Wednesday, October 21, 2009



Today was filled with major siege, major kitty cat command like nothing I’ve seen in freaking years, and hopefully, the local and state authorities know that if I am found murdered, all ,prior blogs do my very best 2 tell the tale of those responsible 4 doing me in. Still, without proof that is beyond what any of these monsters have given me, and the court systems demanding that proof, they most likely will get away with my cold blooded eventual murder as well as decades of torment and torture. Still, the huge things I had blamed others 4, were now as seen in a new light with new eyes and perception, not a total act of evil or aggression. UC, so much more is involved, right down 2 the exact details and formulas that led the gods 2 create the arena Earth game, along with so many other games that they run as well. We never can ever get away from this powerful truth, if we stray, then we have no truth, variations of virtually unlimited quantities of truths perhaps, but not THE truth. What is truth some ask? Is truth found in symbolic connective-ness? Is it found in and through the breaking of the bonds of repressed memories? Does it echo throughout lines of late eighties soap opera shows taken from older conversations on the telephone with myself and James Burr in 1976? Is truth a sentient entity? Does truth have a relative relationship with itself and the rest of discombobulated individuality? We could start here and by answering and delving deeper into this, and when it all gets said and done, R we any closer. Is a million years any closer 2 all of endlessness than a minute is? One thing is not disputed by me here, and that is the echoing murder of insanity, huh Angus? Wrapped up in this was many answers, as well as blocks and secrets, and they say that doubt was born in Missouri, shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plumbers and electricians will B here at the end of the week or early next week, as the cellar has been wiped out by faulty ancient apparatus. Cellars and basements and closets, I wonder what part of NO, John and Photeous of 1997, didn’t Herbert Huntington understand about committing such an atrocity. Jim Burr was the real genius all along, there is no disputing this at all. Ever since we met at computer school, Sarah Callio, long B4I ever knew this name on an awake level, yet long after running into her and her Quoddy-Mocker girl group, but ever since summertime in 1973, Jim and I started getting deeper and deeper into all sorts of discussions that kiss-my-grits-330-DEEP VERA would agree here was deep, and he said after 1973 turned into 1974, over and over again, like he knew it 4 a fact, and I thought the man was a total nut case, “Mark, this all has 2 do with your family”. Thanks 4 your help Angus, hope U guys enjoyed your millions. A dude named Gates told me something over the telephone in 1978 or 1979 somewhere, and that was he did not mind making a huge profit, but did not want 2 profit off of another’s loss. Well, it is getting more and more difficult these days 2 accomplish that noble and philanthropic feat, BRAH. On 3 blogging sites, a PBHE said that they can all kiss my 532, natch I am only a human being sir Bruce, and meant 2 type in 330. This is Y the GAWNUM says the middle our [physical bodies in the rear, is like the middle part of the piano. But since we can get hurt when kicked there, the less accurate word that does not come off as a homonym 4 ‘hurts’ is not compatible GAWNUMLY with “MIDDLE-C”. The power behind this Astral Plane KNOWLEDGE is mind bending 2 say the very least. But no, it was not the trigger. So what was, something in the note last evening? U do not know I powerfully influenced I was all day long 2 get up here and claim this lie. If I begin lying now, Y bother with anything? No, it was nothing from the note. All the note said and I am gonna tell U now what this is, is that I was being tested 2C if I really had access 2 this hard-wired-trunk ‘thing’, and when I agreed 2 it, they knew I did. Rog, if the large man that threatened my mom that day in early August of 1996 is indeed John King’s brother, I have a surprise in store 4 all these lovely Atlantic City people. If I told U all what, then it would not B a surprise, right? Well this beach sweeper and barnacle cleaner double bubbled security chief of the near future, managed 2 totally blow that part of the future away. RU proud of me Doctor Goldberg? U would not believe the license plates yesterday, one example was the dude in front of mew, MOPSTER, in the business your pop was in, huh Donna? How Bernie Derakowski and I busted our butts doing this some time ago, I do not work hard any more, I’m 2 old, cold, and cod. Yes I really do miss, not the network cable or soap, but yes. Still, I know how powerful the truth is about dominant explorations. The church would never believe the tiny bit I did know back in the freaking seventies, so Y even begin 2 waste my efforts now?

Go ahead and tell me that U never saw a person U know well, change right B4 your eyes, go ahead and lie 2 me, and yourself. I don’t mean change visually or physically, U know darn well what I mean and what I’m saying, right Tom Carpenter? This is most likely all a moot point, I am sure UR long deceased by now, BRO. I watch everyone come and go, and drop like flies, and hotels burn, and shoes turn pretty shades of red, and still, who believes, who cares, and so really, then Y should I? We all R sitting in void, and that is simple horrendous truth, so dream on everybody, just go ahead and dream on. Just ‘go ahead and do it Paula’, Weston that is. The catalyst 4 many things was a couple weeks ago when the MENTALIST on television could not hypnotize his gorgeous boss lady, And fans of the show all know Y. My mom made 2 statements 2 me and I thought she was a paranoid lunatic as a young boy. She said never let people rub up against U, U might live 2 regret it. Then in the start of the last decade of the 20th century, she gave me my hypothetical daughter. Yeah, I thought she was shack as many of U think I am. But when U go through the real deal, then U know differently, BRO. There is way 2 much 2 say, and I am hungry and tired, and it is late, maybe not 2 late, but it is late, and I am ENDING TRANSMISSION.

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