Sunday, November 22, 2009


SUBTITLE: “Can Only Carpenters Live in Painful Love”

Well these rhyming filthy diseased mastards did it again. I went 2 start up my car at around 6 this morning or just past, and clickadeedeedee-nothing. There isn’t the tiniest hunt trapping HUNTINGTON doubt in my mind that a stationary satellite is not directly above me there, at all times, ask any truthful engineer or NASA employee. They most likely will avoid this topic with U, but eventually, U will find somebody with proper credentials that will verify that what I am blogging here is totally real, so put up all the stupid boxes U want on my Lattisaw hacked computer, NSA, your mothers were totally fantastic in bed the other day, and I have made other future dates with them as well, wow!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who can hurt the innocent and wipe out a person who has done nothing at all 2 brother trucking ever deserver the smallest amo0unt 0of this diseased nightmare, is so wicked and revolting, that every adjective out there in the dict5ionary, all put together, would B a silly attempt at describing maybe 1% of this crud. It is also so ridiculous. Y do these electronic wizard morons keep hitting me at a place where there is an electrical receptacle, a pro-garage recharge machine, and even dummy me knows how 2 bring it out, plug it in, set it up, and charge up again, after whatever these dirt bags do, that drains out my charge in my car battery. The technology 2 the United States armed forces and covert black operations agencies, 2 pull off these child tricks, is about like asking them or anyone over the age of nine, 2 add up 2 plus 2 in the name of Christ. As I speak now electronically at 10 past 8, a small but distinct left side death-angel just struck me. WELL KISS YOUR MUST WIN GAME GOOD-BYE PHILADELPHIA EAGLES, this persecution again on me, will finish off your ENTIRE FLOCKING FOOTBALL SEASON, SORRY. If U wanted 2 really help yourselves, and I tell this 2 my Phillies and my Sixers as well, U need 2 believe me, and believe that using parallel event technology in this evil way against me, will cause your teams bad happenings over and over and over again. If U would just try what I say, and Larry Boa and Charlie Manuel know all about it, so ask them, what would U have 2 lose? UR being cheated, so it is not cheating 2 use the same thing back against the filthy disease that is causing U2 lose when U shouldn’t B frickin’ losing.

I am not Sarumable 2 tell U all my personal opinion of World Labs up in 2301, as well as all of their pop-ups and sendbacks, and other nightmares, literally, that R wreaking Havoc on our present day world and society. The kind of colorful language and flowery vulgarity that would flow onto this text would make most sailors wet, and not from the sea. I would curse and say things pages long, that would make many peeps out here, roll around on their floors as though U were watching one of the funniest Harold Lloyd movies ever made. I should know, my mom and I watched that great one where he falls off the building, and literally, both our dinners went off trays, and onto the Robinette Robin Hill floor, with no help from Moriarity, Morianity, or today’s blog. Even after the food was digging into the apartment rugs that we did not own, we literally fell on the floor, still laughing, and even rolling around in the food. I won’t forget this in a thousand damn years Admiral Whalespok. This great man was 2 comedy, what the Empire State Building is 2 the Manhattan, New York skyline. Every freaking shirt butt time that they hit the car and do their PDA, “PROPERTY-DAMAGE-ATTACK on me, they also hit or the thing that hit’s the car, hits my physical body, sending me quite quickly running 4 a toilet where I not only remove half of my pathetic guts, but it always is the very same stinky texture, and aroma, this beam they use, this evil death blow they send 2 me, HIGHLY ILLEGALLY of course, my also lovely and uncaring, AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, and is my absolute total proof that every time they use this, it does the same thing 2 my own insides. I tried 2 have a lab analyze this and get the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office 2 help me, all through the first half of the nineteen-nineties, and they just totally no-billed it. They wouldn’t even try and meet me half way 2 help out a total victim. This is the real world, not some phony little show called, “LAW AND ORDER”, BRA---HHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE EAGLES DIE, ON THE ROAD 2 DOGGIETOWN. DIE EAGLES DIE, RON WIRTZ WAS A SILLY CLOWN. AND THE T, AND THE V, IN THE WORD TV IS REAL, YEAH THEY STAND, 4 THE WORDS, TOUGH AND VERY BEANS-NO DOWNS, YEAH YOU’LL FIOGHT, BUT YOU’LL LOSE, AND BECAUSE U WON’T BELIEVE, SO DIE EAGLES DIE, ON THE ROAD 2 DOGGIETOWN. BYE-BYE-OH-9 SEASON, AGAIN. Until someone with clout makes Eddie Himacane’s other part 2 of his prediction that would result from my blogs and now defunked website, come true, it will always hurt all of the Philadelphia ball clubs, except 4 the one that it helps, and that is Snyder’s evil Broad Street Crumb-maggots. My hell and persecution, will forever send the DOW JONES, and the FLYERS, into ENDLESS WINNIONG POSITIVE TERRITORY. I do not have anything against these 2 entities. I only have something against being injured, forced 2 shirt myself thousands of times over close to 24 years now, and have my property wrecked and messed with. Well, I do not have all my facts, but it is starting 2 look like when my distant cousins murdered his wife Alice GaLLAgher HUNTINGTON on the 1st of February of 1948, the family got revenge on us with many bad things. Then in the 7-DEES, we began fighting branches of them back, and then again around 15 years later in 1986, they said, “IT’S OUR TURN NOW, AND MARK MOHR IS GONNA GET CREAMED”. Everything is basically on the internet that will confirm this tale, just no connection of the dots in a perfect and proven way, AS OF YET. Well, Ed said 2 do this, I have done it, and I have been CREAM, ED, yeah, CREAMED, OBLITERATED, WIPED OUT ON A TEN HANG ON 400 FOOT SWELLS, CRUCIFIED, and with no surgically implanted area where some Roman soldier can pierce, and lots of yucky junk can gush out without actually damaging me, also I have no planned plot, nor lots of pretty Hebrew ladies 2 look after me after I wake up from the sponge drug. Parlor Tricks, all real great super parlor tricks, and they have altered the way humankind lives on this planet, when we all could B in free love, and doing whatever the hell we want 2 without fear of any retribution, as this will B part of our truth anyway no matter what little perfect angels we R here, and Scylla knows this, and even has sent us all this message late last September, so shouldn’t we get tuned in and listen the All Mighty TEENAGER?????????????????????????????????? The mighty MILLIONTH-COUNCIL is striking hard, making my computer screw up; my words and sentences, and parts of words, R simply not there and R getting wiped off the document, and knocked into cyber-oblivion. This happens a lot. I go 2 reread after a post and realize it makes me look like an idiot, JUST WHAT (THEY) WANT ME 2 LOOK LIKE, DUH, when half a word comes out or it comes out wrong and weird. I just do not have time 2B editing and proof checking, sorry, I am on limited time schedules, and it is far more urgent that I post up what needs 2 get said, U get the drift, so the heck with the few darn hacks and errors. Capeesh Tony Kickstones?

Now here is what freaking happened at work. I lost mye waking world awareness, and yes, Mye also, but that is 4 later talks and tears, just B4 five in the morning. Can I really B expected ever 2 forget 5 AM on the morning of the 7th of December, back in ‘96 with Sarah on Tennessee Avenue outside of bully McGuire’s place? Still I have come 2 learn that this is a hyper super powerful time 4 this evil bunch of cruds, and indeed is something that I have observed now since 1983 or so, and details may follow later on future blogs. It is a bit 2 lengthy 2 further delve into right now, B-R-O---JJ, with cool finger manipulating mustaches and all, dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did not mean 2 and thought that I was fully awake, and then POW, the Navarone Nicks put me out light a busted lamp. Here is my exploratronic adventure, or translation, here is what I dreamed about, and very vividly in bright colored detail. I was waiting 4 a bus, along with a few mother persons standing nearby me. The hack by the way is back, where if U make a correction and then just click back close 2 your leave off point, it stays there, not going as it should directly 2 one space past the period. The MILLIONTH-COUNCIL IS ALIVE AND WELL, AND HAS BEEN FREAKING POUNDING ON ME SINCE FRIDAY EARLY AFTERNOON LIKE BLACK ON MOONLESS MIDNIGHT, RED ON SPILLED BLOOD, WHITE ON RICE, AND MOANING IN MANY BEDROOMS, and was this adult thing OK 2 add here Sarum???????????????????? YO, what did we all get 2B-21-4, if we have 2 remain little kids, sheeesh???????!!!!!!!!!! So there I am and all of a sudden I realize I am standing here waiting 4 a bus that picks peeps up who live in public assisted living buildings like the ones I talk about moving into. Then I remembered that I did not need 2 wait here, I had a car parked down the block a ways, so I walked towards it and as I did this, a lovely young honey that was standing where I had been, began following me. She was about normal average size, say between 3 and 6 inches over 5 feet in flat shoes that were bright green, and she had lovely bright silver small eyeglasses. She was about 130 pounds or so, slight and yet built like a tank. Now the hack margin stopped, Stacey L, so no need 2 turn tapes or move makes, U delicious doll. Moving on, she followed me 2 my car, not Stacey Lattisaw, I wish, but this lovely young queen of about 25 years was nothing 2 sneeze at BRO. She said 2 me and I quote, “Guess U know that you’re not wearin’ nothing”. With that, I realized that I had my birthday suit on, and that was it. I was every bit as embarrassed as a boy just caught by mommy, while exercising his wrists in private. Still, I asked her if she knew how I could get some clothes. She had some in a paper bag, and gave then 2 me, smirking and giggling. She was so adorable, I was hoping she did notice my excited third leg. Anyway, I quickly put on the clothes, and she took my hand and said, can UC, where R your glasses. Then I noticed that I did not need them 2C, but until then, I was concerned that things appeared a bit blurry. I was in baggy colorless clothes that an old man of 80 or so might wear, if he was a bum or just not some well dressed New Yorker 4 example. Eddie Himacane 4 example dressed this way and tried giving me his clothes from time 2 time, I do not have any desire 2 wear clothes that make me look 99 years old, Quentin Collins. We both have our 100 year old McGuire tales, as well as our death angel, and our Amanda Harris’s, do we not sir? Cool show, Mister Selby. Moving right along, she had a key 2 a door along a street, and we entered this wild looking building. When we got inside the place, it resembled sort of 2 diametrically opposite things from the waking world, and I was not in any part of the hyperspace, I was directly interacting on the Astral Plane, and will explain this as I move it along here. This was the size f not really 5 times the size of say some large city Masonic Hall, such as the one near Mayor Nutter’s Office in Philadelphia, the Masonic Temple. Dave Roth was a Mason, and he often had meetings right there next 2 City Hall. He even got me a job as a Andy Gaines Maintenance man there, I lasted a week and quit, 2 many butt wipes 2 deal with, but that’s a totally other story from 1991. This huger place from the outside gave this temple appearance with gothic architecture, but the entire inside was as modern as the Atlantic City Casinos. I have no clue what city this interaction was supposed 2B of, as Astrally it can B Northwest Japip or Tikkidallia Squareangle, some place deep inside of the gases of Planet Jupiter. Once inside, I was mad because my young queen had vanished on me, and she seemed 2 like me a lot. After I could not find her, I began walking around and trying 2 understand where I was and what was happening. Then I remembered that I am supposed 2 wake up and fall back into the experience, as when I wake up I will know I am directly interacting Astrally, only the concept waking up is really, falling asleep, so I found a cozy chair in an out of the way old stuffy room, sat down, and instantly fell asleep, which woke me up in my car and I knew the entire thing on an awake level, and then went right back into it at will. I arose from the chair, and walked along many semicircular corridors such as the one at the great green and white KING-BUILDING of Atlantic city, NJUSAESMWG. I stumbled in a short time onto a couple of bicycles, and got onto one, and when I did, the tires seemed 2B nearly flat, and the thing had tricycle trainer wheels, it originally did not, it just suddenly changed into this, which on the Astral Plane is taken totally 4 granted, and it does not violate the waking world lawtronic permission barriers. I got off this bike-turned-trike, and onto the other bike which after a short distance, also seemed 4 whatever reason 2 just not ride very well or hardly at al any more, and then I proceeded 2 get off that one also, and resumed my walking all around. Eventually, I came onto a large area, huge white but not marble stairs, 500 feet wide, and 200 feet tall, and I was at the top of some huge circular room with these wild stairs that appeared 2B more like ice crystals. I attempted 2 walk down these steps and found myself literally gliding faster and faster, down. Suddenly a man with a white shirt and dark pants and a badge zoomed upwards at me and told me 2 walk down the stairs like a normal person, if I wouldn’t mind. Then he shot upward In just the way that he had told me not 2 walk. B4I could do anything about it, down again UI was going, like the surfboard ride of an acid tripper, YO. When I finally reached the bottom, I saw the gorgeous babe who was telling me 2 hurry up and come and follow her. I did. We came 2 a spot where I was sitting in a car like the one I drive, sound asleep. She touched the hood and laughed and then said 2 me, “reach inside the window and try and start it, cause it won’t start U know”. 2 my utter shock, it just made the clicking sound, and I thought 4 sure it would start up. Instantly I was back inside my car and awake, and remembered this entire interaction perfectly, and B4
I could even think about doing it, I reached 4 the key, and turned it. Sure enough click-click-click, it wouldn’t trucking start, AGAIN.


I do not know how this is all being done, but I am gonna twell some major powerful things now, in retaliation 4 this attack again, just wait until I get back from taking friggin’ Chicky over 2 the Mobster Pizzeria joint, Golden Nugget Kean and the gang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah nand then there was my casino life, yes the great ‘joint’ called the “Golden Nugget Casino”, and the dude that refused 2 let me view a tape after a bet was not paid that won at a roulette table, called the place, “JOINT”, after all, as he said, “We csn’t run the JOINT like this, I mean the house, if every bet a player wanted 2C on the tape was OK’d, we’d all B running around rewinding tapes”. This is when I wrote 2 the then Governor of New Jersey, Tom Kean, and yes, thew man wrote me a personal letter back and tried 2 console an angry and wronged player. Now I have grown up a lot and know that mistakes happen. Actually, I know that many bets R pid on losing places on the outside roulette board, when tipping is, shall we say, high and the dealer and player sort of try a little shenanigans, huh McGinty, McGettigan, McGuire, Gallagher, and PAULA???????????????????????????? Yes I am back from getting Chicky over 2 his job. The skies R not 2 bad, but that’ll pick up come game time, believe me. Either way whoever is playing my EAGLES, all ready has the freaking game after the wipe out of my car. It is just 2 aggravate and cause this very parallel event thing, as when the sports goes there way, so does the DOW JONES STOCK MARKET. This is always a preponderance, and in the long run play!!!!!!!!!! This in no way is claiming that every single hit on me guarantees an EVIL EMPIRE SCORE AND WIN, 4 making the FLYERS WIN, THE PHILLIES, EAGLES AND SIXERS LOSE, AND THE DOW JONES MARKETS FLY UPWARDS, but it happens more than enough 2 definitely make it profitable 4 them 2 endlessly continue making my damn life a major living nightmare freaking hell at the speed of light cubed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has continued however since 1986 when REAL-GOOD-GIRL was created and copyrighted. This is all somehow major hyper time connected, but I do not claim 2 have all of the puzzle pieces as of yet, so neatly and precisely worked out. I am human Bruce, so R both my daughters, and I appreciate the honesty of one of them, and I’m quite sure the other would agree, it is just not feasible 4 her 2 say something and the world knows it 2 days later, that’s all. Well whether or not I am jonesing 4 a game, jawing on a radio, or merely enjoying viewing the ‘Law and Order’ television show, here I am speaking electronically on this particular medium, the internet and blogging uploads 2 blogger websites, and telling things that R being done 2 me by horrible monstrous demonic people. Yet the entire time, both myself as well as an ancestor from long ago, know fully well, that the people r just carrying out sort of a puppeteer controlled show, they do not know what’s going on or what they’re doing, so holding stuff against them is a biblical sin, especially the more powerfully that someone such as myself, understands and in my case, totally knows as sure as solidity itself, that this is not words in a bible, this is absolute proven truth, I KNOW it is the truth, and all real. So when I keep holding resentment inside me 4 these 4 peeps, as opposed 2 the true energy that is behind causing said peeps 2 wrong me in so many various ways over so lengthy a mortal time, by mortal standards, say 40-50 years, which is longer than the average lifespan itself, cradle 2 grave, in many countries on this Planet right now in the great technologically advanced year of late-2009, I become instantly and automatically guilty of a major wrong doing myself, the sin of lack of forgiveness and blaming puppets that R acting out on Shakespeare’s life stage system off of the Astral Plane. Biblically, the more spiritual truth UR aware of, and the stronger and realer that awareness becomes, then the more responsible UR when U do not behave in think, in ways that match your absolute knowledge and wisdom, regarding things from the Astral Plane. U may always feel free 2 substitute the words of the spirit-world, in lieu of the Astral Plane, it is the same thing, yet one is a more established and biblical way of using words and descriptions, more sociologically acceptable, more comfy-cozy, use it then, we both R saying the same thing.

Anyway, David Roth and I, were in literally dozens of situations where we were directly electronically attacked in similar ways as I am now being with my automobile, by the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL of the ASDTRAL PLANE, the AWA, the ASTRAL WORLD AUTHORITY, answering only 2 the KRASSLE family of the great city of SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, the capitol of the entire spirit-world. This was all between the years of middle late 1986, and very early 2002, when I fully know that this man was Griffin Pipe Levi March L&O David Chapman Lennon, COLD BLOODEDLY MURDERED, done in, poisoned; and if I could ever get David’s good friend who employed him 2 operate armed security posts upon occasion late in the nineties, Constable McMeekan, 2 exhume the grave site and get the body; he would find either that I am correct about him being horrifically slow-poisoned as I have claimed 4 years on my blogs and will go straight into court or into a Grand Jury and say this any damn time, or they will find an empty casket, or maybe some photos of Doctor Rogers along with some large automobile tires. Hay, I am only starting 2 tell this tale. They hired a bratty teenaged sleazy girl 2 literally attempt a vehicular homicide on me and Arthur Crane back around 1995 or 1996, while I was at Highview in Williamstown, Sir Jupiter Levy Comet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things in space cause trouble, this is not a wives tale. People always used 2 have great fear of eclipses and comets and any space sittings visible in some way on this Earth. When I first arrived at work around a quarter shy of midnight back Friday night, either some CIA/NSA/BFA puke-head in one of their aerial vessels, threw down an object at me, or else it was a legitimate space junk fall from out string of breaking and falling satellites and pieces of them, but either way, a bright yellow with a tad of orange color mixed in, falling star, shooting star, or whatever U choose 2 refer 2 it as, came drown practically right in front of me across the highway from where I was parked on my site property. 30 or 40 yards away would B my best estimate. During the Real-Good-Girl days, Dave and I saw hundreds of these miserable things all the time while out at night. We could B driving along a street in a town, or out in the deep forests, but we saw these rotten things over and over in the 2nd half of 1986, like someone out there somewhere was having a ‘meteor-going-out-of-business sale’, or something, BRO-JJ, mustache, unconventional wheel chairs and all, Weena and Orson. No, there was nothing pretty, hairy, or curly, about these bright falling objects, but they were all around me during the RGG times, and I know that big BRO-NASA knows exactly Y, and U know something, U can all go straight 2 freaking HELL, because I don’t give a rats grass mole anymore. Once IC my doctor, and get some affairs in order, I am booking out 2 the FIJI ISLANDS, or someplace, any place, that is far away from this evil rotten game U scummy gods R all playing with me, U pile of smelly period-girl rags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Java Sea was a ship that was on major missions quite a while back, and a young seaman named Roy Coral Weiler, Senior was aboard her. He told me some real Jack McCoy stand-whoppers, and later we can explore this some more, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U missed me, Jane Diseaseweeds, HA-HA-HOO-BOO, and all 31’s. Notice how 31 appears in the Huntingotn lettering comparisons when Grace and Gallagher R compared 4 matching letters. Notice when I put the brackets around everything, how the brackets themselves became the 3rd and the 1st, just gop back a few blogs, U can’t miss it. Thirty-one, now here is a number that has symbolic value 4 the entire inhabitants of the world. Mine R in 2 large ways, so far that I’m aware of anyway. I know 2 birthday numbers that total up 2 this as well as produce in a subtraction, one of the most powerful numbers in the bible, 23. YO. Y not 4 crissake, this upline teenager comes into this jacked in thing with no need of any lawn mowers or mind challenged landscapers, in many various time periods, That was not an angelic visitation with LOTT. He was not named that because of some random coincidence. The Roman Centurions threw lotts, or used dice randoms, 2C who got the clothes off Jesus after the crucifixion had terminated. The Bible is so full of things that scream out how real MORINITY is, I would not know even where 2 ever begin, there would really never B any proper place of origin, it is sort of like picking up and cleaning a totally filthy and disgusting room. U simply begin somewhere, and eventually, it all does in fact get done. When it is done, did the cleaning order really matter all that much? There is just so much MAYA/ILLUSION abounding, wow, it amazes me how peeps fall 4 so many of the Vegas Cosmotricks. Then when I try and show U all some fantastic things that R real and do make logical senses, I am crazy or I need an editor. Some scum bag must B good and angry at this blog, YO, as they just tore by this house, out on the road that we call 13th Street, so loudly in some kind of illegal machine; that I thought this house structure was gonna rock literally right off of its FBI-owned foundations, hay get Agent Steve Caruso ticked off there, Annie Editroom Dreamfields, and duck KC, that spray can won’t send U back, but it can do a number on the eyes and ears if the wrong stuff is shooting out. B careful there Mister JE Jones, welcome 2 the Walsh Atlantic, OTHER SARAH HARRAHS ATLANTIC CTIY. Not the same inventors invented the telephone in all parts of HS, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These government and private sector married cousins, that R all in on this, just as Levi March calls it on LAW AND ORDER, have a powerful way 2 break any ordinary user’s firewalls on a PC, and they know every word being typed on this word-works document, it does not matter whether it is officially posted up yet or not, it means total zip. These cruds know every key hit, and every thing that I do. Oh well, I’ve been raped by enough people in my younger day 2, Dick wolf, U sure seem 2 know all about me, and U definitely knew about things in my life long B4I ever became freaking privy 2 them, the gods bless U and your mighty show, BRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kitty-cat-command (PC) is really on a roll in November 4 me, I have not seen a month kike this ever, maybe a week here and there in the last 2 summer and autumns, and a tad more in the spring when the animals come 2 life, they say men R the animals, not true., Real animals respond 2 springtime as real human females do. Human males do not care what the weather is doing, and 4 that matter, it is 24/7/365.2422 as far as they R concerned. Me, on the other hand, I never have cared at all about this gamer called romance. I was 2 late in the late sixties with Sarah, and then she double crossed me and laughed, and now, I will never ever care about anything or anyone ever again.

End Transmission, there Googy-Google, KSWL-2299, and SWIS, add an S and love that chocolate, yummy, subtract an S, and go buy a mattress, and save, huh? Oh well, again, who gives a fiddlers U know what Sarum??????? This is all Copyright MWM/MWM/MMR, etcetera, in late 2009, but not 2 late 2 copyright it, no matter what the All Mighty Teen might say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funny though Callio-end thereof hopefully soon, I mean U have 2C the absolute quintessential irony here, or UR totally in blindness. I used 2 call these things back in my 1700 Woodlyn Avenue, in Woodlyn, New Jersey, days, EVENTAL-TIME-WARPS. Dave knew it, and I still have the cassette tape conversations from late in 1987, Arthur AT&T Bancroft Blake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting tempted more on a daily basis 2 wonder myself, after all, does RGG have the round robin effect 2 there, Mister Robin Hill Robinette?????????????? When that dude said what he said 2 me on that fateful day at the Caner Institute, called at the time, the IMR or the Institute 4 Medical Research, on Ferry Avenue, in Camden, New Jersey, in 1981-1982 while I worked along with the Andy Gaines Club, under Bernie Derakowski, and this after meeting Gary Stone who fell asleep in his house 3 years or so prior 2 that and woke up 2 the mighty Sidewalk Science Men on his television set, and told me how everything just goes around and around repeating forever in a closed curve following an infinite time of possible varying infinities until eventually 2 things happen precisely back 2 back and it closes up and endlessly and hellishly continues, Mister Jordy. If this is someone’s concept of hell sir, talk 2 the dude who plays that wonderful little organ song at the end of the show, and tell him 4 me that I really dig his song, it is so pure and simple and true 2 cosmos itself. Yeah, I’ll CU next time around, and unfortunately, U2 Paul Evans Pedersen. I wonder as I sit here live right now if it is lonelier there at your cape, or up where my family once owned a heck of a lot of land on a place called Long Island? Oh well, at this point, I must say ado, and also a final-----END TRANSMISSION, Y’ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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