Friday, November 14, 2008

throw-away people, and the escapees

“Throw-Away People, and the Escapees”
The Epitome of Harassment, Internet Version,
The Millionth council and Me, and all other subtitles:
Datfile: 111408.703----ye ole granny, I now start me T.

I will not B writing this blog in the conventional sense, my last few were all written from my totally conscious mind with no intervention from the deeper super conscious, and this is some news that must B told. Click away all U want 2 butt wipes, this will B told, bang all U want upstairs, make all the noise out on the street U want, I am telling things.

Repeatedly I’ve explained how and YI detest seeing the number one in a series such as 3 or 4 of them strung together. I will go out of my way 17 times back from Sunday evening 2 avoid seeing these 4 daily times on my digital clocks, or tape counters that read these digits, or even the clock time in an analogue display. I will take painstaking effort 2 block these things with all sorts of cardboard and masking tape things that I make up 4 usage, but always 2 no good and complete lack of fruition. Then there is my despise of noise and loud sounds. Never do I find places 2 work or live that R the quieter places, always the noisier ones, yet it appears 2 me that I go more than double-time out of my way 2 try and find the quieter. Yet I will visit someone else, and it is as quiet at their place many times as mausoleum on a deserted island. The list goes on, but the real story is with me and the feminine half of Earth’s population. All my life, whenever a girl flirts with me or tries 2 become interested in me seriously, I run away as fast as miss Zenkiss says I do. I never called her a liar, only a pervert, along with a good third of the student teacher college-aged girls that came 2 my school in Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG from 1970-1972. I will always remember Frank Janik saying 2 John Gilerlain, regarding me after witnessing how this beyond hot nineteen year old student teacher was eyeing me at sixteen, “He’s got it but he doesn’t know what 2 do with it”. Look at the dates here, it was long ago when I was thin and young, I was not always ugly and old and a fat slob as UC in my Blogger dot com photo from a couple of years ago. This is not however, my point. My point is that my unconscious mind wants evil and ugliness and misery and endless woes surrounding me all the time, and this is the mind that is in control, or as Goddess would say, “rules”. This is Y the new craze all over the world called THE SECRET or the NEW AGE LAW OF ATTRACTION APPLIED, is a total farce, and may I add without meaning offense 2 anyone, a very dangerous pile of information. I say this because it is indeed quite real and powerful, and WILL INDEED bring things that U want right 2 your door, but these will B things that your HIGHER and the REALER U want, the U that UR not consciously aware even exists, and this is your deeper layered submerged conscious mind. I touched on this B4 with Terry and Gabby from Egg Harbor, New Jersey, USAESMWG. These blogs R a while back when I was trying 2 learn more about the personal computer and not B a shellfish as Goddess calls me. I am unwilling right at this moment 2 explain this 2 anyone, but I visited the sixth dimension several nights ago and had a mind nuking experience, and from this, I now no longer refer 2 any power or deity by any other name or cute bunch of words or numbers or anything, merely, Goddess. Morianity-Foundation will not come 2 exist, as I have permanently made a personal choice 2 terminate this as my goal. The only way 2 get MY persecution stopped, is 2 recognize that no matter how outward appearances give off and produce powerful illusions and Copperfield hats 2 the contrary, that it is me and only me that is against me, and who is and was and will B unless I change it, that is my own worst enemy. This does not change my claims. McGuire still threatened Eddie and me in Atlantic City that day just over 2 years ago. The man from Kali-India terrorized my mom and me at the Turnersville Pathmark grocery store parking lot, and the list could read on like a reform school greedy group-letter 2 Saint Nick B-Ball.

The intention and purpose of this blog is not 2 get anyone’s pity, or make up a rue and boring endless list or real injustices that have been perpetrated against me for 50 years since the age of 4 years. I am exploring how the under layer parts of my awake mind have obviously placed me in this particular human-world interaction, and in an extremely negative one straight out of Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone. All my claims R as real as the mouse UR scrolling on 2 read this blog or the page that U just printed it off of. This is not what is new or in dispute. What is new in fact is not totally new and indeed has been discussed by me on many previous occasions. As 4 the Briggbase and the Lamist Cult of the Astral Plane, remember, that this, Ricktown Manor, Sahasra Dal Kanwal, Olympia, and all of it, R no more than interactions, totally void of tangible realities in space or ion time anywhere. The astral is made up of waves and particles in a strange interaction themselves, and they come together in a far more vivid and real way than anything in the waking world, but then vanish again as soon as interactiveness is shut off, let me give a quick example so I then can move on with this point, and things will not seem confusing 2 any of U as much. U go 2 a beach where 200 others R also gathered in an area in-between 2 lifeguard stand ion a hot summer day. If UR awake, your interaction consists of U and the beach and sky and ocean, and temperature, and all of this and all of the people there with U and on and on, as well as the space that is needed 2 contain this, and the time to permit varying changes 2 occur throughout this. If UR in dream body or asleep with body in a bed, or dead with body in a casket, U need only the idea-thoughts and then comes the hot summer day, 200 people with U on a beach, all of the things that R in this experience, as well as the apace itself as well as the time itself, that is produced by the idea-thought, so as 2 give birth 2 this interaction, that has no real time connection with any or all other interaction in your astral existence. This again, and in reiteration from numerous other prior blogs written by me, is Y these 2 planes, being the PHYSICSAL and SPIRITUAL, can never B merged, and Y the entire world and its systems of knowledge and wisdom, R inaccurate and incomplete, and no offense meant. I am merely trying 2 tell and educate a world that at least once long ago seemed 2 want 2 know what really is happening and who we all R, and what the entire situation of everything is all about. Only a visit, and memories of that visit upon returning, both 2 and of, the SIXTH DIMENSION; can allow U2 get a small handle on these truths. I am not truth, I am not Goddess, I am not even Brad from 1969, but I am, a MESSENGER!!!!!!!

In the middle 1980’s, I messed around with I-CHING, and got into some serious trouble. It is a fascinating and terrific system of divination and prophecy, and if UR not part of your own nightmare plot 2 wreck yourself, it is not quite as deadly as playing ?Russian Roulette, but in my case, this ancient Chinese wisdom of the 64 hexagrams, caused some severe problems 2 channel into my nightmare hell. I used it again 10 years later, first on the night or early morning of August 15th of 1986, and then again around just past midnight on the 7th of December in 1996, when I was out of my mind and totally beyond frantic in this diseased search 2 locate the mysterious teenaged girl in my life, Sarah Krassle. Remember loyal Morianity followers, I did not really want anything 2 do with this wild and strange teenager when I was her age back in the sixties, and knew this on an awake level as well, as then I was but a youth and closer 2 my beginning of the dream-down-path-directionality in this present life form of me (Mountainpen). Remember the 8 directions of the Astral Realm. They R: EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH, NEST, WOUST, DROT, and DRIN. Drot is DREAM OUT. Drin is DREAM IN. Drin is pronounced close 2 what is happening when the word prefix of CHIL is placed B4 it, as they come dreaming down from and off of the Astral Plane. Nest is above U at wherever your interaction is, and woust is below U. U can scan the world over, but no one really lives or speaks as though they really understand spatial reality as opposed 2 seeing things so humanly and linearly and U can look up any subject discussed by me in Morianity, and when I discuss it, it is with the full enlightenment of seeing these truths totally, but when others R giving their mortal versions, they all agree into a small and narrow channel of a lesser reality, and this includes the 8 directions, that even the bible refuses 2B candid about with humanity when discussing ‘heavenly’ things. I have been guilty of not letting go of a final falsehood, I 2 am very human, do not think 4 one New York minute that I do not realize this more than any of U out there. I keep insisting while back in body and interacting tangibly in this here and now smoke and mirror world of illusion made up of no more than tiny waves and particles, that Goddesses Diana and Sarah-Stacey, R the same realities here mortally as they truly and really R. They R as real as mortals make them and interact with them, and this is not understood by 99.999% of the highest high priestesses in the great Wicca. The magic in all of everything is 2 complex 4 dumb me 2 make real simple, but in my feeble efforts and attempts right now just ‘permit’ me 2 say this, UHG. No, I am not speaking caveman, just a little cousinly joke. Thought energy is almost pure, it is not like raw energy when we burn matter and turn it into ash and smoke, a very low form of conversion. Atomic squaring and rooting the constant op photon velocity will convert mass 2 energy and energy 2 mass, and we know that as we won the great war with Al’s help. But thought when totally void of any evil, is the purest energy possible, and no one can reach that state of purity, but if one was able 2, this would B part of a new and unknown triangle of pure-thought received and sent from dimensions 6 to 3 or 3 to 6, if U can grasp the doubling and halving of the great equation here, and the third part 2 the triangle is addition of tangibility or changing the triangular into pyramidical form and Carl Sagan, upping the dimension one time. Wiccans need 2 have deities as human worshippers of standard religion need 2 have the single non-plural-pagan deity system. The sixth dimension is a sending station, and all lower level mind is a receiving station. Somewhere in-between , 4 reasons way 2 complex 4 me 2 even attempt 2 enter right now, the gods and the deities R born. But as they R born above the 4th dimension, they really when seen from 3-D life, have no beginning and no ending, and this is all a small part of the closed curve interlocking loop and chain infinities theories or the WEIRD- THEORIES discussed around 1980, and then q1uickly were hush hushed by the Bluebook project of Milituforce, U can go and Google up the first 5 or 10 sites on subjects such as the KALPA or any deities, and whatever along these lines, and U will C that all of the world is stuck in 3 dimensions, and no one is able 2 break out while awake and C what I know. This is Y they all sound the same, and my words ring out differently, as I have seen and I know, and I am not being vein about this Carly. I all ready know that this is all about me, from here all the way 2 the Lakehouse, where Levy lives 2 doors down. Am I still calling U, MC? I will try not 2, after all, U said when I get home or remember, same diff, not 2, and I do not want 2B a shellfish now, do I Brown Eyed Girl? None of this is meant as a brag, believe me, if anything, it is a nightmare and a hell, and yes, it is a Brigg, but it is no way, meant 2 ever B a brag!!!!!!!!!! YAR maitee‘s Mel and Kip and Dad and Al, what a motley freaking crew!!!!!! Maybe THIS or THIS Celine is YI met the Queen of Blue, or do U plan on swiping this 2???????????

GOOGLE/YAHOO, AND SATELLITE WORLD INTERCONNECT SYSTEM, AND KING SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES, this is all truth and sworn future grand jury testimony If ever needed on some date in front of us in the STC. 2008, Copyright Michael Mountainpen/Mark Mohr, museums, rose gardens, libraries, eggs, and harbors not withstanding, but please Paula King, she is my daughter 2, and if U do not COME OUT soon, then I will, and the press’ll eat this up like OJS-ll X 10 to the power of 15!!!!!!!


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