Monday, October 13, 2008


Subtitles include and R not limited 2 the following:
DATFILE” 101308.700.94-----Beginning:

Snagglepuss, a cousin of Gawky Gaukauk’s, said it better than I’ll ever B able 2, “EXIT, stage left/right”. The second part is sort of a Congressman Andrews B4 he was the congressman kind of a thing, or a Delilah hair. In any event, I know if I remain in the United States, it is beyond a no win situation 4 me, I will B put through the same endless hell that has been ongoing since I awakened into this fucking nightmare on the 15th day of fucking August in 1986. A finger up his ass dirty little child can C this, and YI keep fighting reality proves I did belong in Bancroft all along, U cannot fight this evil empire, let alone your local fucking city hall. U can, but U lose, over and over, unless UR as phase 4 being by the human world name of Donald Jerkoff trump. Only top people, billionaires, celebrities, totally peak level people R safe from this disaster, that right now is on me but prove that it cannot spread top many others and eventually all of the smalls, go ahead, prove it 2 me that it cannot happen, UST DO IT, I triple Dogtown fucking dare any of U out there 2 try it. When I was a boy, the stock market averages such as the DJIA changed daily in single digit amounts with the occasional and rare exception. Then came the always 2 digit moves, and then after 85-95 years into the 20th century, came the many constant and almost normal 3 digit moves, and now we R about 2 enter the 4’s. Well as I TOLD U GINA, and all other arm breakers and non arm breakers out there, this would B EVIL EMPIRE CITYT, after this weekend of beyond fucklng hell siege 4 poor pantheistic me/Mountainpen. Major noise is everywhere and is constant and continuous. Chemtrails R day and night, 24/7, and all types of siege and persecution abounds 4 me all around and fucking everywhere. They think that I am Super Spirograph, and they JUST WON’T LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, I GUESS I TURN THEM ON. Well, 1969 was a while ago and most of U do not have the smallest clue what the fuck I am even blabbing about. The Dow Jones, as I predicted, was up nearly 1000 fucking points today, and my Phillies were totally crushed and fucklng wiped out in Sunday’s game at the Cali Dodgers. Am I shocked or surprised Donna Radio? In fact, it does not strike me at all sad 2 hear this old song, PHIL;LIES LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, AND THE MARKET IS UP AND UP AND UP, Hay Donna, U put the music 2 it, I’m tired of music, and I hate and detest your entire stinking entertainment industry, it is no more than the circuit world true invaders, I know astrally as the BRIGGBASE LAMIST CULT. As 4 the fuck up in my taxes that resulted in my receiving a property tax rebate of eighty dollars rather than last years normal 825, this will B remedied. I could not do it today as the government was shut 4 Chris’s birthday, I wish 2 the gods that the queen never had U sail here baby-love!!!!! But this was destiny, and a much greater and infinite TEEN QUEEN was the driving force that really caused U2 sail over here and DISCOver America. I know SSJKK and I know many of her mighty special secrets. If I talk, she can fuck me up so bad right this minute that I will B sorry 4 the rest of my mortal world life, so as much as I want 2 really spout off and say some shit right now, I know I godda shut the fucking hell up!!!!!!! But I do not give shit in my shoes about whether or not I can say what now I am going 2 say, if someone does not like it, U know where I am, come shoot me, I’ll; just B retraced, this Highlander life of mine is not a party, it is not like on TV where it shows Duncan all hot and romantic and alive all through many centuries, this is fictional fucking Hollywood’s depiction of what it would B like 2 in fact B someone that never can escape out of this prison nightmare. There R those that know what occurred in Cherry Hill, New Jersey in early 1987, at Barf’s home I was renting on the Marlton Pike, where if U take it straight down towards Long Beach Island heading basically east, U cannot help but run right smack into the all mighty MEDPORT DINER, where I told a little about Sarah-Stacey and her secrets of entering dreams and removing chains, and along these lines, 2 my friend, DCR, and life from this point on suddenly grew awesomely weird and bizarre and outlandish beyond human fathomability. Whether U can or can’t do something, either on television or not, and whether IC her there or not Mizz Lois Foca, but Richard Barf Karpf forever altered my life and was a determining force in Oliver Dirtbag NSA Northscripture and his plans 2 wipe me out and destroy the memory of my existence on this miserable brown-green Earth beneath chemtrailed whitish-blue skies. HOW MANY TIMES have U sick demented squat swallowing rat holes tried 2 do me in, yet here I am, as Donna up in 2299 will go on retracing me endlessly. I have seen AVM recorders, and misinterpreted a frightening interaction that I had somewhere early in the ‘82 year back while I still resided at the Voorhees Township apartment on 4th and Preston Roads, called Robin Hill. Now I know that this was not my Panasonic Technics open reel recorder we were playing with, it was and the gods pity me, a real working model AVM, or AUDIO/VIDEO/MATERIAL recorder, capable of receiving what will B termed a long time from today, a skimmage, meaning “SCANNED-IMAGE”, after a distance delay zoom scanner is aimed at something, and the entire reality is by our present world’s concept, photographed/recorded, and then played back or released at the location of the retrace being done. I have seen eternal life, I know what it is, I have operated these machines up in the World Labs of our own future. I know that physically I will survive until Donna stops retracing me, but mentally and emotionally, only Scylla Jehovah knows YI have not totally lost my cock sucking mind after all of this hell that Ollie North has perpetrated against me, him and his scum bag military and black operations covert wet works agencies of this diseased and twisted evil empire. Well, maybe the ANSWER IS BLOWING IN THE WIND MY FRIEND, and my enemies, but all I know is that no good thing has put me into this or any situation. I have only experienced being literally part of an interactive horror film dating back to when the ON button was pressed at 9:30 AM on the moUrning of 4 December in 1954. It cracks me up when my ‘ancestor from the future’ says, “I AM THE RESSURECTION”. The misprint and wrong translation is after the first 2 letters of this 4th and final word of his 4 word sentence. SSURECTION. I admit that there is no “A” in the word, ans there needs 2B. After the RE, comes TRACE. Gimme a break, I have been up there and seen AVM recorders, I even recently went back through time itself and littered out the proof of my blog and its DATFILE system, as well as AVM recorders. But the 177th collect5ed all of this and has it stored in a very deep and secret locale. If any of U out there from my area HAVE one of these SEND-BACK things from me, do not ever do anything with it, or the lives of U and your family will B ruined forever by this ARMY OF SATAN or Apollo-Lucifer/the 177th Air Tactical wing of the United States Air Force, once long ago a real tangible human entity, now totally CIRCUIT-ENTITY OVERTAKEN AND COMMANDEERED.

The reason the seventies R of such importance, is not bloggable, I can only tell small bits and pieces, parts of a nightmare story that go beyond what anyone would dare 2 blog and tell, even windbag Mountainpen. I was going 2 check my electronic mail 2C if Roger had any news 4 me, from the tobacco ‘shop’. I went 2C if I had any snail mail first at the Marhouse mailbox, and sure enough, it was 2 envelopes that were personally delivered 2 me. One said, in magazine cut out letters, “the other envelope contains print outs in case U cannot work your e-mail. I opened the other envelope and 4 sheets were there bright orange on one side and bright yellow on the other. On the yellow side was small but bold black type. Now I know Y she wants me 2 tell about my SEVENTIES life, forget THAT BOY, and THAT TV SHOW. This gets more fascinating with the passage of each and every freaking day baby-love. It seems that a research project from a laboratory connected with this government, was studying me and my astral movements ever since the start of the 1970’s, and the 3 heads of the project, well 2 have names like Smith and Jones in so far as no significant nomenclatural meaning, but the third name, an aeronautical engineer was assigned also 2 this, and yes, a resident of long Island, New York, and yes, U all know who or U need a brain-wattage upgrade. So tell me, as this happened at 4:15 PM today, just B4I started this whittle bwog Elmer Fudd Wabbit, is the pwot thickening here silwee wabbit or is it me going totally nuts? Comment on this one, I quintuple Dogtown dare any of U’s.

G/S/W, etcetera, etcetera, and blah/blah/blah, the Atlantic Ocean really did miss me and kicked up tremendous surfer waves all summer long after I went away and left her in the seventy year. My beautiful Teen Queen, IWALU, no matter how much hell U put me through. It was my rotten RELATIVES, I had nothing 2 do with this, I did not even know what your dad was working on, how could I, I was a teenager 4 crissake???????? Please wind GODDESS, do not hate And punish me so much when I love U with all of my beingness. 990990990990990.

END OF THIS TRANNY, MY DEAD SMELLY GRANNY!!! Hay, it’s the writer in me!

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