Monday, October 24, 2011


CH-0252-102411.123, Monday moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning


My identity has been messed with, and not for any monetary gain on anyone's part, first of all, as I own nothing other than a lot of debt, thanks to McGuire, Lisa, and Dawn the King; it would be difficult to acquire what is not there to start with.

The weekend was totally 'BOTBAR'D' or made super hell, by this demonic Lambrigg-base Cult of the Astral Plane, known in more accepted human waking world mortal terms as the realm of demonic angels and their king, SATAN. It began last Wednesday, I do not know what exactly, but it is off the scales huge. They CHEMTRAIL POIONED me and have made me quite ill, diarrhea shit attacks, major heart arrhythmia, sore throat, sore chest, dry coughing, all the symptoms of flu as well as other chemtrail effects, just go up to U-TUBE anybody, and type in CHEMTRAILS, and a billion pieces of information will pop up, so do not take this 'nut case whack jobs word for anything, TAKE CASH unless you are dealing with GOD!! When I went to pick up my medications at the Walgreen Pharmacy, my entire insurance system and identity were wiped clean off of the computer record files, an exact quote of the pharmacy store today, at 25th and Orange Streets, across from my job site, the Harvest Food Outreach Center of Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG. I know for a fact, that it was not Lisa, or Robert McGuire who did this, despite my telling on recent blogging, that these two “human beings” are the two most freaking despicable monsters on Planet freaking Earth!!!!!! I was able to eventually get my meds and waste my day fixing the problem, and believe it or not, I have more worries than just these two. All I can do is slowly get answers from peeps I deal with, but Wednesday of last week was the entire source of all of this horse poop. I do not know what cereal bowl I urinated in, or whose, but somebody is extremely ticked off at me times ten to the power of thirty. I am too sick to work today, but not too freaking sick to blog, and tell some wild things that I do know, all though I confess that there is a huge mountain of nasty junk that I am well aware that I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!! Despite this sounding totally Kateydiculous, I will tell you, that Doctor Harold Camping or his new cult of peeps, is somehow mixed up in all of this, I am not accusing them of activity that is non-legal, I am leaving it at simply, there are things going on that connect them and the so-called doomsday date, into all of this, I have spoken to the cat, and he knows, BRO. In fact, I have moved into a building where a lookalike is the pet of the building, jet black, white paws, the whole twenty-seven feet, only I was speaking of mathematics a sentence back, and am merely adding this to the blog and will elaborate more at a later time, on this situation. There really is nothing that hexnumer equations of the Gawnum, cannot reveal, it is more mind bending than anything. In the spring time of 2010, I blogged a lot about how to expand the GAWNUM EQUATIONS in lieu of doing the simple adding of two PCN's and matching up the PCNT or TOTAL, with both numbers added in so far as digit representation. It is funny, I told Jenny Plageman in Mullica Township, not to make a god out of this wild thing that I learned from a dream-cat in 1980 first, and then more to come after a full quarter century of passed time, and now I make a god out of it, as why not? If you apply the knowledge of properly wording things to match, when they do match, it tells the truth. If the match is not there, the deal is not the truth. Peeps have been looking for a way to accurately know the unknown for a long time, and here it is, and is all told on old blogs, and will all be reiterated on soon to follow new blogs, since no one is going to sift through tons of old blogs. There is a wild method of madness to what I tell, so bear with me, as it is not bull; Wall Street crooks.

The music man next door at my building that blasts music all night from time to time, strikes when a message is left on my telephone by any non bill collector, when I am out. This is done as an annoyance and I only told about the one time, but another time a few days following the event told, Ann King had called and left a message while I was a work at the Harvest of 25th Street, and the minute I came home, boom, the jerk off cranked up his music for the rest of the day. Peeps will either insist this is a coincidence or that I am delusional, and that is fine. As long as the story gets said and told and blogged, I get the truth out, and what becomes of this truth after that, is the property of the COSMOS, or you could say, as would Doctor HC, “God's business”. SATANIC forces caused my automatic spell-checker to write the word DECEIVED on a prior blog, and of course, this was not the word I typed in. Still, what a perfect way to destroy my credibility, huh Beelzebub? It blows my mind how your mind works, and just how powerful you are, paralleled and equaled only by your venomous total evil.

As for the age old debate that Christians beat the scientists on believing that time travel is never accomplished ever in the total history of humankind, and they always site this famous example. If Satan could travel, He would know what Christ's mission on Earth was, and the last thing in the world he would have done is what he did, and have him executed by the Roman Empire on the cross, fulfilling the prerequisites for Christianity's birth. NOT SO, if you really reason it out folks, and bearing in mind that great original STAR TREK television show with Spock's first command and the monster apes that were banging huge rocks on their shuttle craft. Humans and animals tend to react emotionally, and not rationally, especially when provoked to anger. Satan, even more so!!!!!!!!!!!! The story of the proverbial gambler who knows fully well that he or she is gambling away the house and losing the family, is addicted and keeps right on going. All the time this gambler knows the outcome will be negative and disadvantageous, yet on they go. The same thing can be just as easily said for the man who punches the cop, shoots the waiter in the diner, or whatever, you cannot tell me that they do not know and fully appreciate that indeed, there will be resulting consequences that mete out justice for the commission of their actions. Even if somebody snaps out and sees their significant other in bed and cheating on the marriage. The jilted lover grabs a gun out of the drawer next to the bed and before they know it they have shot the son of a bitch in the bed and maybe the spouse as well, and yet I claim that they totally knew that they were doing something horrible, and that in all odds; they will be have to be punished for breaking the laws of God and man. This argument will always exist for me and disproves the Christians hollering that if the devil could time travel, He would never have taken Christ to the cross. All things can be argued and seen at various points of view, and this is shy even the most rigid laws are 'argued' in the courts, world wide, every single day.

All I do know, is that five days ago, ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE FOR ME. It was Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette Brokerage of 1995, all over again, me sitting at as long table, drilled and pumped, and things changed after that. They went as far as telling me they are worried for my safety, and also, Big Jess disappeared, and she seemed to be the catapult that put the entire Newtonian hell-day into motion, and this just kept spreading out each day, with more and more spurious bull crap. This is not telling everything, but some of this would never be believed, such as just how Big-Lisa came into came life, along with Christopher Bennett, and other key and pivotal darlings, from McGuire, Dawn, Levy, Callio, and on and on we could go until I puke up maggots and yellow hyperspace cupcakes. I am not able to tell details on this blog as to why she filed charges against Ann King, but my letter in Tuesday morning's mail to Ann, will state how Lisa and Dawn accused me of breaking up not one, but two marriages, both laughable, one being Chicky and Dawn, and the other needs not even be addressed, it is totally absurd, untrue, and not really public information from Beaver Trout Fisa Lane.

I have nothing to be ashamed of, as my sins and crimes are certainly no worse than the average person's here on this sin cursed diseased and totally twisted planet. The amount of persecution that Dawn and Lisa caused me for about a solid year, is unmeasurable, yet Lisa had her prosecutor brother file charges last week on Ann for harassment. Of course, this started directly after, and for no go good reason whatsoever, Earthly speaking, Ann had agreed to make a few calls and say a few things to other family members. Again, all of this is totally unbloggable.

Well PP, I told you a west state would win the World Series, and I told you that the Phillies would blow out. There simply just cannot be this level of persecution on me, and then have the Phillies not blow out. It is simple physics, bodies in motion and at rest, and all other silly meds TV promotion advertising, but you know advertising is a fascinating thing, right Donald Cialoni of 1980? I had totally forgotten about the pollution commercial that did not use my voice illegally, that is until the great reminder hit me.

As for Holy Spirit Lifeguard of Haddonwood, and my effortless pool emerging,on the day of the giant-fly attack, or one of them; it is time for me to tell a huge secret. Linda as many of you know, and not the lady down here who told me to join the parenting class as 'God had spoken to her'; called up and cutely said to me one day in 1978, “hi, is Misses Achilles there?” For those who do not know about the tendon in the ankle or the stories of the heel, let King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon reveal a huge secret now about feet as well as old and new shoes. I never lied about 'thinking forward' to myself in water or air, and then moving, I merely omitted that thinking this, triggers an unconscious movement that I will fully document on the U-Tube soon. My ankles can swing back and forth thousands of times faster than than they should be able to. You cannot see my feet at all, it is a total blur. I may show myself lift ing right off of my bed, but as Jenny Wash said to me years ago, what would it prove, other than I am truly am THAT-BOY who can FLY, Hollywood? Should I say Hellyweird and pretend it is 1986 again? I have a great deal of stuff to tell, but I know some huge deal has to be going on, I have never ever seen things like the past week now, YO folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye-Bye 4 now brown CAL-10.


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