Saturday, March 12, 2011


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This will be another one of 'THOSE BLOGS'. You know, not the average rantings of the MOUNTAINPEN.

HOPEFULLY THE FBI IS READING THIS, and hopefully also, if real life is even close to television with shows such as “LAW AND ORDER”, SOMETHING MAY NOW START GETTING LOOKED INTO, AND IF NOT, I WILL BE SENDING LETTERS TO THE MEDIA, AND POSTING A TAPE RECORDED MESSAGE ON THE U-TUBE, as my friend can convert it into CD and upload it into my existing account there as, “KING NEBNOOSHOO”.

THIS IS A WHISTLE BLOW BLOG, and is my legally protected property, all part of my intellectual property, and all copyrighted 2006-2011. No part of this information unless it exists independently may be used to profit or gain via whistle-blow fees or monies, I intend to collect this, as I am highly suggesting a particular group of people sue me, so that I can turn around and sue a group of criminals that caused the entire mess to begin with, and all of the defamation of anybody's character.

Before moving on, foundations need to be laid. This will be very shaky ground, we may indeed call this JAPAN-2. I do not in any way mean to mock or poke fun at anyone, no one on this planet could be more serious than me right now, as this offense is unspeakable, despicable, detestable, abominable, monstrous, vicious, evil, and dastardly as it possibly can ever get on this plane of existence.

There is an old original “STAR TREK” show, voted years ago by the public as the number one favorite of all episodes, called, “CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER”, in which Mister Spock calls and labels such things as my recurring Egg Harbor City, New Jersey school dream all throughout my entire adult life until about the start of the 21st century, and other such occurrences, as 'eddies, currents, and backwash', while referring to Doctor McCoy being sent to the same approximate location where Captain Kirk and Spock wended up after being sent through a star-gate of a sort, that had an intelligence and called itself the Guardian of Forever. There are indeed many things in life that connect up in ways that will remain invisible for most people forever, and be missed and omitted from all of the historical accounts of humanity, and yet they were all so incredibly true and accurate, and powerful, and would have most likely explained so many hidden mysteries that the human kind has longed and searched for answers to since it crawled or swam out of the sea, or whatever. TEALLY HAPPENED, as it all is just a dream anyway to begin with, off of the Astral-Plane. Ron Wirtz, at the Camden County, New Jersey Prosecutor's Office told me in the early nineteen-nineties, that and I will quote him, “Big business is behind all of it, and all of your problems as well”. He was no liar, and he only was a little bit too much in a hurry to compress it and not see a little more detail in the mix, as they say, 'the devil is in the details', an expression that I personally have come to practically hero-worship.

Before moving on here, an error from a few blogs ago needs to be amended here on this blog. I omitted the amount of times to do certain mental-exercises while practice the ancient art of the magical-FASCITAR. The daydreaming ritual is done 10 times, and the commanding separation of body and spirit so to speak, is done 6 times, this is a must, as the magic lies in both doing these two items, as well as using these precise amounts of ten times and six times, but now on with the show called, “MOUNTAINPEN THE PC WHISTLE BLOWER”, and this does not stand for Political correctness, or MC's mom's maiden name initials. Remember, this blog proves who first found proof to the claims that will be made in a few minutre4s, so no one else had better try cashing in on this, I merely am telling the world what is going on so that you will know that we all are being legally extorted, again, what else is new, the price of gasoline is no different, only who of us is big enough to take on this oil tycoon bullshit? But finishing out the Star Trek deal, all my old and late pal, David Charles Roth ever could talk about it seems, was what and who he referred to most of the time as the. SYSTEMS ANALYST. He was talking about his once best friend, Will McAfee. My best friend's best friend is yes, thee McAfee, of the computer anti-virus and anti-hacking world. Now it is going to freaking become my unpleasant duty to make as big an enemy out of him, as poor David did over some silly girl in their case; and then it was all bullshit on top of it, as Will was immature and young, and thought David was trying to steel his girl, and David told me it was total bullshit and that he wasn't, and yet this cost a good friendship, as well as a potential moneymaking business to ever get underway, as the two of them had made plans to go into their own Amway Distributor business back in the middle nineteen-seventies. Any big hotshot out here can check this story out, any millionaire or billionaire can contact this “now, great man of the future” and find out who is telling tales out of the kiss, and who is not. I don't ever lie, the only lie I told was about the bus on July of 1970, and this was a choice between my sanity and my credibility, and I chose the former, and am proud to admit it, as wheat little sanity I have remaining, is there because I did not let these powerful evil mother fucking businessmen of greed and avarice totally win out and destroy my soul. My blogs back in the years of 2006-2008, these '36' months, do a lot of gut wrenching spilling of this nightmare story, and unlike James Pee, it is no fictional STORY, YO!!!!!!!

Here is the extortion. First I cite a parable and an example to further lay the next level of the freaking foundation here. If things are permitted to get worse along the lines of what I'm about to reveal and hot shot wealthies are 'permitted-unk', and gimme a break spell-checker, I created the word CRAZIES on my 1986 musical project called, RGG, and it stuck to this day, aniwho, and I think NEWSIES also, but yes, not to brag, Lieutenant Commander Ann Droid Data, and taking the copying as a complement, let us say a day comes where we are outside, and doctors are legally permitted to injure us. I mean really literally actually do this, slam their cars into us, shoot us in the leg, and so on and so forth. Then they get on television and advertise their extra cheap services if you or I have been recently injured, one half off the usual medical fee. Well, whistle blow recipients, forget doctors, LET ME NOW EXPOSE THE PERSONAL COMPUTER EXTORTION THAT IS TOTALLY UNCONSCIONABLE. When we buy our PC's at the store and plug them in and set them up, the 'anti-virus companies' all go to work to infect our systems with many legal viruses. They will not steel your money or do anything criminal beyond the powerful extortion of damaging and then offering to repair, our now slowed-down and not so well operating systems, THAT WE ALL WORKLED VERY HARD FOR THJE MONEY AND WENT TO THE STORWE TO LEGALLY PURCHASE THESE MACHINES SO WE CAN USE TRHEM. These crooks, infect us with 95$% of the hacks and the viruses that are out there, and only 5% of them are done by the ones we all hear about that have nothing better to do than enjoy hacking because they can, and beside this, they get absolutely no remunerative value or compensation out of doing it, and the mere pleasure of knowing that they can do it gets them off in the way a nudey-girl picture would get a more normal man off, so as to wet and sweat up his sheets. This information was told to me this afternoon, in a round about hinted at way, but told to me in words so powerful, and I wrote them all down, that if told and shared as legally presented evidence in a court room at some WHISTLE BLOW HEARING someday, the judge or the jury would come to the only possible freaking conclusion that I have come to today. Now about those McAfee eddies and currents and time backwashes of the great mighty Mister Leonard Spock Nemoy, and how this fits into all of this shit. But this true nightmare tale of extortion by BIG-CROOKED-BUSINESS gets a lot better, and again, THE SPOCK STAR TREK SHIT IS THERE AS WELL, SO ALLOW ME PLEASE TO KEEP EXPLAINING ASLL OF THIS TO MY READERS AND VIEWERS. Don't disbelieve my shit too quickly here, you are paying 300 per year per computer, in ways no differently than store owners in cities across this nation are paying city officials fees such as this only them more so, 5 times this amount for a rounded average, so that they do not come in one morning to find an inspector giving them 555 violations for bullshit things that will force them out of freaking business, same crooked shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The average household has 3 computers. 3X300 is $900.00, so nearly one thousand dollars leaves the pocket of households, in a criminal enterprise each and every year, BY THESE CROOKED ANTI-VIRUS COMPANIES. The person that told me this works for one of the largest one of them, in a high position. So how did I obtain the confession Steve Kadufski, Honorable Cherry Hill, New Jersey Judge of 1986 who told me, “MISTER MOHR, IT IS YOU WHO SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR MISREPRESENTING YOUR IDENTIY WITH THE LAWFIRM AND LAWYER COLFLESH”, regarding copyright infringement cases I had pending in those days. I FULLY INTENDE TO BLOW THE WHISTRLE OBN THIS, not because I am being forced to pay 300 bucks to a legal criminal fucking enterprise that this evil government has to know about and is totally permitting and licensing with OBVIOUS FEREAKING KICK-BACKS, YO, but, BUT, B-U-T, when they use the 'Law and Order' ACCESS NATION and MAGIC LANTERN or whatever real names that these obvious identical computer information places that do exist and operate in the real world outside of TV, to learn about your private life, and then get you to believe a total lie and then accuse powerful people on your blog of doing criminal things, and defaming characters, then they are totally fucking complicit in causing me huge harm as if I owned anything at all, these people could and most likely will, sue the living shit out of me, but I would like to make an offer now, since any rational mind should be able to see what has been done to me, and it is more monstrous than what Hitler himself did in the fucking WW-2- Holocaust. I plan to go to the FBI and blow this whistle, and offer my proof of this horrendous fucking bullshit. When I win an award, I'll gladly offer 50% of it to the entire THAT FAMILY if they will forgive me and not see this retraction of my accusations of computer tampering as anything malicious on my part, all I could do was go with the facts that were presented to me by these huge hackers, and when your address popped up on my e-mail account, what was UI supposed to think, Nora Icouldreadyours? The only thing that I would have to admit under oath is that I used a powerful sound engineering trick to obtain this confession, you would need to understand how to make such a tape or CD as well as why to do it and the reason it works based on human psychology. Here is what I did, it is called, and I'll admit this, using Subliminal consciousness technology, retail stores are supposedly forbidden to use this principle, but we sure do buy way more shit than was on our original lists when the Muzak systems are playing, and this statistic is a totally documented fact, as subliminal consciousness effects and its case studies cited in the DM-4 book are one of my many fascinations in this life. I admit that I made a cassette tape earlier today where I kept repeating for a solid thirty minutes on an entire side-A, “U MUST TELL THE TRUTH, YOU MUST TELL THE TRUTH”, over and over the entire length of the freaking tape. These little secrets are quite real and they work, if you know it is properly applied and worked. Then you make a dub onto another deck, and you play some music off of the radio or another tape or CD, and make sure that the music is just a little bit louder than the voice command on the tape, so that you no longer consciously are hearing these commands, yet they are heard indeed by the unconscious mind that will be much more receptive to obey and respond, especially when it is basically the moral or the correct thing to do; so it is not as if you can get somebody to sleep with you, or kill for you, for the 'prison talk' section of the internet, so forget that. So there I was earlier today with no internet service, waiting for the repair crew, and crying into the ear of the one human contact telephone number that was available on the internet for computer repair, all wanting the same price no matter how much 'FREE BULLSHIT' they try and tell you is happening, as it is worthless and not helping you or it is fixing a little bit of your problem or even all of it for a very short time, usually a few days tops, so moving on here, I played this subliminal consciousness (SC) background tape near the telephone, and could not believe what this nice lady, quite high up on the chain admitted to, FBI; so if you do not contact me, then MOUNTAINPEN-WHISTLE-BLOWER, IS GOING TO STOP INTO THE MIAMI FIELD OFFICE AND PRINT OUT THIS BLOG, AND FIRST MAIL IT TO YOU OR SEND YOU AN E-MAIL ATTACHMENT. I won't permit criminal activity on this magnitude. I am a citizen of the USA, and have blamed my country now for too much and for too long, when it is all coming from a bunch of 'money grubbing powerful wealthies', who should all be behind mother trucking prison bars for the rest of their Satanic and Demonic lives, and would be; if I was the governor of Florida, or the President of this country, as I would just not tolerate crimes like this when people are all ready financially hurting so badly, and they are all ready so filthy ass rich.

Still, the worst part was putting the San Mateo shit on my e-mail, as they had to check out my entire life, and come to learn that I had recently escaped the clutches of this family's distant cousins, and had fled down here to Florida to try and make a freaking new life for myself after it was totally monstrously ruined and wrecked without mercy or compassion. The stuff I then blogged after they made me think and believe that it was Nick and Mariah doing all of this to me, is unforgivable. I am lone of Mariah Carey';s biggest fans, and you dirty bastards made me falsely believe that she and her husband were hurting me and doing this to me, this should be prosecuted and UI should be awarded a minimum of a hundred million dollars, and so should they!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UI am shamed of you Will, looks like Dave Roth was right about you after-all, if that is, you are a willing ass party to this criminal and illegal computer activity, YO.

Are there any just out of law school attorneys who want to climb on board here, before I waltz myself down to Miami and to the FBI directly? This is all protected information, and is part of the copyrighted blogs and project of MORIANITY, so no one else may legally claim any of this information in any attempt to collect whistle blow fees for this powerful information. Yeah, that all mighty dollar, it sure has a freaking tendency to bring out the total worst in all of us, am I correct world????????????

I can only go where things take me, for anyone out here that sees it differently or holds shit against me for going with what is thrown at me by the owners and controllers of this world and all of our destinies and fates, talk to Jack McCoy, I believe his famous L&O quotation goes as this, “It takes us where it takes us, Commissioner”. Hopefully, like the commissioner, for what has been done to me by this evil big business world of scum, these PC crooks will be sharing a cell block, right there in good old mother trucking Attica Prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Personally 90% of seat owners of the New York Stock Exchange, belong tight there along with them, they all are no more than as my good old dad used to call peeps like freaking this,m “LEGAL-THIEVES”, so move on over Washington-13, YO, so we can all really go and dance tonight with my old pal MISTER Beethoven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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