Monday, March 28, 2011




Sunday was super fucking chemtrail siege, see some of the great YOU-TUBE posts that I have shared on my blog, YO, the list is as freaking endless as Chinese cliff jumpers that form an endless line to prove their population. All day Sunday, it was hell. At 8 in the mother fucking morning I awoke to a horrendous super attack here in the hood by rappers, shaking my walls to their foundation. Then when I went out on mother fucking errands, it was CHEMTRAIL CITY, and I knew it all ready, as I can physically feel it when it is out there all around me, my body is always tortured and assaulted and pummeled and reamed with this viciousness. THIS WAS JUST ABOUT ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL FUCKING HIGH OTAMMIC BOTBAR FUCKING WEEKENDS YET TO BE EXPERIENCED BY ME HERE IN HOT HELLISH FUCKING FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, EARTH, SOL, MILKY WAY GALAXY, and abbreviated, (FPFLUSAESMWG), since my arrival here on the 13th fucking day of December in the fucking ass year of 2009, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DIANA, thank you so much for coming and waking me up around 20 past 8 or so this BOTBAR DAY moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, with your fantastic lovely exquisite, luscious, and glamorous awesome lightning. You were a lovely multiple color, and so gorgeous to behold, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, or at least a lot more than I love Whitney Houston's nightmare ear punishing version of the 'STAR SPANGLED BANNER' back late in the freaking nineteen-nineties, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED YOU GODDESS DIANA, last night at your Great-Forest, we had the best time in the world, my baby blond!

I GUARANTEE THE DOW JONES, AFTER GIVING ME THIS PUTRID GODLESS DEMONIC WICKED FUCKING WEEKEND OF HELL CUBED, OR (DOGTOWN), totally fucking ass FLEW, and will be up close to a thousand fucking points either today or in a weekly total points-amount by Friday EOB (End-Of-Business). When they score with major FULL EVIL SPORTSPITRES, AS TYHEY DID OVEER THE WEEKEND, resulting from giving me a parallel-event total fucking nightmare, this is a dependable clockwork action and event, and we need no help from Sir fucking Isaac Newton here, as I have 25.5 years of experience now with this fucking SATANIC NIGHTMARE, ever since the 15th fucking day of the 8th month in the year of fucking miserable wretched 1986, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOLD YOU ALL THIS SHIT MY GINA, YO. So don't break my arm, you or Kathy Craft Schintz, YO, or Keisha's for that fucking matter, my goddess, what are they making girls out of these days, ANTI-KRYPTONITE?????????????

All weekend, I had nightmarish interactions, I was going to be sent to prison and some girl who I used to talk to at a 'WAWA' Convenience store was in on this theft along with me, and get this, of a giant piece of meat. I was telling her that we needed to forget this and run down to South America to one of the nations there that had no extradition treaty with the freaking United States. I did not even remember who she was until the weekend was almost over, shades of June 4th in 1980 and LOIS FOCA, only that did not take a day or 2 for me to remember, that one took a bit longer for me to remember the girl, much longer. Still shades of the 'LFS', huh, (LOIS FOCA SYNDROME), YO????? She was a very tall beautiful teenager around nineteen or so, and we always used to talk about music concerts when I would drive to roadway trucking in Pennsylvania, and stop first right before the job site at this WAWA store, to buy a few hot dogs and candy, or whatever. Why after 6 or 7 years, she came into my dreams so incredibly powerful with this interaction, is a powerful hyperspace equation, and had some powerful meaning.

I got home today from work, and my computer showed me AGAIN, living on 36th Avenue in San Mateo, California, and on Pacific Time, three hours earlier. I changed the system back again for the tenth time or so it seems, and then went to Google, and found Sheriff Greg Munks of San Mateo County, and had a very nice talk with both his office, as well as the San Mateo Police Department, their exact words to me when I told them my nightmare story, was that “a lot of big things go on over on 36th Avenue”, yeah, I'll just bet they do, OH YEAH, RIGHT, I'll bet they freaking do, seven times over, huh Ninny McKannon. The entire feds are reading all my blogs and looking into all of this horse shit and civil rights violations. So let us see what happens when all is said and done and Julia white's second calendar approaches in late 'twelve. Julia, you say I am mysterious, your son in law is a 1980 record promoter who decided to really get born again, and you call me mysterious, Sheeeeeeeeeeeeit!!!!!!!!!


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