CHAPTER #8------The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version
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Well Lads and Lassies and talking/non-talking Labradors, and other nice dogs out here, it is but me, ol’ Mountainpen; and I am still totally wishing my attention and focus was at Sahasra Dal Kanwal, and not here in the multiplexed and virtually unlimited vastness of the worlds of the fifth dimensional hyperspaces. Really, there is no such “PLACE” or location. But then the Astral Plane is a condition-interaction system, unlike the space-time worlds of this lower vibrational system of hyperspace physical planes of existence, and our agreeing and matching atomic body and brain connected systems, into this thing we all call, ‘life’.
Diana, U were so wonderful 2 me yesterday my beautiful tall long yellow haired teen queen. Your terrific and tremendous exquisite lightning came 2 me during the torrential rainstorm that the area of Fort Pierce, Florida, experienced in the middle late afternoon. THANK U TIMES A QUADRILLION, my endless love!!!!!!!!! That would B one times ten 2 the power-15, for the majority of the world’s population. Actually, large numbers can B used 2 express emotions, more than they really have any real purposes in or during the normal and routine waking world and our life’s experiences.
So, let me get right down 2 cases here, and then go into a tiny bit of a different approach in these blogging texts, 4 my trying and tell my nightmare story, in so much as it is not the things that happen each hour and day and year by year, but what really exactly is the root cause of such a tremendous amount of negativity around and surrounding my entire physical proximity. First, it is important 2 tell U that unless things drastically alter 4 me here in this non musical fruit state of dancing kids, and real good girl television commercials, I plan on leaving this state, and will B heading 4 the area where my father hailed from, along with his entire MOHR clan, the state of good old high middles and round ends, also SIR PRINCE ARTIST, known formerly as well as still, as OHIO, BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As we move along, an old subject will B harped more closely on, and that is cosmic numbers all working together in an endless attempt at solving their own cosmic equation, and throughout an area so vast, that it can never really B bloggable, and it is known as the ‘MENTAL PLANE’ by the religion called ‘ECKANKAR’, and in fact is amazingly and actually also, the SIXTH DIMENSION (6-D). This religion that calls themselves the religion of the light and sound, sees this as the 6th plane, only they arrive at their concept in a totally non-mathematical way. 2 them, it merely is their way of perception, as well as a basic counting process, of the realms and planes of existences, traveled through by the original powerful Veraigi Masters, that chant and trance out from their physical plane bodies in this so-called here and now. I find no fault whatsoever with any of their concepts, right up and until they talk about the fact that this is all not just a game, but actually has a significance and meaning, beyond the significance and meaning that the Lawtron Creators assign 2 things so 2 speak, relatively. ‘Gods’ call all of this a real thing, and they command obedience and loyalty, even devotion and worship, while always insisting all the while that their secret and higher known purposes lay behind and or beyond the grand scheme of our frail and tiny Earthly mental ability 2 conceptualize what really is going on around us all, and always has been and will B. The stories in the very beginning of the Bible, in Genesis, in the Garden of Eden, go totally into all of this; nothing is left 2 the imagination of the reader, whatever level of smarts, said reader has, both in wisdom, and intelligence. Never confuse these 2 things peeps, which will B your first giant step into error and will lead U smack down into Pennockville.
Y the “BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN” R about the stuff they claim 2B real and happening, and predicting, and telling, have 2 do with 2 simple truths. First, the author getting onto things that R happening around him, in an unmistakable pattern, with endless consistency and constancy, and Second, complex unraveling of many clues 2 all of these things, that in normal circumstances would have remained buried throughout a normal mans’ life, but in the case of Mountainpen, this would neither B logical, let alone even possible, unless I were 2 have the sense and feelings of an inanimate object!!!!!!!!!!! We will touch on a master cosmic program like no computer or program or anything that my readers can even identify with now in 2K10, and other such close paralleling trivia’s, as we march along here. First, here is just one cited example of constancy and or consistency mentioned a few sentences earlier in this blog. When attacks R not in the air, they R on the ground, when they R not on the ground, then they R indeed up in the air, and rarely there is a large amount of both, and even rarer, is there neither, or a total absence of persecution against me, resembling almost what feels 2 me as a vacuum of my normal expected reality. Here is the example of just this past weekend. As U should know, I had 3 previous weekends of major or fairly nasty aerial siege, but this weekend, it was much quieter upstairs and most flying things near my residence or wherever I happened 2B, were up high and more within expected and normal limits 4 the average person. So upstairs quiets down, and guess what Gomer Pyle, United States Marine Corpsman, ”SURPRISE—SURPRISE-SEARGEANT CARTER NO PAINTS”, my new scum bag neighbors at my RV Park, were monstrous, in and out continually at all hours of the day and the night, with the noisiest piece of shit loud ugly old white truck imaginable, if I were 2 drive anything that noisy under my personal magnetics and situation, the police would pull me over B4I managed 2 get 5 miles in any direction, and I would have a hundred and twenty seven tickets 2 take 2 court, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rules 4 me and the rules 4 everyone else, and this is a CONSTANT that I have lived with since the days I was knee high 2 a tad pole, and still do 2 this very mother pucking freaking day, BRR!!!!!!!!!!! I finally, called Danny-Dee, out park maintenance man and my buddy, and reported them, it will not do any good, but I had 2 do something. I know totally well, this is enemy stuff, and not just happening, and all the shrink and sike docks can argue with me until mother freaking hells boils out into the ice, and I will never C things their way nor alter my opinion, I KNOW WHAT I KNOW, AND ADMIT THAT WHAT I DO NOT KNOW, THEN FINE, I DO NOT KNOW, cut fingers, and all the journal tapes of 1786, not withstanding!!!!!!!
I had a very nice productive talk with Dawn’s probie last week, and found out that nothing has basicly altered, status quo, no jail 4 the snail, the nightmare woman walked away clean, leaving that blood on my shoe, oh well, they cut out my lungs and turned them into oozy bloody red washcloths in nightmares in July of 1970, while I was in Ventnor, New Jersey, at Thomas J’ Molester Reale’s house. What can B expected of families with power and influence? None of U really have much of a clue how the real total details of my entire youthful life actually unfolded. When I began putting it together better, just as a result of my blogging, it began 2 blow my mind as more and moiré time went along, and wind kept singing her song. Now I merely wait 4 the stars 2 kiss the sunlight good-by, and the river 2 run away with my mind, or some other such silly writer’s lyrical nonsense. I cannot just get on here and write the story of 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 years, not of my complicated wild life. First, the entire thing involves every paranormal subject in the case files, abductions, UFO phenomenon, paranormal and pre-recognition ‘dreaming’, behavioral bizarreness 4 totally unaccountable reasons involving those close 2 me, all throughout my entire life, boy and man, and so on and so forth. Terry Egghead from the Jersey Harbor told me 2 do a non-possible thing, it just cannot B done, butt wipe, not by Shakespeare, Spielberg, and Tolstoy, ALL COMBINED!!!!!! Mi life MUST B told in the way and the manner that it’s getting told, their simply is no other way 2 do it, so please peeps and jeeps, try and live with it, I am forced 2, U know, at least U can read the blog and then switch out of this horror, I am in this perpetual mess on a 24/7/365.2422 basis, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is such a reality and thing as a LAWTRONIC COSMIC STORAGE NUMBER, or what I have called in prior mentions, ‘cosmic numbers’. Gawky told me something, forever ago, at the Teck Bay Mystery School in the Province Olympia on the Astral Plane, not a ‘real location’ mind U, a (condition-interaction). What this giant black talking cat said 2 me was this following statement, in almost a quotation. This dream-interaction that surfaced into my real-world-waking-time, in this ‘life’ was about 2 years ago or maybe just a bit less, and is still fresh and vivid in my mind as is the doctor slapping me on the ass on the very day I was ‘born’ as the me I now am. In order 2 arrive at COSMIC STORAGE NUMBERS, U must add the PRIVATE COSMICODE NUMBER or (PCN) 2 the CFN. This CFN stands 4 the words (COSMIC-FILE-NUMBER). This was when he first told me how 2 work out these private cosmicode numbers, and then later went on 2 share this other information, so that I could B a step closer 2 receiving a school degree, the great TBM SCHOOL has other names that some other masters call it, it has satellite locations so 2 speak in neighboring provinces, and one of which is called Agam-Des. Many Eckankar Masters of the Veraigi Orders have ongoing courses here, and many have degrees from this place. U would have 2 meet this black cat 2 understand what it is like 2 have memories of interacting with him and his wife, Mariena. When SHE handed me HER version of my “book of the beach” in a powerful interaction, I remember this incident from 2 years ago, roughly, almost as clearly as if it was going down live right now, she loves wearing that bright red and white bikini, and loves 2 swim in icy cold sea water. But allow me please now 2 get back onto my point, with Gawky and what he told me regarding this filing system. This total of PCN+CFN equals the CSN (Cosmic-Storage-Number). This is a very serious thing being talked about here, do not down play it. This total is the total of energy that is a very pure energy, leaving no radioactive traces or decaying half-life’s behind in the process of its creation; and is measured in PICOGLORYS. The equivalent of a world Labs master-sweeper-program then creates the DREAM-OUT from the void-infinity, based on these energy values and patterns of its organized structure in hyper-dimension, and all and any ‘things’ consisting of ‘dream-fabric’ that indeed go into this ‘creation’, is part of the mechanics relating 2 exactly how the infinite looping system does what it does, right down 2 the permitting the escape out and away from this collective void of interaction-less awareness of being-ness, and the resulting construction of the first non-void structures that develop as a resulting factor, called by many, the “ASTRAL PLANE”. This is so 2 speak the first floor that this dream-out-elevator from the void, stops on. Then the elevator makes another stop into the real sub-basement, the hyperspace. This is where we R now awake and living in our so-called ‘real-lives’, as a result of forgetting 2 interact astrally 4 any period, and then boom, a birth further down ‘here’ will occur naturally. I am not supposed 2 tell the mortal worlders how 2 calculate these numbers, as in values of picoglorys of energy, these numbers R part of a puzzle solving system on exactly how and Y these 6th dimensional thoughts send their energies down in there precise numerical equivalents, move in a liquefied and alterably pliable way, in order that the individual carbon based entities that eventually become created as living ‘persons’ throughout 5th-D-HS, can indeed, make decisions, appear 2 have free will and independent rational thought, and create a world of seemingly free interaction, and all within a totally controlled and fixed curve within limitless larger and smaller closed curve infinities. Well, U know how 2 get PCN’s, and if U do not, GAWNUM up how 2 by simply GOOGLING up the word GAWNUM, and read on my blogs how 2 indeed get these numbers. Now 2 arrive at CFN’s, here is the secret method Gawky says we all must use, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As with PCN’s, use the alpha-values or the PCN-(2nd-root-digit value) and B4 it is ‘slimmed-down’ or turned into a numerological up-number of one single digit in length, take it and divide it by the (1st-root-digit-value), the total of the characters. Again, do not slim down into up-numbers. Now multiply your quotient answer by ten (10), and round off the decimal point up or down by the standard rule of down if 0-4 and up if 5-9. Now, simply add these 2 figures together, take any and all digits that arrive in the sum of added digits, and then multiply all of these digits together, one by one. Remember of course 2 never multiply any ‘zeros or ones’. Just ignore them, and think ‘anti-machine-mind’ here, if U dare grab a tiny bit of humor with all of this. Now take the product that U have arrived at and multiply this by the hex, or (16). Again, take this number, and add 2 it, the PCN (PRIVATE COSMICODE NUMBER). This indeed is equal 2 the CSN, the Cosmic-Storage-Number. Again, these cosmic numbers R all a LAWTRONIC way 4 things 2 combine in ways 2 outlandish 4 me 2 even begin 2 discuss right now on this blog with any of U.
Many peeps R quite interested as I knew they would B, with the CY worlds, but I only brought this up 2 show an illustration, resembling so 2 speak a Jesus Christ Parable. Let me just take something totally off the wall and slowly build something that I think some may just begin 2 eventually find interesting and maybe quite fascinating, keep an open freaking mind, that is all that is required. The old adage must never B forgotten here. If U were 2 take any battery operated invention back in time 2 the days of the colonists, by any method possible and or imaginable, they would first burn it, and second, they would burn U. When I tell U 2 apply this principle forward, it is no small thing I ask of U. Anything said on MORIANITY will B thought of as ‘caveman-concepts’, given long enough, and at even 30% or so of the present increasing curve of knowledge and technological advancements in humankind. When I tell U all that some group of human looking peeps is following me around, they have some kind of device hard wired into their vehicles that has multipurpose powers and appears 2 run off of a normal 12 volt vehicle battery, or perhaps has a booster extra battery, as some stereo nuts that we all hear coming for 10 miles do, but in any event, this is all real, and true. Morianity has claimed many things. It also loses credibility when I admit 2 have been blocking some powerful shit that happened in my life, but it is the truth nonetheless, whether U all choose 2 believe or accept it or not. I offer and have done so repeatedly in the past, the best book U can get, by as doctor with a college degree, not someone collecting disability on a section eight or whatever they choose 2 call it in the new PC world 4 coocooism, Doctor Bruce Goldberg has a great book, and U all need 2 go 2 www.amazon.com/ or www.bordersbooks.com/ or www.barnesandnoblebooks.com/ or any good book outlet or internet source, and get his book called, “Time Travelers From Our Future”. As 4 the games on the internet, remember, that everything good has an equal bad side, and humans will always find ways 2 bring that side out of anything. Turn your back on the ice cream scooper after U call him or her a jerk, and U might end up eating and never knowing U did, a spit fudge sundae. U can believe something is good while all along, it may not B.
The story being told here is not anti-technology, or even anti-game. I like a good game as much as the next butt wipe out here. It is when a game gets so out of control, that words even fail motor mouth Mountainpen, well, is that saying something Sally Harner???????? First, let me tell U that I do not believe that these peeps driving around, and mostly 16-28 year olds, and this is a constant that I have noticed in this ‘game-nightmare’ since it began around late 1986/early 1987, R time travelers. Now, 2 any science that I currently understand, and this is meaningless 2 some kids out in the year 5986, or 6742, but that I UNDERSTAND in 2010, 12 volts cannot, nor can 24, B sufficient 2 in any way propel people, or their vehicles, through a time continuum. And yet, things have happened that no other possible and rational explanation is there, other than this one, 4 what happened, and over and over again. But parlor tricks and Vegas acts that could simulate this, now here is a totally different story and scenario of all of this lads and lassies. First, there R 4 basic what I term myself, GIANT-MANIPULTION tricks. These 4 tricks all R part of taking things that R total bull shit, and putting them together in extremely believable ways. Some have thought that when I began discussing parlor tricks, that this was some back-door admission on my part, that I was using tricks 2 fake stuff and make my blogs more incredible and thus more esoterically believable. I recently heard from a person who sort-of inferred that this happened, and that it hurt the MOUNTAINPEN BLOG CREDIBILITY FACTOR, using a quotation here. Wow, Bruce Pennock, did I royally fuck up here. I never tried 2 fake a thing, nor did I use any TRICK 2 get anyone 2 believe any part of my story. I just said that tricks can indeed B very deceiving, and that this is the premise and foundation of the magicians club and holders of their insurance of employment policies. The same thing with this is connected all over and throughout another point. My blogs have absolutely nothing 2 do with the recording artist Mariah Carey, or her wonderful family, as they relate 2 any normal existing situation. Still, please allow me this second parable-type connecting sentence here, it is my duty 2 explain my motives 4 all of MORIANITY, if I can look an audience in the face and say that this is a true story and it is a horrible nightmare 2 boot. Chris Bennett, a coworker I met in 2005, put me onto internet blogging in 2006, and I indeed began this on the world’s largest and original site called www.blogger.com/. This man was young, and in a world all his own. He was more like a dude of 13 than 23, and lived in the land of the comic characters, actually believing they were in some way real. Wow, let me back this up. He had no way of knowing about phase-4 characters, or anything that MORIANITY teaches about them. They R real, but not in the way he thought. This was one way out and quite wild dude. His dad worked 4 the corrections system, and he had a wild family himself, I was told; this is hence, hearsay evidence on that regard. Half way through my roughly 4 year blogging career, a strange group of circumstances began 2 develop, and there was no way that after much careful and very tedious research on my part, and some others assisting me with this research, and all the input that came together when all was said and done at that point in time, say around the middle late spring of 2008, that Mariah could B, as well as her family, totally excluded. I had come 2 learn that things that happened 2 her as a child, had happened 2 me, many things. Then there was the fact that distant cousins did tie up together with distant cousins, and that both ends ‘carried’ over on one side 2 her and her parents and near family, and on the other side, 2 many of the persons that had been doing some very bizarre things 2 me both at the present time, and even as far back as the nineteen-sixties. I never accused anyone of anything, except 4 the one person in the clan, and quite distant from her, but still related, MC-G, of actually directly doing anything 2 me. I may have freaked out after putting MC’s program in the computer drive, and lots of wild things I could not explain began happening afterwards, but I never really meant any harm, I just wanted the wild hacking 2 stop. Now Mc-G, this is a different story. I have a photograph of him doing something 2 me, and my friend at the time in the autumn of 2006, that has no Earthly explanation. He was right there in our face, and the camera got the picture, yet Ed and I were totally somehow blinded 2 him being right there in front of us, with a clenched fist or even possibly a handgun in his hand, it all is in the photo, and I only wish Steve Caruso of the FBI, that owned the Hammonton, New Jersey home that I lived at and rented along with Ann Silva and Dawn Marie King, B4 coming here 2 Florida; could have seen all this, and run a full investigation on the entire deal, because put quite simply, I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG, AND I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT ALL 2 HIDE !!!!!!!!! All I know is that I never took any chain out of anyone’s apartment or house. I never flew an illegal airplane, drove an illegal vehicle spewing out vicious poisons that sent me 2 the Kessler Hospital almost dead in 1999, and I never hacked anyone’s machines, broke into anyone’s place, did damage 2 anyone’s property, and I could go on and on like a love sick schoolboy reciting asinine lame poems 2 some buck tooth 9 year old girl. I live in the fucking real world just like all of U do, and whether U choose 2 believe this or not, am most likely more of a realist than U all R. Being real, is not dismissing crazy shit happening around U, just because it is crazy shit, and peeps will judge U harshly and reject U and ostracize your pucking ass.
U all know if UR a serious reader of MOUNTAINPEN, that these predictions and dreams all were part of the real world. U all know that the pants not going down 2 my shoes happened, along with ten thousand other far out and totally bizarre and unexplainable things. This all happened. Y did I put out of my head Zvonko the inventor, Sarah 4 so many years, and on and on, well, let us stay real and keep it real. I never totally put a damn thing out of my mind. I always knew this shit had happened. But was telling or dwelling helping me? Was trying 2 learn more, making my life get better, or far worse? Sure, some of it was like the Venka strong girl mental block, and other stuff was just that I could not explain it, so Y talk the fuck about it, and Y even think the puck about it. Everyone told me 2 just trucking pucking forget it. Yeah, some driver 4 McDonnell Douglas tried 2 run me off the highway intentionally in 1988, just forget it man, your life means nothing, U ain’t nothing, who the fuck RU but some nobody of no importance, and if some hot shot bunch of sewer rats wants 2 make your life a living hell, what the puck RU gonna do about it hurl-4-brains? There comes a time in a young mans life where I said, puck it, forget it, I can’t beam this, I can’t win, and just tried 2 forget stuff, even Babylon and lovely Julie. Funny, I no sooner moved into Manatee Park, and so did some lady from near Babylon, never told any of U this one, just up past the big death dig. Well, as I said, parlor tricks can explain how my enemies can play games, one being, appearing as though they know so much about me, and messing with me. It still always falls short of the hugest question, “Y?????? YR they doing this???????? Y Jimmie, Y, YYY did U tell me these things, copyright ME, 1984.
All of my blogs R the total intellectual property of Mark Wayne Mohr and MOUNTAINPEN, and they R all copyrighted and registered. Big deal. The BG’s and plenty of other RA’s have stolen my stuff, still, I claim this is copyright protected. Now comes another wild point, and I am in no way accusing anyone of anything, just saying it all is quite interesting, I am sure U will agree after U hear what I now will b telling U. I have no estate or will, and this intellectual property goes straight 2 the government when I wake up from this nightmare (die) as U would call it. It just makes one wonder a little, I know I would never take out insurance and make anyone I know, the benny. How many of U out there would trust your life 2 some potential unscrupulous mother pucking would B murderers? Could the government B putting me through all this hell just 2 hurry up my dearth, we all R all only human Brucie boy, the human body may have been indeed designed 4 lots of punishment, but limits there B, BRO. Could they want 2 get me underground so all my shit can B theirs and used? Just food 4 thought, this blog asks questions, raises eyebrows, and nothing more, it DOES NOT ACCUSE, IT JUST WONDERS.
Governor, U know my story of electromagnetic stuff is real more than most, U know it in your heart BRO. Your wife made that wild powerful movie, “The Great LA Earthquake”, and right afterward, boom, need George Strait or I really say any more here, let me terminate without further spillage of electronic ink, kind sir Arnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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