The Epitome Of Harassment, Internet Version
Morianity Project Continues from 1995
Datfile: 041509.546
Beginning Transmission:
Extremely weird things R happening on the computer, I am having lots of difficulty trying 2 do just a simple blog, lots of strange things R happening. Yesterday, Ed was over here and if he is so Einstein smart, Y does he not grasp the smallest truths that real Morians indeed know? Well, my goddesses told me last night in a powerful dream or vision or whatever name that U wish 2 assign 2 this event. Miss Jane Slobslap is on a roll 4 nailing me with her Atlanta Braves ones garbage, the death angel buzzes away continuously, I am very used to all of this horse shirt by now, BR!!!!!!!! I would have blogged yesterday, but Dawn was busy with Ed on the computer, helping her apply online at Wal-Mart 4 a job, it is a long drawn out thing and takes a long time 2 do. I laid down 2 talk 2 my lightning goddess and B4I knew parsley from elephant gas, I was dead. I went out and was totally gone 4 14 hours, and I had a very bad day and will get into that, anytime Ed is around me, it causes major problems, this all has 2 do with my youngest daughter, Maury. No I do not know her name, I am speaking 2 a man that I’ll B contacting soon, this stops right here and right now, if others can learn the truth, than if I am prevented from doing the same, more evidence then pops in that my nightmare story is very true and real, a tale of woe and hell 2 the billionth exponent. B4I do march on with any of this, Paula never married a man from the military, this was all a bunch of lies fed 2 me with an agenda, by persons with an agenda, and if I said all that I really want 2 say, my life could B made a million times more miserable, if any of U can imagine or fathom such a wilds possibility, Bro!!!! Paula will never marry, nor have children, not in the way any of U mortals think. I do not want 2B responsible 4 the total collapse of world religion and the church system, and not that anyone believes a thing that I say anyway, wait until U hear this one ladies and freaking gentlemen: Bringing Ed back from his trailer yesterday, with the mighty Queen dawn in the front seat next 2 me and him in the rear directly behind her, Dawn said something so viscous 2 me that most people would have gone Columbine, but I have learned through extreme bull shirt over a long period of time, that this is indeed precisely and exactly what this diseased enemy of mine is and has been all along, trying 2 make me do. I will not give this filthy mucous drinking organized group of pure sewage their ultimate gift, boxed or not, Paula. U have followed me around this world since we were but ten and now we R old, or at least I am, U can of course remain any way U wish, being an entity made up of pure energy. She is so smart and mind boggling that there simply is no way 4 me ever 2 properly describe this powerful entity. I will tell all of U what I was told last night in powerful interactions, but U will not believe any of it, and so fine, that is your business. First, She says that I am an annoying pain in her family’s ass and have been 4 more than 56 quintillion kalpa’s. She went onto tell me that she is not afraid of anything I ever try to do or tell, she can stop me cold in my tracks no matter what I ever try 2 do. She just needed me 2 produce her 2 human daughters, and cares nothing 4 me, and that the girl in the motel in 1867 was her cousin Patty and not her, and that what my cousin Sandy and the Callio girl gang did 2 me does not concern her, other than 4 giving her the idea that she could do this awful thing 2 me and that I would get it mixed up with her cousin Patty and Sarah Callio and Nina Soifer and the rest of the girl gang down there in Atlantic city at the time. She laughed then so loudly my ears rang and when I tried to hold my ears, I immediately removed my fingers as she caused some pain to intensely occur if I tried 2 put my fingers into my ears 2 muffle the sound of her raucous and evil laughter. Then she laughed and roared louder than any human female possibly could, and blood poured out of both of my ears from the unbelievable sound pressure levels that were emanating from her mouth. I jumped into the air and fell flat ion my stomach and this caused her 2 laugh all the more. I kept shouting at her, Paula, Paula, Y can’t I fly, only my voice at top gun was totally inaudible, and all that could B heard was her super loud roaring and laughter. Then Sarah appeared ahead of me on a pathway and was running away from me and I called out 2 her and ran after her and tried once more 2 leap up and fly along the path, and within seconds, down I crashed right onto this grassy and muddy path out in some forsaken by the gods area that I have no clue about where it could B symbolically. B4 going on, let me get back 2 things that were said 2 me that were so awful, that most people would have committed murder over it. I will not lie by the way. Last night B4I went 2 lay down, I began seriously thinking about taking large knives and doing everybody in while they sleep, and then cutting my head off. Here we go again 4 the next generation of Herbert Huntington victims. Bra!!!! I was very serious about it 4 about 5 minutes, and the next thing I knew, it was hours later and Dawn was telling me that Teekio was staying over and not 2 trip over him in the living room. This is one of Chicky’s coworker’s and ex drinking buds, as U know Dawn allows no liquor at all, and totally controls this home with a fist of iron. Dawn told me that her distant family thinks I am a big jerk off and when they have nothing better 2 do, they’re gonna mess with me, and there is nothing I can do about it. Then she kept saying, “U had your chance” over again, and then she also said, “U wiped out and blew it Charlie, tough &#*^, move on and quit making problems 4 my peeps ya fat worthless pig” Then as though nothing mean was ever said, I have 2 go into my room that I pay very high rent and utility costs to the KINGS, first and second, and all of them, with Ed and Dawn and sit a chair while they use my computer 2 help get Dawn a part time position at the Wal-Mart store just down the road. U know, Lenny McKinnon, if UR out there U son of a mother rocking female dog, the days of Phyllis were tame next 2 all of this. I say this in truth and with permission that goes beyond the barriers of the known world that was conquered by me so long ago. Then Paula goes on and has the knock lucking audacity 2 say an extremely monstrously atrocious thing 2 me next, in this powerful dream interaction. We can get back to me and Ed and Dawn with the computer later on, but first, Paula says a really horrendous thing. She told me that I created the good part of Sarah, and she created the bad part, and that she plans 2 let the entire world know details of this within a short period of time. I then asked her Y she would do me this favor since she hates me so much, and got my mind blown away, and must tell the mortal world what she said back to me in this beyond wild and bizarre ‘dream’. This wild sleazy giant looked right at me straight face after picking me up in one had so we would B at eye level, and she said that, “this world in a very short time will make badness the total hero, and goodness will B 4 sissies and wusses. Power and evil will become the coveted things, and then anarchy and lawlessness will begin, and U know when that happens, don’t U Louie? Instantly my mind raced 2 the future Law and Order that I did witness in hyperspace, and does not mean it has 2 make its way into my current waking reality universe on this atomic signature of agreeing atomic frequencies. I suppose should this terrible thing happen and Abe Lincoln and the witch that no one ever knew about in the back woods who loved him, continues her pee-5-curse, things will indeed go very wrong. I cannot image a world getting much more evil that it all ready is, but just because I can’t is no assurance that it won’t. Long story short on many things from yesterday, my mother said a few things 2 me that were totally monstrous, but nothing she ever said all combined equals the viciousness of things said 2 me by members of this oh so wonderful and lovely, THAT ASTRAL WORLD FAMILY, or TAWF 4 short. Y would Ann and her casino sin city friends all tell me lies about Paula King? Y would Cuz Dawn say that Mariah basically hates my guts 4 something I did, and I have no clue about what I did? U know, seriously, all this resembles what happened 2 me at the recording studio right B4 the Christmas break in the year of 1979. My car was stolen out in the parking lot, and the 2 spurious coworkers that I had seemed 2 know exactly where it was, and found it B4 the Camden Police did, still they insisted on impounding it as part of some investigative procedure was conducted. The entire episode and incident stunk from here 2 the sulpher fires then, and it still is stinking now. Well I always said that Donna was in on this and now I believe it more than ever. They all love 2 set up fights and then place me in the center of them and watch me suffer as both sides pummel me 2 the grave, this happened 30 years ago at the studio, 40 years ago at Atlantic City, New Jersey, 50 years ago in Braintree, Massachusetts, and out on the great mortal world extension of SSJKK’s Kanwal Avenue Palace Longroom. Don’t get me going on the shorter decade stuff, Pedersen, the prophecies all coming true from “The Permission Barrier”, and SSJKK with her final game of rock, paper, scissors, and without squaring it, LIGHT. She must think I am the retard of all retards, not being able 2C what this is all about. I told Dawn right in this room, “I know your 3rd cuz 7 times removed has not forgiven my family 4 what happened on the island in the seventies”. She then turned around and smirked at me and said one of the meanest mother sucking things she could have said. This later was YI was planning 2 do all of them in in their sleep, and then mercifully, I fell into a 14 hour deep sleep, allowing me time 2 heel both humanly as well as spiritually from the ongoing and never stopping horrendous assaults from this monstrous evil TAWF. And I thought the Phyllis deal was bad. Wo Charlie, this makes that look like a fookin’ day at the beach with a dozen beauty queens on the same giant beach towel. Now I come out of the shower yesterday while we all were on a smoke break, I do not smoke so 4 me it was a shower break, the computer was doing some update thing and uploading a new file and along these lines, and when I come out of the shower, I was set up 4 another huge fight where I was the bad guy. B4I tell U the particulars, this family is so evil, so twisted, so heartless, so down right mean, and even if all of this IS revenge 4 what happened on that damn island, I did nothing 2 anybody, I was a kid and was against all of that horrible bull shirt. Y pick on me? Anipoop, out of the bathroom I come, and they were in such a hurry 2 start this trouble, they wouldn’t even let me finish properly hanging up my freaking bath towel. They kept insisting I go into my room and C what is happening in there. Dawn was out in the dining room with Ann and her sister who had come 4 a visit as she normally does one night about every 2 weeks give or take. I cannot go on until I first tell U that I am, not one bit fooled by your ignorant games U ignorant god’s and goddess’s, U ignorant Millionth-Council, all of U, U all R so beyond totally ignorant. Y don’t all of U let it go, UR the bastard fucking trash hurting me, I’d love 2 let all of this fucking shit go, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Permit Me Uncle Heinz Gottwald 2 please get on your ketch and sail far away 2 the mother fucking FIJI ISLANDS and forever away from the KING-TAWF NIGHTMARE FAMILY FROM HELL!!!!!!!!!! Screw a trip around the Sound, BRA, I need 2 get totally Harry Kalas‘d Ouddddddahereeeeeeee!!!!!, and like yesterday, BRO!!!!!!!!! U know Harry, if I ever decide 2 retrace U ol’ buddy, the first thing I’m gonna say 2U is that 1986 is when life as I knew it from any real world ended, just so U could look at me and say, oh yeah, Mountainpen, your life was ouddahele!!!!!!! I know I died and went 2 hell, but let me finish the story of yesterday and the end of a nice relaxing shower. I have been ordered not 2 let my room get sloppy or smelly, and was told by all the women in this house that Ed needs 2B on a chair and not sitting on my bed. He wears diapers and has a medical problem. So he goes back into my room and sits on the bed, and when I rush in 2 appease the women, they enjoy watching me suffer in the middle of a major fight. Ed storms out angry at me, and then the women blame me and say it is me that feels this way when I could care less. Most of us guys do not give a shit about all this junk that women R so into. So now Ed is angry at me, and Dawn takes his side, so does Ann, and they all have a blast watching me suffer. But when I take Ed back home 4 the evening, Dawn acts like none of this happened and calls him stinky-Ed, and then Ann chimes in, and suddenly the name of the tune is all changed around. It was all just a set yup 2 get me in trouble. Deep down inside, these diseased people hate good honest non criminals. This entire family is totally fucking dysfunctional, most R all substance abusers and welfare rats, I could tell stories 4 a hundred fucking years. Violence, criminality, threats and intimidation, all of them. U heard me, I said ALL, I did not say without exception. Now back onto the ASTRAL PLANE. Paula told me that she needed me 2 create our 2 daughters and give them a good nature. Paula is from a place out in the 6th dimension that is so far beyond human comprehension other than 2 call it the quintessential evil, and she loves her sick evil games and she hates me beyond words because I am not like her, I have no desire 4 material goods, or evil and vicious ways of this worldly existence. She said there is no stopping us, and even the great DARK SHADOWS tried and failed. She admitted that Neptune-Jupiter was dreaming in here as her husband until a few years ago, that she was dreaming and still is that she was his wife, and that in truth, Carlittia MK Assaulter as I have nicknamed her, IS MY VERSION of my BOOK OPF THE BEACH. This also is Y the recent rash of red and white USCG helicopters started up last week. This is their way of saying that I am screwed and that no escape is possible, not even with Uncle Heinz’s ketch. Shine down on me Jimmie Dean, U SON of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y do U really think my cuz Christine from Massapequa Park, was flirting with U on his boat? THEY ALL HAD HUGE AGENDAS, THEM AND THE FUCKING Shaw of fucking Iran, and U all know the undisputable story of my bummer I’m trucked tape ion the boardwalk outside those 3 casinos on the northeast side right shy of the mighty green and chute building of John and Paula King at 101 and the boardwalk stalk!!!!!!!!!, elevators, hospitals, rapes, DNA tests Maury and all, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Tapes go out one night telling about all of this in very encoded and encrypted ways, and the next day just hours later, Iraq invades Kuwait. So who really am I just so your great friend of the west does not mistake any identities again, am I Saddam and is this Baghdad, 4 the sake of the gods? I heard that cute little shit from U lifeguards as I walked off the beach 2 weeks after nine eleven, nothing gets by me, nothing, maybe some a little late, but it won’t get past me, BRA!!!!!!!!!! Screw all of U--MFJO’s, man, who needs this migraine, ya turds?????????? Paula, U will pay 4 what U have done, and what your cousin McGuire has done. Just because UR powerful beyond human reasoning, I have strange knowledge and abilities also. U know your pal the Mayor from the late sixties, told me something that day on his fishing truck that makes so much sense now in retrospect. Of course I can never prove that U raped me, murdered Ziggie, or gave Dangerfield reason 2 warn me, but I will never stop trying until UR placed back in the fires of hell where U belong. If U let me C my youngest, it can spare all of us some real major hell on the other one. If U do not wanna meet me half way, then that is on U, maybe it is time 4 this world 2 grow up and learn what really goes on in this multiverse. People hurt me first my blogaud, always remember this, especially when the next bad quake hits very soon, I have had it. No I am not telling all the details about the interaction, just that it was real major, and I am telling it all later on, believe that one baby cakes.
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