Saturday, February 28, 2009


DATE AND TIME FILE: 022809.329
Beginning of this Transmission:

16 is the most powerful number in this entire multiplexed atomic song that we all think that we R existing in while supposedly awake and conscious. I told my blogaud quite a lot about Gawky Gaukauk the powerful Astral Plane giant black magical cat that in slang, some of us refer 2 as the LOTTERY CAT. I mention also in many 2008 blogs about using his own version of what mortals refer 2 as numerology, and I call it the Gawnum 4 a short abbreviation. It has been discussed and is not the top of today’s blog, the number 16 however, is. 16 is a number that runs all of the present day global inhabitants unless they R practically head hunting cannibals on a practically uncharted island which in these days, speaking of, GOOGLE, there R no more uncharted places. Don’t get me Eckert July twelfth going on the wild crap U can do with delay fields and Google maps mixed and married together, let us stay on pernt 4 right now Archie, and the number sixteen. So first we establish the total true fact that this world of now is run by computation machines, and these run on a binary hexadecimal system, and this is totally based on the number 16. Most of us R totally hooked up 2 my wonderful family branch and their all mighty banks, and this as well as all of Wall Street, yes and Main Street, and all of the Avenues in-between, and the ruler of this empire is number sixteen. Now let me bring up my poor murdered friend Dave Roth who was killed by the Masons and Jonathan Schau in 2002 in early March, 7 years ago. 16 freaking years B4 he was murdered, it was the year of 1986. He was born on May the 5th and this date is digitally 0505, but I have seen it also on paper as 5.5. Multiply 5.5 and 16, and wo, U get 86, when my life was totally eighty sixed in when else but nineteen-eighty-six. 16 years B4 this year, I was staying at the now Ventnor Water Company, all a part of the ACMUA, where Sarah either was employed or still is, I cannot verify my facts and when I cannot, I admit it. Yes 1986 minus 16 is indeed 1970. This is when THAT FAMILY contacted me in my sleep and identified themselves 2 me at Cornwall Avenue as “THAT-FAMILY”. Then there was “Magnesonic, my super machine, that had the world like a kids toy with my broom set 2 clean, up from the hard road with the top out of sight, and the dawning of new times were lost in the night”, Copyrighted in 1983, by me, UNCLES ON BENDED KNEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go ahead and fuck with me RIHC and all others, and keep rolling in the aisles in 13 land. If I can bring a laugh 2 someone, maybe that is Y poor Richard has come back 2 y’alls. M Magnesonic was used 2 empower Sarah Krassle in 1986 on the transpower block, and then the image object was smashed in the basement of Richard Karpf’s home at 1931 Marlton Pike in Cherry Hell, New Jersey, USAESMWG, a place where my mother and I were renting from this miserable prick Donald Trump wanna-B. How anyone can look into that miserable rotten face and want 2B him is beyond my staggered mind. His face is actually a nice face, I am talking about that monstrous evil expression that he loves 2 wear on it, it makes me 4 one want 2 walk up and just blow him away. He is not worth going 2 jail 4, no one is, and no thing is, and that is YI will never fucking go 2 fucking jail. If any of U out there, in my enemies collection reading this right now think UR worth that in my mind, keep thinking, and let dust pile up on your bullet proof vests, none of U cock sucking son of a bitches R worth me doing one day in prison, NONE!!!!!!!! FUCK-U!!!!!!!!!!! My pernt however was that RK was both my evil landlord of which that dorky Christmas movie was made about by the BRIGGERS, and also he was a DTWB. Let us not lose sight of Archie’s pernt, and go on with 16. My life as I knew it ended when I took that busted soda bottle inside a piece of paper with a face drawn onto it, and Dave was with me, and we went down 2 Long Beach Island, and buried it 20 inches under the sand near where the water was, and suddenly out of nowhere, a gust of wind blew up along with huge swelling surf, literally forcing David Roth and myself off of the beach. The story was told on an epitome of harassment cassette tape, or sort of one, in 1996, and I was not permitted 2 copyright it 4 some reason that was given 2 me, but I knew the reason, and unlike my noisy car, and the Plotsaluck board, and the 2 nuts in the American Honda Guardhouse, that was back B4 in the ‘88 year, so that was permitted, bent knee uncle, camera and all, 2 get a copyright. I have instinctively used the copyright office all of my life and they R aware of it and have been since I admitted this 2 an examiner in 13-land back in 1996, as a way 4 me 2 lay down what I label as HISTORY-MARKERS. Many persons have been wondering if that particular video got past me, nothing gets past me BRO!!!!!!! I told U, it is hyperspace shit, I am not doing anything, and neither is anyone else, it is being done with a far advanced exploring group of (dream travelers), if I can borrow a term that ECKANKAR claims 2 own, and I have seen it in a thousand books, but they claim 2 own it so I give them that recognition, and they can fight it out with those that disagree, I have no quarrel with them. Some things, SSJKK remembers better than I do, and some things, I remember better than she does, natch, I am speaking about the physical plane and us awake here on it. Now in 1986, I had very hostile feelings about her and how she stole my motorcycle chain,. And was furious and frightened of her powers. Anyone that could give U dreams and then make them come true HAS 2B GOD/ESS, SAR/AH translated from the ancient tongue of the Aramaic old Hebrew. If U think that any of this is made up, or that I am seeking anything except justice 4 a nightmare hell that has been perpetrated on me since 1957 or so when HH ended my chances forever 4 me having any kind of a normal life in this world, by his committing that unspeakable Daniel Collins atrocious act up in Braintree, UR all dead ass wrong BR!!!!!!!! All I am seeking is truth and justice, forget Superman and forget the American way, as truth and justice went south of the American way about the time that prayer and bible reading was removed from the schools, mainly due 2 one person, and her name was not Delilah, god those 14 bell cymbals R deafening, BRA!!!!!!!!! The strange attitudes and feelings that I had throughout my life about SSJKK, ranged from love 2 hate and back and forth many times over and over again, but whose fault was that? All I wanted was 2 know the truth, and 2 know what she wanted of me ever since 1966 on Tennessee Avenue, BR!!!!!!!!! GAMES, GAMES, GAMES, talk about distance Delay Squire Garth Trilane Kirk. It will not take me 900 years 2 figure it all out, but please, how can U not expect me 2 use those perfect lines on my journal tape after screaming out the word BOTBAR so loud I was hoarse 4 days and days, and the examiners in 13-land can hear it on the tape when I sing DANCIN’ IN THE OCEAN back early in nineteen-eighty-eight, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Christ, my singing sucks at full voice, but get me hoarse, and wo, it gets freaking ear punishing. How can Sarah Krassle have not expected me 2 use Magnesonic that fateful night ion middle August of nineteen-eighty-six????????? U can bet your last toilet tissue after major diarrhea and 12 sheets only, that if I had known then that she was ALL MIGHTY GODDESS, I would never had dared make an image object and =smashed it and taken it down 2 the mother trucking seashore, on the last night of my life in any real world.

Well, the chemtrails R horrific again this moUrning and the ride home from my monstrous shitty sob was total freaking ass HELL, BR!!!!!!!!!!! Please get your cell phones if U live in the Berryville vicinity of the Hitler State, and snap some pix and send them off 2 the 3 Philly TV stations, numbers 3, 6, and 10, THAN Y’ALLS!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay, do it 4 me, shit, screw me, do it 4U and your damn kids, B4 it really is 2 late very soon. My enemies R talked about quite a lot on these sites, go and enjoy, the world is at your fingertips Fred Rip-off Windstein!!!!!!!!!! HAVE FUN LADS AND LABS AND LASSIES!!!!!!!!!

Yeah I may B just a dog, but what would U do without me throughout this long eternity, SSJKK (SCYLLA LOIS FOCA)????????????????? My sun, my moon, my midnight, my noon, it has been played around the world, and still is going out and around the hypersphere. Y the light drops off in the red-shift, geniuses is because it’s a freaking hypersphere, wake up Einstein!!!!!!!!!! Make me disappear, MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, JUST TRY, I DARE U, U cannot kill me, screw U. I cannot remained, and I fear no one, the hell with all of U!!!!!!!!!!!! Wolf, Wolf, Wolf, and yes I can speak and even have finally learned how 2 blog and operate a PC, even though what I say ain’t always 2PC!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!!

The All Mighty Sarah-Stacey Krassle told me something major about Y Rog gave me that dumb roulette system, and then she gave me a really cool system. Diana then came 2 me and told me never 2 reveal a note that I was planning on printing word 4 word on my blog, that Rog gave me shortly after we met at the tobacco store. I never told U who I ran into at the I-Ching place nearby a while back, I thought it was, but golly gash darn gee willaggers, when all hell broke loose with Ann afterwards, that was all the catholic confirmation I needed 2 receive, BR!!!!!!!! Those library shaking wings with many chariots, wow, does shit get revealed when U have eyes 2C and ears 2 hear, right Uncle J? So, where does it go from here, and Y the hexnumer, as I used this term long ago on some prior blog? First, U can always keep your calendar and use it 28 years later, such as 1980 and 2008, it was more than the inverse year that brought your kid 2 my high school and stole my Wildwood Press shoebox. He was so damn determined, him and his buddy, 2 get it. Well, maybe they can use it now, go cheat, and buy the Powerball. I never wanted what is not mine rightfully. Never. I never said I am not greedy, I am much greedier than Donald Trump in his wildest imagination. I want everything, I want SSJKK, and I want 2 get off of this mortal realm. He would C that as insanity, bless U my brother, less competition 4 me. Still, she reminds me all the time on the astral realm that everyone everywhere is just that other part of me that is not me directly, and hence, I have nothing 2 compete over in the first place. No ordinary mind can grasp these simple truths and concepts, U must realize that I have spoken 2 people who have flat-lined and been so-called dead 4 a number of minutes, and they do not have a clue, so obviously it is how much SHE ALLOWS U2 remember while awake and back here, that is still the key, and I remember that 16 holds the key, not Tony Orlando and his stupid yellow ass ribbon, BR!!!!!!!!! Yes SHE told me a powerful thing 2 try with the game of Roulette, not that I really give a shit anymore about that stupid ass game. All I really desire is NIRVANA, total extinction, the total end of existence forever freaking more I have just totally fucking had it, BRO!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND WORLD LABS, THIS IS ALL Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!


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