Thursday, May 13, 2010

chapter 006 mickflorida


Never ever has my life been this monstrous and fucking terrifying, I have existed as MOUNTAINPEN 4 nearly fifty-five and a half Earth years, and this is the absolute epitome of bad and worse and indescribable. Summer time in Florida, even middle spring time changes the way peeps R. Up north, really the change includes basically the 2 ‘summer months’ in this area, being July and August, but here, April through November pretty much is your summer in the middle Atlantic states, and so my hell has tripled, not only in temperatures being hot, but, the way people in general begin 2 act. Everyone is overly friendly; I do not like association with neighbors. This is the way that I was brought up; and really U cannot hate me 4 the different ways that things in general were back in their days of youth and young adult-hood. All the young jerk people around me all associate and want 2B together as though becoming situational with living next 2 or around each other suddenly turns a group into some weird kind of family and friendship or at least well acquainted associates on some level, and this behavior is beyond my understanding, and I choose 2 desire absolutely no part of any of this total nonsense. The trash next door seem 2 now have a permanent dude with them, the fuck-boy natch, of the 2 slutty women. But all the trashy peeps all go in and out of each others places, some R married, some R single, but this 2 my mind, has become quite the singles place and I mean swingers-singles, and it seems 2 include marrieds, I could B all wet and wrong, but I believe a lot of filthy sex is going on al around me, and lots of park rules IMHO R being broken all the time now with this over fraternization garbage all around me. The dude on the other side of the driveway has a wife, they both seem around age 25, children 2 me, and all ready he insisted I take a tire that fits my car as a spare, and has borrowed a long stretch stove lighter, that I told him belongs 2 Danny the maintenance man and just 2 return it 2 him. Danny replaced the electrical system inside and said some wires seemed 2B loose and bad, and now let us C if the problem persists.

After miss noisy trash left around 12:40 or just shy, I was almost ready myself 2 go out the door, so I just waited 4 little bitchie 2 drive away and then I made my strategic exit 2 come here and blog. I went 2 get a balance on a checking account where I bank at Wachovia Bank, and the entire machine system has been changed. Now, if it is not their card, since I check another bank balance on their machine as well as the one matching my account at their bank, and it shows it on the machine display screen, but will not print it out, so I can go home and do my calculations on shat bills I can pay, if any. I went inside, they R very friendly and courteous at the Fort Pierce branch on Highway US #1 at Wachovia, and lent me a pen and gave me a sheet 2 write on. I then proceeded 2 go back out 2 the ATM machine, and after a hot wait 4 another user 2 finish up his business, I was able 2 again have my non-Wachovia account balance displayed on the screen, and I then wrote it down and put the paper into my wallet, and then went back inside the bank and returned their pen 2 the teller. Is anything simple or easy? UC peeps, laugh at me or argue with me until the Artic ocean melts into the Gore Ocean, it changes nothing. All this ever changing progress, only defeats the purpose of itself. With me, all it has ever done is complicate my life, and forever continue 2 shrink the things that I once was able 2 do with near ease or at least do. It just keeps growing progressively worse, and I would B forced 2 say 4 mew, in a non-linear way, almost happening parabolically on a curve of negativity throughout my life starting as a new adult in the time of the Bicentennial Philadelphia days. 200 years B4 that as Ben, I did not have these worries, and Diana never chose 2 reveal 2 me that she was a real living astral Plane entity, she merely ‘sparked’ a fascination within me about her.

As this day came in around just past midnight 14 hours ago, the enemy struck me fucking hard, WITH A MAJOR HEALTH ATTACK. Severe cramps and diarrhea forced me 2 spend the entire night on the mother-fucking toilet; I lived and slept on it all fucking diseased night long. I ate the exact same meal that I had eaten on the previous day, and on that day, I shit totally normally, and had no cramping or other related problems. The combination dish that I finished had only been just prepared as well, 2 days ago today; and was all made from very new fresh food in perfect shape. I have a perfectly functional nose, along with and 2 match McCoy and his fully functioning liver pills. There is no need 4 any freaking Spanish Inquisitions 2 discuss this any longer. Yes “Thanx 2 the Shadows” and the memories and the Humpback Whales, mi life has been forever changed since the ‘FREAKING’ spring time of the year two thousand eight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My song from 1969 called “Burn With Fire” and natch, copyrighted, in 1981 if memory correctly serves me now, sure started some wild shit with me, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will never B permitted 2 fully, and not even perhaps partially, truly understand how all of this works, and Y. I do know that KLEMP of ECKANKAR is GOD ALL MIGHTY, and ‘THAT-FAMILY-of 1979’ is under HIS powerful hand and rule, this KALI-CALLIO force is and always will B UNDER the ECK. I know that KALI-CALLIO-TAWF-1970, is however put here 2 trap peeps like me, and they have done this totally. Being madly in love with HER as the great SARAH-STACEY, I will endure eternal hellfire, just 2B with HER in HER great city. I love how she told me in that powerful dream-interaction in December of 1969, “I need this chain 4 MI GREAT CITY”. Then 10 and a half years out into the future from there around the 4th of June in 1980, SHE revisits me 5 weeks after I had moved into 1802 Robin Hill Apartments in Voorhees Township, New Jersey, USAEWSMWG, and used the same exact ‘perfect’ words again, even though I was unable 2 ‘perfectly’ remember them and the lyrical content of HER song until years out beyond this when I tranced-out early one quiet isolated Sunday morning at my job work site, Cifaloglio, and has Her re-sing the song all over again, and allowing me 2 remember it this time word 4 word and note 4 note. The part matching the 10 and a half year prior 1969 interaction “MI CITY” was repeated in HER wonderful song called by HER, “LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS”. It went, Yes I’m the great Stacey, I’m in MI GREAT CITY, with colors and lights all around, my friends and MI Viqueens R all with me there, and heaven will truly abound. The United States Copyright office has this song, this new and redone rendition in the year of 2007 BOO, when I sent my 3rd in a row project and mailed it on Halloween Day, 31 October, only I had 2 sing it. Since then, Ed pirated a powerful little known foreign program from Japan; he said it is called CSV-Copy-Sing-Voice. U merely have the computer hear 5 different 10 minute parts on 5 different songs from anyone who sings them, and new songs with words and phrasing emphasis along with every note, can B inputted and new songs can B remade by anyone’s voice. I was able 2 get rid of this very expensive program that he copied and put onto the computer back in Hammonton. But B4 this was removed, I admit, 2 taking MC, as Dawn has dozens of HER CD’s, and putting HER voice on the song. I only kept it 4 maybe 2 or 3 months, and then my conscience caused me 2 erase the hard drive copy as well as my connected cassette copy. This world will never know how wonderful SHE sang this, even on this Earth. I felt I had no right 2 keep this, and got rid of it. Now I regret that, but still I know that I did the right thing.

As 4 the powers that allow ones and zeros 2 do so many fantastic and outlandish things, we will start getting 2 this James Rockford, fists down peeps. Patience is always a virtue, and few have mastered this great skill. This is not the only wild program I have seen. I have exploratronically seen many futures in the hyperspace. I have seen entire multiplexed societies, all computer generated, taking kids glued 2 their videogames 2 a totally new and awesome level that words fail 2 describe. People just exist here so that they can ‘live’ out fantastic fantasies in numerous ‘other digital realities’ all around them. But this is still a long way off and not a guarantee 4 happening in any one locale in the vast and virtually unlimited hyperspace. If I ever told all that I have seen and witnesses, I would B in instantaneous and extremely serious trouble. Some things advance fast and far due 2 robotic increases, better metallurgical technologies, and computer power increases, and all using less total true energy, a more scientific way of saying all of that would B the 2 words, “more efficient”. If U can produce 90 decibels of sound and the luminosity of the averaged old style 100-watt light bulb, using indeed 100 watts of power, and then suddenly can do this same thing only using just 50 watts of electrical power, U have DOUBLED the energy efficiency. If U believe this, fine, but if U do not, ask someone U trust who U think would B knowledgeable, they indeed will tell U that I have spoken this truth 2U, BRO. Eventually, all sorts of inventions being patent office locked, or “shelved” will come down out of lock, long after the inventors not in the power club have run out patent rights, and then we will C some real incredible new technologies. Kevin Trudeau said it better than I can ever say it peeps, it is always all about the money. MONEY is the KEY. This is YI said that horrific thing the other day about poor Jesus. If he told the truth, and this entire World Labs hoax never had been perpetrated, I feel things would B less screwed up, but that is only my ‘screwed up’ opinion. Money is not evil, and the expression we all have heard many times does not go MOEY IS EVIL or the root thereof, it goes, “THE (LOVE) OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL”.
We all need 2B able 2 do things on the physical Plane, and doing things requires having money. This starts with the basic level of not being a homeless person, all the way up into billionaire net worth status, and includes literally millions of multi-gray areas all existing in-between. Another program in time in many parts of the hyperspace is called MOGOSP. This stands 4, “MOTIVE-GOAL SOFTWARE PROGRAM. In order 4 it 2 work, separate side-band-internets must B first created, where there R no spam regulations, nor is there any spam by the very computer internet definition of that word today in May in 2010. In these sideband internets, not 2B confused with the virtual-gaming ‘other-realities’ where people actually set up lives and communities, R attached at first by helmet with audio/video stimulus connection, and yes, attached also with sexual apparatuses, and saying more turns this blog into a totally X-rated blog, and that is not what I want 2 do so I stop here, still, continuing with my point here, the people using these sideband internets have no machine stopping screens that many human users cannot even read half the time, and then these Motive-Goal programs permit users 2 say 2 their computer, I want 2 become a lifeguard, or a song writer, or an architect, or a college professor, or a person of the cloth, and the machine does it all, all the searching, all the contacting, all the interacting, turns itself on and off and inter networks with the entire system while all of the users can vacation in the Swiss Alps or Hawaii and not have 2 really do anything. Suddenly, UR a rock star, music written, produced, played, the entire world is in automation, and everyone loves it. The problem is that when I saw this once, people become even a little worse than today, it is like being with a bunch of selfish Star Trek type Mister Spock entities, just like him only mean and selfish 2 boot. When I say this at age 25 at Robin Hill, I felt it my duty as a global citizen 2 warn everyone that I had seen this powerful vision and that we must all stop now and prevent this from happening, but as Sky would say, it all ready was 2 late, because this was all pre-destined 2 in fact occur, no matter what little nobody me would or could ever do 2 attempt 2 prevent this disaster of all disasters of humanity. More details about all of these things can of course wait 4 other times later this month. These blogs will NOT B REMOVED by the way. The ALL MIGHTY appeared 2 me, SSJK, and took me 2 HER GREAT CITY in my ‘dreaming-interactions’ last night. She told me she will not B leaving until the autumn of forty-nine, early in October, and 4 me not 2 worry about having blogs up as such as the ones I have in case she vanishes again the way she did B4, leaving me wide open 4 major trouble, and high up on a suspect list. She said that one year B4 the stock market is done away with almost 2 the day, SHE will just B gone, while traveling someplace, and no one will ever B able 2 know, no one but me of course, and then in the middle fifties, I am teen aged boy named JOEJOE, and meet her all over again, in Atlantic City, only this time, things happen the way that I thought they were going 2 back in the nineteen sixties, 90 years earlier. I had no way of knowing all of HER mighty and special plans. She told me that I need 2 go into my blogs myself, and re-read the entire thing from the beginning right up 2 right now in Florida, the answers 2 many of my problems lies right there, and not back in the journal cassette tapes of the seventeen hundreds in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, in 1986. The end of the interaction is 100 times more X-rated than the little stuff I touched on a while back. The next thing I was aware of was Danny knocking on my door around a quarter shy of 9, 2 repair my electrical box in my RV that I am renting from the Manatee RV Park.

Yesterday, I was on South Beach, about 10 miles drive time from the park, and the library being sort of the mid-way point. I enjoyed my swim in the ocean, and usually when I am with my Atlantic Queen, she comes 2 me in a powerful dream shortly after that. I was not disappointed. Mind-Of-Cosmos or MOC is very real. I mention something on a blog and go 2 watch a movie that I just took out and borrowed on my library card a few days back, and heard the very word that U never ever hear, the word I used on my blog. Then I took out just yesterday B4 heading onto South Beach 4 a swim, a CD about the stock market and demystifying it so that amateur investors can know a little bit more about how it basically operates and what it is all about, and I had just blogged the story about SARAH and HER (yellow telephones) under that Pennsylvania bridge from around the year 2003 somewhere. About a half of the way into the CD, there it is, right there in plain view on this educational documentary about Wall Street and the stick market, an entire group of bright canary yellow telephones, all hanging on a wall, in a large circle. I never had seen this B4 in my life as Mountainpen. Right after I had the interaction a few months back with Mister Telaman, and his play and his gun, I went 2 watch a movie that I had borrowed a few days prior, again from this library, a 1980 made movie with Mary Tyler Moore, and whose name came up twice in the script, Telaman, and I do not remember the last time I heard his name in a show or a movie, or out in the ‘real-life’ world as well, as ‘they’ would say. So what is MOC, and Y does it work this way, and what R the World Labs Datfile systems, and Y was all of this used and done, along with the destruct tapes I chucked out in the early nineties??????? Well, keeping this as simple as easy as I can folks and peeps, MOC is nothing more than tiny pieces of reality in their truer energy being-ness, or put another way, numerations, hundreds and even thousands of digits long, if indeed they were actually, ‘our’ mathematical digits, I cite this 4 purposes of illustration only so we all can hopefully try and relate. Once again, everything is not matter and energy existing in space and time. It is Lawtronic-ness, it is literally a breaking out of prison, from the void zero-dimensional nothing, into fabrics of dreaming, and this can B measured by humanity that forms as a result as energy. This energy is nothing more than the matter, they R exactly the same thing. In spirit, the conscious mind does not exist 2 interfere and divide the truth by the constant-squared or C-SQ. Mind on a conscious level is actually created within the Astral and above this level, in dreamings, 2 intentionally do just this, divide the truer reality by this photon velocity squared, and creating the material world of solid objects, yet the dreaming reality remains unaltered by this consciously operating part of out endless higher-selves, this is the reality of the worlds of waves and particles. This is all that these dream fabrics really R, and you and me with our consciousness is sort of creating this by-product, as a sort-of physical non-machine type of virtual-reality holodeck Star Trek creators, and thereby giving us this so-called make-believe really instead of this un-real non-tangible and non-physical life and existence within it. So a little bit now on the World Labs, since many of U know of the 1989 experience that I suffered through that ended me up on the bottom of the Delaware River after driving my car off of a blocked gated pier nearby the intersection in South Philadelphia of Walker and Water Streets, on that icy cold winter night just shy of 1989. When large things R existing on higher and ‘first’ truer realities, they must all in some form or another reflect their way down into some multiplexed combinational form of truth as well, here in the hyperspace 5th dimensionally. Things in truth work in reverse, we all C the illusion of the reverse syndrome, a flat world when it really is curved and round, celestial bodies moving around us, when it is really this world that is spinning, real life being this awake part of out being-ness, when in fact, we become here and awake in this vast hyperspace, as a result of first simply always existing at VOID, then dreaming out into the LAWTRON, and from this ‘sort-of-circuitry’ allowing the escape from the VOID, we become what man calls SOUL, and then starts 2 individualize down into the many various time worlds after passing through thoughts and emotion dimensions that all R merely a natural process of this entire system, and not really some mystical way out thing 2 know and realize. The power of the truth is always in its reversal. The illusions that we all operate under and perceive that endlessly trick our senses, proves 2 all of U that what I am saying is valid. No one is randomly choosing a movie tape or CD off of some shelf, B it at a library, or in a video store such as the one on Spruce Street run by my gay cousin Don, and his pals, in central Philadelphia. Nothing ever just happens, not ever, not Morianity, not Mountainpen, not PEE, not MI, not NEW SHOES, not FLORIDA, not my being kidnapped or cut up 4 decades B4 that by the same human counterpart family that extends globally and has great power and wealth, U all only know of MC, she is not 2 blame 4 what has been done 2 me by her distant cousins. I still laugh at Mister Trump up there in his little loud whirly-bird over the room I was in at his Plaza while I was there with Ann Silva, the great friend of the Ex-Mayor James Whalen, when we were all there, along with the island branch of the UNITAWF, including the lovely Leticia Tilley, who was just shy of age 15 years at the time, and was a total look-alike 2 her not all that distant cousin when she was that age, the lovely and incredibly talented MC (Mariah Carey). I really thought the Donald was gonna drop dead that day when security at the casino brought MC’s cuz over and told her she cannot just stand around in the casino or they would lose their license 2 operate in New Jersey, the Commission there on SARAH’s onramp at 10-SC Avenue is thorough and does a good job of enforcing the state gaming laws, I do respect them 4 that. As 4 World Labs and datfiles, I did what I had 2 do, just as I had 2 send my latest 3 musical projects down 2 Washington-12-DC 2 the US Copyright Office on BOO-DAYS!!!!!!!!!! I did not know on a mater/material conscious/awake level YYYY. This YYYY is the 8th dimension, 2 above the mind dimension, I cannot sit here and print a bunch of lies, 2 a blogging audience and say that I know YYYYYY, I do not know YYYYYY, with or without JIMMY!!!!! When I put stuff out that U will hear peeps tell how they found a lot of it by Googling up this following thing, “MARK WAYNE MOHR OF HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY”, I just did what I HAD 2 DO, as all of UR doing likewise 2 me, I knew it, and so did my 61st grand-pappy’s uncle Jesus, of Nazareth, he knew all of this as all great ECKANKAR Varaigi Masters in fact do. What U do not know is the real truth, and thereby, I would most highly suggest all of U reading these words and these BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, 2 GOOGLE UP {ECKANKAR}, and join this, and get far away from this reality, escaping your nightmare karma forever, do not B like me and remain trapped here forever and ever, and maybe someday, even becoming aware of it while awake and conscious, having it as a 24 hour ‘thing’ on your mind of torment and torture.

Many more things will all get said and told peeps, U think U know about Mountainpen, U do not know beans from beer about me, I am more than 60 trillion of your years old, ponder on that 4 just a minute of your flashed by time, 2 me UR all a light flash, seen from behind, curls, Houston, Superman, humor, and Florida Space-Coasts; all not withstanding. Terminator Arnie, I am not BACH, I am not BEATHOVEN. I am not TELEMAN. I AM HERE, copyrighted in 1988, my song is titled, and very fittingly so sri, sire, sir, “PROPHET OF NOTHING”, and that is what I am, just a lot of nothing, but at least, I know that, most peeps live in huge delusions ands then judge me as a whack job, sheeeish, Chris Bennett, does that suck a roaches ass or what pal???????

End of this Transmission:

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