Saturday, April 4, 2009

title on doc

“zone alarm sucks, get fucking lost”
040409.756----Beginning Transmission:

Y Eddie Himacane put this stupid thing in my computer I do not know, it does not work, it is garbage, it is defective, it never properly downloads, it says it is free, and it ends up demanding a pay pal gimme, and I am not giving U nothin’ BRO. Ed insists his programs R free, well on my system pal, they R not free, and I have no fucking money kind sir, not 4 nothing. I wear 5 year old boots and think of where my next meal is coming from 24/7, I am not paying more and more, I all ready bought this computer and gave Staples East Stores a cool grand by the timer all was said and done with all the needed install fees and accessories, and this was around a year ago or just shy, and I am not paying anybody one more red fucking cent. He is gonna come over here and get these fucking stupid programs off this machine, all I need it 4 is 2 do my blogs, this is just a major waste of my mother fucking time.

I think the name redacted individual who gave me the wild clue about my youngest is right on the money, so if she can only use hacking and other means of similar types 2 send coded messages 2 daddy, then that is way totally cool, BR!!!!!!!! U know Paula Junior or whatever giant mommy named U, IWALU, just as I do your older step honey. STEP, as in stairs, CLING, DONG, CLASH, CRASH, those 165 decibel cymbals R gonging away again BRO!!!!!!!

Told U Gina, the Flyers will win and win and win and never stop this season until Sar Stanley’s fucking cup is their diseased hands, this is their fucking year, as I never ever have had a year this totally awful B4. Let there B absolutely no ambiguity here, I SAID THAT THERE NEVER, was any freaking comparison lads, labs, and lassies!!!!!!!!!!!! Each year as unfathomable as it may appear, is becoming geometrically more intensely worse than the one preceding it and each year I say 2 myself that things just cannot possibly get any worse, and I am proven out a liar every single 12 months, BR!!!!!!!! I will bet all of U 50 billion dollars that the Phillies, AGAIN will not only throw their home opener game down the proverbial baseball hall of toilets, but that the score will B embarrassing 2 boot!!!!!!!!! What U know now is quite a lot of dribble and drool and hot air about me and my wild sounding claims and wild tales of extreme woe, and still, U know very little about me and what is happening all around me in a much larger picture, as first of all, I would B the ultimate liar if I claimed that I had all the powerful and omniscient answers 2 all of this myself, I do not. I will not B leaving this Sunday, but don’t count that plan out on a short term basis over the next few weeks or so. There r reasons Y it just cannot B tonight as much as my blood is boiling 2 get out of here and far away from MC and her family, forever. It seems that I have many things that have gotten by me 4 a long time now, and some may get talked about now tonight, definitely not all of them.

Joe King was over this afternoon and when I woke up 2 take a leak we talked a minute and we went into a part of the house where no one was and he said that I do need 2 escape and that he was privy 2 the dream-warning that was given me by my mom a few years ago B4 this got real bad. Maybe DC-13, I was only meant 2 learn where the shadows dwell by bright zenithing daylight back in 1983, but I do know this much. On the Astral Plane my mom loves her restaurant and entertaining 2 of the most powerful men on the Earth at their favorite table, number 15, but she also enjoys doing volunteer work at a campground and I blogged this years ago, and how little Magen Kanka that led 2 Magen’s Law, was using the mail box outside a home in a development surrounding these campgrounds, 4 a clubhouse, and that she asked me if it was OK 4 her and her friends 2 do this and I gave my permission. This is like a summer residence, n ot that there is any real summer on the Astral Plane, all interactions comes as all of the agreeing participants wish 4 them 2B, season and all, it is totally meaningless, and none of them have any relationship in a linear time, one with another either, it is beyond totally cool in the BARDO, I love the endless dreamshift, almost ass much as I covet the unattainable splendid Nirvana itself, or total absolute oblivion. The symbolic dream here of wakeful life however reveals an immediate reality here 2 any open minded onlooker, BRA!!! Magen wanted 2 use a what, A MAILBOX. Roger slips notes 2 me without people knowing it in what, a mailbox? What did the great MC also send 2 blank letters 2 me in during that powerful 1997 interaction, but yeah, a MAILBOX. Even Adam Schiff came 2 me out there as what? A mailman, warning me on the beaches once ruled by ex-Mayor Bob Levy when he was Chief of the Atlantic City Beach Patrol, and his objective was 23 help me escape a girl who was trying 2 abduct me. It all is written up about 2 years ago on blogs, archive me and it on the site, and also visit the Beach Patrol website, at and I’m not even warming up yet, hold onto your damn hats people!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did any of U out there ever hear about Camp Mariah? Go Google it up. Hay, campgrounds, my mom working there, how many symbols and cymbals need 2 crash and blow out ear drums B4 someone sees that I am just not making up my serious BRIGGER CULT plight? As I speak, the mighty Queen, currently and formerly known sir Prince as Dawn King, is shouting in the other room very loudly and is very angry as usual at something. She really belongs in a hospital, or jail in all honesty. She has no right 2 continually upset an entire household of people every day of all of our rotten lives. When she was in jail, all of us were so happy, Chicky, Ann King Silver, and myself, but it all changed when she cheated and pulled off her trick that fooled her probation officer of Atlantic County, John Judy, with that skin contagion thing while she was at and released into the Secaucus Rehabilitation Clinic. This totally started the nightmare of my life, and it all began as the mighty night of 12 July was approaching last year, a date I fear and am totally intimidated by every single mother fucking time that it rolls around. Really, I can swear in any legal proceeding under oath without fear of perjury that my 3 months of waterloo and downfall and total sheer fear, R indeed and placed in calendrical order, March, July, and October!!!!!!!!!!!! Remove this 93 days from the calendar, and shorten my life 2 boot, a life of total misery, and I’d B the happiest mother fucking bastard on the face of the gods Green and brown Earth. 4 those in need of a quick brush up on how powerful the night of the 12th of July is 2 me, and how it all began this fateful and eventful night in 1970 at the Public Bus Terminal in Atlantic City, New Jersey, just go and archive the blogs, this current one is blog book 5, and 4 others indeed proceed this one, and all at the blogger dot com site. Scylla’s very dysfunctional family has a QUEEN in it who is making all of our lives a living hell, she is totally dominating and rules her own branch of the family empire, and this would B obviously DAWN KING. One of 2 things will B happening and if a major kybosh doesn’t throw a million monkey wrenches into everything, it will give me the needed time and freedom 2 get my personal stuff packed and out 2 a distant public storage facility, and me into a distant far away place, where I can escape this fucking total nightmare hell and not lose all the things dear and precious 2 me, as ?dawn would burn them or trash them or destroy them 4 sure, as this I have been told. Still if left no other fucking option, then this is fate and destiny. Someday when I can prove all of this, deep pockets will B lightened 4 what they did 2 me and my life, and that is not a threat, that is a legal promise.

Roger told me not 2 say but I am at the end of my rope tonight and am gonna say. He asked me if I would want 2 move in with him, it is a place about 15 miles from Berryville, and will not twell me the location, and if he did, I would never post it online. I would only have 2 pay 7 bills monthly, and every utility service is paid, my only cost besides the rent would B my Verizon telephone system. He said that also, he would slowly share the entire thing that is going on and if I want 2 join the system, or decide then 2 move far away, that would always B my choice. To show me a true honor of faith, he gave me a sort of a part 2 for using the antitripleton method 4 roulette play. He said that Un do not wait 4 a stop out, U wait 4 wither a plus 3 unit win, not counting the green house vig, or in the bad games, when a negative or loss stops U out at a minus 7. Also he said that U can play an entire series of 5 or 19 or 29 games when U play at the casino, and that most games R relatively short, between 10 and 20 spins. As 4 which parameter 2 use, if 2 or even all 3 activate at the same time, if there is a history behind them, look 2 play the parameter with the least opposite amount of outcomes, so if UR going with RED and there were 4 blacks behind U, verses going with EVEN and U count 7 odds behind U, go with the fewer amount against U, ion this case go RED. Now if no history is there as say, 2 or all 3 come in RED-EVEN-LOW, U wait 4 the one with the longest string, and play that one, or if U wish, just wait a while and begin charting a new game. Let me tell U brother, this is dynamite,. I have taken many of my 2009 games that were long enough 2B used 2 either a negative stop out or a plus 3, and also played 12 new games during the past 2 days of hell beyond hell, and just on this few 55 games, I am holding a solid 3 units profit per 100 spins or one and a half units per hour based on casino table average times of 40-60 spins per hour. On even a green quarter level that is 37 dollars and 50 cents per hour, and on a black level, that would B a whopping 150 smacks per hour of table play, setting my own times and being my own boss, just as I freaking was back in 1986, and loved every minute of it when I wasn’t dodging military assault persecutions and crash level jet aerial attacks. So 4 now, I have decided not 2 take off 4 points unknown, and I have many things yet 2 tell, things R beyond the twilight zone, and if this disease wants 2 push this all the way past the wall, then fine, I may get crushed 2 squat, but B4 I am total dog manure, I’ll B taking U and as many of your moms right along with me, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ‘Don’t Never Ask’, huh? Double negatives would drive Twinbay double nuts, but they actually cancel each other out when spoken grammatically, Mr. Geeves!!!!!!!!!!!! When this is all said and done, heads may really do some rolling, BRA!!!!!!!

If John Judy lets Dawn try 2 help her hubby get legal status and they both R permitted 2 go back 2 Guatemala 4 60 days or so, this is when I will make good my escape, if I do not take Roger up on his offer. If I do take him up on it, I will B taking the chance of my life, as still, I will B in the total clutches of the mighty Astral World family of 1970, or THAT-FASMILY, poor THART-BOY, I guess something a lot bigger than I can ever know with my limited wisdom and understanding is behind all of this misery and freaking woe, BRO!!!!!!!! It seems more than strange that both roger and Scylla have made new moves recently, and I am very cautiously anticipating and weighing lots of possibilities here. I need some answers that will satisfy me that I will B able 2 live my own life again and have freedom, otherwise, I may as well just go over 2 Scylla right now and tell her 2 kill me and get it over with,. I will always love my tall brown eyed island girl, but can only take so much, the flesh is getting very weak ladies and gentlemen. Please do not keep hating and hurting me Scylla, please my 990.

GOOGLE, SWIS, KSWL-2299, this is all copyrighted as THE BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN and also as Michael Wayne Mountainpen-2009. Blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!

End Transmission:

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