Thursday, April 7, 2011




For what you did to me today, prick Lenny, the song stays up there. I know how to take it down now, and you were correct in the 'dream' all along, I'll give you that/ I learned that I was not going to the correct screen as I was using my Google blogging address to access my U-Tube account, instead of my Google G-Mail Account. If peeps could make this computer and internet thing any more complicated and absurd, I'm sure they would, and most likely will indeed go right on doing. We were all doing so fine and well before internet, for that matter, before modern times, even before harnessing electron flow or making and using electricity. Still, once we are hooked, they drop the bomb, they invade our world, and guess who controls the MC, in any and all ways of symbolically looking at. The MILLIONTH-COUNCIL has major secrets. One was released in late 2007 on my blogs at It is that my ENEMIES equals McGuire/Callio times Mary Carter. Another way of saying this shorter and more acceptable by scientific terms would be E=MC Squared. I may have substituted the name MARTINO as opposed to MCGUIRE, but six in one and half a dozen in the other always applies.

It seems that the great man of 36th Avenue, and his thugs want to play real rough. Fine BRO. The song will remain up, More than a hundred peeps have been looking at it besides your 'new family'. I am too hacked to work the site much, and tried last night to post my song into my blog at the address shown above in blue highlight, but was either hacked or the site no longer allows shared videos onto their own blogger site which I find a pretty difficult belief to fathom. How do you know I don't know your new Florida pal's opponent, and cannot do the unbloggable? Peeps have problems with these things, and this is run more legally than that shit on “L&O” with the gorgeous Asian girl who could use a lot of counseling from doctor Van Buren. I may just end up fixing your friend real good if you don't back off me, BRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! You cannot prove shit from these words, I could be Miss-Um well's fiction writer, sheeeeeit!!!!!!!

World, this piece of diseased garbage is more than any of you reading these words will ever be willing to even attempt to believe. He is Lightning's brother out on the Astral-Plane, and he has incredible 'powers and abilities that go far beyond' any comic fiction character like 'Superman', take my word for that. Even Superman could not throw a dude around and up against a wall air conditioner before he was born, and in his 'what would the word be', as my body was lying on sofa cushions in my mom's Media, Pennsylvania apartment, yet I was yanked right out of my shell. This great fish, went right out of his shell, thanks to this gun toting thug from his previous life. Jonah totally knows your friends well, or better said, since a long time ago, I was dreaming I was Jonah, I know your game, and how much you hate me for what goers on in HER GREAT CITY. Make the most out of your next f0rty years of dreams, ol' pal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOLF-WOLF-WOLF, it will be DOGTOWN for you, as SSJK is getting tired of hearing “Eternity With Stacey” blaring out continually over the Teck Bay every single time SHE holds one of HER VIQUEENS meetings out on VIQUEENS ISLAND.

Yes world, this dick head will not stop changing my computer to be somehow connected up to his Cali address, Jason scummer, and I know that in other forms and identities, you are near neighbors, and all planned to mess with me yup here in the future from millions of freaking years ago. He can be original, as one of my Google maps insists I am living in 'NEBRASKA' as well, so I ask, does this mean anything to any of the POWERFUL PEOPLE out here in the RW of non-net? Ellinwood, Nebraska or just east somewhere of routes 281 and 96. I sure do get around, huh Prick?

GINA AS LONG AS THEY HAVE ME TO HURT, they will keep right on winning and scoring. THE PHILLIES WILL FOREVER LOSE AND THE FLYERS WILL FOREVER WIN , AND THE DOW JONES CHEATED STOCK MARKET WILL ENDLESSLY RACE UPWARD. IT WILL BE 15,000 BY SUMMER TUIME, 25,000 BEFORE 2013 ROLLS ATROUND, AND YOU CAN ALL MARK MY WORDS ON BOTH THAT AS WELL AS ON ANOTHER POWERFUL TRUTH REGARDING THE ECKANKAR BELIEF SYSTEM, AND HOW I KNOW IT IS TRUE REGARDING (EMOTION AND THE ASTRAL PLANE). I'll be willing to bet that more geological activity will show itself, between pummeling me to death and Maggie picking up on it automatically, in conjunction and addition to the sad and horrible mood I was in by the time I left my job and drove over to the mother fucking recording studio today, and when I walked in and heard the music track playing the magic song from another dimension, I burst uncontrollably into tears and had to be consoled by both my recording engineer and his partner, BonJovi's first cousin. No spellchecker, I do not know how to spell every fucking rock star's name, and you sure are no fucking ass help, YO. Oh well, at least Donna Gaines sang the hair song along with bad mama-jama friend who sang he would be gaga at the go-go, so at least I can spell some rock star names. Anyway, if another huge natural disaster does not come real soon as a result of this event, I will be totally surprised and shocked, my song, her song, or any song, not withstanding, YO.

Last night, I had horrendous fucking nightmares, and all ready was braced for the upcoming hell of this new day that was 'dawning'. Things run in families, some are diseases, other things just make one run away, far away, only to end up super fucked and worse off than where shit started the day Jimmy m,other fucking Stone fired me from the fucking ass hole griffin Pipe company, of Florence Dirt Bag, New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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