Tuesday, February 17, 2009

please B right Harry, 27 months B4 my release

“Please B right Harry, 27 Months Until My Release”
Datfile: 021709.472----Beginning Transmission:

Let me start out by saying that if the evil empire does not score huge hyper time both today and this week, then they do have something 2 worry about, as the pressure they have brought against me now this year in oh-nine, literally is dwarfing every other fucking year. It is true despite how incredible it may seem 2 any of U, every year it is worse and worse, and yet I cannot fathom how things can get worse than absolute hell squared, yet now I know that they indeed can.

I told U about the way women R so evil ablaut the aggressive overprotection of their grandchildren, first I went 2 the doghouse and the woodshed with Jenny Plageman the proprietor of the Mullica township trailer park which was my former address, and HEAVEWN, next to my present (6-9 room medical place hell of 062108). U cannot even ask if someone is going 2B around or living with U, they sense it as hostile aggressive nasty behavior on my part every time, and then treat me like Adolf Hitler. I think I should have the mother fucking right NOT 2 LIKE 2B AROUND PERSONS UNDER 25-30. This should B an allowable and personal choice, if I was an ordinary citizen and had ordinary civil rights that all of U out there take 4 granted unless U have abused them by getting caught breaking laws and being in a prison, then that was your fault, tough love and beans on U, BRO!!!!!!!! I was sat down last night by the King women and insulted and made 2 feel like a piece of shit. My only hope since they want me 2 do this anyway, and it can then go ahead and blow up in their face and deservedly so, is 2 go 2 a shrink they want me 2C. Then I can tell this dude that I was used 2 living BY MYSELF, and cannot make this adjustment. I will tell every horrible thing about what I have endured here, even bringing a copy of a print out on every blog ever written by me since my move in date here at TAWFHOUSE. I will honestly say in truth that I think of suicide every minute of every day and plan 2 keep trying 2 die if I cannot B permitted 2 leave this horrific environment. They will either pout me away in a state psychiatric facility where I at least can escapee this evil THAT-FAMILY, or B permitted 2 go back and resume my life in some trailer park somewhere on my disability benefits, and B left the mother cock sucking hell alone. There is hardly ever a moments peace here, and my job sucks horrifically as well, so between the 2, it is only a matter of time B4I go totally nuts and lose it. If I go and shoot up a mall and then blow my head off, THEY WON. This is what they want me 2 do and I know this. On top of that, the upstairs people intentionally R leaking water down into my bedroom, right where my telephone jack is, and this is what keeps cutting off my telephone service ever since I moved here into HELL. No human or God has the power 2 tell Mountainpen 2 “GO 2 HELL”. This is because U cannot go 2 where U already R, BRO!!!!!! I am worked all the time, the reason I detested visiting my relatives on Long Island as a boy, was U were forced 2 do lots of work, around the house and then on his yacht, or ketch. I cannot ever escape it seems, being the eternal boy who has 2 do what everyone says, has no rights, gets screamed at and disrespected, is not allowed 2 have his own mind and own way of life and living style, is never given any normal adult respect, and then people wonder YI act immature, and always talk about things from so long ago. Well stop wondering, I was a boy a long time ago, and the power structures of this planet will not PERMIT me UNCLE Nebuchadnezzar 2 grow up into normal adult life and thus B able 1 in fact NORMALLY MOVE ON WITH LIFE. They killed me and re-killed me over and over, and I refuse 2 remain dead by the hands of this scum, so here I am frozen and eternally trapped in time, as a boy, FOREVER, with all of my nightmare memories 2 haunt me like a monstrous nightmare of cosmic proportions. If a dog is forced 2 live like a cat or a person is never permitted to grow up, U would B quite shocked at the results. Do not try telling this paranoia case that experiments like this do not go on by sick power structures in the cove agency systems of this wicked evil empire, doing things just like this, and I am the living proof, and so is Arthur Crane, of ANTINASS. This by the way is not the name of their organization, he will never tell me, and lets me just refer 2 them in this way. I am forced 2B around young people that I never enjoyed being around, forced 2 live the way everyone tells me I must, and U tell me this is not some violation of some law somewhere, what is wrong with this fucking Senate and House of Representatives. One thing is 4 sure, these blogs WILL B examined if and after I do go off the deep end one day and a huge event occurs., My attorneys will B instructed by me 2 use all of this 2 mitigate my responsibility and accountability 4 committing the crime, whatever that crime may B. Then there is my room. It is all my fault. The leak is the problem, not my wires that connect into computers and TV-CVR-DVD sets, and small listening amps. UI am the fire hazard, it is the mobile home all over again, They cause the original leak, and then give me the problem and the mother fucklng blame, as though I did any of this, I was just fine until I was fucked with, both here as well as over at slime ball Jenny’s. They complain if I do not have a perfectly neat and dusted room with everything looking totally immaculate, yet it is completely OK 3 me 2 live with no ceiling tile, and an ugly view of a million pipes that lead to the upstairs neighbors filthy stinky toilet. Tell me, what kind of great mood would any of U out there /B in if this perpetual hell existed around U 365 days a year for 23 years minimum, and no matter how hard U try, things only get worse, just tell me how upbeat and happy and glass half Twinbay full any of U would B?????????? UC most likely U refuse 2 even entertain that this hell is even my reality. Most of U feel I am making up a wild fantastic tale or I am just a sick nut case. This is Y also most likely none or few oif my Blogaud really takes seriously my claims of the BRIGGERS, and all of my human EW connections. It is not made up. Some stuff happens on the Astral Plane but examining that, such as being taken by MC 2 this very house 5 weeks or so B4I ever entered it in the real so called waking world, and she was telling me so much about her own life and feelings. Read the blog from 2008, dated June 21, first day of summer. I had bno Earthly way of pulling any of this off she came into my dreams, as she did at ten and also at 14 in her last incarnated energy redistribution. All these decades, I never understood and I blogged this over and over 2 the point most likely of annoyance, how in i969 I went 2 sleep at Dellway Apartments, and she came 2 me and took away the chain that BB John Henningsen had given 2 me.

I am unable 2 proceed any further, 1 much is happening now at this house of fucking horrors. Also chemtrailing is fucking totally vicious and off the scale. They know when I am down the most and this is how the military dirt bags HAVE BEEN TRAINED, get U down, and then DIRTY-FIGHT. Go 4 the kill after the subject is weakened. www.chembusters.com/ www.chemtrail-central.com/ R2 must C sites on the subject of Chemtrails, and then Google up this subject and click onto many more. Just wait 4 the huge coming Earthquakes, U will all b very sorry 4 the total ruination of my entire mother fucking life.

Last night, MC beat me up, and then after she forgave me 4 saying some not so great things and talking about escaping and running away which she hates, U know, the Jonah Shellfish Syndrome or JSS. However, after the necessary attitude adjustment that she refers 2 as chastisement, she more than made up 4 it in the Lakehouse, in a solarium with lovely tropical plants and small trees all around, with breezes blowing and her music playing through a lovely sound system, and the rest is all 21+ details not really anyone’s business. I must go, plumbers and hair cutters R here, electricians R coming, U have no clue what is going on but soon, things will turn upside down 4 somebody, and he may come 2 wish that he never made a special deal with Levy and his wife 2 do all of this 2 me last late summer, Oh by, karma indeed does come around 4 some, King verses King, but I have said way 2 much 4 now, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please B right Harold Camping, so that I can have total oblivion on either May 21st or October 21st of the eleven year, we both know UR not, but I am not what Twinbay calls me, I am really an eternal optimist a lot more than this weirdo ever gave me credit 4, BR.

G/S/W, this is all Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!


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