Thursday, November 6, 2008


“SHORT Blog 30, never a moment’s peace

Well, I tried 2 use my VERIZON telephone AGAIN, this is the 14th time they have killed it and messed with my CIVIL AND MY CIONSTITUTIONASL RIGHTS, AMEWREICABN CIVIL LIBERTIUES UNION OF NEW JERSEY AND FREDERAL, AND PRESIDENT EKLECT BARACH OBAMA, I SURE HOPE U WILL BELIEVE ION ME, I WOULD NOT EVER LIE 2U, AND congrats again 4 getting rid of these miserable Republicans. From things that I have studied and learned about U as well ass from many sources I cannot publicly reveal, on more than just this physical realm, U may indeed B the 1 person on Earth with the ability 2 relate 2 all of my woes and my story, all totally true and none of which is fiction in any way, regarding the Lambrigg Cultists, as well as the Millionth Council that normal worlders refer 2 as ELECTRONICS, and indeed R1 and the same thing like Kent & SUPE. UR most likely aware and have been made so by powerful interest groups on all bipartisan sides of political aisles, about me and my past, as wild and weird as it on its own merits claim 2B, unless the alternate view is held that I am an insane mad man. I have known many mentally challenged and ill persons, and none of them can speak totally clearly without dementia creeping in, and all sorts of recognizable DSM4 other symptoms of serious problems. I can hold down a 24 hour job and maintain my life with no help from anyone. I claim I am being messed with and U of all people and I WILL go here, may B the one that believes me and takes me seriously. If the OSS/CIA/NSA is put on me however, remember, they work not 4 America, sir, or U, they operate ass full fledged Briggbase Cultists from places that I know your beloved mother told U about as a youth, when she gave U your good Christian faith, as my mother also did 4 me as well. I have tried with the FEDS, FBI, prosecutors, they all laugh and the few that believe or get shown a major reality regarding my horrific plight, get indoctrinated forcefully into the system and become FORCED-2-JOIN-BRIGGS. There is no choice. Remember any of the articles in 1995 and 1996 about how ALIENS took over Washington and many of the HR and S up on CH? Well, it may sound far fetched, but so did all of modern technology, SIR, 1 and 2 and 3 hundred years ago, U know very well if any of us talked about dot com this and hyperlink that and jet air travel and on and on, we would have been burned as witches or spent our final days locked in wards or tower rooms. U must believe me, U just must, and hopefully U will. U know that I have a terrible evil family that perpetrated some evil on one of your brothers a long time ago in Long Island, I am no happier about any of this than anyone, in fact I wish my entire family would B burned in a fiery pit in HELL forever more. I have told the internet world how cousins fixed up their mom who was in her early seventies, with an 11 year old child, and U know about the C family atrocities, and this is terrible and 2 this very day should B punished criminally, I hate their miserable snooty guts, all of them. May they all rot in brimstone and sulpher fires forever more in Dogtown. Amazing, I have tried 2 spell the word that I guess 2B SULPHER and know it is incorrectly spelled as red lines R under it, but it will not show me the correct spelling no matter how I try and respell it as it sounds or any way at all, more electronic weirdness.

Also, Scylla is still mad and did not totally like last nights blog and was mad that I did not start it 2 hours earlier, and can CY after running back my TNT tapes, still, I do not care shat she says, she loves these wild and crazy games, and no matter what my beautiful; Jehovah ever does 2 me or 2 this world, I will always love her with every ounce of my total being, forever and forever-More/Mohr, and SHE knows it!!!!!!!!! Yes, grammar schools in the Harbor, relatives and relativity, and roses of the gardens and blogs began at libraries, and on and on that has now led into all of this wild ride through the endless powerful roller coasters of Hyperspaces’ Wall Streets, this is all real, and I attest 2 this here and now fully, absolutely, totally, wholly, and completely. All of this happened, the World Series both times Harry Kallis, inverted digits or sampled soundings, and so did all the other junk at RPL Sound Studio’s, and all 4 a reason directly pertaining 2 SCYLLA and her far out wild games with here great Astral Plane chum, GAINES. I hold no resentment against any of them, they R all doing what they feel they have 2 do 4 whatever the reason, and I likewise, must do the same. John Henningsen worked 4 Campbell’s Soup, and MC knows all about this, and so does her Astral Plane council of 1 million entities that R elected every 8 million years as we mortals would perceive this time quantity in one long extended physical world interaction. So yes Mr. Mathew Lasko, thank U4 getting born, and being all a huge part of lovely Queen Mariah’s mighty plans. U know SC and MC have the same unusual situation rereading offspring or the lack thereof. This is not going over my head like the “@-LATE” lyrics did on LOIOS FOCA, until lightning straightened me out on it real quick, but then that is Diana’s nature, 2B real quick about things.

Ugee-Googie Horawitz Landon Angel/Google Engines/King Soifer World Labs, etcetera, this is all part of the copyrighted intellectual prop0erty of 1 Mi8chael Wayne Mountainpen, and if someone does not like it, well, lump it Melvin Clarence Cleaver.


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