping with a bright light on, and now starting last night will no longer come here at night 2 sleep. It is a shame that the mortal world is blind 2 what is happening, causing them so much fear unnecessarily. At the viewing , he winked at me, no one else saw it. Then he said inside my head that the Dow would B down today and the World Series would B over as well, then he chuckled and said that the powerful ones in Guatemala down in South America, R keeping a special eye on me and this powerful Marhouse here at 65 Middle in Berryville. He went onto tell me that Scylla was going nuts in human form waiting 4 her THAT-BOY 2 remember her not just as her past incarnation, but as Scylla, and eventually knew she had 2 get Jimmy Stone 2 fire me from Griffin Pipe, so that I could B led 2 work at Initial Security and B placed at a site location where I would meet another officer, Christopher Bennett, who would put me onto blogging, and from there this entire thing would eventually and with predestination on her part, lead me back 2 her, with a further little boost from her when she put the finishing touch on this complex plan, by doing E=MC squared. It was Rufino and the Laines family all along that were behind the chain and the 1969 situation. A stranger entered the village area owned by this family, and called himself the Blast. He played a strange musical instrument and told them it was time 4 the next phase of the operation 2 begin, and this was “me”. It was no accident that I met Eddie Himacane at the Berryville library when I was blogging, and that we became friends and that he was living directly below Lewis Laines and her husband Dawn, in Judge Frank Rasso’s one of many converted house-apartment systems. Rufino was my friend and still is, I can have the pleasure of visiting with him any time I wish, this separates me from other mortals. It is not an ability, it is an awareness. If U and I both have legs that function normally, we can both walk but if we live in a room where we R told is the entire world and nothing is beyond it or if it is, there is no way 2 access it, and U remain living in that manner while I find a secret passageway that leads out and beyond this into a huge new world, again, it is the awareness that separates U and me, we both have legs and could indeed walk over 2 the gateway out and go through it, and come back into it again, whenever we choose to. Many persons that awaken from a lifetime of mortal dreaming and suddenly realize that they R back astral with their last set of dreams over, through force of habit, begin thinking about these last dreams so much that they project into them, this is known astrally, as physical projection, and known mortally as phantoms and ghosts. This is scaring poor brother Marcus so much he is losing his mind, it is a pitiful sight. I on the other hand, can cross this life/death barrier at will, and none of it is a big deal. Scylla told me last night that Blast made friends with Rufino back in Guatemala, and showed him how 2 play his magical musical instrument. It seems that when U play it, anyone hearing music from it ius literally placed into an ultra powerful hypnotic suggestive state psychologically, and cannot resist doing whatever the player of the instrument is playing, as this instrument plays both a strange sound, as well as produces the language in anyone’s native tongue that the player is thinking in his thoughts.
Last night after the news where I learned that I had indeed scored a full righteous empire or a REME, I fell into a very weird and mysterious sleep and series of long expanded interactions on the astral plane. All night long beautiful music was playing softly, and then I looked up and there was Scylla, playing her wonderful enzemeter. She laughed and told me the story of Blast or the BLAck Stranger, and went onto put on a wild disguise and sure enough Rufino came by and yelled over, “Please mighty Scylla, give me a City-Name”. She said, “B gone from here until I call 4U Taridello”. I asked her as he walked off with head down and holding tears back, Y all this is happening, and then she took off the disguise, and sure enough, it was Mariah. She took from a pouch she was wearing around her entire body, the chain, and she handed it to me and said 45 me 2 grab one end while she took hold of the opposite end. She smiled with that smerky smile that only those who know MC know about, it is so adorable, and even all grown up, she still reminds me of our interactions when she is only 5 or so, whenever she does this, sort of what she did the first time that she took me 2 the Marhouse, and now I know that the red head was Dawn, the bossy person in charge telling me 2 stop slamming the doors when it was the wind doing it, and not me. Y wouldn’t this B sort of a ‘medical building’, after all, we all R on some kind of disability and have enough problems 2 sink the Titanic 4 crissake. She went onto give me the full astral name of Rufino, but I only was ‘permitted’, uncle, 2 remember the first one of the 5 that she gave me, Taridello. Ann told me this morning after the interaction, that she had learned just this morning while talking 2 Mrs. Laines from Guatemala, that he was a practicing witch, and had once drank an entire gallon-can of gasoline, and sacrificed himself to lightning’s brother, Apollo-Lucifer. He survived this as they R very knowledgeable in this area of the wo9rld on occult things as well as home remedies, all the herbs and roots that heal, etcetera, they basically have no doctors in many of these Guatemalan villages, all though, modernization is just now beginning 2 catch up with the rest of the nearby South American societies in general. Friday, his human remains will end up back in Guatemala and the family will B able 2 bury him properly, the accident was extremely gruesome I was told. It seems the police and local authorities wrote the report up wrong, and several accounts exist of the incident, shades of mom and me and the Turnersville NJUSAESMWG terrorist threat that we received from friends of the Paula and John King family of Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG. If it was not 4 the judge, Frank Rasso, we might never get the true story, but this is the way I currently understand it 2B, as the judge also was at the viewing and I could not help but overhear a private conversation regarding this terrible matter of sadness. It seems that a Berryville Councilman was the driver of this vehicle, and as local business establishment witnessed that a car was moving slowly yet deliberately at Rufino and the driver had turned and appeared 2B speaking 2 a passenger and totally not paying attention 2 the road. Hush-hush accidents around this area R things as U all know, I personally can relate 2, unless U never read previous books and blogs published on the site of Gee am I not shocked that the blue underscore does not light up? On again, off again, on again, off again, all that’s freaking missing is Finnegan Flannigan, and Raymour Furniture Stores.
Anyway after this opening 2 an incredible night of major interactions with my beautiful Mariah (Scylla-Goddess), she took me into her lovely Sahasra Dal Kanwal, her city and the capital city of the entire province and since Province Olympia is the capitol province on the entire Astral Plane, it is the Capitol City of the phase 2 reality referred 2 by mystics and esoteric persons as the Astral-Plane, or the BARDO, the LAND-OF-THE-DEAD, a silly and meaningless word, nothing is dead and nothing is alive, we simply EXIST. All else beyond that is a powerful illusion. A kinder word would B substitutable, dream. So MC took me there, and over to a nestern area where a beautiful park is accessed off of 300,000 Avenue, leading down into marvelous raging colorful rivers and streams made of gold and silver in liquid form, and all the surrounding colorful bushes and trees, are literally made out of 12 various jewels that R so exquisite that human eyes would simply not B able 2 handle seeing them. She then had her enzemeter with her and she began 2 sing 2 me, my favorite out of all the songs she ever songs 2 me, “I just wanna spend my time with U, let me make sweet love 2U”, and the song goes on, yet these R always the only 2 lines that ?Scylla ever lets me bring back with me into the waking world of the conscious mind. Then as we walked on together, woustward, or down, as nest is up and woust is down on the astral plane, we stopped and sat down and then she gew serious and stared at me and said this 2 me, “Yancy, UR making me very angry with U back in your dreams where I to am living and know U well”. got petrified and gulped and said, “YRU mad at me my beautiful giant teen queen?” She said in this paraphrase, that other gods and goddesses indeed R playing games, but that she is not, that her plans R real important and not a game that keeps her mind from thinking about the lack of oblivion. I was knocked into zeetrons and she repeated this many times after I would with great effort manage 2 reform again. Then she finally y told me that she forgives me, but that there better not B any more “bad blogs” I knew what she meant, no more, “I’m running away and U can’t stop me”, or “Y did U put me here”, or anything that would make me a shellfish, as she calls it, or disobedient. She rules this empire and all empires, she reminded me, and I better know that and obey and love her forever, and repent 4 what I did with Diana’s brother, AL. I did, I cried like a baby this morning after I awoke from this, and got down on my knees and told my lovely TQ how sorry I am, it will never ever happen again, so U need not ever ask HOW MANY TIMES. It was a bout a month since my last interaction with SSJKK, and I loved being with my tall teen beauty queen. She says I am permitted 2 tell that we made passionate love 4 what seems now 2B forever in this lovely park that mortals, should they C it even in a glance, would instantly commit suicide just 2 try and get there. Do not ever do this remember her mighty commandments, THOU SHALT NOT KILL, and this means others as well as self. Much more needs B said, but errands R now a must, my Marhouse rulers call, and MC, I must obey as U know. Please B with me in spirit as I know UR always, my TQ. Yes, IWALU, and 990-990-990-990-990-990-990-990-990.
End of Tranny, ye ol’ Granny:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
T/T/W/M/ETC.10:28PM, 10/28/2K
Well it is 20 minutes later, and this fucking hell WOMO MI*LITUFORCE death siege wreaked havoc on me, brought the DOW up illegally 1000 points, and made the filthy CHEATING MOBSTER ED SNYDER FLYERS, WIN 3 STRAIGHT and all exactly as fucking cock sucking predicted, so do not laugh and scoff at this parallel event thing as PHILLIES WILL GO ON LOSIMNG AND LOSING AND OLOSING, FLYERS WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNIONG AND DOW UP AND UP AND UP FOREVER, just as long as they can keep getting covertly away with endlessly kicking NFL field goals with my head as the fucking football, Jessica!!!!
I know what I am talking about and will B giving out some major huge secrets if this does not lessen and back off a little fucking bit, watch this world rock and roll in my rhythm, as I am not playing and chall can take this any dernsy way U’s want 2 take it, your Archibald cherce!!!!!
Ron Wirtz, if I throw this thing hard down on concrete, this world as we all know it is gone forever, better make these pricks know I cannot fucking take much fucklng more of this fucking shit. THE END of this word blend:
T/T/W/M/ETC.10:28PM, 10/28/2K
Well it is 20 minutes later, and this fucking hell WOMO MI*LITUFORCE death siege wreaked havoc on me, brought the DOW up illegally 1000 points, and made the filthy CHEATING MOBSTER ED SNYDER FLYERS, WIN 3 STRAIGHT and all exactly as fucking cock sucking predicted, so do not laugh and scoff at this parallel event thing as PHILLIES WILL GO ON LOSIMNG AND LOSING AND OLOSING, FLYERS WINNING AND WINNING AND WINNIONG AND DOW UP AND UP AND UP FOREVER, just as long as they can keep getting covertly away with endlessly kicking NFL field goals with my head as the fucking football, Jessica!!!!
I know what I am talking about and will B giving out some major huge secrets if this does not lessen and back off a little fucking bit, watch this world rock and roll in my rhythm, as I am not playing and chall can take this any dernsy way U’s want 2 take it, your Archibald cherce!!!!!
Ron Wirtz, if I throw this thing hard down on concrete, this world as we all know it is gone forever, better make these pricks know I cannot fucking take much fucklng more of this fucking shit. THE END of this word blend:
“ Endless Fucking Siege”
T/T/W/M/ETC. 9:28 PM
Ocfuckingtober 28th of 2008, Begin:
I am in a nightmare and 2 those causing it it is just a fun and funny game, this is because these turd shits R total fucking monsters. I have proof that every claim I have made on any of my 5 blogs as well as my late website, is all true, totally accurate and true. If one of U out there, had a huge flying saucer land in your back yard, your life is over. Kiss any chance 4 normalcy good bye forever. There is no way 2 ever restore in the same lifetime, once U have been Brigger-Targeted, dogface, U do not even have time 2 say your prayers, UR lost B4 it can even count. I have nothing positive 2 say 2-night, as there is nothing positive inside of me, I am a tormented soul with wicked sick demonic scum all around me that hate me and this has been going on 4 an entire one half century. When U watch Hydroglacia City take form, alter the relative graviton constant of the entire hypersphere, fly around U at a work site, and then fly off and become the great astral city again, the mighty pulsar star U all must C at night from time 2 time, U can forever kiss good bye your way of life, they will destroy U forever until U go mad or drop dead, this is simple fact that many secret high ordered Ufology clubs WILL indeed back me up on, I know this. What if I told UI can take 40 dollars worth of audio equipment, and make things come out on it that cannot B duplicated by million dollar pro record label owned studios? What if I told U that there R 5 things that U can do right now the second U get done reading my blog, that will forever change your life and your perception of reality? What if I told U that they will throw a huge fucking bomb in this house if I tell 2 much. Would any of U morons out there even care? Not one bit!!!!! I know this, U can think I’m just a stupid boob, but I know what I fucking know, B-R-O!!!!!!!!!! I once told y’all that if U suddenly out of nowhere, stare at a moving analogue second hand on a watch or clock or at a moving tape digital counter such as on your DVD player or whatever, U WILL C, upon occasion, that from the time U first look at it, time is not running normally by your perspective and reference point, as it seems 2 take 2 or even 3 seconds 4 it 2 move on. Stare at the bubble around U4 a real long time on a bright sunny day outside, it is a generated illusion. It will follow U throughout forever, round and round the 2 dimensional plane of the planet, as well as forever around and around the 3 dimensional expansion of the hypersphere.
The Flyers R playing and this is Y these diseased mother fucking twat sniffers R pouring this on tonight. They got their way with nearly 10000 points on their fixed Dow Jones today, AS I PREDICTED, ARM BUSTER GINA, 4 the week up at least 600 plus points, and by Friday make that up 3000. Illusion, Martino/Callio, Mary/Carter, even Goddess Scylla’s mother’s in initials. Then there is the ooops on TPB tapes sent 2 the US Library of Congress, I do love U Stacey, but how can U live with your miserable self after watching me now 4 over 120 centuries of misery and tears? I often wonder now about the title 2 your song, not just that my relative did carpentry work, but how the first 3 letters match your 21st century identity. Then the micro soft narrator pronounces your website just the way Mariena would pronounce your name, isn’t life here on Earth fascinating mister Nemoy? Now on top of that,. Gale force winds R making Chicky pussy out, I have 2 drive over 2 the pizzeria now and pick up the big boy from Guatemala, oh well, keep those powerful chain people happy, right John Gannon Henningsen Medical Center??????????? What year did that show start, oh SAR!!!! Well the huge Earthquake I have been speaking about is now right around the corner, watch out bastards that hate me so much, don’t get fucking buried alive Count Quentin Nicholas.
END, bwaby wuv Elmer Wabbit Sillyass Fwudd!!!!!!
T/T/W/M/ETC. 9:28 PM
Ocfuckingtober 28th of 2008, Begin:
I am in a nightmare and 2 those causing it it is just a fun and funny game, this is because these turd shits R total fucking monsters. I have proof that every claim I have made on any of my 5 blogs as well as my late website, is all true, totally accurate and true. If one of U out there, had a huge flying saucer land in your back yard, your life is over. Kiss any chance 4 normalcy good bye forever. There is no way 2 ever restore in the same lifetime, once U have been Brigger-Targeted, dogface, U do not even have time 2 say your prayers, UR lost B4 it can even count. I have nothing positive 2 say 2-night, as there is nothing positive inside of me, I am a tormented soul with wicked sick demonic scum all around me that hate me and this has been going on 4 an entire one half century. When U watch Hydroglacia City take form, alter the relative graviton constant of the entire hypersphere, fly around U at a work site, and then fly off and become the great astral city again, the mighty pulsar star U all must C at night from time 2 time, U can forever kiss good bye your way of life, they will destroy U forever until U go mad or drop dead, this is simple fact that many secret high ordered Ufology clubs WILL indeed back me up on, I know this. What if I told UI can take 40 dollars worth of audio equipment, and make things come out on it that cannot B duplicated by million dollar pro record label owned studios? What if I told U that there R 5 things that U can do right now the second U get done reading my blog, that will forever change your life and your perception of reality? What if I told U that they will throw a huge fucking bomb in this house if I tell 2 much. Would any of U morons out there even care? Not one bit!!!!! I know this, U can think I’m just a stupid boob, but I know what I fucking know, B-R-O!!!!!!!!!! I once told y’all that if U suddenly out of nowhere, stare at a moving analogue second hand on a watch or clock or at a moving tape digital counter such as on your DVD player or whatever, U WILL C, upon occasion, that from the time U first look at it, time is not running normally by your perspective and reference point, as it seems 2 take 2 or even 3 seconds 4 it 2 move on. Stare at the bubble around U4 a real long time on a bright sunny day outside, it is a generated illusion. It will follow U throughout forever, round and round the 2 dimensional plane of the planet, as well as forever around and around the 3 dimensional expansion of the hypersphere.
The Flyers R playing and this is Y these diseased mother fucking twat sniffers R pouring this on tonight. They got their way with nearly 10000 points on their fixed Dow Jones today, AS I PREDICTED, ARM BUSTER GINA, 4 the week up at least 600 plus points, and by Friday make that up 3000. Illusion, Martino/Callio, Mary/Carter, even Goddess Scylla’s mother’s in initials. Then there is the ooops on TPB tapes sent 2 the US Library of Congress, I do love U Stacey, but how can U live with your miserable self after watching me now 4 over 120 centuries of misery and tears? I often wonder now about the title 2 your song, not just that my relative did carpentry work, but how the first 3 letters match your 21st century identity. Then the micro soft narrator pronounces your website just the way Mariena would pronounce your name, isn’t life here on Earth fascinating mister Nemoy? Now on top of that,. Gale force winds R making Chicky pussy out, I have 2 drive over 2 the pizzeria now and pick up the big boy from Guatemala, oh well, keep those powerful chain people happy, right John Gannon Henningsen Medical Center??????????? What year did that show start, oh SAR!!!! Well the huge Earthquake I have been speaking about is now right around the corner, watch out bastards that hate me so much, don’t get fucking buried alive Count Quentin Nicholas.
END, bwaby wuv Elmer Wabbit Sillyass Fwudd!!!!!!
“The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version”
(I’M Not Always Right, But I Doubt I’ll B Wrong Today)
Datfile:102808.521.55-----Beginning Transmission:
Well, I was wrong yesterday and no one could know about the weather one way or the other, still, I do know today, as every time Dawnie the TerraBull gives me flack 4 no good reason when I do nothing but endless favors 4 her and had just treated her 2 some danish and coffee along with mom, Ann Silva at the where else but the EGG HARBOR CITY, Duncan America Runs On Donuts. It seems that I make a lot of sarcastic remarks and she does not like it, well I really do not, and anyone else in my sitch with this mind case would make way plenty more than me, and what does she like besides nothing, as she is an insatiable, non-please-able and unappeasable very ill woman, just as was my pathetic aunt Barbara, long B4 the DSM4 recognized nor knew about autism and ADD and ADHD, and all of the anger and rage syndromes that now R accepted as legitimate mental disorders and diseases, that can even keep one out of prison, personally I’d take being there over a banana house 4 the criminally insane any day of the millennium. Earlier I knew I was in trouble, both last night and again earlier today, Jane slutweeds not fond of Fonda witch got me with her famous groupings of ones, not once, but fucking twice. After all I have done 4 this sick bitch, she would technically owe me a month of Saturdays in a retreat resort, buck naked and at my total command. Hay, I know she is hurting with the death last week of her brother in law, Rufino, but that is just excuse and cop out bull shit, this is the way that this evil slut acts whether it is raining or sun shinning on her day and life, no difference, and I just smirked at Ann Silva back in the car a while back when out Of Dawn’s hearing range, she said that 2 me. She is no fun at all 2B around and let alone 2 live with, ever, this has been a nightmare, and thanx 2 Uncle Heinz up in Long Island early in the 70’s, and what his kids and their families and their neighborhood friends did 2 a powerful person or someone destined 2 grow up 2B1, this is my cross 2 bear, she rules, and has admitted this 2 the world, back door or not, let me touch on that pweeeeeze!!!!! If U and your family R all home sleeping at 3 in the moUrning, and a nut case escapes from jail and breaks into your home, and ends up raping and killing your 3 young daughters, and then killing your 2 sons, all 5 of your kids, and then rapes and kills your wife while UR tied up defenseless and forced 2 watch all of this and R totally out of your mind with grief and horror, would it matter, if I tell U that it was not the front or the side doors that this evil jerk off had entered 2 gain access 2 u and your family’s home and made mince meat out of your life and left U beaten 2 a pulp but alive, just 4 kicks? Would it really freaking matter so damn much that it was the BACK DOOR that this demonic jerk off had entered, so do U get the point about the Empire State building confession from last May, Blogaud?????????!!!!!!!!! SHE, SCYLLA, said this, back door, front door, matters nothing 2 me, yes those mists
R here, but these mists R more normal, it is called the rain. Now the last time Dawnie Terra gave me flack, the evil empire scored from here 2 the rugs of the ugly old men. I all ready positively know that this will B ALEE’s great day, I told U the series would not B a slam, dunk, but a struggle and I maintain this, hope I am wrong, and have no definite knowledge 2 this, just applying my 23 year parallel event experience with this horrific fucking nightmare of mine, that Scylla and Harold Klemp refuse 2 fix, and I know that either one of these 2 entities do in fact have the freaking power 2 end my suffering, I think this is their rotten game and it is all hilariously humorously funny 2 them. It sure beats the hell out of Harold Lloyd, Mo-Curly-Larry, and Rodney Dangerfield, all put together. Brad was from the future and so was my 1969 special education teacher, Mrs. Marola. Brad used 2 go around the apartment when Rodney and his mom were on the telephone together singing the Sinatra song melody of Strangers in the night, only altering the lyrics 2, Danger in the Field, how prophetic and powerfully symbolic is all of this. Same thing with Dick Wolf, he knows 2 much, all the names, all the stuff, he just knows, how does he know, I am no more buying into this fucking bull shit than I am buying into me being 6 feet 5 and 220 pounds of solid lean muscle. There is no way these things can randomly all B occurring, the odds would put it at quintillions to one against 4 this being indeed so. 5 billion squared 2 one was the figure given 2 me and this was long ago, by a mathematical professor specializing in probabilities and statistics, at the world famous University of Pennsylvania. There cannot B that many Plageman’s in America either, and Law and Order suddenly added one of Jenny’s relatives or cousins into the creation of the show, Jenny was my monstrous landlady, all though that hell was still not as bad and hot as the one MC has me in now, and is laughing, I’m quite sure.
Last night, quite heavy pussy command was there when I entered an extremely unusually flash-mob-crowded grocery store, the Hammonton/Blucran Berryville Shop Rite on where else but Route 30, the famous and great WHITE HORSE PIKE, and I will continue this Detective Allens, but I know UR reading this on keyword-program-gov-tek, so know I now must take Dawnie Terra 2 the funeral home in town, will B back, so watch and C what happens. Well, I am back, and do I live a life right out of Dark Twilight Zone shadows or what? A sheriff car is here. Dawn thought she was going 2B arrested, but she only has 2 fill out some kind of papers so she WILL NOT go 2 jail within 14 days, some judgment on her, I believe a Hammonton officer has a suit against her from the day she punched him out, she is very strong and quite dangerous, as is her second cuz Paula King the Terra-BULL!!!!!!!!
Well, whatever happens empire-wise today and tonight, it is pouring rain, the Phillies R doubtful 2 play the game tonight, and personally if the rain can hold it off until my magnetics improve, so much the better 4 my fighting Mariena-Carlittia’s team, but whatever happens, a win in game 5, 6, or 7, it happens and I can go off and relax, I all ready witnessed the parade and the entire city going nuts, and made this a matter of public record on 3 blogging sites, but one does not want me 2 have that much credibility as this is tantamount 2 also having power, and power and me R things that a huge higher force does not want one bit. Dawn apologized 2 me right B4 we left, so I am an easy person, related to grams 61’s unk, remember, and forgive her, at least up 2 490 times, which is getting close.
G/S/W/ etcetera, and bleee bleee bleeee bleeeee sand blaaaahhh U-ol’ sheep.
END TRANSMISSION with truck loads 2 tell y’all later on!!!!!!!!
(I’M Not Always Right, But I Doubt I’ll B Wrong Today)
Datfile:102808.521.55-----Beginning Transmission:
Well, I was wrong yesterday and no one could know about the weather one way or the other, still, I do know today, as every time Dawnie the TerraBull gives me flack 4 no good reason when I do nothing but endless favors 4 her and had just treated her 2 some danish and coffee along with mom, Ann Silva at the where else but the EGG HARBOR CITY, Duncan America Runs On Donuts. It seems that I make a lot of sarcastic remarks and she does not like it, well I really do not, and anyone else in my sitch with this mind case would make way plenty more than me, and what does she like besides nothing, as she is an insatiable, non-please-able and unappeasable very ill woman, just as was my pathetic aunt Barbara, long B4 the DSM4 recognized nor knew about autism and ADD and ADHD, and all of the anger and rage syndromes that now R accepted as legitimate mental disorders and diseases, that can even keep one out of prison, personally I’d take being there over a banana house 4 the criminally insane any day of the millennium. Earlier I knew I was in trouble, both last night and again earlier today, Jane slutweeds not fond of Fonda witch got me with her famous groupings of ones, not once, but fucking twice. After all I have done 4 this sick bitch, she would technically owe me a month of Saturdays in a retreat resort, buck naked and at my total command. Hay, I know she is hurting with the death last week of her brother in law, Rufino, but that is just excuse and cop out bull shit, this is the way that this evil slut acts whether it is raining or sun shinning on her day and life, no difference, and I just smirked at Ann Silva back in the car a while back when out Of Dawn’s hearing range, she said that 2 me. She is no fun at all 2B around and let alone 2 live with, ever, this has been a nightmare, and thanx 2 Uncle Heinz up in Long Island early in the 70’s, and what his kids and their families and their neighborhood friends did 2 a powerful person or someone destined 2 grow up 2B1, this is my cross 2 bear, she rules, and has admitted this 2 the world, back door or not, let me touch on that pweeeeeze!!!!! If U and your family R all home sleeping at 3 in the moUrning, and a nut case escapes from jail and breaks into your home, and ends up raping and killing your 3 young daughters, and then killing your 2 sons, all 5 of your kids, and then rapes and kills your wife while UR tied up defenseless and forced 2 watch all of this and R totally out of your mind with grief and horror, would it matter, if I tell U that it was not the front or the side doors that this evil jerk off had entered 2 gain access 2 u and your family’s home and made mince meat out of your life and left U beaten 2 a pulp but alive, just 4 kicks? Would it really freaking matter so damn much that it was the BACK DOOR that this demonic jerk off had entered, so do U get the point about the Empire State building confession from last May, Blogaud?????????!!!!!!!!! SHE, SCYLLA, said this, back door, front door, matters nothing 2 me, yes those mists
R here, but these mists R more normal, it is called the rain. Now the last time Dawnie Terra gave me flack, the evil empire scored from here 2 the rugs of the ugly old men. I all ready positively know that this will B ALEE’s great day, I told U the series would not B a slam, dunk, but a struggle and I maintain this, hope I am wrong, and have no definite knowledge 2 this, just applying my 23 year parallel event experience with this horrific fucking nightmare of mine, that Scylla and Harold Klemp refuse 2 fix, and I know that either one of these 2 entities do in fact have the freaking power 2 end my suffering, I think this is their rotten game and it is all hilariously humorously funny 2 them. It sure beats the hell out of Harold Lloyd, Mo-Curly-Larry, and Rodney Dangerfield, all put together. Brad was from the future and so was my 1969 special education teacher, Mrs. Marola. Brad used 2 go around the apartment when Rodney and his mom were on the telephone together singing the Sinatra song melody of Strangers in the night, only altering the lyrics 2, Danger in the Field, how prophetic and powerfully symbolic is all of this. Same thing with Dick Wolf, he knows 2 much, all the names, all the stuff, he just knows, how does he know, I am no more buying into this fucking bull shit than I am buying into me being 6 feet 5 and 220 pounds of solid lean muscle. There is no way these things can randomly all B occurring, the odds would put it at quintillions to one against 4 this being indeed so. 5 billion squared 2 one was the figure given 2 me and this was long ago, by a mathematical professor specializing in probabilities and statistics, at the world famous University of Pennsylvania. There cannot B that many Plageman’s in America either, and Law and Order suddenly added one of Jenny’s relatives or cousins into the creation of the show, Jenny was my monstrous landlady, all though that hell was still not as bad and hot as the one MC has me in now, and is laughing, I’m quite sure.
Last night, quite heavy pussy command was there when I entered an extremely unusually flash-mob-crowded grocery store, the Hammonton/Blucran Berryville Shop Rite on where else but Route 30, the famous and great WHITE HORSE PIKE, and I will continue this Detective Allens, but I know UR reading this on keyword-program-gov-tek, so know I now must take Dawnie Terra 2 the funeral home in town, will B back, so watch and C what happens. Well, I am back, and do I live a life right out of Dark Twilight Zone shadows or what? A sheriff car is here. Dawn thought she was going 2B arrested, but she only has 2 fill out some kind of papers so she WILL NOT go 2 jail within 14 days, some judgment on her, I believe a Hammonton officer has a suit against her from the day she punched him out, she is very strong and quite dangerous, as is her second cuz Paula King the Terra-BULL!!!!!!!!
Well, whatever happens empire-wise today and tonight, it is pouring rain, the Phillies R doubtful 2 play the game tonight, and personally if the rain can hold it off until my magnetics improve, so much the better 4 my fighting Mariena-Carlittia’s team, but whatever happens, a win in game 5, 6, or 7, it happens and I can go off and relax, I all ready witnessed the parade and the entire city going nuts, and made this a matter of public record on 3 blogging sites, but one does not want me 2 have that much credibility as this is tantamount 2 also having power, and power and me R things that a huge higher force does not want one bit. Dawn apologized 2 me right B4 we left, so I am an easy person, related to grams 61’s unk, remember, and forgive her, at least up 2 490 times, which is getting close.
G/S/W/ etcetera, and bleee bleee bleeee bleeeee sand blaaaahhh U-ol’ sheep.
END TRANSMISSION with truck loads 2 tell y’all later on!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Blah and blab and blah on October 27th at
8:17 PM, 2008 AD, ‘in the name of our Sar’
I predict a huge major blow out and major scoring 4 ALEE, I have no idea as of yet what is happening in the physical world around me with the market and the game, but the magnetics and this day, R extremely fucking major bad, and I do not C the DJIA not being up in 4 digits and the Phil’s cutting their lead to a 3 and 2, but I all ready know it will not matter whether they celebrate tonight or the next one or all the way at game 7, as I all ready have seen it Charity Trask Pansy Faye. And no, I do “not let things like this phase me, not at all”.
This has been putrid. Also, there is no way I did not die and go 2 hell long ago, no real world can have this kind of shit being happening and going down all around me like this, they will not allow me 2 learn the computer, and all I can do is blog. I have lost my website as U know, as well as one of the 2 sites I used 2 blog on, Mindsay, and if someone wants 2 gobble up MF domain, B my guest, none of this can B real, it is just 2 far fucking fetched, CU soon, GINA when I am later saying, told U big arm breaker U!!!!!!!!! Yes Billy Harner, whatever Sally is saying, well,. That’s entirely your business and your pal Rob Fartley’s business, the used car Fair Deal Dan of Munsterville-Collingswood. I only what I am saying, so screw Sally. All of U have stabbed in my ass hile, and U can all go straight into a lake of non quenchable fire and brimstone. Recording artists, what do U checkout liners C the truck in them???????
I actually logged onto the Church of Satan and made a deal with Apollo Lucifer and said if he will stop this monstrous evil fucking curse on me, I will give up my infinite eternal love for Scylla, now does this tell any of my Blogaud the mood I am in, game 6 or 7, but it WILL happen, I have seen the parade, fuck all of U doubters!!!!!!!!!!!
Google engine and Yahoo, Satellite World Interconnect System, and King-Soifer World-Labs of tomorrow, this is my declaration and proclamation. It is truth, and no part of a lie exists in these truths. Soon, we will tell the story of Y SSJKK hates lies, it is purely a hyperspace game of limited quantity randomization, and if I start tonight, I may as well just stick a hunting rifle in my mouth and pull the trigger, either that or try 2 convince y’all that Gideon Blake is in a better place with his children of late. Copyright Mark Mohr/Michael mountainpen, FULL EVIL, HERE WE BUM CUM SCUM!!!!!!!
Blah and blab and blah on October 27th at
8:17 PM, 2008 AD, ‘in the name of our Sar’
I predict a huge major blow out and major scoring 4 ALEE, I have no idea as of yet what is happening in the physical world around me with the market and the game, but the magnetics and this day, R extremely fucking major bad, and I do not C the DJIA not being up in 4 digits and the Phil’s cutting their lead to a 3 and 2, but I all ready know it will not matter whether they celebrate tonight or the next one or all the way at game 7, as I all ready have seen it Charity Trask Pansy Faye. And no, I do “not let things like this phase me, not at all”.
This has been putrid. Also, there is no way I did not die and go 2 hell long ago, no real world can have this kind of shit being happening and going down all around me like this, they will not allow me 2 learn the computer, and all I can do is blog. I have lost my website as U know, as well as one of the 2 sites I used 2 blog on, Mindsay, and if someone wants 2 gobble up MF domain, B my guest, none of this can B real, it is just 2 far fucking fetched, CU soon, GINA when I am later saying, told U big arm breaker U!!!!!!!!! Yes Billy Harner, whatever Sally is saying, well,. That’s entirely your business and your pal Rob Fartley’s business, the used car Fair Deal Dan of Munsterville-Collingswood. I only what I am saying, so screw Sally. All of U have stabbed in my ass hile, and U can all go straight into a lake of non quenchable fire and brimstone. Recording artists, what do U checkout liners C the truck in them???????
I actually logged onto the Church of Satan and made a deal with Apollo Lucifer and said if he will stop this monstrous evil fucking curse on me, I will give up my infinite eternal love for Scylla, now does this tell any of my Blogaud the mood I am in, game 6 or 7, but it WILL happen, I have seen the parade, fuck all of U doubters!!!!!!!!!!!
Google engine and Yahoo, Satellite World Interconnect System, and King-Soifer World-Labs of tomorrow, this is my declaration and proclamation. It is truth, and no part of a lie exists in these truths. Soon, we will tell the story of Y SSJKK hates lies, it is purely a hyperspace game of limited quantity randomization, and if I start tonight, I may as well just stick a hunting rifle in my mouth and pull the trigger, either that or try 2 convince y’all that Gideon Blake is in a better place with his children of late. Copyright Mark Mohr/Michael mountainpen, FULL EVIL, HERE WE BUM CUM SCUM!!!!!!!
“U Misunderstood My Prayer Request, Oh Mighty 1”
Datfile:102708.758.55-----Beginning Transmission:
I started getting the road vroom vrooooooom varooom around an ago or more back around a quarter to five.
My inability 2 operate these machines is not allowing me 2 do anything MC, thus is not MY generation or your daddy’s Shatner automobile, term ember those ads right after your grad from HHS? What I said about being all alone is that no one is willing 2 ever show me how 2 do anything with this stupid technology and I AMNOT A SEKF STARTER, my brain is not freaking wired that way, hate me or whatever, but it just is not. I guess 2 copy what I now am about 2 show, requires membership in their silly club, (America On Line), as I cannot get the sheet 2 come up that I have a copy of from the funeral parlor, and I am not an AOL member, I do not have even tid bit amounts of money 2 just throw around, hate me 4 this if U want 2 my queen, but I cannot even afford 2 join your club. Maybe if the boss, John Corzine gives the $$$$ that is rightfully mine, I then can join, as that I do know how 2 do, as 4 proving my tragedy and “accident” around here, maybe y’all out there in wizard computer land know how, it will not work 4 me. This is what is printed on the sheet from the death house, not Somerdale on Harvard Avenue: For whatever Cong. And reason, it is not lighting up, oh yeah the lets play with the little jerk off alternation day of no underscore, as yesterday links and web addresses did light up, C, with a little rote, I learn, 4 now, let ,e just go ahead and die, as I would love 2 trade places with U Rufino my old friend, but would never think of asking U2 come back 2 this prison, I know UR now with SSJKK, much more than me trapped here in this miserable body 4 another nearly 23 interminable miserable stinking rotten years until June of 2031 when SSJKK plans 2 release me from this blue and yellow blues, hay, a new song idea perhaps, Library of WHATEVER???????? U sure could belt them out Bob, old pay. As 4 those ass hole DJ’s at KYW, if I fucked up like this and like the market report U falsely gave me a week ago Friday or last Friday, my short term memory sucks, it’s the thousands of years that R very clear, but I would B fired from my stinking work post if I screwed up half as much as U numbskulls do on the air with your stupid wrong ballgame events and Dow Jones reports, and then it makes me look and seem 2B the freaking idiot on line, and I am only telling what I hear on the fucking radio, last night some ass hole said the series was 2 and 2. And it was not, it was 1 and 3, do your homework butt wipes. Then go enjoy the parade in Philly, if not tonight, then very soon. Weeks ago I all ready was there and witnessed this event, also happy new year Delaware, and go buy a black cat in 4 days and teach him 2 meow the words Paula Weston over and over, like DUHH!! Spell checker thinks it can reinvent Refino’s name, screw U.
No, all of your secrets will B forever safe with me my teen queen, and hope U will forgive me 4 the print accident as well as the ranting on the blog B4 that as U know I never mean it when I act like a prick head, and as 4 my request on the blog about being alone, I am old and set in my ways, I love being alone. I hate being in this 65 place but U put me here first in a dream as mortals call it, and no as they also would say, 4 real. Take care of Rufino my teen queen, he was cut down in the prime of his life and I loved him as a brother, and he will B missed. Hopefully the powerful ones in the highlands of this great Guatemala will get their justice and vengeance, as I do not believe this was an accident, nor do I believe the 2 fires were not intentionally set, the one in egg Harbor city right next door 2 Roy Weiler’s place, and the other one that could have taken out Blueberry-town, New Jersey, USAESMWG.
THE END OF THIS TRANSMISSION will B just a moment away, but first: Remember all 4 now is on and wo, it lit up on the word doc, oh well, I know the funeral home thing is real, the Photostatted page is sitting right here in front of me next 2 my keyboard, here in my bedroom at the Marhouse. I still say, I am so proud of U for all U have done, and now, please B with me, and Rufino, U were so determined MC to do that thing and never even cried when Dad hit U. He had wholloped me on occasion, and I fell down 14oo feet from atop of his great ESCLOFT as he calls it, in KRASSLEVILLE-OP-phase two reality.
KS, if I am next 2 get the ax, oh well, so did my RELATIVES up in Braintree, MAUSAESMWG, by their RELATIVE. Wow ain’t symbolism great. Yes please forgive my short PCN-GAWNUM discussion last night GREAT ALL MIGHTY TQ, I thought it was so fascinating when all 3 things matched up, Franklin and Huntington, and the DOI, if U ever do a show in Philly, C if U can get into Independence Mall and C where SH signed it, that is if U can, this is YI would not enjoy being a named recognized person, but am very glad MC that U enjoy it and got what U wanted.
Datfile:102708.758.55-----Beginning Transmission:
I started getting the road vroom vrooooooom varooom around an ago or more back around a quarter to five.
My inability 2 operate these machines is not allowing me 2 do anything MC, thus is not MY generation or your daddy’s Shatner automobile, term ember those ads right after your grad from HHS? What I said about being all alone is that no one is willing 2 ever show me how 2 do anything with this stupid technology and I AMNOT A SEKF STARTER, my brain is not freaking wired that way, hate me or whatever, but it just is not. I guess 2 copy what I now am about 2 show, requires membership in their silly club, (America On Line), as I cannot get the sheet 2 come up that I have a copy of from the funeral parlor, and I am not an AOL member, I do not have even tid bit amounts of money 2 just throw around, hate me 4 this if U want 2 my queen, but I cannot even afford 2 join your club. Maybe if the boss, John Corzine gives the $$$$ that is rightfully mine, I then can join, as that I do know how 2 do, as 4 proving my tragedy and “accident” around here, maybe y’all out there in wizard computer land know how, it will not work 4 me. This is what is printed on the sheet from the death house, not Somerdale on Harvard Avenue: For whatever Cong. And reason, it is not lighting up, oh yeah the lets play with the little jerk off alternation day of no underscore, as yesterday links and web addresses did light up, C, with a little rote, I learn, 4 now, let ,e just go ahead and die, as I would love 2 trade places with U Rufino my old friend, but would never think of asking U2 come back 2 this prison, I know UR now with SSJKK, much more than me trapped here in this miserable body 4 another nearly 23 interminable miserable stinking rotten years until June of 2031 when SSJKK plans 2 release me from this blue and yellow blues, hay, a new song idea perhaps, Library of WHATEVER???????? U sure could belt them out Bob, old pay. As 4 those ass hole DJ’s at KYW, if I fucked up like this and like the market report U falsely gave me a week ago Friday or last Friday, my short term memory sucks, it’s the thousands of years that R very clear, but I would B fired from my stinking work post if I screwed up half as much as U numbskulls do on the air with your stupid wrong ballgame events and Dow Jones reports, and then it makes me look and seem 2B the freaking idiot on line, and I am only telling what I hear on the fucking radio, last night some ass hole said the series was 2 and 2. And it was not, it was 1 and 3, do your homework butt wipes. Then go enjoy the parade in Philly, if not tonight, then very soon. Weeks ago I all ready was there and witnessed this event, also happy new year Delaware, and go buy a black cat in 4 days and teach him 2 meow the words Paula Weston over and over, like DUHH!! Spell checker thinks it can reinvent Refino’s name, screw U.
No, all of your secrets will B forever safe with me my teen queen, and hope U will forgive me 4 the print accident as well as the ranting on the blog B4 that as U know I never mean it when I act like a prick head, and as 4 my request on the blog about being alone, I am old and set in my ways, I love being alone. I hate being in this 65 place but U put me here first in a dream as mortals call it, and no as they also would say, 4 real. Take care of Rufino my teen queen, he was cut down in the prime of his life and I loved him as a brother, and he will B missed. Hopefully the powerful ones in the highlands of this great Guatemala will get their justice and vengeance, as I do not believe this was an accident, nor do I believe the 2 fires were not intentionally set, the one in egg Harbor city right next door 2 Roy Weiler’s place, and the other one that could have taken out Blueberry-town, New Jersey, USAESMWG.
THE END OF THIS TRANSMISSION will B just a moment away, but first: Remember all 4 now is on and wo, it lit up on the word doc, oh well, I know the funeral home thing is real, the Photostatted page is sitting right here in front of me next 2 my keyboard, here in my bedroom at the Marhouse. I still say, I am so proud of U for all U have done, and now, please B with me, and Rufino, U were so determined MC to do that thing and never even cried when Dad hit U. He had wholloped me on occasion, and I fell down 14oo feet from atop of his great ESCLOFT as he calls it, in KRASSLEVILLE-OP-phase two reality.
KS, if I am next 2 get the ax, oh well, so did my RELATIVES up in Braintree, MAUSAESMWG, by their RELATIVE. Wow ain’t symbolism great. Yes please forgive my short PCN-GAWNUM discussion last night GREAT ALL MIGHTY TQ, I thought it was so fascinating when all 3 things matched up, Franklin and Huntington, and the DOI, if U ever do a show in Philly, C if U can get into Independence Mall and C where SH signed it, that is if U can, this is YI would not enjoy being a named recognized person, but am very glad MC that U enjoy it and got what U wanted.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Help Me With a Good Title, Doctor Steckle:
Datfile: 102708.022.55, or October 27, 2K8, at
22 miladays and 55 centimals. Ye ol’ granny, I start me tranny:
No, not granny number 22 if me genealogical number is not off, but me ol transmission, YAR, and not Popeye’s transmission, but after all, yo, me dad was ion the merchant marines during WW TWO, and after this joined the 2 world famous treasure salvers, Kip Wagner and Mel Fisher, and Mr. Mel, I can empathize with your loss, it has been March sadness around here at the U know who house, since the passing of sir Refino late Friday night at the Hammonton Texaco. I ain’t buying into the accident bit 4 a second, call me paranoid, if U do not mind standing in line B4 many others including an uncle and a 7th grandfather, SAM. Fascinating PCN, when U do Benjamin U know who, or me quite a while back, and also Samuel H, and yes, Declaration of Independence, but am I free enough 2 tell U more, not really, not according 2 where I no longer blog from, Squeaky Ford, I have been made 2 vanish, I was vanquished my 3 cutie pie charmed girls. Yes, the history marker syndrome strikes again, and B4 undiscovered can do the same thing 2 me, this will my final blog here as well. I know that Google is still open minded and free, but a major story exists here, and I know I was not removed 4 cursing. B4 moving on with this unspeakable subject, I may have 2 attempt an edit job on the 2 sites I am on, and again, Blogger will B the only one after this post up, so all readers at, please know that U can still follow mountainpen, should that B your free choice, at, or try the direct hyperlink of This unfortch is a must, I had no idea that my unconscious mind is pulling things from quick glances at another persons property, only a few know what is going on, leave it alone B4 we all go 2 jail. Blogger and und, U know, and have my permission 2 do this **********, Gaveesh? 10/4 on this one old buddy, very sorry, and no I am not mad at your cousin, she does not even understand all the crap behind all of this, she is starting 2 get a trickle, that is all. If she thinks she knows more than a tid bit, she must know that while in the flesh, U cannot know, I am the only one that can, her dream down set it up in my family line, and even she herself cannot break the rules, come into town and ask the great one, he will tell U I speak total biblical truths, I know the Book forwards and backwards, I should, I’ve been around 10,000 miserable years here. Yes dreams R funny, and I should have been more careful and printed a made up numeration, very sorry mister 10/4. She will not sue U MSDC, relax, this is only between 3 entities, or the families, hers, mine, and the Arteemis’s. Speaking of which, thank U so much DZA4 coming around Saturday night at work, I love U my electron. As Rick, there is just U and me always, as Zeranniss, SSJKK and I, well the world knows the story on some deep level, I need not get silly and school boy mushy about it on a public blogging site. Aniwho, chill and no hard feelings, MSDC, U have 2 do what U have 2 do, as do I. I am what I am, YAR!!!!!, not the Star Trek Lieutenant Queen Tasha either. Let us move on now. The siege at work was very bad, the motor cycles were bad starting in the afternoon around 2 or so, and during the after dark period roughly, the air siege from evil wicked MILI-2-FORCE, got quite nasty-ass. The magnetics were very bad, and either I am hearing things or DJ’s R ass holes on KYW-AM Philly-radio, as they said this was game 5 and this win put us at 3 and 2, and someone is missing time, as I thought it was game 4 and it should B 3 and 1, I am totally fucking confused BRA-nice and GREEN. Yeah, gotta watch my interactions, as they can B dangerous with their effects on reality, such as the lake and the frog and the mayor. Scylla went out of her way 2 paint the grass bright green, gee I wonder Y Detective Allens? 4 those very few in the esoteric world, whether U believe my wild ride through astrallity and hyperspace and total memory and Arnie rip off recall, which is all that really separates me from any of U other 8 killo-megers, U should know and C that if I am not wrong and I know I am not, what total hell I am in and especially since
Scylla turned 10 years old in her PI, not Allens. I was in the middle of my stink working at RPL studios, and she came 2 me, and made me remember a lot, yet not enough, and she now blames ME????? Y?????? UR ALL MIGHTY JEHOVAH, I am just your whittle doggie YANCY, the spotted firedog, after U spotted me. I know now that running into the chief of the lifeguard force’s son in Atlantic City a couple weeks back, was all staged. Looking back at it as though I had DDT-AVM recording teck, a child can c it was all staged. He was there, they all know when I get down and hit the beaches on Wednesday, they all know about Amazon Dawnie the Terra-bull, and a child can C that these puny minded scatter brain Terri-Eggs R having a blast playing their high speed gaines and games with me endlessly, real cool BRO, real freaking ass cool. U know, I wish I had zoomed off like a Mazda 62 inch rip off song, and just sharked away at 50 K. Sahwee, it’s the song lyricist in me ol’ blood there Pop-arm Keisha. No I did not write five feet 2 and eyes of blue, but it was a great song, as many older songs indeed were. All of everything is just redone beats and styles and rhythms of the same basic chords and structures and 12 semitones that R part of the vibrational system of all of 6th dimensional HSFD or Hyper-Space-Flow-Down. It is sort of a huge dance and rhythm, it is not understandable, stop trying 2 get it, U will not ever get it, let me tell y’all YU will never get it, Einstein!!!!!!! UR in a maze and the walls R a mile high and UR whatever height UR, and UR trying 2 find your way out of a maze that would take U a million fucking years without the ability 2C over the walls of the entire structure, or being able 2 UP it by 1 dimension as my hero, the late and very great Doctor Carl Sagan would word it. How can I ever escape the great initials, of Sarah Callio and the greatest diva on the planet Earth??????????????? I knew B4I left the pneumatic home 4 work this past afternoon that I was in 4 major freaking ass hell, and I was. When certain numbers come out over and over in roulette 4 me, it is gonna B real fucklng nasty bad. 25 and 36 when heavy R the 2 main ones, and then there R 5 others, again, I am talking these numbers hitting again and again and again. U have all been told about my siege, and my interaction with the Lois Foca song, and Joe Sivo at RPL, and the blackmail. Only I know Y these 3 events R in a major pattern and what the matrix 2 it really is all about, and the TAWF-Brigger Mick Scummers think I a, so trucking dumb, sheeeeit. I have intentionally avoided topics such as RPL Sound Studios, the wormhole and its Haddonfield/Camden/Atlantic City connection points, and yes, McGuire the bully. I have my reasons, first, I would not have lasted on the 2 non Blogger dot come sites as long as I did if I had moved y’all into a powerful and dangerous arena 2 fast, follow along, ex-other-site-Bogauders. Fires R a horrible thing, and anyone setting them should B put 2 death. I discuss Magnesonic getting revenge but this is on a level not anywhere near present time legislatable. I am saying that those that light a match, these pricks need 2B burned themselves, biblical justice Lieutenant Van Buren, right???? Someone tired 2 kill Roy Weiler in my opinion, burn down the home I am in, and when these things failed, they ran over a poor inebriated Guatemalan youth in the prime of his life, 24 years I believe, still in diapers by my time standards. People behind these kind of crimes should not go t2 prison or B executed mercilessly. There should B death by lingering slow torture where these bastards would holler and scream 4 hours B4 finally waking up out of their dreams. Then the poets could all have their say, they would B in their SCREAM-DREAM. These same scum under orders of WOMO-TAWF tried 2 burn down RPL, ROBIN HILL, and many other places, but some fires R set in hi-teck ways that fire marshals should know about so they can look into it. It can B done with solar magnification as well as foam excitement, both things involve teck that only military knows of in 2008, and will not B declassified sufficiently 32 the civilian population 4 a minimum of twenty more years, so I natch, have got 2 shut the truck up or off I go without collecting the 200 bucks. Sarah Karge is the expert on Foam Excitement Technology, or FET, what as symbolic FETish, and they call my particular thing a fetish, crissake, what is wrong this human fucking race, besides godsdamn everything?????? People do not even get ridiculed by others 4 sick crazy enjoyments like people pissing and shitting all over them, I would rather B put torturously 2 death personally, and some people get the fuck off on this shit, and then I get told I have a fetish, go fuck your sister in law baby love!!!!!!! Well, chains and reactions and all of the Dangers of the FIELDS, let me just say that symbols R real, and they crash loudly, yet few have ears 2 hear, quote this one 2 my uncle Jesus, I am only echoing this great master and RELATIVE. If it was not 1:35 in the moUrning, I would say much more, as much more needs B said, this is Y we have a STC and a tomorrow built into its illusion, PT-SAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK 4 A HUGE WALL STREET UP DAY TODAY, MONDAY, 1200 OR SO, THE SIEGE WAS BAD AND THE HELL ALL WEEKEND WAS MAJOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only was the siege super nasty, but the JOB MISERY ENEMIES R back in the fucking equation, AE. They made my shifts this week at my hell hole job site, off the fucking scale super sass nasty puke bad rapies and germiblows!!!!!!! Keep it up, I know enough secrets 2 close your entire shop down and have the FEDS all over your shit hole, until U go bankrupt and broke 4 times over, and I do not mean INS shit, I know bigger shit than this, all of Atlantic County is in the INS pocket, dues R getting paid 2 keep the blue’s and the crans coming, but I am talking huge shit, so do this again next week ya pricks and yo, dudes, get ready 2B looking 4 work, as I will have the entire fucking place closed down and boarded the shit up, just watch me BRO!!!!!!
History Markers will come and go as will Roman numerals and other identifiers and Lawtronic systems not known about yet due 2 ultra-complexities and computers running way 2 slow 2 break codes. Lightning, I am trying 2 get in the middle of Russ and his 1 AM action and get 2 the bottom of Scylla and her chain, but ass of still, I am clueless on many parts of this very complicated blackboard of sir Albert’s. Yo, I’m doing my best, so don’t hate me 2 damn much, BRA!!!! CU at the waterfalls in an hour or so, my endless love. As 4U Scylla, your doggie Yancy loves U more than U can ever know while U wear a coat of flesh. I am sorry 4 what I said on my other blog and U know when I snap out and act like a total freaking jag officer, that IU never mean it and no, U keep the 2 islands, and I will stay at your great 65 until I figure all of this, and U, out once and 4 all, my teen queen BEG!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE/Y, SWIS/ and KS WORLD LABS of 2289, this is all copyrighted Michael Mountainpen, and blah and blah and blah and blah and blah!!!!!!! THE END:
Help Me With a Good Title, Doctor Steckle:
Datfile: 102708.022.55, or October 27, 2K8, at
22 miladays and 55 centimals. Ye ol’ granny, I start me tranny:
No, not granny number 22 if me genealogical number is not off, but me ol transmission, YAR, and not Popeye’s transmission, but after all, yo, me dad was ion the merchant marines during WW TWO, and after this joined the 2 world famous treasure salvers, Kip Wagner and Mel Fisher, and Mr. Mel, I can empathize with your loss, it has been March sadness around here at the U know who house, since the passing of sir Refino late Friday night at the Hammonton Texaco. I ain’t buying into the accident bit 4 a second, call me paranoid, if U do not mind standing in line B4 many others including an uncle and a 7th grandfather, SAM. Fascinating PCN, when U do Benjamin U know who, or me quite a while back, and also Samuel H, and yes, Declaration of Independence, but am I free enough 2 tell U more, not really, not according 2 where I no longer blog from, Squeaky Ford, I have been made 2 vanish, I was vanquished my 3 cutie pie charmed girls. Yes, the history marker syndrome strikes again, and B4 undiscovered can do the same thing 2 me, this will my final blog here as well. I know that Google is still open minded and free, but a major story exists here, and I know I was not removed 4 cursing. B4 moving on with this unspeakable subject, I may have 2 attempt an edit job on the 2 sites I am on, and again, Blogger will B the only one after this post up, so all readers at, please know that U can still follow mountainpen, should that B your free choice, at, or try the direct hyperlink of This unfortch is a must, I had no idea that my unconscious mind is pulling things from quick glances at another persons property, only a few know what is going on, leave it alone B4 we all go 2 jail. Blogger and und, U know, and have my permission 2 do this **********, Gaveesh? 10/4 on this one old buddy, very sorry, and no I am not mad at your cousin, she does not even understand all the crap behind all of this, she is starting 2 get a trickle, that is all. If she thinks she knows more than a tid bit, she must know that while in the flesh, U cannot know, I am the only one that can, her dream down set it up in my family line, and even she herself cannot break the rules, come into town and ask the great one, he will tell U I speak total biblical truths, I know the Book forwards and backwards, I should, I’ve been around 10,000 miserable years here. Yes dreams R funny, and I should have been more careful and printed a made up numeration, very sorry mister 10/4. She will not sue U MSDC, relax, this is only between 3 entities, or the families, hers, mine, and the Arteemis’s. Speaking of which, thank U so much DZA4 coming around Saturday night at work, I love U my electron. As Rick, there is just U and me always, as Zeranniss, SSJKK and I, well the world knows the story on some deep level, I need not get silly and school boy mushy about it on a public blogging site. Aniwho, chill and no hard feelings, MSDC, U have 2 do what U have 2 do, as do I. I am what I am, YAR!!!!!, not the Star Trek Lieutenant Queen Tasha either. Let us move on now. The siege at work was very bad, the motor cycles were bad starting in the afternoon around 2 or so, and during the after dark period roughly, the air siege from evil wicked MILI-2-FORCE, got quite nasty-ass. The magnetics were very bad, and either I am hearing things or DJ’s R ass holes on KYW-AM Philly-radio, as they said this was game 5 and this win put us at 3 and 2, and someone is missing time, as I thought it was game 4 and it should B 3 and 1, I am totally fucking confused BRA-nice and GREEN. Yeah, gotta watch my interactions, as they can B dangerous with their effects on reality, such as the lake and the frog and the mayor. Scylla went out of her way 2 paint the grass bright green, gee I wonder Y Detective Allens? 4 those very few in the esoteric world, whether U believe my wild ride through astrallity and hyperspace and total memory and Arnie rip off recall, which is all that really separates me from any of U other 8 killo-megers, U should know and C that if I am not wrong and I know I am not, what total hell I am in and especially since
Scylla turned 10 years old in her PI, not Allens. I was in the middle of my stink working at RPL studios, and she came 2 me, and made me remember a lot, yet not enough, and she now blames ME????? Y?????? UR ALL MIGHTY JEHOVAH, I am just your whittle doggie YANCY, the spotted firedog, after U spotted me. I know now that running into the chief of the lifeguard force’s son in Atlantic City a couple weeks back, was all staged. Looking back at it as though I had DDT-AVM recording teck, a child can c it was all staged. He was there, they all know when I get down and hit the beaches on Wednesday, they all know about Amazon Dawnie the Terra-bull, and a child can C that these puny minded scatter brain Terri-Eggs R having a blast playing their high speed gaines and games with me endlessly, real cool BRO, real freaking ass cool. U know, I wish I had zoomed off like a Mazda 62 inch rip off song, and just sharked away at 50 K. Sahwee, it’s the song lyricist in me ol’ blood there Pop-arm Keisha. No I did not write five feet 2 and eyes of blue, but it was a great song, as many older songs indeed were. All of everything is just redone beats and styles and rhythms of the same basic chords and structures and 12 semitones that R part of the vibrational system of all of 6th dimensional HSFD or Hyper-Space-Flow-Down. It is sort of a huge dance and rhythm, it is not understandable, stop trying 2 get it, U will not ever get it, let me tell y’all YU will never get it, Einstein!!!!!!! UR in a maze and the walls R a mile high and UR whatever height UR, and UR trying 2 find your way out of a maze that would take U a million fucking years without the ability 2C over the walls of the entire structure, or being able 2 UP it by 1 dimension as my hero, the late and very great Doctor Carl Sagan would word it. How can I ever escape the great initials, of Sarah Callio and the greatest diva on the planet Earth??????????????? I knew B4I left the pneumatic home 4 work this past afternoon that I was in 4 major freaking ass hell, and I was. When certain numbers come out over and over in roulette 4 me, it is gonna B real fucklng nasty bad. 25 and 36 when heavy R the 2 main ones, and then there R 5 others, again, I am talking these numbers hitting again and again and again. U have all been told about my siege, and my interaction with the Lois Foca song, and Joe Sivo at RPL, and the blackmail. Only I know Y these 3 events R in a major pattern and what the matrix 2 it really is all about, and the TAWF-Brigger Mick Scummers think I a, so trucking dumb, sheeeeit. I have intentionally avoided topics such as RPL Sound Studios, the wormhole and its Haddonfield/Camden/Atlantic City connection points, and yes, McGuire the bully. I have my reasons, first, I would not have lasted on the 2 non Blogger dot come sites as long as I did if I had moved y’all into a powerful and dangerous arena 2 fast, follow along, ex-other-site-Bogauders. Fires R a horrible thing, and anyone setting them should B put 2 death. I discuss Magnesonic getting revenge but this is on a level not anywhere near present time legislatable. I am saying that those that light a match, these pricks need 2B burned themselves, biblical justice Lieutenant Van Buren, right???? Someone tired 2 kill Roy Weiler in my opinion, burn down the home I am in, and when these things failed, they ran over a poor inebriated Guatemalan youth in the prime of his life, 24 years I believe, still in diapers by my time standards. People behind these kind of crimes should not go t2 prison or B executed mercilessly. There should B death by lingering slow torture where these bastards would holler and scream 4 hours B4 finally waking up out of their dreams. Then the poets could all have their say, they would B in their SCREAM-DREAM. These same scum under orders of WOMO-TAWF tried 2 burn down RPL, ROBIN HILL, and many other places, but some fires R set in hi-teck ways that fire marshals should know about so they can look into it. It can B done with solar magnification as well as foam excitement, both things involve teck that only military knows of in 2008, and will not B declassified sufficiently 32 the civilian population 4 a minimum of twenty more years, so I natch, have got 2 shut the truck up or off I go without collecting the 200 bucks. Sarah Karge is the expert on Foam Excitement Technology, or FET, what as symbolic FETish, and they call my particular thing a fetish, crissake, what is wrong this human fucking race, besides godsdamn everything?????? People do not even get ridiculed by others 4 sick crazy enjoyments like people pissing and shitting all over them, I would rather B put torturously 2 death personally, and some people get the fuck off on this shit, and then I get told I have a fetish, go fuck your sister in law baby love!!!!!!! Well, chains and reactions and all of the Dangers of the FIELDS, let me just say that symbols R real, and they crash loudly, yet few have ears 2 hear, quote this one 2 my uncle Jesus, I am only echoing this great master and RELATIVE. If it was not 1:35 in the moUrning, I would say much more, as much more needs B said, this is Y we have a STC and a tomorrow built into its illusion, PT-SAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOOK 4 A HUGE WALL STREET UP DAY TODAY, MONDAY, 1200 OR SO, THE SIEGE WAS BAD AND THE HELL ALL WEEKEND WAS MAJOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only was the siege super nasty, but the JOB MISERY ENEMIES R back in the fucking equation, AE. They made my shifts this week at my hell hole job site, off the fucking scale super sass nasty puke bad rapies and germiblows!!!!!!! Keep it up, I know enough secrets 2 close your entire shop down and have the FEDS all over your shit hole, until U go bankrupt and broke 4 times over, and I do not mean INS shit, I know bigger shit than this, all of Atlantic County is in the INS pocket, dues R getting paid 2 keep the blue’s and the crans coming, but I am talking huge shit, so do this again next week ya pricks and yo, dudes, get ready 2B looking 4 work, as I will have the entire fucking place closed down and boarded the shit up, just watch me BRO!!!!!!
History Markers will come and go as will Roman numerals and other identifiers and Lawtronic systems not known about yet due 2 ultra-complexities and computers running way 2 slow 2 break codes. Lightning, I am trying 2 get in the middle of Russ and his 1 AM action and get 2 the bottom of Scylla and her chain, but ass of still, I am clueless on many parts of this very complicated blackboard of sir Albert’s. Yo, I’m doing my best, so don’t hate me 2 damn much, BRA!!!! CU at the waterfalls in an hour or so, my endless love. As 4U Scylla, your doggie Yancy loves U more than U can ever know while U wear a coat of flesh. I am sorry 4 what I said on my other blog and U know when I snap out and act like a total freaking jag officer, that IU never mean it and no, U keep the 2 islands, and I will stay at your great 65 until I figure all of this, and U, out once and 4 all, my teen queen BEG!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE/Y, SWIS/ and KS WORLD LABS of 2289, this is all copyrighted Michael Mountainpen, and blah and blah and blah and blah and blah!!!!!!! THE END:
Saturday, October 25, 2008
karen, u must read this short one
I want the world to know that with no warning, just the other day, Friday, on 24 October, 2008, the has deleted me. No notice, no warniongs, just did it.Nice free nation we live in Huh KS. Do not blame U 4 getting the hell ouddahele, please take me with U, it might save some lives, starting with my own.
‘The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version’
Well I no sooner posted my morning blog up and went 2 sleep when I was abruptly awakened by Ann Silva. I thought I was hearing things, she said that Chickie’s brother Refino, also from Guatemala, was just killed in a crash by a car while he was bicycling home from his job at the Silver Coin diner, here in Berries, New Jerksey, USAESMWG. After a grueling hellish shift at work and major siege both yesterday evening and at work this morning, and all with 1 hours sleep, I had 2 get up and get people to police stations, hospital morgues 4 body identification, and on and on. Do U think I am ever appreciated or thanked? Then I come back 2 the house and paid a compliment 2 one of Dawns friends, and she rudely ignored me, me, the one that did all of this 4 them when through no fault of my own, I chauffeured this ungrateful nasty clan all over New Jersey and will now go into work dead ass fucking tired and still ‘B expected 2 do my job dirties that R required of me, U think that one fucking soul has the smallest morsel ounce of sympathy 4 me, forget in junior, not happening. I told U weeks ago, 2 or 3 or thereabouts somewhere, that in an interaction, I saw Chicky crying as some member of his family had perished, I assumed that it was his mom over in Guatemala, not Refino here living with us in the mysterious Marhouse nestled in the berry farms. People R damn right rude with me, totally fucking unappreciative 4 all of the constant continual things that I go way out of my way 2 do for these ingrate pigs, and KS, if UR reading this weekend up 2 this point this mid Saturday afternoon while I should really by all rights B dead asleep, and instead am pounding keys on a fucking worthless computer system, U know what is coning next. I have had it, I need 2 find a safe house where these w2 diseased women cannot get fuducking at me, until U can then get me 2 Americana Village in South America; somewhere where I can live in some small amount of relative peace, and better style of life, family curse or no fucking family curse. Karen this is the end, I cannot take one more fucking month of this, please GET--ME--OUR--OF--THIS--SICK--FRUXCKIBG--COUNTRY--AND--PERSECTUION--AND--HELL--WITH--NO--LET--UP!!!!!!! If I do not run away successfully and escape this fucklng interactive horror film that I’m fucking dreaming down, I know that very soon, I will indeed end up shooting up a mall or a Mickey-Dee, as nobody can go forever and not break. Every fucking human has a breaking point, just ask any fucklng psychiatrist!!!!!!! I need U2 put me in a safe house where I can go 2 casinos and apply my knowledge so as 2B able 2 make a ton of fucking money and then leave forever 4 Americana and thumb my nose and my fat throbbing dick at this evil nation that as I speak this, is doing a super civil rights violation against me by clicking the flicking shit out of my television set. Any institute that would study open mindedly all that happens all around me after the full situation about me is first brought fully 2 their attention, as well as, have access and time 2 fully devote a detailed study 2 all of my last 2+ years of blogging texts, would find that indisputable evidence is now within their hands that I am being messed with and persecuted straight 2 my miserable and pathetic fucking grave, and if this would not then Major actionable at law; then there is no law, it is all pure illusion, and we live in fucking total anarchy!!!!!
KS if U can’t get me out of here and very soon, the Briggers and Clickers will have forever spilled my innocent fucking blood, just as I believe that they spilled Refino’s blood today. The entire thing was quite spurious 2 say the least. So far, in 3 short days, starting back last Saturday, a huge fire near my home is roaring towards me, another fire is just doors away from Roy Weiler’s place in Egg Harbor City, and now, I believe that covertly and cleverly, Chicky’s brother was murdered. There is just way 2 much never ending fucklng dog shit going on, it does not ever desist. It rages and roars ahead like the hungry flames of the Hammonton Forest Fire. Mariah, I have lost all my faith in U, and no longer trust U at all. U Live your life and get the hell out of mine. It was bad and evil enough B4U started up with me, please just go forever away., No more usi9ng the FASCITAR on me, go play with others that enjoy your silly 16 year old true age games. UR indeed a burning bush that just wants 2 consume and destroy me, go the hell away. Karen, things must change and they must change real soon or IU am going 2 do something beyond what anyone has ever done, and millions will B sorry. I filled out the surrender forms on my life insurance and plan2 take this money in the dead of night and just run far away where none of the 3 women that have totally yet covertly imprisoned both me and my very way of life, can get a me and make me miserable every minute of the day and night. I am out of here, but I need your help. P L E A S E!!!!!!!!! THE END!!!!!!!!! That is after this post script that talks about Rogers last part of the message 2 me that he or some one stuck into my mail box. He says there is a elderly lady in the “family”, that knows Robert McGuire only 2 well, and knows who put him up 2 almost killing me and Eddie Himacane 2 years ago. B4 she comes forward and does a real world meet up with me, she wants me 2 do a huge favor 4 her. She wants me 2 retract the story of the 3 triangulated worm hole, going from Tennessee Avenue to Coolie Hall, to the RPL sound studio attic facing the south wall. She also wants me to give her the negatives and any CD copies of info-data that show McGuire and his attempts at killing Eddie and me back in early October of oh-six. She says the website is down and that some have made copies and downloads but that without a fresh new existing site, it will ‘fade away into obscurity‘, using her precise diction as per Rodger’s note 2 me. Also I never again can make mention of Levy, Martino, Mary Carter, Sarah Karge humanly as the Tennessee Avenue hotel and shop owner of the sixties, her adopted son Chester Perkowski, or any more references 2 the upline/downline closed infinities where SSJKK really lives and her thought that is all of this came from. She then if these things R left out and totally omitted, will go with me into any court that I would ever wish 2 file charges as a plaintiff against him, she would say who knew U and Eddie were leaving the Egg Harbor Township Library that day that this all went down, and that names would B even larger and wealthier than Donald Trump, and that he is just doing their bidding, a small fish as big as his mirror kissing attitude wishes himself 2 believe, but in true fact next 2 some of this involved with making my life hell, is a very small fish, in a very large sea. I am naturally quite hesitant in making this deal with someone related 2 a family that 4 all I know is holding its entire ruination against me personally from the seventies. I must play my cards extremely wisely and carefully.
Did U know that with ten thousand complex math equations, U can get something called striking-averages, TV clicker Brigger squat lickers? These equations R all on a disc that can B placed on any good PC that has high memory. It combines 2 basic averaging concepts of getting a full average of numbers, as well as doing this in series jumps, skipping 3rds and 5ths, and along the lines of musical chords. By matching both of these, one master formula knows numerous things about near future roulette outcome numbers. If U get the full match that black and 28 and even and third dozen and the 28-29-31-32 square, and numbers in multiples of 7, as well as ranging between 10 and 30, if indeed ten or so of these agreement averages all come up 2 signal a play, U can eventually B asked 2 leave an established as they will B forced 2 assume that UR cheating. I have almost finished completing this software project, with those 2 fellows I mentioned months back from Ann and Dawn’s new residence. They tell me it can B sold in expensive magazines 4 as much as 500 dollars, and at least 300 and perhaps more, will purchase and try this, yet I am happy waiting 4 both of these match numbers 2 pop in and then 2 begin playing them: 0/00,14/21,23/35,13/31,7/29,10/28,2/22, and 15/17, TV clickers and BRIGGERS. Eat some nice yummy maggots and feast on your sleaze disease, ya bastard trash muffs. Last night, some strange light was in the sky at my work place, I know these things R explainable, yet admit, was nothing like I’d ever previously witnessed. Search lights revolve and rotate and the beam makes a steady and perfect predictable orbit, such as when a new store would open up 4 the first time in the 20th century when this was more prevalent, and this was erratic and seemed 2 not have any base of origin, it was just there and doing this maneuvering in front of my gated area, and immediately, the place or job-site became crazy as shit. All of the persons I am forced 2 put up with and fucking endure slammed me like a wrecking ball. Hay, how the fuck should I know what was up there? A military vessel flew out of the Pomona area but pussied out and never got 2 close 2 this, and just flew back to its NAFAC base. Well, U go ahead and click and click as I will B getting a brand new fucking monitor, and U can go have a wonderful time in your bedrooms with your sisters, daughters, and mothers!!!!! Or U could borrow some of Fawn Hall whore’s crack and start your own NSA weekend party, who knows, U may even B invited 2 the upstairs Marhouse where parties R forever raging on. KS, I will get out of here, or I will start doing things that cannot B blogged, we all have limits and ?I feel more than confident in proclaiming that I fully know, that U know, that I have reaches, and went onto far exceed mine. I godda get the fuck out of here.
Google and Swis, and KSWL, U know what comes next, need it always B repeated? I NOW END THIS TWANSMISSIO ELMER FWUDD!!!!! WHAAAAA!!
Well I no sooner posted my morning blog up and went 2 sleep when I was abruptly awakened by Ann Silva. I thought I was hearing things, she said that Chickie’s brother Refino, also from Guatemala, was just killed in a crash by a car while he was bicycling home from his job at the Silver Coin diner, here in Berries, New Jerksey, USAESMWG. After a grueling hellish shift at work and major siege both yesterday evening and at work this morning, and all with 1 hours sleep, I had 2 get up and get people to police stations, hospital morgues 4 body identification, and on and on. Do U think I am ever appreciated or thanked? Then I come back 2 the house and paid a compliment 2 one of Dawns friends, and she rudely ignored me, me, the one that did all of this 4 them when through no fault of my own, I chauffeured this ungrateful nasty clan all over New Jersey and will now go into work dead ass fucking tired and still ‘B expected 2 do my job dirties that R required of me, U think that one fucking soul has the smallest morsel ounce of sympathy 4 me, forget in junior, not happening. I told U weeks ago, 2 or 3 or thereabouts somewhere, that in an interaction, I saw Chicky crying as some member of his family had perished, I assumed that it was his mom over in Guatemala, not Refino here living with us in the mysterious Marhouse nestled in the berry farms. People R damn right rude with me, totally fucking unappreciative 4 all of the constant continual things that I go way out of my way 2 do for these ingrate pigs, and KS, if UR reading this weekend up 2 this point this mid Saturday afternoon while I should really by all rights B dead asleep, and instead am pounding keys on a fucking worthless computer system, U know what is coning next. I have had it, I need 2 find a safe house where these w2 diseased women cannot get fuducking at me, until U can then get me 2 Americana Village in South America; somewhere where I can live in some small amount of relative peace, and better style of life, family curse or no fucking family curse. Karen this is the end, I cannot take one more fucking month of this, please GET--ME--OUR--OF--THIS--SICK--FRUXCKIBG--COUNTRY--AND--PERSECTUION--AND--HELL--WITH--NO--LET--UP!!!!!!! If I do not run away successfully and escape this fucklng interactive horror film that I’m fucking dreaming down, I know that very soon, I will indeed end up shooting up a mall or a Mickey-Dee, as nobody can go forever and not break. Every fucking human has a breaking point, just ask any fucklng psychiatrist!!!!!!! I need U2 put me in a safe house where I can go 2 casinos and apply my knowledge so as 2B able 2 make a ton of fucking money and then leave forever 4 Americana and thumb my nose and my fat throbbing dick at this evil nation that as I speak this, is doing a super civil rights violation against me by clicking the flicking shit out of my television set. Any institute that would study open mindedly all that happens all around me after the full situation about me is first brought fully 2 their attention, as well as, have access and time 2 fully devote a detailed study 2 all of my last 2+ years of blogging texts, would find that indisputable evidence is now within their hands that I am being messed with and persecuted straight 2 my miserable and pathetic fucking grave, and if this would not then Major actionable at law; then there is no law, it is all pure illusion, and we live in fucking total anarchy!!!!!
KS if U can’t get me out of here and very soon, the Briggers and Clickers will have forever spilled my innocent fucking blood, just as I believe that they spilled Refino’s blood today. The entire thing was quite spurious 2 say the least. So far, in 3 short days, starting back last Saturday, a huge fire near my home is roaring towards me, another fire is just doors away from Roy Weiler’s place in Egg Harbor City, and now, I believe that covertly and cleverly, Chicky’s brother was murdered. There is just way 2 much never ending fucklng dog shit going on, it does not ever desist. It rages and roars ahead like the hungry flames of the Hammonton Forest Fire. Mariah, I have lost all my faith in U, and no longer trust U at all. U Live your life and get the hell out of mine. It was bad and evil enough B4U started up with me, please just go forever away., No more usi9ng the FASCITAR on me, go play with others that enjoy your silly 16 year old true age games. UR indeed a burning bush that just wants 2 consume and destroy me, go the hell away. Karen, things must change and they must change real soon or IU am going 2 do something beyond what anyone has ever done, and millions will B sorry. I filled out the surrender forms on my life insurance and plan2 take this money in the dead of night and just run far away where none of the 3 women that have totally yet covertly imprisoned both me and my very way of life, can get a me and make me miserable every minute of the day and night. I am out of here, but I need your help. P L E A S E!!!!!!!!! THE END!!!!!!!!! That is after this post script that talks about Rogers last part of the message 2 me that he or some one stuck into my mail box. He says there is a elderly lady in the “family”, that knows Robert McGuire only 2 well, and knows who put him up 2 almost killing me and Eddie Himacane 2 years ago. B4 she comes forward and does a real world meet up with me, she wants me 2 do a huge favor 4 her. She wants me 2 retract the story of the 3 triangulated worm hole, going from Tennessee Avenue to Coolie Hall, to the RPL sound studio attic facing the south wall. She also wants me to give her the negatives and any CD copies of info-data that show McGuire and his attempts at killing Eddie and me back in early October of oh-six. She says the website is down and that some have made copies and downloads but that without a fresh new existing site, it will ‘fade away into obscurity‘, using her precise diction as per Rodger’s note 2 me. Also I never again can make mention of Levy, Martino, Mary Carter, Sarah Karge humanly as the Tennessee Avenue hotel and shop owner of the sixties, her adopted son Chester Perkowski, or any more references 2 the upline/downline closed infinities where SSJKK really lives and her thought that is all of this came from. She then if these things R left out and totally omitted, will go with me into any court that I would ever wish 2 file charges as a plaintiff against him, she would say who knew U and Eddie were leaving the Egg Harbor Township Library that day that this all went down, and that names would B even larger and wealthier than Donald Trump, and that he is just doing their bidding, a small fish as big as his mirror kissing attitude wishes himself 2 believe, but in true fact next 2 some of this involved with making my life hell, is a very small fish, in a very large sea. I am naturally quite hesitant in making this deal with someone related 2 a family that 4 all I know is holding its entire ruination against me personally from the seventies. I must play my cards extremely wisely and carefully.
Did U know that with ten thousand complex math equations, U can get something called striking-averages, TV clicker Brigger squat lickers? These equations R all on a disc that can B placed on any good PC that has high memory. It combines 2 basic averaging concepts of getting a full average of numbers, as well as doing this in series jumps, skipping 3rds and 5ths, and along the lines of musical chords. By matching both of these, one master formula knows numerous things about near future roulette outcome numbers. If U get the full match that black and 28 and even and third dozen and the 28-29-31-32 square, and numbers in multiples of 7, as well as ranging between 10 and 30, if indeed ten or so of these agreement averages all come up 2 signal a play, U can eventually B asked 2 leave an established as they will B forced 2 assume that UR cheating. I have almost finished completing this software project, with those 2 fellows I mentioned months back from Ann and Dawn’s new residence. They tell me it can B sold in expensive magazines 4 as much as 500 dollars, and at least 300 and perhaps more, will purchase and try this, yet I am happy waiting 4 both of these match numbers 2 pop in and then 2 begin playing them: 0/00,14/21,23/35,13/31,7/29,10/28,2/22, and 15/17, TV clickers and BRIGGERS. Eat some nice yummy maggots and feast on your sleaze disease, ya bastard trash muffs. Last night, some strange light was in the sky at my work place, I know these things R explainable, yet admit, was nothing like I’d ever previously witnessed. Search lights revolve and rotate and the beam makes a steady and perfect predictable orbit, such as when a new store would open up 4 the first time in the 20th century when this was more prevalent, and this was erratic and seemed 2 not have any base of origin, it was just there and doing this maneuvering in front of my gated area, and immediately, the place or job-site became crazy as shit. All of the persons I am forced 2 put up with and fucking endure slammed me like a wrecking ball. Hay, how the fuck should I know what was up there? A military vessel flew out of the Pomona area but pussied out and never got 2 close 2 this, and just flew back to its NAFAC base. Well, U go ahead and click and click as I will B getting a brand new fucking monitor, and U can go have a wonderful time in your bedrooms with your sisters, daughters, and mothers!!!!! Or U could borrow some of Fawn Hall whore’s crack and start your own NSA weekend party, who knows, U may even B invited 2 the upstairs Marhouse where parties R forever raging on. KS, I will get out of here, or I will start doing things that cannot B blogged, we all have limits and ?I feel more than confident in proclaiming that I fully know, that U know, that I have reaches, and went onto far exceed mine. I godda get the fuck out of here.
Google and Swis, and KSWL, U know what comes next, need it always B repeated? I NOW END THIS TWANSMISSIO ELMER FWUDD!!!!! WHAAAAA!!
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