Saturday, April 16, 2011




A powerful interaction occurred last night. Robert McGuire of Atlantic City was with me, and not ODF Atlantic City, as this is a very freaking persistent Jack-Hack-Lattisaw-Attack. Anyhow, he noticed that I had a key to a location and was unlocking a door so as to be able to gain entrance. I was already late for work and had to get something from this place, a videotape. He was nearby outside and telling me that I had no authority to go in there and take this tape. I had trouble with the lock, but eventually did manage to gain entrance and shut the door behind me. I realized that I was suddenly aware that I was in a parallel universe of the hyperspace. Somehow all of this made total sense there. Still I was only starting to regain memories of what it was all about, to the part of myself living in this universe and was 'dreaming' through this doppelganger of me over there. Piece by piece as water droops flowing or trying to, through a hose with a twist or a knot in it, came one trickled memory of things over there after another. It seems that in a major compressed version of the story, my Aunt Barbara, my mom's sister who was always quite mentally disturbed, and whose condition grew worse after adulthood had replaced adolescence. I t seems that she was dating Robert McGuire's father, the man who actually built the Pittsburgh Hotel about 110 years ago on Tennessee Avenue, in Atlantic City. All of the details are not known, but it was important that I see a particular event that was captured on this videotape, and was made from an old sixteen millimeter projector film transfer, with no help from any of Paul Simon's photographer friends of either 1330 or the early seventies, Lenny.

Moving on with this powerful “DREAM”, I was quite late for work, and did not care; and decided that I needed to play this tape, causing my doppelganger to be late, not me. I had begun to dominate my other self over there, and yes Paula King, I as well, had become a dominant-exploratron, as you have always learned to be, and have somehow manged to fully master this art and technique quite a long time ago. Suddenly the door burst open, and big bully Bob McGuire stood right there in the doorway area, and proceeded to tell me that he was dying, and had only a month to live before his cancer was going to put him in the ground. He said if I go to the studio next week as planned, and even sing the song myself, it will cause the same amount of problems that the other song called “LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS” LOIS-FOCA for short, caused in 1980, on just Tom Glenn's guitar arrangement of this song that also was written and sung by the All Mighty Scylla Herself, out in infinity. Then he told me that I need to know a secret so big that even DIANA will not tell you the truth about it because she knows it would fuck me up to much. All I could get out of him was that it had something to do with the hunting trip long ago, mentioned in some prior blogs. Then he went over and grabbed my video recorder machine with the tape playing inside of it, and threw it hard onto the ground, smashing it to bits. He then said that Diana needs to come clean and tell me why my mom wanted me to copyright her sister's song from 1938, fifty years in the future, which I indeed did do, and the © Office in Washington, DC-13, knows all about all of this. He told me that they have known my story in reverse from 2031, all the way back to 1975, when I sent them my song called, “LOST LOVE”. I then told him that three years before that year, I had invented several board games, and also had my name there as the registered owner of these games, since the rules to these games were also indeed copyrighted. He told me that I never invented any games because there is no Ed Bobins living in this universe. He was the one over here who showed me how to copyright stuff back in the days when my dad was still diving with Mel Fisher off of the Treasure Coast of Florida where today I am residing. Because my dad never knew Bobins over there, my parents never broke up, as there also was no Mel fisher living in that parallel reality of atomic vibration. Paula King was real and existing over there, and was in many of her numerous identities, the great Robin Gibbs, who over there, I had never stopped the LOST LOVE song rip off, and it became the number one song of 1980, sang by Marcy Levy and Robin Gibbs. Marcy Levy was the wife of Mayor Levy over there and where he still is the mayor of Atlantic city, and there is no Ethel Levy, who over here, is his wife. This was also fascinating, as it was the Gibb brothers who not only were so famous for their music, but also for their invention of the game called “STAYIN'- ALIVE”. Over here, it is a song they did, and was copied from my board game idea of “LIVELONG”. These documents all exist and can be totally fact-checked, verified, and proved. So can the proof that I had this song of theirs over here in this universe back in early autumn of 1980, removed from the air, by a famous Music Industry attorney out of Philadelphia by the name of Malcolm Rosenberg. I hollered at McGuire to tell me the secret that Diana will not tell me, and he said that he would like to tell me just for the fun of watching me totally crazier than shit, and this is a total quote, but he then went onto freaking say, that his boss will not allow it. I retorted with, “Who's your goddamn boss McGuire”? He starred a long time at me with the famous 'evil eye' we all hear about so often, and then said in a soft voice which is rare for this big old ugly bully, “the All Mighty 36'ers”.

Yes indeed Lads, Lassies, and my lovely Labrador-Retrievers, this was quite an incredible 'dreaming-experience' to say the total least, YO.

When I told Diana through the telephone about it, she just said that I am not yet ready to know anything about this, it would be much for me. Speaking of my lovely tall baby-blond, she was all over me ion Friday, it poured rain in the late morning here in fort Pierce. I went out to look at the rain near a rear exit used by Warehouse and Processing Department persons, where I work at the Orange Avenue Harvest. Their great website address is ,and every third photo change, show me and my Einstein hair, right on their opening page. Oh those 'curvy light-bulbs', I have one in every room now. No more heat generating old style bulbs for me, YO!

My existence in the 5th dimension is no different than any of yours, and neither is Paula King's, however, we all have many various awareness's on a conscious level, to the reality of all of this, and with these levels of seeing the truth, comes the way we handle what we remember from our dreams, and this can have many devastating and disastrous effects, but it does not always have to. The problem is that we are all dreaming off of the Astral Plane into the lower 5th dimensional hyperspace. As we do this, we live 'physically' on many realms of the material tangible and slower atomic-rate realms of mind expression. As carbon mind signal differs from silicon mind signal and atomic mind signal, only in carbon need we wonder whether we are dreaming in one of the similar polarities to our own where our physical body is laying asleep on a bed, or a reverse one, and by similar or reverse, I mean whether the polarity of electrons and protons is equal or in an inverse charge, causing worlds of physicality to be considered matter or anti-matter, in reference only with any particular other one that is being referenced from. Neither one is a correct or standard polarity. It merely is the same or the opposite to 50% of universes on one side, and 50% of universes on the other side, of all of the hyperspace, or the entire total 5th dimension.

This is the danger of the future usage of atomic retrace. Some who know my story have asked me if I am not nuts and any truth exists with that part of my tale regarding my existence as Labber Zeggins from the World Laboratories near three centuries away out into negative space, then why won;t they bring people we love back again, and especially in lieu of the fact that it has no ill effects on anything suggested in the prehistoric days of science fiction films.? The answer is that it must be done as carefully as handling 100 nuclear plants and this is only serving as a gross under statemented. Should someone be scanned 30 minutes before they were shot and killed for example and retraced and brought forward, unscrupulous peeps could also bring the other dead body forward, and by sheer odds, for any time this is done twice, and someone were to place one of these bodies where it touches the other one, most of the Milky Way Galaxy would literally fall apart from the resulting cataclysmic transfeer of all of this amount of pure mass into instantaneous pure matter. This is nothing to fool with. People in labs spend years trying to create an ounce of reversed polarity matter, and this is dangerous enough.

I have nothing to gain by doing anything other than tell about this incredible story, and it did not start at Walker and Water Avenues in 1988 or 1989, nor did it start in Atco, New Jersey, USAESMWG, when “WOMO” nuke-attacked me in 1983, or in the middle range where two great opera singers decided to test the limits of insanity by using me as their pathetic victim. It never really began, any more than any of it ever can end. Still, there are things that must go on, because they happened 64 trillion years ago, and they have no choice Ernie Merker, from repeating over and over and over again. Your blind eyes had nothing to do with it, and I am sorry for writing that song in the eighties, as I am sorry for many songs that I wrote in this mystical magical period in Earth's wild and weird history. Rock on folks, with scissors, fire, paper, and even light and pipes!!!!!!!

I dug many holes and put many time capsules in them, telling my plight. Other wabbits just dug a lot of holes. Maybe McGuire will end up digging my grave. Still, he told me that Harner died six weeks ago, but he lives on here in this parallel universe. Saw your newest thing on TWC. Tell him I never meant to vanish out of view in 2005, 'cousin', shit just happens that is not always explainable, his pal PAUL knows all about that!!!!!!!!!!!!


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