Friday, April 3, 2009

title on doc

“Up Thousands of Points Each Week Now For the Next 10 weeks”
Datfile: 040309.522.55555555555555555555555555
Beginning of this rotten transmission:

Another super all week BOTBAR 4 good old Mountainpen, oh yes, THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN R VERY DEPRESSING, R THEY FREAKING NOT, LADS, LABS, AND LASSIES??????????? Walter Kelly was just here repairing my ugly ceiling with brand new tiles, but Dawn had 2 start in messing with me and making life miserable as she is so famous 4 doing. She really and literally is the most fucking miserable bitch on the gods green and brown rotten Earth.

I avoid committing living suicide by not saying or not even thinking certain things as much as I can, as U all know, I seem 2 have the unusual ability of thinking 2 type of things into existence with just my mere force of thought and will. One of these 2 things being negatives, and the other being motion, and this will B carefully scrutinized and further examined in today’s miserable horrific blog. She keeps saying that my totally normal battery back up box, computer, and TV system, and the small amp that sits next 2 this, the DVD-VCR machine, and the printer, all plugged into this battery-back-up-system, is a dangerous fire hazard, and even Walter the maintenance man told her she is wrong. When she did not score her way, instantly, I am the one getting smart and being a blinkadee blank this and that, and so fucking forth. Numerous BRIGGER AGENDAS R all involved in this, and 4 those that either cannot accept this truth or simply even refuse 2 try 2, then perhaps my next idea is a good bet 4U, and I say this in the friendliest way possible, Y not then just move on now 2 Henry Willingstein’s Blog of Rare Antiques, or Jonathan Stagwithers and His Unusual NASCAR Spectator Incidents, or Frieda Alverez and Her Theory On Time Travel, or any one of millions of blogs that U can better relate 2. This one has a message of vital importance, not only 2 me but whether U choose 2 accept this or not, also 2U, your loved ones, and especially the very old and the very young that R most susceptible 2 BRIGGERS and their evil influence. I am not just speaking here about the damage that’s caused 2 them resulting from their immune systems being injured through persistent days of chemtrails, but in ways so secret that if I dare tell now in my current weakened material world condition, it would B hazardous 2 my health 2 the point where even the Surgeon General would personally come over 2 this house and warn me not 2, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UC, Dawn is trying, unconsciously perhaps, but the mighty SECRET and TERRY EGGHEAD from the HARBOR notwithstanding, and 2 catch the meaning of that last part of this sentence, U must know some facts about me and my prior blogging entries; but she is definitely trying 2 wipe out both my only form of entertainment, as well as my only way of fighting the BRIGGERS, which is blogging on my computer. Slowly, I know beyond a doubt that indeed I AM PUTTING A NICE DENT INTO THEIR EVIL EMPIRE with these constant updated blogs, all legally dated. What I have in here is totally within any fire inspector limits, as Walter himself was an inspector, and has electrical licenses 2 work with up to 10,000 watts. How do I really know the agenda and what and how big it is by just what happened? Simple, SEMPLE VTGM!!!!!!!!!!!! Because I very nicely said 2 the Queen, DK, that Walter told me everything is fine. But just 4 saying that much 2 her in a perfectly calm and nice tone of voice, it seems that, “I am being a smart ass, and blahhhhhh bleeee blummmm”. If U cannot C these things and instead in your own mind, desire 2 call this my overactive imagination or my paranoia well then cakes, that’s your freaking business BRO. I was not thrown off of the peach picking truck with the illegal’s last night, and I know what I know. It is beyond immature DK not getting her way of having Walter agreeing with her over him on the issue, THERE WAS AN AGENDA 2 wipe out my usage of a computer and my television set, so I can just sit in here and live 24/7 to work a nasty job on weekends and transport the mighty KING or THAT-FAMILY, everywhere all the time at the whim of the mighty slob Dawn. Ya Getting this yet, anybody?????????????????

What I am really saying in case I need 2 talk on a 4th grade level, is that making me miserable is always gonna B the top ten on the BRIGGER CULTIST list, but built also into this nightmare hell is the multiplexed agendas, the number 2, the number 3, and so forth and so on. If they can silence me and shut me up, foreign correspondent or no foreign correspondent, and doing the dew with mizz legs in the bar not withstanding, as U saw in that L&O episode if UR a fan of the show and many R or it would not have been on so long, that just as with this dude who had himself shot 2make a statement, indeed some (THEY) R indeed trying 2 shut me up just as this character in the show was saying regarding his problem. Now let me go on record here as the incidents R closely related in 2 major ways, and I am not unpatriotic 2 the real and true America that I grew up in and loved B4 the new age of PC and PC, and yes I’ll explore this tango dance later on today as well but first things first, BR!!!!! First, I would always B against what he did in that show, giving away possible troop movements and thereby endangering our men fighting hard 4 political agendas which is what wars have always basically been about since time immemorial, unless they were religious wars. Whether or not it is a just war, it still is our kids and loved ones over there getting shot and ambushed and blown up, and anyone that would do something 2 help an enemy accomplish that mission, civilian or military in status, should B shot on sight. That is not the issue in and of itself, and U all know where I stand just as with the topic of capitalism and finance. I believe we need some limits. Not a rigid and extremely austere tightly controlled choke held market system that discourages good honest competition and free global trade. But no one has the right simply put, and IMHO, 2 amass just 2 much net worth, when our tiny planet is not expanding as is the intergalactic space, and we R not making any more STUFF, and wealth CANNOT B infinitely created, and I feel I have proven my point and MY CREDIBILITY with the world, by being on top of this issue 4 many years B4 everything totally blew up in the face of my banker branch evil family and their dirt bag WALL STREET. I am not against them, if they R willing 2 accept a more reasonable limited form of free capitalism, but I am veheminantly against UNLIMITED CAPITALISM where personal wealth has no legal limits. This is just not right, because the math proves that eventually, it all will explode in all of our faces, and in one not so small way over the past year give or take, it did, and proved me totally right; only I have blogged about this years B4 it happened Nostradamus, and talked about it with David Roth as early as 20 years ago. Hay, I am not in here looking 4 and seeking out pats and slaps on the back. I know I was right, it was proven 2 me and 2 the world, and it also proved time traveler Marola was wrong in her theory of majority is absolute, that U all know is totally disputed flat out by the gaming laws of the lotteries that we have all taken 4 granted starting just a hand full of years after my interactions with Misses M ceased, praise the gods!!!!!!!!!!! I know I told U all that I was told by higher Astral forces recently that she was not there 2 do me any favors, and her mission was one and only one, and that being 2 get me on Tennessee Avenue when again, things were 2 late. Ernie Merker nailed up my coffin on both ends of the loop, Mister Roddenberry!!!!!!!!!! I only diverted onto the topic of capitalism and how I am all 4 it as long as some rational limits R imposed on the entire operation and structure that holds it all up and together. My point is that I feel that SME LIMITS R always needed, even with freedoms, yes and coming from a 60’s kid who never was allowed 2 grow up and B a man and still lives in the 60’s and the life of a 14 year old. Thank the mother trucking Huntington Curse and my sick diseased banker Wall Street family 4 all of this, not that this exonerates the Hatfield/McCoy Syndrome or HMS, as well as THAT FAMILY, and what they as well have chosen 2 do 2 wreck my entire life, 40 years come early July, huh giant Paula?????????? I do not wanna come out here and try upsetting apple carts, that NEVER has been what I am about, justice, yes, upsetting the boat in a storm, no, not unless it becomes my only viable option, and that day may B getting closer and closer. Do not blame me however, I am not the 1 that’s freaking engineering the mechanics behind what’s making this day grow ever nearer. Blame me when U need 2, but not when it is not me that is instifreakingating the dog shit. I am not the 1 that is initiating or in any way facilitating or helping along any of this. If it all would quietly go away, fine, but a man named Sam in Williamstown if still alive, knows good and well, that Paula King rang my doorbell in May or June of 1996, and I had nothing 2 do with all the shit that this evil bitch did in the long years B4 and the long years after that point in Senator Watergate time, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She rang my doorbell at Highview Apartments on that fateful freaking ass day, and she raped me, not once, not twice, she had her dirt bag way with me on 3 separate occasions, August the 18th of 1967, July the 3rd of 1969, and December the 30th, of 1997. Our 11 year old daughter lives in the Harbor 2 this day, not that far from the THAT-FAMILY branches, as well as Terry the Secret, and all of the other secrets and museums and fountains of youth and dudes and curses and on infinitem, BRA!!!!!!!!!! This girl is my daughter, and I have another one and U all know it, and the first time, it didn’t take as either she was not in correct menstrual cycle or I was only 12 and a half and my spermatozoa wasn’t baby making ready yet, but in any event BRA, the younger girl is harder 4 me as I do not even know her name. I can learn it if I contact Elder Hair out in Utah, and plan 2 very soon, this shit fucking stops Lou, right here and right now. I am not gonna upset the Titanic, not twice, but my younger one Paula King, U won’t fucking get away with this U giant shore. Here is the reason I need 2 know more, in case the BRIGGER CULT filth bags of vomit swallowing disease have blocked out any possible humanity that any readers of my blogged words would otherwise normally feel towards me, and my monstrously horrendous and unconscionable situation, I am human and love both my daughters very much, the world can go 2 hell. But there is something beyond just my love for my unnamed daughter that I’ll call Pee Junior until someday maybe I’ll get 2 really know her name. She as well as her entire family R exploratrons, this is not some babble of sci-fi made up mumbo jumbo nonsense. It is real and I will go into any mother fletching court on any given day and swear 2 all of this right on a bible with an angry looking judge starring ferociously at me 4 daring 2 make my wild claims, screw all of U, they may in deed B wild, but they R true. I will waste no more time on trying 2 convince a world with blinders on of anything. Those that want 2C that this has all been done 2 poor Mountainpen can c it, the evidence is all ready beyond overwhelming as who could write such a powerful and totally fictional story, Dick wolf, James Patterson, Steven Spielberg, just tell me who, and then say I am a liar and let me then at least take U out 2 lunch on me at any expressive restaurant, 4 paying me such an ultimate compliment of being that freaking talented. Complements R rarely 2 never given me, but I must say that since no one believes me ever, through the back door, indeed they R paying me the highest compliment that any kind of a writer could ever hope 2 receive while alive. Totally call me a liar and convince me that U think that I have the necessary talent that would enable me 2B able 2 make all of this up or even imagine it in such vivid detail, and I owe U a meal on me at an exclusive place just 4 this wonderful talent-complement. Believe me, I am not a talented anything. I could no more make up a freaking fictional story like mine than the men on the Apollo mission moon. There is no fiction here, or even mild exaggeration. What is happening 2 me is actually and literally happening 2 me, just ask the feds bugging the telephone and eavesdropping in on the conversation that I had back in 1977 with James t. Burr. Joe King said this incredible thing 2 me. Get bathroom relieved and if U take meds 4 any heart condition, have them with U and a a glass of water 2 swig it down with, and get freaking totally braced, as here it comes, my brother!!!!!!!!!!

He knows the girl and is not allowed 2 tell me her name, he told me only that she goes 2 a school 4 highly gifted children, more like a secret government institute. He compared it 2 the kid in the original show of the late 70’s, The Incredible hulk, with bill Bixby and Lou Ferigno. There was a gifted teen girl that invented what else, but a computer, this was, did I mention, the years of the seventies, perhaps the late seventies or even as late maybe as 1980 or even 1981. Then name of the Institute was not Bill Kirtland, but take away the BILL and………, oh get your heart meds handy, it is not over yet baby love. The name of this Resorts International song has not even been announced over the MUZAK system yet, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad, Mel Fisher, Kip Wagner, Bill Kirtland, what is left now accept 4 other diving buddies and the suffering folks of the New York State County of immaculate conception, Jesus I‘m good, huh!!!!!!!! Anipoop, yes sir, is it not true that if nothing else, THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN indeed R bold and quite audacious carried out 2 a factor of perhaps the exponent of 255. Let me quickly now move onwards. Joe said that his step children know this girl, and one was friends with her, and she taught him some secrets that R beyond the blogging limits of safety. I do not need 2 end up at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. With 7 combination keystrokes, passwords R wiped off a computer. With another 8 combo strike of keys, websites R totally knocked off the internet. With another 6 combo strike, no known system can track anything. The biggest thing is the delay field when U hit SATELLITE after going up on Google Maps. She does not need the lunar system, she has put a field together in a laboratory that is good 4 up 2 32 years, and can B polarized 2 run white space or positronic. She will never B released from the prison institute and scientifically oriented persons can CY. Isn’t life a monstrous horrific hell? Joe also said that Dawn was given intentionally some meds that R making her lash out worse, just 2 hurt mew and get the Dow Jones higher. The shrinks in Atlanticare R all in on it. As Ron Wirtz says at the Prosecutor’s Office back in the nineties, OK, fine, now prove it. Whether the personal computer is all part of the political correctness movement, we can examine some of the bare facts now an this, as the great Jack McCoy on L&O would say so well. First the timing is equal. Secondly, the system invites more governmental policing and control and manipulation. One of the King step kids who visits here on the weekends, told me that on several occasions, all though he is 16, he has met all ready a grand total of 15 undercover adult officers making sure that he was under 18. Hay I am all 4 the protection of our children and I myself was an abused child, and THAT-FAMILY had many pertinent closet skeletons, but still and all, I totally believe that WE staged 911, that Bush and his pal bin Laden had the planes crashing and starting all this terrorism stuff, just so he could sit there in that Oval Office of his, and write more executive orders than all the previous presidents combined, literally taking a young and forming PC movement, and bringing it 2 the present point of Nazi Germany and the end of all of our freedoms. Most good Conspiracy Theory clubs and internet groups adhere 2 this, I did not invent the concept, just passing on the word here that I have also heard it, and agree totally with it. If they have my youngest daughter at the whatever institute tucked away somewhere, U tell me with her amazing talents with these machines and scientifically oriented things in general, that she could not get Bin Laden 4 them, I don’t buy that 4 a minute. She pulled off something huger than I can safely admit 2, and she did it on May one of 1980, and that is all I can safely discuss at the moment. This will have 2 suffice until my testacles grow a bit larger and more brass covered.


Dawn is acting vicious and crazy, and do not B surprised if come Sunday, I fake out like I am going 2 my job as normal, only in my bag, R my meds, my passport, a few changes of clothes, my shaving gear, U know, I may very well just fucking split, and if THAT FAMILY wants 2 fucking try and stop me, BRING IT THE FUCKING HELL ON, BRO, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As when I pop up at Maury Povich’s studio 4 the story of his fucking career, U can bet U will all know me as THAT BLOGGER, after this one BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some say 2 me, Don’t Never Ask, I say, Bible Coders, remove the following letters and then run to Maury, ONTEVERSK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dawn can sit out there and blare her stupid music and B mad at me all she wants, as come Sunday, I’M adddddahere Harry Kalas!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE, SWIS, KSWL-2297, this is all truth and nothing but, it is absolute truth, no additions, and no omissions, BRO, and this I swear under country and under my mighty GODDESS, and perhaps much more, SSJKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s C how my evil family handles this story on their final hour of the sucking week, BR!!!!!!!!! Shake the walls all U wanna sicko Dawn King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is all copyright protected under the name of Michael Mountainpen, and THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, 2009, and is also registered on a blogs ite registry system, HA-HA-HA!!!!!!! BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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