Thursday, November 5, 2009



**********T---O---L---D---------U---------E---V---E---R---Y---O---N---E********* Exactly AS I SAID, the PHILLIES crashed, as I said on game 6, the Dow Jones STOCK MARKET shot up hundreds of points this week, and is back over 10,000 points again, AS I SAID. And when I go 2 relieve Carol Roy Weiler Senior at work on Sunday morning, 30 minutes later, I am vanishing off the site and heading 4 where no one can find me or hurt me anymore, 2 endlessly propagate this sick diseased game of these sick diseased gods of the Astral Plane.

STILL THINK THIS DUDE IS A PARANOID DELUSIONAL NUTCASE PEEPS, or do U give the teeniest tiniest bit of freaking credibility 2 pathetic screwed up fire-pants Mountainpen??????????????????? Screw the time and date but 4 my records, it is now 20 shy of miserable rotten eight of the clock on Thursday evening on 5 November of ADEG-2009. Well things could B worse aunt Ruth, at least it is not Fire Island. Kathy could not understand YI was acting so weird, right cousin? Bet 2 this freaking day U wonder YI acted this way that day back in the summer of 1968, if memory that is growing clearer day by day is serving me even close 2 correctly, it was right around the middle of August, wow, reverse those Harry Callas digits, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reality is not escapable, it always is right there in all of our faces. We can choose 2 ignore it of course, U can also choose 2 stand on railroad tracks and ignore the freight train that is bearing down on U and ready 2 crush U into shirt. Ouch. No, U never would feel it, I did it once, U never even feel a thing. Kathy, I had just been abused by a beautiful adult woman and remember I was only 13 years old. Oh sure, the sex was 2 die 4, but indeed, I did die 4 it, or might as well have. 2 learn that U have a child decades later and can never do didly-whoopee about it, is worse than death. So Y am I not shocked about the rise in the Dow Jones of over 200 points today and the crushing of my Philadelphia Phillies last night? Because I totally understand the PARLOR TRICKERY behind something called, at least by me, APPLIED PARALLEL EVENT, or 4 short, (APE). Yes it is more than enough 2 make someone go APE.

“Listen 2 the subway’s underground beat”, Copyright Examiners of the Harry Callas 1968 circa. I ALL READY KNEW or should I say REMEMBERED, THE TRANSIT STRIKE, I ALL READY KNEW I WAS SUPRESSING A MAJOR MEMORY, I KNEW I COULD DO NOTHING AT ALL, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, JUDGE TOMBAY. This poor old great fish can just go drown huh, Paula Weston King McCoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is YI put Vandergrift’s song on the accidental flip side of the RGG project cassette that I sent down 2U in good-ol’ Washington-‘13’ DC, or in reverse, CD, yeah, let me indeed tell U all what is wrong with 1984. This is when the universe stood by and allowed me 2B tortured physically as well as spiritually, mentally, ritualistically, and emotionally. This was the first full year since the choking incident on the frickin’ 4th night of June in ADEG 1983. One minute I am fine Angelique Shadows, and the next minute poor Barnabas and me began sharing something that only he and I understand, the real phase-4 character off course that dreamed his way 2 the material realm through the television serial soap opera show of the nineteen-sixties called, “Dark Shadows”. This is Y famous recording artists were involved in saving my life, in many different ways. The laws of the land prevent un-bloggable confessions without potential repercussions and consequences, hence I know when 2 the shut the runt slapping fluck up, BRAH!! I wish 2 heaven I could B unlimited and just tell my entire unedited story, it would sol totally bwow your mind Elmer Wabbit Twix Fwudd, whaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Proof now exists and is officially frickin’ documented in the Library of Congress, that I indeed have been here B4, and am letting the world know that the “Time-squared”, episode on the Next-Generation Star Trek show, is no myth, baby love. U wanna get in the middle of this chain, lightning, and guess what, I am always missing U2, but until Sky says U can come down and get THAT-POOR-BOY ouddddddddaherrrrrrrrre, we must B together only in our drams, or whenever the ‘skies’ ‘permit’, huh camera-man banker dude HG???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U would have not been all that exited about visiting Fire Island either Cousin Kathy if it had been U on the other side of hell that day. But then, alas, I am here in this family in this ‘next-generation’ 2 take your heat, cuz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ever since I saw the first JB license plates coming out of Trenton almost 2 decades ago, as well as the barrage of them on 10-SC Avenue when my great search 2 find the magic teenager was new and under way, I knew something was hyper time huge wrong times ten 2 the power of 99!!!!!!!! How can U live with your rotten selves U bunch of filth bags out here?

Obviously lads and lassies and Labrador Retrievers, these wicked slime R heavily invested in Wall Street. The ultimate thing, the thing I never saw coming, and all the time I was mocking these block chucking hunt trappers, and they were laughing out loud all along, the entire time, was that I had them pegged entirely wrong. I know I even blogged how boring WOMO can B, doing only the same old things 2 me day after day and over and over again. No, they were setting me up 2 believe that this was all that was going on, whole all frickin’ along, the most monstrous evil demonic crapola possible was being planned, and executed, all around me. Cousin Kathy, do U remember how weird and nutty I acted when I should have been an excited young kid about 2 take a drive with his family 2 some cool ocean spot? No, I am quite sure U have long forgotten about your ol’ third cuz by now, and that day with your fiancé in 1968, around the middle of the gold-month. A-U everybody, study your elements table if U don’t know what I’m saying here, BRO. Well one thing I’ll say 4 the Queen of Guatamaya, Julia White, and that is that she is certainly not a REAL GOOD GIRL. What she did 2 me was beyond not one pale, but every pale ever constructed by human hands. Mister Top-Dog, please know that in the wrong hands, this lab-life stuff can cause people pain and agony 4 the rest of their lives, is it worth it? Is it really?
Throughout the administration of George Bush, I admit 2 not agreeing with most of his policies, but on this one, well, they say a good loyal patriotic citizen votes the country and not personally, but we all know that the real world and what we should do is like the speed limit 25 signs, get real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, U go George, look at my hell sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R we gonna halt the advance of progress? Of course not, but many things R being closely monitored. They R not offering 2 transfuse 5 quarts of everybody’s blood and run it through an electric field that pulses with north-only polarities from the lowest low 2 the highest high, totally changing humans into immortals. The labs know this, the top peeps that is ,but they know it would not B right. People must live and die, it is a necessary cycle, where would U put tens of billions of eternal people on one small planet? They know how 2 control anyone at any time, just like the mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL. They use ETTOS, and we could substitute in something called subliminal consciousness interference, or SCI. People ate more popcorn indeed, and the top science dudes and dudesses know this is all real and not some ravings and rantings of a lunatic named Michael Mountainpen. U could sit outside a building or a house and transmit quietsonics. This is where they get on regular radio frequency, normally sideband citizens band channels, and transmit inaudible dual-audio into your cable or satellite or antenna radio or television feed, and U over time will B effected major, take me at my word, what do I have2 gain with this lie? Many things can B done, but should they B done? Should Julia get away with this act of monstrosity? On the other hand, yes, we on the other side of the semi-hypersphere R advanced 2 the point where we shed our need 4 dreaming into the physical in limited ways such as human bodies, long back. We as Goldberg indeed says, expend energy continuously going back and repairing past mistakes, but not in ways the world can even begin 2 understand by 2010 standards. It is like my attempting 2 educate ants. Indeed an inviolate past is real, but there is no past. Just leave that there 4 now. The past is a parlor trick that explains the forever now experience, it is a giant parlor trick, and the player of this trick is called, CONSCIOUS-MIND. When U lose this consciousness, things will alter, and U will indeed realize that I was telling U all the truth. I never did some song called REAL GOOD GIRL, and 1986 never was real. It is all an illusion that all of us share in this endless present. When U can deal with this reality properly, or not go totally nuts, then the magic can begin. But the magic that many of U think that I have done, is all a lie. THEY want U2 think I am the bad guy, I am the one doing things 2 others, and so on. This is a total filthy lie. I am innocent of all these charges, YOUR HONORS!!!!!!!!! I do not kill goats, or break diner rotisseries or try and impress the world with a S logo on my shirts. I could. I have other plans, more logical ones than engaging THEM on THEIR terms with such silly games and total nonsense. As luscious Jenny McCarthy would say on her Elimidate TV show, C-YA, watermelon hurlers.

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