Wednesday, October 14, 2009


World Lab Send-Back-Text-DATFILE: 101409.419.555555555555
All subtitles apply, and I now, BEGIN TRANSMISSION:

This is a short blog. First every morning now, nasty chemtrails R all over my area and if I were 2 travel out of county or even out of state, it would follow me, as I know this. I used 2 work guard duty as far away as well up into Pennsylvania as far as the Valley Forge area. I also took Clarence Harris’s lovely Amada song daughter, 2 the Maryland University in 1997, and this happened as well. I made the phone call, and need 2 make one more 2 start getting the ball rolling.

Interesting that whenever the sky is bad on a previous night, it always or 99% of the time, extends into the following day. At least I get a chance 2B on guard and step up and B-PK careful, and tighten up the old gut muscles. At least the punches when expected, do not hurt as badly when they do in fact land, this way.

U know the interaction exploratronically that I told U all that occurred back early this century while newly residing at the Plageman hell-hole trailer park, in Mullica Township, New Jersey? I was in the year two thousand and twenty-nine, and was in Atlantic City. Also I was in a large recreation room in some North Shore Inlet Building, and it was recently named the Isaiah Room. The song goes onto sing on the room entertainment stereo center, “Soon will B thirty-thirty, but not in my lifetime/ Is it not totally bind blowing and Mister Vulcan Spok fascinating what the Bible verse of chapter 30 and verse 30 quotes, in the Old Testament, in the book of Isaiah?

If I do not pull of Trump’s hairpiece today and end up in HF with my HS daut, I will keep U informed of the rest of the events of the day. The giant girlogram is up high again, I just totally ignore everybody and keep 2 myself. Even with this tactic, trouble always seems 2 find me very easily, U know Y, the illustrious and miserable Huntington Curse.


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