Saturday, November 22, 2008


Datfile: 112208.342.5555555555555555

Thanks Bob 4 allowing me 2 suffer through endless Brigger-cult sleaze disease, UR the dick in the mouth, not big Bruce!!!!!!!! I am almost as good as an age progression machine, I know it is U, buddy!!!!!!!!!!! How can U permit this? This gave these diseased pigs another major FULL EVIL EMPIRE on Friday, and gave me a freaking nasty super botbar, and Bruce is the DITM????????? Yes Gina I told U that parallel event is a reality every bit as powerful as UR physically. I would love 2CU and Amy-Lou go at it, I’d hate 2 have 2 put a big wager on it, she has got 2B totally steroidal. But UR a giant and she is not. Anyway, the odds that MiCkey-D from Fort Wayne or my Ex night lady giant-G R reading any of this R millions 2 one. Hope U still don’t have me on tape from 1972 talking about the Timeless Satellite calendars, freaking NASA would go nuts!!!!!!!! My mom had strange intuitive powers right up until she was forever wrecked the day after X-mas of the 97 year, and she always told me from meeting U just that one time, tall Bob, that U would go very far, I thought Mister Mackey from Haddonfield was right and that U would not grow up 4 a hundred years, U proved Dan and me wrong, but mom, crissake she he it right on the money. Thank 4 nuttin, BRO. I am writing to the BOARD OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SENDING MY PHOTOSTATS OF THE LETTER, CC 2 GOVERNOR CORZINE, STATE AND FEDERAL ARTTORNEY GENERALS, AND there is no sense is there 2 send one 2U. Everyone is in on the plot and it is not fair. I am F word messed with on my telephone with Verizon Wall Street, F word messes with, with my cable television, and F word messed with, with my electrical service, and all of these attacks and illegal utility assaults R legally reported, and officially date and time Google/Blogger stamped, with my blogs all on the website of This illegal TERRORISM is not an annoyance, IT IS A TRUCKING MAJOR CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION, IT TOTALLY STOPS AND PREVENTS ME FROM HAVING WHAT IS CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED ME UNDER THE UNITED FREAKING STATES CONSTITUTION, THE RIGHT TO {PURSUE} HAPPINESS, and there is no way anyone can do this when they R being trucking messed with all the time, no trucking way Josey slut.

Some day I WILL get this proven and get my legal vengeance on these diseased rotten dirt bag low life perpetrators. U will B sued, all of U for 100 billion United States dollars, and I will B the wealthiest man on this planet, and then I will use the money 2 help mankind, not like an arrogant greedy rotten Trumpite bastard would do or just about any of U Richie’s out there, B honest, UR lying 2 yourself, the damn hell with scum bag me!!!!!!! I am just throwing sound around, and I won’t waste my lips of cherry wine time. The only thing I ever ripped off, and at least it was an accident, not like U dirt hole Clay.

I could sit here and break your brains with exploratronic realities and how this awareness answers all of the Ufology mysteries and abduction as well as near death experience cases, but I won’t waste your time or mine right now. Last night, someone here at PKDH really owned on a human level by the infamous Judge Frank Raso, of Berryville, New Jersey, but moving on with pernt Archie, engaged me in conversation about God and ethereal matters, and it does not matter what I have experienced, they get VISITED by some Transdimensional entity/force, and suddenly they know all of the answers and want 2 force me 2 believe that they know truth, when they as well as none of any of U’all out there would know total truth if it came down and struck U on the head harder than a hydrogen bomb. Sure, I could have lifted off of the ground, there R even things in here I guess I could have spun around and placed a sign on the window saying, CRYSTAL LAKE DINER OF THE NINETIES, but Jennifer Washburn said it so perfectly 2 me a couple of years or so ago, “What would it prove”? Everyone says that if Jesus could not back up his teachings by shutting the Lawtrons down when he wanted 2, U would say PERFORMING MIRACLES, there would B no Christianity today. But that was then and this is now, and there really is a huge difference between these 2 time periods as far as the spirit of the times goes, it has reached a Star Trek Next Generation level where if this great god/man were 2 return, and this is all hooey, but if, they would officially reopen project bluebook and tell the world that the alien force is here and we were covering it up. This is Y the bastards have this planned this way, just in case the bible is true as far as mans present day misperceptions of its teachings, and I have explained all this B4 and need not reiterate on it right now. They have been flying around from airbase 2 airbase since the second world war ended, with aircrafts intentionally appearing not ours, and blinking lights and flying in weird ways and on and on, and the entire thing is a huge CIA/NSA plot just in case the Jesus Christ thing is real the way man thinks it is, not that it is not real, it is just that no one yet understands how SSJKK really meant 4 these powerful words 2B properly understood and literally descrambled. If indeed it happens, their plan is simple as a child playing around in a sandbox. They then admit 2 the so-called cover up, when all along it was them or us, and tasking this further, it is 2 further muttle and confuse humanity so as not 2 lose their control over the civilian population, and the major governments all in on this, and what I now tell, is on the point of death, if I was a government employee, I could B shot for trucking treason. I am not, and I’ll say what ever the hell I wanna say, screw all of U, U think what I know about all of reality and all of my secrets come even close 2 being fully told and revealed, if so, brother truckers, think again, re-think this one real long and hard baby-love!!!!!!!!!!! Next week I take my powerful story to 2 new websites, one will B on the UFO subject and one will B on the subject of NDE/OBE’s and OOB’s. It all is one and the same thing, all of everything as one big bunch of full kit, and all because mankind and his puny reception 2 the 6th dimension is unable now at present D-4 2 properly C non linear time, and C the entire spatial reality of the hypersphere we all have lived in forever, in one way or another, and it is not ever going anywhere, it never began and it can never end as there is no time, accept as we dream it so. This blockage of proper perception is holding back the entire civilization, anchoring and grounding us like a magnet with the power of Jupiter, right here into the stone and dark ages!!!!!!!! U all R the blind leading the blind, and the most advanced of all R blinder than the rest, U live in illusions and maya and live in agreement with them, I do not BRO, cause I know better, it really is just that Henningsen Chain and China simple, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am tired and whether someone wishes 2 show me the way 2 go home or just sing a harmony with me about it or not, I am going 2 bed, screw all my so called past friends, with friends like Y’ALL, I do not need enemies, and wow, maybe I don’t need them, but crissake I sure as piss weeds have them, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------- END:

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