Wednesday, October 5, 2011


WORLD LABS OF 2298 DATFILE: 100511.975


I know that nobody will believe a word that I say, and I must take the attitude that this is not my problem, even though it really most certainly of course is. Still, I know, and the All Mighty knows, that I speak the truth, and that all the wild claims made on these 6-7 years of blogs on the internet, are all the truth as best as I have been able to construct some broken pieces, and put lots of dots together on a gigantic cosmic jig saw puzzle, bought and paid for with my name on it, from the Santa of all Santa Claus's, leaving me with one hell of a mess, Stanley.

First of all, the incredible THANKS-2-GIVENS DEATH SIEGE, that all began so monstrously on the 17th or 18th day of last month, was no accident in time. NOTHING EVER JUST HAPPENS, not ever and not in the smallest way possible. Humans detest this because it wipes out the ego of humankind by lessening the otherwise more control that homosapiens supposedly have with a so-called 'free-will'. Much of the time, there is a cyclic repetition from an original free will, but on many occasions, the first time around that 7th dimensional reality was dreamed out and away from previous closed curved larger infinities, downward into this one; we thought that we had a free will, but we were under control. Sometime this control is simple and will not make me sound space cadetish when it is explained as follows. You wake up and do not want to go to work, you force yourself, it is the last thing that you want to do, you do it against your will as without it, bills do not get paid, and a long list of worse problems extend beyond this, so we do whast we MUST. We get to work and the boss tells us we have to do something we really hate doing and usually do not have to do, but it is do it or else, and right now, so move mother fucker and this is not a request. Well, we are not slaves as this practice is outlawed directly, yet a child can see it plainly. WALL STREET has indeed made SLAVES out of 95% of the American population, as they have totally sold our freedoms and our very lives, right down the stagnant murky fucking river. When major complexity is then tacked on to the otherwise mundane “day to day life struggles”of the MISTER MCBRAIR HADDONFIELD CLUB of 1969 and 1970, a brand new set of circumstances comes into play. Most peeps will agree with all my words up to this more complicated set of stuff that comes next, and I cannot worry about losing the attention or the agreement of blog viewers and criticizers, as truth must be spoken. Dave Roth may very well have been correct all along, through a magical back door, about playing around with hyperspace. It is costly, it is dangerous, and there really is a chance that Doctor Camping and his doomsday deal could be real, as the enemy has kept me too busy with hell and persecution in my life since middle late September, to tell the world that I believe wholeheartedly that an explosion has a chance to occur that would indeed be more than powerful enough to obliterate entirely, our solar system, in an instantaneous flash wink. I do not think this is the motive, but it is theoretically a possibility, and it is on this night that I truthfully have a message for a man with lots of pretty fake hair. I am sorry for making fun of your flying around over you Plaza roof, I am kind of whirling around myself right now, and we both know exactly what is happening. However, I do not think that you have any more control over some of this than I do, as billions of dollars is great for solving all possible financial situations, but it will not reverse the laws of physics, or stop doomsday's, or for that matter, undo the damage that all my tape recorders and my messing around, has in fact done. The clue that is larger than all of the distracted persecution tactics, and the act of the unspeakable deal itself as well, all combined; is the name of the test that the lab will be conducting later this week on my blood, Roseann Delaney; or one of three tests, as originally my Fort Pierce, Florida doctor wanted only two tests done, until I told him what a millionaire said to me about a month ago. I cannot blog anymore or horrible shit will happen all over the globe, it is that huge and that deadly fucking dangerous, and this I swear on my life under flag and nation, and my wonderful Goddess, the All Mighty SS Jehovah Krassle. Smart Guys replaced the powerful truths being cleverly told on cable television reruns recently, but still and all, let me tell you something lads and lassies. I said on a blog back early last summer time, that earlier versions of this All Mighty Sarah-Stacey might very well operate one way, and so might the plots on these covertly told Hollywood shows, but there is no limit to what this All mighty being can and will do, and if Doctor Harold Camping is correct, the power to pull it off is right in the mix, here in the continental united States, or at least has a 50/50 chance atomically. I do not know if the military responded in tandem today to the telephone call around one this afternoon or so, or if they are scared out of their wits about all of this, as they should be, but all things considered, I admit now, that for all the wrong reasons, David Roth was right when he did not want to play around with hyperspace, too bad I never wrote that song, only the Resorts International Magnetic song of 1983, somehow 1997 and Warren Grove, NJUSAESMWG, was destined to get lost in the mix. I am being vague and subtle with my words, watching each one carefully as though I was one of the rich and famous. This is too big a deal, and somebody out here knows it, to have me not be cautious as all get out with my vocabulary. May the gods pity me for what I have done since 1986 and 1997, still, what did I do in 1969 to deserve what led me to doing a lot of this? I have this come back as a fail safe, yet, do I? After-all folks, it really is like the proverbial doomsday prophets of all times. What glory humanly is in this, as there is no upside potential. Think about it. If you are wrong, you are jeered and laughed at as a fake. If you are right, no one is around to celebrate you. No upside at all, to quote another strange 'JULIA'. Wolf-Wolf-Wolf, or maybe 495-meow. Let me go ahead and 495, PAULA WOLF WESCOTT VENTURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of years back, there also was 2006, when a man made me another famous *****PROMISE*****. His name was Ed. He said one person would believe me and help me. Now I am left to wonder the biggest crap since any Shakespearean philosophical play writing. It is like 1981 all over again at Magnetic Resorts Hotel, am I right gorgeous meat packer from Boston? Like I told the parking attendant, I am going to a casino yes, but will not know if I won or lost, for a while after leaving Atlantic City. He looked at me with a strange smirk, I think there is a chance he was one of the Briggbase Cult, I have come to recognize that cute smirk on the face real well. Time is always a teacher.*** THIS BLOG NOW TERMINATES TRANSMISSION.

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