Thursday, May 6, 2010

chapter 0022-WAWAWA


Well, the enemy is wiping me out at the highest level possible, this must B understood. They can come right up 2 me anytime and any place, and launch as David Roth used 2 put it so eloquently, a direct or a frontal assault. But ‘they’ also need 2 balance within their desire 2 off me with a passion, with what he and I also used 2 term, the exposure factor. More simply put, they on a 24/7 basis, want 2 figure out constant ways of hurting me and torturing me and my life in all of its possible aspects and parameters, and tight up 2 the very maximum point where they can do this safely, or NOT GET CAUGHT, and allow me 2 prove 2 this world society that indeed all of my claims with this hell around me is indeed not only real, but now proved 2 the world and prosecuted successfully in a global or a United States court of law or tribunal of some kind, demanding full punitation that would B of course totally deserved 4 the culprits, as well as full restitution, which if one exploding gasoline tank with no attached conspiracy attached 2 it was worth a 5 billion dollar law suit, I most likely would B transferred the entire ownership of the fortune 500 and global net worth system, literally overnight, after all legal appeals eventually would run out 4 WOMO-UNITAWF, and or who and whatever, and literally would fulfill the dream interaction prophecy of early in the year of 1980, when I was being handed a checkbook, 100% control over this checkbook, and the cover on it read, the United States of America and all of its national treasures and net worth, U do not ever forget an experience like this, or as U would say perhaps, an extremely vivid-ass dream, I know I never will forget it, and only in recent years long after the ‘dream’, does this interaction really make so much sense 2 me, BRO.

Do not B2 quick 2 scoff and laugh peeps, this DREAM COULD END UP COMING TRUE, AND JEREMIAH MOHR MAY INDEED B THE ‘BULLFROG’ WHO SOMEDAY INDEED WILL END UP THROWING ALL OF THE CARS AND ALL OF THE BARS OF THE WORLD AWAY, AND GO ON 2 MAKE SWEET LOVE 2 MYSELF, the one whop managed somehow 2 defy all odds beyond unfathomably staggering, and remain alive and sane despite thousands upon thousands of very organized vicious dangerous nightmare enemies, all doing me in secretly and covertly, every minute of the day and the night over a freaking 25-50 year period, on various levels of ever exponentially increasing hells, hurled at me by these no conscious and no humanity soulless bastards from the hell of the Hamburger Universe, as the author would put it so well on the video called, “HOW JESUS BECAME A CHRIST”, AND I TOLD U ALL ABOUT THIS EVERYONE, ON MY LAST FEW PRIOR BLOGGING TEXTS.

Moving, or (CHANGING) things in this life, in any major way, and what larger change is their in one’s life than a physical location change from one residence into another, B it local or distant, will cause major CHANGES. Moving is changing, and changes in more than a legal address will axiomatically go along with the reality that life has now changed 4 the mover. In my case, on December the 12th in 2009, I left New Jersey, and drove myself all the way down interstate 95, 2 Fort Pierce, Florida, over a several day period, and ended up at a motel, just directly across from the MANATEE RV and MOBILE HOME PARK, on US-Highway #1, here in the White City section of the city, MINI-GREAT JEWELLY GUATAMAYA. “THEY” had a definite and major vested interest in my destruction at this point, even beyond that from prior times back in the hick-state of NJ. THEY KNEW, that my moving and CHANGING totally, mi circumstances, would lead me 2 a point where I’d take all ready forming ideas in my ‘head and mind’ from t e past 5 years give or take, based on the 30-40 years prior 2 those 5, and go literally hog ass wild, by reworking these things and really putting new spins on them, and coming 2 major and radical super wild conclusions, and believe fucking me peeps, this early May of ten, is only the crust cracking beginning of this 4 me, U ain’t heard Al Jolson sing a fucking note or a bar of music yet, so the chair has plenty of time 2 not get itself busted, the fat lady will B singing 4 a long time yet. U all that faithfully read (THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN), have only just begun, so hang in there Karen Carpenter, soon, we will get into how even U fit into things and YU killed yourself, or did U? Did Elvis? Did Michael? Did Janis Joplin? Wow, does McGuire the fireman have the real and super Jenny Johnson answers 2 these powerful questions, and needs no QUANTUM-CARDDECKS 2 arrive at them. HE KNOWS ALL OF IT, as HE caused just about ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that 2 the freaking pucking bank of Heinz Nebuchadnezzar Gottwald, the mighty CHEMICAL BANK OF MANHATTAN, BRR!!!!

Now it is Barnabas Leviathan Stoddard Duedate-12/04-TIME, 2 tell U a major bunch of fucking shit that all happened after posting my prior blog chapter #21 up onto the internet blogger websites yesterday late in the afternoon, and leaving this library, right up through the start and continuation of this putrid and monstrous awful and fucking horrendous day times ten 2 the fucking power of 18,945. I never went 2 the police, I thought I could Poker-Bluff and get the persecution reduced by my mother fucking horrific monster ass neighbors, sent 2 me directly from APOLLO-LUCIFER, or SATAN THE DEVIL ITSELF, if U wanna C things in the old style yesterday world viewpoint within the HAMBURGER UNIVERSE. U must C these 2 movies that I talked about in my last blog, chapter 21-WAWAWA. Now 4 the events following the time that I walked through the doors of this very library yesterday, 2 head home, and make one quick pit stop errand, having nothing 2 do with going 2 the Fort Pierce Police. Let me tell U this amazing pucking story, U will not believe me, but I do not give a pucking rat’s smelly ass if U do believe me or not, that is always your business entirely.

I go 2 walk out, and a young girl, very pretty, mid teens in age, jet black and quite adorable, was shouting and cursing quite offensively onto her cell phone at whoever she was screaming at on the other end of her call. I had 2 pass where she was standing 2 get 2 the location of my car, remember, I had posted up onto public internet sites, just minutes back, about my position on the word processor machine while I was typing in yesterday’s blog document, and that the Indian River and my vehicle, were all right outside my window along a certain line of visual sight. All things always connect whenever I really take the time 2 go back in 20/10 hindsight, and really carefully scrutinize and examine all of the intricate and full details involved with anything, leaving out not even the bad breath of a passing dog. I knew this would B not a pleasant situation, so I moved off of the walkway and into the road a bit, 2 avoid this wild crazy young teen girl. I went around making a left turn as I walked so I could access the area where I had parked my vehicle from the rear of the car side, and come onto the drivers’ door from behind it. Still, as I grew near 2 this girl, she did all kinds of things 2 get my attention, and finally yelled ‘supposedly over her cell-phone’, but who knows how staged these incidents truly R, as they happen 2 me with regularity and over a quarter century period now almost, “I’ll mess up your face, U fuck head”. I may have heard it wrong, I would not want 2 swear in court that this IS INDEED precisely what this adolescent had just screamed, but I am almost positive, this is 2 show my readers that I am honest, I could have said, I’ll fucking swear 2 this in court, nut in reality, I am about 95-99% sure, and not 100, and that would B may words if forced 2 swear in an oath in a court room 2 this freaking event. I am honest, and the only little white lie I told regarding seeing Sarah on the night of 12 July in 1970, caused me irrevocable loss in my desperately needed credibility when attempting 2 scream out 2 this horrible world that my nightmare is real and happening, so help me all of the Astral P{lane gods, and especially the All Mighty SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE, if we maintain the illusions of the Hamburger Universe Mentality, from now on, I may refer 2 this as the abbreviated letters of the (HUM), if I do not get the peeps of ECKANKAR 2 excited or pissed off by doing this, BRAHHH!!!!!

Moving on with the story starting yesterday late afternoon in the near 5 Post Meridian range in time, I managed 2 get into my car and away from this wild nutty African American teenaged girl, and down the road and back onto US-Highway #1, and turned left heading 4 MANATEE PARK, and home, but as I said, I had a stop in-between 2 make, just shy of my Wachovia Bank branch, in a large mini-mall with many stores within its system. I was looking 4 some better yet inexpensive headphones 2 try and block out my neighbors and their persecution of me, and who did I run into, but my Manatee Park maintenance man by the name of Danny Duncan, or as I refer 2 him as, DEEDEE, and not the big bird buzzard, who was there 2 look at some cell phones and a couple other items. He could not have been nicer 2 me all though recently had not been all that nice with me. As I typed in this part about Danny the maintenance man, a double underline 4 no reason whatsoever, began following me along below the words that I was typing. I tried everything including highlighting the words and hitting the reverse key, then again with the delete key, nothing stopped it. The librarian also tried some other things from within the file menu that by all rights should have reversed the hacking/problem, only it did not. So again, we had 2 shut down and re-boot up again, and thank the mother pucking gods, the problem was freaking rectified. Anyway, back 2 running into Danny at the store, we both were parked, his red and white truck and my silver Dodge Neon, within 3 spaces out in the parking lot near the store that we were both inside of, and decided 2 walk 2 the other side of the mini-mall, and C if I could get better headphones there at a good price, and he wanted 2 comparison shop as well on his cell phone quest. LSS, I did get a better pair with cups, they do not cancel out noise not block out reality as the ones my enemies broke right B4 they brought my monster neighbors over 2 live next door 2 me, but they R far better than the others, and were even a tad bit less expensive, a positive double bubble 4 me and a rare occurrence 4 someone operating on such negative ‘magnetics’ as I do, or (bad-Luck), as U may C this term and label it accordingly, BRO!!!!!!!! There is NO LUCK, not GOOD, and not BAD, and merely a mother fucking magnetic force that controls the interactive-ness of each of us with all that is surrounding us, and this puts it simply as it possible unless U want me 2 type in 10,000 words detailing more about this phenomenon of the 7th dimension, the very circuitry that operates and controls the system of all of the lower 6 dimensions. MATRX was robbed and ripped off from me, and not the other way around, and THAT, I will swear 2 in a court of law, under full pain and penalty of all possible perjury charges, ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, let me move along with yesterday. The point I want 2 stress is how well Danny and I got along; we joked and laughed, and were like 2 old buddies that hunted and fished together. Now let me take us straight into later in the night when these filthy nabes at home revved and gunned their piece of shit truck louder than I had ever heard it B4, and then again, the same thing happened this morning. When I left 2 go 2 the 25th Street Harvest meeting that I attend on late Thursday mornings, I saw Y this truck was indeed so much louder than ever B4. A child could recognize what was going on, a retarded fucking child could have seen this with half a brain on the disconnect switch. Speaking of disconnect, another computer hack just occurred, it is quarter past fucking 2 this afternoon, the other one happened at just minutes past 2, this has been, from the opening mother fucking bell, THE MOST HORRIBLE FUCKING DAY AND THE MOST HORRIBLE ATTACK BY THIS WORLD AND MY FUCKING ENEMIES, IN YEARS, AND IT IS AT LEAST A TOP TEN IN (ATTACK AND HORROR) OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS. The latest hack started putting huge gap spaces in-between my words. I had 2 try highlighting the sentence where it began and then hitting delete, and then highlighting a previous sentence not affected, and again hitting delete. This seemed 2 do the trick. Now, the words as I speak R gapping again. The joke is on the fucking enemies, as the blogging websites that this document will post up 2 later, will automatically correct 4 this hack, it is in their automatic programming in the upload stage of receiving the text. WHERE RU DIANA, I NEED U, MY LIGHTNING, WHERE R U, I NEED YOUR FREAKING PROTECTION, MY ENEMIES R DESTROYING ME BODY AND SOUL, H-E-L-P---M-E, PLEASE MY BABY BLOND, STRIKE DOWN MY OPPRESSORS, AND DO NOT FORSAKE THE ONE WHO HAS ALWAYS LOVED U SO MUCH, MY LOVELY TEEN QUEEN BLOND, THANK U!!!!!!!! Again let me try and move on now with the story of today and Danny, and Y the parked vehicle of these demonic satanic neighbors was louder than ever B4. They had ILLEGALLY PARKED their piece of fucking shit loud truck, ON MY PROPERTY; I PAY 425 BUCKS PER MONTH 4 MY AREA, AND THEY VIOLATED MY SPACE, PRACTICALLY BLOCKING MY EXIT OUT WITH MY CAR. I saw Danny near the office and started 2 tell him, remember now how nice he had just been 2 me yesterday at the store, not 18 hours ago. He could not have been nastier and meaner. Cruel and uncaring might begin 2 describe the evil way he shouted over at me when I began telling him this, and he said, it does not concern him. So I marched right up the walkway on the other side of where he told me this, leading into the rental office of the RV-PARK. Debbie Rowell who was inside there, immediately knew and said that she had just ridden her cart by the road where my RV, and this evil slut and her peep’s RV is, and saw it herself, and will TELL THEM THAT THEY CANNOT DO THIS. If this does not stop, I WILL B FORCED 2 GO AND PRESS MY OWN CHARGES AGAINST THESE PEEPS, AT THE POLICE, JUST AS A I POKER-THREATENED 2 DO ALL ALONG ON YESTERDAY’S CHAPTER 21 BLOGGING TEXT. I am not playing now; this is my life, if U persist in violating my FUCKING CIVIL RIGHTS, THEN I WILL GO 2 THE MOTHER FGUCKING POLICE AUTHORITIES AND FILE FUCKING CHARGES. Barnabas Collins could not have said it better if they had tripled his salary 2 try, when he said the famous lines 2 the young girl victim who was about 2 become ahead of her time in political correctness, huh Shirley from Grant Avenue, “U LEAVE ME NO CHOICE”!!!!!!!!!!!! I was planning a lot more on telling huge things on WAWAWA-chapter-22, but I want this posted up onto the fucking internet just as quickly as I can get it there, please help me DIANA ZUDLECRONESSIA ARTEEMIS, I NEED U, STRIKE DOWN MY OPPRESSORS, LET THEM BURN ALONG WITH FIRE/MC-GUIRE, AND ALL OF THIS WICKEDNESS FROM HAMBERGER-HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MAGNESONIC, OPEN COMMAND G-7, ALL GENERAL AND ALL SPECIAL ORDERS. Use and apply all technologies as well with these total orders, all of them, using ADT, and ZDT. Scan the multiverse 4 all persons and entities making my endless nightmare life a living burning breathing nightmare hell. I am now crushing an image-object; it is being singed, crushed, and destroyed, totally wiped out and obliterated and annihilated. It is now placed on your TRANSPOWER BLOCK. I am maxing out your power-gain-levels into infinity and past the point of 11.8on your dial, maxing out also all other controls against your gain, I&D, ANTIHACK, and all others. Your desire key is being switched from its position at (J)-NORMAL AND NEUTRAL, and is now being set over to the position of (I). Computer, hear me through the machine mind of the hexnumer and these programs, and use the words on the website called blogger dot com (POST PUBLISHED SUCCESSFULLY), as the exact equal with the old-style A/B telephone tones. Computer, ON AN (I)---TO (D), A/B TONE---PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, UNDER AN ORDER OF CRUSH DESTRCT-SINGE DESTRUCT- TOTAL DESTRUCT—DESTRUCT, WIPE OUT AND DESTROY THIS WIKED PILE OF MUCOUS GERMS AND PURE FILTH. Place 80% power on my new neighbors at the RV number 125, and 20% of your remaining power on all other organizers of my persecution, and all of their loved ones, children, parents, siblings, no exceptions. Bring wild fires, twisters, hurricanes, floods, droughts, tidal waves, volcanoes, earthquakes, 2 this evil empire and all of their global interests everywhere. GO-2-G-189, under Special Order 2, CGO-18, and STOP.

U will all B very fucking sorry 4 doing this shit 2 fucking me peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that any godsdamn way U want 2 freaking take it!!!!!!!!!!!

END OF THIS NIGHTMARE TRANSMISSION FROM FUCKING HELL-FIRE!!!!!!!!!! Somebody or something, Craptain Krug, is gonna B real sorry, and real soon, without any curls, girls, or Houston Humor from 1978!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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