Saturday, February 28, 2009


DATE AND TIME FILE: 022809.329
Beginning of this Transmission:

16 is the most powerful number in this entire multiplexed atomic song that we all think that we R existing in while supposedly awake and conscious. I told my blogaud quite a lot about Gawky Gaukauk the powerful Astral Plane giant black magical cat that in slang, some of us refer 2 as the LOTTERY CAT. I mention also in many 2008 blogs about using his own version of what mortals refer 2 as numerology, and I call it the Gawnum 4 a short abbreviation. It has been discussed and is not the top of today’s blog, the number 16 however, is. 16 is a number that runs all of the present day global inhabitants unless they R practically head hunting cannibals on a practically uncharted island which in these days, speaking of, GOOGLE, there R no more uncharted places. Don’t get me Eckert July twelfth going on the wild crap U can do with delay fields and Google maps mixed and married together, let us stay on pernt 4 right now Archie, and the number sixteen. So first we establish the total true fact that this world of now is run by computation machines, and these run on a binary hexadecimal system, and this is totally based on the number 16. Most of us R totally hooked up 2 my wonderful family branch and their all mighty banks, and this as well as all of Wall Street, yes and Main Street, and all of the Avenues in-between, and the ruler of this empire is number sixteen. Now let me bring up my poor murdered friend Dave Roth who was killed by the Masons and Jonathan Schau in 2002 in early March, 7 years ago. 16 freaking years B4 he was murdered, it was the year of 1986. He was born on May the 5th and this date is digitally 0505, but I have seen it also on paper as 5.5. Multiply 5.5 and 16, and wo, U get 86, when my life was totally eighty sixed in when else but nineteen-eighty-six. 16 years B4 this year, I was staying at the now Ventnor Water Company, all a part of the ACMUA, where Sarah either was employed or still is, I cannot verify my facts and when I cannot, I admit it. Yes 1986 minus 16 is indeed 1970. This is when THAT FAMILY contacted me in my sleep and identified themselves 2 me at Cornwall Avenue as “THAT-FAMILY”. Then there was “Magnesonic, my super machine, that had the world like a kids toy with my broom set 2 clean, up from the hard road with the top out of sight, and the dawning of new times were lost in the night”, Copyrighted in 1983, by me, UNCLES ON BENDED KNEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go ahead and fuck with me RIHC and all others, and keep rolling in the aisles in 13 land. If I can bring a laugh 2 someone, maybe that is Y poor Richard has come back 2 y’alls. M Magnesonic was used 2 empower Sarah Krassle in 1986 on the transpower block, and then the image object was smashed in the basement of Richard Karpf’s home at 1931 Marlton Pike in Cherry Hell, New Jersey, USAESMWG, a place where my mother and I were renting from this miserable prick Donald Trump wanna-B. How anyone can look into that miserable rotten face and want 2B him is beyond my staggered mind. His face is actually a nice face, I am talking about that monstrous evil expression that he loves 2 wear on it, it makes me 4 one want 2 walk up and just blow him away. He is not worth going 2 jail 4, no one is, and no thing is, and that is YI will never fucking go 2 fucking jail. If any of U out there, in my enemies collection reading this right now think UR worth that in my mind, keep thinking, and let dust pile up on your bullet proof vests, none of U cock sucking son of a bitches R worth me doing one day in prison, NONE!!!!!!!! FUCK-U!!!!!!!!!!! My pernt however was that RK was both my evil landlord of which that dorky Christmas movie was made about by the BRIGGERS, and also he was a DTWB. Let us not lose sight of Archie’s pernt, and go on with 16. My life as I knew it ended when I took that busted soda bottle inside a piece of paper with a face drawn onto it, and Dave was with me, and we went down 2 Long Beach Island, and buried it 20 inches under the sand near where the water was, and suddenly out of nowhere, a gust of wind blew up along with huge swelling surf, literally forcing David Roth and myself off of the beach. The story was told on an epitome of harassment cassette tape, or sort of one, in 1996, and I was not permitted 2 copyright it 4 some reason that was given 2 me, but I knew the reason, and unlike my noisy car, and the Plotsaluck board, and the 2 nuts in the American Honda Guardhouse, that was back B4 in the ‘88 year, so that was permitted, bent knee uncle, camera and all, 2 get a copyright. I have instinctively used the copyright office all of my life and they R aware of it and have been since I admitted this 2 an examiner in 13-land back in 1996, as a way 4 me 2 lay down what I label as HISTORY-MARKERS. Many persons have been wondering if that particular video got past me, nothing gets past me BRO!!!!!!! I told U, it is hyperspace shit, I am not doing anything, and neither is anyone else, it is being done with a far advanced exploring group of (dream travelers), if I can borrow a term that ECKANKAR claims 2 own, and I have seen it in a thousand books, but they claim 2 own it so I give them that recognition, and they can fight it out with those that disagree, I have no quarrel with them. Some things, SSJKK remembers better than I do, and some things, I remember better than she does, natch, I am speaking about the physical plane and us awake here on it. Now in 1986, I had very hostile feelings about her and how she stole my motorcycle chain,. And was furious and frightened of her powers. Anyone that could give U dreams and then make them come true HAS 2B GOD/ESS, SAR/AH translated from the ancient tongue of the Aramaic old Hebrew. If U think that any of this is made up, or that I am seeking anything except justice 4 a nightmare hell that has been perpetrated on me since 1957 or so when HH ended my chances forever 4 me having any kind of a normal life in this world, by his committing that unspeakable Daniel Collins atrocious act up in Braintree, UR all dead ass wrong BR!!!!!!!! All I am seeking is truth and justice, forget Superman and forget the American way, as truth and justice went south of the American way about the time that prayer and bible reading was removed from the schools, mainly due 2 one person, and her name was not Delilah, god those 14 bell cymbals R deafening, BRA!!!!!!!!! The strange attitudes and feelings that I had throughout my life about SSJKK, ranged from love 2 hate and back and forth many times over and over again, but whose fault was that? All I wanted was 2 know the truth, and 2 know what she wanted of me ever since 1966 on Tennessee Avenue, BR!!!!!!!!! GAMES, GAMES, GAMES, talk about distance Delay Squire Garth Trilane Kirk. It will not take me 900 years 2 figure it all out, but please, how can U not expect me 2 use those perfect lines on my journal tape after screaming out the word BOTBAR so loud I was hoarse 4 days and days, and the examiners in 13-land can hear it on the tape when I sing DANCIN’ IN THE OCEAN back early in nineteen-eighty-eight, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! Christ, my singing sucks at full voice, but get me hoarse, and wo, it gets freaking ear punishing. How can Sarah Krassle have not expected me 2 use Magnesonic that fateful night ion middle August of nineteen-eighty-six????????? U can bet your last toilet tissue after major diarrhea and 12 sheets only, that if I had known then that she was ALL MIGHTY GODDESS, I would never had dared make an image object and =smashed it and taken it down 2 the mother trucking seashore, on the last night of my life in any real world.

Well, the chemtrails R horrific again this moUrning and the ride home from my monstrous shitty sob was total freaking ass HELL, BR!!!!!!!!!!! Please get your cell phones if U live in the Berryville vicinity of the Hitler State, and snap some pix and send them off 2 the 3 Philly TV stations, numbers 3, 6, and 10, THAN Y’ALLS!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay, do it 4 me, shit, screw me, do it 4U and your damn kids, B4 it really is 2 late very soon. My enemies R talked about quite a lot on these sites, go and enjoy, the world is at your fingertips Fred Rip-off Windstein!!!!!!!!!! HAVE FUN LADS AND LABS AND LASSIES!!!!!!!!!

Yeah I may B just a dog, but what would U do without me throughout this long eternity, SSJKK (SCYLLA LOIS FOCA)????????????????? My sun, my moon, my midnight, my noon, it has been played around the world, and still is going out and around the hypersphere. Y the light drops off in the red-shift, geniuses is because it’s a freaking hypersphere, wake up Einstein!!!!!!!!!! Make me disappear, MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, JUST TRY, I DARE U, U cannot kill me, screw U. I cannot remained, and I fear no one, the hell with all of U!!!!!!!!!!!! Wolf, Wolf, Wolf, and yes I can speak and even have finally learned how 2 blog and operate a PC, even though what I say ain’t always 2PC!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!!

The All Mighty Sarah-Stacey Krassle told me something major about Y Rog gave me that dumb roulette system, and then she gave me a really cool system. Diana then came 2 me and told me never 2 reveal a note that I was planning on printing word 4 word on my blog, that Rog gave me shortly after we met at the tobacco store. I never told U who I ran into at the I-Ching place nearby a while back, I thought it was, but golly gash darn gee willaggers, when all hell broke loose with Ann afterwards, that was all the catholic confirmation I needed 2 receive, BR!!!!!!!! Those library shaking wings with many chariots, wow, does shit get revealed when U have eyes 2C and ears 2 hear, right Uncle J? So, where does it go from here, and Y the hexnumer, as I used this term long ago on some prior blog? First, U can always keep your calendar and use it 28 years later, such as 1980 and 2008, it was more than the inverse year that brought your kid 2 my high school and stole my Wildwood Press shoebox. He was so damn determined, him and his buddy, 2 get it. Well, maybe they can use it now, go cheat, and buy the Powerball. I never wanted what is not mine rightfully. Never. I never said I am not greedy, I am much greedier than Donald Trump in his wildest imagination. I want everything, I want SSJKK, and I want 2 get off of this mortal realm. He would C that as insanity, bless U my brother, less competition 4 me. Still, she reminds me all the time on the astral realm that everyone everywhere is just that other part of me that is not me directly, and hence, I have nothing 2 compete over in the first place. No ordinary mind can grasp these simple truths and concepts, U must realize that I have spoken 2 people who have flat-lined and been so-called dead 4 a number of minutes, and they do not have a clue, so obviously it is how much SHE ALLOWS U2 remember while awake and back here, that is still the key, and I remember that 16 holds the key, not Tony Orlando and his stupid yellow ass ribbon, BR!!!!!!!!! Yes SHE told me a powerful thing 2 try with the game of Roulette, not that I really give a shit anymore about that stupid ass game. All I really desire is NIRVANA, total extinction, the total end of existence forever freaking more I have just totally fucking had it, BRO!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND WORLD LABS, THIS IS ALL Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 27, 2009


“Bob Barker Said It All, except 4 The Word Siege”
Datfile: 022709.407.5555555555555555555555
Beginning Transmission:

I just took Chicky 2 work, CHEMTRAILS R everywhere, very nasty vicious and monstrous death siege of chemtrails is basically all over the Atlantic county and Hammonton, New Jersey vicinity this miserable freaking moUrning. Please take pix with your cell phones and keep submitting then 2 the television stations, they can ignore me and a few but not a whole lot of complaining g people repeatedly, and THEY KNOW IT. Yesterday was fairly quiet, just lots of tall and giant girls all over, which is still another major type of Otammic attack, dating back into the 1977 circa.

The psychic lady who bilked me out of nine thousands two hundred dollars in 1996, named Paula Uwich of Glendora, New Jersey, did tell me that Braxton was behind all of this Sarah problem that I was experiencing. She had no Earthly reason 4 saying this, but anyone studying or knowing current events in the music trade, must, provided they believe my tale and remember that I first told the blog, that Mountainpen was told this in 1996 and said this as early as 2006 or at the latest early in oh seven, so all I ask is that y’all add 2 and 2 together and not B stupid and come up with 9 and a half. This entire family and all the cousins R from the New Jersey Oranges, a stone’s throw practically from the big Apple. Also, this evil witch, not Paula, telephoned me and threatened me one night while I resided at 231 Rt. 73, in Winslow Township, New Jersey, just one mile south down this state highway from the Winslow Police Barracks. I was told on Friday night of March the third in the year of 20000 by these Braxton’s, that we would B offed, and the next early morning my mom surcame 2 whatever Paula King had done 2 her in her freaking sleep back on December 26, 1997. All of this is on prior blogs. When 011 was called late the following afternoon, on Saturday the 4th of March, when I found my mother dead in her room, no one wanted 2 ask me about or was willing 2 discuss this terrorist threat that I had called 911 about just on the previous night. 2 me, a coincidence like this, and bearing in mind that all 911 calls R reordered and saved by the county authorities and in this case it would B the neighboring Camden County, not being investigated by the local or state authorities, is the real crime here. They obviously know that this huge bunch of BRIGGER scum cannot B placed under any of mans’ known laws nor B dealt with by any of mans’ known courts and systems of justice, what freaking justice? McGuire wrecks my car, the mascots beat me up, the beach patrol as of late last season still messed with me the day I came back from the road trip to Queens and JFK Airport 2 get distant cousins back 2 Guatemala, of THAT FAMILY, I told U all how they messed with me when Dawn was in therapy and Ann was in Resorts Hotel and I had no witnesses and they can always get away with so much when am all alone, but whether it is the murders of my best friend Dave Roth, and my mother, the destruction of many an automobiles, and on and on, THAT FAMILY is in with my evil family that disowned me as soon as I hit the age of majority and was a grown up, and the only thing that all of this sick rotten disease has on its agenda is 2 totally wipe me out and keep the curse on it going, the curse of Herbert Huntington dating back to King David and all of the Kings in the great Holt Bible. DAN BROWN, and all of his fictional work, is all based on what the Masons and Jonathan Schau did when he was told 2 slow-poison his lodge brother, and yet no one has the freaking testacles 2 exhume the body and prove I am not some deranged lunatic making wild claims that cannot B substantiated, when indeed they all know very well that THEY CAN B!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am aware that these blogs accuse many powerful people of many things. Dol U really think if I did not TPOTALLY KNOW WHAT I WAS TALIKING ABOUT AND TOTALLY KNOW THAT THEWSE MONSTROUS DEEDS HAVE BEEN DONE AGAINST ME AND MY PROPERTY AND MY CLOSE IN PEEPS, THAT I WOULD DARE MAKE THESE ON LINE CLAIMS 4 A GLOBAL PUBLIC 2 HAVE VIEWING ACCESS 2 AND SUE NE 4 LIEBEL AND SLANDER> Wake up out there, I know what I am saying and who I am accusing. This is just the beginning. I am going 2 get a private dick 2 investigate my wealthy branches of this diseased family, and learn how I can begin taking the necessary legal steps 2 prevent them from hurting me any more, and if I cannot, than Ron Wirtz at the Prosecutor’s Office can tell any of U out there, that I will, use my AEB, and U can say BYE-BYE 2 your entire planet forever. His own words straight from his mouth in 1992, were that I probably will B doing the entire human race the biggest favor that could B done 4 them. He would make a damn good Buddhist.

U have no clue what has been going down around this house of horrors or HOH. Dawn King is absolutely packing 2 move, so whatever evil that MC was planning here 2 do me in, will no longer work as effectively once I escape this hell at Amityville-2. She knows what I’m saying, purple highlights and brightly lit back hallways all not withstanding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She told me in a powerful interaction that SHE controls the MILLIONTH-COUCIL. That is quite a large job that U have undertaken, big brown eyed girl. It strikes me beyond funny and mind numb when I dwell on the wild simple facts, that a bunch of funny smelly tiny weird shaped and weird looking do dads, all hooked together in a circuit on a breadboard, and is totally invisible as it is always wrapped and encased inside of lots of strong and heavy covering and attractive casings, B them the outer parts that we C only, on our stereos and televisions, and I-pods and blackberries, and U name the electronic device, all covered up by casings and housings, all hidden from waking world view, but there all the same and all along, making the world of these apparatuses all function, and change our entire planet and society around totally unrecognizably 100% plus from the way things were in the really good old days of more than a century ago. Many people think that because some of these things R made in a conventional way, that the majority of the inner guts of these things R not grown, or R indeed from under the surface of the Earth, crystals, silicon, transistors, and on and on, not true. The majority of the do dads indeed R from things that sprout or grow out and up from the ground, from SUBTERRANIA, the place that creates their reality so that they can carefully invade out world. And then I have 2 endure the UFO researchers trying 2 learn things that R so damn meaningless 2 all of us and our lives. Our nightmares all come from Down below, right there with Nick Blair, and Skylar Rumson, and Jebez Hawks, and all of this demonic hellish underworld that dwarfs any known surface world mafias.

“UP THEY CAME FROM DOWN BELOW. CHAINS AND LOOPS AND SKIES THAT GLOW. PAINTED LINES THAT COME AND GO, OH THE MISTS R HERE” Yes, as my song said from the 20th Century, THE MISTS or the LAMIST BRIGGER CULT, is indeed HERE AND AMONGST US, and I did my freaking best 2 warn all of U, now, well, those few that believe, UR indeed my true followers and MORIANS. Everyone else, well, I do not have 2 tell U2 THERE, THEY ALL READY HAVE U, AND U WORK 4 THEM, U DO THEIR BIDDING without question, and do not even know it let alone bat an eyelash, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Remember the plot of DARK SHADOWS, the TELEVISION soap from 1966-1871? What was the plot, and how did Wall Street and my birthday of 4 December fit into all of it? My greatest fear was when I realized that 20 years after someone is blessed by these BRIGGERS, if it is done with a Quid Pro Quo, and usually this is the case, especially if it involves the top Astral Plane entities, that have made their homes in Subterrania, with Apollo-Lucifer Diabolis, the thing that worries me more than all of the rest of any of this unconscionable nightmare, is when Paul Stoddard was talking in the bar called the Blue Whale in Collinsport, Maine, and Barnabas kept laughing at him when Paul said that they could have his soul or his most prized possession. Well, that was his opinion of his most prized possession. Paula King’s assault on me in the alleyway of Atlantic City behind another bar, makes me worry tremendously about what might occur next year to mine. U better make sure she stays safe and take real good care of her, Nick. I’ll B watching all of U!!!!!!!!!!! I have eyes and ears right there in the company, friends of a friend, I know all that goes on. U just watch her like a hawk and do not let THEM ever make this fictional, yeah right fictional, TV show, ever come true, not on my watch, booby washcloths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only fans of the 60’s DS show have a clue YI am concerned with all of this, these MISTS-R-HERE, right up 2 the 2nd coming of the mighty TRINITRAIL, and this now is the 3rd time it appeared in the sky, the year 1, the year 1969, and the year 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not really need 2B a wise man 2C this, just not a damn fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As 4 Bob Barker, no one ever will replace U, and yes things do seam 2 go on, day after day, week after week, right down to the millennium, huh BR????????????

G/S/WL, Blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. END TRAN:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Beginning of this demonic and satanic transmission, BRO!!!!!

Well, BRO, this has been one fucklng bastard hell of a bad month and year, the very worst of my life, never ever has any year been quite this bad, and yes, my life has been total hell for three straight mother fucking decades, especially since the return from the gods no where on the morning of August the 15th of 1986, BR!!!!!!!!


ANYONE OUT HERE ANYWHERE, THAT WILL HELP ME PROVE THAT PARALLEL EVENT IS BEING INTENTIONALLY USED AGAINST ME, AND HAS BEEN SINCE THE SCUMNMER SUMMER TIME OF 1986 WHEN THIS NIGHTFUCKINGMARE HELL GOT A REAL NASTY MAJOR FOOTHOLD ON ME; WILL RECEIVE AN EQUAL AFTER TAXES AND ATTORNEYS FEES SPLIT WITH ME ON A JURY AWARD, U FREAKING ASS HEARD ME PEEPS, 50/50, AND THIS COULD POTENTIALLY MEAN 10 OR 20 OR 30 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET SOMEDAY. B4 U LAUGH, WHOEVER THOUGHT A NON CAUK MALE COULD REALLY B PRESIDENT? WHOEVER THOUGHT 60 YEARS AGO THAT MAN WOULD FUCKING WALK ON THE MOTHER FUCKING MOON? All I am saying is that I intend 2 find out precisely what is being done 2 me, and by exactly whom, and then they will B sued for 100 fucking billion dollars in the World Courts of THE HAGUE!!!!!!!! No one has the legal or any other 4 that matter, right 2 totally ruin and wreck an innocent fucklng persons’ life forever, they just fucking don’t, BRO!!!! The filthy diseased Flyers win every game now, and will go on endlessly WINNING AND WINNING AND CHEATING AND CHEATING, BY APPLYING AND USING PE AGAINST PATHETIC ME, 2 GET THEIR HOLLOW AND CHEATED FUCKING VICTORIES, HARASSING AND PERSECUTING ME 24/7 FOR A SOLID QUARTER OF A FUCKING CENTURY NOW, THIS IS REAL/E AND TOTALLY NOT IMAGINED. THIS IS NO FUCKING DELUSION. R there any attorneys out here fresh out of law school that desire a gargantuan and relatively quick buck as well as 2 make a quick name 4 yourself and retire in 5-10 years after super major litigation that will get your name in lights whether I win or lose, and will get global attention, U can retire with billions and live like a Caesar with wine, women and song until the day U die on some plush tropical fucklng island, just fucking help me out of this fucking nightmare.


On top of that, week after week, it is constant driving the King women here and the King women there, the fucking QUEENS OF HAMMONTON-HELL!!!!!!! No matter what I do 4 them, they still do nothing but pick on me and treat like fucking total shit. Just today they had a friend that was 2B transported someplace after I took AKS 2 the local Kessler hospital 4 xenon radiation CT-scans (cat) and then I had 2 go into the state police barracks with a phony illegal person with his fake documents and use my legal New Jersey license in order 2 get his car out of impound after being pulled over and stopped by State Police, and he showed them fake docs. Y some fucking prosecutor or state official or federal agency will not read all of this and helo me and get me away from these horrific KING FAMILY TAWF KIDNAPPERS, now and later 2B referred 2 in this new abbreviation as (KFTK), is beyond my wildest hyperspace scanned 6th dimensional receptions. Someday all authorities ever proven 2B in on this via MISFEASANCE OR MALFEASANCE, all better get ready 2B in court with the entire bunch that I will B taking there 4 perpefreakingtrating all of this nightmare against me. I am so mother fucklng pissed off at God as U all call HIM, I know HER as GODDESS SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE on the ASTRAL PLANE, and always have and will, but right now here in this mortal and totally miserable dream, I am beyond angry at her 4 allowing this and enjoying this. She is having a blast with me, the MOUBNTAINPEN TRUMAN SHOW, by SSJSKK, the original rock singer of Cecily. U came 2 me in the days when I worked at that stinking miserable studio, I did not invade your dreams or steal your fucking chain. U came first 2 me, and even toyur own words claim that mortally here in this dream, I cannot come first 2U, first I am dead here, and have no power as a dead man 2 even remember U, so this 2 late nonsense really fucking pisses me off. It is all just a horrendous game with U, GROW UP, I know UR forever 16, but even Marguerite Sampson left Shangri-La 4 prison, at least that’s the way that senator Thompson of 10-ESSEE AVENUE tells it, right BRO Jesse!!!!!!!??????????

Don’t B haters out there, stop judging me, realize that someone is fucking tormenting and torturing me 2 death, where RU President Obama, I really hoped that U would find it in your heart 2 stop this, and we both know that U must have been told by the WOMO that this all is real and happening 2 me. No one ever goes from private citizen 2 president without being given temporary classified clearances and told all the major NS related issues, and I am positive that I am one of them. Remember, I have the proof that New Jersey’s Congressman Robert Andrews 2 letters, went unanswered by the director of the top intelligence agency system in this country, letters written on HIS stationary, requesting under the FOIA 4 an answer, and not even a response was returned, and sir, I am paranoid? No, we both know I am not Mister President. This is real, and I am not against this nation. I am against the torturing of one of its citizens and only against this, and that citizen is me, MOUNBTAINPEN. I swear that under all oaths with full penalty of perjury charges aimed at me if anyone can prove me out a liar!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I guess I am destined 4 many wild and crazy things, it seems that ‘2-letters’ has been a major part of my life on at least 2 occasions back in the late nineties circa, am I right my blogaud???????????? I said it all B4 2008 ever rolled around and U can tell your wife that right now Nicky ol’ boy. My ENEMIES R EQUAL 2 MARTINO TIMES CALLIO TIMES MARY CARTER, and I said it long B4 your wife did, and she knows it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I now end this stinking rotten miserable twisted transmission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


“U Make Me Burn with Fire Like A Soul In Hell”
DATFILE: 022509.682.555555555555555555555

Now a little elaboration and detail on the earlier blog that was posted. First, someone or something has started a large fire somewhere here in New Jersey, my best guess is that it is originating from the Williamstown or Collings Lakes area, a bit 2 my southwest, here in Berryville, but am ‘really’ free 2 move about this demonic country, with or without a plane or a strange body that seems 2B able 2 do the M word, U know, restaurant rotisseries, moving through air and water, not staying dead, and along these lines?

I am forced 2 live around teenagers now, drive them around, it is a real nightmare, U will never know. Someone like me who basically does not like being around people at all, and especially kids, this has become beyond the quintessential concept of NIGHTMARE. They complain about my driving, yet trust me with their miserable mother fucking children and teens and elderly parents, make up your mind cock suckers, either I drive like a dick head shit or I don’t, U can’t have it both ways turd scuz. The minute that I have 2 share my room with any underage person, I will call DYFUS myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am all ready being forced 2 break all kinds of laws, putting my name 2 all sorts of things that I know R way out of legal. B4 this is all over, my wildest ‘hyperspace scans’ cannot begin 2 reveal what could happen 2 me B4 this is all said and done and Miss Fatso sits down and sings, (imagination). They all say that things all end when this strange thing occurs, well fat lady, start singing, bitch. All day I am literally bombarded with loud menacing aerial siege as well as deadly poisonous chemtrails, actually 4 two straight mother trucking days and nights now, BRO. Let me now move quickly on and get back 2 my wonderful sweet and quite adorable and loving sharing and caring family. None of this would have happened if Sarah had not wanted 2 play this stupid game called HUMANITY. This is not saying the full truth, as no matter whether she did this or not, way 2 complex a deal is existing beyond the 6th and 7th dimensions 4 me 2 even start attempting yet 2 really clarify and bring into a better focus as opposed 2 anything yet ever explained on Morianity despite these topics indeed being touched on upon more than one occasion, BRO!!!!!!!! U have 2 get into Jehovah’s mind way more than even doctor HC thinks that he is done 2 start learning what really is happening all around me and exactly Y. There was indeed a man who loved SSJKK, not in the same way as I do natch, and was married 2 a provided beach-Stacey of Hilton-98, and this cannot B further dealt with right now. So he and his wife Sarah had a son when Sarah was very old, just as history repeated itself much later with as similar situation of Sarah being very old here in the interactive time-worlds of hyperspace. When this male child was born, they had not really trusted that this all mighty Goddess could pull off this incredible miracle, and this son of Abraham and Sarah and what went on all around this nightmare story, led up 2 serious bull shit with the Shaw of Iran and my Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, and I have fucking better things 2 do than 2 sit around making up shit when first of all nothing really can B made up, it is all a hyperspace equation. This son of these 2 fascinating people went onto have another son with a few great grand’s in front, and the astral travel involved made this a real STEP situation, and led to the surname literally of JACOBSON, meaning quite literally if translated later into the old English tongue, Jacob’s son. I speak of Jesus, who is SAR-ah and all of this other hell from Haddonfield and the early seventies. Now here is how my miserable banker gods family really fits totally into bull shit times ten 2 the power of sixty. Forget the trouble makers and their neighbors and all the shit that I found out that happened on the island. Forget all of this. Here is where Kevin
Trudeau tells an ugly and true tale about these diseased snake brains. I wondered Y in 1994 in the autumn, so much wonderful financial stuff started happening, or so I thought. Talk about biblical reality striking a man like a fucking bolt of powerful ass lightning. The Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, is the story being further told here, BRA!!!!!!!!! I thought the banks of the world had created a love affair with me. They all sent me credit offers and I ended up by early into 1995 out of nowhere. I found myself overnight practically going from totally bankrupt and then erased off of the credit bureau system after the mandatory 9 years and 9 months, 2 suddenly possessing a total amount of unsecured credit lines combined available credit off cards and bank lines, of around 200 grand. Suddenly I received a pre-approved additional mortgage credit letter saying I could have another 150 grand any time I wanted 2 purchase any house. I did, the place in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, where Paula King murdered my mother in her fucking sleep the day after Christmas in 1997. Did all these banks and bankers do me a favor Kevin? I read your wonderful book kind sir, I do not really need 2 ask U this, but my readers need 2 become your readers, and then they will get the shock of their lives on what was being done 2 me and how I was being set up 4 nearly a half million dollar bankruptcy, me, just a little nobody on Social Security disability, and not even a part time job like I have now thanks 2 Jennifer W.

As 4 the title of this work and on this document, I wrote 2 songs in 1969, and U all have only heard me speak of the one called, “That’s The Way It goes”. 3 months later or so, I wrote the other one, “BURN WITH FIRE”. Well today, some one in the KING family who loves FIRES, as U all know, started a doozie of one right near me again. Am I supposed 2 get all scared now and hide like a baby? None of U ever will know what I have 2 contend with and all because I cannot get one powerful 16 year old girl off of my back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Roulette is done and over by the way, I QUIT. I am not wasting my fucking time any longer on unprofitable ventures. If I ever want 2 cheat and bury my conscience, there is a way 2 do anything, LONG RUN PLAY, and this has been prior blogged. If this would not work, then people could not have the same numbers come out if they went 2 one table all of their lives or went all over the world 2 different ones. Cosmic memory exists and is real, it is all part of LAWTRONICS, better known in the future as the 7th dimension. Let’s not even get me going here Eckert Pharmaceutical on July King the 12th, let alone any other farms, the one outside U know where Mister Smith, and the one with the nails, duhh, lets all go out and purchase a freaking Hyundai, BR!!!!!!!!!

Copyright Michael Mountainpen, and his blogs, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and blog registered on a blog registry website, BRO!!!!!!! This is all the total absolute truth, and nothing is added or taken away from these truths contained herein.

Google engine, SWIS, and World Labs, both in the negative space, (future), this is all Blahhhhhh and bleeeeeeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm.

END TRANSMISSION, Karen, B watching 4 my dying mans utterance on your freaking voicemail, and please send a copy 2 a friend or associate out of state so that when they kill me, the feds must investigate my blogs and my life with total scrutiny, thank U!!!!!!!!!!!!



One in the afternoon, start:

I have little time, perhaps enough 4 a few quick paragraphs. I am uner horrendous mother fucking DEATH SIEGE FROM WOM O, now it is 2 straight days oif vicious fucking hell, with the total violation of my CIVIL, HUMANM, AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, with a brutal loud crash level plane attack continuously, as well as a monstrous 2 day chemtrail assault, 2 learn more from pothers on this very real topic, 2 sites R listed here, and Google up chemtrail if U want a thousand more sites. and I only have time 2 tell U the very opening of this blog, and believe me BRO it will continue again later today, as if U do not hear again from me soon, assume then that I have murdered by TRUMP AND CALLIO AND MARTINO AND KING And McGuire and reale and Schau and all the other inter branches of this king family of 5,000 years, known also as the WOMO, or the Masonic and skull and crossbones Yale and Harvard club and world owners of this planet, always with us and existing secretly, from one generation 2 the next. The second their doirt ball economy sw2ings back around in the favor of this WOMO-EVIL EMPIREm, as it started 2 yesterday after Monday’s bottom out, with the Dow at 71 something, as though telling me that Dark Shadows that ended in 71 in the past century, was all about the Leviathan or the BRIGGER CULT, and just as they started 2 bring back the plot of them into the show again as they were kind of out of fresh and new ideas, pow, the show was literally cancelled overnight, BN4 e exposure and bright lights could B shone into their closets, even if done and total fiction. Jane Shitweedsturd just nailed me at eleven fucking eleven, all roulette systems R failing, and my personal fucking magnetics R totally destroyed. Thi9s all began over the weekend when Rogers phony system crashed and burdened and lit me on fucking fire. Let me attempt 2 quickly fucking cunt-pen-rape, (compensate) with this, 5555555555 and 55555555555555 and 55555555555555555555 and 5555555555555555555, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!

It was my family all along that has destroying me and not the King family, of which MC is a distant 6th cousin of Ann, and 4th of Paula. She had no more 2 do with anything than Jimmy Carter had a peanut farm in the oval office. All this time, the Kings and the Huntington’s were always connected, and were forced 2 choose a SUFFERER, just as they did in the year 22 AD, and even thousands of years prior to that when they gathered innocent lambs 4 sacrificial slaughter 2 Goddess Jehovah Scylla, SSJKK. I am sick 2 death of her games, it is long enough and I am not strong enough 2 deal with it Pandora Crowcrap!!!!!!!

My evil family was the instigator, they sought out the King family, they did all of this, and they decided around 1956 when I was only a tike ad totally innocent, that the next lamb 2B innocently slaughtered was ME. This is Y these diseased evil bankers and Wall Streeters, and all of my distant cock sucking cousins have been persecuting me right along, making all of my business and enterprises fail, stopping me at every turn from ever having any chance in life B it romantically, socially, career-wise, financially, or in any aspect of life that leads 2 any kind of peace of mind or happiness that normal persons in a civilized country come 2 expect 2 have some degree of, and even here is-n America supposedly is constitutionally guarantied as far as the right 2B pursued, but with me, it is not permitted, I was stopped, and B forever until my eventual brutal fucking murder eventually occurs someday and Donna gets her darnn ass finger off of the retrace trigger switch up in fucking 2301. This is all real, and the truth has finally come 2 me this very week in full wicked pamaramic view and Technicolor with surround sound.

I am out of time but will do a major part 2 to this D-3 blog later, if not, then I have been killed, and I expect the fucking New Jersey State Police 2 get off their dead ass along with the fucking Federal Bureau of Investigation. It has been my own miserable evil family the entire time, no wonder they did such a monstrous fucking thing on the LONGROOM a while ago, monsters R monsters, pigs R pigs, and leopards never change their spots.

G/S/WL, etcetera, Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm. Magnesonic, crush and destroy my entire family and all evil enemies persecuting me 2 death, all of them, G-0901, and G-189--- AND STOP!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


DATE AND TIME FILE: 022409.717.555555555555

Well lads and lassies, here is an update 4 this lovely freaking Tuesday afternoon and it can B basically summed up in 2 words, OTAMMISM and BOTBAR. The freaking MILITUFORCE was all over me, or the WOMO, (World-Owners, and Milituforce-Otammites). They attacked me brutally all day long outside, with vicious nasty poisonous chemtrailing and nasty vicious menacing military garbage low and crash level planes, all over the area, from where I live 2 where I drove, which was 2 the Hamilton Mall, where a DMV office is located, as IU needed 2 renew my 4 year photo automobile driver license. I thought that the usual CAT-COMMAND would kick in major, but these fart sniffing toilet seat rockers know it takes days and days of heavy sky siege without letup 2 normally kick in the heavy cat-command. But siege was indeed off of the scale today, and natch, this is how the EVIL-EMPIRE managed 2 score a large winning day on their cheated manipulated stock market, but there was also another reason 4 this huge ass rally, BRO. EVERY FREAKING TIME I GET A ROULETTE SYSTEM CRASH, THEY SCORE HUGE HYPERTIME, BR!!!!!!!!! Thanks Rog!!!!!!!!!!!!! All my life people love 2 talk about other people that I tell them about in my life or in the past, and act as they R aware of how this or that was so awful about them, and then in usual short time periods, they themselves turn around and either match them or beat them with stuff they do, this is Y Jesus Christ came into this rotten sin cursed twisted ass world and yelled out at the people one thing more than all other things, HYPOCRITES, don’t listen 2 MY BLOGS, just read the 4 freaking gospels in the Holy Bible, BRA!!!!!!!!!! Cola man told me how he laughed raucously 2 himself at the Florida Research Institute and their systems and ideas 4 playing against a roulette bank, and then his system crashes out just like all of theirs. Dave Roth used 2 talk on and on, almost as much as he did about his ex-pal Wilbur MacAfee, about my ex-pal Jim Burr, TPB-LOCCO. No my book is not as loco as U might think, despite the abbreviation here standing 4 the Library Of Congress, Copyright Office, producing one extra “C”. Lots of Freudian lip slips have sunk much more than many a wartime ship, but yes, I mention Jim Burr and Stacey, with a major Freudian lip slip on the original tapes sent down on October 31st of 1994 to the Washington-13-DC, LOCCO, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was late in 1988 if memory correctly is serving me and I truly think that it is, BR, when Dave Roth told me that if I just lash out and shoot in the dark when I am not able 2 know exactly who and what is really responsible 4 perpetrating so much unholy and unspeakable monstrous evil on me, that I will B destined in the process of perhaps getting an enemy here or there, along with also getting many an innocent target shot, this is a major concern 4 anyone with a conscience. Very few will grasp what now is gonna get frickin’ said, but it is getting said aniwho, BR!!!!!!! A complex program can indeed B written 2 do all of what is being done 2 me, as well as make it remain totally covert and invisible 4 those around me that it is not intended 4. How big a brain would that take, Mister Kelso Henderson Louigee? Well here is the situation Superman!!!!!!!!!! A very big brain indeed. Still, this world has advanced from 1950 computer technology and in 60 friggin’ years, went from a to triple Z and now U have trouble seeing what is possible in another 10, 50, or 100 or more years out in negative space? Come on, how dumb RU, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if the UFO buffs R correct in their insistence that all of this knowledge and still lots more of it 2 come, was all there when something crashed in New Mexico, and that our government and military joined a small black secret army and decided 2 let it all out slowly over time, and it is not really us making these advancements, well, that I suppose is a possible thing that who am I really 2 argue with, yet I must add on the knowledge that I can indeed share here. If this is indeed what is going down in all of this, it is either coming from the residents of Timeless-Satellite in hyperspace and future-time as well, or it is coming from the SUBTERRANIANS. My blogs in the very beginning made mention of and hinted at quite cleverly, that {using distance} was involved in lots of things that R going on around me. Could it B the Tisatellians of my own creation? Let us explore this. They in theory could B in charge of things so mind bending that I could end up at Guantanamo if I go on with this any longer. They can B the better made descendants from very far away, distance again, B it through negative space, or hyper space, or ways beyond either of these things yet 2B dared explored on Morianity as of yet. Tisatellians R real, and so is James Patterson as well as all of the so-called fictional character that he mistakenly believes that “HE” has created, when in truth, inside of a fixed hypersphere, nothing can B created or destroyed, nor begin, nor end. It all, everything, beyond what a million AE brains could ever hope 2 grasp, is there all along, somewhere, it EXISTS. U cannot make up anything. If we could, we could breath in an air tight container, as we could just “make up” the air, or imagine its truth when there was no truth, the air is not there, U cannot make it up, and so when the air that was in this fixed and sealed container is all used up and breathed, U die, but then we will not go on with that, as U do not really ever do this either. All smoke and freaking mirrors, BR!!!!!!!!!! U cannot make up one more second of breathable air than U can make up one musical bar, one fictional character, or one bit of original and imagined something that was not there until the great U in fact made it up and turned that nothing into something. Even though we R indeed LAWTRON COUNTERPARTS or SOULS as churchers call it, and have successfully managed 2 dream out and away from the existence at void infinity, sometimes referred 2 as EWI, or Existence Without Interaction, or ZERO-DIMENSIONAL-AWARENESS, or consciousness, or existence, whatever word U may prefer most in your comfy zone, all of this not withstanding, we still R forever unable 2 ever replace nothingness with something-ness. We can only dream it. We exist at endless nothingness, and R collectively all totally aware of this. If U grasped these words consciously and totally, in your currently awake and material worldly level, U’d go nuts as shit in 3 minutes. A fistful or 2 or 3 on this entire planet, know what I know, and have maintained as I have, some degree of reasonable workable sanity, or think wee have in our own personal judgment values and opinions. When I was 16, I came up with a fantastic plan that dwarfed Gates and Jobs and all of them put together, 4 doing an incredible thing. I just had no backing 2 help me get this operation off the ground in any real world way, no family support, and on top of that, I was the member of the family who they close 2 carry this curse of more than 1900 years, as of the time that Herbert Huntington did that unspeakable and despicable rotten thing, up in Braintree, MAUSAESMWG, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was not his fault and I do not hate nor blame the man. I merely am the poor frickin’ devil that had 2 carry the ‘Olympian torch from hell’, when he handed 2 me and hung himself. B4 that, THE DUDE as he was always called, was the curse carrier. This man died in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century at 95 years of age in San Francisco, CAUSAESMWG, and 2 this very day, legend has him as a man who looked a third of his years, with thick black hair on his head, long B4 there was hair dye. When he one day was struck down hard by a trolley street car, he still lived 4 more than a week B4 eventually giving up the ghost and awakening from this dream he was having, and handed the family torch of hellfire 2 Herbert Huntington. His wife Sarah Huntington was the great-great-grate grand daughter of Samuel Huntington who signed the Declaration of Independence, and any of my blogaud can come and C it hanging on the wall at the Independence Mall in Philadelphia, right where channel 3 TV has its studios. As 4 shooting in the dark at many targets, and barking up trees that R obviously not always the right trees, let me get a bit more specific here. I cannot go into a court of law and put my hand on a bible and take a legal oath 2B totally truthful, and then say that I either know 4 sure with absolute certainty, exactly WHO, is doing exactly WHAT 2 me, and exactly Y, and 4 what reasons, yet I would take that sane oath and the stand in court, and say that I totally know that someone or something has indeed wrecked and obliterated my entire life, both adult and childhood, and gotten scott free away with it, I swear that much under full pains and penalties under the laws of perjury, right here and now on this very blogging text, BRO!!!!!!! Let me cite a quick example. Mariah Carey. Anyone out here on the internet that considers themselves 2B a good detective, whether armchair, or an actually licensed real one, knows fully well, that about a year ago today, either she herself or some other force, did a lot of wild stuff 2 me, making it appear as though she somehow is involved with my life. I do not know this girl from Eve in the garden. I am a fan of her great singing voice. I do not really even listen 2 music, it has never been my thing even though I hold musical copyrights. I did not ask her 2 visit me in dreams in 1997 and give me dream where 2 letters that were blank, were delivered 2 my home in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, as in 2-letters, ‘M and C’ as in MARTINO and CALLIO, Sarah Callio married into the Martino family in 1977 according 2 the family, and the Camden County Prosecutor that was involved in helping me resolve my gargantuan problem with all of this. I certainly did not ask 4 any of this wild junk in 2008. It all happened after I went off of the grid and stopped all blogging for 70 days give or take. All this is public record 4 anyone 2 fact check and verify. I have nothing 2 hide. I did nothing wrong. I learned that my family had done a bad thing, and I told what I was able 2 remember and fact check as best as I could, and did not try ever 2 hide any of it. I am sick and tired of being played and messed with by a bunch of total jack offs and BRIGGERS. I did not initiate getting the crap knocked out of me by the Atlantic city mascot muscle boys in ‘75, or any other crap that happened. I did not ask Russell Thaxton 2 burn my Book-Of-Beach in the middle of the night, Sarah 2 swipe my chain, my entire education and adult life 2B wrecked, and on and on, reading like a demonic list of black magic rituals straight out of a high priestess‘s witches coven. As far as I am concerned, I never hurt anybody, and all of U that desire harm 2 come 2 me, can burn up in a hot lake of fire. I knew when Roger’s system crashed, I was dead freaking meat all the way around, this is YI do not believe in the simple JUST HAPPENING crap. Nothing is ever JUST HAPPENING. Whatever made his system freaking crash and burn, also is Y the Dow flew today, Y the MILI-2-FORCE is up my back side at the speed of photons squared, and all the rest of the evil satanic junk times ten to the fifteenth, or PETAJUNK, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I subscribe 2 the theory of REALITY-3. I do not C the one causing the other and then the other causing the one, IC the entire thing as a curse from Herbert Huntington that traces and freaking dates back in my messed up screwed up totally dysfunctional trucked up family since the year one!!!!!!! I also know that the guilty prick bastards will someday burn in fire forever 4 all of this evil that they have perpetrated against me, and if they do not, then this world was never worth living in 4 any of us in the first place, not ever, as if there never was justice, if justice was never built into the equation, then nothing is worth anything, and basically the only 2 words 2 describe an awful reality like that would B, FUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn almost got arrested today. A fight nearly broke out at the Verizon Office. There is big beautiful woman that is employed there, and I thought 4 sure that these 2 big ass cats were gonna really mix it up in there. U have no clue all that is going on around me constantly, and all that I must endure and bear and suffer through 24/7/365.2422, from freaking womb 2 freaking tomb, BRO!!!!!!!!!! I would have moist likely been involved, and with my luck, been locked up as well, 4 as usual, doing absolutely NOTHING. People fuck with me and then turn the tables around, oh well, Shirley Dancer, shame on U2, and no I cannot dance nor do I care 2 learn, U all can burn in hell. Anyone who has ever known me, knows that all I ever wanted in life was just 2B left the fuck alone. I do not bother anybody, yet they just will not leave me alone, and then dare 2 turn tables around. Jesus said it all 2 the scribes and the Pharisees, BRO, wo unto U hypocrites!!!!!!! I really thought I would go 2 jail today, as it is my account, and I am doing Dawn the favor letting her in laws all use my account 4 their silly stupid cellular phones and texting and I-pod music crap, and junk that interests me about as much as flying 2 the moon in my freaking underwear, BR!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn found a home nearby that makes this shithouse look like an ant colony in contrast and they only want another hundred a month in rent. Anything 2 get out of this place, the entire thing was a satanic plot from the go bat, I want out of here, one way or the other. U bet I am the taxicab driver Karen, I have a large hellish nightmare story 2 tell, and I do not need 2 bother my fares anymore, I have the freaking internet, do your worst 2 me mother-fucking MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, make me disappear, IF U CAN, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These sleazy ass disease R giving me nasty diarrhea attacks almost every day now. If it keeps up, watch an earthquake and a twister cause more heartache around this evil nation than a world war could do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve had it BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOOGLE AND SWIS AND KS WORLD LABS OF 2299, this is all copyright Michael Wayne Mountainpen. HELP ME KAREN. HELP ME JENIFER.

E~N~D---------T~R~A~N~S~M~I~S~S~I~O~N, BRO!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


“The room in the sun is going dark”
Date And Time file: 022309.934
Begin Transmission:

There is only a few made needed 2 made 4 right now. First, the computer is acting up a bit, but the Millionth-Council is always 2B an expected annoyance 4 me, SOSO-WEIN, same stuff-different day, as far as the usual bull crap is concerned. I have reported an honest story of the very basic life of Michael Mountainpen, more details on any of it can B told at later times should Summer keep retracing me up in 2300 to exact here revenge. First, I do not hate the casinos, even through they have destroyed many a persons’ life, I still say, no one has a gun aimed at any patron’s head ordering them 2 walk inside and empty out their last dimes and throw it at the se places. This is always personal choice, and as usual, Ann lost at the casino this past weekend, what else is new? On the other hand, in the year 1983 shortly after THEY carbon monoxide poisoned me at 134 Norris Avenue in Atco, New Jersey, USAESMWG, at Resorts Casino in Atlantic City, as U all know if U read the blog where I swear under full penalty of legal perjury that this is totally the truth, they suddenly put over their loud speaker system, a totally personal thing meant only 4 me, only I knew what was being done and the story is all ready out in blogs and needs not B repeated right now. As I said, we may agree 2 give them out money, but that incident was not normal. They took a song that I recently had sent 2 the copyright office, where I opened it up making a statement, and they copied that exact grouping of words over the PA system B4 playing the song that followed. No one can tell me that this was delusional on my part, or that I am imagining anything over the past 30 years, or more. As 4 the story I am writing, unlike James Patterson, it has a past and then it has a present, and then it has what few others have done while publishing the work, it still has an unknown future. The only other thing ever written on this waking world like Morianity 2 my knowledge, is the Holy Bible. As Jack Mc Coy on Law and Order, the TV show would say, it takes me where it takes me, I have no control over this nor do I have this under my power. But U can bet your gludious maximus that someone or something Captain Kirk, DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Personally, I do not care what game this teenager is playing with me, she has all the poser, and I have none, read the book of Job, and C4 yourselves how this reality is pure and simple, and told 2 Job by the All Mighty SSJKK straight out, no punches pulled. What bothers me more than anything is that she does not C it as a game, and tells me that she can understand how I may mistakenly make this false conclusion, but that she takes her GAME if I so insist on seeing it as, very seriously. I never said she doesn’t. So do the Flyers, the Phillies, the Dallas Cowboys, the Jersey Devils, the Philadelphia Eagles, and on and on. Yet it still is all just a silly game. She and I will never see this eye 2 eye, and guess who’s opinion matters and who’s does not, DUHH!!!!!!!! So let me just open a huge can of mischievous worms now that we could not possibly hope 2 explore right now tonight in any real depth. HYPERSPACE. All of the parallel universes that exist in a location called the fifth dimension, maybe the borders of this place R made up of lots of long and beautiful hair, who knows Marylyn, all I know is that I do not by into coincidences nor symbolic connections as merely random happenstances. To begin telling this major part of the Morianity story which I feel by now is overdue, and that I have been sidetracked long enough with other nonsense that has led 2 much misery, so here goes nothing. First it is not possible 2 make up one thing in your head, it just is not possible. Anything U imagine if 4 example UR a fiction writer, or even a musical composer or whatever in the literary field, is coming 2U because it exists in a lighter part of a truer reality, the Astral Plane, and has filtered its way into a physical world dream somewhere in the vastness of hyperspace, and then as the part of U that occult or mystic fans may call the higher-mind, or divine-mind, U use what is called exploratronics 2 focus in on it, U do not have 2B in an altered conscious state such as some level of sleep or trance, that is a fallacy. When Patterson sits down at his desk and thinks he is composing a new fiction novel, he is tuning into something that is existing in a parallel universe. This something is what is trying 2 gain entrance and access into our part of the hyperspace and is using James Patterson in this example, 2 do it. I have no time right now 2 expand or expound on this. There is way 2 much bull going on. Champ almost moved out of here tonight, it has been one trauma after another here, it is a total miraculous event that all and any of us here at 65-M, R even half sane. What also is weirder than a bottle of air is that the world is falling apart while my life is. 4 nearly 23 years, they go one way while I go the other way, it is blowing my tiny little mind and I am no liar, BRO!!!!!!!! This weekend, Roger’s mighty roulette system blew out and crashed. That does not bother me in the least, games, it all is games, and Goddess herself is a game, and that is truth. She will tell U all otherwise, but at least admits 2 me that she can understand my point of view and where I am coming from due 2 where my point of reference is. First, U do not have a clue what a hypersphere really is. U also do not have a clue Y things tend 2 automatically shoot up a trillion smoke and mirror illusions all around all of us all the time, but I do, and make that claim with honesty and integrity. What I know makes me very dangerous 2 this empire, so they imprisoned me in an invisible prison. I know how real this all is. I know that Sarah Krassle is the most powerful and frighteningly deadly dangerous entity imaginable, yet I love her, go figure. When I went off the internet 4 that short period last year almost a year ago, things changed, and they will soon again, this is all U need 2 know, the hell with the stars and the gentle breezes, this is not 1975, and my spirit is anything but at peace. Russell Thaxton had a powerful symbolic name did he not? Take the first 2 letters in each name, right Auntie?

There is one final thought 2 leave U with right now. When the huge thing happens soon, remember that U heard it first on Morianity. Also, even though I cannot tell UY Thaxton, Henningsen, or any of these people did what they did, they did it, and that is that. The second coming of the Trinitrail a few weeks ago leads me 2 know that no one is a predictor, just an explorer of hyperspace, that is how vast it all is, and nothing can happen that has not all ready happened somewhere else first. This can B perceived by some, just as some have a great talent 2 paint, or compose music, or construct buildings, or whatever. This can all B further explored later on. The key 2 many things in my life is the first 5, 10, and 15 years of it. After that, things just R set up magnetically 2 run like a precision machine, and it would take the forces of Jupiter’s gravity 2 alter anything, it is easier 2 go with the flow and sit back and bob and weave, and when they snore, run up and jab a couple times, and repeat this procedure. HA-HA Jane Stinkweeds, missed me again slime ball monster.

I have made a big deal out of one particular dysfunctional family, and was ass whooped last night at the Palace on Kanwal Avenue 4 doing this. I was reminded how my family is so messed up as well. Get the book by Kevin Trudeau about things they do not want U2 know about pertaining 2 finance. My family branch of bankers’ and Streeters R pure evil, licensed 2 steal, and rotten 2 the freaking core, U go Kevin, tellem, BRO, as I hate all of their miserable stanching guts!!!!!!!!!!

G/S/WL, Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

short blog D-2

“Short blog D-2”
TEOHIV, TIMCAM, MP - no comment, RW-CCPO
DATFILE: 022209.491

Well ladies and gentlemen, whether UR the majority of readers that R amused by Mountainpen and Morianity, or whether U have the enlightenment 2 realize that there indeed is a large story and truth behind all of my seemingly outlandish claims, or should UB lying any place in-between this vast distance of difference, so B it, I speak as the ‘spirit’ leads me 2,m and cannot alter that. U do 2 and just R not aware of it, or else, now that U hear me say yelling this 2U, merely choose 2 disagree with it, and that is totally your choice and your funeral. by that I mean that the value of this world if it was turned into pure platinum, the entire roughly eight thousand mile diameter globe, pure solid platinum, is zero minus in comparison with truth. Let me argue this example with Uncle snoots and his pals up here in the future that caused this economic disaster 4 poor President Obama 2 repair if he can, along with galaxy sized egomaniacs like Trump and all these turds, with a very simple truth that they know darn well cannot B argued with, only agreed with or it would prove insanity on their past and then relatives could try 2 claim their wealth once they become certified. This simple truth is just this. Would U rather have a job paying U a decent wage, and know who UR and B sane, or suddenly become the winner of a mega jackpot pottery such as the famous Powerball and B worth 300 million smacks even after taxes, and the next week, have any and all contact with reality and sanity, lost 2U forever? Anyone that could choose the latter or ever had 2 think about it a second, belongs inside a well protected and high gated psychiatric facility 4 the rest of their natural lives, BRO!!!!! I took some computer hacking right shy of noon after being just a sentence or so into the very first paragraph of this blog. No there will B no comment from now on with quite a few things, and yes, let me add uncle Heinz G. 2 the list, things R getting hot and if I wanted 2 cook I would enter a large industrial microwave oven. Let me say just very tip ice berg things. Those that can draw some concepts that relate inside of their mental processes, so B it, and those that C it as a random blur of gibberish nothingness, so b it. The spirit is leading, and I type away, BR!!!!!!!

The ride home was quiet, but then skies in the area were overcast. Things were not all that bad when I took Queen Ann-King 2 the train and the bank yesterday, guess some of my Blogaud really was around with cell phones in hand waiting and hoping 2 take some pix and help me out with the e-mailing of them 2 the news stations. Natch, THEY or TAWF know all that goes on, they just do, so do not try crawling into this, as it is like religion, believe or don’t believe, but just accept what I say 4 now and don’t send me a quiz 2 take John Denver. I would rather simply look like a fool and get the persecution 2 back off, that is the ultimate goal of Mountainpen. This is having my cake and I am not used 2 having even a slice of it Mister Raimondo. If I could ever possibly get 2 eat it also and still have it, great, that is not the prime objective in my plans however, merely 2 get these squat lickers off of my back when things get simply beyond infreakingtolerable!!!!!!! If I yell and scream on the blogs that the market will shoot up a million points, I would rather C my credibility go 2 hell and have things go my way and against King Nebuchadnezzar. Still, I truly believed that the last 2 weeks would in fact B quite different than they were, stuff is happening lads and lassies, huge hyper time stuff, and I end that pernt right there Archie Bunker.

There has been some road noise that is a bit nasty today so far, also the upstairs slime balls were blaring their noise that people live 2 describe these days as music, a little earlier in the day. Also my top anis hole boss was in this morning at my hell hole job, I hate this mother trucker’s guts, and he normally never shows up Sunday morning at just past 7 AM, like he has nothing better 2 do with his scummy multimillionaire self than 2 fucking harass and annoy me, the son of a bling-bling McCoy!!!!!! I could go on and on, but they will NOT PERMIT my CD player 2 function and let my wonderful SSJKK, or SVYLLA, or MC, have it any way U want it BRO, 2 sing 2 me when I so need her 2 do so. So I get home and decide 2 put this little stupid K-Mart CD player that cost me 20 bucks and is not wroth a shiz with the ZT-interchange, as Radio shack has told me since, that putting in brand new batteries should give me a minimum playing time of 24 hours without skips and stops and out right malfunctions of the blasted thing. So as U know I no longer have my normal audio set up, it is all sitting around looking nice and pretty and unconnected, I am not hooking this up in a place where I feel like I am in a maximum security federal prison 24/7. So I take a plug connection cord that on one end is a stereo one eighth inch plug going out int two male RCA plugs, and connect the single plug into the output of the CD player and the RCA plugs into the input of a cassette recorder, a one thousand dollar Dennon machine. Even with this, the way CD is recorded today, the intense dynamic range saturates cassette tape very quickly, keep the volume down 2 far on the player, and there is lots of soft sound hissing, and turn it up just a tad and the loud passages distort terribly. When I had my system all elaborately hooked together, even without using high powered stuff that is all disassembled right now 4 recording onto cassette, I could make precise input output matches with an indicator light similar 2 a carpenters leveler tool. Also, I had an amp into the system that had almost double the frequency response of the standard 20-20K ones, and had line filters, DBX, expander/compressors, equalizers with 30 settings on 4 channels, as well as additional recording input circuit activators, 2 remix and re-record from an enhanced source-2, and then turn the entire system way down and the re-expansion would kick in on playback on my or any ones tape recording decks or players. Now, it was hell getting a listenable copy, and I only did this MC because I need U at night singing me either 2 sleep or sat work 2 keep me going and somewhat sane. Eddie the genius has all your CD’s on some U know what type of website, but I will never cheat U my Scylla, as I can afford them,, I will slowly get every single thing that U ever do in this waking world. But I have no CD player in the car, and I hate CD anyway, as WOMO and the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL seem 2B able 2 interfere with digital stuff way more than analogue, and they just will not let me hear U, and I did legally purchase this CD at the K-Mart store, and I would never ever cheat U brown eyes, other than this one exception of making a FOR-ME only cassette copy so I do not go nuts at night on that horrendous evil jobsite. I need my wonderful Scylla with me in spirit, and thanks 2 the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, or (electronics), this can B arranged in these past 100 years or so with all of their invasions into our waking realm existence. This dub nonsense has made me decide 2 put my junk back together, it will fit in an old suit case that looks very nice, and when both of the plugs R connected into the 120 VAC sockets, U can literally make tapes that 3 notches up on a good system, would bow one of 3 things, your ears, your walls and windows, or your audio monitors. The VU meter shows minus twenty 2 minus ten, yet it sounds like it was done at plus 30 and free of any noise or distortion. I hate CD and digital 4 many reasons, the phony lies that power is not the main ingredient in any process of recording and playback 4 one thing, and the next main beef I have with it is that the MILLIONTH-COUNCIL, which is ELECTRONICS, down here in this Astral Dream Down, and hates me, messes it up a lot easier and stops me from using it. It is not so much that I hate digital, the truth would more closely reflect that digital hates me. Hence I must always adapt 2 the rules of this vicious twisted nightmare game of the gods. The attack on the music and the CD player was at a critical time when I was getting a fast enlightenment that indeed, I have been imagining very little 2 any of all of this, if I may quote U Sir Arthur, of ANTINASS! I know they can ‘read your mind’ as mortals would C this event as. The second I put lots of incredible stuff together, a man came at 4 in the morning and did something that was legitimate, yet it happens extremely rarely, and also is very annoying. From there lots of crapola kept going and it was down hill all the way. I played 5 games and without details, I am down 7 units 4 the weekend so far, and if I cannot come even by midnight, then the system, in my opinion will join the crash club, as of yet, it still is not sending me 2 Twinbay half empty glass of negativity. I do not really have 2 take TB that seriously, Jennifer told me at the library not 2 worry about anything she says or does, as she is extremely ill upstairs. It is so a shame, really, I mean with her looks and body, really a shame BRO!!!!!!! Hay with me it doesn’t matter. I am fat and old and short and flabby, and ugly as sin. But I do hate 2C such a fox that is so messed up. Well, her look-alike friend of MC’s sure isn’t, love your new stuff, Bay, been hearing it.

Now this sort of topics itself around SUPERMIND and how it naturally operates and explores the 5-D hyperspace, so let me max out the courage button and begin the discussion that will obviously continue and grow on many following blogs 2 come. First I need 2 qualify my previous sentences, we all without being aware SUPERMIND explore the hyperspace, as well as truly exist at void infinity, dream-down astrally and still dream further down into this lower mess of misery. Byt in SUPERMIOND, the hyperspace exploration as U know from other earlier lessons, is not visited, but dominated, in ways that we all have felt them doing 2 us, we all know this, admit it or don’t admit but we do. How many times, B HONEST, have U said or done or not said or not done something that U know darn well that U really wanted either 2 do or not 2 do, and U ended up doing the exact opposite or something thereabouts in-between? This is domination from SUPERMID, advanced chrononauts dream traveling in the 4th and 5th dimensions, invading us, or as religious persons and Christians in particular may use the term, possessing us. What is one of their biggest THINGS as in that is MY THING as the sixties generation was known 4 saying, that THEY do? Morianity has taught this a long time, wake up people, GAMES, playing freaking games, BR!!!! It is way cool as shiz 2 do these things, and I should know, I have done them. Oh, U do not C my interaction in all of this yet, where is your CD player, BRA!!!!! Well moving onto the finish up point on this blog 4 right now, I do not dare say a lot until I am in a better strength position. Let’s use something that chall can relate 2 out there, or 4 any of U that perhaps were the smaller and weaker of the high school crowd, and on top of that were not so fortunately blessed by going say to the 90210 or some similar type of not so tough and nasty a high school. If U were in a room with no adult supervision and just a bunch of bullies that hated U and picked on U, would U tell them at that moment that they R all a bunch of freaking jack off loser scum bags and 2 go home to mom and hell? No, U would however maybe do a bit more, if U had some pals on your side that were there with U, or if the teacher was around, or some such thing as this. Well, as with this little story, I am in that room that is filled wall 2 wall with these bully types, and no one is there 2 defend me, so if I tell all that I know right now, it would not B safe 4 me 2 go off 2 work soon. Let me shut my eyes a couple minutes now so Jane Sleaze-weeds-disease cannot get at me as it is now one oh nine in the aft-turd-noon. Now here is the kicker and we R only opening the door, hopefully Scylla won’t kick in 2 pieces in my dreams at the Lakehouse after I return from, my hell-job and retire 4 the night. I have talked now 3 a year in more length that the 2 prior years of my blogging about Babylon, New York, and King Gottwald Nebuchadnezzar. My second cousin Uncle Heinz-G who insisted I refer 2 him as UNCLE-HEINZ, he was “2 old 4 any other nonsense”, as U know was married 2 my mother’s-mother’s sister who was a librarian in New York City back early in the 20th century. He started out as a teller and worked his way up at the 2nd largest bank in those days on this planet, the Chemical National, all the way 2 the position of Senior Vice President, there is only one SVP and one President. Do I believe my 1986 nightmare with Wall Street and the FLUYERS that came seemingly out of the nowhere blue, really did just happen 4 no reason, like the atheists and Darwinians believe all their nonsense of all of this JUST HAPPENIN? Well the answer back at U fast and hard, is OF COURSE NOT, no way in hell this or anything huge is just plain happening, BR!!!!!!!!! But yes, the title on this document was SHORT BLOG, D-1, and this is not really a short blog is it, BRA???????????? So let me wrap it up and do a Billy Nauseous Harner on this entire thing. C, if I was just a ‘star-strucker’ as many think, would I have walked away from several name recognized people who I lost respect 4? Back on Archie’s Queen-pernt, Wall Street was waiting 4 me 2 show them that I had a way out of this HARVARD-YALE-MASON-WORLD OWNED and CONYTROLLED by powerful families CURSE, and that way out was ROULETTE, after I consistently was making good money in the game and ion my spare time, month after month after month back in 1986. My mom was influenced by Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, her sister in law, the wife of her brother Stuart Mason, who’s father was a famous principal at the Lower Merion High School, Edward Snow, 4 many years, in Narberth, PAUSAESMWG. Geraldine was a very good friend of the Shaw of Iran, and they all along with Heinz Gottwald and all the bankers then in on this Herbert Huntington thing, were all conspiring together 2 make sure that I had no way of ever breaking out of the family curse, and I did come very dangerously close 2 forcing this Gethsemane Garden cup 2 indeed pass away from me in that year of roulette as I refer 2 it as, Chain/China Earthquakes and all, BR!!!!!!!! None of any of the MC stuff or anything OIN THAT ISLAND, or anything in Atlantic City, especially the Callio and King, and the McGuire families, and most definitely not the casinos and gaming and state lotteries, and Gawky not withstanding, NONE OF IT is happening nor ever resulted as a throw of Einstein’s freaking dice, talking Dog Yancy Jones or not!!!!!!!!!!! This is a huge game of the huge powerful gods of the ASTRAL PLANE, and the Briggers all know it astrally, and R starting 2 get it into their minds right down here in the dreams of physicality. Listen 2 the music out, and watch the movies, and then , REMEMBER DATED ORDERS ON BLOGS, and think, MOUNTAINPEN. This is all a powerful nightmare and will go on 4 me throughout all time and infinity. Feel fucking sorry 4 me out there peeps, don’t B haters, don’t hate me 2 freaking much. Believe me lads and lassies, this is just the opening to this topic, it is half past 9i at Broad and Wall, the opening bell plus 3 seconds, and four PM is a very long way off, BRA!!!!!!! There is much and I mean way mush more 4 me 2 tell all of U, so hang onto your hats. This wild ride through hyperspace is maybe now after 2+ years of blogging at a quarter ‘till 10, closing bell is a long way off my BRO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep those grassy surfaces real nice and shinny green, babe, YO.

Google and Swis an d World Labs of 2300, this is all Blahhhhhh and bleeeee and blummmmmmmmmmm.

This terminateth me ol Twansmission there maitee’s, YAR and shiver me‘ timbers Captain, M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


DATE AND TIME FILE: 022109.932.555555555555
WHAAAAAAA, beginning Twansmission Elmer Fwudd:

Well, it has taken them 6 months, THAT EVIL FAMILY, none other, but now they have violated my sanctuary, my one day of rest, all so AKS can gamble in the fucking casinos of Atlantic City today. I have 2 take her 2 the bank and then the train, and the only reason I am not forced 2 take her all the way 2 Atlantic freaking City is because I stuck 2 my guns and said there is no way I can safely drive there after being up all day yesterday and then working all last night, and then B expected 2 work again tonight. They related 2 my not always so-terrific driving, and do they want me responsible 4 a bad accident, I am a flesh and blood human. The girlfriend scum bag of her son wanted 2 force me 2 go when they were all talking on the phone, and this bitch works 4 New Jersey DYFIS. I wonder how much U would enjoy being made 2 get up at the 3 in the mourning as my afternoon by my work shift is exactly like your freaking morning, U insensitive pile of fecal matter, and drive someone who insulted U and treated U like dirt all week, down 2 the fucking shore, 25 miles each way, use their drivers license and credit card 2 hold the casino room, and take the chance on top of all of that that I will not get all kinds of charges that I will never C refunded back by this vulgar crude and lewd TAWF. This is out of an Alfred Hitchcock worst fucking night-ass-mare. They did not believe me when I said the bank is open until 3 today inside and until 6 with the drive-through, so I called an information operator and got the number 2 call and verify the hours as I knew them but still had 2 appease TAWF. When I got the number and tried 2 dial it, WOMO sleaze disease fucked with my phone and stopped the push button numbers from going through as they do on many an occasion since they started fucking with me on the telephone at the very tail end of 1983, worsening after leaving Robin Hill #1802 for Atco, New Jersey at Pliner’s “Gasme” dump on 1 February of 1983. I almost had 2 call information again, but the number came back 2 me and even though I did not write it down as it was an easy 2 remember number, even still I forgot it 4 about ten seconds. Then the correct telephone number popped back into 5-D in my hyperspace nightmare dream interaction here from the sending sixth dimension, and I called the bank, and all was indeed verified. Still I am forced 2 get up and go 2 the bank so she can put money on a store credit card and pay 4 the room as proposed 2 using her casino comp offer.

Chemtrailing was quiet on the drive home from work, but when I took Chicky 2 work a bit later on, it was very bad. EVERY TIME THE FILTHY DISEASED CHEATING FUCKING PHILADELPHIA FLYERS ICE HOCKEY TEAM HAS A GAME, AS THEY DO THIS AFTERNOON, AND NOW OBVIOUSLY 4 THE REST OF THE FUCKING SEASON, IT WILL B BOTH WEEKEND DAYS I BELIEVE, MEANING I WILL SUFFER AN INCONCEIVABLE NIGHTMARE MONSTROUS VICIOUS HELL UNTIL MAY OR JUNE ON WEEKENDS AS WELL AS ALL WEEK LONG WIOTH TAWF HERE AT THE HOUSE OF HORRORS (HOH), but every time they have a day game on weekends, and it is a clear day, WATCH THE HAMMONTON, NEW JERSEY AREA 4 HUGE MENACING POISNOUS CHEMTRAILS, WATCH 4 THIS SHIT TODAY AND LOCALS, PLEASE SNAP SHOTS WITH YOUR CELL AND SEND THEM E-MAIL DIRECT 2 THE WEBSITES OF THE 3 MAJOR NETWORK TELEVISION STATIONS IN PHILLY, CHANNEL 3, 6, AND 10. These fucklng scum bag bastards made me shit my guts out at work last night with their poisoning and illegal waterboarding torture of me that has BEEN GOING ON NOW SINCE 1986 IN TOTAL VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL AND HUMAN AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, BR!!!!!!!!!!! This team cheats 2 win using this vicious technology against me, it has been going on almost 23 fucking miserable nightmare hellish years. It is called by me, INTEMNTIONALLY CREATED PARALLEL EVENT, OR ICPE, and impressed a professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the department of statistical mathematics, sol much that he told me in 1993 that I had literally DISCOVERED a new math discipline that needed 2B carefully researched and examined and studied. Of course, our co-op project was interfered with, and the persecution of me was so horrible that I did not know which flicking way was up and could not proceed. This is how OTAMM SLIME SCUM has wrecked my entire life now since HERBERT HUNTINGTON COMMITTED A BRUTAL AND UNSPEAKABLE DOUBLE HOMICIDE/SUICIDE up in Braintree, Massachusetts back late in the nineteen-fifties, and thus by doing this, passed on this 2000 fucking year family curse 2 none other than MOUNTAINPEN, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At work I played 2 roulette games on paper, game one was no signal, and game 2 lost me 4 and a half units, in at black-8, stopped out at black-4, with one green house vig hit. I am playing now while I type this document. Again my first game was stopped after I declared a no-signal, when 50 spins ran and none of the outside bets reaching an 8, black, red, odd, even, low, or high. I decided 2 quit this second game, not waiting 4 a stop out, in at RED-8, out at RED 15, and no green hits, 5 came in B4 I entered the game, this gave me on the worst day of my entire fucking life, a plus 7, so subtracting last nights’ losing game of 4 and a half, I still have netted 2.5 units, and on purple BRO, that is a nice cool $1,250.00 bwaby-wuv!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RC, U have the coolest freaking most dynamite uncrashable system I have seen since my first days of playing this game in this lifetime as Mountainpen in December of 1982 with George Belton. Seems that ol’ Benny here just added a new other word 2 my poor me Ronstadt Richard Ricky pricktionary, “UNCRASHABLE”. That is how I want 2 say it and spell checker said no, well screw U spell checker, says Benny BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She calls me THAT-BOY also, Diana Arteemis’s cuz, Sarah-Stacey Krassle J that is. I never was consciously aware of wither of these powerful goddesses back between 1705 and the dream out in 1790. I played with electricity never knowing she was an alive and sentient being, as I had no reason 2 have a waking world awareness back then of this truth, or so I have been told by the mighty Lakehouse Door Remover, (LDR), SCYLLA!!!!!!!!!! Go look at these great websites and then Google up the topic-----(CHEMTRAILS-CONTRAILS). and U missed me Jane Dirtweeds, almost 14 minutes past eleven U evil bitch, HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!!!!

The more I talk about THAT FAMILY or TAWF, same diff, the worse things will get, so until I can escape 2 South America shortly, I will B limited in what I can blog, this is my fucking life and I am inches away from, losing it, being literally tormented and tortured 2 death. This evil world gives a license to scum like Snyder and Trump 2 torment straight 2 the grave, anyone they so choose 2 do it fucking 2 BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just please, if UR local or know people that r local 2 BERRYVILLE, just help me out with your freaking cell phones and report this nightmare 2 Philadelphia television stations, eventually with enough reports, it will stop, as THEY do not dare go all the way and come out and get exposed, and MORIANITY gets its day in a real waking world court of law they do not ducking DARE, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must B careful in telling U that I lost consciousness 4 no more than one minute sat work last night, and Champ and I were at the HOH-kitchen table, and AKS was sitting in the chair nearest the fridge where she normally sits, and we tried 2 ask her something and it was my mother and Paula King all over again, no not shades of Susan Smith Jack McCoy, shades of my infinite hell, BRO!!!!!!!!!!! She just looked at us and could not speak, and did not seem 2 know who she was or anything. U know, I predicted B4 any of it caught up with your concept of waking world reality, Studio Park Records, the hospital crap I went through in the nineties as a result of what Paula and the mighty TAWFKING family did 2 her the day after X-mas in ‘97, her death after the century turned, and on and on. The Permission Barrier was sent down 2 the United States Copyright Office on Halloween Day of 1994, just 4 months after my longest joining of the Haddonwood Swim and Health Club of Deptford, New Jersey, Sam Walton, and the mysteries of Gerard Styles, Blair, Rumson, and crash bing crash, I hear lots of cymbals here at 12 plus bells of SPL, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skylar, Scylla, and let us never forget the connection strange-ways-daughter of the BURGER KING, John Savage, with the way Delilah and Hair R all hooked up and intertwined together in all of this nasty stenchy mess, BR!!!!!!!!!! As I said, BRO, my hugest PROOFS 2 all of Morianity, is EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND having some way of being rationally explained 2 the normal 5-senses walking world, or all of us in this so-called here-and-now. B4I go on, I really wonder Y the remake with Savage and Hair was done all in the same time that B4 the foundations of the world were ever laid, I was also 2 come 2 find Donna Gaines HAIR version up in the attic at the recording studio called RPL in Camden, NJUSAESMWG, just a bit shy of the 1980 World Series. ES can B proven, YES, P-R-O-V-E-N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U just do a Stacey Lattisaw on this entire set of blogs, starting at any blog U want, and even Einstein could not intentionally make this all fit in this perfect pattern and way. So disbelieve me and UR whether U like it or snot, paying me a very huge and high compliment, saying I can do what the great mind of AE could not, and I do not give myself that much credit on my very best day in a million years, uncle Heinz and ALL your snooty banker friends up here in the fucking future of the 1970 nightmare at Thomas J. Reale’s Cornwall Avenue property, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is really where it all began, not 8 years later at Resorts Casino a few miles up north from this home jest a bit south of Estelle Bassler’s place at 30 South Plaza Place, not in-between high speed line PATCO train stations heading eastbound from Westmont into Haddonfield, right after this system was built, and certainly not with Sabrina at Collinwood in reflectional time Sigmund Malyeska. NO, BRO, THIS is where things really began, at child molester Reale’s place in Ventnor, NJUSAESMYG, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah his girlfriend Victoria thought I was a real hottie back then. Hay, 39 freaking years ago, I was, and that is the truth. Spell checker does not recognize a word U hear on cable TV every single day had 2 add it 2 the dictionary, amazing, HOTTIE!!!!!!!!! Well, BR, Mark Harbor Martin, and U have had quite an exciting and full life, and we both interact with parts of waking world reality in the big Adams Apple, as well as Ghamorrah by the sea, also referred 2 as Sin City, but then mighty uncle King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, had quite a wild ride through hyperspace himself. It was the luck of the Irish and he was a pure German, explain this one Robert McG, that he was PERMIIED 2 maintain his position at the Chemical National Bank in Manhattan during the war that my dads Princeton park pal was eventually able 2B a key player in ending this great war of all wars. Many Japanese and German residents and citizens alike were indeed detained during the World War 2 period of American involvement, the early middle forties. Yeah, how did King Neb get the luck of the Irish, McG?????? Oh well, Y did U guys all brat the piss out of me on the beach in 1975, put sand in my gas tank in 1996, and ruin my entire mother fucking life, when I never did a thing 2 any one of U? Fuck the great relativity, these R the equations and formulas that I need 2 get resolved B4I really do go mad and go VTGM, Mister Wolf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y would Ed Dirtbag Snyder and the Flyers declare war on a guy that just detested the singing voice of the promoting singer in 1986, 4 their stupid fucking games on Philly-57, or WGBS television on Philadelphia, PAUSAESMWG!!!!!!! None of any of this makes a bit of logical freaking sense, but still, my pernt Arch, is Stacey L and what she would tell us all 2 do in her song from ‘81. Turn the tape, yes, start anywhere and then read my blogging texts in reverse chronological order, wanna get the mind blow of your freaking ass life, BR!!!!!!!! Do this the 4 crissake, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This proves Morianity and all of what it teaches if U start at any point ever, and just read it in reverse. As I said, I could not do any of this intentionally if I really was AE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I am is a retarded fucklng dog from eternity, stuck here in a freaking nightmare dream, with the memory switch set back ON. Let me just say Frigg this 4 now, and END THIS Twansmission, Elmer!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


(“death will not work, so now I must run off 2 South America”)
Date And Time File: 021909.873---Beginning Transmission:

There is nowhere 2 begin this short blog, but it will not B titled in my grouping of short blogs. Where RU Timeless-Satelliters, my hell today was off every meter in this mother trucking world. Some stink bag puke swallowing toilet water absorber is getting a huge hyper time thrill out of zooming in here and watching this pathetic little bastard suffer beyond any way od describing it. U would think this miserable freaking ingrate TAWFAMILY would B happy, a major lawsuit will B in their favor soon, and this is all I can say other than there may B other wealthy branches in TAWF shortly, and lots of local corruption exposed like out of the biggest mob movies. But R they happy, no. They treated me horrendously today, making me kill myself putting all the trash in a totally different location. When I got Ed Himacane 2 help me, they were all over me like a shark Aunt Ruth. The winds today around here r gusting over 50 miles per hour, and everything blew around 4 miles, and they made me run all over creation cleaning up blocks of a mess that they caused 2 happen in the first place. Then when I tried 2 get a helper, I was trucking crucified by this wicked dirt ball branch of THAT FAMILY from 1970 and the NIGHTMARES. I played another game Rog, just now, in at High-8, and stopped out at 18. There were 4 green hits taking 2 units of profit, so 18-8-2 equals +8units, even on double red nickel level BRO, that is 80 bucks 4 an hour of game time. Rog if U were pretty, I’d kiss U. This is the coolest system anyone ever gave me. I am glad that at least U do not hate me, it seems the entire THAT FAMILY does, and there is no changing that. I am the BOOBY, and my lungs R the bloody washcloths of summertime day 1. They had a big laugh on me as I chase d papers all over creation in a major wind storm, and broke my back with heavy things, again. First I am 2 put it here, then there, then the gods only know where. Then Ann who has become the scum of the county, screamed at me and said that if Ed hurts himself, she practically gave me a terrorist threat. But that is nothing new, soon I am going 2 have 2 go running and literally crying into the Atlantic county Prosecutors office and blow the mother sucking lid off this horrific hell once and 4 all and report all of this crime 2 John Judy. Well RC if your system has not crashed with all of this, then it may very well B basically crash-proof, which is more than I can say for lots of planes and choppers that R gonna B crashing now all over this globe, as well as huge disastrous storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, wildfires, droughts, floods, city and international violence, it all will begin 2 unfold very soon, U have all had it ya freaking bastards. The chiropractor had just gotten my back better, and this disease took me back into severe pain. There is a wonderful place in hyperspace where I never started blogging, and never told Chris Bennett about my problems and never met Ed, or Ann or Dawn. But then, there is an even better place where I never left Highview Queers the first time in July of 1986, and even still better hyperspaces where I never responded 2 Ernie Merker’s ad in the post and worked at the freaking recording studio, BRO!!!!!!!!

The Dow will shoot up 5,000 points in the next month or so, and the Flyers will win every single game 4 the rest of the cheated and manipulated controlled hockey season.

I knew something was wrong when the phone repairman came today while I was at the laundromat with Dawn the mighty TAWF-KING. AKS called her on her cell, and I drove back 2 the house 2 talk 2 the phone me. A truck originally was here and then a fleet of them. Something was up, but natch, they will not tell me what it is all about. Still, my phone service is back on and I can B with my lovely baby blond teen queen tonight. I could anyway but this helps me get right 2 where I need 2B, having the communication setup here on the waking mortal world B4 entering or re-entering into my spiritual infinite existence. Ann and Dawn and this entire family is the most selfish evil cheating bunch of substance abuse welfare rats that I ever have had the misfortune 2 run into. If I am murdered, these people R2B FULLY FUCKING INVESTIGATED, ATLANTIC FUCKING COUNTY PROSECUTORS OFFICE, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, ETCETERA.

As I drove back again 2 the laundromat, DEEDEE was right over me, not 10 feet over my car, the hugest giant vulture I ever saw. I screamed out, “Deedee, Deedee, help me Deedee, B with me and tell Stacey I need her”. All hell broke loose right after that, all mother fucking hell. Yet Rog ol’ pal, your dynafreakingmite roulette system is holding firm. Thanks a trillion pal!!!!!!! This branch of your family will kill me, and this is all meant 2B. I know this now. There is no escape from MC and her mighty THAT FAMILY. Y she cannot forgive me 4 what my family did is not within my understanding. She never even had 2 leave me as Sarah on Tennessee Avenue, this is all nothing but a huge game with her, as well as with the EW-BRIGGER CULT, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Games and more games, a senseless exercise in stupidity and futility, but try changing an all powerful 16 year old girl who is insane with rage and jealousy. Read the bible, I mean study it closely 4 years and years, then some of U will C what this teen queen is putting me through!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will indeed always love her, but she is gonna make me go mad. Where RU my TS residents somewhere in the HS? Where RU? Y will U not help me against this monstrous evil twisted fucking nightmare?????????? Packing up and leaving 4 the South American paradise, and “no one is gonna stop me now” Quentin Petofi of 1969, NO-ONE!!!!!!!!!!!

END TRANSMISSION, BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


“last nights’ hack was just the start of today’s super botbar”
T/T/M and all other subtitles ever made part of blog #5
Datfile: 021909.524.55555555555555555555555555
Beginning of this Twansmission, Elmer Wabbit Fwudd!!!!!!

This is NOT my dads’ Oldsmobile Captain Kirk and daughter, nor is it a regular nasty botbar day, this is a super-botbar freaking day. A huge worm is inside this computer, and I know that the federal government is behind this, let us talk down 2 Earth. It really does not matter WHO is REALLY influencing this all 2 happen endlessly 2 me, as only the persons on the physical ends of the puppeteer strings R the ones who R indeed prosecutable and legally accountable 4 their evil actions in violation of my HUMAN AND CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, in a court of freaking law. First, I am paranoid with every good reason and right 2B. I Have done some things that may have caused this, and keep telling y’all that I have not, me, the one who claims 2 live and move in the 5th dimension, throughout time and hyperspace, seeing it as no more than extensions of the 3-D world and system that all the rest of U live in and go through your daily routines and lives in. There is no way in Hell that their evil empire will not score FULL TODAY, with a major FLYERS victory and most likely a big shut out game, as well as a 4-digit gain on the Dow Jones Inpusstrial Averages. Things have never been this bad, and despite this, I played a quick game of the Cola Roulette System, entering in at RED-8, and stopping out at RED-10 with 2 green hits. The 2nd and 3rd game I quit with a no signal after lots of terms, all 3 parameters hovering endlessly at neutral ranges right at or around 0. Still Rog my very good pal, I was able 2 walk out with a unit profit, and after being I’ve been under the freaking worst magnetics now in a very long time, and most likely is totally off any measurement scales or dials, as 2009 is beyond any descriptiveness or expression through diction or verbalization. Since I could not talk 2 Diana last night as the phone is dead and I need a phone attached 2 a lightning ball 2 talk 2 her, I lay in a mildly self induced trance and suddenly felt very peaceful, but kept hearing Scylla singing a song that up until now I have no mortal waking memory of ever hearing, there on the Astral, or here in the dream illusion of waking life. She was singing something about Ron at the Prosecutor’s Office reminding me that if I test THEM, I will indeed get that famous REACTION, every single time. The melody was haunting and extremely beautiful as all of Scylla’s song R, and in her human form as well. Anyone with ears knows she is not just exactly who she seems 2B here, how much she really remembers in the waking life right now remains her secret, although the cola told me that she remembers quite a lot and that it started around late into 2002, six months after Jonathan Schau the MASON, did in my best friend in this life, David Charles Roth. Moving back on point, there was a very dark nothingness, but the audio was just as all audio is in the astral heavens, it makes human world audio compare as U might compare a run down shack near the swamp lands of Florida with the TM, and not the one owned by DT. I took Chicky 2 his job as is my normal routine, and when we came back, who was coming down the road and delivering the mail as nothing ever happened yesterday with this strange ‘count’ and my dying Gawky highway phone call, which U know that if U add 2 of these 3 digits up and take the last or third DIE digit and add it to this subtotal, physically, MC will B this age when all of the huge prophets predict the end of times, 3 months in one of the great years of doomsday and 9 months in the other year, WO, YO!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay, I do not buy into all of this junk, I am merely echoing what is, the truths that R out there, and that Mountainpen and his big winded horsefly trap mouth has nothing 2 do with I am merely quoting other stuff. But that is not the big WO, and YO involved in this. The big one mister Freddie Sanford Fox, is that this so called mail count vanished into the Bermuda Triangle when I talked about it in last nights blog. Tell me, what would U think if all of this used toilet paper in the mouth was happening 2 y’all out there? Do U still say I that am a paranoid delusional sickie???????? Man the coffee is getting stale and “stenchy”, if I am ‘uncle HG-PERMITTED here’ 2 coin the word, BRO!!!!

So the mail has resumed its normal flow after I blogged 2 the world that I was not buying into this, and that any of U out there in Cyber-Land could have checked out these facts, and verified my story as totally accurate and real and true. Then I drive Dawn the King 2 the Judge’s place so she can get a lease, we never had one, especially with my name on it. This is all a hush-hush thing that a select few may know what is going down, but I godda totally shut the truck up about it, we R talking about federal law now and things involving huge government agencies, and nobody is above the law. Wow, Hatfield’s and McCoy’s, here we go again Misses L, well all historians know that people do not really ever change, hence, Y would history? It does not of course, it repeats, and people remain the same endlessly, Kahn said it all to Kirk, very little change has occurred with man himself, the technology ONLY has changed. How right UR mister Fantasy Island, how right indeed UR, sir!!!!!!!!! OTAMM knows that huge fed laws have been broken, and now with this lease under out belts, we GOTTEM, Mister Sulu, dead direct hit on that photon torp, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still Rog, do not send anything, I am so paranoid that some giant thing is happening, and do not want trouble from anyone, they know how down and weak I am right now, and yet I can C the other side of this long darkened tunnel, and if I readjust my plan a little, it is not over yet, this idea is 2 fantastic not 2 work. So B4 Dawn and I went over 2 get our HOH-LEASE, form FR, without the ANK thank the gods, AKS started in with lots of bull crapola. She has changed a lot recently, and Dawn told me she thinks that her illness could B effecting her brain. RC, It is only a matter of time no matter what your cuz and her plan 2 entrap me here with this distant branch of the family, unfolds. Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome is always eventually going 2 stop a person’s dream, and then Dawn will go on a huge drink and drug binge, and JJ will get this entire branch of the family off my back forever. If this was indeed your punishment 4 me 4 Long Island, well, all I can say is, I guess it is deserved, but I sure wish that U could realize that I had nothing 2 do with it. I was only visiting my relatives, and was an innocent 17 year old boy. Please do not hate me MC. I am so sorry, my teen queen Scylla. I know U have come back 2 me Sarah-Stacey, please do not hate me so much, U know that IWALU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So first Ann gave me a truck load of shiz with the T at the end and not the Z, and then we get the lease, and the car would not start when I tried 2 get it 2. I had my lights on without the car running it was drizzling and Jersey law states, WIPERS ON, HEADLIGHTS ON, MANDATORY. This law has caused many a pair of jumper cables 2 get their workouts, and many persons 2 reach 4 vitamin Stress tabs or Alka-Seltzer. I learned quite a while back at about age 50, go off of all of this garbage cold turkey just like they would make U do if U were locked up in county freaking jail, and within a year, U hardly ever feel like U need 2 pop anything. Doctors today want us all swimming in meds, both 4 the body and the mind. It is all a huge bunch of shiz. No computer, I said POP, not poop anything, and just now corrected it. The ones have been screwing me left and right, up and down, in and out, and everyway about. Fortunately, Jane Stinkweeds did not get me with the first 2 sets today, as it is past one thirty now, HA-HA-HA!!!!!!!! Aniwho, Candy, Dawn’s hairdresser came over with a pair of jumper cables as Chicky has been using mine 2 keep his truck running on the weekends, and weakening my battery as well, as I really should not have died that easily, the lights were on maybe 12 minutes and my lights R not extra bright, nor R they attached 2 a racer set of extras. Of course, I am always in the doghouse either 4 being forgetful or stupid or this or that. I am treated like sub human garbage by this wonderful 1970 future branch of the mighty and terrible (THAT-FAMILY) My predictions R as follows: Something will go wrong with my scheduled Verizon telephone repair appointment 4 this afternoon, or it will not get repaired 4 whatever reason, and the DOW will B up in a 4 digit huge gain, putting an end 2 my small little run of victory against this putrid monstrous EVIL EMPIRE.

When I was in my trance last night, things were dark while I heard this wild new song, and then instantly as she was ending the sing, the most brilliant light that I ever saw in my infinite beingness, was not only around me, but it was me. Scylla told me that if I give up on my plan just because of something I saw on the TV last night while eating my dinner out in the dining room with the family, or THAT-FAMILY, bloody shoes and wash cloths and all, Judge Tombay and Kate, and forget the 8, one Twinbay was bad enough 4 me 2 suffer through BRA, but that if I give up on this idea just because of what came on following the news broadcast, she will personally come over here 2 Berryville and kick the Molly Ringworm out of me, so I will keep the faith and try, but U know I am fighting the forces of the BRIGGER CULT, Scylla, so wish me all your speed!!!!!!!!!! I will need enough 2 convert the mass of this situation into energy, and U know all about that. I knew this day would B total freaking botbar hell, get ready 4 a huge market jump GINA, TOLD U, as every time I try 2 off myself and get retraced by Scummer up in the futch, it gets worse, MY HELL ALWAYS GETS WORSE, every single time, it never ever freaking fails, BR!!!!!!!!!! Once things 2 rebound, I will sell back my life policy with the great ROCK, and THAT CELINE D. IS THE EQUATION, not just my pops park pal in Princeton!!!!!!!!!! All of U doubters and skeptics out there, just start at any blog U want, and then run iot backwards. Pretend U have a full track open reel tape recorder, and put the reels on the opposite sides and hit play. U will B proven how real I am, and how REAL TJISD ENTIRE NIGHTMARE AROUND ME REALLY IS. If some fresh out of school law student wants 2 make new case law helping me out of this hell against what the prosecutor told me over and over was “BIG BUSINESS”, my electronic mail contact is and I only go up and check it every 3 weeks or so, THEY never give me time 2 so much as breathe, THEY know what THEY R doing, right WPIX TV NYNY, agents Falcon and condor, they know, right my BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! What I have against the entire world is that they R all searching 4 UFO and spirit world stuff 2B real or else once and 4 all proven or disproved, and all anyone ever needs 2 do is talk 2 me and I can show U reality once and 4 all. I know what I know, and that is all there is 2 the matter. But on it all goes day after day and night after night, an entire world searching 2 learn what I all ready can tell them, but who listens 2 Mountainpen?

Supermind can do anything, the rest of it is endlessly in a go-nowhere search mode. The knower’s will have the control over the ignorant, always and forever. This is Y when anyone tries 2 get any info about any of it, B it the topic of the UFO sitch or anything else, there it is, unmissable, unmistakable, and many have felt its brutal and all powerful presence, the INVISIBLE VAND IMPENETRABLE BRICK WALL. Yeah baby love, the wall. Many have felt it in varying degrees. U get some of its effects when U try 2 learn what is going down with a police investigation, or some when U try 2 do things with the Freedom Of Information Act, or big time with any of the ’areas’ of military bases and UFO connected phenomenon’s, all though I can tell all of U right now that U all R barking right up a million wrong trees. Yes, many of U do know however that Mountainpen is not deceiving U one small iota. U know the reality of the WALL, tell me U do not and then look at the liar in the nearest mirror!!!!!!!!!!

Google, Satellite World Interconnect System, King-Soifer world Laboratories of 2298, this is all truth, the entire truth with nothing added nor taken away. This I swear under my United States citizenship, as well as under my Goddess Scylla Jehovah. How it totally saddens me 2 tears that I cannot make an exploring and naturally inquisitive population, know what I do about the reality of void infinity, and the dream out and away from it that has no star nor end, as these perceptions R not of any real significance, because time is a byproduct of human world life, and is not any kind of a reality in the truth or the zero-dimensional void. This is all the intellectual property of 1 Michael Wayne Mountainpen, and is protected in the United States Copyright Office in 2009, 2008, 2007, as also is registered on a blog registration website. This also can double up along with the Twinbay, with grand jury minutes in a testimony in any future court proceedings or world tribunal in the future, if I am no longer around.

END TRANSMISSION, BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!