Thursday, June 25, 2009


“The Mick-men Known Always As McGuire/Callio”

WHAAAAAAAAA, silwee wabbit, let me begin by telling U all, that ‘they’ got their diseased way, persecuting the hot living piss out of innocent whittle me 4 about 70 hours now since Tuesday Aquarium Evening Mister Wirtz of the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office from out in positive space, around 80-100 trillion miles in the expansion surrounding our 8 kilo mile worldly diameter. The Dow Flew up nearly 2 bucks, and I will reiterate this again and again and again and again, lads, lassies, and talking Labradors as well. I would not give a rats shirt on a grass-mole, if they scored 900 points per day 4 the next 55 years, just as long as they do not USE (ICPE), OR THE HARASSING AND TORTURE AND TORMENT OF MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN IN ORDER 2 GET THESE CHEATED AND TOTALLY HOLLOW VICTORIES, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! I am not against anybody or anything, and never was, nor ever will IB, not unless U first attack and provoke, and injure the crap out of me, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we will go on from time 2 time with the blog-within-a-blog, called PAWM ATTACK, followed by a number, the next number being #4, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But 4 right now, let us move the Jesus Christ on with a few other, and a bit of newer topics and materials, well nothing is really ever new, merely somewhat re-spun older stuff. Let me prove 2U what I just said is not a lot of hooey, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Ask any person degreed in the physical sciences, especially in the specialized fields of Astrophysics, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right now, a drop of water from your local lake, or the mighty Pacific Ocean, or a cell on the skin of your leg, or your telephone, R all made up of tiny pieces of reality, that 50 or 300 million years ago could have been making up the reality of a distant star in the Milky Way, or in a bed of hot flowing lava from a new volcano eruption in Hawaii or Australia. These realities consist of 2 basic things, these being, even smaller sub atomic pieces, and a multiplex of powerful and misunderstood lawtronically controlled forces. We today in 2009 know of perhaps a hundred of these subatomic particles and the forces that interact with and within them, combined. There R billions of forces not understood at all, and because of something that your conscious minds will laugh at me 4 saying, and that is super-simplicity. What in all honesty makes the super complex indeed so super complex, is believe ir or not Ripley, SUPER-SIMPLICITY. I will not even attempt going here with any of U right now on this pernt, Arch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want 2 finish an earlier pernt now Mistier Bunk regarding 2 lovely family chains if I dare B so audacious as 2 use this word, and how it fit into one of my 2 super major interactions in the calendar year of our waking world called 1997. I speak of CALLIO and MCGUIRE. These 2 groupings of gene pools, nauseating as it is 2 speak on this subject, and bringing me royal pains in my rectum 2 boot, must B quickly squawked about here 4 a quick-seck, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never put both of the 2 events together in the one of the 2 interactions in 1997 with Scylla. First Scylla has seemingly sent me 2 letters in the mail and when I went 2 open them, nothing was inside, signifying the meaning only of “2-LETTERS”, empty of any other meaning. Well who is Scylla in human form now that Sarah Karge is not holding the Olympian torch in the relay race? Well, so what R her initials? OK, so what R the initials of the 2 family offshoots down in that miserable ass Atlantic City, New Jersey, USAESMWG???????? Originally I never connected the event here with another one right there in the very same interaction, U all know perfectly well what I am talking about, my winning the KJ McAllister Prize Patrol money. It all went freaking down ladies and gentlemen in the same interaction. In mortal world concepts, I had this one dream on one particular night, as this was not spread out over any mortal waking world so called time period, in the way that many recurring dreams happen 2 mortal man, or phase three. Remember, EWI-Void is one. Astrallity is two. Physicality is three. Phase 4 is when an astral entity wishes 2 break lawtronics, and enter the human world in ways that would not follow the rules and laws of this physical realm, hence they come in as the imagination and fictional characters of the movies and television. Superman and the tooth fairy and all your action comic book heroes and all the fictional characters really exist in the energies that make up the worlds of quantum foams and interdimensional sub quasar hyper field density inter-time particles. So does Ross on the TV show FRIENDS, so does Raven on the Disney show, THAT’S SO RAVEN, so does Susan on the TV show SUDDENLY SUSAN, and so does Captain Kirk, Captain Picard, and all of them. These characters exist and attempt 2 enter our physical plane of reality, but LAWTRONICS forces built into the system, stops them from entering as we do as a born baby or a phase 4 entity, so they come through into here as a phaser 4 entity. Do not even begin underestimating the incredible and unfathomable freaking power behind all of this. It would boggle your mind and rattle out your brains right from your skull. Knowing what I know about this, and MORIANITY has been openly teaching and telling these truths 4 more than 40 months now on the Wide World Web, there R no closet doors, blankets over lamps, nor secrets in this organization, BRO!!!!!!! I tell it all, and those that can handle it will handle it, and those that may wish 2 immediately ignore it, can do this as well. Still a few more hopefully may just choose 2 say, “yo mother efer, this shit sauce is beyond anything that even the BRIGGERS’ mortal counterparts have dared 2 realize and show, there must B something the hell 2 it”. Well, this is YI freaking blog. Just maybe U may still B right, Ed Himacane.

Dawn the powerful mighty KING has a girlfriend named Samira, a lovely six foot plus, large muscular African American girl in her thirties, was over visiting earlier. She headed up a Sunday School class of significance size at one time and is quite biblically knowledgeable. We got on the topic a while ago of how “GOD” holds the transgressions against gene pools 4 up to 3 and 4 generations. She said that Jesus Christ and his Earthly mission was 2 make all of these statements made by SS Jehovah KK null and void once accepting HIS grace and becoming a “child of God”. This all sounds so wonderful on paper. The trouble with it is that I have really tried all of this many years ago in the early nineteen hundred seventies. It never got me anywhere except deeper and deeper into supernatural trouble with some gargantuan sized Astral Plane forces, that now I fully now personally on this awake and conscious level, as the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL-BRIGGERS- LAMBRIGG CULT-LAMISTS, really, what is in a name Rose Shakespeare???????? The HUNTINGTON CURSE is real. So R the BRIGGERS. This entire nightmare is real and so damn horrific that no words will ever B available 2 even hope 2 adequately address this topic 2 the public, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not in a hundred million years, oh great Sarah-Stacey Queen of the Multiverse. 2 this very day, it remains a mystery 2 both myself and Paul Pedersen, how my songs were picked up by those systems that them. I never heard them in these formats ever, not in one elevator, doctors office, not ever. Gekky the stupid lizard U can’t squish out of existence if U try 4 a century, walk into any grocery store, and pow, there goes the commercial. Yet I was paid royalties by Broadcast Music Ink, every quarter, and even paid taxes on it, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I still have known her by a hundred mega-names, Muzak or no. Speaking of Muzak, tall puss is on a roll, not super hyper time major, but it’s been there. So is Gekky the worm. SQUISH!!!!! Oh how I wish I had blood on my shoe MF, and that is not a curse word, just ask the copyright examiners, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well as long as this mother trucking illness with breath can get Jacky Scott Free away with my infinite endless persecution and torture, THE DOW WILL GO UP AND UP AND UP FOREVER AND FOREVER. The PHILLIES WILL GO ON LOSING FOREVER AND FOREVER, SINKING DOWN INTO THE BOTTOM OF THEIR DIVISION. I proved how real all my torments and illegal fucking hell was 2 the Prosecutors, the Assistant Governor, and many an official such as police persons congress persons, and on and on, but only got the wall. All of the UFO buffs out here know just HOW TOMMY ROW REAL/E AND DEADLY AWFUL POWERFUL THE BRICK WALL IS, don’t U BRA???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could tell so many Gawnum related things right now the sun would not come up normally in the freaking moUrning, BRO!!!!!!!! 4 right now, I am simply gonna freaking sign off this silly thing and say nighty night and BYE-BYE, 2 y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where RU when I need U Lightning????????????????????????????????? Your little boy is in torment, please come 4 me and end this hell forever my blond teen queen endless love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL OF 2298, BLAHHHHH, BLEEEEEE, AND BLUMMM. This is all copyrighted 2009 MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN. Yes Mayor Levy, U know there is major magic in the world of electronic metaphysics. Let’s crack the cases open and smell and look at these little invaders that have changed and taken over our entire lives. How innocent they look just all lined up on a breadboard. Even your resourceful family knows that powers exist way beyond any of our comprehension, huh BRA???????? Yes, how the mighty have fallen, Mister Prize Patrol KJ Hack Sleaze disease twisted nasty sister from Jan Nace stock broker land of Broad and Wall Streets. Yeah, the neighborhood there is in on lots of taboo shit, huh 27????????????????????


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