Tuesday, June 16, 2009


“Slowly Coming 2 A Flying Head, BRO”
DATFILE: 061509.980---Beginning Transmission:

There is not a lot of time right now 4 my blogging, so what I need 2 say will B said, and without lots of flowers, adjectives, cuteness, or absurdly overpowered elucidations, BRA!!!!!! The message tonight and all throughout Morianity really is not and never has been meant 4 the awake and consciously active collective of this interaction that U all C as the here and now, ‘real world’, despite top quantum physicists saying that it all is no more than waves and particles interacting with still totally unknown forces. Hence Morianity is no better nor worse by provable accounts anywhere, of an explanation 4 the things I make claims 2 personally and exclusively know 2B facts written in stone. The message is and always has been 4 the lower and deeper and way more powerful interacting realities, or what some may call a human collective subconscious ‘mind’. Mind is nothing more, on any level and depth, than a sent signal from dimension 5 which IS MIND, down one dimension into hyperspace, or also called by QP scientists 4 the most part, the fifth dimension, and has absolutely nothing 2 do with Marylyn McCoo, Hair, and Aquarius, all though, does it? Even though several thousand entities R rewarding these words and laughing, the Brigger Cult knows better than anyone else, that the subliminal effect is now what I am chasing after, that works just fine 3 me, Abbey. Jane Stinkweeds nailed me 20 minutes B4I started this blog, she gives me a bit of peace and rest from time 2 time and then POW, ZAP, BANG, and BOOM, the bitch is all over me like maggots on the dead!!!!!!!!

Let me now get into the meat of this blog. First, my Phillies were hammered tonight, and I knew they would B. Monday and Tuesday were filled with aerial persecution, planes and choppers, but it broke off in middle late afternoon both times, when they failed 2 compensate 4 my ICRCA, pronounce it ice-rick-a if U want, but it stands 4, INTENTIONAL CREDIBILITY RUINATION COUNTER ATTACK, and the smart people know what’s goin on, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing always works, but I knew I had 2 come home early Monday morning and hot the enemy with a nasty ass hard punching blog, and bingo, it worked.

What U do not yet know is what I now will tell, it is only a few things but they R powerful things, and as I said, it will B laughed at by conscious mind readers, but the deeper layers will know all that needs B known, and the effects needed 2 B implemented will indeed B implemented by my blogging these words now, BRA!! If U doubt the reality and sincerity of subliminally effected causes and events, done by BIG BUSINESS each and every day, the only group that knows consciously how real this marketing strategy is and how fantastic it does indeed work, go ahead then and doubt, that’s your right and your own business. But as I said, there is a group in all 49 states, none R residents of the show-me state on this one, BRO, and that is the top marketers, the Streeters of Manhattan, as THEY DO INDEED KNOW, and definitely on a totally AWAKE AND CONSCIOUS RATIONAL LEVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They absolutely freaking know how real both ICPE is, and how real Subliminal technology in marketing is, and U can take that 2 the mighty Nebuchadnezzar Chemical Bank 35 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The point that will B difficult 4 me 2 Make here is where the 2 things divide and maintain any real credibility that I am not some total cuke-case. I really wanna tell U a major happening last night when I lost my awareness 2 the normal waking world, but I am debating with myself on whether 2 speak about the matter, so 4 now, my point is simple. On one hand I tell U that a physical and aware group of real business persons in marketing and what in slang is termed, BIG BUSINESS, top fortune 500 corporations, U get the drift, is in fact doing very destructive and evil things that dwarfs the nightmare evils that people have seen portrayed in the movies 4 more than 7 decades now, regarding the Roman Empire and the horrific punishments and all the nasty stuff. The new controllers of the very same evil atomic energy, but in forms way more pure than those thinking about bombs here, I simply mean that the same energetic badness running through physical bodies millennia ago, is now still here with the very same amount of power, merely running through new and different physical frames, those being the descendants of the humans that walked around in those times. It is a true medical fact that we R born with a precise measured amount of energy, and when we run out of this energy totally and completely, we physically die. The energy does not however, and atheists can C things their stupid ass way from now until our sun novas, and it will change nothing. Still, these new controllers, just now presently have learned ways 2 place much more effective and covert spins on the evils that they R perpetrating in today’s evil empire days of the present world of the here and the now, BRO!!!!!! When we R in shopping malls and large chain stores of any type at all, pharmaceutical, dollar, grocery, computer, office, marts, tools and hardware, U name it, the MUZAK system is always on, and under this sound, way 2 low in volume 2B picked up in the human range on conscious hearing, is a message, always on, things R saying, BUY-BUY-BUY, NEED 2 HAVE THINGS, U WILL FIND WAYS 2 GET THE MONEY SO CHARGE IT 4 NOW, and many other repeating and looped ‘under-messages. It is highly illegal and punishable by FCC regs big time, and so is all the stuff that went down on Wall Street and the Banking World in 2008 and many other years where better closets existed 4 these creeps, against laws and supposedly regulated sand overseen by the SRC, lets laugh, we do not need Larry, Mo, and Curly, and if U think we do, UR ignorant. Bing, slap!!!!!!!!! Still and all, this is a minor part of Shakespeare’s actors and stages and human arenas and games of the Olympian Astral Plane Gods, BRO!!!!!!!!!! The more covert and secret shit goes way off these human conscious scales. It is pathetic how human entities in 2009, still C dark aged concepts as far as levels of mind, and cannot C that interaction between atomic realities exist at numerous mind frequencies, in all of hyperspace, and is indeed Y time and motion and hyperspace is all wrapped up in the process of thought-downlining, from D-6 down into D-6. This is the way it is designed at the seventh dimension, lawtronically, the circuitry of the system that escaped literally out of the previous infinity cycle that by its own concept now, was never there 2 exist in the first place. Only hypersphere reality can contain the necessary physics 2 permit this reality. No conscious BIG BUSINESS can or would pull off the bull shit stuff that goes on around me with regularity and clockwork precision and has since a magic date that can B literally drawn in the sand with a time lone, on the 15th day of freaking August in the ADEG year of 1986, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me now tell U2 of these things that repeat and ‘patternize’ if I must now again B forced 2 coin a new Franklin word tonight, as yes, old habits of a quarter hundred decades R quite hard 2 break BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The first one pertains 2 beaches and swimming, and what I have termed, and prior blogged, the OUTFAR CLUB. This is a part of the subconscious collective in my best educated and ‘guestimated’ opinion, Franklin #2. I cannot believe that big business would B this ridiculous, pulling this kind of bull shit off with such regularity, as though I am the most important mother trucking human being in this freaking ass galaxy!!!!!!!!!!!! What I am talking about occurred early on Monday evening on the beaches of Atlantic City, where Ann Silva and I were 4 a short while after passing through the Trump Plaza so that Ann could get her comp money out of the machine and throw it and some more, right back into the Donald’s pocket. Maybe now he won’t scowl so much. Aniwho, there is always someone and usually it is a young female, that comes charging out into the ocean and goes way out. The lifeguards had just gone off duty 10 minutes or so ago from the time this bombshell blond in a colorful bikini, came racing out 2 sea. The guards blew whistles and blew her in, as they had not left the beach entirely yet. 4 once, I was not the target of their freaking whistles, BRA!!!!!! HA-HA-HA. I was fully dressed and in my shoes, and only out as far as the wet sand, walking back and forth in and out as the waves would ebb and flow. I totally ignored her, I knew this was meant 4 me, I could have placed a wager that it would happen. They get more power out of the hologram if I interact. So I have learned that when it is at all possible 2 just totally ignore them like the garbage that they R, it lessens their energy control over me. Using James Redfield’s theory from his great book, THE CELESTINE PROPHECY back in the nineties, I theorize and postulate now a strange possibility, all though it may sound off the wall ridiculous as most of my ideas I am quite positive do indeed sound 2 my blogaud. I have a girl 290 years away, scanning back at me and copying me with powerful atomic lasers, every time I die, either by my hand or another hand, and this I totally know, despite this story being told 2 United States Government Disability psychiatrists being directly a result of my getting placed the very first time applied 4 it, on the disability system 4 mentally disturbed persons. Truth is always greater than the most far out fiction, it is truth and what can beat the truth? Now taking this in unison with what I just a short while ago said about being born with a limited amount of energy, and since this is moot and defeated in my case by my being simply copied at the point of death over and over and replaced into the system through an advanced late 23rd century invention called Distance Delay Laser Trace Audio Video Material Recording Technology, I am a fantastic candidate 4 stealing my energy on a continual and constant basis, by an advanced higher state of humanity and mind from this advanced plane of beyond physical human existence. It is as though my energy is limitless, and hence, this advanced force of cosmic thieves can use me the same way that the show of the early seventies with Christopher George, called “the Immortal” had his problems with the wealthy world WOMO owners that learned of his magic blood and wanted 2 keep him caged where they then could proceed 2 steal it when they needed it from time 2 freaking time, hay it is just another working theory lads and lassies. If this happened once, twice, three times a summer, not a lady, bing, slap, blink, bass drum Mo, then I could explain it away as happenstance, coincidence, nothing more., But the ‘constantcy’ (Franklin new word of the night #3) of this situation when I frequent the beaches a lot, no way, U would have 2 literally B there 2C and 2 witness this, then U would either believe, or play the role of the Williamstown Giant Policeman of 1995. I am not stupid, I know when someone is throwing spitballs behind me and then faking like their reading a book when I turn around, what, I’m some freaking tard or something’ gimme a bweak Elmer Wabbit,. Whaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Now let me move on #2 situation, not 15 minutes later.

Ann and I drove after leaving the beach, up 2 Resorts Casino where she particularly likes a few slot machines. She ended up winning a buck and a half and also we enjoyed a comp dinner, she has lots of comp points for eats at Resorts. She went 2 her machine, and I went 2 the first roulette wheel I saw in action 2C what numbers would pop in when I stood there. Long story short, I expected 12 and 21 a lot and they did not disappoint me, I expected lots of greens, and got one, and I expected 23 as well as the 3 birthday numbers of my goddesses as well as my own birthday, these being, 4, 26, and 27. The 23 and the 27 did not pop in, but the other birthday numbers did. Greens should have been hotter with all the recent air siege, but that’s the way it goes Rodney, Ziggie, and B.O.B. Wow how I would love 2 have the old Book of the Beach 2 add 2 my new adult version, Christ All Mighty God have freaking mercy on Planet Earth, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stayed about 25 spins and I would have kicked ass playing a five dollar chip on the numbers 0,00,4,12,21,23,26, and 27. It would not have been a table-closer, but it would have paid my freaking bills through the summer time, maybe if I put ten on each. Roughly at mid game about a dozen or so spins into the game, along comes a real lovely African American lady. She was all by herself, and a real hot dish. She stood right next 2 me an d said a few things, along with these things she said 26, 36, 27. She said it about 3 or 4 times. Out came number 2 when the wheel stopped. She walked away. The next number that came out was the 26. The Resorts Casino knows this happened, they can pull the tapes Nick and Sharon Stone. There is a camera most likely inside the drinking glasses that the cocktail waitresses serve 2 the customers, so run it back, C if I am making these wild stories up. My blogaud knows the story I have previously told about the 00 number at the Sands Casino in Atlantic City, and of course, there goes that history marker thing, no more Sands Casino there, U have 2 either go 2 Vegas or now U can out 2 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

I could go on and on lads and lassies, it has been the wildest roller coaster ride of anyone’s life being me, for 5 and a half decades as Mountainpen. And this is just here, in one little speck of my true existence throughout all of time and hyperspace, and also in astrallity, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! I want 2 tell U so much. Time is my enemy, there R things that must B done, and I need some sleep, BRA!!!!!!! If this enemy does not get off my back, a huge meteorite will B coming 2 cause a lot of woes 2 a lot of folks. BACK IT OFF, jerk offs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


GOOGLE ENGINE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2297, this is all copyrighted in 2009, as MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN AND THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN. This is nothing but total truth, I take a voluntary oath and attest 2 that under penalty of perjury, all this can B used in a grand jury statement someday, it is not false, there is no falsehood in these words, and only truth exists herein. No other thing has been either added or subtracted. A child reading this blog and then working it totally in reverse, along with my hero Stacey Lattisaw; can C that special powers R indeed part of all of this, and that Harry Potter does not even come close 2 equalizing my existence or my blogs that tell of it, publicly, as I have nothing whatsoever 2 hide, BRO!!!!!!!!! Turn those tapes full-track Stacey!!!!!!!!!!!! This is all blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!


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