Monday, February 2, 2009


The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version
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When I was a boy, my freaking mother who was a born again Christian in this dream, whatever any of this REALLY is, told me that if U do a lot of nice deeds without ex0p-ecting any quid pro quo, or in simpler terms a scratching of your back 4 all the back itch relief’s U gave, eventually would pay off in some tangible way. The BIBLE even says this in the sowing and the reaping stories that exist all throughout its content. I never want anything back 4 what I do, but it scares me that I must warn the world that the entire bible is a flicking miserable lie, I cannot lie 2U, I won’t fucking liar 2U, I just won’t. All my life. All I ever do is good things and never even accept anything in return 4 it, yet I do something good, and immediately something bad returns 2 me, every single time.; There is never one single time that I do not take Ann 4 example 2 here doctor or 2 get some kin d of medical treatment, where WOMO enemies do not bombard and literally inundate my pathetic fucking ass with brutal and monstrously unconscionable aerial and sky assaults, nasty poisonous Chemtrails, planes, choppers, military shit, U fucklng name it BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time, not hit or miss, it is like the bible come 2 life in full power, only in total fucking REVERSE. Y, Y is this happening 2 me, can one son of a bitch out there explain it, if U can I will B your mother fucking slave 4 the rest of my miserable cock sucking life!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I am angry. All I do is spend every waking moment of my life serving others and doing everything 4 them and expecting nothing in return, and yet I do get something ion return, and the bible says it does not work this way, I get attacks, major hell, major shit, it goes totally against the entire teachings of this cult they now call CHRISTIANITY, and I do not know how exactly it all got started but I am living witness that it is all a bunch of fucking total bull shit. If anyone can show me where I am wrong, and prove me wrong, and show me what I am doing wrong, then by the flicking gods, I am sure listening, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I will not deny 4 a second that I am pissed off right now today and on a thermo-nuclear level with a quantitative parabolic curve of ever increasing anger energy. This just simply is making no sense. 54.2 years of this almost now, who is kidding who about all this biblical horse fucking poop, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I don’t ask a thing from a soul, but whoever is non stop fucking persecuting me every fucking miserable day of my nightmare endless existence, this just is not fair and not right, some bastards need 2B brought 2 cunt lapping justice here, BR!!!!!!!!!! I did not ask 4 that miserable experience called a cursed life. I came here innocently and never did one thing 2 anybody. Along comes my great uncle or whatever, and boom, Braintree, Massachusetts gets on the map forever, and my life as a young freaking toddler enters the magical stairs of SSJKK-PIMC. All my life I have watched people from my own family as well as anyone that is near 2 my life proximity, judge me harshly and make me always out 2B the bad guy. This is YI treasured the freaking friendship of a dude I met at a job site, David Roth He saw what was going down around me and tried 2 write letters 2 powerful people all over the globe 2 generate an interest, and 4 all of this, he got himself covertly murdered. This is the kind of deadly dangerous monsters that R involved in this eternal mother fucking nightmare of mine, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have injured and killed many good people close 2 me, and this will go on forever. They enjoy watching me suffer, and if the NSA is bigger and stronger and mightier and realer, than the promises made in the HOLY BIBLE SCRIPTURES, then this proves once and 4 all that man is GOD and that this spiritual shit is all a lot of total nonsense and junk just as the atheists have fucking made claim 2 all along, BRA!!!!!!!!! I said this B4 and it is not from me, the sidewalk science men all know the mighty secret, the shit that Einstein took with him 2 his freaking grave because he knew the terrible harm it would do 2 mankind and civilization on a global scale should his mighty equation ever B fully understood. I*t explains YI use the word all the tike instead of dream or waking or real-life, INTERACTION. It explains one true scripture perfectly out of this book of lies. “The kingdom of God is within U” So R your dreams, yet don’t they feel every bit as real as any waking life experience, when U get that doozie of a dream that U wake up and run 4 a light with???????????????????? Nothing is real or happening out beyond yourself, nothings, as space runs out, time brings it all right back, looping the hypersphere perfectly and endlessly, creating this physical Copperfield Vegas act illusion.

Since DISEASE SWALLOWING WOMOTAWF wants to hammer me and crucify me and nail me and screw me and pummel me and bury me even though they know I will just keep rising out of the illusion and wake up all over again, I’ve done it a hundred times bow and it is getting quite boring, baby love, but here is what I will say right now just to freaking piss off this slime sucking illness virus times ten to the power of seventy nine. There is a way 2 beat gambling and casino games, 4 the downtrodden folks like me, down and out on their luck and many of U most likely have been pre-fixed 2B this way, it is no more your fault than all this shit is my fault, don’t U freaking believe the lies that successful Earthers tell U4 one single stinking obnoxious millisecond, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! U need have a partner that is not under your bad circumstances, and then the 2 of U can team up and play opposite. U make minimum bets, and he or she makes a large one on the opposite thing U bet on. This has been discussed over and over again on my if my blogging texts, BR!!!!!! Casino games, commodities, stocks, all of life, can B cheated back into your favor by using this tool and technique. I screwed up on a prior blog talking about having an opposite commodities player, and said U would buy the same amount of contracts on November wheat as your partner would short, I meant that U would go short or long a few contracts, and then your opposite partner would go opposite only with 50 or so contracts. Natch it would B self defeating if U both went opposite with the same monetary value, B it at a roulette table, in the markets, or with anything. The only way 4 me 2 defeat them is 2 find such a partner. Potentially Ed Himacane would have been but as always, there were 2 many things that attached negatively that would have made none of the hassle worth its while. But then, YR none of U out there that know all about this shocked, BRA!!!!!!???????

1 thing is 4 sure, the Dow Jones is obviously shooting up 2 the stars in their favor, and with this endless sky siege, it has nowhere 2 fucking go but up and up and away with all of the beautiful freaking balloons of the world, while my life goes down 2 the world of the BRIGGER Subterraneans of Halides and HELL, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!! FLYERS WILL WIN AND WIN AND WIN AND WIN FOREVER AND EVER ENDLESSLY AS LONG AS THIS ETAWFAMILY WOMO DISEASE HASD ME 2 ENDLESSLY PICK ON AND HARASS AND FREAKING PERSECUTE. ALSO THE DOW JONES HAS ONE DIRECTION 2 MOVE SO LONG AS THIS PARALLEL EVENT PERSISTS, AND THAT IS UP AND UP AND UP, GINA ARMBREAKER.


SUMMER, TRUMP, SNYDER, SCHAU, MCGUIRE, CALLIO, MARTINO, KING, MOST TAWFAMILY BRANCHES, NATIOINAL SECURITY AGENCY AND THE UNITED STATES MILITARY TOP BRASS ALL CONSPIRED TOGETHER IN THIS SICK AND INHUMAN PLOT 2 WIPE OUT THIS INNOCENT VICTIM AND CITIZEN, namely me or Michael Mountainpen, a psudenum 4 me, and I need not give my name again. The magic is not in anything other than the awareness that IWC is the all of the equation, Interaction-With-Cosmos, humans tend 2 use the word LUCK, and most do not fully understand what this almost supernatural force really is and what it is all about. I will tell U that the invaders from Subterrania, can also grow up through the ground. Some we learn 2 interact with in good ways, other things such as a banquet of poison oak oatmeal can B quite fatal. All the little do-dads inside of the casings that make all of our electronic things work as they do, come from Subterrania, and they grow, not exactly as we C them in their breadboard alignments, but the stuff they R basically made of, grows up from down below. People R nothing more than the reflectional reality of these things. These things do not create electronics, the electronics is the effect that these things will cause if put together in the way they want us 2 put them together. If I told U that U perceive major shit all in reverse, U would laugh at me, go ahead. It is all of U that R choosing 2 remain in blond total darkens 2 a nightmare beyond anything DREAMWORKS could ever come up with, on their own anyway. Let us not get going on phase 4 on this blog, my next ones will B hammering on this point however, since I am getting so hammered and reamed. But time isa not permitting me 2 blog today the way I want, I have rulers and great QUEENS all over me from Manhattan all the way 2 across from Babylon, KING Nebuchadnezzar and cannot really say what I want, it is run around day all day 4 me and on my worst sky siege day in a decade. May the fucking gods of hell enjoy my pain, I plan 2 wipe out this planet very soon with a huge disaster on a mega biblical scale, then U all will B sorry, as U watch yourselves perishing.

End Transmission, but I’ll B back Richie Ryan, and not 4 your party either, keep your rotten party. Now it is different, I typed in that I will destroy all life on Earth, and Dawn suddenly says, NEVER MIND, no need 2 go out on errand number 497,634.4968576 today. Well let me post this and later, I will B back Arnie, and terminate U this time, along with a lot of the WOMO MASON EW, get off my back Trump or I will personally CU regret it, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very soon, the freaking pussy command is gonna strike huge, and I plan 2 take full advantage of it, so U want war with me OT^AMM scum sleaze disease, just let me the fuck know U toilet water drinking snake cum eaters. Any one of U out there would B every bit as angry as I am if U had 2 go through 20-40 years of the hell these sick twisted filth have put me through all I ask is don’t judge me, either help me or ignore me, but U cannot know my hell or my pain and it is not in my head nor is it imagined David Smith of 1970. Just as Smith and Marola the year B4 all thought they had gods mighty answers 2 creation, well in ol’ Smithy’s case, he was right and blackboards don’t lie, do they Albert Einstein?????? CU around, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2298, Blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!! Copyright 2009 MWM, END TRANSMISSION:

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