DATE AND TIME FILE: 043009.455
This is not going 2B a long drawn out blog. I am just here saying, TOLD U GINA, TOLD U ALL OTHERS, FULL EVIL EMPIRE, MAJOR big ultra hyper freaking time, BRO!!!! When I get 2 months as bad as the last 2, and 4 months as bad as the first third of this twisted diseased rotten year, I am not a bit shocked that the DOW JONES Stock Market has now averaged just under a whopping mother fucking 50 POINT PER SESSION GAIN, now going on into the middle of an EIGHTH STRAIGHT WEEK, or about 38 trading days, taking its low point of from about 6560 up to nearly 8230, which is a near term all time high 4 a long time, and it has but one way 2 go and I have BEEN TOTALLY CALLING THIS TOTALLY RIGHT AND CORRECT, ALL ALONG, UP AND UP AND UP, and my PHILLIES will go on 2 LOSE AND LOSE AND LOSE, AND BECOME DEAD LAST IN THEIR FREAKING ASS DIVISION, JUST FUCKING WAIT AND C, I HAVE PREDICTED IT BASED ON MY 23 YEARS OF SUB-EXISTING IN THIS PARALLEL EVENT FUCKING NIGHTMARE THAT I’VE BEEN FORCED 2 SUFFER THROUGH AND I THINK BY NOW I REALLY SHOULD HAVE MORE THAN A SMALL CLUE ABOUT WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, COME ON MAN, DON’T U??????!!!!!!!!
Wanna know the real amazing shit, lads and lassies, and let us not forget Labbers that go from pups to full sized dogs after 4 summers? On this monstrously wicked day of putrid freaking unfathomable hell and cursed magnetics or (interaction with cosmos), I made (19 fucking units) on roger’s roulette, as I will call it from now on and further abbreviate it 2 RCRS, it is beyond a great system, and I will b using it at the real casino shortly. Let us c if they have the mother fucking balls 2 fuck with me as much as they did back in 1986 when I applied parallel event 2 the game and made a consistent income that totaled $9,200.00 over an 8 month stint over and above all losses. Finally this mighty and marvelous and super hazardous TF-70 has done something 4 me. Maybe now, I will put the integ system together, if U want me 2 brown eyes. U will need 2 pull strings at some hospital that will allow me 2 hook it into an MRI tunnel and we would need a few lab technicians. I would love 2 have the last laugh on the BRIGGERS and their evil BRIPER. U know I will do this if U ever want me 2, just get with Rog or any other cuz, they know where 2 find me. The only thing I want from U is let me talk 2 PK with U there, I do not want 2B alone with her, I am scared 2 death of her, also the other thing Ik want is 4U2 do that special tune, u know the one. Then we can call it even. I will B happy just living at the casino and kicking ass with RCRS. I will B there living like a, well U know!!! In any event, yesterday, we all learned that there is a mysterious thing going on. Someone is draining our electricity at this haunted house, meters R running way 2 fast, and no one is using any unusual power consuming devices. Walter Kelly the maintenance man tried 2 say it was my stereo doing it, only it is not even plugged in, and just sits here real pretty collecting dust. I would never truest the electrical systems in this century plus old house with my high powered and quite elaborate system. Whatever is causing this, Dawn had made up her mind one way or another 2 get out of here come June, so don’t call my room, or slap me 2 hard Jaylo.
As 4 other things all summed up, I am here 2 tell any interested party, that not anyone yet living on Earth, has come close 2 really figuring out who we all R and Y this all is happening. When I get the Morianity-Foundation going and a much better website back up, the world will either come 2 accept truths that will drastically alter the sociological order based on the new truths finally revealed and understood, or else as a collective, the entire thing will dreamshift over into a totally new world where by their frame of reference, they will have been living all along. Things cannot B explained 2 the 4th grade by an advance college professor, it will not work. I will just say that there was and is and well always B a reason 4 all of this, even right down 2 the Huntington Curse, after all without it Abbey Carmichael I would have a lot less 2 work with as far as saying, look at this coincidence for Sarah coming back 2 me. Whatever is really going on, soon I will get into some more stuff just as far out as the Gawnum and the Fascitar, and the interactions I had in 1960 and 1980, and others, with the All mighty Scylla Goddess, or SSJKK, or Jehovah as most know this All Powerful Being by. I still am and always was and will B, her THAT-BOY from the TRINIDAD. In the island that this motel is named after, it would B pronounced TRINITY. The TRINITRAIL also has one thing I never mentioned 2 anyone. Ever time that any of U ever C on a TV set, a show with a view of the direct sun shinning, have U noticed that the diffractive light is always broken in the arc or the circle in exact 60 degree points? This is what a trinitrail also is doing, the 3 intersecting lines that perfectly criss cross at 120 degree angles through the center point, mean that there R six 60-degree lines. Some few occult experts believe and have made it known 2 me that this is representing an I-Ching circle. Instead of 6 sticks or wands thrown onto a table and then lined up, these 6 lines go around in a circle. They also have a light side and a dark side. The way a dissipating chemtrail goes away with enough time, U would observe each part and the ones that vanish completely R dark and the others remaining R light. I was told that a hidden secret is known 23 only a few secret Lambrigg Cultists dreaming down here aware and awake and lucid in their dream here as I am, about how U would actually get a reading on this. They do not share this info and guard it with their life. The only thing guarded with more vigor sand more force, backed up on pain of death itself, is their small devices hardwired into all of their non stationary vehicles, B them cars, trucks, boats, airplanes, or what have U. What many cannot rally get a handle on is that these devices connect 2 things, the reality projection and the 6th dimensional receiver, or easier said, the seemingly real waking world and all that is in it, with the mind of the user. With an All-Knower, U can indeed effect this waking world reality, made up of no more than weaves and particles, but this in deeper and further exploration can definitely B saved 4 a better time, I need a few hours of sleep now, so BYE-BYE BEG and others, 990-990-990!!!!!!
Most of U know and few will admit 2 perhaps anyone not very close in your family or close circle of trusted friends, that some things have indeed happened in your lives that no rationality is there 2 properly explain it all away, hard as U may attempt 2 do so, BR!!!!!!!!! My simple point is, yes, by all means, go on playing it cool or society indeed will ignore and ostracize U. But no, UR not imagining that much ore is happening in this world than eating, drinking, working, playing, paying bills, and having sex. There is another side 2 reality, and as the old show puts it, yes, a dark side. Dark because it is part of the truth that really there is nothing, and that all there is, can never b more than out interaction in total void. All else is a created and elaborate dream-out.
My blogs have truly told U the evils of my banker family, how wicked they truly R and that they will not stop until they enslave all of us, they wish 2 rule the empire and put Scylla out of business, good luck, she is the All Mighty GODDESS. I made no bones 4 years just how evil this all is, and will go telling U these truths, until they murder me, or5 I stop them and get them all put behind bars and forced 2 pay me a major restitution 4 wrecking my entire mother fucking life, BRA!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWL-2299, THIS IS ALL blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Copyrighted 2009- Michael mountainpen and the blogs of Mountainpen. I end this tranny old granny, Yar and timbers that shiver me ol’ buccaneers, if I do not hear U, they R under me bucking hat, Captain Black Mack. I got 2 stare at the clock now at 555, ha-ha, 55555555555555555555.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
title on doc
“This Evil Empire Is Committing First Degree Murder On Me”
Datfile: 042909.775---Beginning Transmission:
My entire life since the middle of this evil fucking first decade in this new century swung around, is ONE HUGE BOTBAR. This stands 4 Bottom Of The Barrel, All-ready Rated. The word was invented by me late in 1986, when Jane the super one’s witch-bitch, turned my life from relatively normal numbers in ratable days from 1 through 5, on a life chart measuring system that I had invented and began in July of 1982, into nothing but an endless stack of vertical lines on papers, never ending ones. B4I go on, I messed up a part of the prior written blog, and it was meant 2 read (THAT FAMILY of 1970), and not some other crap like @(^(, that came out. Speaking of hacks and attacks and Lattisaw Jacks, my computer was messed with again, FBI, and I had 2 restart it, again, and I am not doing one thing that could B causing this problem and violation of my civil rights and liberties 2 freedom of unrestricted speech as long as it does not incite or invite ant illegal activity, and nothing in any of my Morianity, does this, FBI, and U know it. I would not fucking last 1 hour in jail, so Y the truck would I do anything 2 fucking get myself put there, duhh????!!!!!!!!!! The real beginning of my hellfire’s began in stage one in the sixties, stage 2 in the eighties, stage 3 in the nineties, and the final fourth stage around the time that Levy became the Mayor of Atlantic City at mid decade. There r things that I really want 2 tell U all so bad right now today, Y the gone-missing thing is the way it is, and many far out thongs that could get me shipped off 2 either Guantanamo Bay or Siberia or the moon or a Nevada Desert’s unmarked grave with Danny Ocean and his pals that don‘t remember their own names anymore here in America, somewhere off of the intersection of CD Road-mode and Ventura Highway. This is all one huge fucking twisted diseased mess, and I do not know if I can B as subtle as they want me 2B on another blog, my most PP. Try not 2 burn the lab down, remember I live there, or will B4 all that long. I will tell the world right now that I would give up my own self and sacrifice it 100% 4 all of U filthy dirty sinners, if it would help, it won’t, I am not without sin myself as my 61st grand father’s uncle Jesus was, we just carry the family curse down through the generations.
I knew that 8 straight weeks and more, this ever charging forward illegal DOW JONES would just keep going and going and going like a n out of fucking control coppertop battery, taking me with it into a large vat of its own battery acid. TOLD U GINA BLOGAUD, THE DOW WILL KEEP GOING UP AND UP AND UP, AND THE PHILLIES WILL KEEP ON LOSING AND LOSING AND LOSING, just as long as these pricks have poor old Mountainpen 2 endlessly pick on and persecute. This has been going on since August fucking the 15th of 1986, and sure as black bloody shit is not about 2 stop any time real soon, BR!!!!!!!!!!! They got almost 200 points today and 4 the week more than 120 points UP ON AN 8TH STRAIGHT CONSECUTIVE WEEK NOW, the Dow has not had 8 straight rock and roll beat up weeks in fucking years if my memory is serving me even close 2 half correctly, BRA!!!!!!!!! I have not had a March and an April this bad in any other year in my nearly 54 and a half years on this Earth as mountainpen. This is worse than 1995, when the Dow rose straight up like some evil jet chemtrail straight up into the skies, and my life was off the scale fucking putrid with constant bombardment of Otammic attack and never ending day and night vitriolic pummeling of persecutions from the NBSA and their BRIGGER operatives down here in this sick twisted and sin cursed dream-world that U all r so totally convinced is the real and waking side of reality. How I will always remember driving from Highview in Williamstown, giant cops and all, over 2 congressman Andrew office and telling Phil Patru and his other muscle boy assistant that only one thing remains uninvestigated that perhaps could B playing some part in all of this, and I was making reference 2 my Atlantic City boyhood days on Tennessee Avenue at Sarah’s shop and the whole diseased fucking ball of Lester Upline wax, all 27 feet of it. I told Gina, I told this Blogging-Audience, I told these 2 assistant’s 2 Congressman RA, my last possible idea 4Y things so wild R going down all around me, and even my days with him B4 he was a congressman, did not count 4 a smelly bloody shirt. Wow is that some real loyalty, BRO!!!!!!! Dave used 2 say 2 me over and over again, when enemies R in your own camp, UR done B4U ever get started. Forget a base hit, when they have U all chained up and buried inside the dug out. And I was looking 4 a freaking homer, what an asshole I was, and still am, and will admit it. In my desperation 2 end this fucking nightmare curse, or the HUNTINGTON FAMILY CURSE, I am looking 4 reasons 2 believe that one fucking bastard somewhere will someday try and help me get out of this totally undeserved total nightassmare.
Turning the conversation back around to TF-70 or (THAT-FAMILY-1970) and just in case I was just 2 subtle for some readers 2 catch some things in the prior blog, the public has been blamed 4 many things that this wild family does 2 each other. This goes on 2 this day only since no branch outside of maybe the Levy’s through his wife, has any name recognition, it is not ever known about. 4 every blog reader that I have, people like Britney and Paris have 50K. Still, I am not saying things never happened, and 4 all of U that ever lived or still do, in rough neighborhoods in inner cities or the gods only know where, U know that stuff, bad ass stuff does happen, that racial hatred is real, and I do not deny that 4 a second. But here we R in the example with Dawn telling me that she absolutely knew that it was her mom that smashed the glass outside picnic table, it wasn’t some Latin American berry picker that wants us whites ouddahere, Harry!!!!!!!!!!! I lived 4 nearly a year with terrible feelings of guilt just 4 being a blood relative of one of the 5 children of unk H and Aunt R. The kids of their kids or the grandchildren of Snootyboats and wife, Ann told her daughter Dawn that a powerful gust of wind knocked the heavy umbrella down onto this table and smashed it, and that she did not. Well who can ever know my Morians? Sibling rivalry is an intense and unfathomable thing 2 watch in all the branches of this family. I think the Levy clan is the only part of it that has not been so plagued, It is really horrifying 2 observe it, and the things I hear Dawn and Ann say when they fight would shock a fully commissioned Naval Officer 2 literally fall off of a ship right into the seas. I have had 2 sit with my ears ringing and aching while they shout things 2 each other so horrific and horrendous and monstrous, that it is not bloggable. Do not envy this wild special family, I wouldn’t B one of them if Gates himself told me he was my long lost uncle Billie and was willing me the keys 2 the kingdom, FUCK U, baby love. Money does not rule me, it is not my god. Sure, we all hope 2B basically comfortable and as worry free as possible from being thrown out into a cold hard street, but making this material world or anything in it, or anyone, is idolatry, and I can CY this is such a terrifying sin. Now use your toilet facilities, as here it comes.
I traveled in hyperspace last night and had a wild-ass experience, lads and lassies, and yes, LINY Labbers and all others, totally wild and bizarre. I suddenly was outside on numerous errands and things seemed much as they R right now and right here, until I realized, yo player, what is my song, “That’s The Way It Goes” doing playing on the radio? Some really fantastic young male vocalist had done a real total killer kick-ass job on it, between the slightly new arrangement and the other slight variations, but it was still my song from 1969. Everywhere I went, it was playing on some radio, even in some passing automobile ?I could hear it blaring out. I came home and Dawn was not here, only Ann. She knew no one named Dawn, and her only kids were both in New York City, where one is here in this reality, Elaina, somewhere in the east side. She learned a terrible part of the family secrets and disowned the entire bunch, this is the only story I have been told, and thi9s is here, not is my experience last night. A very long story now made short, the fact was still that I had known Ann only never through Ed Himacane, and there was no Blogging, in fact, internet had never been discovered or created in this parallel universe. I lived 4 years in this house here, with Ann, and was her boarder, she was my landlady only, and all was quiet and great here, no wild problems. I went out 2 get the mail and she asked me if that attorney who is suing me wrote again, and I was shocked and started sifting through the mail and sure enough, a Landow and Kraston, Attorneys at Law from Newark., New Jersey had sent me a letter and I pried it open, with Ann King standing there almost smiling at me yet in a sad sort of a way. It seemed that someone had claimed that they had written this song in 1969, and I had stolen it. It wasn’t until the end of this wild nightmare that I came 2 realize that my name was Michael Ross and the person claiming 2 have written this was Michal Mountainpen, actually my other name that I try not 2 use 2 often. I knew after a weird day, and a weird night, there was no way the Dow Jones would not fly, and here is what it will do now, Up 500 tomorrow, another 700 Friday, and another 2000 points every week until it closes at 50,000 points in a couple of mother trucking years. When I go through hell like this non stop, and even pussy command is not there, it only gets weirder and weirder and worser and wirtzer, Ron the mighty Prosecutor of 1989, kind sir, smiley faces and all, BRO!!!!!!!
G/S/KSWL-2299, blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmm.
Datfile: 042909.775---Beginning Transmission:
My entire life since the middle of this evil fucking first decade in this new century swung around, is ONE HUGE BOTBAR. This stands 4 Bottom Of The Barrel, All-ready Rated. The word was invented by me late in 1986, when Jane the super one’s witch-bitch, turned my life from relatively normal numbers in ratable days from 1 through 5, on a life chart measuring system that I had invented and began in July of 1982, into nothing but an endless stack of vertical lines on papers, never ending ones. B4I go on, I messed up a part of the prior written blog, and it was meant 2 read (THAT FAMILY of 1970), and not some other crap like @(^(, that came out. Speaking of hacks and attacks and Lattisaw Jacks, my computer was messed with again, FBI, and I had 2 restart it, again, and I am not doing one thing that could B causing this problem and violation of my civil rights and liberties 2 freedom of unrestricted speech as long as it does not incite or invite ant illegal activity, and nothing in any of my Morianity, does this, FBI, and U know it. I would not fucking last 1 hour in jail, so Y the truck would I do anything 2 fucking get myself put there, duhh????!!!!!!!!!! The real beginning of my hellfire’s began in stage one in the sixties, stage 2 in the eighties, stage 3 in the nineties, and the final fourth stage around the time that Levy became the Mayor of Atlantic City at mid decade. There r things that I really want 2 tell U all so bad right now today, Y the gone-missing thing is the way it is, and many far out thongs that could get me shipped off 2 either Guantanamo Bay or Siberia or the moon or a Nevada Desert’s unmarked grave with Danny Ocean and his pals that don‘t remember their own names anymore here in America, somewhere off of the intersection of CD Road-mode and Ventura Highway. This is all one huge fucking twisted diseased mess, and I do not know if I can B as subtle as they want me 2B on another blog, my most PP. Try not 2 burn the lab down, remember I live there, or will B4 all that long. I will tell the world right now that I would give up my own self and sacrifice it 100% 4 all of U filthy dirty sinners, if it would help, it won’t, I am not without sin myself as my 61st grand father’s uncle Jesus was, we just carry the family curse down through the generations.
I knew that 8 straight weeks and more, this ever charging forward illegal DOW JONES would just keep going and going and going like a n out of fucking control coppertop battery, taking me with it into a large vat of its own battery acid. TOLD U GINA BLOGAUD, THE DOW WILL KEEP GOING UP AND UP AND UP, AND THE PHILLIES WILL KEEP ON LOSING AND LOSING AND LOSING, just as long as these pricks have poor old Mountainpen 2 endlessly pick on and persecute. This has been going on since August fucking the 15th of 1986, and sure as black bloody shit is not about 2 stop any time real soon, BR!!!!!!!!!!! They got almost 200 points today and 4 the week more than 120 points UP ON AN 8TH STRAIGHT CONSECUTIVE WEEK NOW, the Dow has not had 8 straight rock and roll beat up weeks in fucking years if my memory is serving me even close 2 half correctly, BRA!!!!!!!!! I have not had a March and an April this bad in any other year in my nearly 54 and a half years on this Earth as mountainpen. This is worse than 1995, when the Dow rose straight up like some evil jet chemtrail straight up into the skies, and my life was off the scale fucking putrid with constant bombardment of Otammic attack and never ending day and night vitriolic pummeling of persecutions from the NBSA and their BRIGGER operatives down here in this sick twisted and sin cursed dream-world that U all r so totally convinced is the real and waking side of reality. How I will always remember driving from Highview in Williamstown, giant cops and all, over 2 congressman Andrew office and telling Phil Patru and his other muscle boy assistant that only one thing remains uninvestigated that perhaps could B playing some part in all of this, and I was making reference 2 my Atlantic City boyhood days on Tennessee Avenue at Sarah’s shop and the whole diseased fucking ball of Lester Upline wax, all 27 feet of it. I told Gina, I told this Blogging-Audience, I told these 2 assistant’s 2 Congressman RA, my last possible idea 4Y things so wild R going down all around me, and even my days with him B4 he was a congressman, did not count 4 a smelly bloody shirt. Wow is that some real loyalty, BRO!!!!!!! Dave used 2 say 2 me over and over again, when enemies R in your own camp, UR done B4U ever get started. Forget a base hit, when they have U all chained up and buried inside the dug out. And I was looking 4 a freaking homer, what an asshole I was, and still am, and will admit it. In my desperation 2 end this fucking nightmare curse, or the HUNTINGTON FAMILY CURSE, I am looking 4 reasons 2 believe that one fucking bastard somewhere will someday try and help me get out of this totally undeserved total nightassmare.
Turning the conversation back around to TF-70 or (THAT-FAMILY-1970) and just in case I was just 2 subtle for some readers 2 catch some things in the prior blog, the public has been blamed 4 many things that this wild family does 2 each other. This goes on 2 this day only since no branch outside of maybe the Levy’s through his wife, has any name recognition, it is not ever known about. 4 every blog reader that I have, people like Britney and Paris have 50K. Still, I am not saying things never happened, and 4 all of U that ever lived or still do, in rough neighborhoods in inner cities or the gods only know where, U know that stuff, bad ass stuff does happen, that racial hatred is real, and I do not deny that 4 a second. But here we R in the example with Dawn telling me that she absolutely knew that it was her mom that smashed the glass outside picnic table, it wasn’t some Latin American berry picker that wants us whites ouddahere, Harry!!!!!!!!!!! I lived 4 nearly a year with terrible feelings of guilt just 4 being a blood relative of one of the 5 children of unk H and Aunt R. The kids of their kids or the grandchildren of Snootyboats and wife, Ann told her daughter Dawn that a powerful gust of wind knocked the heavy umbrella down onto this table and smashed it, and that she did not. Well who can ever know my Morians? Sibling rivalry is an intense and unfathomable thing 2 watch in all the branches of this family. I think the Levy clan is the only part of it that has not been so plagued, It is really horrifying 2 observe it, and the things I hear Dawn and Ann say when they fight would shock a fully commissioned Naval Officer 2 literally fall off of a ship right into the seas. I have had 2 sit with my ears ringing and aching while they shout things 2 each other so horrific and horrendous and monstrous, that it is not bloggable. Do not envy this wild special family, I wouldn’t B one of them if Gates himself told me he was my long lost uncle Billie and was willing me the keys 2 the kingdom, FUCK U, baby love. Money does not rule me, it is not my god. Sure, we all hope 2B basically comfortable and as worry free as possible from being thrown out into a cold hard street, but making this material world or anything in it, or anyone, is idolatry, and I can CY this is such a terrifying sin. Now use your toilet facilities, as here it comes.
I traveled in hyperspace last night and had a wild-ass experience, lads and lassies, and yes, LINY Labbers and all others, totally wild and bizarre. I suddenly was outside on numerous errands and things seemed much as they R right now and right here, until I realized, yo player, what is my song, “That’s The Way It Goes” doing playing on the radio? Some really fantastic young male vocalist had done a real total killer kick-ass job on it, between the slightly new arrangement and the other slight variations, but it was still my song from 1969. Everywhere I went, it was playing on some radio, even in some passing automobile ?I could hear it blaring out. I came home and Dawn was not here, only Ann. She knew no one named Dawn, and her only kids were both in New York City, where one is here in this reality, Elaina, somewhere in the east side. She learned a terrible part of the family secrets and disowned the entire bunch, this is the only story I have been told, and thi9s is here, not is my experience last night. A very long story now made short, the fact was still that I had known Ann only never through Ed Himacane, and there was no Blogging, in fact, internet had never been discovered or created in this parallel universe. I lived 4 years in this house here, with Ann, and was her boarder, she was my landlady only, and all was quiet and great here, no wild problems. I went out 2 get the mail and she asked me if that attorney who is suing me wrote again, and I was shocked and started sifting through the mail and sure enough, a Landow and Kraston, Attorneys at Law from Newark., New Jersey had sent me a letter and I pried it open, with Ann King standing there almost smiling at me yet in a sad sort of a way. It seemed that someone had claimed that they had written this song in 1969, and I had stolen it. It wasn’t until the end of this wild nightmare that I came 2 realize that my name was Michael Ross and the person claiming 2 have written this was Michal Mountainpen, actually my other name that I try not 2 use 2 often. I knew after a weird day, and a weird night, there was no way the Dow Jones would not fly, and here is what it will do now, Up 500 tomorrow, another 700 Friday, and another 2000 points every week until it closes at 50,000 points in a couple of mother trucking years. When I go through hell like this non stop, and even pussy command is not there, it only gets weirder and weirder and worser and wirtzer, Ron the mighty Prosecutor of 1989, kind sir, smiley faces and all, BRO!!!!!!!
G/S/KSWL-2299, blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmm.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
what is a 404 not found error, FBI
I am not able to post onto WWW.unexplained-mysteries.com/ website. It keeps popping up as the error above. I am no computer whiz, but is this part of that April fool hack whack Lattisaw attack, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION AND OTHER FEDERAL AUTHORITIES????????
“Sorry 4 My Lacking Social Skills On This Must Tell Story”
DATFILE: 042809.526.5555555555555555555555555
Part 2 of the above title is now included, and this document after a brief editing, has been made as one and the same. If therefore U do not wish 2 reread the old and short first blog, skip 2 where the first end transmission is stated. Tank U Lester, and Gina Blogaud!!!!!!!!!
I got your message Briggbase, sorry, I can not always B as non-blunt as U would have me B, and yes I do break all of the Mary MC GREGOR RULES. I do not feel like a fool lost in the year of 1977, but I am under heavy siege. Nasty bikers R loudly riding day and night up and down my street, all throughout last night’s Phillies game, I would have called the fucking police if I was living alone, and cannot believe that there is no limit on permitted noise, there R some noise abatement laws on the books and cops just R2 busy 2 want 2 ever B bothered enforcing them. That Son, is total reality, with or without Jimmie Boatkisser Dean and family. A nasty chopper zenithed over my house at past one this moUrning, planes have been constant, it started Sunday and has just been major bad now day after day. Sooner or later major pussy command will kick in and they’ll B very fucking sorry when one day I decide 2 take advantage of it, as when this strange magical event happens, I mysteriously turn into some type of a legend rock star, or so U would think, and can have literally almost any woman or girl I want. It is totally a supernatural event, just as my inability 2 remain in the grave is as well, and obviously it is part of this family and its strange astral world connections. A child can C all this from reading my blogs. No one would make up a story like this, it would B beyond pointless and ridiculous 2 make this up and blog it out 2 the world, BRO!!!!!! Chemtrails have been nasty since Sunday, they R all over the Atlantic County, New Jersey skies, USAESMWG, please get your pods or cells or whatever U new age tekkies use, and snap some pix and upload them 2 the media, B4 we all get very ill and die as a human race, there is no more excuse 4 this than there was 4 yesterday, huh Bloomy???????????? That was really reprehensible, but don’t blame our top dog, he is a real cool dude. It was other JO that kept the lid on it over at Briscoe and the gang’s houses.
I tried going into a light trance earlier after the chopper attack and a major thing happened while I was tranced out, I was abducted by a powerful evil BRIGGER and taken into an interrogation room on the base. They think I forgot, I played along, they always tell me 2 count backwards from 20 and when I never reach zero, I wake up and do not remember the experience, but Gawky Gaukauk taught me a powerful secret. When abducted, and told after an interrogation 2 count backward, silently say the number 2 myself plus 5, so I say 20 aloud and then silently say 25, 2 myself, and so forth. This disrupts their psycho-suggestion inter-trance control over my regaining access and memory 2 the event. It sure enough came back after I was showering this morning, boom, I dropped a bar of soap onto the shower floor and as I bent down 2 pick it up, pow, it all came back 2 me. A weird BRIGGER entity wanted 2 know lots of things about my days that began in the very early nineteen eighties and then he started 2 ask me about 1968 and YI am blocking a trip I took 2 Long Island, 2 my cuzes place at 175 Peninsula Drive over in Babylon. I had been, this is gospel truth, all throughout my adult life, I had been suppressing a huge reality in 1968 that time right now will not PERMIT me uncle Nebuchadnezzar 2 get more specific about, but later on in another blog, set ready 2 go 2 the toilet without reaching one, BRO when I tell U a horrific true story, it is so horrible that I began 2 cry in the shower as the memories poured back in. U missed me Jane Smellbuckets Notfondau!!!!!!!!!
Now 4 the really other big story on Mountainpen News. After Joe King found the strange device that was signaling some controlling interruption between my ignition and my car radio system in my vehicle, and removed it, suddenly his fiancé want ballistic over some inconsequential thing and gave him an ultimatum. He was told by her that he needed 2 choose either her or the family, and that he was no longer 2 come around the Hammonton Berryville branch, and this is not and I’ll admit 2 this, the first time that this wild girl has started family feuds with other New Jersey branches of Scylla’s extended and major dysfunctional family. Still, the coincidence that this all occurred right directly after he discovered the planted strange device by the National Briggbase Security Agency, is way 2 much 2 expect either Abbey Carmichael, or me, 2 accept. We just do not buy into things like strange coincidences being indeed just purely random happenstance events, sahwee Chawee. Still even bigger is the fact that Lester from the upline world is very pissed off that I have come 2 remember that he was the driver in that 06/21/08 interaction, but these R the chances that people and entities take when they play with persons that have strange psychic abilities. I hate the word psychic, or powers, I would rather say sensitive, tuned in, aware, enlightened, and containing abilities, this is more the wordage that I prefer, still U get the point, subtle or blunt. This part of your wife’s extended wild family plans 2 leave this medical building in early June, this is all anyone needs 2 know right now. Huge things R happening and I will keep U all informed as we go but 4 now, I must go. BYE-BYE.
End Transmission: Or on the original document, it was bye-bye and end of tranny ye sweet miserable ugly granny, YAR, now we move on with this second blogging text of the day at just past four this disasternoon.
Yes I did get your message yesterday Lambrigg cultists, and Lester was not missed off as U can C from my edit and rewrite, but always as usual, pweeeeeze notice the fascinating way the hacking works 2 always B smart-ass cute in the word alterations, as in THE MISTS R HERE, in the song I wrote and copyrighted back in late 1996 or the start of 1997, called, “Don’t Hide, U can’t Hide. Yes jerk offs, I know all about U, Y the great Dark Shadows got cancelled in 1971, and much more, BRO!!!!!!!
First things first, since none of U can relate 2 existence in dreamshift where nothing is really in any sequential order. Dawn was off the scale difficult starting this afternoon, after we left a house that we R attempting 2 rent, just on the opposite side of town, that is cheaper and much nicer than this one, but Y shouldn’t it b when it is really a symbolical medical office, huh MC? Aniwho, back on ABP, Bloomy and other blogauders, Dawn popped some weird-pills or something, and got really nasty and twisted. She is a diagnosed bipolar, but let me tell U the real facts behind all; these enicks and itises and mental or said perhaps more appropriately, psychological dysfunctions, etcetera, BR!!!!!!!! This entire thing is a Serena Law And Order Death Penalty Cop Out, or in my now abbreviated word, SLAODPCO, it is all one big, and 2 pronounce this a bit better, slay-od-paco. It is one big fucking cop out. OK, U may B thinking 2 yourself, this asshole is not a medical doctor, a licensed and qualified psychiatrist, or what have U, and hear he is a like a total ass jag off spouting off authoritatively about subjects where he lacks any official expertise. No, UR totally on the freaking $$$ BRO, but here is what I will retort right back at any of chall’s as there always is 2 sides 2 a story, and this has yet 2B ever, a disproved statement, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been thrown around nut cases all of my life, and I have done my own very extensive clinical and personal research on the subject, and just because this global society has geared and set up a system where in order 2 legally B qualified and able 2 actually practice such trades without licenses, this entire thing just proves a totally fixed world. In a real open free society, all that is out the window. If the 5 percent of contractors, lawyers, doctors, stone masons, bartenders, ship builders, or bakers and on and on, R indeed the best, and the 30 percent at the bottom R totally no good, a free open society would quickly get the word out and around, and they would B forced 2 wear other hats real quickly, while those top fivers would B working at top hospitals and law firms, U would B rewarded as U produce, not because daddy was fucking able 2 get U into fucking Yale or Harvard, as well as pay the money 2 cheat your way into a diploma, this entire world is totally fucking fake and phony, and it impresses me like 60 fucking megatons of total stinky dog shit, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us take the art of sound engineering 2 make a quick point. I worked as a tape duplicator at a sound recording studio from 29 July in 1979, until the 11th night in March of 1981. I watched a lot of good and bad engineers apply their trade and do their thing. Those that were the cream rose 2 the top, and those that were not so great were out the door and shown the gates out beyond that, 2 quote Eddie Farrell, the production manager of RPL, back in late 1980. I hold no certificate, and was a tape duplicator, but on all my off or in-between times during runs when tapes were automatically mass duplicating, I was studying, watching, learning, and growing, little Sprout!!!!!!!!!!! I know a little more about sound engineering than many engineers, BRA. I purchased some out stock junk from the plant at 5 cents on the $ and played with it at home from the moment I would get up and until it was time 2 shave and shower and go off 2 the recording studio. In no time at all, word spread, and my coworkers were asking me 2 duplicate tapes of their music, at my home, I never charged, I found it pleasurable. This was 3 decades ago, now if I have 2 look at any BRIGGER ,equipment of any kind, I am taken back and instantly repulsed. I now know ten thousand times what I knew back then, and none of U will worm it all out of me, not now, not freaking ever, BR!!!!!!! These coworkers did not pay the engineers, and u might say, yeah, because U offered the service free, but I was told that I could name my price 4 the way I would give them back cassette copies that sounded better than the originals. A dude from radio shack thought his function button had broken when I brought in a tape 2 test a cassette player that I needed as a spare, in the days shortly after I had written my song, SARAH. He kept swearing as no one else was in the store, as my song was playing. I asked him what is wrong, and he finally said and I quote, “I can’t seem 2 get this fucking busted amplifier off the CD mode”. I told him it is not on the CD mode, it is my song, SARAH playing on the cassette recorder, and as I speak, a right side death angel is hitting me at seconds shy of 4:44, doing me a favor, HA-HA-HA!!! Now let me take a quick stare break, not step, and look at the nice large red fours on my LED clock, BRO!!!!!!!!! OK, it is now precisely quarter until 5. How I love 2 stare at the 444 and the 555, after so much vicious nailing by Jane Dirtball and her ones. My point B4 Morty Death-Angel Mortino struck, is that this guy from Tandy Shack could not believe a cassette tape could B made that incredible. He said 2 me and I quote him, “this is total CD quality”. That is Y he was convinced at first that his amp was busted, he could not believe he had properly tuned the amp on the tape mode and not on the CD mode, because of the tape that was playing. I was a duplicator yes, but not a paid soundman at RPL Studios, and I am here 2 tell U that this is not an isolated incident. This world is literally filled and inundated 2 the brim with unrecognized talents in many fields, and in some cases the reverse applies where extremely mediocre talents become hot, B that in the law, in medicine, in music or theatre, or even the local town baker. The entire point or ABP 2 all of this is simply that I am neither a sound engineer nor am I any kind of a doctor or psychiatrist. Funny though, I can put together frequency generators, electrical inverters, and other highly unusual electronic circuitry in league with an every day Magnetic Resonance Imaging tunnel or MRI, found in every hospital in the country I believe, and turn any person alive, 40, 60, 80, years old, or whatever, right back 2 the prime of their cellular life, by a reprogramming of the DNA double helix strands, or 18-22 years of age, in most cases. No one ever needs 2 get old or die, in fact the old can B reversed 2 young again, and I have admitted 2 all of this on several prior blogging texts, that I indeed have 5 separate pieces of this circuitry in well crated up metal boxes wrapped in protected materials, and buried 4 feet deep in various spots in the New Jersey pine forest, all within 30 miles of my home town of Berryville-Hammonton. If anything should happen 2 me or I disappear, the federal authorities and the WORLD COURT AT THE HAGUE need 2 visit www/blogger/com/ and use the hyperlink DRUNKENHIVE or MOUNTAINPEN, and get the deserved justice 4 my cold blooded murder. Murderers can never B murdered, not by any authority or power structure that is legally accepted by the world. They can only B executed. The bible says that a man that takes the life of another, his life should also B forfeited. There is no excuses such as the poor dude was suffering some attack and was a bipolar case. He had serious ADD or ADHD and paranoid delusions and was a skitsofrenik paranoid this or that, hay I am diagnosed with all of these fancy ass conditions, but I never hurt a soul. I may talk a big tune or a big game when U mother fuckers out there piss me off enough, but we all R permitted inadequate and inappropriate fantasies, it is the acting on these desires that is against the laws of God and man, BRO!!!!!!! When I tell U that I know the real truth behind persons like Dawn the King and others like her, all though no one on Planet earth is like her, no jail bird, no banana case, no drugged out rock star, nobody, is like Dawn the King, U should try and believe me or at least listen 2 me with sufficient open minded ness so as 2 not dismiss what I say unless U can fact check me twice on Sunday and prove that I am indeed wrong in making this or that false claim, BR!!!!!!!!!!! Now just how much of my blogging audience (BLOGAUD) remembers and knows about the day that I had, late last spring somewhere B4 year release of Dawn from the Rehab Clinic in Secaucus, New Jersey, that I called WEIRD DAY, when I was with her mom, Ann King Silva, (AKS) and we had this extremely WEIRD ASS DAY??????? Well this was another super WEIRD day, and unlike a more normal person as with the case of Ann King Silva, Dawn who is literally the (Queen and King) of twisted-minded-ness, did not take it at all well, and blamed me 4 all sorts of things that I had absolutely nothing 2 do with, no way of preventing, and was in no way in the wrong or in any manner intentionally attempting 2 sabotage or hurt her in any possible way. Earlier today, I said that I had 2 sign off the blog, and we went back out, so that I could take her down 2 Atlantic City 4 a sike appointment. The first time out was just 2 go across town and look at the house that I mentioned. Dawn was practically demanding that I stop paying my bills so she can move in there. Her mother at least came 2 my rescue. She doers not care at all what happens 2 me, it is always all about fucking her and the rest of any one B fucking dammed into hot hellfire. Say what U want MC about it laying within us, but your cuz Annie was my hero today, and saved me from a real disaster. She told Dawn that I could B sued and end up in prison, she knows nothing about how credit cards and debtors despicability works, nor if it is not on her, could she give one rats fucking fart, BRO!!!! Her mom said when she was in the sike place on “Frank Callio, I hope U drive the wrong way down this street” Boulevard, and few know the little dig here, Callio branch of TF-’70 does, believe that one, BR!!!!!!!! Anipoop, she said while we were alone in the vehicle, “that she could not believe that her monstrous and evil daughter was capable of being so cruel, and that if I had it 2 do all over again, I would never have let U move in with us” Well, I know that, but this super dysfunctional TAWF or THAT FAMILY FROM!(&(, goes back trillions of eons B4 1970, so don’t even Eckert Pharmacy July the 12th get me going on this one today, my brother!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me now speaking of these older times, take us back into early August of 1968, if memory is serving, I know it was the summer time and I was out of school, and mom and I had our 2nd vacation 2 the TRINIDAD MOTEL coming up soon which we always took in the middle of August, the early twenty days. I was sent by myself, and in these days B4 pervs were on every street corner, U could pretty much send your trust worthy children visiting ion their own, don’t take my word 4 it, remember the train trip that Beaver and Wally Cleaver took 2 their Aunt Martha’s, and this was a top viewed late fifties television show, “Leave It 2 Beaver”, us old fucking farts remember these better days, don’t we BRA!!!!!!!!!!!! I was never in Long Island by myself at any time in my entire Mountainpen life except 4 these 3 or 4 summer days in 1968, but I have been blocking and suppressing this memory, and 4 huge gargantuan ass reasons. This interrogator in last night’s trance was drilling me about this trip, and brought all this fucking bull shit flooding back into my waking mind, this was no as U would call it, DREAM, by your mortally accepted standards, this all HAPPENED right here in the WAKING WORLD. Right as I am starting 2 tell this, a super loud biker went by, and also a strange thing occurred on the computer, fortunately I was able 2 “X” it off the system and get back onto my blogging document. It seems that I met the same people on the same block that I would go onto meet 4 years later in late July of 1972, the final time that I ever was on LINY. The closest I have been 2 it since was last autumn when I took Chicky’s brothers over 2 JFK Airport in Queens, New York, so they could return 2 Guatemala. The next day, the Atlantic City Beach Patrol put me through total hell, go 2 www.acbp.com/ and read more about my lovely friends that assaulted me in 1975 and did a lot more as well, on Paula King’s and Robert McGuire’s direct orders, BR!!!!!!!!! Cycle shit is getting g louder and worse, they doi not want me 2 tell this one baby love. They were off the scale bad on the trip down with Ann and Dawn, and the chemfuckingtrailing is off the charts and dials and scales and meters as well baby love. Learn more about this diseased evil and wicked chemtrailing, do not listen 2 me, do not take my fucklng word for used toilet paper in your mouth, GOOGLE UP the horrendous topic, CHEMTRAILS/CONTRAILS and visit 2 sites that I list now and many more R there as well, www.chembusters.com/ and www.chemtrail-central.com/. So the same Roadtrip up 2 the north side of Long Island in the future from this reference frame, or in 1972, also in the summer, from the southern end of West Suffolk County on the southern side near the famous Fire Island, at 175 Peninsula Drive in Babylon, and is YI kiddingly call my Uncle Heinz Gottwald, King Nebuchadnezzar, occurred originally 4 years B4 the oine that I had remembered and retained in my conscious mind. 4 reasons not yet known, I was blocked and my memories of beiong with my Aunt Ruth only, and not with cousins Scottie and Christopher, these were Christine’s kids, Jimmie Dean, the kids of the foxy lady that grabbed U and kissed U on Heinz’s yacht ketch and I still have the photo that someone snapped and my mom’s cuz Ruth sent a copy 2 her. This trip I was with only Aunt Ruth, again she was my cuz, not my aunt, but Heinz insisted I refer to them as unk and aunt. He was as old school as a hickory stick in the hands of a slate writing child hater, masquerading as an educator, that old sound engineering thing comes round robin again, does it snot???????????? That whittle nasty pun, I did, not the Briggers disease. So Auntie R and I went on this trip, and unlike the one 4 summers later, did not first drive across county lines into Christine’s Massapeekqua Park house, and I am getting a fucking nasty April Fool attack hack Stacey Lattisaw, the spell checker will not provide me as it normally does with the correct spelling of these wild Indian named towns on this wild island. I know that the word typed in B4 PARK above, is incorrectly spelled. So moving on and not allowing Lester Upline and his BRIGGER further distractions 2 confuse or confound or stop my true tale of woe, we drove up into the area where Samuel Huntington’s descendants had settled in the colonial days when New York had just become a recognized state. The same evil blond girl with a small Labrador Retriever puppy dog was out walking it on a leash. This girl was wi9th a dark haired lady that saw me and then quickly walked back into her house almost in a direct attempt 2 avoid me seeing her. I can only tell U backward a recent story that happened right here at the house I am renting from Judge Raso, it all fits, but it is as subtle as I can make this. I am doing my best. This is a very extremely dysfunctional clan, it pains me terribly because of my indirect involvement being related 2 those residents in this neighboring house of Jimmie Boatkisser’s fun trip around the sound lip locked with Christine. About 3 weeks ago or so, I took Dawn over 2C her probation officer, John Judy, at the Atlantic County Justice Complex, in Mays Landing, New Jersey. She had bought from the Wal-Mart the day B4, an outside table and chair set, and had set it up in the yard. The table was expensive and elegant in appearance, and made of real thick beautiful glass. Now as all of U know, this exact area has an almost magical wind tunnel, it lies with miles of farm fields to the east, and an open trucking company empty yard 2 the west leading eventually out onto highway 206 that goes all the way north 2 the State Capitol of Kargeville, most of U know this city as TRENTON, after all this is not July 18 of 1896, but yes Sarah-Stacey Krassle and the spelled out DOB have a matching Gawnum, but SSJKK is a mighty games expert, U can add in her PCN and get a 3-way match, but just her number at this 97/18/1896 DOB do not match, U have 2 learn all her powerful tricks and games, rocks, scissors, fire, even light, and then squaring it, a2 quote her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell U this major thing that happened with Dawn and her mom, and then tie it all in 2 the distant cousinry of THAT FAMILY, back up on Long Island, BRA!! Some of this mighty story will only make sense 2 real loyal Blogaud-Morians that know the entire story from a year ago almost, when Old Detective Mountainpen Allens Newirtz put together the nightmare of how my family did that unspeakable nightmarish thing 2 my very favorite recording artist, Mariah Carey. I have had many long cries over it, even though I am guilty of no more than being a blood relative of this dirty slimy scummy snooty family. Anyway, so Dawn gets home with me from seeing her boy John Judy, and when she goes out into the yard, the expensive new table is shattered into a million council pieces. Dawn told me that I do not understand this family and that she knows her own mother did this when we were out. I would not believe this, even thought hey had been big time feuding 4 quite a while. Now, after remembering my solo trip 2 the island and talking 2 a blond who later was 16, and her lab dog was a fully grown beautiful dog, I am no longer sure Ann did not go out and smash the table with a brick or something,. This is a wild family, none of U have a clue. I would not care, don’t chall C, none of this is any of my business, none of it? They made it all my business in July of 1970 when I fell asleep one night on Cornwall Avenue in Ventnor, New Jersey, USAESMWG, early in the month of July. They made it MY BUSINESS. THEY brought ME into the clan, against my will, and 4 purposes that even hot shot Lester is not willing 2 tell me. But he will wake up in his jail cell and our entire universe will all B long gone and forgotten about, and this will just have been his one short tiny dream, interacting in all of this with all of us. This is Y no one today can properly decode what the Holy Bible is really saying and talking about not even the mighty mind of the great Doctor Harold Camping, BRO. It is way beyond everyone what the hell is going on with all of this, and yet the simplicity is beyond imagination and fathomability. Upline and downline, the concept of the early nineteen eighties WEIRD-THEORY is just not what mortal man is ready 4, and this is Y someone in power and authority, banished it and just poof, made it all go away and disappear in the forests outside of a mighty Astral Plane City known 2 only a very few, as Potterkovich.
Well there still r3 trading days remaining on this 8th week of this absurd bullish rally on WALL STREET. It is not based on one real thing. The entire markets R fixed and crooked, and the SEC knows that I have been claiming this and throwing this pout on my blogs without fear of any legal ramifications, as I can swear that I know that all I say is totally the truth, absolutely. So far this week it is up one day and down one day and actually down half a buck on the week, but I GUARANTEE U ALL that this will B another UP WEEK and will then make this bull run battle, an 8-week-straight UP DOW. The only way they can win and that the EVIL EMPIRE OR THE ALEE, can do this, and pull this all off so freaking successfully, is by the endless monstrous vicious persecution of one pathetic innocent victim, Michael Mountainpen, me, just one, I guess I a am the sacrifice as the singular, it would take the plural 4 an emancipation, huh MC????????? I hope I was subtle enough my brown eyes 990, I sure did my best, but U know in all honesty, I have no words, motor-mouth Mountainpen is speechless, just no words can describe that far out family of yours. May the gods B with U my Scylla. CU tonight at the Lakehouse brown eyes!!!!!!! 990-990-990-990-990!!!!!! In closing, I will get 2 the bottom on exactly who UR Paula King, and when I do, I will promise U that I will take all the evil that U have bestowed upon humanity 4 13,020 years now, and find some way 2 turn it around and reverse it if I have 2 literally shape shift U into an open reel recording, and run U in reverse on a full-track open reel like my RS1500US, and send U back into the fires of hell where U must have somehow projected out from. Do U think I forgot your friends and what they did 2 my pal Ziggie in 1970 when he warned me 2 go freaking home? Jesus Christ All mighty God, between the great Rodney Dangerfield, and my pal Ziggie Malyeska, there is no comedy 2B found anywhere in THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN.
Despite the worst hell ever in my entire life, your newest thing is wiping them out Roger, and I have played 39 new games so far, and have applied 47 old games with dates that all systems lost on and were the worst days in the past 10 months. I now have in less than 100 games and under 3,000 spins, an after vig total profit in units of 724 and a half, yo, PLAYER. UR1 cool dude ROG, Y not quit these games and when U get back 2 the Garden State, just drop by and c your cuzes Ann and Dawn, they don’t bite, at least they won’t bite U, it is me that is getting chewed up like I’m fucking back in Dogtown all over again. Tell Scylla she needs 2 write me a new song, she can call it Back in Dogtown or something, whatever. She heard my screams when I was there and she set them 2 music, ask the United States copyright Examiners if U think I’m joking, Rog!!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, I said that U cannot c the invisible germ world, I said how important it is 2 wash your hands, and I said I would not like being in certain places. I do not dare tell more than I tell, but is my credibility getting pumped up at all lads, LABS, and lassies???????????????????????? BYE-BYE. If this harassment does not break off, Magnesonic might terminate this entire solar system, and that Rodney, is no comedy show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE ENGINE, SWIS, KING-SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2298, this is all copyrighted as MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN-2009 ADEG. All words spoken R true, nothing printed is ever meant 2 mislead. If anyone wishes 2 come forward, LEGITIMATELY, with answers, and a huge jury award becomes a result of a major world wide criminal conspiracy with the BRIGGBASE residents now dreaming on this Earth, this blog can B printed out legally and proves that if UR instrumental in prosecuting criminal actions done 2 me 4 an entire freaking lifetime, I will split the award net amount after all taxes and attorney fees, right smack down the freaking middle, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! I could say more, but simply now will add that this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm.
DATFILE: 042809.526.5555555555555555555555555
Part 2 of the above title is now included, and this document after a brief editing, has been made as one and the same. If therefore U do not wish 2 reread the old and short first blog, skip 2 where the first end transmission is stated. Tank U Lester, and Gina Blogaud!!!!!!!!!
I got your message Briggbase, sorry, I can not always B as non-blunt as U would have me B, and yes I do break all of the Mary MC GREGOR RULES. I do not feel like a fool lost in the year of 1977, but I am under heavy siege. Nasty bikers R loudly riding day and night up and down my street, all throughout last night’s Phillies game, I would have called the fucking police if I was living alone, and cannot believe that there is no limit on permitted noise, there R some noise abatement laws on the books and cops just R2 busy 2 want 2 ever B bothered enforcing them. That Son, is total reality, with or without Jimmie Boatkisser Dean and family. A nasty chopper zenithed over my house at past one this moUrning, planes have been constant, it started Sunday and has just been major bad now day after day. Sooner or later major pussy command will kick in and they’ll B very fucking sorry when one day I decide 2 take advantage of it, as when this strange magical event happens, I mysteriously turn into some type of a legend rock star, or so U would think, and can have literally almost any woman or girl I want. It is totally a supernatural event, just as my inability 2 remain in the grave is as well, and obviously it is part of this family and its strange astral world connections. A child can C all this from reading my blogs. No one would make up a story like this, it would B beyond pointless and ridiculous 2 make this up and blog it out 2 the world, BRO!!!!!! Chemtrails have been nasty since Sunday, they R all over the Atlantic County, New Jersey skies, USAESMWG, please get your pods or cells or whatever U new age tekkies use, and snap some pix and upload them 2 the media, B4 we all get very ill and die as a human race, there is no more excuse 4 this than there was 4 yesterday, huh Bloomy???????????? That was really reprehensible, but don’t blame our top dog, he is a real cool dude. It was other JO that kept the lid on it over at Briscoe and the gang’s houses.
I tried going into a light trance earlier after the chopper attack and a major thing happened while I was tranced out, I was abducted by a powerful evil BRIGGER and taken into an interrogation room on the base. They think I forgot, I played along, they always tell me 2 count backwards from 20 and when I never reach zero, I wake up and do not remember the experience, but Gawky Gaukauk taught me a powerful secret. When abducted, and told after an interrogation 2 count backward, silently say the number 2 myself plus 5, so I say 20 aloud and then silently say 25, 2 myself, and so forth. This disrupts their psycho-suggestion inter-trance control over my regaining access and memory 2 the event. It sure enough came back after I was showering this morning, boom, I dropped a bar of soap onto the shower floor and as I bent down 2 pick it up, pow, it all came back 2 me. A weird BRIGGER entity wanted 2 know lots of things about my days that began in the very early nineteen eighties and then he started 2 ask me about 1968 and YI am blocking a trip I took 2 Long Island, 2 my cuzes place at 175 Peninsula Drive over in Babylon. I had been, this is gospel truth, all throughout my adult life, I had been suppressing a huge reality in 1968 that time right now will not PERMIT me uncle Nebuchadnezzar 2 get more specific about, but later on in another blog, set ready 2 go 2 the toilet without reaching one, BRO when I tell U a horrific true story, it is so horrible that I began 2 cry in the shower as the memories poured back in. U missed me Jane Smellbuckets Notfondau!!!!!!!!!
Now 4 the really other big story on Mountainpen News. After Joe King found the strange device that was signaling some controlling interruption between my ignition and my car radio system in my vehicle, and removed it, suddenly his fiancé want ballistic over some inconsequential thing and gave him an ultimatum. He was told by her that he needed 2 choose either her or the family, and that he was no longer 2 come around the Hammonton Berryville branch, and this is not and I’ll admit 2 this, the first time that this wild girl has started family feuds with other New Jersey branches of Scylla’s extended and major dysfunctional family. Still, the coincidence that this all occurred right directly after he discovered the planted strange device by the National Briggbase Security Agency, is way 2 much 2 expect either Abbey Carmichael, or me, 2 accept. We just do not buy into things like strange coincidences being indeed just purely random happenstance events, sahwee Chawee. Still even bigger is the fact that Lester from the upline world is very pissed off that I have come 2 remember that he was the driver in that 06/21/08 interaction, but these R the chances that people and entities take when they play with persons that have strange psychic abilities. I hate the word psychic, or powers, I would rather say sensitive, tuned in, aware, enlightened, and containing abilities, this is more the wordage that I prefer, still U get the point, subtle or blunt. This part of your wife’s extended wild family plans 2 leave this medical building in early June, this is all anyone needs 2 know right now. Huge things R happening and I will keep U all informed as we go but 4 now, I must go. BYE-BYE.
End Transmission: Or on the original document, it was bye-bye and end of tranny ye sweet miserable ugly granny, YAR, now we move on with this second blogging text of the day at just past four this disasternoon.
Yes I did get your message yesterday Lambrigg cultists, and Lester was not missed off as U can C from my edit and rewrite, but always as usual, pweeeeeze notice the fascinating way the hacking works 2 always B smart-ass cute in the word alterations, as in THE MISTS R HERE, in the song I wrote and copyrighted back in late 1996 or the start of 1997, called, “Don’t Hide, U can’t Hide. Yes jerk offs, I know all about U, Y the great Dark Shadows got cancelled in 1971, and much more, BRO!!!!!!!
First things first, since none of U can relate 2 existence in dreamshift where nothing is really in any sequential order. Dawn was off the scale difficult starting this afternoon, after we left a house that we R attempting 2 rent, just on the opposite side of town, that is cheaper and much nicer than this one, but Y shouldn’t it b when it is really a symbolical medical office, huh MC? Aniwho, back on ABP, Bloomy and other blogauders, Dawn popped some weird-pills or something, and got really nasty and twisted. She is a diagnosed bipolar, but let me tell U the real facts behind all; these enicks and itises and mental or said perhaps more appropriately, psychological dysfunctions, etcetera, BR!!!!!!!! This entire thing is a Serena Law And Order Death Penalty Cop Out, or in my now abbreviated word, SLAODPCO, it is all one big, and 2 pronounce this a bit better, slay-od-paco. It is one big fucking cop out. OK, U may B thinking 2 yourself, this asshole is not a medical doctor, a licensed and qualified psychiatrist, or what have U, and hear he is a like a total ass jag off spouting off authoritatively about subjects where he lacks any official expertise. No, UR totally on the freaking $$$ BRO, but here is what I will retort right back at any of chall’s as there always is 2 sides 2 a story, and this has yet 2B ever, a disproved statement, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been thrown around nut cases all of my life, and I have done my own very extensive clinical and personal research on the subject, and just because this global society has geared and set up a system where in order 2 legally B qualified and able 2 actually practice such trades without licenses, this entire thing just proves a totally fixed world. In a real open free society, all that is out the window. If the 5 percent of contractors, lawyers, doctors, stone masons, bartenders, ship builders, or bakers and on and on, R indeed the best, and the 30 percent at the bottom R totally no good, a free open society would quickly get the word out and around, and they would B forced 2 wear other hats real quickly, while those top fivers would B working at top hospitals and law firms, U would B rewarded as U produce, not because daddy was fucking able 2 get U into fucking Yale or Harvard, as well as pay the money 2 cheat your way into a diploma, this entire world is totally fucking fake and phony, and it impresses me like 60 fucking megatons of total stinky dog shit, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us take the art of sound engineering 2 make a quick point. I worked as a tape duplicator at a sound recording studio from 29 July in 1979, until the 11th night in March of 1981. I watched a lot of good and bad engineers apply their trade and do their thing. Those that were the cream rose 2 the top, and those that were not so great were out the door and shown the gates out beyond that, 2 quote Eddie Farrell, the production manager of RPL, back in late 1980. I hold no certificate, and was a tape duplicator, but on all my off or in-between times during runs when tapes were automatically mass duplicating, I was studying, watching, learning, and growing, little Sprout!!!!!!!!!!! I know a little more about sound engineering than many engineers, BRA. I purchased some out stock junk from the plant at 5 cents on the $ and played with it at home from the moment I would get up and until it was time 2 shave and shower and go off 2 the recording studio. In no time at all, word spread, and my coworkers were asking me 2 duplicate tapes of their music, at my home, I never charged, I found it pleasurable. This was 3 decades ago, now if I have 2 look at any BRIGGER ,equipment of any kind, I am taken back and instantly repulsed. I now know ten thousand times what I knew back then, and none of U will worm it all out of me, not now, not freaking ever, BR!!!!!!! These coworkers did not pay the engineers, and u might say, yeah, because U offered the service free, but I was told that I could name my price 4 the way I would give them back cassette copies that sounded better than the originals. A dude from radio shack thought his function button had broken when I brought in a tape 2 test a cassette player that I needed as a spare, in the days shortly after I had written my song, SARAH. He kept swearing as no one else was in the store, as my song was playing. I asked him what is wrong, and he finally said and I quote, “I can’t seem 2 get this fucking busted amplifier off the CD mode”. I told him it is not on the CD mode, it is my song, SARAH playing on the cassette recorder, and as I speak, a right side death angel is hitting me at seconds shy of 4:44, doing me a favor, HA-HA-HA!!! Now let me take a quick stare break, not step, and look at the nice large red fours on my LED clock, BRO!!!!!!!!! OK, it is now precisely quarter until 5. How I love 2 stare at the 444 and the 555, after so much vicious nailing by Jane Dirtball and her ones. My point B4 Morty Death-Angel Mortino struck, is that this guy from Tandy Shack could not believe a cassette tape could B made that incredible. He said 2 me and I quote him, “this is total CD quality”. That is Y he was convinced at first that his amp was busted, he could not believe he had properly tuned the amp on the tape mode and not on the CD mode, because of the tape that was playing. I was a duplicator yes, but not a paid soundman at RPL Studios, and I am here 2 tell U that this is not an isolated incident. This world is literally filled and inundated 2 the brim with unrecognized talents in many fields, and in some cases the reverse applies where extremely mediocre talents become hot, B that in the law, in medicine, in music or theatre, or even the local town baker. The entire point or ABP 2 all of this is simply that I am neither a sound engineer nor am I any kind of a doctor or psychiatrist. Funny though, I can put together frequency generators, electrical inverters, and other highly unusual electronic circuitry in league with an every day Magnetic Resonance Imaging tunnel or MRI, found in every hospital in the country I believe, and turn any person alive, 40, 60, 80, years old, or whatever, right back 2 the prime of their cellular life, by a reprogramming of the DNA double helix strands, or 18-22 years of age, in most cases. No one ever needs 2 get old or die, in fact the old can B reversed 2 young again, and I have admitted 2 all of this on several prior blogging texts, that I indeed have 5 separate pieces of this circuitry in well crated up metal boxes wrapped in protected materials, and buried 4 feet deep in various spots in the New Jersey pine forest, all within 30 miles of my home town of Berryville-Hammonton. If anything should happen 2 me or I disappear, the federal authorities and the WORLD COURT AT THE HAGUE need 2 visit www/blogger/com/ and use the hyperlink DRUNKENHIVE or MOUNTAINPEN, and get the deserved justice 4 my cold blooded murder. Murderers can never B murdered, not by any authority or power structure that is legally accepted by the world. They can only B executed. The bible says that a man that takes the life of another, his life should also B forfeited. There is no excuses such as the poor dude was suffering some attack and was a bipolar case. He had serious ADD or ADHD and paranoid delusions and was a skitsofrenik paranoid this or that, hay I am diagnosed with all of these fancy ass conditions, but I never hurt a soul. I may talk a big tune or a big game when U mother fuckers out there piss me off enough, but we all R permitted inadequate and inappropriate fantasies, it is the acting on these desires that is against the laws of God and man, BRO!!!!!!! When I tell U that I know the real truth behind persons like Dawn the King and others like her, all though no one on Planet earth is like her, no jail bird, no banana case, no drugged out rock star, nobody, is like Dawn the King, U should try and believe me or at least listen 2 me with sufficient open minded ness so as 2 not dismiss what I say unless U can fact check me twice on Sunday and prove that I am indeed wrong in making this or that false claim, BR!!!!!!!!!!! Now just how much of my blogging audience (BLOGAUD) remembers and knows about the day that I had, late last spring somewhere B4 year release of Dawn from the Rehab Clinic in Secaucus, New Jersey, that I called WEIRD DAY, when I was with her mom, Ann King Silva, (AKS) and we had this extremely WEIRD ASS DAY??????? Well this was another super WEIRD day, and unlike a more normal person as with the case of Ann King Silva, Dawn who is literally the (Queen and King) of twisted-minded-ness, did not take it at all well, and blamed me 4 all sorts of things that I had absolutely nothing 2 do with, no way of preventing, and was in no way in the wrong or in any manner intentionally attempting 2 sabotage or hurt her in any possible way. Earlier today, I said that I had 2 sign off the blog, and we went back out, so that I could take her down 2 Atlantic City 4 a sike appointment. The first time out was just 2 go across town and look at the house that I mentioned. Dawn was practically demanding that I stop paying my bills so she can move in there. Her mother at least came 2 my rescue. She doers not care at all what happens 2 me, it is always all about fucking her and the rest of any one B fucking dammed into hot hellfire. Say what U want MC about it laying within us, but your cuz Annie was my hero today, and saved me from a real disaster. She told Dawn that I could B sued and end up in prison, she knows nothing about how credit cards and debtors despicability works, nor if it is not on her, could she give one rats fucking fart, BRO!!!! Her mom said when she was in the sike place on “Frank Callio, I hope U drive the wrong way down this street” Boulevard, and few know the little dig here, Callio branch of TF-’70 does, believe that one, BR!!!!!!!! Anipoop, she said while we were alone in the vehicle, “that she could not believe that her monstrous and evil daughter was capable of being so cruel, and that if I had it 2 do all over again, I would never have let U move in with us” Well, I know that, but this super dysfunctional TAWF or THAT FAMILY FROM!(&(, goes back trillions of eons B4 1970, so don’t even Eckert Pharmacy July the 12th get me going on this one today, my brother!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me now speaking of these older times, take us back into early August of 1968, if memory is serving, I know it was the summer time and I was out of school, and mom and I had our 2nd vacation 2 the TRINIDAD MOTEL coming up soon which we always took in the middle of August, the early twenty days. I was sent by myself, and in these days B4 pervs were on every street corner, U could pretty much send your trust worthy children visiting ion their own, don’t take my word 4 it, remember the train trip that Beaver and Wally Cleaver took 2 their Aunt Martha’s, and this was a top viewed late fifties television show, “Leave It 2 Beaver”, us old fucking farts remember these better days, don’t we BRA!!!!!!!!!!!! I was never in Long Island by myself at any time in my entire Mountainpen life except 4 these 3 or 4 summer days in 1968, but I have been blocking and suppressing this memory, and 4 huge gargantuan ass reasons. This interrogator in last night’s trance was drilling me about this trip, and brought all this fucking bull shit flooding back into my waking mind, this was no as U would call it, DREAM, by your mortally accepted standards, this all HAPPENED right here in the WAKING WORLD. Right as I am starting 2 tell this, a super loud biker went by, and also a strange thing occurred on the computer, fortunately I was able 2 “X” it off the system and get back onto my blogging document. It seems that I met the same people on the same block that I would go onto meet 4 years later in late July of 1972, the final time that I ever was on LINY. The closest I have been 2 it since was last autumn when I took Chicky’s brothers over 2 JFK Airport in Queens, New York, so they could return 2 Guatemala. The next day, the Atlantic City Beach Patrol put me through total hell, go 2 www.acbp.com/ and read more about my lovely friends that assaulted me in 1975 and did a lot more as well, on Paula King’s and Robert McGuire’s direct orders, BR!!!!!!!!! Cycle shit is getting g louder and worse, they doi not want me 2 tell this one baby love. They were off the scale bad on the trip down with Ann and Dawn, and the chemfuckingtrailing is off the charts and dials and scales and meters as well baby love. Learn more about this diseased evil and wicked chemtrailing, do not listen 2 me, do not take my fucklng word for used toilet paper in your mouth, GOOGLE UP the horrendous topic, CHEMTRAILS/CONTRAILS and visit 2 sites that I list now and many more R there as well, www.chembusters.com/ and www.chemtrail-central.com/. So the same Roadtrip up 2 the north side of Long Island in the future from this reference frame, or in 1972, also in the summer, from the southern end of West Suffolk County on the southern side near the famous Fire Island, at 175 Peninsula Drive in Babylon, and is YI kiddingly call my Uncle Heinz Gottwald, King Nebuchadnezzar, occurred originally 4 years B4 the oine that I had remembered and retained in my conscious mind. 4 reasons not yet known, I was blocked and my memories of beiong with my Aunt Ruth only, and not with cousins Scottie and Christopher, these were Christine’s kids, Jimmie Dean, the kids of the foxy lady that grabbed U and kissed U on Heinz’s yacht ketch and I still have the photo that someone snapped and my mom’s cuz Ruth sent a copy 2 her. This trip I was with only Aunt Ruth, again she was my cuz, not my aunt, but Heinz insisted I refer to them as unk and aunt. He was as old school as a hickory stick in the hands of a slate writing child hater, masquerading as an educator, that old sound engineering thing comes round robin again, does it snot???????????? That whittle nasty pun, I did, not the Briggers disease. So Auntie R and I went on this trip, and unlike the one 4 summers later, did not first drive across county lines into Christine’s Massapeekqua Park house, and I am getting a fucking nasty April Fool attack hack Stacey Lattisaw, the spell checker will not provide me as it normally does with the correct spelling of these wild Indian named towns on this wild island. I know that the word typed in B4 PARK above, is incorrectly spelled. So moving on and not allowing Lester Upline and his BRIGGER further distractions 2 confuse or confound or stop my true tale of woe, we drove up into the area where Samuel Huntington’s descendants had settled in the colonial days when New York had just become a recognized state. The same evil blond girl with a small Labrador Retriever puppy dog was out walking it on a leash. This girl was wi9th a dark haired lady that saw me and then quickly walked back into her house almost in a direct attempt 2 avoid me seeing her. I can only tell U backward a recent story that happened right here at the house I am renting from Judge Raso, it all fits, but it is as subtle as I can make this. I am doing my best. This is a very extremely dysfunctional clan, it pains me terribly because of my indirect involvement being related 2 those residents in this neighboring house of Jimmie Boatkisser’s fun trip around the sound lip locked with Christine. About 3 weeks ago or so, I took Dawn over 2C her probation officer, John Judy, at the Atlantic County Justice Complex, in Mays Landing, New Jersey. She had bought from the Wal-Mart the day B4, an outside table and chair set, and had set it up in the yard. The table was expensive and elegant in appearance, and made of real thick beautiful glass. Now as all of U know, this exact area has an almost magical wind tunnel, it lies with miles of farm fields to the east, and an open trucking company empty yard 2 the west leading eventually out onto highway 206 that goes all the way north 2 the State Capitol of Kargeville, most of U know this city as TRENTON, after all this is not July 18 of 1896, but yes Sarah-Stacey Krassle and the spelled out DOB have a matching Gawnum, but SSJKK is a mighty games expert, U can add in her PCN and get a 3-way match, but just her number at this 97/18/1896 DOB do not match, U have 2 learn all her powerful tricks and games, rocks, scissors, fire, even light, and then squaring it, a2 quote her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell U this major thing that happened with Dawn and her mom, and then tie it all in 2 the distant cousinry of THAT FAMILY, back up on Long Island, BRA!! Some of this mighty story will only make sense 2 real loyal Blogaud-Morians that know the entire story from a year ago almost, when Old Detective Mountainpen Allens Newirtz put together the nightmare of how my family did that unspeakable nightmarish thing 2 my very favorite recording artist, Mariah Carey. I have had many long cries over it, even though I am guilty of no more than being a blood relative of this dirty slimy scummy snooty family. Anyway, so Dawn gets home with me from seeing her boy John Judy, and when she goes out into the yard, the expensive new table is shattered into a million council pieces. Dawn told me that I do not understand this family and that she knows her own mother did this when we were out. I would not believe this, even thought hey had been big time feuding 4 quite a while. Now, after remembering my solo trip 2 the island and talking 2 a blond who later was 16, and her lab dog was a fully grown beautiful dog, I am no longer sure Ann did not go out and smash the table with a brick or something,. This is a wild family, none of U have a clue. I would not care, don’t chall C, none of this is any of my business, none of it? They made it all my business in July of 1970 when I fell asleep one night on Cornwall Avenue in Ventnor, New Jersey, USAESMWG, early in the month of July. They made it MY BUSINESS. THEY brought ME into the clan, against my will, and 4 purposes that even hot shot Lester is not willing 2 tell me. But he will wake up in his jail cell and our entire universe will all B long gone and forgotten about, and this will just have been his one short tiny dream, interacting in all of this with all of us. This is Y no one today can properly decode what the Holy Bible is really saying and talking about not even the mighty mind of the great Doctor Harold Camping, BRO. It is way beyond everyone what the hell is going on with all of this, and yet the simplicity is beyond imagination and fathomability. Upline and downline, the concept of the early nineteen eighties WEIRD-THEORY is just not what mortal man is ready 4, and this is Y someone in power and authority, banished it and just poof, made it all go away and disappear in the forests outside of a mighty Astral Plane City known 2 only a very few, as Potterkovich.
Well there still r3 trading days remaining on this 8th week of this absurd bullish rally on WALL STREET. It is not based on one real thing. The entire markets R fixed and crooked, and the SEC knows that I have been claiming this and throwing this pout on my blogs without fear of any legal ramifications, as I can swear that I know that all I say is totally the truth, absolutely. So far this week it is up one day and down one day and actually down half a buck on the week, but I GUARANTEE U ALL that this will B another UP WEEK and will then make this bull run battle, an 8-week-straight UP DOW. The only way they can win and that the EVIL EMPIRE OR THE ALEE, can do this, and pull this all off so freaking successfully, is by the endless monstrous vicious persecution of one pathetic innocent victim, Michael Mountainpen, me, just one, I guess I a am the sacrifice as the singular, it would take the plural 4 an emancipation, huh MC????????? I hope I was subtle enough my brown eyes 990, I sure did my best, but U know in all honesty, I have no words, motor-mouth Mountainpen is speechless, just no words can describe that far out family of yours. May the gods B with U my Scylla. CU tonight at the Lakehouse brown eyes!!!!!!! 990-990-990-990-990!!!!!! In closing, I will get 2 the bottom on exactly who UR Paula King, and when I do, I will promise U that I will take all the evil that U have bestowed upon humanity 4 13,020 years now, and find some way 2 turn it around and reverse it if I have 2 literally shape shift U into an open reel recording, and run U in reverse on a full-track open reel like my RS1500US, and send U back into the fires of hell where U must have somehow projected out from. Do U think I forgot your friends and what they did 2 my pal Ziggie in 1970 when he warned me 2 go freaking home? Jesus Christ All mighty God, between the great Rodney Dangerfield, and my pal Ziggie Malyeska, there is no comedy 2B found anywhere in THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN.
Despite the worst hell ever in my entire life, your newest thing is wiping them out Roger, and I have played 39 new games so far, and have applied 47 old games with dates that all systems lost on and were the worst days in the past 10 months. I now have in less than 100 games and under 3,000 spins, an after vig total profit in units of 724 and a half, yo, PLAYER. UR1 cool dude ROG, Y not quit these games and when U get back 2 the Garden State, just drop by and c your cuzes Ann and Dawn, they don’t bite, at least they won’t bite U, it is me that is getting chewed up like I’m fucking back in Dogtown all over again. Tell Scylla she needs 2 write me a new song, she can call it Back in Dogtown or something, whatever. She heard my screams when I was there and she set them 2 music, ask the United States copyright Examiners if U think I’m joking, Rog!!!!!!!!!!! Aniwho, I said that U cannot c the invisible germ world, I said how important it is 2 wash your hands, and I said I would not like being in certain places. I do not dare tell more than I tell, but is my credibility getting pumped up at all lads, LABS, and lassies???????????????????????? BYE-BYE. If this harassment does not break off, Magnesonic might terminate this entire solar system, and that Rodney, is no comedy show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE ENGINE, SWIS, KING-SOIFER WORLD LABORATORIES OF 2298, this is all copyrighted as MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN-2009 ADEG. All words spoken R true, nothing printed is ever meant 2 mislead. If anyone wishes 2 come forward, LEGITIMATELY, with answers, and a huge jury award becomes a result of a major world wide criminal conspiracy with the BRIGGBASE residents now dreaming on this Earth, this blog can B printed out legally and proves that if UR instrumental in prosecuting criminal actions done 2 me 4 an entire freaking lifetime, I will split the award net amount after all taxes and attorney fees, right smack down the freaking middle, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! I could say more, but simply now will add that this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm.
title on doc
“Sorry 4 My Lacking Social Skills On This Must Tell Story”
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I got your message Briggbase, sorry, I can not always B as non-blunt as U would have me B, and yes I do break all of the Mary MC GREGOR RULES. I do not feel like a fool lost in the year of 1977, but I am under heavy siege. Nasty bikers R loudly riding day and night up and down my street, all throughout last nights Phillies game, I would have called the fucking police if I was living alone, and cannot believe that there is no limit on permitted noise, there is some noise abatement laws on the books and cops just R2 busy 2 want 2 ever B bothered enforcing the. That Son is total reality, with or without Jimmie Boatkisser Dean and family. A nasty chopper zenithed over my house at past one this moUrning, planes have been constant, it started Sunday and has just been major bad now day after day. Sooner or later major pussy command will kick in and they’ll B very fucking sorry when one day I decide 2 take advantage of it, as when this strange magical event happens, I mysteriously turn into some type of a legend rock star, or so U would think, and can have literally almost any woman or girl I want. It is totally a supernatural event, just as my inability 2 re main in the grave is as well, and obviously it is part of this family and its strange astral world connections. A child can C all this from reading my blogs. No one would make up a story liker this, it would B beyond pointless and ridiculous 2 make this up and blog it out 2 the world, BRO!!!!!! Chemtrails have been nasty since Sunday, they R all over t5he Atlantic County, New Jersey skies, USAESMWG, please get your pods or cells or whatever U new age tekkies use, and snap some pix and upload them 2 the media, B4 we all get very ill and die as a human race, there is no more excuse 4 this than there was 4 yesterday, huh Bloomy???????????? That was really reprehensible, but don’t blame our top dog, he is a real cool dude. It was other JO that kept the lid on it over at Briscoe and the gang’s houses.
I tried going into a light trance earlier after the chopper attack and a major thing happened while I was tranced out, I was abducted by a powerful evil BRIGGER and taken into an interrogation room on the base. They think I forgot, I played along, they always tell me 2 count backwards from 20 and when I never reach zero, I wake up and do not remember the experience, but Gawky Gaukauk taught me a powerful secret. When abducted, and told after an interrogation 2 count backward, silently say the number 2 myself plus 5, so I say 20 aloud and then silently say 25, 2 myself, and so forth. This disrupts their psycho-suggestion inter-trance control over my regaining access and memory 2 the event. It sure enough came back after I was showering this morning, boom, I dropped a bar of soap onto the shower floor and as I bent down 2 pick it up, pow, it all came back 2 me. A weird BRIGGER entity wanted 2 know lots of things about my days that began in the very early nineteen eighties and then he started 2 ask me about 1968 and YI am blocking a trip I took 2 Long Island, 2 my cuzes place at 175 Peninsula Drive over in Babylon. I had been, this is gospel truth. All throughout my adult life, I had been suppressing a huge reality in 1968 that time right now will not PERMIT me uncle Nebuchadnezzar 2 get m ore specific about, but later on in another blog, set ready 2 go 2 the toilet without reaching one, BRO when I tell U a horrific true story, it is so horrible that I began 2 cry in the shower as the memories poured back in. U missed me Jane Smellbuckets Notfondau!!!!!!!!!
Now 4 the really other big story on Mountainpen News. After Joe King found the strange device that was signaling some controlling interruption between my ignition and my car radio system in my vehicle, and removed it, suddenly his fiancé want ballistic over some inconsequential thing and gave him an ultimatum. He was told by her that he needed 2 choose either her or the family, and that he was no longer 2 come around the Hammonton Berryville branch, and this is not and I’ll admit 2 this, the first time that this wild girl has started family feuds with other New Jersey branches of Scylla’s extended and major dysfunctional family. Still, the coincidence that this all occurred right directly after he discovered the planted strange device by the National Briggbase Security Agency, is way 2 much 2 expect either Abbey Carmichael, or me, 2 accept. We just do not buy into things like strange coincidences being indeed just purely random happenstance events, sahwee Chawee. Still even bigger is the fact that Lester from the upline world is very missed off that I have come 2 remember that he was the driver in that 06/21/08 interaction, but these R the chances that people and entities take when they play with persons that have strange psychic abilities. I hate the word psychic, or powers, I would rather say sensitive, tuned in, aware, enlightened, and containing abilities, this is more the wordage that I prefer, still U get the point, subtle or blunt. This part of your wife’s extended wild family planes 2 leave this medical building in early June, this is all anyone needs 2 know right now. Huge things R happening and I will keep U all informed as we go but 4 now, I must go. BYE-BYE.
End Transmission:
DATFILE: 042809.526.5555555555555555555555555
I got your message Briggbase, sorry, I can not always B as non-blunt as U would have me B, and yes I do break all of the Mary MC GREGOR RULES. I do not feel like a fool lost in the year of 1977, but I am under heavy siege. Nasty bikers R loudly riding day and night up and down my street, all throughout last nights Phillies game, I would have called the fucking police if I was living alone, and cannot believe that there is no limit on permitted noise, there is some noise abatement laws on the books and cops just R2 busy 2 want 2 ever B bothered enforcing the. That Son is total reality, with or without Jimmie Boatkisser Dean and family. A nasty chopper zenithed over my house at past one this moUrning, planes have been constant, it started Sunday and has just been major bad now day after day. Sooner or later major pussy command will kick in and they’ll B very fucking sorry when one day I decide 2 take advantage of it, as when this strange magical event happens, I mysteriously turn into some type of a legend rock star, or so U would think, and can have literally almost any woman or girl I want. It is totally a supernatural event, just as my inability 2 re main in the grave is as well, and obviously it is part of this family and its strange astral world connections. A child can C all this from reading my blogs. No one would make up a story liker this, it would B beyond pointless and ridiculous 2 make this up and blog it out 2 the world, BRO!!!!!! Chemtrails have been nasty since Sunday, they R all over t5he Atlantic County, New Jersey skies, USAESMWG, please get your pods or cells or whatever U new age tekkies use, and snap some pix and upload them 2 the media, B4 we all get very ill and die as a human race, there is no more excuse 4 this than there was 4 yesterday, huh Bloomy???????????? That was really reprehensible, but don’t blame our top dog, he is a real cool dude. It was other JO that kept the lid on it over at Briscoe and the gang’s houses.
I tried going into a light trance earlier after the chopper attack and a major thing happened while I was tranced out, I was abducted by a powerful evil BRIGGER and taken into an interrogation room on the base. They think I forgot, I played along, they always tell me 2 count backwards from 20 and when I never reach zero, I wake up and do not remember the experience, but Gawky Gaukauk taught me a powerful secret. When abducted, and told after an interrogation 2 count backward, silently say the number 2 myself plus 5, so I say 20 aloud and then silently say 25, 2 myself, and so forth. This disrupts their psycho-suggestion inter-trance control over my regaining access and memory 2 the event. It sure enough came back after I was showering this morning, boom, I dropped a bar of soap onto the shower floor and as I bent down 2 pick it up, pow, it all came back 2 me. A weird BRIGGER entity wanted 2 know lots of things about my days that began in the very early nineteen eighties and then he started 2 ask me about 1968 and YI am blocking a trip I took 2 Long Island, 2 my cuzes place at 175 Peninsula Drive over in Babylon. I had been, this is gospel truth. All throughout my adult life, I had been suppressing a huge reality in 1968 that time right now will not PERMIT me uncle Nebuchadnezzar 2 get m ore specific about, but later on in another blog, set ready 2 go 2 the toilet without reaching one, BRO when I tell U a horrific true story, it is so horrible that I began 2 cry in the shower as the memories poured back in. U missed me Jane Smellbuckets Notfondau!!!!!!!!!
Now 4 the really other big story on Mountainpen News. After Joe King found the strange device that was signaling some controlling interruption between my ignition and my car radio system in my vehicle, and removed it, suddenly his fiancé want ballistic over some inconsequential thing and gave him an ultimatum. He was told by her that he needed 2 choose either her or the family, and that he was no longer 2 come around the Hammonton Berryville branch, and this is not and I’ll admit 2 this, the first time that this wild girl has started family feuds with other New Jersey branches of Scylla’s extended and major dysfunctional family. Still, the coincidence that this all occurred right directly after he discovered the planted strange device by the National Briggbase Security Agency, is way 2 much 2 expect either Abbey Carmichael, or me, 2 accept. We just do not buy into things like strange coincidences being indeed just purely random happenstance events, sahwee Chawee. Still even bigger is the fact that Lester from the upline world is very missed off that I have come 2 remember that he was the driver in that 06/21/08 interaction, but these R the chances that people and entities take when they play with persons that have strange psychic abilities. I hate the word psychic, or powers, I would rather say sensitive, tuned in, aware, enlightened, and containing abilities, this is more the wordage that I prefer, still U get the point, subtle or blunt. This part of your wife’s extended wild family planes 2 leave this medical building in early June, this is all anyone needs 2 know right now. Huge things R happening and I will keep U all informed as we go but 4 now, I must go. BYE-BYE.
End Transmission:
Sunday, April 26, 2009
title on doc
The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version {TEOHIV}
Morianity Project Continues From 1995 Tapes, BRO
Date And Time File: 0427.029
Beginning Transmission, BR:
Well booby, bloody washcloths and all, I have finally figured out a lot of all of this, and miles do not matter, nor do I care, but UR the driver in the June 21 interaction last year, Nick ol’ boy, I remember that now clear as day after seeing U on the TV not that long ago. Rog says 4 me 2 type in hi, yall, that’s a quote, but he will B mad as he said not 2 say what I am gonna say now, it has got 2B said. It seems the Briggbase Period is YI have been involved in all of this nonsense, and it had nothing 2 do with me ever, moving, not moving, nothing. Let me tell U the thick and thin of all of this, as I just did what Nep-Jup told me 2 do, and sure enough it was another game, as I knew it would b, and don’t laugh, I knew it all along, bub!!!!!!!!!!! As 4 the once a week thing, I do not think this can B really dealt with by the normal society and their limited technology. Since Brigger rules R as they R, and I know them only all 2 well, I guess we all prepare 2 wear lots of hats, just I was mysteriously told by a lady special education teacher back in the mighty year of Count Petofi. Yeah Count, sir, U were right all along, I would like 2 get there 2, again, and stay there forever, it beats the hell out of infinite fire and damnation, BR!!!!!!!!!!! As long as a physical body is attached however, that Dark shadows nonsense won’t work, it works, but U can only stay a while, as with any great “dream”. Well, free as a child or not, miss country superstar thief dream city, U can only stay 4 a while, and that is that. If U want a trip 2 freedom, and U do not have someone in the 24th century retracing U, Binder sand Binder not needed with that fish tale miss Humpback phone number whale Kirk, maybe U can attain some freedom, but think in reverse now, remember that is always truth, and know that no matter what,
UR always IN the dreamshift, and U have many hyperspace dream-downs all over googolplexes of parallel universes as well, BRA!!!!!!!! That son, is reality Jimmie Boatkisser Dean!!!!!!!!!! My cuz was a total ho, sorry she was all over U like that, need 2 tell true stories or my credibility will get shot at a very high rate of velocity. My only white-lie in all of Morianity that I did fess up 2, BR, was that Sarah did not really come 2 my aid on the bus that July night on the 12th back in freaking 70. I needed 2 hang onto that make believe crutch and now I managed quite successfully 2 kick it away and stand on my own 2 feet. If Jehovah gave a shirt about me, nobody will ever convince me that she would have allowed all of this hell 2 befall me. Anipoop, despite the worst day in about 20 years or one briper, Rog, your cool system made me 3 units, and that is unbelievable, BR. I could not play 2 much, as they made me sick as hell. There is as u know, no real disease or death or any of this illusion that mortals mush concern themselves with, it is all an attack. Nothing really ages or changes, disease, olds age, physical death R all pure illusion, and controlled 100% by Lambrigg Cultists, your Holy Book lads and lassies my word this a bit differently, it is saying precisely the same thing however, believe that BR!!!!!!!!!! Funny how this topic now round robins the conversation back 2Y I was given the June 21 of oh eight’s major interaction, mortals use the term DREAM. “Whatever”, Congressman, and please say hi 2 Angel 4 me, and also, Al Pileggi from the band, if and when U get a free seck and R not thinking of running against BO in twelve. The old days of Oak street live on, and U did such a nice job 4 me Bro, glad U decided 2 go into politics and not become a BRIGGER, U may, being connected with me from ‘75, have also suffered the 20 year max out. Sorry, the time of the year thing again, cannot help it every year, just as with the middle of freaking July. These 2 times bring back gargantuan memories. No normal person has things like these things happening 2 them, and I do not give a hoot and a holler 2 the hillbillies who believes me or not, BRA!!!!!!!!
Chemtrailing was super bad, motor cycles were off the charts, and between the Briggers turning up the OVEN BUTTON as well as the TOOTHACHE MAJOR BUTTON, while on top of all of that, giving me off the scale persecution and harassment, it was beyond what even this special ops forces marine can bear and remain totally healthy, Mister Levy!!!!!!!!!!! I say this kiddingly of course, U should have 2, just as I never claimed I really know what happened back in 1980, not with Vera Miles, not with Donna, not with Tahren, and as Diana puts it so incredibly, not with NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! Your moon was lovely tonight my teen queen, a beautiful orange colored crescent descending from the western horizon, this is the one thing that made the day survivable, BR!!!!!!!!! Yeah, the high school musical of the 20th century, and no fiction involved James Patterson, it all happened, just pweeeeeze, do not ask me what and how, or 4 that freaking matter, who, as I know the truth and the truth does not set normal people free, it would literally freaking drive them mad!!!!!!!!!!! I died of a heat stroke around 8 of the clock, and of course, I was as always retraced, but when I died, I was standing on a strange hill overlooking something, and Nick told me the truth. At least some honesty now, thank U booby. I have been liked 2 by experts, and many in your married family, BRO. Truth always is such a refreshing change from my day 2 day routine of bull pit!!!!!!!!!!! No one would believe what I could blog about big top name persons who told me they would do major things 4 me in exchange 4 this or that, and the latest being at the turn of the century, I do not wish 2 talk the Kruk about it, John, go swing on a baseball. Speaking of baseball, wo, when I am willing 2 SACRIFICE my credibility, it usually makes the EVIL EMPIRE or the ALEE fail, or helps it along. Unlike the oh-eight Phillies Parade, I never said I saw the flyers win the Sar-Stanley’s Cup, I said that if they cannot get it this year with all the hell I am going through, worse than ever in my entire life, then speaking strictly on parallel statistical event science, good luck ever seeing this victory guys, as this is as bad as it can get without me permanently dying, and this would result in your playing about as well as U would have all along if U had never had me 2 kick around and use your miserable ICPE-TECK against me since August of 1986, BR!!!!!!!!! Missed me Dirtweeds, it is quarter past scum one, Tee hee ha ho hum!!!!!!!!!! Maybe some people that can read through a powerful and necessary code, now realize that the television hit serial of the nineteen sixties DARK SHADOWS, was far from fictional, at least the part with the freaking Leviathans. U have no clue how much I deplore, detest and despise these despicable abominable reprehensible crude lewd vulgar obscene nasty twisted diseased Lambrigg Cultists, MC. U know that your THAT-BOY wishes U only the best forever, 990-990-990-990-990!!!!!!!!! Robin Hill and 1802 when spelled out both equal this PCN, Huh Gawky? Wo, add them up now, does it really get louder than cymbals like these, baby love, monster-ass, this is beyond monster-ass, so please do not set any fires in strange places, thank U. I do not forget the dreamshift, just because I exist here humanly as Michael Mountainpen. So, blogaud, Lester Upline as I jokingly refer 2 him as, short circuited his own self. This proves a biblical principle that a house divided against itself cannot stand. U want 2 turn my lungs into bloody wash cloths in July of 1970, and then pull another major stunt in the future, and now U want me 2 work magic. Maybe I will, if U publicly admit who UR2 the entire planet. It is time 4 the world 2 understand that upline and downline is not owned by Tupperware and Amway. This is a powerful reality and just because the physicists of 2000 AD cannot grasp how a 5-30 watt brainwave can downline endless multiverses, is no different than expecting someone 300 years ago 2 understand any of our technology, take a battery operated tape recorder back 2 the witch hunt days of the early American colonies, and U will B lit up and stink of ashes 4 miles, VERA BROWNING!!!!!!!!!! Hay, I cannot explain the demos either. Live with it, I have. Well, the truth is out, and as Dave Smith would say, when real evidence in the real world supports a belief system, UR not imagining it, I know that all ready DS, and your initials fascinated me back in 1970, I wonder Y?????????????
People may someday get the way this all works, and then they will indeed come 2 know that nothing ever can B set out of balance, and that laws of causation R not as simple as the sci-fi shows, and that a hyperspace equation is built into every microsecond. If stuff like what is happening 2 me would throw the balance off, then Y is the world still spinning tonight my friends? Yes, 3 units ain’t bad, and I was 2 sick 2 play and got worse, and then died. Here I am, back again, and again, and again, the grave seems 2 have a very difficult time holding certain members of my weird family. At least that is what the books all preach!!!!
Google and SWIS and KSWL-2298, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeee and blummmmmm and also is copyright 2009, Michael Mountainpen, and also THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN. THIS TERMINATES THIS TRANSMISSION, BRO:
The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version {TEOHIV}
Morianity Project Continues From 1995 Tapes, BRO
Date And Time File: 0427.029
Beginning Transmission, BR:
Well booby, bloody washcloths and all, I have finally figured out a lot of all of this, and miles do not matter, nor do I care, but UR the driver in the June 21 interaction last year, Nick ol’ boy, I remember that now clear as day after seeing U on the TV not that long ago. Rog says 4 me 2 type in hi, yall, that’s a quote, but he will B mad as he said not 2 say what I am gonna say now, it has got 2B said. It seems the Briggbase Period is YI have been involved in all of this nonsense, and it had nothing 2 do with me ever, moving, not moving, nothing. Let me tell U the thick and thin of all of this, as I just did what Nep-Jup told me 2 do, and sure enough it was another game, as I knew it would b, and don’t laugh, I knew it all along, bub!!!!!!!!!!! As 4 the once a week thing, I do not think this can B really dealt with by the normal society and their limited technology. Since Brigger rules R as they R, and I know them only all 2 well, I guess we all prepare 2 wear lots of hats, just I was mysteriously told by a lady special education teacher back in the mighty year of Count Petofi. Yeah Count, sir, U were right all along, I would like 2 get there 2, again, and stay there forever, it beats the hell out of infinite fire and damnation, BR!!!!!!!!!!! As long as a physical body is attached however, that Dark shadows nonsense won’t work, it works, but U can only stay a while, as with any great “dream”. Well, free as a child or not, miss country superstar thief dream city, U can only stay 4 a while, and that is that. If U want a trip 2 freedom, and U do not have someone in the 24th century retracing U, Binder sand Binder not needed with that fish tale miss Humpback phone number whale Kirk, maybe U can attain some freedom, but think in reverse now, remember that is always truth, and know that no matter what,
UR always IN the dreamshift, and U have many hyperspace dream-downs all over googolplexes of parallel universes as well, BRA!!!!!!!! That son, is reality Jimmie Boatkisser Dean!!!!!!!!!! My cuz was a total ho, sorry she was all over U like that, need 2 tell true stories or my credibility will get shot at a very high rate of velocity. My only white-lie in all of Morianity that I did fess up 2, BR, was that Sarah did not really come 2 my aid on the bus that July night on the 12th back in freaking 70. I needed 2 hang onto that make believe crutch and now I managed quite successfully 2 kick it away and stand on my own 2 feet. If Jehovah gave a shirt about me, nobody will ever convince me that she would have allowed all of this hell 2 befall me. Anipoop, despite the worst day in about 20 years or one briper, Rog, your cool system made me 3 units, and that is unbelievable, BR. I could not play 2 much, as they made me sick as hell. There is as u know, no real disease or death or any of this illusion that mortals mush concern themselves with, it is all an attack. Nothing really ages or changes, disease, olds age, physical death R all pure illusion, and controlled 100% by Lambrigg Cultists, your Holy Book lads and lassies my word this a bit differently, it is saying precisely the same thing however, believe that BR!!!!!!!!!! Funny how this topic now round robins the conversation back 2Y I was given the June 21 of oh eight’s major interaction, mortals use the term DREAM. “Whatever”, Congressman, and please say hi 2 Angel 4 me, and also, Al Pileggi from the band, if and when U get a free seck and R not thinking of running against BO in twelve. The old days of Oak street live on, and U did such a nice job 4 me Bro, glad U decided 2 go into politics and not become a BRIGGER, U may, being connected with me from ‘75, have also suffered the 20 year max out. Sorry, the time of the year thing again, cannot help it every year, just as with the middle of freaking July. These 2 times bring back gargantuan memories. No normal person has things like these things happening 2 them, and I do not give a hoot and a holler 2 the hillbillies who believes me or not, BRA!!!!!!!!
Chemtrailing was super bad, motor cycles were off the charts, and between the Briggers turning up the OVEN BUTTON as well as the TOOTHACHE MAJOR BUTTON, while on top of all of that, giving me off the scale persecution and harassment, it was beyond what even this special ops forces marine can bear and remain totally healthy, Mister Levy!!!!!!!!!!! I say this kiddingly of course, U should have 2, just as I never claimed I really know what happened back in 1980, not with Vera Miles, not with Donna, not with Tahren, and as Diana puts it so incredibly, not with NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! Your moon was lovely tonight my teen queen, a beautiful orange colored crescent descending from the western horizon, this is the one thing that made the day survivable, BR!!!!!!!!! Yeah, the high school musical of the 20th century, and no fiction involved James Patterson, it all happened, just pweeeeeze, do not ask me what and how, or 4 that freaking matter, who, as I know the truth and the truth does not set normal people free, it would literally freaking drive them mad!!!!!!!!!!! I died of a heat stroke around 8 of the clock, and of course, I was as always retraced, but when I died, I was standing on a strange hill overlooking something, and Nick told me the truth. At least some honesty now, thank U booby. I have been liked 2 by experts, and many in your married family, BRO. Truth always is such a refreshing change from my day 2 day routine of bull pit!!!!!!!!!!! No one would believe what I could blog about big top name persons who told me they would do major things 4 me in exchange 4 this or that, and the latest being at the turn of the century, I do not wish 2 talk the Kruk about it, John, go swing on a baseball. Speaking of baseball, wo, when I am willing 2 SACRIFICE my credibility, it usually makes the EVIL EMPIRE or the ALEE fail, or helps it along. Unlike the oh-eight Phillies Parade, I never said I saw the flyers win the Sar-Stanley’s Cup, I said that if they cannot get it this year with all the hell I am going through, worse than ever in my entire life, then speaking strictly on parallel statistical event science, good luck ever seeing this victory guys, as this is as bad as it can get without me permanently dying, and this would result in your playing about as well as U would have all along if U had never had me 2 kick around and use your miserable ICPE-TECK against me since August of 1986, BR!!!!!!!!! Missed me Dirtweeds, it is quarter past scum one, Tee hee ha ho hum!!!!!!!!!! Maybe some people that can read through a powerful and necessary code, now realize that the television hit serial of the nineteen sixties DARK SHADOWS, was far from fictional, at least the part with the freaking Leviathans. U have no clue how much I deplore, detest and despise these despicable abominable reprehensible crude lewd vulgar obscene nasty twisted diseased Lambrigg Cultists, MC. U know that your THAT-BOY wishes U only the best forever, 990-990-990-990-990!!!!!!!!! Robin Hill and 1802 when spelled out both equal this PCN, Huh Gawky? Wo, add them up now, does it really get louder than cymbals like these, baby love, monster-ass, this is beyond monster-ass, so please do not set any fires in strange places, thank U. I do not forget the dreamshift, just because I exist here humanly as Michael Mountainpen. So, blogaud, Lester Upline as I jokingly refer 2 him as, short circuited his own self. This proves a biblical principle that a house divided against itself cannot stand. U want 2 turn my lungs into bloody wash cloths in July of 1970, and then pull another major stunt in the future, and now U want me 2 work magic. Maybe I will, if U publicly admit who UR2 the entire planet. It is time 4 the world 2 understand that upline and downline is not owned by Tupperware and Amway. This is a powerful reality and just because the physicists of 2000 AD cannot grasp how a 5-30 watt brainwave can downline endless multiverses, is no different than expecting someone 300 years ago 2 understand any of our technology, take a battery operated tape recorder back 2 the witch hunt days of the early American colonies, and U will B lit up and stink of ashes 4 miles, VERA BROWNING!!!!!!!!!! Hay, I cannot explain the demos either. Live with it, I have. Well, the truth is out, and as Dave Smith would say, when real evidence in the real world supports a belief system, UR not imagining it, I know that all ready DS, and your initials fascinated me back in 1970, I wonder Y?????????????
People may someday get the way this all works, and then they will indeed come 2 know that nothing ever can B set out of balance, and that laws of causation R not as simple as the sci-fi shows, and that a hyperspace equation is built into every microsecond. If stuff like what is happening 2 me would throw the balance off, then Y is the world still spinning tonight my friends? Yes, 3 units ain’t bad, and I was 2 sick 2 play and got worse, and then died. Here I am, back again, and again, and again, the grave seems 2 have a very difficult time holding certain members of my weird family. At least that is what the books all preach!!!!
Google and SWIS and KSWL-2298, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeee and blummmmmm and also is copyright 2009, Michael Mountainpen, and also THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN. THIS TERMINATES THIS TRANSMISSION, BRO:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
DATFILE: 042509.339-----Beginning Transmission:
I am under heavy aerial siege with a stalking plane today, and a nasty chopper last night, but a lot is going on, and it is beyond some pain in the rectum persecution, but first things first. I am about 2 call the feds on my job, they r masking it beyond freaking hell, and I know enough 2 shut their butt holes down, unless every court and judge in this wonderful and quite crooked garden state is in some wealthy pocket. Taking the attitude that this is totally universal defeats common sense, and goes against several things that have happened 2 me that would have gone far worse if this was really an absolute true statement. All ready, as I type, this early moUrning, I am getting loud fucking jerk off biker scum bags up and down the street. This is gonna B a fucking bad one, AGAIN, but then WEIN-SOSO, and SSDD.
Last evening, Dawn accidentally cut her finger, and almost passed out. She is a big powerful dangerous sissy. It did not even need stitches but she was carted off 2 the hospital as though she had just become the latest victim of a suicide bomber over in Iraq. Her birthday was ruined as well as mine, only she ruins them, and I did not ask 4 my Paul Stoddard due date 2B further victimized by Jeb Hawks, Nicholas Blair, Skylar Rumson, Barnabas Collins, or any other BRIGGER in the real world on the other side of the supernatural bed. Yes a briper or BRIGGBASE PERIOD, is magical, and this 240 month unit of mortal world time is their deal with those that wish 2B one of them. U may think that 20 years of blessing is cool, but that phone ringing at Paul’s room in the Collinsport Inn still sends fucking chills and Goosebumps up my spine a lot faster than white boys sends them up Donna’s. B4U know it, it is pay up time, in the case of me, my birthday, then in the case of them, his birthday, oh well even the IRS gives extensions. Levy Junior told me out in the surf that his family was more resourceful than the public knows, U got that one right, and I will try and not further expose all of this horror 2 planet earth, at least for now, Cal. U cannot merge the planes but I will 4 the sake of making this document here on the mortal world. Right B4 Dawn was getting ready 2 greet the ambulance, I was laying dead in my room, and was out interacting with an old pal of mine, laugh yuk joke, Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious Krassle. He was handing me all sorts of bull shirts and I won’t waste the Blogaud’s time with the details, and then I suddenly was not with him, I was dreaming that I woke up here and went out into the other room and Dawn and Ann were awaiting the ambulance, only U all C this mortally and would just say, no Mountainpen, U woke up and WENT out into the other room. But what none of U will ever believe is that this is not the case. U dream U wake up and then U keep dreaming UR back in your bed, and then U dream there and then U dream u wake up here, and U take this silly thing so seriously when even Einstein and all the physicist know and do not broadcast 2 the population, is that all of everything is just a bunch of waves and particles. It is U that is creating or dreaming all of these things, and U do need tools, and these tools R the interactiveness between your various levels of mind, and these waves and particles realities, existing both in the hyperspace as well as on the Astral Plane. The only thing that is really real my friends, is U. Even the great Scylla tries 2 make this point 2 the world in her fantastic song of the nineties, HERO. Listen 2 it, don’t listen 2 nobody Mountainpen. I always want U all 2 fact check me on all the things that I proclaim. I never tell U a thing whether U believe this or not, that cannot b checked out within 30 minutes, fully and completely. Remember, this is the age of Google Search, not Aquarius, Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t mind your whittle white boy, the time swings around each year and I will never forget Diana’s room in the sun promise that she made 2 me on my deathbed as Franklin. I know what I remember, it happened, both in 1790 and 1980. She just forgot 2 tell me that my 2-late bicentennial clock would B ticking. I am quite sure that the King of the King family, Queen Dawn, always and presently Prince, known as Dawn, or THE MORNING LIGHT, the gods, clash, bing, 17 bells of SPL, and these shouting symbols and cymbals, will also ruin her mom’s birthday come the 5th day of the 8th month on our Earth Gregorian calendar. Will it really B all right Donna? Gimme a freaking break!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the MILLIONTH COUNCIL wants U, BRO, they’ll make your life a living mother trucking hell. Ands 2 think in my immature and childish times, I actually blamed poor Ernie Merker. All he did was give me a job when I was down 2 my last dime 2 buy a Courier Post newspaper. Yo players, am I the ingrate or is Queen the King of the Morning Light??????? I will B OK a little bit, after May one comes and goes, but this time each year, the MC fucks with me about as bad as it gets, and as I said, LORD STANLEYS CUP BELONGS 2 THE PHILADELPHIA FLYERS IN OH-NINE. If they cannot get it this year, then they cannot get it ever, as no year can ever B worse 4 me than this fucking miserable oh-crime-nine, MC-Gruff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lightning told me her number and came through the roulette layout hole at the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, back in the year of 1984, but LAW AND ORDER has the great number also, as does big brown eyed Scylla. Sorry Nicky, not mine here. Don’t go postal on me, BRA. Aniwho, when U take that number and get the full 3rd digit Privecode number and multiply that by the 4 winds that blow the answers all around this 6-9 room hall-less medical home, U do arrive at a very symbolic proof 2 all I claim, duhh, it is old Roman mathematics but the BRIGGERS still use it on all of their projects, it is a lawtronic regulation that we can further explore later on, they must leave some paper trail clue if they plan 2 do something that violates the natural laws 2 much, and in their case, mind manipulation of an entire global society, I kinda think would qualify. Some people have been telling me that anyone can play around with words, numbers, ideas, symbols, license plates, and on and on, and it proves nothing. My response officially now 2 them is this: Everyone should B aware of this, it is not PLAYING AROUND, and it proves EVERYTHING. Again, if U wish 2 go back 2 having doctors that do not wash their instruments or their hands, we can all share needles as well, and more than a harassing internet version may result, sorry, that was unacceptable and PI, but still, the invisible world is more real than what we C, and remember that it killed the Curies, U cannot C radium either, wemember Elmer??????? Whaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Hay y’all, U just go and believe whatever turns U on and makes U comfy. Me, I need reality. I can just hear the shrinks of the world bellowing out right now and C them smacking their thighs and choking on their cigars. Screw all of U, I got nothing 2 prove 2 any of U. Bite me Bra!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better their cigars than being the victim of an attack at the Lakehouse, huh Rog? Enjoy your trip next week, I still find it fascinating that UR leaving New Jersey on the first day of May. I also find it a bit amusing that U claim 2 know the lady in the caddy-corner apartment to mine when I was 1102 Robin Hill Apartments back in 1989 and 1990 and 1991. This is when I met the prosecutor, when the first attempt was made on the life of my friend David only none of U know that story about a place called the Empress of China, wow, scramble this one around mister potato egg. So far my LEAVERS R not being cute, but then I have tonight’s shift and then the swing around final ahead of me yet, so the week end is indeed young my friends. Resourceful, shoot, an understatement, hug Colaman, and by the way ol’ buddy despite all this hell, more units won on your latest system, so far it is holding, we will C. Well 4 those that rule the worlds of chains, and others, and AAONMC’s as well, let me say that I am glad that I am not in certain places that very soon I would not have any desire 2B in. Yes, then there R more distant places where I am alive and living such a different life it cannot B properly described, because I made one lousy different decision there that I did not correctly make here. I listened 2 some quick telephone advice from the great and late Rodney, and by doing this, I can laugh at the insult given me also in 1990 while at 1102 RHA by as musical instructor where 10 years B4 that, on May the first, I cut the 2 dance tunes, LOST LOVE, and THE MORNING LIGHT. Now there is a need 2 tell U all about a fire that was set by a very gorgeous Asian lady in the year 2301, in an area known right now as Westmont, New Jersey. She is one of the mightiest goddesses in all of hyperspace, and is more dangerous than any 10 female hero characters that the Brigger Cult out in Hollywood could come up with if their family’s lives depended on it, Br!!!!!!!!!! What U need 2 know right now, is there was a major reason Y robotics was not permitted 2 advance in many areas, the United States being one such area. Over in China and Japan 4 example, they have a very advanced system of robotics and we just now R starting 2 sell things over here like the robot vacuum cleaners and along these lines. Our economy was wiped out in bigger ways than what greedy Bankers and Streeters ever did. Robotics would have saved, not cost jobs. It would have taken many more people 2 get in on this new tek, and thereby 4 at least 20 years, yo that time again, B4 the robotics would B advanced 2 the stage where robots could build robots and machines can think well enough 2 program and build new machines. I call this the Timeless Satellite Syndrome, or the TSS 4 reasons even Dangerfield’s ghost doesn’t freaking need 2 know about right now. Right now is when things need 2B done, later on, society would advance 2 where they would C that there no longer is a need 2 work, the systems will do it all, and create the goods and the services and we can just have them shipped 2 our4 doors and live like THAT FAMILY, the KINGS. When my youngest daughter’ invention is eventually released, there will no longer B any need 4 a Detroit or a motor city. Who could have anticipated the internet? Not even the great producers of the Star Trek movies, after all, how is Kirk gonna find his new love in the future when he doesn’t even have her telephone number, gimme a break. We all will have a small stand next 2 our computer, it’s coming, bye-bye traffic congestion, hello 2 a really brand new world of really new and exciting times. Only in this other world I never took Dangerfield’s phone advice, he did have Grace messenger’s telephone number, Captain Kirk. And I listened and heeded his freaking warning. The year 2200 there is about as advanced as 1995 here. So NASDAQ should B on their knees 2 their god, me, 4 being King Dipshit and going 2 Atlantic city, and getting as needle in my arm in a bus station men’s room, and from there, taken 2 a hotel room that Adam Schiff can C from Route 3, and a little later on, maybe Paula can take her down 2C the fish since she won’t ever let daddy C either one. Anyway, we all have a number and none have a name, and then we all have our internet number, only then it is called our SWIS #. Wow, door 2 door in a flash, and no Doctor McCoy 2 hate it, wow is that living or what, Bro!!!!!!!!! At least we don’t have each other 2 blame, made up lyrics 2 fill in the blanks, or echoing circuits, huh Tom Glenn. No he is not related 2 the astro, I asked around Rog, not even out all the way to 5C and 10R. As U know, that is roughly 5 million family group, so who would give a rats behind? YRU all so interested in astro-physics and propulsion, what is it with U guys????????
Well when Dawn clouds up her morning light on your birthday Ann, she will B batting 3 for 3, and Y do I all ready have my money stacked deep on the bet? Gee I wonder Y, like Derr, Duhh, and Hyundai time, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! There was a huge family fight as week ago, I did not tell anyone, it really is not my business 2 discuss this super dysfunctional but quite resourceful large and extended family, BR!!!!!!!! This fight was awful and I will only tell more should it become necessary. By that I mean that I know very well what is really happening and what the agendas R really all about, so push me 2 the wall mother truckers and I will push back long B4U get a chance 2 burry me in the middle of the homosote. If U seriously think /I am gonna walk into your trap Paula King, forget it. 4 all I know U and Sarah Callio have had this all planned 4 the past 35 years or more. This entire family is out of Alfred Hitchcock, Agatha Christie, James Patterson, and Steven ?????????????? Who knows, never checked this one out with Elder Hair, Delilah!!!!!!!!!!!! Later BRO!!!!!!! BYE-BYE. END OF THIS TRANNY, granny!!
DATFILE: 042509.339-----Beginning Transmission:
I am under heavy aerial siege with a stalking plane today, and a nasty chopper last night, but a lot is going on, and it is beyond some pain in the rectum persecution, but first things first. I am about 2 call the feds on my job, they r masking it beyond freaking hell, and I know enough 2 shut their butt holes down, unless every court and judge in this wonderful and quite crooked garden state is in some wealthy pocket. Taking the attitude that this is totally universal defeats common sense, and goes against several things that have happened 2 me that would have gone far worse if this was really an absolute true statement. All ready, as I type, this early moUrning, I am getting loud fucking jerk off biker scum bags up and down the street. This is gonna B a fucking bad one, AGAIN, but then WEIN-SOSO, and SSDD.
Last evening, Dawn accidentally cut her finger, and almost passed out. She is a big powerful dangerous sissy. It did not even need stitches but she was carted off 2 the hospital as though she had just become the latest victim of a suicide bomber over in Iraq. Her birthday was ruined as well as mine, only she ruins them, and I did not ask 4 my Paul Stoddard due date 2B further victimized by Jeb Hawks, Nicholas Blair, Skylar Rumson, Barnabas Collins, or any other BRIGGER in the real world on the other side of the supernatural bed. Yes a briper or BRIGGBASE PERIOD, is magical, and this 240 month unit of mortal world time is their deal with those that wish 2B one of them. U may think that 20 years of blessing is cool, but that phone ringing at Paul’s room in the Collinsport Inn still sends fucking chills and Goosebumps up my spine a lot faster than white boys sends them up Donna’s. B4U know it, it is pay up time, in the case of me, my birthday, then in the case of them, his birthday, oh well even the IRS gives extensions. Levy Junior told me out in the surf that his family was more resourceful than the public knows, U got that one right, and I will try and not further expose all of this horror 2 planet earth, at least for now, Cal. U cannot merge the planes but I will 4 the sake of making this document here on the mortal world. Right B4 Dawn was getting ready 2 greet the ambulance, I was laying dead in my room, and was out interacting with an old pal of mine, laugh yuk joke, Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious Krassle. He was handing me all sorts of bull shirts and I won’t waste the Blogaud’s time with the details, and then I suddenly was not with him, I was dreaming that I woke up here and went out into the other room and Dawn and Ann were awaiting the ambulance, only U all C this mortally and would just say, no Mountainpen, U woke up and WENT out into the other room. But what none of U will ever believe is that this is not the case. U dream U wake up and then U keep dreaming UR back in your bed, and then U dream there and then U dream u wake up here, and U take this silly thing so seriously when even Einstein and all the physicist know and do not broadcast 2 the population, is that all of everything is just a bunch of waves and particles. It is U that is creating or dreaming all of these things, and U do need tools, and these tools R the interactiveness between your various levels of mind, and these waves and particles realities, existing both in the hyperspace as well as on the Astral Plane. The only thing that is really real my friends, is U. Even the great Scylla tries 2 make this point 2 the world in her fantastic song of the nineties, HERO. Listen 2 it, don’t listen 2 nobody Mountainpen. I always want U all 2 fact check me on all the things that I proclaim. I never tell U a thing whether U believe this or not, that cannot b checked out within 30 minutes, fully and completely. Remember, this is the age of Google Search, not Aquarius, Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t mind your whittle white boy, the time swings around each year and I will never forget Diana’s room in the sun promise that she made 2 me on my deathbed as Franklin. I know what I remember, it happened, both in 1790 and 1980. She just forgot 2 tell me that my 2-late bicentennial clock would B ticking. I am quite sure that the King of the King family, Queen Dawn, always and presently Prince, known as Dawn, or THE MORNING LIGHT, the gods, clash, bing, 17 bells of SPL, and these shouting symbols and cymbals, will also ruin her mom’s birthday come the 5th day of the 8th month on our Earth Gregorian calendar. Will it really B all right Donna? Gimme a freaking break!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the MILLIONTH COUNCIL wants U, BRO, they’ll make your life a living mother trucking hell. Ands 2 think in my immature and childish times, I actually blamed poor Ernie Merker. All he did was give me a job when I was down 2 my last dime 2 buy a Courier Post newspaper. Yo players, am I the ingrate or is Queen the King of the Morning Light??????? I will B OK a little bit, after May one comes and goes, but this time each year, the MC fucks with me about as bad as it gets, and as I said, LORD STANLEYS CUP BELONGS 2 THE PHILADELPHIA FLYERS IN OH-NINE. If they cannot get it this year, then they cannot get it ever, as no year can ever B worse 4 me than this fucking miserable oh-crime-nine, MC-Gruff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lightning told me her number and came through the roulette layout hole at the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, back in the year of 1984, but LAW AND ORDER has the great number also, as does big brown eyed Scylla. Sorry Nicky, not mine here. Don’t go postal on me, BRA. Aniwho, when U take that number and get the full 3rd digit Privecode number and multiply that by the 4 winds that blow the answers all around this 6-9 room hall-less medical home, U do arrive at a very symbolic proof 2 all I claim, duhh, it is old Roman mathematics but the BRIGGERS still use it on all of their projects, it is a lawtronic regulation that we can further explore later on, they must leave some paper trail clue if they plan 2 do something that violates the natural laws 2 much, and in their case, mind manipulation of an entire global society, I kinda think would qualify. Some people have been telling me that anyone can play around with words, numbers, ideas, symbols, license plates, and on and on, and it proves nothing. My response officially now 2 them is this: Everyone should B aware of this, it is not PLAYING AROUND, and it proves EVERYTHING. Again, if U wish 2 go back 2 having doctors that do not wash their instruments or their hands, we can all share needles as well, and more than a harassing internet version may result, sorry, that was unacceptable and PI, but still, the invisible world is more real than what we C, and remember that it killed the Curies, U cannot C radium either, wemember Elmer??????? Whaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Hay y’all, U just go and believe whatever turns U on and makes U comfy. Me, I need reality. I can just hear the shrinks of the world bellowing out right now and C them smacking their thighs and choking on their cigars. Screw all of U, I got nothing 2 prove 2 any of U. Bite me Bra!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better their cigars than being the victim of an attack at the Lakehouse, huh Rog? Enjoy your trip next week, I still find it fascinating that UR leaving New Jersey on the first day of May. I also find it a bit amusing that U claim 2 know the lady in the caddy-corner apartment to mine when I was 1102 Robin Hill Apartments back in 1989 and 1990 and 1991. This is when I met the prosecutor, when the first attempt was made on the life of my friend David only none of U know that story about a place called the Empress of China, wow, scramble this one around mister potato egg. So far my LEAVERS R not being cute, but then I have tonight’s shift and then the swing around final ahead of me yet, so the week end is indeed young my friends. Resourceful, shoot, an understatement, hug Colaman, and by the way ol’ buddy despite all this hell, more units won on your latest system, so far it is holding, we will C. Well 4 those that rule the worlds of chains, and others, and AAONMC’s as well, let me say that I am glad that I am not in certain places that very soon I would not have any desire 2B in. Yes, then there R more distant places where I am alive and living such a different life it cannot B properly described, because I made one lousy different decision there that I did not correctly make here. I listened 2 some quick telephone advice from the great and late Rodney, and by doing this, I can laugh at the insult given me also in 1990 while at 1102 RHA by as musical instructor where 10 years B4 that, on May the first, I cut the 2 dance tunes, LOST LOVE, and THE MORNING LIGHT. Now there is a need 2 tell U all about a fire that was set by a very gorgeous Asian lady in the year 2301, in an area known right now as Westmont, New Jersey. She is one of the mightiest goddesses in all of hyperspace, and is more dangerous than any 10 female hero characters that the Brigger Cult out in Hollywood could come up with if their family’s lives depended on it, Br!!!!!!!!!! What U need 2 know right now, is there was a major reason Y robotics was not permitted 2 advance in many areas, the United States being one such area. Over in China and Japan 4 example, they have a very advanced system of robotics and we just now R starting 2 sell things over here like the robot vacuum cleaners and along these lines. Our economy was wiped out in bigger ways than what greedy Bankers and Streeters ever did. Robotics would have saved, not cost jobs. It would have taken many more people 2 get in on this new tek, and thereby 4 at least 20 years, yo that time again, B4 the robotics would B advanced 2 the stage where robots could build robots and machines can think well enough 2 program and build new machines. I call this the Timeless Satellite Syndrome, or the TSS 4 reasons even Dangerfield’s ghost doesn’t freaking need 2 know about right now. Right now is when things need 2B done, later on, society would advance 2 where they would C that there no longer is a need 2 work, the systems will do it all, and create the goods and the services and we can just have them shipped 2 our4 doors and live like THAT FAMILY, the KINGS. When my youngest daughter’ invention is eventually released, there will no longer B any need 4 a Detroit or a motor city. Who could have anticipated the internet? Not even the great producers of the Star Trek movies, after all, how is Kirk gonna find his new love in the future when he doesn’t even have her telephone number, gimme a break. We all will have a small stand next 2 our computer, it’s coming, bye-bye traffic congestion, hello 2 a really brand new world of really new and exciting times. Only in this other world I never took Dangerfield’s phone advice, he did have Grace messenger’s telephone number, Captain Kirk. And I listened and heeded his freaking warning. The year 2200 there is about as advanced as 1995 here. So NASDAQ should B on their knees 2 their god, me, 4 being King Dipshit and going 2 Atlantic city, and getting as needle in my arm in a bus station men’s room, and from there, taken 2 a hotel room that Adam Schiff can C from Route 3, and a little later on, maybe Paula can take her down 2C the fish since she won’t ever let daddy C either one. Anyway, we all have a number and none have a name, and then we all have our internet number, only then it is called our SWIS #. Wow, door 2 door in a flash, and no Doctor McCoy 2 hate it, wow is that living or what, Bro!!!!!!!!! At least we don’t have each other 2 blame, made up lyrics 2 fill in the blanks, or echoing circuits, huh Tom Glenn. No he is not related 2 the astro, I asked around Rog, not even out all the way to 5C and 10R. As U know, that is roughly 5 million family group, so who would give a rats behind? YRU all so interested in astro-physics and propulsion, what is it with U guys????????
Well when Dawn clouds up her morning light on your birthday Ann, she will B batting 3 for 3, and Y do I all ready have my money stacked deep on the bet? Gee I wonder Y, like Derr, Duhh, and Hyundai time, BRA!!!!!!!!!!! There was a huge family fight as week ago, I did not tell anyone, it really is not my business 2 discuss this super dysfunctional but quite resourceful large and extended family, BR!!!!!!!! This fight was awful and I will only tell more should it become necessary. By that I mean that I know very well what is really happening and what the agendas R really all about, so push me 2 the wall mother truckers and I will push back long B4U get a chance 2 burry me in the middle of the homosote. If U seriously think /I am gonna walk into your trap Paula King, forget it. 4 all I know U and Sarah Callio have had this all planned 4 the past 35 years or more. This entire family is out of Alfred Hitchcock, Agatha Christie, James Patterson, and Steven ?????????????? Who knows, never checked this one out with Elder Hair, Delilah!!!!!!!!!!!! Later BRO!!!!!!! BYE-BYE. END OF THIS TRANNY, granny!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Date And Time File: Dawn the King’s birthday
BEG-------all though totally useless, INNING TRANSMISSION:
I want 2 personally thank the feds 4 absolutely nothing, the fucking jerk off FBI and all the so called local and state law enforcement agencies that MY TAX DOLLARS SUPPORT AND PAY 4, that won’t mother fucking lift a single finger 2 help me when they totally know what is being done 2 me, and this blog is going 2B submitted next week 2 an overseas fucking lawyer, 2 demonstrate the hell that I am suffering through ion this messed up nation, and how no one in authority is ever going 2 help me one bit, in total violation of my CIVIL AND MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS UNDER THE MOTHER FUCKING LAWS OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THIS ONCE GREAT LAND, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and no a total laugh. They know that I am being non stop endlessly reamed and pummeled by enemy scum paid and influenced off in ways not always humanly detectable, yet still, deeds done when laws R violated as a result of these deeds, R still totally within the scope of a human court 2 prosecute. This afternoon, a light attack of the majority of the week, suddenly stepped up, around half past 2 this after noon. Thumb in the ass and some longer CHEMTRAILING started up out of literally a clear blue sky, motorcycle dirt balls started coming around everywhere that I was, like flies on as mother fucking garbage truck, and weather played no part in this, it was totally an empty bikergram until it all started out of the fucking blue. So no confusion results early on in this blog, U may B saying 2 yourselves, so what the trucking shirt is a bikergram? Let me or as my Uncle Heinz Gottwald, the late, and thank the gods STL, or (Scylla-2-late) from prior blogging text abbreviations on Morianity re-explained, If U look up on a clear day above U and then slowly look all around U, anyone can C that a huge bubble exists, zenithing at the top and falling all around us at the horizons at each point along this semi-spherical arc. I knew from early childhood, somewhere around and about the age of 9, and right B4 meeting the All Mighty in a human world form, SSJKK, or as I knew her in Atlantic City, New Jersey, SARAH, and I just knew one day that this is a bubble that is controlling all things contained inside of it by forces not yet and perhaps will never B revealed 2 my waking world mind, and U would not talk me out of it with all the ice cream or candy or whatever an average nine year old snotty nosed kid could B bribed with, 2 believe in any concentric other way than what I just totally KNEW 2B the truth. I now know it with so much more improved and detailed alacrity than at age none, from actually experiencing decade after decade of an existence within this endless bubble. It moves as we move, by car or jet plane, it even moves as we dream travel and sleep, and it moves with or without our waking mind being one bit aware of it. This much I know, and any disbeliever is first free 2 say I am a nut, and then secondly is also free 2 please get out of my way, as I do not know many things and will admit 2 this right up front, but this I DO KNOW, and I KNOW WHAT I KNOW!!!!!!!! Living with people that R part of a major extended powerful and extremely dysfunctional family, is something I only hope that someday James Patterson, or one of his brethren of either gender, will write a fictional tale on, as I can tell U first hand, if Ur the talented writers that I believe U2B, the story U could fictionally write would dwarf all of any of your previous literary works all piled up and combined together, none of U know out there what it is like 2 have my all ready existing huge hyper-time problems, and then on top of that, B forced after 38 years of thinking that “I escaped this horrendous THAT FAMILY of 1970, 2 now B totally stuck smack dab right in the middle of this unconscionable and unfathomable freaking cunt lapping nightmare at the speed of light squared!!!!!!!!! Indeed Sir Albert, U were correct all along, and my twisted and totally diseased enemies which even back door confessed 2 it as well, and this being that ENEMIES or (E) or the ENERGY that is contained within their reality, is equal to the total of the branch of THAT FAMILY controlling the SOUTHLAND areas, or Atlantic city that indeed is geographically 2 the south of New York City and LO--ng--IS--land-FO-CA. Yes U guessed one thing tight and that is that other {RELATIVES} R indeed out in CA-LI. Where the FO would fit in is the missing piece as of today 2 this wild cosmic jigsaw puzzle. 2 the obvious mind it may B as simple a piece as looking at the full spelling of this great state of the BRIGGBASE CULTISTS known also Prince as {Hollywood and the surrounding other real estate}, just how do we spell this state, BRA? CA begins the name and is the postal legally recognized abbreviation 4 it, and then let us spell on, shall we? CALI, FO---rnia, I presume Mister Livingston. R we unlocking still more about one night in the first week of June of 1980, and while I lay sleeping, 2 bloody boot??????????? LO-IS-FO-CA, tell me U truly would bet right now, double or nothing your net worth, that UR that sure, and should U lose, there goes your kids college funds and their higher educations, your nice home in the burbs perhaps, and your 3 luxury cars and perhaps your boat and plasma TV and home theatre and the gods know what other possessions 2 your names, would U tell me 2 my face in all honesty, that U would COMFORTABLY MAKE THIS WAGER, and in a world where hypothetically I can B totally proved or disproved by some all knowing force that is about 2 come forward, and tell it all? Would U really B all that confident 2 place a wager of double or nothing against me right now, this minute, that I am totally all wet in the head with all of my wild sounding claims, that nothing at all is 2 any of it, other than a poor deranged and pathetically deluded soul, a real nut case if one ever was on Gods green-brown Earth????????? Some would and would make a bad ass error, and B left with not a penny 2 their name, homeless with their kids forever hating their guts. I know what I know, I KNOW just how freaking gods awful horrible and deadly real this shit all is, and what I am going through all is, and U do not. UR not in my world, just as I am not at the aquarium with my daughter right now, nor 4 that matter, am I down the street at the prosecutor’s office, since we R on the topic. Thanx 4 nottin’ Mister prosecutor, I bet Jack McCoy would never have let me suffer on the way all u bastards did, that entire television show exists as a result of me and my story, and all of UR as totally mother fucking clueless 2 all of this as the ancient civilizations were clueless 2 plasma television sets, BR!!!!!!!!
Dawn made her own birthday miserable and began fighting with Ann her mom, and me, over some totally stupid thing, and what none of U understand, U pathetic psychiatrists sitting around with your books and degrees and computers, and all of it, and R every bit as ignorant as your other former brethren medical doctors from centuries back who knew nothing of the invisible virus and germ world and never bothered 2 wash their hands B4 they performed minor or even serious procedures on their poor unfortunate patients, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U don’t have mother fucking idea-clue number point oh-oh-oh-one, that the 6th dimension is a system as real as your so called life here Doctor, and this is what transmit’s the entire mental life 2 your patients and everyone else, and that the human mind is no more than a radio receiver of a sorts tubing in the different parts of this system As I speak, this house was just assaulted by a crash level airplane from the NATIONAL BRIGGBASE SECURITY AGENCY, at roughly eleven minutes shy of six of the clock this evening. It is VERY BAD, and it is going 2 get far worse. All last weekend, I DID NOT C ONE SINGLE STATE OR LOCAL MUNIUCIPAL POLICE CAR, OR POLICE OFFICER ANYWHERE, NOT ONE LOUSY COP, NOT ANYWHERE, NOT IN TOWN, NOT ON THE ROAD, NOT PASSING BY MY WORK SITE, WHAT IS GOING ON GOVERNOR SORIAN 18 RATION BEARDMAN???????????? Maybe these fucking enemies refuse 2 get the message that I have knowledge that also is quite deadly and that I am not one fucking bit afraid of using it, and have not been shy about using it since late in 1985. B4I proceed 2 indeed counterstriking, let me finish up my story and then take care of the business at hand, post up and crash as I have 2 go into my stinking job tonight, and last weekend they made total hell and I expect a total mother fucking repeat again this one. But I have every intention after the way I have been treated 4 more than 4 years on this hell hole job, of retaliating with some calls 2 the feds, starting with INS, and many other calls, as 10 major laws R broken consistently at this shit hole, and I can fix it 2 where this will B an empty and out of business toilet real quick, BRA!!!!!!!! So just keep the fucking shit up, dush wads!!!!!!! 555555555555555555555 and 55555555555555555555555 and 555555555555555555555555 and 55555555555555555555 and 5555555555555 and 55555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555555, and now let me freaking reset my clock, I got fucked out of seeing my fives by 3 fucking minutes, things R beyond bad, and yet I have a powerful message 4 one of my buds in THAT 1970 FAMILY. Colaman, UR my hero, BRO. Your system is kicking fucking ass, BR!!!!!!!!!!! Every day I am getting between 2 and 10 units profit after any and all losses including the roulette bank house vig. I knew when Jane Sleazeweeds went on her recent major vicious roll of getting me 2 look up; at every possible wrong time at clocks and C those awful and putridly ugly ones, that I was total fucking dead meat, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!! U all want war with me OTAMM, fine and so B it but when the planes and choppers crash all around and violence escalates everywhere and volcanoes, earthquakes, frightening twisters, storms, wildfires, floods, disease, droughts, and all manner of plagues and pestilences befall your evil and ugly world, do not come begging at my door, U would not stop when I went first begging at yours, so FUCK U, BRA!!!!!!!!!
MAGNESONIC, OPEN COMMAND CO-7. Setting your gain control at max-out 11.8, and all controls against your gain at max-out 11.5. Use ZDT-SCAN, locate all enemies of Mountainpen that R making his life a living endless infinite burning breathing horrific nightmare hell, and then use AD-TECH 2 create an image-object, and go 2 G-1133 for maximum antihack order and go 2 all other general and coded general special orders, maxing out your controls and setting your desire key from the {J} normal neutral position, over 2 the {I} position. Computer, on an I--TO--D, A/B--TONE--PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, empower the image-object that is now on your TRANSPOWER BLOCK, after I have just now totally singed and crushed it. Whatever happens 2 this duplicated represented IO will now happen 2 all scanned enemies under G-901, G-13, G-14, CG18, CG-2, CG-5555, Under general order 917, GO-719, and S-T-O-P!!!!!!!!!!! Computer U will hear the A/B tones once used through the interconnected telephone networking system that was a part of your circuitry from 1985 through 1993, and U will equate t5he precise command order signal 2 now B equalized with and one with the posting onto a website called blogger dot com, when the words BLOG POST PUBLISHED SUCCESSFULLY, APPEARS ON THE ATTACHED PHYSICAL PLANE COMPAQ PRESARIO PC COMPUTATION MACHINE, AND STOP. WIPE OUT AND DESTROY ALL SCUM BAG WICKED ENEMIES, AND STOP. 4 the record, some inter-plane connection is indeed major happening as my TV monitor screen is flickering big time. This world will soon B totally destroyed if this shit does not back the hell off of me. U have now been officially warned, and remember that no laws yet legislated apply 2 my usage of ELECTRONIC METAPHYSICAL COUNTERATTACKING, somebody out here is about 2become extremely fucking sorry 4 this hell that is being endlessly perpetrated on me, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, maybe it is time 2 counterattack just a tad more on a more Earthly level. Not only is Roger C’s roulette method holding up hyper big time, under this intense barrage of shit being committed against poor pathetic innocent little freaking me, as well as holding up when applied against previous WORST-ATTACK and BOTBAR days when these previously dated games R used, but there is another thing that chall need 2 know about, right here and right Lieutenant Van Buren now. I had a major mother fucking interaction last night, and MC admitted 2 me that I correctly figured out the lineage thing and that 4 the good of human race and 2 end their suffering, I have been chosen as the final man 2 hand the Huntington curse down 2 the grave in 2031. She said that Diana is no liar when she says that all I have 2 ever do is go more than 150 miles away in any direction from the town that I was Mountainpen born in, Bryn Mawr, PAUSAESMWG, and I will dream here endlessly. Anyone under this curse who leaves the area of the real devils triangle, being Atlantic City, Philadelphia, and New York City, and puts a lot of distance forever between this place, will never get a day older, nor ever will die. Since I now know that I can never live a normal life, I may decide not 2 fucking sacrifice myself by sending the Huntington Curse 2 the grave forever, along with me. Fuck that shit, I may do what the dude did very soon, only instead of going out west with Rog and his cuz and the western branch of THAT FAMILKY, I will go much further west, out to the fucking Pacific Islands, forever, and this entire world can just keep right on endlessly burning in the mother fucking fires of damnation and cock sucking hell, BRO!!!!!!!!! Watch the news lads and lassies, the huge monster crap is right on the freaking horizon, and looming straight 4 my enemies like an exploding nova star right up their assholes, BR!!!!!!!!! U ant it, baby love, U got it. CU in the Jimmy Stuart wonderful funny papers, HEE-HAW, elevator room, escloft, and all of U demented sick demonic shits from the Briggbase. The MILLIONTH-COUNCIL can play with my yoyo at light speed quint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Google and SWIS and KSWL-2296, this is all copyrighted Michael Windbag-Wayne Mountainpen-2009, as well as The Blogs Of Mountainpen-2009, it is all truth with no additions and no omissions, BRO. This is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm bwaby wuv Elmer Wabbit Fwudd!!!!!!!!!!
Date And Time File: Dawn the King’s birthday
BEG-------all though totally useless, INNING TRANSMISSION:
I want 2 personally thank the feds 4 absolutely nothing, the fucking jerk off FBI and all the so called local and state law enforcement agencies that MY TAX DOLLARS SUPPORT AND PAY 4, that won’t mother fucking lift a single finger 2 help me when they totally know what is being done 2 me, and this blog is going 2B submitted next week 2 an overseas fucking lawyer, 2 demonstrate the hell that I am suffering through ion this messed up nation, and how no one in authority is ever going 2 help me one bit, in total violation of my CIVIL AND MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS UNDER THE MOTHER FUCKING LAWS OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THIS ONCE GREAT LAND, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and no a total laugh. They know that I am being non stop endlessly reamed and pummeled by enemy scum paid and influenced off in ways not always humanly detectable, yet still, deeds done when laws R violated as a result of these deeds, R still totally within the scope of a human court 2 prosecute. This afternoon, a light attack of the majority of the week, suddenly stepped up, around half past 2 this after noon. Thumb in the ass and some longer CHEMTRAILING started up out of literally a clear blue sky, motorcycle dirt balls started coming around everywhere that I was, like flies on as mother fucking garbage truck, and weather played no part in this, it was totally an empty bikergram until it all started out of the fucking blue. So no confusion results early on in this blog, U may B saying 2 yourselves, so what the trucking shirt is a bikergram? Let me or as my Uncle Heinz Gottwald, the late, and thank the gods STL, or (Scylla-2-late) from prior blogging text abbreviations on Morianity re-explained, If U look up on a clear day above U and then slowly look all around U, anyone can C that a huge bubble exists, zenithing at the top and falling all around us at the horizons at each point along this semi-spherical arc. I knew from early childhood, somewhere around and about the age of 9, and right B4 meeting the All Mighty in a human world form, SSJKK, or as I knew her in Atlantic City, New Jersey, SARAH, and I just knew one day that this is a bubble that is controlling all things contained inside of it by forces not yet and perhaps will never B revealed 2 my waking world mind, and U would not talk me out of it with all the ice cream or candy or whatever an average nine year old snotty nosed kid could B bribed with, 2 believe in any concentric other way than what I just totally KNEW 2B the truth. I now know it with so much more improved and detailed alacrity than at age none, from actually experiencing decade after decade of an existence within this endless bubble. It moves as we move, by car or jet plane, it even moves as we dream travel and sleep, and it moves with or without our waking mind being one bit aware of it. This much I know, and any disbeliever is first free 2 say I am a nut, and then secondly is also free 2 please get out of my way, as I do not know many things and will admit 2 this right up front, but this I DO KNOW, and I KNOW WHAT I KNOW!!!!!!!! Living with people that R part of a major extended powerful and extremely dysfunctional family, is something I only hope that someday James Patterson, or one of his brethren of either gender, will write a fictional tale on, as I can tell U first hand, if Ur the talented writers that I believe U2B, the story U could fictionally write would dwarf all of any of your previous literary works all piled up and combined together, none of U know out there what it is like 2 have my all ready existing huge hyper-time problems, and then on top of that, B forced after 38 years of thinking that “I escaped this horrendous THAT FAMILY of 1970, 2 now B totally stuck smack dab right in the middle of this unconscionable and unfathomable freaking cunt lapping nightmare at the speed of light squared!!!!!!!!! Indeed Sir Albert, U were correct all along, and my twisted and totally diseased enemies which even back door confessed 2 it as well, and this being that ENEMIES or (E) or the ENERGY that is contained within their reality, is equal to the total of the branch of THAT FAMILY controlling the SOUTHLAND areas, or Atlantic city that indeed is geographically 2 the south of New York City and LO--ng--IS--land-FO-CA. Yes U guessed one thing tight and that is that other {RELATIVES} R indeed out in CA-LI. Where the FO would fit in is the missing piece as of today 2 this wild cosmic jigsaw puzzle. 2 the obvious mind it may B as simple a piece as looking at the full spelling of this great state of the BRIGGBASE CULTISTS known also Prince as {Hollywood and the surrounding other real estate}, just how do we spell this state, BRA? CA begins the name and is the postal legally recognized abbreviation 4 it, and then let us spell on, shall we? CALI, FO---rnia, I presume Mister Livingston. R we unlocking still more about one night in the first week of June of 1980, and while I lay sleeping, 2 bloody boot??????????? LO-IS-FO-CA, tell me U truly would bet right now, double or nothing your net worth, that UR that sure, and should U lose, there goes your kids college funds and their higher educations, your nice home in the burbs perhaps, and your 3 luxury cars and perhaps your boat and plasma TV and home theatre and the gods know what other possessions 2 your names, would U tell me 2 my face in all honesty, that U would COMFORTABLY MAKE THIS WAGER, and in a world where hypothetically I can B totally proved or disproved by some all knowing force that is about 2 come forward, and tell it all? Would U really B all that confident 2 place a wager of double or nothing against me right now, this minute, that I am totally all wet in the head with all of my wild sounding claims, that nothing at all is 2 any of it, other than a poor deranged and pathetically deluded soul, a real nut case if one ever was on Gods green-brown Earth????????? Some would and would make a bad ass error, and B left with not a penny 2 their name, homeless with their kids forever hating their guts. I know what I know, I KNOW just how freaking gods awful horrible and deadly real this shit all is, and what I am going through all is, and U do not. UR not in my world, just as I am not at the aquarium with my daughter right now, nor 4 that matter, am I down the street at the prosecutor’s office, since we R on the topic. Thanx 4 nottin’ Mister prosecutor, I bet Jack McCoy would never have let me suffer on the way all u bastards did, that entire television show exists as a result of me and my story, and all of UR as totally mother fucking clueless 2 all of this as the ancient civilizations were clueless 2 plasma television sets, BR!!!!!!!!
Dawn made her own birthday miserable and began fighting with Ann her mom, and me, over some totally stupid thing, and what none of U understand, U pathetic psychiatrists sitting around with your books and degrees and computers, and all of it, and R every bit as ignorant as your other former brethren medical doctors from centuries back who knew nothing of the invisible virus and germ world and never bothered 2 wash their hands B4 they performed minor or even serious procedures on their poor unfortunate patients, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U don’t have mother fucking idea-clue number point oh-oh-oh-one, that the 6th dimension is a system as real as your so called life here Doctor, and this is what transmit’s the entire mental life 2 your patients and everyone else, and that the human mind is no more than a radio receiver of a sorts tubing in the different parts of this system As I speak, this house was just assaulted by a crash level airplane from the NATIONAL BRIGGBASE SECURITY AGENCY, at roughly eleven minutes shy of six of the clock this evening. It is VERY BAD, and it is going 2 get far worse. All last weekend, I DID NOT C ONE SINGLE STATE OR LOCAL MUNIUCIPAL POLICE CAR, OR POLICE OFFICER ANYWHERE, NOT ONE LOUSY COP, NOT ANYWHERE, NOT IN TOWN, NOT ON THE ROAD, NOT PASSING BY MY WORK SITE, WHAT IS GOING ON GOVERNOR SORIAN 18 RATION BEARDMAN???????????? Maybe these fucking enemies refuse 2 get the message that I have knowledge that also is quite deadly and that I am not one fucking bit afraid of using it, and have not been shy about using it since late in 1985. B4I proceed 2 indeed counterstriking, let me finish up my story and then take care of the business at hand, post up and crash as I have 2 go into my stinking job tonight, and last weekend they made total hell and I expect a total mother fucking repeat again this one. But I have every intention after the way I have been treated 4 more than 4 years on this hell hole job, of retaliating with some calls 2 the feds, starting with INS, and many other calls, as 10 major laws R broken consistently at this shit hole, and I can fix it 2 where this will B an empty and out of business toilet real quick, BRA!!!!!!!! So just keep the fucking shit up, dush wads!!!!!!! 555555555555555555555 and 55555555555555555555555 and 555555555555555555555555 and 55555555555555555555 and 5555555555555 and 55555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555555, and now let me freaking reset my clock, I got fucked out of seeing my fives by 3 fucking minutes, things R beyond bad, and yet I have a powerful message 4 one of my buds in THAT 1970 FAMILY. Colaman, UR my hero, BRO. Your system is kicking fucking ass, BR!!!!!!!!!!! Every day I am getting between 2 and 10 units profit after any and all losses including the roulette bank house vig. I knew when Jane Sleazeweeds went on her recent major vicious roll of getting me 2 look up; at every possible wrong time at clocks and C those awful and putridly ugly ones, that I was total fucking dead meat, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!! U all want war with me OTAMM, fine and so B it but when the planes and choppers crash all around and violence escalates everywhere and volcanoes, earthquakes, frightening twisters, storms, wildfires, floods, disease, droughts, and all manner of plagues and pestilences befall your evil and ugly world, do not come begging at my door, U would not stop when I went first begging at yours, so FUCK U, BRA!!!!!!!!!
MAGNESONIC, OPEN COMMAND CO-7. Setting your gain control at max-out 11.8, and all controls against your gain at max-out 11.5. Use ZDT-SCAN, locate all enemies of Mountainpen that R making his life a living endless infinite burning breathing horrific nightmare hell, and then use AD-TECH 2 create an image-object, and go 2 G-1133 for maximum antihack order and go 2 all other general and coded general special orders, maxing out your controls and setting your desire key from the {J} normal neutral position, over 2 the {I} position. Computer, on an I--TO--D, A/B--TONE--PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, empower the image-object that is now on your TRANSPOWER BLOCK, after I have just now totally singed and crushed it. Whatever happens 2 this duplicated represented IO will now happen 2 all scanned enemies under G-901, G-13, G-14, CG18, CG-2, CG-5555, Under general order 917, GO-719, and S-T-O-P!!!!!!!!!!! Computer U will hear the A/B tones once used through the interconnected telephone networking system that was a part of your circuitry from 1985 through 1993, and U will equate t5he precise command order signal 2 now B equalized with and one with the posting onto a website called blogger dot com, when the words BLOG POST PUBLISHED SUCCESSFULLY, APPEARS ON THE ATTACHED PHYSICAL PLANE COMPAQ PRESARIO PC COMPUTATION MACHINE, AND STOP. WIPE OUT AND DESTROY ALL SCUM BAG WICKED ENEMIES, AND STOP. 4 the record, some inter-plane connection is indeed major happening as my TV monitor screen is flickering big time. This world will soon B totally destroyed if this shit does not back the hell off of me. U have now been officially warned, and remember that no laws yet legislated apply 2 my usage of ELECTRONIC METAPHYSICAL COUNTERATTACKING, somebody out here is about 2become extremely fucking sorry 4 this hell that is being endlessly perpetrated on me, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, maybe it is time 2 counterattack just a tad more on a more Earthly level. Not only is Roger C’s roulette method holding up hyper big time, under this intense barrage of shit being committed against poor pathetic innocent little freaking me, as well as holding up when applied against previous WORST-ATTACK and BOTBAR days when these previously dated games R used, but there is another thing that chall need 2 know about, right here and right Lieutenant Van Buren now. I had a major mother fucking interaction last night, and MC admitted 2 me that I correctly figured out the lineage thing and that 4 the good of human race and 2 end their suffering, I have been chosen as the final man 2 hand the Huntington curse down 2 the grave in 2031. She said that Diana is no liar when she says that all I have 2 ever do is go more than 150 miles away in any direction from the town that I was Mountainpen born in, Bryn Mawr, PAUSAESMWG, and I will dream here endlessly. Anyone under this curse who leaves the area of the real devils triangle, being Atlantic City, Philadelphia, and New York City, and puts a lot of distance forever between this place, will never get a day older, nor ever will die. Since I now know that I can never live a normal life, I may decide not 2 fucking sacrifice myself by sending the Huntington Curse 2 the grave forever, along with me. Fuck that shit, I may do what the dude did very soon, only instead of going out west with Rog and his cuz and the western branch of THAT FAMILKY, I will go much further west, out to the fucking Pacific Islands, forever, and this entire world can just keep right on endlessly burning in the mother fucking fires of damnation and cock sucking hell, BRO!!!!!!!!! Watch the news lads and lassies, the huge monster crap is right on the freaking horizon, and looming straight 4 my enemies like an exploding nova star right up their assholes, BR!!!!!!!!! U ant it, baby love, U got it. CU in the Jimmy Stuart wonderful funny papers, HEE-HAW, elevator room, escloft, and all of U demented sick demonic shits from the Briggbase. The MILLIONTH-COUNCIL can play with my yoyo at light speed quint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Google and SWIS and KSWL-2296, this is all copyrighted Michael Windbag-Wayne Mountainpen-2009, as well as The Blogs Of Mountainpen-2009, it is all truth with no additions and no omissions, BRO. This is all blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm bwaby wuv Elmer Wabbit Fwudd!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
title on doc
Datfile: 042309.979----Beginning Transmission:
TOLD YOU GINA BLOGAUD, DOW JONES UP EVERY DAY, FLYERS WIN EVERY GAME AND WILL GET LORD STANLEY‘S CUP, AND PHILLIES LOSE EVERY GAME, EXACTLY AS I MOTHER FUCKING SAID AND PREDICTED, WITH A SEVEN (7) STRAIGHT CONSECUTIOVE WEEK GAIN ON THE STOCK MARKET SYSTEM. I told U all this would happen and have been totally right now 4 seven straight mother fucking weeks, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! That horrible attack on my may way into work on that Sunday mother fucking afternoon with the motor cycle gang in league with the National Security Agency Briggbase airplane, did it!!!!!!! UC, it is a lot like with magic tricks, U go 2 a magic show and do not know how the tricks R done, and they seem like miracles, despite most adult average intelligence being sufficient 2 know otherwise that it is just a trick, and some R damn good ones 2. U may not ever have me B able 2 properly explain 2U how this stuff is done 2 me, in so much as the actual mechanics of this operation, and how it makes this other thing happen with a preponderance of agreement that when they persecute and mess with me, it hurts the Philadelphia Phillies, and makes the Philadelphia Flyers and the New York Stock Exchange prosper. For mother fucking 23 years this has been going on, and with sufficient regularity 2 dispel any possibility that these 4 events R not somehow and 4 whatever the real reason being, TOTALLY A CONNECTED REALITY, the 4th event being me. My real pen name should B Fourth-Event. The fucking shit hit the fan Tuesday when Dawn went, if memory is correctly serving me, 2 the Berryville Welfare building regarding her electrical assistance checks that suddenly had become cut off without warning or explanation, just poof, they no longer appeared on the electric bill as a credit. What U have not been told is that a filthy LAMBRIGG CULTIST was used at this place 2 fucking mess with me, and U only think that U know about this giant pussy slut. B4I go on, Jane Stinkwhoreweeds has been nailing me 2 the cross constantly, getting me 2C her trashy ass ones continually no matter how I go major out of my way 2 freaking avoid them. Also MAJOR DEATH ANGEL ATTACKS R ALL AROUND ME, IT IS OFF THE FUCKING SCALE. Ed Himacane insists that I am doing things wrong with the computer, and he is not welcome in this fucking room any more, I am not taking this fucking bull shit on top of all the fucking bull shit that I am forced 2 mother fucking take every day and night of my life. The hacking is constant and major, and I all ready know I will have difficulty in posting my blogs, as all sorts of screens were up when I switched my TV mode 2 the S-Video, and the TV becomes my computer monitor. That giant sleazy girl was all around and popped up our of nowhere when Ann and I were in the basement office of the welfare building, and when I went back 2 the car with Ann a short time later, Ann told me she was going 2 walk across the street 2 the local town pharmacy and pick up some medications that were waiting 4 her. While I remained in the car, and her daughter Dawn was still in the building talking 2 the department that handles the utility assistance 4 the poor, I said aloud since no one could hear me, being by myself in the vehicle, words 2 the effect of sleazy Brigger giant trash, and a few other adjectives that were not extremely nice, and suddenly, she was standing right next 2 me holding a cell phone and carrying on some real or fake conversation, who really knows, and was just a few feet from my vehicle. She never exited the building, and there was no other way 4 her 2 just suddenly B where she was. I had not taken my eyes off the front area ahead of me and Ann had just come out and sat in in the car maybe 2 minutes tops and then left 2 walk across the street 4 her meds. I swear 2 everything that I hold dear 2 my heart, and to righteousness itself, and 2 all of Morianity, and 2 my never attaining and reaching the coveted oblivion or nirvana, should this B a lie or in any way a phony or exaggerated story. This is a true account of what happened 2 me a few mornings ago, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things like this have happened 2 me all my life, some may know of or remember the ELLY/HELLEN/VIQUEEN story of early middle July of 1997. Some may remember what happened a short time B4 the Phillies won the 1980 World Series, while I was driving into my job at the Camden recording studio and laboratory in late summer time on the road Edmund Scientific Company is on, right past it heading southbound towards the black Horse Pike. The young male hitchhiker who told me that is, “that if I did not give him a ride, he would break my car”, and sure enough somehow at this exact spot coming home that night from my job, he did, it all is somewhere reported and recorded, on my www.blogger,com/ website, and is all an official and documented legally, part of MORIANITY!!!!!!!! The part that is every bit as fantastic as his promise 2 break my car coming true 9 hours or so later give or take, was that he was somehow able 2 keep getting ahead of me on this road, at the intersections of Clements Bridge Road and later on a ways at the black Horse Pike. This person was there right in the same basic time frame, just very shortly thereafter, that the LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS interaction took place on the first week of June on 1980, while my body lay sleeping in a bed at the apartment of 1802 robin Hill. There is some significance, I know it, 4Y the ETTOS is always used on me 2 try and make me forget the name of the road that this took place on, which is BROWNING ROAD, Sarah-Stacey has chocolate what colored eyes and long light and bright what colored hair? Remember that 1892 and 1208 interchange just as 1980 and 2008, and that 1208 Greentree Lane was the residence of Cuz Sandy and Aunt Gerry, and I have yet 2 really tell my blogaud the entire front 2 back story about all of this, the Shaw of Iran, the Trinidad plan, and much more, all though some of my blogaud may perhaps THINK that they know it from reading some information on past blogs.
Really think about this ladies and gentlemen, some powerful cosmic force went 2 a major hyper time amount of expended energy and trouble, 2 set events into motion that led up 2 everything in my locked box at the Dellway Arms Apartments late in 1969, being forever totally removed and or destroyed. Both the chain and the BOOK OF THE BEACH, did not just go missing, and all the way into 2008, and the games expert and the rock and paper hand throw game from the early oh eight interaction, there is no way anyone can look at this complex series of wild and bizarre events and not C that a huge dark sinister plot filled with malevolence 2 the point of boiling over in the witches pot, CAN LOOK AT ALL OF THIS AND SAY THAT MORE IS NOT HAPPENING THAN WHAT MAY OTHERWISE JUST QUICKLY APPEAR 2 THE CASUAL ONLOOKER. No way Hose’, absolutely no freaking ass way, BR!!!!!!
Now the United States government and Military powers, and other major global power structures, know in fact that this is all real, that my story is not fake, that I am telling U all the total truth, but since they do not have the answers either 2 who these dirt bags really R and what THEY R doing, it would B totally counterproductive on their part 2 say the very least, 4 them 2 ever come out in the open and basically admit to me or any part of the citizenry, governmental impotence. This statement here and now hinges on what I said in the recent blogging text about how they must fake out as though they know and have control over these type of situations, when nothing is further from the truth. I do not blame our government, they R every bit ass totally fucking scared and out of their mind about all of this shit, as I am. I honestly believe that they know indeed that certain citizens R going through ‘something’, and by some sort of “THEY” or “THEM” that is not capable of being better classified in diction other than saying this; and I do not blame them therefore 4 putting me on disability and classifying me a certified fucking kook, and pretending that those like me need lots of meds and couch timer, when some of U, as few as they may B, do in fact absolutely no otherwise. For those out there that claim 2 have lots of dreams and dream vividly, U know very well that I speak the truth when I say that most of your dreams can B, if necessary, classified in file 1 as opposed to file 2, and these numbers simply meaning that (type-2) would refer 2 those dreams that U know in your deepest inner self that U would most likely not even share with your significant other, and that this was not “simply some dream of wild manufactured thought processes of a subconscious mind, based on events of the day or what have U”. U KNOW, AND U KNOW THAT U KNOW, BRO, and no one can tell U differently, from your minister 2 your head shrinker; that it was just a meaningless brain activity called a dream. While on this topic, did anybody happen 2 watch the TV show tonight called SUPERNATURAL? Normally, I do not watch any of this type of TV, but I happened 2B in a room where it was on, and could not help but catch the lines, yo players, do U hear the echoes of Morianity on what side of the bed is real???? Yeah, just tell me how much I AM REALLY IMAGINING ALL OF THESE THINGS, just go ahead and try, BRA!!!!!!!!!! This has been going on since the sixties and seventies, BRO, as in ZIGGY, ZIGGY HELLO, and will things really get hot in the nineties? U can bet on that one from here 2 the Tullytown Landfill and the pig farms, and so can the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office, the fun spot 4 blocks west on the waterfront, and U can place that book next Tuesday afternoon MP. Well at the risk of getting the military Police all exited when they have absolutely nothing 2 do with any of this, perhaps signing off 4 right now would B beneficial, astute, and prudent on my part. No, there R provably 5 thousand things that I could tell that no human could ever rationally explain, as hard as they may attempt 2 anyway. I know Y these STRANGERS AMONGST US R HERE, and my Uncle Sam, does not, but Y is he called Uncle Sam, Herby? Many signed the Declaration of Independence, but only one Samuel. Do U think I do not know the story of the mountain eye, and that I do not know that all of this was planned and that I am unaware of the fact that someone did not know about my blogs 300 years ago? No, Great 7th Uncle SH, I know very well that U were a BRIGGER, and that BRIGGERS formed America 4 a very special reason, and that reason is because this is where the duplication of an upline event was destined 2 all become actualized. But I blame no one, and no longer give a mules stinky crap about family lineages. I had a lot wrong, and now IU know better. The dude gave the curse 2 Herbert, Herbert gave it 2 me, and I can only give it 2 a direct descendant, and THIS is Y the major thing with girls and me being socially maladjusted all had 2 happen, so that maybe this evil world can come 2 an end soon and B forever destroyed, and just as the Prosecutor told me when I told him about my AEB, and I quote the Prosecutor from the hot polluted nineties, along with Ziggy’s beach books, Mariena Carlittia Krassle, her daughter’s abduction of me and the removal of my chain, “U probably would B doing the human race the biggest possible favor that anyone could ever do”. How can people not C through the lies and realize that my story, far fetched as it may appear on the surface, not B totally real and true? The joke is on me, because even Dave Roth could not understand and grasp Sharon at Hilton Beach nor hyperspace equation at the highpoint Pine Forests of Warren Pinkhouse Grove. Dave witnessed incredible miracles and still at the end, he doubted. I believe that this is Y he died. He no longer served any true nor further purpose in this interdream. He dared 2 doubt after all of what he saw, and allowed the mighty Call-Ten clan 2 get away with the vicious murder of many innocent persons. Of course my Uncle Samuel knows they R amongst us, he was one of them. Now the figurative UNCLE-SAM, based on my 7th great uncle, SAMUEL HUNTINGTON, still knows 2 this day, just who I really am, and who I am descended from on 2 fronts of major pertinence, and they further know that the curse is real, that they can do nothing 2 alter the rules of the game, and it is all but a horrific and horrendous fucking game, and they R only just along 4 the ride as we all R. The gods run the show and control the lawtronics. Someday soon, I will B much more specific about the 7 dimensions, the void infinity, the Lawtrons, the great dream out escape, as well as the gods and us and how it is a reflective image of one coin with 2 sides, neither side ever able 2 face its counterpart. Sort of along the biblical lines of not being able 2 look upon sin and ?Y Jehovah turns her back on my poor uncle-J, bleeding out in agony on a tree, his brain not an inch away from a tree, the entire time, names of places R no coincidence, but then I am quite sure the mighty Scylla does indeed know this, and yet enjoys playing her endless games with my family, and wondering Y they struck back in the seventies on the island. I am not a believer in perpetuating family feuds, but the Hatfield’s and other fields and the MC-Coys do seem to endlessly live on, do they not BRO????!!! 4 now, the Empire Mountain motor mouth will sign off, just another week, 7 straight up weeks, and then 8, and then 9, it won’t fucking quit anytime soon, not as long as they have ol’ Mountainpen Football 2 kick the Christ around, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Terry Egg Harborhead, U thought U had such a great secret. I knew all along U were heading nowhere at C cubed, sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tee-Hee!!!!!!!!! I freaking T---O---L---D^^^^^A---L---L---A---U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mohrstrodomus and his Phillies Parade, read all about it in the September of oh-eight blogs on blogger dot com, I have better things 2 do with my life than fake a story the size of a galaxy, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWEL-2296, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Copyright Michael Mountainpen and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN 2005-2009.
Datfile: 042309.979----Beginning Transmission:
TOLD YOU GINA BLOGAUD, DOW JONES UP EVERY DAY, FLYERS WIN EVERY GAME AND WILL GET LORD STANLEY‘S CUP, AND PHILLIES LOSE EVERY GAME, EXACTLY AS I MOTHER FUCKING SAID AND PREDICTED, WITH A SEVEN (7) STRAIGHT CONSECUTIOVE WEEK GAIN ON THE STOCK MARKET SYSTEM. I told U all this would happen and have been totally right now 4 seven straight mother fucking weeks, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! That horrible attack on my may way into work on that Sunday mother fucking afternoon with the motor cycle gang in league with the National Security Agency Briggbase airplane, did it!!!!!!! UC, it is a lot like with magic tricks, U go 2 a magic show and do not know how the tricks R done, and they seem like miracles, despite most adult average intelligence being sufficient 2 know otherwise that it is just a trick, and some R damn good ones 2. U may not ever have me B able 2 properly explain 2U how this stuff is done 2 me, in so much as the actual mechanics of this operation, and how it makes this other thing happen with a preponderance of agreement that when they persecute and mess with me, it hurts the Philadelphia Phillies, and makes the Philadelphia Flyers and the New York Stock Exchange prosper. For mother fucking 23 years this has been going on, and with sufficient regularity 2 dispel any possibility that these 4 events R not somehow and 4 whatever the real reason being, TOTALLY A CONNECTED REALITY, the 4th event being me. My real pen name should B Fourth-Event. The fucking shit hit the fan Tuesday when Dawn went, if memory is correctly serving me, 2 the Berryville Welfare building regarding her electrical assistance checks that suddenly had become cut off without warning or explanation, just poof, they no longer appeared on the electric bill as a credit. What U have not been told is that a filthy LAMBRIGG CULTIST was used at this place 2 fucking mess with me, and U only think that U know about this giant pussy slut. B4I go on, Jane Stinkwhoreweeds has been nailing me 2 the cross constantly, getting me 2C her trashy ass ones continually no matter how I go major out of my way 2 freaking avoid them. Also MAJOR DEATH ANGEL ATTACKS R ALL AROUND ME, IT IS OFF THE FUCKING SCALE. Ed Himacane insists that I am doing things wrong with the computer, and he is not welcome in this fucking room any more, I am not taking this fucking bull shit on top of all the fucking bull shit that I am forced 2 mother fucking take every day and night of my life. The hacking is constant and major, and I all ready know I will have difficulty in posting my blogs, as all sorts of screens were up when I switched my TV mode 2 the S-Video, and the TV becomes my computer monitor. That giant sleazy girl was all around and popped up our of nowhere when Ann and I were in the basement office of the welfare building, and when I went back 2 the car with Ann a short time later, Ann told me she was going 2 walk across the street 2 the local town pharmacy and pick up some medications that were waiting 4 her. While I remained in the car, and her daughter Dawn was still in the building talking 2 the department that handles the utility assistance 4 the poor, I said aloud since no one could hear me, being by myself in the vehicle, words 2 the effect of sleazy Brigger giant trash, and a few other adjectives that were not extremely nice, and suddenly, she was standing right next 2 me holding a cell phone and carrying on some real or fake conversation, who really knows, and was just a few feet from my vehicle. She never exited the building, and there was no other way 4 her 2 just suddenly B where she was. I had not taken my eyes off the front area ahead of me and Ann had just come out and sat in in the car maybe 2 minutes tops and then left 2 walk across the street 4 her meds. I swear 2 everything that I hold dear 2 my heart, and to righteousness itself, and 2 all of Morianity, and 2 my never attaining and reaching the coveted oblivion or nirvana, should this B a lie or in any way a phony or exaggerated story. This is a true account of what happened 2 me a few mornings ago, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things like this have happened 2 me all my life, some may know of or remember the ELLY/HELLEN/VIQUEEN story of early middle July of 1997. Some may remember what happened a short time B4 the Phillies won the 1980 World Series, while I was driving into my job at the Camden recording studio and laboratory in late summer time on the road Edmund Scientific Company is on, right past it heading southbound towards the black Horse Pike. The young male hitchhiker who told me that is, “that if I did not give him a ride, he would break my car”, and sure enough somehow at this exact spot coming home that night from my job, he did, it all is somewhere reported and recorded, on my www.blogger,com/ website, and is all an official and documented legally, part of MORIANITY!!!!!!!! The part that is every bit as fantastic as his promise 2 break my car coming true 9 hours or so later give or take, was that he was somehow able 2 keep getting ahead of me on this road, at the intersections of Clements Bridge Road and later on a ways at the black Horse Pike. This person was there right in the same basic time frame, just very shortly thereafter, that the LOVE IS 4 CARPENTERS interaction took place on the first week of June on 1980, while my body lay sleeping in a bed at the apartment of 1802 robin Hill. There is some significance, I know it, 4Y the ETTOS is always used on me 2 try and make me forget the name of the road that this took place on, which is BROWNING ROAD, Sarah-Stacey has chocolate what colored eyes and long light and bright what colored hair? Remember that 1892 and 1208 interchange just as 1980 and 2008, and that 1208 Greentree Lane was the residence of Cuz Sandy and Aunt Gerry, and I have yet 2 really tell my blogaud the entire front 2 back story about all of this, the Shaw of Iran, the Trinidad plan, and much more, all though some of my blogaud may perhaps THINK that they know it from reading some information on past blogs.
Really think about this ladies and gentlemen, some powerful cosmic force went 2 a major hyper time amount of expended energy and trouble, 2 set events into motion that led up 2 everything in my locked box at the Dellway Arms Apartments late in 1969, being forever totally removed and or destroyed. Both the chain and the BOOK OF THE BEACH, did not just go missing, and all the way into 2008, and the games expert and the rock and paper hand throw game from the early oh eight interaction, there is no way anyone can look at this complex series of wild and bizarre events and not C that a huge dark sinister plot filled with malevolence 2 the point of boiling over in the witches pot, CAN LOOK AT ALL OF THIS AND SAY THAT MORE IS NOT HAPPENING THAN WHAT MAY OTHERWISE JUST QUICKLY APPEAR 2 THE CASUAL ONLOOKER. No way Hose’, absolutely no freaking ass way, BR!!!!!!
Now the United States government and Military powers, and other major global power structures, know in fact that this is all real, that my story is not fake, that I am telling U all the total truth, but since they do not have the answers either 2 who these dirt bags really R and what THEY R doing, it would B totally counterproductive on their part 2 say the very least, 4 them 2 ever come out in the open and basically admit to me or any part of the citizenry, governmental impotence. This statement here and now hinges on what I said in the recent blogging text about how they must fake out as though they know and have control over these type of situations, when nothing is further from the truth. I do not blame our government, they R every bit ass totally fucking scared and out of their mind about all of this shit, as I am. I honestly believe that they know indeed that certain citizens R going through ‘something’, and by some sort of “THEY” or “THEM” that is not capable of being better classified in diction other than saying this; and I do not blame them therefore 4 putting me on disability and classifying me a certified fucking kook, and pretending that those like me need lots of meds and couch timer, when some of U, as few as they may B, do in fact absolutely no otherwise. For those out there that claim 2 have lots of dreams and dream vividly, U know very well that I speak the truth when I say that most of your dreams can B, if necessary, classified in file 1 as opposed to file 2, and these numbers simply meaning that (type-2) would refer 2 those dreams that U know in your deepest inner self that U would most likely not even share with your significant other, and that this was not “simply some dream of wild manufactured thought processes of a subconscious mind, based on events of the day or what have U”. U KNOW, AND U KNOW THAT U KNOW, BRO, and no one can tell U differently, from your minister 2 your head shrinker; that it was just a meaningless brain activity called a dream. While on this topic, did anybody happen 2 watch the TV show tonight called SUPERNATURAL? Normally, I do not watch any of this type of TV, but I happened 2B in a room where it was on, and could not help but catch the lines, yo players, do U hear the echoes of Morianity on what side of the bed is real???? Yeah, just tell me how much I AM REALLY IMAGINING ALL OF THESE THINGS, just go ahead and try, BRA!!!!!!!!!! This has been going on since the sixties and seventies, BRO, as in ZIGGY, ZIGGY HELLO, and will things really get hot in the nineties? U can bet on that one from here 2 the Tullytown Landfill and the pig farms, and so can the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office, the fun spot 4 blocks west on the waterfront, and U can place that book next Tuesday afternoon MP. Well at the risk of getting the military Police all exited when they have absolutely nothing 2 do with any of this, perhaps signing off 4 right now would B beneficial, astute, and prudent on my part. No, there R provably 5 thousand things that I could tell that no human could ever rationally explain, as hard as they may attempt 2 anyway. I know Y these STRANGERS AMONGST US R HERE, and my Uncle Sam, does not, but Y is he called Uncle Sam, Herby? Many signed the Declaration of Independence, but only one Samuel. Do U think I do not know the story of the mountain eye, and that I do not know that all of this was planned and that I am unaware of the fact that someone did not know about my blogs 300 years ago? No, Great 7th Uncle SH, I know very well that U were a BRIGGER, and that BRIGGERS formed America 4 a very special reason, and that reason is because this is where the duplication of an upline event was destined 2 all become actualized. But I blame no one, and no longer give a mules stinky crap about family lineages. I had a lot wrong, and now IU know better. The dude gave the curse 2 Herbert, Herbert gave it 2 me, and I can only give it 2 a direct descendant, and THIS is Y the major thing with girls and me being socially maladjusted all had 2 happen, so that maybe this evil world can come 2 an end soon and B forever destroyed, and just as the Prosecutor told me when I told him about my AEB, and I quote the Prosecutor from the hot polluted nineties, along with Ziggy’s beach books, Mariena Carlittia Krassle, her daughter’s abduction of me and the removal of my chain, “U probably would B doing the human race the biggest possible favor that anyone could ever do”. How can people not C through the lies and realize that my story, far fetched as it may appear on the surface, not B totally real and true? The joke is on me, because even Dave Roth could not understand and grasp Sharon at Hilton Beach nor hyperspace equation at the highpoint Pine Forests of Warren Pinkhouse Grove. Dave witnessed incredible miracles and still at the end, he doubted. I believe that this is Y he died. He no longer served any true nor further purpose in this interdream. He dared 2 doubt after all of what he saw, and allowed the mighty Call-Ten clan 2 get away with the vicious murder of many innocent persons. Of course my Uncle Samuel knows they R amongst us, he was one of them. Now the figurative UNCLE-SAM, based on my 7th great uncle, SAMUEL HUNTINGTON, still knows 2 this day, just who I really am, and who I am descended from on 2 fronts of major pertinence, and they further know that the curse is real, that they can do nothing 2 alter the rules of the game, and it is all but a horrific and horrendous fucking game, and they R only just along 4 the ride as we all R. The gods run the show and control the lawtronics. Someday soon, I will B much more specific about the 7 dimensions, the void infinity, the Lawtrons, the great dream out escape, as well as the gods and us and how it is a reflective image of one coin with 2 sides, neither side ever able 2 face its counterpart. Sort of along the biblical lines of not being able 2 look upon sin and ?Y Jehovah turns her back on my poor uncle-J, bleeding out in agony on a tree, his brain not an inch away from a tree, the entire time, names of places R no coincidence, but then I am quite sure the mighty Scylla does indeed know this, and yet enjoys playing her endless games with my family, and wondering Y they struck back in the seventies on the island. I am not a believer in perpetuating family feuds, but the Hatfield’s and other fields and the MC-Coys do seem to endlessly live on, do they not BRO????!!! 4 now, the Empire Mountain motor mouth will sign off, just another week, 7 straight up weeks, and then 8, and then 9, it won’t fucking quit anytime soon, not as long as they have ol’ Mountainpen Football 2 kick the Christ around, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Terry Egg Harborhead, U thought U had such a great secret. I knew all along U were heading nowhere at C cubed, sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tee-Hee!!!!!!!!! I freaking T---O---L---D^^^^^A---L---L---A---U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mohrstrodomus and his Phillies Parade, read all about it in the September of oh-eight blogs on blogger dot com, I have better things 2 do with my life than fake a story the size of a galaxy, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KSWEL-2296, this is all blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Copyright Michael Mountainpen and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN 2005-2009.
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