Monday, October 6, 2008


“When U’ve Got Nothing else OTAMM, Bully”
Staring at the 444444444’s at quarter B4-5,
Evening of super botbar Monday and every day,
SIEGE times I’ve lost count, and this is October,
My darkest month every trucking year, here in ‘08
This is the 6th day of this sick month and sick year.

Well starting on yesterday, Sunday, a regular and basically dependable super siege and super high Otammic day of the week, all through today, Monday, the death hell siege from evil wicked scum trash hole WOMO), the mighty evil TAWF/BRIGGBASE/MILITUFORCE, has been unconscionable and totally diseased, as only pure maggot disease swallowers that came from same mothers, could ever B so low as 2 endlessly viciously pick on a totally innocent United States victim and citizen, as these garbage swallowing regurgitation machines that they mistakenly refer 2 themselves as humans, in fact forever and continually do. As the title 2 this work implies as well as makes direct testimony about with no punches meant 2B pulled nor any holds meant 2B barred. First, as I came 2 learn with total certainty in the autumn of 1994 after my INTERACTION on the beach with my GREAT ALL MIGHTY TEEN QUEEN,. Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, was followed by once returning 2 the waking world, a major MILITUFORCE death siege, which as stated previously on many occasions, was somewhat more of a rarity in this ‘94 year as the ICPE problem was softened 4 me by ‘some’ one or thing Captain Boston, and the sports crap was not hardly an issue, cutting me a break after nearly 8 long years of hell and dog shit, and again ever since right 2 this very day is still my ongoing fiery dragon nightmare that no kung fu fighter army ever could hope 2 vanquish, and in fact only 2 entities/persons on this brown and green Earth can do this 4 me, these being Klemp and Carey, and I know this with total and absolute passion and sense of clear reality!!!!!!!! We will get into the ice-ball through the bus incident and many other things, looking back it was giant dangerous Paula King who did this 2 me and my mom in Pleasantville, NJUSAESMWG, where else, natch!!!!!!! My life ended 4 me as I told Photeous and John, sons of the Greek restaurant owner of the 1960’s Tennessee Avenue restaurant near the boardwalk, “MY LIFE ENDED IN THE YEAR 1970. Speaking of years and great errors in judgments, I said that something was something in a recent prior blogging text, and gave the year by accident of 1900, natch I meant 2 type an eight and not a zero in there, and was trying 2 say the year 1980, vely vely sahwee Elmer Wabbit Fwudd. May 30th of 1969 was when SSJKK said, “Your friends are in the shop”, and 5 or 6 weeks later she said to Paula or Nina, her gang friends there in Atlantic City, “I’m darker than you are”, back in early July of this year, 1969, 40 or 41 weeks B4 the following March 27th, in the ‘70 year. First-born children delivered by women tend 2B in the range of 34-37 weeks, while 3rd and later deliveries, MC4 example, the range can extend from this all the way indeed from 36-42 weeks 2 deliver. The math if U reincarnationalist types insist of perceiving linear time and putting God in a box that must conform 2 our rules, it still works out picture perfect 2 the last time I ever saw SSJKK on this mighty and frightening Avenue in this town of sin and shame, ACNJUSAESMWG.

Today, I had off the scale aerial harassment, the Milituforce dive bombed me with huge military filth vessels at the Hamilton Mall of English Creek, NJUSAESMWG, while taking Chicky’s brother Marcus and 2 of his close friends, over there so they could purchase some new work shoes. Chem trails were totally vicious, planes, helicopters, name it and it was out there and all the truck around me like I’m Osama Bin Laden or something. Him they don’t bother or even try 2 catch, me they persecute endlessly, and any of U believe this is normal, natural, and not about as totally surreal as it gets on this trucked up[ planet of sewage. The things I could say, do not even get me going right now, ECKERT/ECKANKAR/ECKHOUSE/music keyboard man 90210 odds in the thousands to one against!!!!!!!!!!

A child can C what is going on. I asked my QUEEN 2 come 2 me on any realm in any way and help[ me, and wow did she. The thing she tried and eventually 2 do behind daddies back is not important and will not now or ever B blogged, as it is none of this worlds business, if MC ever wants 2 talk about it on Leno, that is HER business. But I have come 2 figure out after roughly 27 hours of brutal siege by diseased WOMO-TAWF, around 3-4 this afternoon roughly while in Shop Rite Grocery Store of Hammonton, and again being screwed with by their MUZAK attacks via that diseased twisted lizard Gecko Geico dog shit, every time practically that I am in that store or the Super Stale across the White Horse Pike, also in Downtown Dogtown Berryville/Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG. U think I do not C what the truck goes on? U think I do not pick up on all of this pig smell? Back in the pursuit of this point, her father and her do not C eye 2 eye and never have, about ME. Look at the 1994 interaction where he and mate Mariena-Carlittia Krassle, chased me away from their great All Mighty Scylla daughter, on the beach when we were enjoying the fun of our lives together and she agreed 2 marry me and B mine forever. Look how after he screwed it up, I lost her in the human world 2 her current EX, Tommie, and at the time did not even know what was going on around me like an ignorant fish biting a fisherman’s damn hook and whoops, bye-bye life. That obviously was the symbolism in Sunday’s mid day interaction after I had lost waking world awareness and slipped off astrally. The mighty Teck Bay Mystery School professor Gaukauk, who was the cat in the interaction, a child should also B able 2C through this as easy as a pint of piss stinks at nose level. DIE, DIE, said Gawky 2 Mister Krassle, or 495 in the lottery lingo, just as in the autumn of 1980, the interaction occurred with Gawky and me and indeed then I dreamed in that lottery number in what U all C as the waking world, that very night, just as witnessed in my interaction. I use the term ‘interaction’ as all of U out there in Cybetown C the direction in an op0posite way that I do, in your fatal and flawed judgment of forward-mortal misperception, of which side of the ‘bed’ is real and which is a dream. First they all R real, and all is a dream, no one is ever alive or dead, and there is no life, afterlife, or B4 life, this is all pure illusion and bull. I feel comfortable in my attempts 2 communicate my life experiences, since /I know that waking world life is the lower dream down and that while asleep, UR interacting in a glorified spiritual or astral dream body, phantom or ghost body, words R words, choose one and get cozy, don’t pile up beads of sweat over inconsequential elephant dung. Live in my shoes with total awareness stuck in an ant pile and then you WILL have some crap 2 indeed sweat over my friend, blowing in the wind or not. Loud scum bag motor garbage cycles R racing up and down the road, the police will eventually catch them and ticket them, screw all of U. UR diseased and pathetic. If I hated and despised U just one fraction less, I’d pity your pathetic ignorant asses. As is, I will B quite happy just 2 watch U fall off and get struck by a huge truck and squished from here 2 lizard Geico-ville.

My wonderful queen, please know that IWEALU, and I thank U4 coming 2 me the very next day after I begged U2 in fact do, that shows me how much U really do care- about your THAT BOY, even in this new life of yours. U entertained me all throughout my shift yesterday, all the stations were playing U my lovely great and ultra talented queen MC/SCY-LLA. Here is the secret I will let out now, and is indeed, Ratatouille, and tattle tailing rats of Jesse’s football parallels, Mr. Secrets of the Harbor-Museums who I have now worked with, not the JAVA-JIVE, but we will discuss his ship on another blog and at a more opportune time, but aniwho, he happens 2B a very good friend of a Staten Island female vocalist. He let me hear her CD, she has the voice of a caroling angel. She knows MC and all of the Islanders. This is how I know she reads my words. I will try not 2 anger U with my terrible profanity, it is difficult 4 me 2 live under all of this horrible stress and strain and never-ending torment and hellfire. I knew, I was not imagining things, Mister Haddonfield smith of 38 autumns gone by. U really would have 2 have seen the other school that I went off 2 on my bicycle down the KINGS Highway into Cherry Hills great Ellisburg Circle of those days, 2 the Earthly counterpart place of the mighty TECK-BAY SCHOOL OF MYSTERY. Computers that were able then 2 do stuff that goes beyond the stuff now, come on, what is really going on here, Mister Smith? Do blackboards lie, Albert E??????? Pick on men your own age, Miss Zenkiss, and then they won’t run away every time that U come around, ya ditz bag!!!!!! It wasn’t bad enough that Paula King and later her even taller gang friend both raped me and got SCOTT free away with it, no, every slut in that school wanted a piece of me. I am not some sex object. Screw U. How can U tell me that people can abuse me from Reale right on down the list, get totally away with it, put me in the back of an ambulance and cart me off 2 the Atlanticare sike-ward, and that this is a real world, and that things have not gone beyond surreal, but actually into an indescribable nightmare that only the TAWF-BRIGGER-WOMO could ever pull off and B able 2 really engineer ion this kind of a gargantuan level beyond unfathomability!!!!! I really honestly need your help mighty, I mean ALL MIGHTY SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE. Please SCYLLA, does it have 2B2 late? I am so sorry and repent beyond words 4 not remembering things in time. Please never shut me out of your life OH GREAT ETERNAL QUEEN OF THE MULTIVERSE!!!!!!!! THIS IS MY SINCERE PRAYER, from your EX-SHELLFISH, and your now and forever servant who loves U and only U. 990990990990990990990990990990990990990990990990990990990990 YES, IWALY, SCYLLA. Please watch over me night and day all mighty teen-queen.

END TRANSMISSION: HUGE SECRETS COMING OUT SOON, heads will roll if U skuzzy pricks don’t get the hell off of my back, this is a PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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