Sunday, November 8, 2009



I am in the mood 2 make my ol ex pal Karen s. quite happy, she wants repeats, she gets repeats, Y should indeed, I expect peeps 2 know all about Morianity, heck, they don’t even pay hardly any attention 2 a billion plus strong group that is called Christianity. I will repeat the Long Island story, though it pains me monstrously 2 do so, then also, the parallel event deal, how it works, Y it works, what it is, and definitely HOW IT IS BEING ABUSED AND MISUSED by powerful structures of recognized, as well as covert authorities, over all of us little peeps.

Let me start with parallel event, Star Trek show writers of the next-generation series called it by a similar name that presently is eluding me via PAWM-PIE-ETTOS-E-4. Translation, a high teck system is forcing the memory out of my conscious mind, but it was along the line of merely altering a word, the point was made, as was their show where the ship was marooned in a non-place they referred 2 as LACK-OF-DIMENSION,I say 0-D. I think they called it Correlation of Events, but don’t sue me if I’m wrong. All You’ll get is my bills and my woes, and if U wanna sue me 4 the Huntington Curse, wow, U can have it, baby love!!!!!!!!!

U missed me Miss Dirtdiseaseweeds, by one minute, but close enough 2 really Annie fields tick me off in the edit room, so here goes, BROS, 555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555 and 55555555555555555555 equals who gives a rats grass mole? so long as I can C some lovely frickin’ fives, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aniwho, MCMCAAONMC, and TEE-HEE-HEE, Lilly Munster, shipyards, and supermen, oh the gods what as world of darkness I must endlessly exist in, no yearning 2 know, just money and sex, huh Serena, BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well if it it keeps U and Jack in bizz, cool, as I need U right now. U not only entertain me, but now it seems UR gonna B nice enough 2 slowly perhaps reveal some missing links and chinks in my broken or stolen chain from 1969. Unlike most bloggers and readers of blogs, I am very open minded, so go right on telling me more. U know that stuff when it gets in your ear does a real number 2U. U were totally correct, I remember clearer than Johnny Nash ever could, that big grastard shot that right up my nose. Thank U Richie Wolf, UR a lifesaver. Bet U know the show my mom absolutely would have killed me if needed, that I was forbidden 2 watch on television that day in 1988, yeah, lots of people have the name Bruce, wolf-wolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes things in names R up front, while others ride on the rear, oops, sounds racial here, sorry, not meant that way, Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a perfect example however of the topic of life going down the toilet at a high velocity. I mean, just so some person here and there will not B offended 4 two and a half minutes on a Wednesday afternoon, we all have 2B so darn careful in choosing every word and sentence we write, and all the many things that we need 2 speak. One slip up, and if UR a hot shot like some big politician, and U need a vote soon or UR out, it most likely ends a career, I say we have taken this let’s not offend thing, just a wee whittle bit 2 far. Oh how I love U Mister Bill Mawr of the nineties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need a POLITICALLY INCORRECT REVOLUTION 2 SWEEP THIS PLANET, B4 all out freedoms go out the window and into the twisters. Golly gash darn Gee whiz and Gee man of the great government, CE, YO, just how far is this movement planning 2 go, I mean seriousfreakingly. Donna and Barbara, we need U here, when is enough is enough is enough 4 crissake, BRR???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parallel Event is my own made up name 4 something about as new and made up as the stars of the sky. I did not create nor did I invent one thing. I just did a Dan Mackey McDowell, and decided one day 2 grow up and b a man and take a good serious hard look at a very interesting concept that really, is right in front of all of our faces every single day unless we live deep inside a dark cavern or something, BRAH!!!!!!!!! Some PE is blatant obvious in your face stuff, while others R in the middle, and still others just seem 2 the naked eye and mind 2B ridiculous and just non credible, yeah like doctors once thought of with germs because they can’t B perceived without external amplified assistance either, the microscope, DUH-SKY-81Z-JNR-10P. Yeah, I said DUHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And how can we forget SAT-64N? That one needs no darn microscope unless UR King and Queen of the not so nice opposite Mensa abbrev of 3 letters of each of the words, sorry, went 2 far there. Well CHA and CHEW on this one, peeps, their R very invisible PE’s. Let me show U some obvious ones first 2 get U more in the mood or prepped may B a more accurate word cherce Archie. A man 5 feet one and 108 pounds goes up 2 a biker dude who is 6 feet 5 and 290 pounds, and calls the girl with him as the rappers would say a ###-#####, and then proceeds 2 throw fistful of wet mud right on the dude and his motorcycle. What happens next or the parallel event B to this first event A, is that we all hope that this small nut job has no family, and has a nice paid up life insurance plan, and an all ready picked out burial plot. Something a little in-between might B this example. U decide suddenly 2 come in late and leave early at your job day after day. U take an extra 10-20 minutes 4 lunch, and U act sort of I-don’t-carish, every time your boss asks U2 do something. A week goes by and a pink piece of paper is found on your desk in the morning saying that your services in this employ R simply not required any longer, so scram and get the truck oudda here. The more invisible ones work this way. Powerful covert people that blend into society R always looking and watching 2C if messing with certain people, causes things 2 happen in a preponderance, or more than not over long time periods, things that they or those that hired them, want, such as sports teams 2 win or lose, or the stock market and the economy 2 gain, and so forth. One day a man stumbles onto a dude named Mountainpen and finds out that by doing things 2 him or having them done, seems2 make the Dow Jones keep rising, day after day, and year after year. If U don’t think this powerful trillion dollar system is not doing this, and then once finding peeps like this, persecuting them in all sorts of secret and covert ways, UR the most naïve person alive. I don’t care who may B disagreeing with me, the Pope, the President, the biggest movie star in Hollywood, or the kid 3 doors down licking a can of plums. Other invisible type of PE’s or PARALLEL EVENTS R very mathematical systems, such as when this science is applied 2 roulette. I am the only person 2 my knowledge who ever beat the game of roulette 4 eight consistent months in the Atlantic City, New Jersey casinos back in when else, 1986, from the first week in April, through the end of October. I used this science of APE or Applied Parallel Event, 2 accomplish this. How it is done has been shown on many prior blogs Karen, so forgive me pweeeeeze if I do not reiterate now again. Anyone of U out here know Mister Nohair personally, just ask him about me, he knows me only 2 friggin’ well, BABY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never really used it properly and I did lots of gambling, and still came up a winner and felt like a freaking king 4 the very first time in my miserable life. Parallel Event is totally real, it is no nut job concept, it is not Sci-Fi, and it is not 10 or more other things that put space cadet hats on my internet head. This is how I can boldly tell U that 4 what has been 2 me today, my EAGLES FOOTBALL TEAM will get totally smashed and obliterated, just watch and C another super Mountainpen prediction come out right in your faces. But as 4 the roulette, yeah feel free 2 go ahead and ask the mighty Donald about me. He KNOWS, but don’t try curling that thing budding, anyway U’d look even more totally moronic. I better shut up B4 he breaks my head in 2, huh MCHK?????

Speaking of this last sentence, we certainly R not gonna try and tackle 2 years almost of heavy detective work in this blog rehash. I am merely gonna tell U that one day as a 16 year old boy at the time , I went up 2 visit the Banker King, at 175 Peninsula Drive. As I speak now electronically, some super loud engines R racing up and down my street, 13th Street, Hammonton Police Station. Yeah those poor Eagles R dead meat, deader than the poor birds U discovered, Mister Jane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So anyway, I am up 4 a few days visiting my snooty cuz Heinz Gottwald, the Yachtsman of Long Island, who granted big loans 2 half of the wealthiest hot shots of the times, and I could say much more, but my nausea is kicking in hyper-time, BRR!!!!!!!!!! This is by no means the story because the story I now know involves 4-8 thousands years of time world games played by Astral Plane gods. Still, keeping things as down 2 Earth as is possible with this wild true tale, one morning while there, and if memory serves correct, it was summertime in 1972, 4 years after my solo trip 2 this place at 175 Peninsula Drive, in Babylon, and unkie-snoots was at work at the bank. Mother was on a 1 week vacation from her job at the Lavino Shipping company of Philadelphia, where she worked from the ages of 19 through 80, except 4 a short time off 2 birth me, the gods help my noose, but let us trudge on here. We took the bus from the apartment in Oaklyn, New Jersey, into the city of brotherly hate, and then took the Suburban City train out 2 Thirtieth Street, where we boarded the train 2 New York City, and then caught a cab 2 the Lawn Island Railroad and got off at Babylon, where my mom’s cousin Ruth Huntington Gottwald met us and drove us back 2 Snoot boy’s mansion and boat dock, where his big ketch was tied up. The road trip was just my Aunt Ruth and me, and Scott and Christopher, or Aunt Ruth’s grandchildren, and still, distant cousins of mine, without any ceramic shops up in the future having one thing 2 do with this, but TEE-HEE aniwho. VHROOOOOOOM, they hate this part of the blog, and their Magic-Lantern worm knows every keystroke, huh, Dick wolf, U have taught me so much now, how THEY legally break into my residences all through the past 2 or 3 decades through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and so very much more. What this scumbag CIA/NSA/MILI-2-FORCE does and gets away with in the total phony name of so called freedom, heck, go shame some Iraqi women, they know what this nation is really all about, huh Misses Harrington, U GO MISTER WOLF, WOW, what a dynamite show, the GRIFFIN, I could talk on and on and on and on. I owe U an apology, it has only gotten far better, I really thought after Ed Green was written off, it was curtains 4 this mighty and stupendous freaking show, yes BRUCE,I am only human, I make mistakes, DUHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all do, nobody is perfect, just ask MYE. Speaking of when she was about 2 and a half, so here I am on this whittle old road trip, and first we were all heading up with my 2 cuzes and my Aunt as I was forced 2 address her as, 2 a place called Massapequa Park, Long Island, across County Lines into Nassau out of Suffolk. After a short visit there, we crossed back into Suffolk and headed up north towards the far side of the island. We ended up on a very nice block, where I got 2 meet a gorgeous blond teenager, as I was 16 and she was also about this same age as well. I was in charge of walking the dog that this other cousin had, and I was with Scott and Christopher. They knew the people around this area and strayed off perhaps 50 yards and talked 2 some kids their age, Scott was 11 and Chris was 8 at the time, give or take a year. The memories have come back very clear as the last 18 months have ticked along. I told them they could go C their pals and just 2 let me keep an eye on them. They handed me the dog leash, lucky me, and the bomb shell blond teen, had her lovely big dog out with her ion her leash as well. We got 2 talking, and she told me a tale that made me get sick 2 my stomach. Some kids came along that she knew and stopped and laughed along with her as she was telling me how my cousins and her and these others that had come up, all buddies, had been harassing an inter racial couple on the other side of the block. They would start fires, destroy property, poison their pets, and do terrible things. When the kids left me just standing there with the girl and our 2 dogs, she laughed and laughed about this horrendous activity as though it was nothing. I felt like asking that snooty piece of white trash and I can say that as I am lily white, how she would have liked it if it was done 2 her and her family, right Misses Harrington McCoy of L&O? But I managed 2 keep silent and pretend even 2 like this girl that was blatantly and obviously falling 4 me like a ton of loose gravel in an earthquake. She ended up even giving me her phone number, I lied and told her I did not have a telephone because mom did not pay her bill, it was a lie, and I admit 2 telling her this lie. I did not wanna give that snoot my number. I always worried that she would worm it out of her friend, my distant cousin, but that never happened, thank the gods. She probably found some rich boy and forgot all about me, GOOD. My point 2 all this is that this family that my cousin and their friends were doing all this 2 were none other than Mariah Carey’s parents, MC being only 2 and a half years old at the time. Some of this obviously is what caused lots of the exploratronic hyperspace interactions 2 occur many years later. There is way much more 2 this story, and this is where it ends 4 now. This is YI hate snooty Islanders, I am sure there R nice people living on Long Island. Hay, MC did throughout her childhood, and despite the many rumors, she was one of the nicest people U ever would want 2 meet. All she ever wanted 2 do was her music, and I am so proud of her, she did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

END TRANSMISSION: END OF MY PE-EAGLES 2, oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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