Tuesday, April 6, 2010

chapter number 8 wawawa

WLSBT-DAFILE: 040610.525

Things R very mother pucking bad 4 me lads and lassies, never really worse in fact. The computer hacking is all ready going on, just struck and librarian fixed things. U might say a word process machine is not connected into the internet here, and U would B correct, but smarter MacAfee and other friends of the late David Charles Roth, know quite well, that another user could easily insert a disk and enter a virus that looks 4 my particular blogs, with either keyword recognition program or other quite average normal hackers tools, and boom, they R not, but IT is right away pucking with my text, with no one physically here needed 4 doing just this.

All Saturday and all Sunday, a chemtrail filled sky, noisy planes, a white chopper while out driving on the way 2 library 2 do the prior blog, merely did not mention this on that blog, it was a 3rd mother pucking straight nasty weekend of wicked and major harassment and persecution, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, Julie’s famous PIKE, HELICOPTER, and now what section of the city here in the non music and fruit state of sunny Florida do I just happen 2 reside in, but WHITE city, as Fort Pierce itself, is indeed legally broken up into numerous sections and I have the city map, and know this all 2 well. My telephone bill from AT&T never arrived, I have 2 call them and ask what exactly they wish me 2 do in order 2 provide them with their monthly payment, maybe they can send a dup-bill out immediately or else supply me with a special place and address and instructions 5 sending them their check. My landlady was not in the office and the mail slot is full of checks, something is going the puck on, at flying speed!!!!!!!! I could only write my check out 4 an amount 200 dollars less than the full rent amount and needed 2 discuss the extenuating circumstances 4 this, in person, so the rest of the day will B finding maintenance man Danny Duncan as they R tight and both reside in the RV & Trailer Park, and he can get a message 2 her so she does not think I am low-balling and dodging the rent. She needs 2 know how Chrysler Financial ripped me off and reneged on a business deal they had made with me previously which would have permitted me 2 make my full rent payment, but instead, put me 200 bucks pucking ass short.

My vehicle, on top of lots of this other nasty shit paper, was almost towed back on Friday also, while in here blogging, and parked totally legally. It seems that the city of Fort Pierce, have continuous events here at the Indian River Park Marina here, and it is just a real shame 4 poor ol’ freaking Mountainpen that the library that I must use that is just a few miles north of where I reside at Manatee, has 2B placed right here in such a busy recreational tourist and play area, after-all, what do educational things have in common with those that R indeed merely recreational? It was in my humble opinion, a silly place 2 erect the library, but who gives a rat’s turd-balls what I think, BRAH???? Plainly and quite simply put, lads and lassies, things 4 me totally stink and suck, and my middle name is not Earl, it is Hurl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was planning on printing word 4 word today, my mother’s note that she wrote after her nearly expiring in the autumn of 1976. Her boss at Lavino Shipping Company, now the Inchcape, a British firm, and status of top corporation, U know, 500, or close, and Exploratron or MOVCOM “Travelers”, engineered the attempted destruction of a major family, and descended directly from the family of the greatest master on the Earth, Jesus the Messiah or the CHRIST, who is, not was, (Stacey Jehovah’s messenger or ‘angel’). Stop seeing time so damn linearly peeps, when viewed from non-time worlds, not in the 5th dimensional hyperspace, this is all pure illusion. As 4 moms romantic affairs with her boss from Chicago, Illinois, remember that Chicago plays some major parts in my life and now permit me please 2 remind my Blogaudians of these details. First, there was the dream-interaction that I always had. This recurring dream as mortals would give it this labeling, was a major event with my life all throughout my late teens, as well as during my entire my twenties, in my present Astral-Dream-Down, (ADD). I was never there in the physical body, not ever. I was up and down the entire eastern seaboard, and while yet unborn, out in California with my parents, as my dad was visiting a cousin of his family, Stanley, a direct descendant of the dude who wrote Silent Night, the Christmas song, Joseph Mohr. Then there was Arthur Huntington, the son of Herbert Huntington, who 4 a year or more, I had been confusing with his son, as far as the Braintree Massacre family annihilator and mass murderer. Oh yes, this Mass-achusetts incident occurred on about an acre, so the word here is indeed quite apropos, MASS-ACRE!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, Herbie’s darkened doorstep son married a girl whose parents had always lived and hailed from Chicago, Alice Gallagher, whose family had close ties 2 the peeps that Robert Bully-man McGuire of Atlantic City, along with his White Slaver Satanic Cult, or an Earthly counterpart of the LAMBRIGGER ASTRAL WORLD CULT, all had many secret mixed business dealings, especially McGuire’s father, the dude who built the hotel on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City in 1902. I have never really even touched on the entire cult, and how my cousins R in fact in business so 2 speak with that mighty 1970 (THAT-FAMILY). I had powerful psychics tell me that the branch of the Callio’s did indeed know my father quite well. My dad expired in a very mysterious way, and with numerous diamonds held in his possession along with a large gun, both I had witnessed during his visit 2 my 2 various apartments, in 1974 and 19 or 20 months later at the tail end of the summer time in the year of 1975. I have learned that Melvin Fisher who my dad had worked with in the days shortly B4 Fisher had found the Spanish Galleon called Atoka, spelling may B off or not, but it was pronounced as such. The gun and the 4 diamonds had all disappeared, along with all of my dad’s other personal effects and belongings. One day, a private detective agency from New York City had contacted me regarding the death of my father and an estate left 2 his only living heir, his son, as my parents had become long legally divorced, while mom and I were sharing an apartment, shortly after I was working full time at the Camden, New Jersey licorice plant on Jefferson Street, after my recording studio days had ended on March the 11th the previous year, and also the place where I met a strange hippie type electrician named Joe. This dude I was foolish enough 2 have told a little bit about the great Sarah, UC, I never really had totally forgotten her, and Jerry Heitzmann knew this, and so did others out here in MOVCOMVILLE!!!!!!! I told all of U how my attempt at getting back with my old school chum, Jerry Heitzmann, had been totally discouraged by his mom who used 2 like me a lot in the early nineteen seventies, it was pop who hated my guts, and he had passed on, and I always told Jerry, as soon as your dad ‘crosses over’, I’ll contact U in adult life, and I kept my word, or tried 2. There was never any Earthly reason Y Misses Heitzmann put the kibosh on this attempt 2 reunite with my old school pal, who had been in Sarah Jacobson’s Rehab class, and asked me a lot about her alter ego from the shore, or excuse me King Dopps, one of so many of them so it seems, peeps!!!!!!! I no more believe that this was not indeed a kibosh job intentionally done, than I believe that Edwin Potter, mom’s boss at her job, was some unplanned coincidence. If U wanna arguably agree that UR a ‘religious’ person, and indeed EVERYTHING IS ALL is planned, fine, this is all I really mean as well, it is just that I know some facts about all of the RELIGION, that none of the rest of U do, and I say that not 2 brag, only 2 cry many tears 2 fill up an blue ocean. The bible is fascinating beyond any 1000 top divinity dudes and dudesses all put together, as well as ever could have a tiny clue about; and 4 so many diversified and powerful awesome reasons. First is the converted into English tongue naming, such as in these few examples: (THE ‘GATES’ OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT), (THE LAST ‘TRUMP’), (THE ‘MARK’ OF THE BEAST), and at home on a notepad, I have 100 others just this interesting. Wanna C another interesting thing peeps, since my enemies leave me little choice and force my hand of self defense via doing things that I know anger them such as publicly offering unknown and intentionally hidden wisdoms. Take any sentence that has some length 2 it, not just 10 words, U know, and do this: Match them up in word group of equals. In other words, if I use the following sentence, picked now at random, I assure U, “The dog was shaggy, and Sally Starr was not correct, and neither was her professor friend in the nineties”. Now, a total of (95) letters makes up this sentence. Any other sentence with a total of 95 letters would B matched such as this, and in my example, I am not gonna do a full 95 letters, I merely want everyone 2 get the knowledge of a huge secret that is now about 2 get sprung out of Pandora’s box, as big if not bigger than Gawky Gaukauk and his Numerological Astral World system. If the sentence 2B matched with the one about the shaggy dog, mentioned above, begins such as this one, “Mountainpen has a lot of things he is telling the world, U would change this 2 match the amount of letters in words that exist in the shaggy dog sentence, hence: Mou nta inp enhasa lot ofthi ngshe ist ell ingthew, and so forth. Doing this with many things that SSJKK has said, on Tennessee Avenue as well as in numerous other things, proves beyond fascinating, but this is but part-1 of the mighty secret, I now plan 2 share with freaking humanity.

4 many years in the 21st century, things were surfacing as the NEW AGE came in and B4 its real destruction after the re-splice and the Twin Towers, mi World Tower Buildings, and remember please, that very world renown architects had sent their sons 2 my mother’s father’s camp on LONG BEACH ISLAND called Camp Mequon, back around ¾ of a century ago, a well known summer camp by the sea, where many millionaires and name recognized peeps sent their kids 4 the summer, including the main architect that designed the New York City’s Lincoln Tunnel, this all can B fact checked and verified, my grandfather’s name was J. Leonard Mason, and also was the Assistant Director of the Physical Education Department at the University of Pennsylvania, just west of the central city area of Philadelphia, and he lived there with his wife Grace Isabelle Huntington Mason, and their 4 kids, one of whom was my mom, Grace Eastman Mason, but yes, we were all experiencing a temporary global awakening of the forces and powers that science in their ignorance of tests and facts and theories and retests and so forth, is so totally clueless about. The great BIBLE CODE was one of these new age mysteries. The simple truth is that we live in a bordered and closed infinity. U never can get out of it and appears 2 go on forever, but this is a total fallacy. It may B in the order of somewhere between 40 and 90 trillion light years and times a rounded off six-trillion 2 equal miles in circumference, based on Hubble vanishing points of red shift EMS and race-away velocities, these facts that R held by present day science R all misleading, and since Weird-Theory was made 2 basically all but disappear out of the educational reality of the populations of this planet, the old science ideas prevail of worrying about whether the system will hold steady, collapse back on itself, or expand forever. This is a hypersphere. Really it is an upline thought-wave. Thoughts exist in the 6th dimension, and this is an area so vast and large, this cosmic brain, or MIND (MIND of COSMOS, as some in the know refer 2 it as, is not measurable. One simple reason 4 making this statement is that if U wrote the number 9, and then the multiplication symbol of ‘X’, followed by all the exponent powers of numbers written on the smallest possible microfilms, covering every cubic millimeter of the entire universe (hyperspace expansion or upline thought-wave), it would not produce a number that would B taken seriously as even a contrast as a grain of sand next 2 a galaxy. This cosmic mind contains thoughts that send themselves down into many lower dimensional realities. The first one is the vast unlimited, virtually anyway, multi-dimensional individual universe systems, that merely have a design within them from the 7th dimension or LAWTRONICS, that has 2 polarities, we can think humanly of these polarities as BIOLOGICAL and NUCLEAR. Based on complex functions, each of these many universes cycles from the nuclear creating the biological and then back again 2 the biological creating the nuclear. Scientists C all this with their point of view, with numerous factors we never could get into and even touch on today’s relatively short blogging text, such as Kelvin temperature, stars burning just at the right temperature and time durations, and other such factors, all pertaining 2 whether or not one particular atomic element decides 2B created by the electron herself, the most intelligent subatomic particle in all of atomic energy, and seemingly random, yet mathematics of a high enough nature, disproves any possibility of its true randomness, as nothing can B random unless it lays within a totally infinitely sized system, and hyperspheres R not infinite, they R less than 100 trillion light years around, but they do seem infinite 2 carbon based entities such as ourselves, BRAH!!!!!! DUHH!!!!!!!!!!! Hubble scopes C out 2 roughly 15 billion light years in all 6 opposing directions, and then they go into the red-shift acceleration and vanishing effect. This is only because just as a human looking out into the vast ocean from far out at sea, the curving sphere of Earth or the inner expansion, drops off, things ‘appear’ 2 end at any of these points. Yet there R about 2,000 of these drop-off points 2 the normal observer at sea-level. The problem with calculating a true exact size has 2 do with telescopes having a straight line of sight view out 2 the drop-off, and at this comparison, a human eye would have 2B right at sea level. So would there B far more than a 2,000 number 2 multiply with the ten billion, 4 an accurate light year hypersphere circumference average? It is easier and perhaps not totally accurate, 2 substitute the Pi equation along with roughly the rounded 2,000, actually, a six foot high observation on a clear day at sea would permit roughly a 15 mile horizon line, and at the equator, the sphere of this planet in miles is roughly 25,000, so more accurately, 1,670 is the quotient number upon doing the division calculation. We can always do a Jim Rockford and get back 2 more of this stuff about the true cosmic mind, 4 right now, back 2 the BIBLE CODE. Remember that nothing can B random totally, unless it lies inside of an infinitely large system, but if it closes anywhere, no matter how large, it is a LAWTRONIC fact that random is merely a disguised pattern, and can B in fact decoded into recognizable patterns, but is this true or artificial intelligence, or said perhaps a bit better, all things do what this BIBLE CODE does, all things, only I have showed U all a real top secret here. One of my favorite ‘sentence matchers’, is Sarah’s statement made on 10-SC Avenue in ACNJUSAESMWG back on Memorial day of May 30th, in the year 1969, that went, “YOUR FRIENDS ARE IN THE SHOP”, and the title 2 MC’s song where she unmistakably lets me know that she remembers it all, and did not appreciate one little bit, the 1986 song done by me and copyrighted in the LOC, called “REAL GOOD GIRL. The sentence-match is the song’s title, HERS, not mine. It will blow your mind a lot faster than anything in the freaking bible code lads, lassies, and Labrador’s. Any sentence that she ever says, that is either 17 or 23 letters in length, is extremely powerful. I never would have come 2 hear this fateful sentence and word grouping back in the year of 1969, should it not have been 4 good old special education teacher, Misses Marola and her traveling Co-Exploratron hubbie-hubble. They forced me into doing a school play at the Amelia-Bedelia school gymnasium, the very area next 2 the triangulation point of McGuire’s mighty Bajoran WORM-HOLE, at warp 8.5, or so goes the coincidentally agreeing perfect calculation.

Another secret cat being let out of Gawky’s big special large bag on today’s blog is this BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time I ever relocate or (MOVE) since this situation with WOMO-UNITAWF began in Flyers-1986, until the enemy could arrange 4 a special STATIONERY SATELLITE, 2 orbit directly above my new residence, the persecution and stalking would always b 10 times worse, and last several weeks or longer, UNTIL THEY GOT UP THE STA.-SAT. STACEY, STA, SAT, all these 3 things have STA, but is this some planned and perfect grand scheme of intelligent cosmic destiny? If the POPE ever understood the truth that indeed there is a GOD, just the way HE believes and his entire billions strong following believes, yet it still is all a worthless crock of total horse manure, he would B nuts as antibolt. 4 all intents and purposes, this is the true nightmare statement. The ATHIESTS R all totally correct. The SCIENTISTS R all totally correct. The RELIGIOUS BELIEVERS of all faiths and types, R all totally correct. Sounds like the ultimate and quintessential oxymoron I know, only it is as close 2 the pure truth that U and I will ever B able 2 come, outside of the VOID INFINITY. Nothing unreal exists. Nothing can really ever B real. All there is, is NOTHING, the VOID. ‘NOTHING’ and ‘VOID’ R GAWNUMLY compatible in the English tongue. This seems so difficult 4 the world 2C and really get it, it is so a shame, as it is all so totally absolutely true.

Now my next blog or the afterward, will B the blog that I feel compelled 2 print verbatim, that will vindicate my mother and those that may, as I once did, actually attempted 2 commit suicide, when all along it was not only totally non-intentional, but was cosmic-mind planned, 2 kill her, and then 2 kill me. Mi advice 2 all women old enough 2 think boys R cute, is never ever believe that worn out and Gerotol tired story that the masculine opposites of your species might hand U, that goes, “I am getting a divorce from my wife”. When U buy a car, U wanna C how it runs and prove some things first B4U buy the damn ass thing, right? Well, when the dude shows U the divorce papers all neat, nice, and freaking finalized, then HE GOT THE DIVORCE from the damn bitch, and until then, it is like all words, just words, hot air, BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ed Potter, destroyed my mother, and me as well, and the lies he told he just 2 turn her into his pucking mistress were despicable. The entire family of his was detestable and deplorable, without shame or conscience. Even though my mom was wrong 4 being with this still-married man, the way she was lied 2 and then treated was beyond inhuman, this family from Chicago, just as the family from Atlantic City, is without shame, without conscience, and WITHOUT HEART NOR HUMANITY AT C SQUARED!!!!!!! They wrecked mom’s ability 2 get 2 her job, she was demoted, humiliated, and really, she was not 2 blame, first it takes 2 to tango dance, plus, mom never initiated this, we all know that in most cases, and especially back in those days and times, men were always the initiators. Now with me it was different, I was always the one that was being chased by women, and the wild part is that I am now an old ugly dude, yet on many days of super off the scales siege, this situation still persists and in full force and vigor. My trip down here 2 Florida was a prime horrendous example. The many rest stops, U know only about the one here in Florida, but I was targeted by all sorts of filthy young girls. They C a guy by himself, and they chase, it can B a real nightmare when it gets bad, I do not envy extremely beautiful women, and I certainly do not envy rock stars. How mi daughter handles it all so well, blows me away, the gods bless her.

Well, the printing of mom’ written story, will B done, word 4 word, that mom wrote late in the nineteen-seventies. No one including her own son, and all though I never said it 2 her, I think she knew I did not believe her, no one did, now I know quite a different story, and it is time 4 all of it 2 come out, and it is past time 4 her freaking pucking vindication. So Stay-C tuned mi-Morians and all others, as it will B printed on the great mighty WORLD-WIDE-WEB, the never imagined (INTERNET), very shortly, but now, this brings me 2 today’s final and major topic, BRAH!!!!!!!

Discrepancies totally wreck and destroy credibility, so let me clear 2 of them up on Morianity right now, we all ready worked on the one recently. I said that my mom trusted me 2 go 2 Ventnor, New Jersey as a carpenters helper/plumbers assistant in the summer time of the year 197o even though I was only 15 and a half years old, she trusted me implicitly, especially in the boy/girl thing. This is because I never had displayed any interest whatsoever in girls, and all though hundreds of them literally were chasing me 2 the point that I enjoyed remaining inside my apartment over going outside 4 any unnecessary reason, U also have heard me discuss Thomas Hatmaker and his dirty boys club while we were in the 5th grade, 4 years or so earlier while I was at a much younger age. This is quite easy 2 straighten out and explain. Sorry 2 disappoint those attempting 2 find hole is the story of Morianity and discredit me, I tell a true story, U can like it or hate it or grey it, but it is the truth so help me Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle. Tom indeed had this club, and really his friends Neil and John were the masterminds, retrieving old issues of older brothers dirty magazines, and quite a bit more. I said I was made aware of things that explained how a 5th grader could write such a totally gruesome and terrible story that would get any student expelled, then as well as today, the story that I wrote about the man that I never even met until 3 years out into negative running anti-matter space, (the future). I knew shit; I did not DO SHIT, and THAT, sir ROCK TREK, was the diff, BRO!!!!!!!! I was able 2 write a story that only a dude of 17 and up could have written, but I still had no interest whatsoever in sex, or girls. My first encounter was never remembered, it was hypnotically blocked out, and this was in Babylon in early August of 1968. My actual first REMEMBERED ENCOUNTER with the feminine gender was not until I was ancient, age 24. She was my first girl, and was not a girlfriend, she was a profession concubine. Her name was Joanna, and if I had known then what I know now, I would have found a way 2 marry her, she was extremely nice and interested in me as well, and no other girl came close 2 pleasing me as she had. Now the other thing that I was gonna say has been E-4-ETTOS knocked out of my head, so when I remember it on another upcoming blog, I will tell it. I do not like anyone thinking there R things within Morianity that cannot stand up 2 full scrutiny or R in any way overly exaggerated and intentionally misleading. I, unlike so many others out here, and beyond, HAVE NO TIME 2 PLAY ANY GAMES. Morianity and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, R NO GAME. No games, no jokes, no kidding around. I am the one who seemingly found out long after many powerful MAS (movers-and-shakers) all ready had long pieced things together, so much of the hellishness of my connections with my Long Island second cousins. But do not get me on any of my miserable rotten family, they all R a bunch of total demigod high clouds that never swear and curse, and even speak in the accent of the rich, all though 2 my knowledge, they did not attend HAAVAAD UNIVASITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not put on airs, and I am a direct descendant of the dude our Pope is living and working 4. Well, that is not quite true, I think that particular faith is a bit different than I used 2 believe, that is until I met the girl I told all of U about when I first arrived here in Florida, whom I named Charity, and it is time 2 tell U that her real name is Hope. I will say no more, only that she is a very devout Catholic, and taught me more in a month about their faith, than I ever knew or learned from a lifetime, and even from hanging with David Charles Roth, who was not totally Catholic, but a close off-shoot, and had extreme knowledge about matters relating 2 religion and historical facts in general. I have come 2 disagree somewhat with JENNIFER WASHBURN and her statement regarding my flying in the awake world, quite a bit recently, just as a result of some long rapping sessions with this lady named HOPE. According 2 the Vatican, should I prove I really can, and I still can, perhaps not as well as in my youth, but in any event, just how many canons would go off with mi name on them I wonder, huh HK???????

Tomorrow is another day, Scarlet and Scylla, and B4I know it, I’ll B printing more blogging text, and then B4I know it again, I will B seventeen again, and B4I know it again, answering Ernie Merker’s advertisement in the POST, and working back again at the recording studio. Oh well, just freaking MAYBE this is so. I am now in high hopes that this 200 something cycle of 60 or so bad repeating nightmare years, might just have been thwarted and stopped, by my trip down here 2 the Sunny state of no music or dancing kids and fruit juices.

There is a theory that I never came 2 Florida B4, after all, I was at the end of my life and in New Jersey, so maybe by not returning ever 2 the garden hick state, I will break this horrific HUNTINGTON CURSE of more than 8,000 years of Sally Starr and that lovely adorable shit head, PAUL EVANS PEDERSEN!!!!!!!!!!!! All I know is that I did not need the way I was treated by HARNER, PAUL, or any of this diseased and tainted love meat. I know U sold me out Paul, so screw U. Some think my blogs just trash the world, huh granny with an A? Well, I have a retort and a come back here 2 that one peeps!!! HOW ABOUT THE WAY THIOS WIORLKD HAS TRASHED ME, WITH THEIR DEEDS OVER THE PAST HALF PUCKING CENTURY, does only what I do count, or say, or doesn’t anything U bastard mother fucking pricks do count ever, what RU, GOD, and me chopped liver, I do not think so, nor do I need this, Shirley Betty Neck Glands, the Bible Code is so real, only it just is, and all the symbolism just is. It is real simply because it al lays within a fixed and limited closed curve infinity or a down line thought wave, a HYPERSPHERE (HS) and it does vibrate, so I guess symbolically, HS could stand as well 4 HIGH SCHOOL after-all, lads and lassies, and all talking dogs!!!!

I never stole your gun Colaman/Teleman, but I sure loved your music a while back. It is so a shame that U could not remember in your ADD here, and go on writing more great stuff, along with MC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Careful on that mighty Escloft Escalator bud!!!! The river snakes R always a few steps behind U. Thank U so much whoever UR, 4 that wonderful comment. I will never forget U, and SSJKK will never tell me who UR, thank U so much, it is so uplifting 2B appreciated, I try so hard, and just 2 seemingly get endlessly slammed down by the force of the combined gods themselves. Governor Schwarzenegger of Cali, KALI, sir, I AM HERE, making the skies just a wee bit 1988 blue, if I can, ol’ pal. Keep working out, U look fantastic. Watch those quakes and movies!!!!!!!!! CU soon, I do not plan 2 remain forever in Florida, things ain’t so great here, BRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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